* Debugger: single click on any address copies this address to the "Seek To" field and "Bookmark Add" field
* Debugger: "Name" button in Bookmarks, total revamp of Bookmarks
* updated docs
[[Split portion of a mixed commit.]]
* Best Fit also works for fullscreen mode
* "Hide mouse cursor" and "Use console BG color for empty areas" options
* "Switch fullscreen by double-click" option in GUI config
* Fixed "Reload ROM" hotkey in fullscreen
* updated docs
[[Split portion of a mixed commit.]]
* Debugger: double-click breakpoint also adds current bank number to breakpoint condition
* Debugger: "Display ROM offsets" option
* updated docs
[[Split portion of a mixed commit.]]
* Debugger: ">" shows current line in disassembly
* Debugger: fixed RAM peek by a rightclick on left pane
* Debugger: doubleclick on the disassembly prompts "Add Execute breakpoint" dialog
* Debugger: improved stack display
* Taseditor: frame counter display is auto-on when Taseditor launches
* Debugger: added "CPU cycles" and "Instructions" counters (request #527)
* Debugger: added "Break when exceed" breakpoints
* Debugger: .DEB file now also stores the state of "Break on Bad Opcode" and "Break when exceed" checkboxes/editfields
* Taseditor: green arrow doesn't disappear when Playback cursor goes through it
* Taseditor: changed icons column in Piano Roll, now can show both Bookmark and arrow
* Taseditor: clicks on Input don't change Selection
* Taseditor: selection by dragging from Frame#
* Taseditor: better way to check doubletap for Shift and Ctrl keys
* Taseditor: no more "allow keys in Piano Roll"; new accelerators: Ctrl + arrows, Shift + arrows, Home/End/Page Up/Page Down, Ctrl + Home/End, Shift + Home/End
* Taseditor: showing row_last_clicked when Shift or Alt is held
* Taseditor: checking ROM checksum when saving/loading projects
* more correct way to launch TAS Editor when trying to rerecord a fm3
* TAS Editor can have mouse wheel input even when keyboard focus is on FCEUX window
* disabled FCEUX context menu when TAS Editor is engaged
* added SoundDisplay2.lua
* Taseditor: "Marker Rename" shows Note text in History; added "Marker Move" modtype
* Taseditor: "Frame#" lights when Alt key is being held, not entering menu by Alt
* Taseditor: PATTERNS menu, loading data from "tools\taseditor_patterns.txt"
* Taseditor: ColumnSet (Input and Markers) with Alt key = set pattern
* Taseditor: "Use pattern" checkbox in Recorder; Config->ColumnSet Pattern skips Lag
* Tasedit: better hotchanges gradient
* Tasedit: "Set Marker"/"Remove marker" in context menu
* Tasedit: checking clipboard at selection.init() and retrieving info
* Tasedit: Config->Branches work only when Recording
* Switching Tasedit Bg input on/off when Tasedit gets/loses focus (allows FCEUX control without "Bg input")
* Tasedit: input_snapshot also stores "commands" array
* Tasedit: Bookmarks/Branches (storing snapshots
* Tasedit: Bookmarks list, text flashing
* Tasedit: bookmark number images shown in first column of main list
* saving/loading Bookmarks in .tas file
* Tasedit: Disable F10 as System Key
* Tasedit: checkbox Config->Branches restore entire Movie (else restore input only up to and not including bookmarked frame)