182 lines
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182 lines
5.1 KiB
Copyright 2021 flyinghead
This file is part of Flycast.
Flycast is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Flycast is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Flycast. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include "types.h"
#include <array>
#include "hw/pvr/Renderer_if.h"
#include <d3d9.h>
#include "dxcontext.h"
#include "rend/transform_matrix.h"
#include "d3d_texture.h"
#include "d3d_shaders.h"
#include "rend/sorter.h"
class RenderStateCache
IDirect3DDevice9 *device = nullptr;
std::array<DWORD, 210> renderState;
std::array<DWORD, 14> sampler0State;
IDirect3DVertexShader9 *vertexShader = nullptr;
IDirect3DPixelShader9 *pixelShader = nullptr;
IDirect3DBaseTexture9 *texture = nullptr;
void setDevice(IDirect3DDevice9 *device) {
this->device = device;
void reset() {
vertexShader = nullptr;
pixelShader = nullptr;
texture = nullptr;
if ((u32)state < renderState.size())
if (renderState[state] == value)
return S_OK;
renderState[state] = value;
return device->SetRenderState(state, value);
HRESULT SetSamplerState(DWORD sampler, D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE type, DWORD value)
if (sampler == 0 && (u32)type < sampler0State.size())
if (sampler0State[type] == value)
return S_OK;
sampler0State[type] = value;
return device->SetSamplerState(sampler, type, value);
HRESULT SetVertexShader(IDirect3DVertexShader9 *pShader)
if (pShader == vertexShader)
return S_OK;
vertexShader = pShader;
return device->SetVertexShader(pShader);
HRESULT SetPixelShader(IDirect3DPixelShader9 *pShader)
if (pShader == pixelShader)
return S_OK;
pixelShader = pShader;
return device->SetPixelShader(pShader);
HRESULT SetTexture(DWORD stage, IDirect3DBaseTexture9 *pTexture)
if (stage == 0)
if (pTexture == texture)
return S_OK;
texture = pTexture;
return device->SetTexture(stage, pTexture);
struct D3DRenderer : public Renderer
bool Init() override;
void Resize(int w, int h) override;
void Term() override;
bool Process(TA_context* ctx) override;
bool Render() override;
bool RenderLastFrame() override;
bool Present() override
if (!frameRendered)
return false;
frameRendered = false;
return true;
void DrawOSD(bool clear_screen) override;
BaseTextureCacheData *GetTexture(TSP tsp, TCW tcw) override;
void preReset();
void postReset();
enum ModifierVolumeMode { Xor, Or, Inclusion, Exclusion, ModeCount };
void drawStrips();
template <u32 Type, bool SortingEnabled>
void drawList(const List<PolyParam>& gply, int first, int count);
template <u32 Type, bool SortingEnabled>
void setGPState(const PolyParam *gp);
bool ensureVertexBufferSize(ComPtr<IDirect3DVertexBuffer9>& buffer, u32& currentSize, u32 minSize);
bool ensureIndexBufferSize(ComPtr<IDirect3DIndexBuffer9>& buffer, u32& currentSize, u32 minSize);
void updatePaletteTexture();
void updateFogTexture();
void renderFramebuffer();
void readDCFramebuffer();
void renderDCFramebuffer();
void sortTriangles(int first, int count);
void drawSorted(bool multipass);
void setMVS_Mode(ModifierVolumeMode mv_mode, ISP_Modvol ispc);
void drawModVols(int first, int count);
void setProvokingVertices();
void setTexMode(D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE state, u32 clamp, u32 mirror);
void setBaseScissor();
void prepareRttRenderTarget(u32 texAddress);
void readRttRenderTarget(u32 texAddress);
RenderStateCache devCache;
ComPtr<IDirect3DDevice9> device;
ComPtr<IDirect3DVertexBuffer9> vertexBuffer;
u32 vertexBufferSize = 0;
ComPtr<IDirect3DVertexBuffer9> modvolBuffer;
u32 modvolBufferSize = 0;
ComPtr<IDirect3DIndexBuffer9> indexBuffer;
u32 indexBufferSize = 0;
ComPtr<IDirect3DIndexBuffer9> sortedTriIndexBuffer;
u32 sortedTriIndexBufferSize = 0;
ComPtr<IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9> mainVtxDecl;
ComPtr<IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9> modVolVtxDecl;
ComPtr<IDirect3DTexture9> framebufferTexture;
ComPtr<IDirect3DSurface9> framebufferSurface;
ComPtr<IDirect3DSurface9> backbuffer;
ComPtr<IDirect3DTexture9> paletteTexture;
ComPtr<IDirect3DTexture9> fogTexture;
ComPtr<IDirect3DTexture9> dcfbTexture;
ComPtr<IDirect3DSurface9> dcfbSurface;
ComPtr<IDirect3DTexture9> rttTexture;
ComPtr<IDirect3DSurface9> rttSurface;
ComPtr<IDirect3DSurface9> depthSurface;
u32 width = 0;
u32 height = 0;
TransformMatrix<COORD_DIRECTX> matrices;
D3DTextureCache texCache;
std::vector<SortTrigDrawParam> pidx_sort;
D3DShaders shaders;
RECT scissorRect{};
bool scissorEnable = false;
bool resetting = false;
bool frameRendered = false;
bool frameRenderedOnce = false;