Hierarchy (view full)



accuracy: number
attrs: MoveAttr[] = []
chance: number

The chance of a move's secondary effects activating

effect: string
generation: number
id: Moves
moveTarget: MoveTarget
name: string
power: number
pp: number
priority: number



  • Adds a new MoveAttr to the move (appends to the attr array) if the MoveAttr also comes with a condition, also adds that to the conditions array: MoveCondition Almost identical to attr, except you are passing in a MoveAttr object, instead of a constructor and it's arguments


    Returns this

    the called object Move

  • Applies each MoveCondition function of this move to the params, determines if the move can be used prior to calling each attribute's apply()


    Returns boolean

    boolean: false if any of the apply()'s return false, else true

  • Adds a new MoveAttr to the move (appends to the attr array) if the MoveAttr also comes with a condition, also adds that to the conditions array: MoveCondition

    Type Parameters


    • AttrType: T

      MoveAttr the constructor of a MoveAttr class

    • Rest...args: ConstructorParameters<T>

      the args needed to instantiate a the given class

    Returns this

    the called object Move

  • Calculates the accuracy of a move in battle based on various conditions and attributes.


    • user: default

      Pokemon The Pokémon using the move.

    • target: default

      Pokemon The Pokémon being targeted by the move.

    • simulated: boolean = false

    Returns number

    The calculated accuracy of the move.

  • Calculates the power of a move in battle based on various conditions and attributes.


    • source: default

      Pokemon The Pokémon using the move.

    • target: default

      Pokemon The Pokémon being targeted by the move.

    • simulated: boolean = false

    Returns number

    The calculated power of the move.

  • Calculate the Expected Power per turn of this move, taking into account multi hit moves, accuracy, and the number of turns it takes to execute.

    Does not (yet) consider the current field effects or the user's abilities.

    Returns number

  • Returns true if this move can be given additional strikes by enhancing effects. Currently used for Parental Bond and Multi-Lens.


    • user: default

      The Pokemon using the move

    • restrictSpread: boolean = false

      true if the enhancing effect should not affect multi-target moves (default false)

    Returns boolean

  • Internal dev flag for documenting edge cases. When using this, please document the known edge case.

    Returns this

    the called object Move

  • Takes as input a boolean function and returns the first MoveAttr in attrs that matches true


    • attrPredicate: ((attr: MoveAttr) => boolean)
        • (attr): boolean
        • Parameters

          Returns boolean

    Returns MoveAttr

    the first MoveAttr element in attrs that makes the input function return true

  • Sees if a move has a custom failure text (by looking at each MoveAttr of this move)


    Returns undefined | string

    string of the custom failure text, or null if it uses the default text ("But it failed!")

  • Checks if the move would hit its target's Substitute instead of the target itself.


    Returns boolean

    true if the move can bypass the target's Substitute; false otherwise.

  • Checks if the move is immune to certain types. Currently looks at cases of Grass types with powder moves and Dark types with moves affected by Prankster.


    • user: default

      the source of this move

    • target: default

      the target of this move

    • type: Type

      the type of the move's target

    Returns boolean
