Attribute used for moves that steal a random berry from the target. The user then eats the stolen berry. Used for Pluck & Bug Bite.

Hierarchy (view full)



chosenBerry: undefined | BerryModifier
options?: MoveEffectAttrOptions

A container for this attribute's optional parameters

MoveEffectAttrOptions for supported params.

selfTarget: boolean

Should this Move target the user?


  • get effectChanceOverride(): undefined | number
  • If defined, overrides the move's base chance for this secondary effect to trigger.

    Returns undefined | number

  • get firstHitOnly(): boolean
  • true if this effect should only trigger on the first hit of multi-hit moves.

    Returns boolean

  • get firstTargetOnly(): boolean
  • true if this effect should apply only upon hitting a target for the first time when targeting multiple Pokemon.

    Returns boolean

  • get lastHitOnly(): boolean
  • true if this effect should only trigger on the last hit of multi-hit moves.

    Returns boolean



  • User steals a random berry from the target and then eats it.


    • user: default

      Pokemon that used the move and will eat the stolen berry

    • target: default

      Pokemon that will have its berry stolen

    • move: default

      Move being used

    • args: any[]


    Returns boolean

    true if the function succeeds

  • Determines whether the Move's effects are valid to apply


    Returns boolean

    true if basic application of the ability attribute should be possible