• Should only be used with BBCodeText (see ()) This does NOT work with UI showText() or showDialogue() methods. Method will do pattern match/replace and apply BBCode color/shadow styling to substrings within the content: @[]{}

    Example: passing a content string of "@[SUMMARY_BLUE]{blue text} primaryStyle text @[SUMMARY_RED]{red text}" will result in:

    • "blue text" with TextStyle.SUMMARY_BLUE applied
    • " primaryStyle text " with primaryStyle TextStyle applied
    • "red text" with TextStyle.SUMMARY_RED applied


    • content: string

      string with styling that need to be applied for BBCodeTextObject

    • primaryStyle: TextStyle

      Primary style is required in order to escape BBCode styling properly.

    • uiTheme: UiTheme = UiTheme.DEFAULT

    Returns string