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GS: Add block/page loop functions to GSSwizzleInfo
This commit is contained in:
@ -123,6 +123,286 @@ public:
uint32 word = (page << shift) + m_pixelSwizzle[offsetIdx];
return word;
/// Loop over all pages in the given rect, calling `fn` on each
/// Requires bp to be page-aligned (bp % 0x20 == 0)
template <typename Fn>
void loopAlignedPages(const GSVector4i& rect, uint32 bp, uint32 bw, Fn fn) const
int shiftX = m_pageShiftX;
int shiftY = m_pageShiftY;
int bwPages = bw >> (shiftX - 6);
int pgXStart = (rect.x >> shiftX);
int pgXEnd = (rect.z + m_pageMask.x) >> shiftX;
// For non-last rows, pages > this will be covered by the next row
int trimmedXEnd = pgXStart + std::min(pgXEnd - pgXStart, bwPages);
int pgYStart = (rect.y >> shiftY);
int pgYEnd = (rect.w + m_pageMask.y) >> shiftY;
int bpPg = bp >> 5;
auto call = [&](int xyOff)
fn((bpPg + xyOff) % MAX_PAGES);
int yOff;
for (yOff = pgYStart * bwPages; yOff < (pgYEnd - 1) * bwPages; yOff += bwPages)
for (int x = pgXStart; x < trimmedXEnd; x++)
call(x + yOff);
// Last row needs full x
for (int x = pgXStart; x < pgXEnd; x++)
call(x + yOff);
struct alignas(16) TextureAligned
int ox1, oy1, ox2, oy2; ///< Block-aligned outer rect (smallest rectangle containing the original that is block-aligned)
int ix1, iy1, ix2, iy2; ///< Page-aligned inner rect (largest rectangle inside original that is page-aligned)
/// Helper for loop functions
TextureAligned _align(const GSVector4i& rect) const
GSVector4i outer = rect.ralign_presub<Align_Outside>(m_blockMask);
GSVector4i inner = outer.ralign_presub<Align_Inside>(m_pageMask);
#if _M_SSE >= 0x501
GSVector4i shift = GSVector4i(m_blockShiftX, m_blockShiftY).xyxy();
outer = outer.srav32(shift);
inner = inner.srav32(shift);
return {
GSVector4i outerX = outer.sra32(m_blockShiftX);
GSVector4i outerY = outer.sra32(m_blockShiftY);
GSVector4i innerX = inner.sra32(m_blockShiftX);
GSVector4i innerY = inner.sra32(m_blockShiftY);
return {
/// Loop over all the pages in the given rect, calling `fn` on each
template <typename Fn>
void loopPages(const GSVector4i& rect, uint32 bp, uint32 bw, Fn fn) const
const int blockOff = bp & 0x1f;
const int invBlockOff = 32 - blockOff;
const int bwPages = bw >> (m_pageShiftX - 6);
const int bpPg = bp >> 5;
if (!blockOff) // Aligned?
loopAlignedPages(rect, bp, bw, fn);
TextureAligned a = _align(rect);
const int shiftX = m_pageShiftX - m_blockShiftX;
const int shiftY = m_pageShiftY - m_blockShiftY;
const int blkW = 1 << shiftX;
const int blkH = 1 << shiftY;
const int pgXStart = a.ox1 >> shiftX;
const int pgXEnd = (a.ox2 >> shiftX) + 1;
/// A texture page can span two GS pages if bp is not page-aligned
/// This function checks if a rect in the texture touches the given page
auto rectUsesPage = [&](int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, bool lowPage) -> bool
for (int y = y1; y < y2; y++)
for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++)
if ((m_blockSwizzle->lookup(x, y) < invBlockOff) == lowPage)
return true;
return false;
/// Do the given coordinates stay within the boundaries of one page?
auto staysWithinOnePage = [](int o1, int o2, int i1, int i2) -> bool
// Inner rect being inside out indicates staying within one page
if (i2 < i1)
return true;
// If there's no inner rect, stays in one page if only one side of the page line is used
if (i2 == i1)
return o1 == i1 || o2 == i1;
return false;
const bool onePageX = staysWithinOnePage(a.ox1, a.ox2, a.ix1, a.ix2);
/// Adjusts start/end values for lines that don't touch their first/last page
/// (e.g. if the texture only touches the bottom-left corner of its top-right page, depending on the bp, it may not have any pixels that actually use the last page in the row)
auto adjustStartEnd = [&](int& start, int& end, int y1, int y2)
int startAdj1, startAdj2, endAdj1, endAdj2;
if (onePageX)
startAdj1 = endAdj1 = a.ox1;
startAdj2 = endAdj2 = a.ox2;
startAdj1 = (a.ox1 == a.ix1) ? 0 : a.ox1;
startAdj2 = (a.ox1 == a.ix1) ? blkW : a.ix1;
endAdj1 = (a.ox2 == a.ix2) ? 0 : a.ix2;
endAdj2 = (a.ox2 == a.ix2) ? blkW : a.ox2;
if (!rectUsesPage(startAdj1, startAdj2, y1, y2, true))
if (!rectUsesPage(endAdj1, endAdj2, y1, y2, false))
if (staysWithinOnePage(a.oy1, a.oy2, a.iy1, a.iy2))
adjustStartEnd(pgXStart, pgXEnd, a.oy1, a.oy2);
for (int x = pgXStart; x <= pgXEnd; x++)
fn((bpPg + x) % MAX_PAGES);
int midRowPgXStart = pgXStart, midRowPgXEnd = pgXEnd;
adjustStartEnd(midRowPgXStart, midRowPgXEnd, 0, blkH);
int lineBP = bpPg + (a.oy1 >> shiftY) * bwPages;
int nextMin = 0;
auto doLine = [&](int startOff, int endOff)
int start = std::max(nextMin, lineBP + startOff);
int end = lineBP + endOff;
nextMin = end + 1;
lineBP += bwPages;
for (int pos = start; pos <= end; pos++)
fn(pos % MAX_PAGES);
if (a.oy1 != a.iy1)
int firstRowPgXStart = pgXStart, firstRowPgXEnd = pgXEnd;
adjustStartEnd(firstRowPgXStart, firstRowPgXEnd, a.oy1, a.iy1);
doLine(firstRowPgXStart, firstRowPgXEnd);
for (int y = a.iy1; y < a.iy2; y += blkH)
doLine(midRowPgXStart, midRowPgXEnd);
if (a.oy2 != a.iy2)
int lastRowPgXStart = pgXStart, lastRowPgXEnd = pgXEnd;
adjustStartEnd(lastRowPgXStart, lastRowPgXEnd, a.iy2, a.oy2);
doLine(lastRowPgXStart, lastRowPgXEnd);
/// Loop over all the blocks in the given rect, calling `fn` on each
template <typename Fn>
void loopBlocks(const GSVector4i& rect, uint32 bp, uint32 bw, Fn fn) const
TextureAligned a = _align(rect);
int bwPagesx32 = 32 * (bw >> (m_pageShiftX - 6));
int shiftX = m_pageShiftX - m_blockShiftX;
int shiftY = m_pageShiftY - m_blockShiftY;
int blkW = 1 << shiftX;
int blkH = 1 << shiftY;
int ox1PageOff = (a.ox1 >> shiftX) * 32;
auto partialPage = [&](uint32 bp, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2)
for (int y = y1; y < y2; y++)
for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++)
fn((bp + m_blockSwizzle->lookup(x, y)) % MAX_BLOCKS);
auto fullPage = [&](uint32 bp)
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
fn((bp + i) % MAX_BLOCKS);
/// For use with dimensions big enough to touch/cross page boundaries
auto lineHelper = [&](uint32 page, uint32 pageAdd, int add, int o1, int o2, int i1, int i2, auto partial, auto full)
if (o1 != i1)
partial(page, o1, i1);
page += pageAdd;
for (int i = i1; i < i2; i += add)
full(page, i, i + add);
page += pageAdd;
if (o2 != i2)
partial(page, i2, o2);
/// [ox1, ox2) touches/crosses page boundaries, [y1, y2) is not the height of a full page
auto partialLineLargeX = [&](uint32 bp, int y1, int y2)
auto partial = [&](uint32 page, int x1, int x2)
partialPage(page, x1, x2, y1, y2);
lineHelper(bp + ox1PageOff, 32, blkW, a.ox1, a.ox2, a.ix1, a.ix2, partial, partial);
/// [ox1, ox2) touches/crosses page boundaries, [y1, y2) is the height of a full page
auto fullLineLargeX = [&](uint32 bp, int y1, int y2)
lineHelper(bp + ox1PageOff, 32, blkW, a.ox1, a.ox2, a.ix1, a.ix2,
[&](uint32 page, int x1, int x2)
partialPage(page, x1, x2, y1, y2);
[&](uint32 page, int, int)
/// [ox1, ox2) stayes within a page
auto lineSmallX = [&](uint32 bp, int y1, int y2)
partialPage(bp + ox1PageOff, a.ox1, a.ox2, y1, y2);
/// [oy1, oy2) touches/crosses page boundaries
auto mainLargeY = [&](auto partialLine, auto fullLine)
lineHelper(bp, bwPagesx32, blkH, a.oy1, a.oy2, a.iy1, a.iy2, partialLine, fullLine);
// Note: inner rectangle can end up inside-out (x2 < x1) when input rectangle was all within one page
if (a.iy2 < a.iy1)
if (a.ix2 < a.ix1)
lineSmallX(bp, a.oy1, a.oy2);
partialLineLargeX(bp, a.oy1, a.oy2);
if (a.ix2 < a.ix1)
mainLargeY(lineSmallX, lineSmallX);
mainLargeY(partialLineLargeX, fullLineLargeX);
class GSLocalMemory : public GSAlignedClass<32>
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