

acted: boolean = false
attacksReceived: AttackMoveResult[] = []
combiningPledge?: Moves
damageTaken: number = 0
extraTurns: number = 0

Used to make sure multi-hits occur properly when the user is forced to act again in the same turn

failedRunAway: boolean = false
flinched: boolean = false
hitCount: number = 0

How many times the move should hit the target(s)

hitsLeft: number = -1
  • -1 = Calculate how many hits are left
  • 0 = Move is finished
joinedRound: boolean = false
moveEffectiveness: null | TypeDamageMultiplier = null
order: number
singleHitDamageDealt: number = 0
statStagesDecreased: boolean = false
statStagesIncreased: boolean = false
switchedInThisTurn: boolean = false
totalDamageDealt: number = 0