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GS: Add new GSOffset class
This commit is contained in:
@ -2101,6 +2101,169 @@ void GSLocalMemory::SaveBMP(const std::string& fn, uint32 bp, uint32 bw, uint32
// GSOffset
/// Helper for GSOffsetNew::pageLooperForRect
struct alignas(16) TextureAligned
int ox1, oy1, ox2, oy2; ///< Block-aligned outer rect (smallest rectangle containing the original that is block-aligned)
int ix1, iy1, ix2, iy2; ///< Page-aligned inner rect (largest rectangle inside original that is page-aligned)
/// Helper for GSOffsetNew::pageLooperForRect
TextureAligned align(const GSVector4i& rect, const GSVector2i& blockMask, const GSVector2i& pageMask, int blockShiftX, int blockShiftY)
GSVector4i outer = rect.ralign_presub<Align_Outside>(blockMask);
GSVector4i inner = outer.ralign_presub<Align_Inside>(pageMask);
#if _M_SSE >= 0x501
GSVector4i shift = GSVector4i(blockShiftX, blockShiftY).xyxy();
outer = outer.srav32(shift);
inner = inner.srav32(shift);
return {
GSVector4i outerX = outer.sra32(blockShiftX);
GSVector4i outerY = outer.sra32(blockShiftY);
GSVector4i innerX = inner.sra32(blockShiftX);
GSVector4i innerY = inner.sra32(blockShiftY);
return {
} // namespace
GSOffsetNew::PageLooper GSOffsetNew::pageLooperForRect(const GSVector4i& rect) const
// Plan:
// - Split texture into tiles on page lines
// - When bp is not page-aligned, each page-sized tile of texture may touch the page on either side of it
// e.g. if bp is 1 on PSMCT32, the top left tile uses page 1 if the rect covers the bottom right block, and uses page 0 if the rect covers any block other than the bottom right
// - Center tiles (ones that aren't first or last) cover all blocks that the first and last do in a row
// Therefore, if the first tile in a row touches the higher of its two pages, subsequent non-last tiles will at least touch the higher of their pages as well (and same for center to last, etc)
// Therefore, with the exception of row covering two pages in a z swizzle (which could touch e.g. pages 1 and 3 but not 2), all rows touch contiguous pages
// For now, we won't deal with that case as it's rare (only possible with a thin, unaligned rect on an unaligned bp on a z swizzle), and the worst issue looping too many pages could cause is unneccessary cache invalidation
// If code is added later to deal with the case, you'll need to change loopPagesWithBreak's block deduplication code, as it currently works by forcing the page number to increase monotonically which could cause blocks to be missed if e.g. the first row touches 1 and 3, and the second row touches 2 and 4
// - Based on the above assumption, we calculate the range of pages a row could touch with full coverage, then add one to the start if the first tile doesn't touch its lower page, and subtract one from the end if the last tile doesn't touch its upper page
// - This is done separately for the first and last rows in the y axis, as they may not have the same coverage as a row in the middle
PageLooper out;
const int topPg = rect.top >> m_pageShiftY;
const int botPg = (rect.bottom + m_pageMask.y) >> m_pageShiftY;
const int blockOff = m_bp & 0x1f;
const int invBlockOff = 32 - blockOff;
const bool aligned = blockOff == 0;
out.bp = (m_bp >> 5) + topPg * m_bwPg;
out.yInc = m_bwPg;
out.yCnt = botPg - topPg;
out.firstRowPgXStart = out.midRowPgXStart = out.lastRowPgXStart = rect.left >> m_pageShiftX;
out.firstRowPgXEnd = out.midRowPgXEnd = out.lastRowPgXEnd = ((rect.right + m_pageMask.x) >> m_pageShiftX) + !aligned;
// Page-aligned bp is easy, all tiles touch their lower page but not the upper
if (aligned)
return out;
TextureAligned a = align(rect, m_blockMask, m_pageMask, m_blockShiftX, m_blockShiftY);
const int shiftX = m_pageShiftX - m_blockShiftX;
const int shiftY = m_pageShiftY - m_blockShiftY;
const int blkW = 1 << shiftX;
const int blkH = 1 << shiftY;
/// Does the given rect in the texture touch the given page?
auto rectUsesPage = [&](int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, bool lowPage) -> bool
for (int y = y1; y < y2; y++)
for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++)
if ((m_blockSwizzle->lookup(x, y) < invBlockOff) == lowPage)
return true;
return false;
/// Do the given coordinates stay within the boundaries of one page?
auto staysWithinOnePage = [](int o1, int o2, int i1, int i2) -> bool
// Inner rect being inside out indicates staying within one page
if (i2 < i1)
return true;
// If there's no inner rect, stays in one page if only one side of the page line is used
if (i2 == i1)
return o1 == i1 || o2 == i1;
return false;
const bool onePageX = staysWithinOnePage(a.ox1, a.ox2, a.ix1, a.ix2);
/// Adjusts start/end values for lines that don't touch their first/last page
/// (e.g. if the texture only touches the bottom-left corner of its top-right page, depending on the bp, it may not have any pixels that actually use the last page in the row)
auto adjustStartEnd = [&](int& start, int& end, int y1, int y2)
int startAdj1, startAdj2, endAdj1, endAdj2;
if (onePageX)
startAdj1 = endAdj1 = a.ox1;
startAdj2 = endAdj2 = a.ox2;
startAdj1 = (a.ox1 == a.ix1) ? 0 : a.ox1;
startAdj2 = (a.ox1 == a.ix1) ? blkW : a.ix1;
endAdj1 = (a.ox2 == a.ix2) ? 0 : a.ix2;
endAdj2 = (a.ox2 == a.ix2) ? blkW : a.ox2;
if (!rectUsesPage(startAdj1, startAdj2, y1, y2, true))
if (!rectUsesPage(endAdj1, endAdj2, y1, y2, false))
// If y stays within one page, loop functions will only look at the `first` fields
if (staysWithinOnePage(a.oy1, a.oy2, a.iy1, a.iy2))
adjustStartEnd(out.firstRowPgXStart, out.firstRowPgXEnd, a.oy1, a.oy2);
return out;
// Mid rows (if any) will always have full range of y
adjustStartEnd(out.midRowPgXStart, out.midRowPgXEnd, 0, blkH);
// For first and last rows, either copy mid if they are full height or separately calculate them with their smaller ranges
if (a.oy1 != a.iy1)
adjustStartEnd(out.firstRowPgXStart, out.firstRowPgXEnd, a.oy1, a.iy1);
out.firstRowPgXStart = out.midRowPgXStart;
out.firstRowPgXEnd = out.midRowPgXEnd;
if (a.oy2 != a.iy2)
adjustStartEnd(out.lastRowPgXStart, out.lastRowPgXEnd, a.iy2, a.oy2);
out.lastRowPgXStart = out.midRowPgXStart;
out.lastRowPgXEnd = out.midRowPgXEnd;
return out;
GSOffset::GSOffset(uint32 _bp, uint32 _bw, uint32 _psm)
hash = _bp | (_bw << 14) | (_psm << 20);
@ -73,8 +73,267 @@ struct GSPixelOffset4
uint32 fbp, zbp, fpsm, zpsm, bw;
class GSSwizzleInfo;
class GSOffsetNew {
/// Table for storing swizzling of blocks within a page
const GSBlockSwizzleTable* m_blockSwizzle;
/// Table for storing swizzling of pixels within a page (size: uint32[PageHeight][PageWidth])
const uint32* m_pixelSwizzle;
GSVector2i m_pageMask; ///< Mask for getting the offset of a pixel that's within a page (may also be used as page dimensions - 1)
GSVector2i m_blockMask; ///< Mask for getting the offset of a pixel that's within a block (may also be used as block dimensions - 1)
uint8 m_pageShiftX; ///< Amount to rshift x value by to get page x offset
uint8 m_pageShiftY; ///< Amount to rshift y value by to get page y offset
uint8 m_blockShiftX; ///< Amount to rshift x value by to get block x offset
uint8 m_blockShiftY; ///< Amount to rshift y value by to get block y offset
int m_bp; ///< Offset's base pointer (same measurement as GS)
int m_bwPg; ///< Offset's buffer width in pages (not equal to bw in GS for 8 and 4-bit textures)
int m_psm; ///< Offset's pixel storage mode (just for storage, not used by any of the GSOffsetNew algorithms)
GSOffsetNew() = default;
constexpr GSOffsetNew(const GSSwizzleInfo& swz, uint32 bp, uint32 bw, uint32 psm);
/// Help the optimizer by using this method instead of GSLocalMemory::GetOffset when the PSM is known
constexpr static GSOffsetNew fromKnownPSM(uint32 bp, uint32 bw, GS_PSM psm);
uint32 bp() const { return m_bp; }
uint32 bw() const { return m_bwPg << (m_pageShiftX - 6); }
uint32 psm() const { return m_psm; }
int blockShiftX() const { return m_blockShiftX; }
int blockShiftY() const { return m_blockShiftY; }
/// Helper class for efficiently getting the numbers of multiple blocks in a scanning pattern (increment x then y)
class BNHelper
const GSBlockSwizzleTable* m_blockSwizzle; ///< Block swizzle table from GSOffsetNew
int m_baseBP; ///< bp for start of current row (to return to the origin x when advancing y)
int m_bp; ///< bp for current position
int m_baseBlkX; ///< x of origin in blocks (to return to the origin x when advancing y)
int m_blkX; ///< x of current position in blocks
int m_blkY; ///< y of current position in blocks
int m_pageMaskX; ///< mask for x value of block coordinate to get position within page (to detect page crossing)
int m_pageMaskY; ///< mask for y value of block coordinate to get position within page (to detect page crossing)
int m_addY; ///< Amount to add to bp to advance one page in y direction
BNHelper(const GSOffsetNew& off, int x, int y)
m_blockSwizzle = off.m_blockSwizzle;
int yAmt = ((y >> (off.m_pageShiftY - 5)) & ~0x1f) * off.m_bwPg;
int xAmt = ((x >> (off.m_pageShiftX - 5)) & ~0x1f);
m_baseBP = m_bp = off.m_bp + yAmt + xAmt;
m_baseBlkX = m_blkX = x >> off.m_blockShiftX;
m_blkY = y >> off.m_blockShiftY;
m_pageMaskX = (1 << (off.m_pageShiftX - off.m_blockShiftX)) - 1;
m_pageMaskY = (1 << (off.m_pageShiftY - off.m_blockShiftY)) - 1;
m_addY = 32 * off.m_bwPg;
/// Get the current x position as an offset in blocks
int blkX() const { return m_blkX; }
/// Get the current y position as an offset in blocks
int blkY() const { return m_blkY; }
/// Advance one block in the x direction
void nextBlockX()
if (!(m_blkX & m_pageMaskX))
m_bp += 32;
/// Advance one block in the y direction and reset x to the origin
void nextBlockY()
if (!(m_blkY & m_pageMaskY))
m_baseBP += m_addY;
m_blkX = m_baseBlkX;
m_bp = m_baseBP;
/// Get the current block number without wrapping at MAX_BLOCKS
uint32 valueNoWrap() const
return m_bp + m_blockSwizzle->lookup(m_blkX, m_blkY);
/// Get the current block number
uint32 value() const
return valueNoWrap() % MAX_BLOCKS;
/// Get the block number of the given pixel
uint32 bn(int x, int y) const
return BNHelper(*this, x, y).value();
/// Get a helper class for efficiently calculating multiple block numbers
BNHelper bnMulti(int x, int y) const
return BNHelper(*this, x, y);
static bool isAligned(const GSVector4i& r, const GSVector2i& mask)
return r.width() > mask.x && r.height() > mask.y && !(r.left & mask.x) && !(r.top & mask.y) && !(r.right & mask.x) && !(r.bottom & mask.y);
bool isBlockAligned(const GSVector4i& r) const { return isAligned(r, m_blockMask); }
bool isPageAligned(const GSVector4i& r) const { return isAligned(r, m_pageMask); }
/// Loop over all the blocks in the given rect, calling `fn` on each
template <typename Fn>
void loopBlocks(const GSVector4i& rect, Fn&& fn) const
BNHelper bn = bnMulti(rect.left, rect.top);
int right = (rect.right + m_blockMask.x) >> m_blockShiftX;
int bottom = (rect.bottom + m_blockMask.y) >> m_blockShiftY;
for (; bn.blkY() < bottom; bn.nextBlockY())
for (; bn.blkX() < right; bn.nextBlockX())
/// Helper class for efficiently getting the addresses of multiple pixels in a line (along the x axis)
class PAHelper
/// Pixel swizzle array offset to the beginning of the current line
const uint32* m_pixelSwizzle;
int m_pageMaskX; ///< Mask for getting offset within a page
int m_pageBase; ///< Page number for origin x
int m_x; ///< Current x position
int m_pageShiftX; ///< Amount to rshift x value to get page offset
int m_shift; ///< Amount to lshift page number to get element offset for the start of that page
PAHelper() = default;
PAHelper(const GSOffsetNew& off, int x, int y)
m_pixelSwizzle = off.m_pixelSwizzle + ((y & off.m_pageMask.y) << off.m_pageShiftX);
m_pageBase = (off.m_bp >> 5) + (y >> off.m_pageShiftY) * off.m_bwPg;
m_pageMaskX = off.m_pageMask.x;
m_x = x;
m_pageShiftX = off.m_pageShiftX;
m_shift = off.m_pageShiftX + off.m_pageShiftY;
/// Get current x value
int x() const { return m_x; }
/// Increment x value
void incX() { m_x++; }
/// Decrement x value
void decX() { m_x--; }
/// Get current pixel address
uint32 value() const
int page = (m_pageBase + (m_x >> m_pageShiftX)) % MAX_PAGES;
return (page << m_shift) + m_pixelSwizzle[m_x & m_pageMaskX];
/// Get the address of the given pixel
uint32 pa(int x, int y) const
return PAHelper(*this, x, y).value();
/// Get a helper class for efficiently calculating multiple pixel addresses in a line (along the x axis)
PAHelper paMulti(int x, int y) const
return PAHelper(*this, x, y);
/// Loop over the pixels in the given rectangle
/// Fn should be void(*)(VM*, Src*)
template <typename VM, typename Src, typename Fn>
void loopPixels(const GSVector4i& r, VM* RESTRICT vm, Src* RESTRICT px, int pitch, Fn&& fn) const
px -= r.left;
for (int y = r.top; y < r.bottom; y++, px = reinterpret_cast<Src*>(reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(px) + pitch))
PAHelper pa = paMulti(r.left, y);
while (pa.x() < r.right)
fn(vm + pa.value(), px + pa.x());
/// Helper class for looping over the pages in a rect
/// Create with GSOffsetNew::pageLooperForRect
class PageLooper
int firstRowPgXStart, firstRowPgXEnd; ///< Offset of start/end pages of the first line from x=0 page (only line for textures that don't cross page boundaries)
int midRowPgXStart, midRowPgXEnd; ///< Offset of start/end pages of inner lines (which always are always the height of the full page) from y=0 page
int lastRowPgXStart, lastRowPgXEnd; ///< Offset of start/end pages of the last line from x=0 page
int bp; ///< Page offset of y=top x=0
int yInc; ///< Amount to add to bp when increasing y by one page
int yCnt; ///< Number of pages the rect covers in the y direction
friend class GSOffsetNew;
/// Loop over pages, fn can return `false` to break the loop
/// Fn: bool(*)(uint32)
template <typename Fn>
void loopPagesWithBreak(Fn&& fn) const
int lineBP = bp;
int nextMin = 0;
int startOff = firstRowPgXStart;
int endOff = firstRowPgXEnd;
int yCnt = this->yCnt;
for (int y = 0; y < yCnt; y++)
int start = std::max(nextMin, lineBP + startOff);
int end = lineBP + endOff;
nextMin = end;
lineBP += yInc;
for (int pos = start; pos < end; pos++)
if (!fn(pos % MAX_PAGES))
if (y < yCnt - 1)
startOff = midRowPgXStart;
endOff = midRowPgXEnd;
startOff = lastRowPgXStart;
endOff = lastRowPgXEnd;
/// Loop over pages, calling `fn` on each one with no option to break
/// Fn: void(*)(uint32)
template <typename Fn>
void loopPages(Fn&& fn) const
loopPagesWithBreak([fn = std::forward<Fn>(fn)](uint32 page) { fn(page); return true; });
/// Get an object for looping over the pages in the given rect
PageLooper pageLooperForRect(const GSVector4i& rect) const;
/// Loop over all the pages in the given rect, calling `fn` on each
template <typename Fn>
void loopPages(const GSVector4i& rect, Fn&& fn) const
class GSSwizzleInfo
friend class GSOffsetNew;
/// Table for storing swizzling of blocks within a page
const GSBlockSwizzleTable* m_blockSwizzle;
/// Table for storing swizzling of pixels within a page
@ -108,303 +367,42 @@ public:
/// Get the block number of the given pixel
uint32 bn(int x, int y, uint32 bp, uint32 bw) const
int yAmt = ((y >> (m_pageShiftY - 5)) & ~0x1f) * (bw >> (m_pageShiftX - 6));
int xAmt = ((x >> (m_pageShiftX - 5)) & ~0x1f);
return bp + yAmt + xAmt + m_blockSwizzle->lookup(x >> m_blockShiftX, y >> m_blockShiftY);
return GSOffsetNew(*this, bp, bw, 0).bn(x, y);
/// Get the address of the given pixel
uint32 pa(int x, int y, uint32 bp, uint32 bw) const
int shift = m_pageShiftX + m_pageShiftY;
uint32 page = ((bp >> 5) + (y >> m_pageShiftY) * (bw >> (m_pageShiftX - 6)) + (x >> m_pageShiftX)) % MAX_PAGES;
// equivalent of pageOffset[bp & 0x1f][y & pageMaskY][x & pageMaskX]
uint32 offsetIdx = ((bp & 0x1f) << shift) + ((y & m_pageMask.y) << m_pageShiftX) + (x & m_pageMask.x);
uint32 word = (page << shift) + m_pixelSwizzle[offsetIdx];
return word;
return GSOffsetNew(*this, bp, bw, 0).pa(x, y);
/// Loop over all pages in the given rect, calling `fn` on each
/// Requires bp to be page-aligned (bp % 0x20 == 0)
template <typename Fn>
void loopAlignedPages(const GSVector4i& rect, uint32 bp, uint32 bw, Fn fn) const
int shiftX = m_pageShiftX;
int shiftY = m_pageShiftY;
int bwPages = bw >> (shiftX - 6);
int pgXStart = (rect.x >> shiftX);
int pgXEnd = (rect.z + m_pageMask.x) >> shiftX;
// For non-last rows, pages > this will be covered by the next row
int trimmedXEnd = pgXStart + std::min(pgXEnd - pgXStart, bwPages);
int pgYStart = (rect.y >> shiftY);
int pgYEnd = (rect.w + m_pageMask.y) >> shiftY;
int bpPg = bp >> 5;
auto call = [&](int xyOff)
fn((bpPg + xyOff) % MAX_PAGES);
int yOff;
for (yOff = pgYStart * bwPages; yOff < (pgYEnd - 1) * bwPages; yOff += bwPages)
for (int x = pgXStart; x < trimmedXEnd; x++)
call(x + yOff);
// Last row needs full x
for (int x = pgXStart; x < pgXEnd; x++)
call(x + yOff);
struct alignas(16) TextureAligned
int ox1, oy1, ox2, oy2; ///< Block-aligned outer rect (smallest rectangle containing the original that is block-aligned)
int ix1, iy1, ix2, iy2; ///< Page-aligned inner rect (largest rectangle inside original that is page-aligned)
/// Helper for loop functions
TextureAligned _align(const GSVector4i& rect) const
GSVector4i outer = rect.ralign_presub<Align_Outside>(m_blockMask);
GSVector4i inner = outer.ralign_presub<Align_Inside>(m_pageMask);
#if _M_SSE >= 0x501
GSVector4i shift = GSVector4i(m_blockShiftX, m_blockShiftY).xyxy();
outer = outer.srav32(shift);
inner = inner.srav32(shift);
return {
GSVector4i outerX = outer.sra32(m_blockShiftX);
GSVector4i outerY = outer.sra32(m_blockShiftY);
GSVector4i innerX = inner.sra32(m_blockShiftX);
GSVector4i innerY = inner.sra32(m_blockShiftY);
return {
/// Loop over all the pages in the given rect, calling `fn` on each
template <typename Fn>
void loopPages(const GSVector4i& rect, uint32 bp, uint32 bw, Fn fn) const
void loopPages(const GSVector4i& rect, uint32 bp, uint32 bw, Fn&& fn) const
const int blockOff = bp & 0x1f;
const int invBlockOff = 32 - blockOff;
const int bwPages = bw >> (m_pageShiftX - 6);
const int bpPg = bp >> 5;
if (!blockOff) // Aligned?
loopAlignedPages(rect, bp, bw, fn);
TextureAligned a = _align(rect);
const int shiftX = m_pageShiftX - m_blockShiftX;
const int shiftY = m_pageShiftY - m_blockShiftY;
const int blkW = 1 << shiftX;
const int blkH = 1 << shiftY;
const int pgXStart = a.ox1 >> shiftX;
const int pgXEnd = (a.ox2 >> shiftX) + 1;
/// A texture page can span two GS pages if bp is not page-aligned
/// This function checks if a rect in the texture touches the given page
auto rectUsesPage = [&](int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, bool lowPage) -> bool
for (int y = y1; y < y2; y++)
for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++)
if ((m_blockSwizzle->lookup(x, y) < invBlockOff) == lowPage)
return true;
return false;
/// Do the given coordinates stay within the boundaries of one page?
auto staysWithinOnePage = [](int o1, int o2, int i1, int i2) -> bool
// Inner rect being inside out indicates staying within one page
if (i2 < i1)
return true;
// If there's no inner rect, stays in one page if only one side of the page line is used
if (i2 == i1)
return o1 == i1 || o2 == i1;
return false;
const bool onePageX = staysWithinOnePage(a.ox1, a.ox2, a.ix1, a.ix2);
/// Adjusts start/end values for lines that don't touch their first/last page
/// (e.g. if the texture only touches the bottom-left corner of its top-right page, depending on the bp, it may not have any pixels that actually use the last page in the row)
auto adjustStartEnd = [&](int& start, int& end, int y1, int y2)
int startAdj1, startAdj2, endAdj1, endAdj2;
if (onePageX)
startAdj1 = endAdj1 = a.ox1;
startAdj2 = endAdj2 = a.ox2;
startAdj1 = (a.ox1 == a.ix1) ? 0 : a.ox1;
startAdj2 = (a.ox1 == a.ix1) ? blkW : a.ix1;
endAdj1 = (a.ox2 == a.ix2) ? 0 : a.ix2;
endAdj2 = (a.ox2 == a.ix2) ? blkW : a.ox2;
if (!rectUsesPage(startAdj1, startAdj2, y1, y2, true))
if (!rectUsesPage(endAdj1, endAdj2, y1, y2, false))
if (staysWithinOnePage(a.oy1, a.oy2, a.iy1, a.iy2))
adjustStartEnd(pgXStart, pgXEnd, a.oy1, a.oy2);
for (int x = pgXStart; x <= pgXEnd; x++)
fn((bpPg + x) % MAX_PAGES);
int midRowPgXStart = pgXStart, midRowPgXEnd = pgXEnd;
adjustStartEnd(midRowPgXStart, midRowPgXEnd, 0, blkH);
int lineBP = bpPg + (a.oy1 >> shiftY) * bwPages;
int nextMin = 0;
auto doLine = [&](int startOff, int endOff)
int start = std::max(nextMin, lineBP + startOff);
int end = lineBP + endOff;
nextMin = end + 1;
lineBP += bwPages;
for (int pos = start; pos <= end; pos++)
fn(pos % MAX_PAGES);
if (a.oy1 != a.iy1)
int firstRowPgXStart = pgXStart, firstRowPgXEnd = pgXEnd;
adjustStartEnd(firstRowPgXStart, firstRowPgXEnd, a.oy1, a.iy1);
doLine(firstRowPgXStart, firstRowPgXEnd);
for (int y = a.iy1; y < a.iy2; y += blkH)
doLine(midRowPgXStart, midRowPgXEnd);
if (a.oy2 != a.iy2)
int lastRowPgXStart = pgXStart, lastRowPgXEnd = pgXEnd;
adjustStartEnd(lastRowPgXStart, lastRowPgXEnd, a.iy2, a.oy2);
doLine(lastRowPgXStart, lastRowPgXEnd);
GSOffsetNew(*this, bp, bw, 0).loopPages(rect, std::forward<Fn>(fn));
/// Loop over all the blocks in the given rect, calling `fn` on each
template <typename Fn>
void loopBlocks(const GSVector4i& rect, uint32 bp, uint32 bw, Fn fn) const
void loopBlocks(const GSVector4i& rect, uint32 bp, uint32 bw, Fn&& fn) const
TextureAligned a = _align(rect);
int bwPagesx32 = 32 * (bw >> (m_pageShiftX - 6));
int shiftX = m_pageShiftX - m_blockShiftX;
int shiftY = m_pageShiftY - m_blockShiftY;
int blkW = 1 << shiftX;
int blkH = 1 << shiftY;
int ox1PageOff = (a.ox1 >> shiftX) * 32;
auto partialPage = [&](uint32 bp, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2)
for (int y = y1; y < y2; y++)
for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++)
fn((bp + m_blockSwizzle->lookup(x, y)) % MAX_BLOCKS);
auto fullPage = [&](uint32 bp)
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
fn((bp + i) % MAX_BLOCKS);
/// For use with dimensions big enough to touch/cross page boundaries
auto lineHelper = [&](uint32 page, uint32 pageAdd, int add, int o1, int o2, int i1, int i2, auto partial, auto full)
if (o1 != i1)
partial(page, o1, i1);
page += pageAdd;
for (int i = i1; i < i2; i += add)
full(page, i, i + add);
page += pageAdd;
if (o2 != i2)
partial(page, i2, o2);
/// [ox1, ox2) touches/crosses page boundaries, [y1, y2) is not the height of a full page
auto partialLineLargeX = [&](uint32 bp, int y1, int y2)
auto partial = [&](uint32 page, int x1, int x2)
partialPage(page, x1, x2, y1, y2);
lineHelper(bp + ox1PageOff, 32, blkW, a.ox1, a.ox2, a.ix1, a.ix2, partial, partial);
/// [ox1, ox2) touches/crosses page boundaries, [y1, y2) is the height of a full page
auto fullLineLargeX = [&](uint32 bp, int y1, int y2)
lineHelper(bp + ox1PageOff, 32, blkW, a.ox1, a.ox2, a.ix1, a.ix2,
[&](uint32 page, int x1, int x2)
partialPage(page, x1, x2, y1, y2);
[&](uint32 page, int, int)
/// [ox1, ox2) stayes within a page
auto lineSmallX = [&](uint32 bp, int y1, int y2)
partialPage(bp + ox1PageOff, a.ox1, a.ox2, y1, y2);
/// [oy1, oy2) touches/crosses page boundaries
auto mainLargeY = [&](auto partialLine, auto fullLine)
lineHelper(bp, bwPagesx32, blkH, a.oy1, a.oy2, a.iy1, a.iy2, partialLine, fullLine);
// Note: inner rectangle can end up inside-out (x2 < x1) when input rectangle was all within one page
if (a.iy2 < a.iy1)
if (a.ix2 < a.ix1)
lineSmallX(bp, a.oy1, a.oy2);
partialLineLargeX(bp, a.oy1, a.oy2);
if (a.ix2 < a.ix1)
mainLargeY(lineSmallX, lineSmallX);
mainLargeY(partialLineLargeX, fullLineLargeX);
GSOffsetNew(*this, bp, bw, 0).loopBlocks(rect, std::forward<Fn>(fn));
constexpr inline GSOffsetNew::GSOffsetNew(const GSSwizzleInfo& swz, uint32 bp, uint32 bw, uint32 psm)
: m_blockSwizzle(swz.m_blockSwizzle)
, m_pixelSwizzle(swz.m_pixelSwizzle + ((bp & 0x1f) << (swz.m_pageShiftX + swz.m_pageShiftY)))
, m_pageMask(swz.m_pageMask), m_blockMask(swz.m_blockMask)
, m_pageShiftX(swz.m_pageShiftX), m_pageShiftY(swz.m_pageShiftY)
, m_blockShiftX(swz.m_blockShiftX), m_blockShiftY(swz.m_blockShiftY)
, m_bp(bp)
, m_bwPg(bw >> (m_pageShiftX - 6))
, m_psm(psm)
class GSLocalMemory : public GSAlignedClass<32>
@ -1237,3 +1235,25 @@ public:
void SaveBMP(const std::string& fn, uint32 bp, uint32 bw, uint32 psm, int w, int h);
constexpr inline GSOffsetNew GSOffsetNew::fromKnownPSM(uint32 bp, uint32 bw, GS_PSM psm)
switch (psm)
case PSM_PSMCT32: return GSOffsetNew(GSLocalMemory::swizzle32, bp, bw, psm);
case PSM_PSMCT24: return GSOffsetNew(GSLocalMemory::swizzle32, bp, bw, psm);
case PSM_PSMCT16: return GSOffsetNew(GSLocalMemory::swizzle16, bp, bw, psm);
case PSM_PSMCT16S: return GSOffsetNew(GSLocalMemory::swizzle16S, bp, bw, psm);
case PSM_PSGPU24: return GSOffsetNew(GSLocalMemory::swizzle16, bp, bw, psm);
case PSM_PSMT8: return GSOffsetNew(GSLocalMemory::swizzle8, bp, bw, psm);
case PSM_PSMT4: return GSOffsetNew(GSLocalMemory::swizzle4, bp, bw, psm);
case PSM_PSMT8H: return GSOffsetNew(GSLocalMemory::swizzle32, bp, bw, psm);
case PSM_PSMT4HL: return GSOffsetNew(GSLocalMemory::swizzle32, bp, bw, psm);
case PSM_PSMT4HH: return GSOffsetNew(GSLocalMemory::swizzle32, bp, bw, psm);
case PSM_PSMZ32: return GSOffsetNew(GSLocalMemory::swizzle32Z, bp, bw, psm);
case PSM_PSMZ24: return GSOffsetNew(GSLocalMemory::swizzle32Z, bp, bw, psm);
case PSM_PSMZ16: return GSOffsetNew(GSLocalMemory::swizzle16Z, bp, bw, psm);
case PSM_PSMZ16S: return GSOffsetNew(GSLocalMemory::swizzle16SZ, bp, bw, psm);
return GSOffsetNew(GSLocalMemory::swizzle32, bp, bw, psm);
Reference in New Issue