A multi sector raw disk sector read that reads data from two tracks of
different types will not complete successfully. Reading the sectors one
at a time should fix the issue.
The SPTI code is unused, and it's simpler to just use the Windows
ioctls/API if they work (only raw disk sector reading is an issue and
the SPTI workaround is already in place).
It doesn't support dual layer ISO images, and the ini has to be edited
manually so it loads an ISO image ("$" has to be prepended to the ISO
path as well). The PCSX2 internal ISO file reader is probably better in
most/all aspects and I don't think it's worth copying the logic from
PCSX2 into the plugin.
IOCTL_CDROM_RAW_READ apparently does not work for some read modes on
some optical drives, which makes some CD-ROM games unplayable from the
Work around the issue by using SPTI to retrieve the raw sector data. The
old reading method has been retained in case SPTI cannot be used (if the
device could not be opened with write access).
CreateEvent and CreateThread return NULL on failure, not
INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE. This should have been done in
0477e03965, I didn't check thoroughly
Combine all the different configurations together so the project files
are more generic and maintainable.
Also standardise the layout so all the project files will be similar and
all have the same standard elements (even if empty).
Add 64-bit configurations.
Additional specifics:
spu2-x: FLOAT_SAMPLES preprocessor definition removed since it's unused.
find . -name *.vcxproj -exec sed -i -e '/user.props/d' {} \;
Microsoft recommends against using .user files. From
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/669zx6zc.aspx :
"The best practice is to delete the reference to them in Property
Manager to ensure that your projects operate independently of any
per-user, per-computer settings. This is important to ensure correct
behaviour in a SCC (source code control) environment."
If you cannot compile SPU2-X after this commit (since that still relies
on the old DirectX SDK), you'll need to fix your build environment.
ReadFile reports that the DVD is reading from the end of file when
attempting to read any layer 1 sectors.
Use the FSCTL_ALLOW_EXTENDED_DASD_IO ioctl to prevent the file system
driver from carrying out boundary checks.
cdvdgigaherz only determines whether there is no disc, a CD, a single
layer DVD or dual layer DVD in the drive. It does not detect whether a
CD/DVD is a PS2 CD/DVD or not.
Fix the missing TOCs.
The calculated size values were off by one for single layer DVDs, off by
two for dual layer PTP DVDs, and just wrong for OTP DVDs.
Usually the IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO ioctl will have succeeded already.
Only 1 IOCTL_DVD_READ_STRUCTURE ioctl call is necessary for determining
the DVD media type and layer break address. All the necessary
information is already present in the layer 0 physical descriptor.
For dual layer DVDs, CDVDgetDualInfo() should return the first layer 1
LSN, not the last layer 0 LSN, which is what GetLayerBreakAddress()
returns. This matches what the internal ISO reader returns.
Also, PTP DVDs should return a value of 1 for the media type, not 2.
Finally, adjust the CDVDgetDualInfo() return value so PCSX2 correctly
recognises dual layer DVDs.
Basically I ran
find . -name "*.vcxproj" -exec sed -i -e 's/_xp//' {} \;
This will likely break XP, but it paves the way on Windows for a PCSX2
that does not require the DirectX redistributables to be installed for
Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 users. Windows Vista and 7 users will still require
the DirectX redistributable files for XInput and XAudio, though PCSX2
should still be capable of running if a user does not actually use either
of them.