Attribute used for moves whose base power scales with the opponent's HP Used for Crush Grip, Wring Out, and Hard Press maxBasePower 100 for Hard Press, 120 for others
Should this Move target the user?
Changes the base power of the move to be the target's HP ratio times the maxBasePower with a min value of 1
the Pokemon being attacked
holds the base power of the move at args[0]
the MoveCondition or MoveConditionFunc for this Move
Pokemon using the move
Pokemon target of the move
Move with this attribute
the string representing failure of this Move
Used by the Enemy AI to rank an attack based on a given target
Used by the Enemy AI to rank an attack based on a given user
Attribute used for moves whose base power scales with the opponent's HP Used for Crush Grip, Wring Out, and Hard Press maxBasePower 100 for Hard Press, 120 for others