Helper to handle overrides in tests

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disableShinies: boolean = true

If true, sets the shiny overrides to disable shinies at the start of each test; default true

game: default
removeEnemyStartingItems: boolean = true

If true, removes the starting items from enemies at the start of each test; default true


  • Override the enemy (Pokemon) to have the given amount of health segments


    • healthSegments: number

      the number of segments to give

      • 0 (default): the health segments will be handled like in the game based on wave, level and species
      • 1: the Pokemon will not be a boss
      • 2+: the Pokemon will be a boss with the given number of health segments

    Returns this


  • Override enemy shininess


    • shininess: null | boolean

      true or false to force the enemy's pokemon to be shiny or not shiny, null to disable the override and re-enable RNG shinies.

    • Optionalvariant: Variant

      (Optional) The enemy's shiny Variant.

    Returns this

  • Override the wave level cap


    • cap: number

      the level cap value to set; 0 uses normal level caps and negative values disable it completely

    Returns this


  • Override player shininess


    • shininess: null | boolean

      true or false to force the player's pokemon to be shiny or not shiny, null to disable the override and re-enable RNG shinies.

    Returns this


  • Override statuses (Paralysis and Freeze) to always or never activate


    • activate: null | boolean

      true to force activation, false to force no activation, null to disable the override

    Returns this
