253 lines
5.7 KiB
Executable File
253 lines
5.7 KiB
Executable File
Copyright 2018 flyinghead
This file is part of Flycast.
Flycast is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Flycast is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Flycast. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include "rend/gles/gles.h"
#include "hw/pvr/elan_struct.h"
#include <unordered_map>
void gl4DrawStrips(GLuint output_fbo, int width, int height);
enum class Pass { Depth, Color, OIT };
struct gl4PipelineShader
GLuint program;
GLint pp_ClipTest;
GLint cp_AlphaTestValue;
GLint shade_scale_factor;
GLint pp_Number;
GLint blend_mode;
GLint use_alpha;
GLint ignore_tex_alpha;
GLint shading_instr;
GLint fog_control;
GLint trilinear_alpha;
GLint fog_clamp_min, fog_clamp_max;
GLint ndcMat;
GLint palette_index;
// Naomi2
GLint mvMat;
GLint normalMat;
GLint projMat;
GLint glossCoef[2];
GLint envMapping[2];
GLint bumpMapping;
GLint constantColor[2];
GLint lightCount;
GLint ambientBase[2];
GLint ambientOffset[2];
GLint ambientMaterialBase[2];
GLint ambientMaterialOffset[2];
GLint useBaseOver;
GLint bumpId0;
GLint bumpId1;
struct {
GLint color;
GLint direction;
GLint position;
GLint parallel;
GLint diffuse[2];
GLint specular[2];
GLint routing;
GLint dmode;
GLint smode;
GLint distAttnMode;
GLint attnDistA;
GLint attnDistB;
GLint attnAngleA;
GLint attnAngleB;
} lights[elan::MAX_LIGHTS];
const float *lastMvMat;
const float *lastNormalMat;
const float *lastProjMat;
const N2LightModel *lastLightModel;
bool cp_AlphaTest;
bool pp_InsideClipping;
bool pp_Texture;
bool pp_UseAlpha;
bool pp_IgnoreTexA;
u32 pp_ShadInstr;
bool pp_Offset;
u32 pp_FogCtrl;
Pass pass;
bool pp_TwoVolumes;
bool pp_Gouraud;
bool pp_BumpMap;
bool fog_clamping;
bool palette;
bool naomi2;
struct gl4_ctx
GLuint program;
GLuint ndcMat;
} modvol_shader;
GLuint program;
GLuint ndcMat;
GLint mvMat;
GLint projMat;
} n2ModVolShader;
std::unordered_map<u32, gl4PipelineShader> shaders;
std::unique_ptr<GlBuffer> geometry[2];
std::unique_ptr<GlBuffer> modvols[2];
std::unique_ptr<GlBuffer> idxs[2];
GLuint main_vao[2];
GLuint modvol_vao[2];
std::unique_ptr<GlBuffer> tr_poly_params[2];
int bufferIndex = 0;
GlBuffer *getVertexBuffer() {
return geometry[bufferIndex].get();
GlBuffer *getIndexBuffer() {
return idxs[bufferIndex].get();
GlBuffer *getModVolBuffer() {
return modvols[bufferIndex].get();
GlBuffer *getPolyParamBuffer() {
return tr_poly_params[bufferIndex].get();
GLuint getMainVAO() {
return main_vao[bufferIndex];
GLuint getModVolVAO() {
return modvol_vao[bufferIndex];
void nextBuffer() {
bufferIndex = (bufferIndex + 1) % ARRAY_SIZE(geometry);
} vbo;
extern gl4_ctx gl4;
extern int max_image_width;
extern int max_image_height;
extern const char *gl4PixelPipelineShader;
bool gl4CompilePipelineShader(gl4PipelineShader* s, const char *pixel_source = nullptr, const char *vertex_source = nullptr);
void initABuffer();
void termABuffer();
void reshapeABuffer(int width, int height);
void renderABuffer();
void DrawTranslucentModVols(int first, int count);
void checkOverflowAndReset();
extern GLuint stencilTexId;
extern GLuint depthTexId;
extern GLuint opaqueTexId;
extern GLuint depthSaveTexId;
extern GLuint geom_fbo;
extern GLuint texSamplers[2];
extern GLuint depth_fbo;
extern const char* ShaderHeader;
class OpenGl4Source : public ShaderSource
OpenGl4Source() : ShaderSource("#version 430") {}
void gl4SetupMainVBO();
void gl4SetupModvolVBO();
void gl4CreateTextures(int width, int height);
void gl4TermVmuLightgun();
extern struct gl4ShaderUniforms_t
float PT_ALPHA;
float fog_den_float;
float ps_FOG_COL_RAM[3];
float ps_FOG_COL_VERT[3];
int poly_number;
float trilinear_alpha;
TSP tsp0;
TSP tsp1;
TCW tcw0;
TCW tcw1;
float fog_clamp_min[4];
float fog_clamp_max[4];
glm::mat4 ndcMat;
struct {
bool enabled;
int x;
int y;
int width;
int height;
} base_clipping;
int palette_index;
void setUniformArray(GLint location, int v0, int v1)
int array[] = { v0, v1 };
glUniform1iv(location, 2, array);
void Set(gl4PipelineShader* s)
glUniform1f( s->sp_FOG_DENSITY,fog_den_float);
glUniform3fv( s->sp_FOG_COL_RAM, 1, ps_FOG_COL_RAM);
glUniform3fv( s->sp_FOG_COL_VERT, 1, ps_FOG_COL_VERT);
glUniform1f(s->shade_scale_factor, FPU_SHAD_SCALE.scale_factor / 256.f);
if (s->blend_mode != -1) {
u32 blend_mode[] = { tsp0.SrcInstr, tsp0.DstInstr, tsp1.SrcInstr, tsp1.DstInstr };
glUniform2iv(s->blend_mode, 2, (GLint *)blend_mode);
setUniformArray(s->use_alpha, tsp0.UseAlpha, tsp1.UseAlpha);
setUniformArray(s->ignore_tex_alpha, tsp0.IgnoreTexA, tsp1.IgnoreTexA);
setUniformArray(s->shading_instr, tsp0.ShadInstr, tsp1.ShadInstr);
setUniformArray(s->fog_control, tsp0.FogCtrl, tsp1.FogCtrl);
glUniform1i(s->pp_Number, poly_number);
glUniform1f(s->trilinear_alpha, trilinear_alpha);
glUniform4fv(s->fog_clamp_min, 1, fog_clamp_min);
glUniform4fv(s->fog_clamp_max, 1, fog_clamp_max);
glUniformMatrix4fv(s->ndcMat, 1, GL_FALSE, &ndcMat[0][0]);
glUniform1i(s->palette_index, palette_index);
} gl4ShaderUniforms;