The FCEUX team maintains two ports: SDL and Win32.
The Win32 port has an extensive set of native gui amenities and tools.
The SDL port supports many of the features of the Win32 build (Lua scripting, movie recording),
but some of the Win32 features (debugger, TASedit) are exclusive to Windows.
The SDL port should run any UNIX-like OS (Linux/Solaris/BSD).
Network play in Win32 is not presently functional. Fixing it is a high priority.
- As of 2.1.2, Lua is integrated into the binary, the luapack is no longer necessary.
- Be sure to check out the .chm file (Under Help > Help... in the emulator main menu). We work pretty hard on keeping that up to date.
- Scons is required to build from source.
- Requires SDL and libz
- GTK2.0 and OpenGL are optional, but recommended.
- The GTK GUI is enabled by default, but you can disable it by editing the SConstruct file.
- For (somewhat outdated) instructions on installing on an Ubuntu or Debian system, check the how to at Ubuntuforums.
If you are working with a developer to fix an issue affecting you then this is where you will find your fixed build. It may potentially be out of date.
Source Code
FCEUX development is done via a sourceforge SVN repository. The last version of the source can be found there.
- Win32 uses MS Visual Studio - 20010 and 2008 project files maintained (a 2005 one is available but outdated)
- The SDL build uses SCONS
- Everything needed to compile the win32 version is included in SVN
- The GTK port requires SDL and libz
Old Versions