• Will initialize exp phases into the phase queue (these are in addition to any combat or other exp earned) Exp Share and Exp Balance will still function as normal


    • participantId: number | number[]

      id/s of party pokemon that get full exp value. Other party members will receive Exp Share amounts

    • baseExpValue: number

      gives exp equivalent to a pokemon of the wave index's level.


      36 - Sunkern (lowest in game)
      62-64 - regional starter base evos
      100 - Scyther
      170 - Spiritomb
      250 - Gengar
      290 - trio legendaries
      340 - box legendaries
      608 - Blissey (highest in game)


    • useWaveIndex: boolean = true

      set to false when directly passing the the full exp value instead of baseExpValue

    Returns void