<p>The 2.1 new release that fixes some bugs of 2.1.0a, improves the accuracy of the sound core, and adds useability enhancements to the windows port.</p>
Fixed reported issue 2746924 (md5_asciistr() doesn't produce correct string)<br>
made default save slot 0 instead of 1</br>
Improved Sound core/PPU<br>
Fixed the noise value, it seems that the noise logic was shifting the values to the left by 1 when reloading, but this doesnt work for PAL since one of the PAL reload value is odd, so fix the logic and used the old tables. Revert a stupid CPU ignore logic in PPU. Sorry about that. </br>
Fixed the CPU unofficial opcode ATX, ORing with correct constant $FF instead of $EE, as tested by blargg's. These fixes passes the IRQ flags test from blargg, and also one more opcode test from blargg's cpu.nes test.<br>
Square 1 and square 2 volume controls no longer backwards</br>
Length counters for APU now correct variables<br></br>
Replay movie dialog - Stop movie at frame x feature - fixed off by 1 error on the stop frame number<br>
Hex Editor - changed ROM values again dsiplay as red, saved in the config as RomFreezeColor</br>
Fixed bug in memory watch that would make the first watch value drawn in the wrong place if watch file was full<br>
Debugger - Step type functions now update other dialogs such as ppu, nametable, code/data, trace logger, etc.</br>
"Disable screen saver" gui option now also diables the monitor powersave<br>
Recent menus - no longer crash if item no longer exists, instead it ask the user if they want to remove the item from the list</br>
Sound Config Dialog - When sound is off, all controls are grayed out<br>
Memory Watch - fixed a regression made in 2.0.1 that broke the Save As menu item</br>
Memory Watch - save menu item is grayed if file hasn't changed<br></br>
Last save slot used is stored in the config file<br>
Made fullscreen toggle (Alt+Enter) remappable</br>
Hex editor - Reverted fixedFontHeight to 13 instead of 14. Gave the option of adjusting the height by modifying RowHeightBorder in the .cfg file<br>
Hex Editor - allowed the user to customize the color scheme by use of RGB values stored in the .cfg file</br>
Hex editor - freeze/unfreeze ram addresses now causes the colors to update immediately, but only with groups of addresses highlighted at once (single ones still don't yet update)<br>
Hex Editor - Save Rom As... menu option enabled and implemented</br>
Window caption shows the name of the ROM loaded<br>
Recent Movie Menu added</br>
Load Last Movie context menu item added<br>
Save Movie As... context menu item (for when a movie is loaded in read+write mode)</br>
Drag and Drop support for all files related to FCEUX including:<br></br>
<li>.fcm (autoconverts to .fm2 and begins movie playback)</li>
<li>Palette files (.pal)</li>
Commandline - -palette commandline option<br>
Memory Watch - option to bind to main window, if checked it gives GENS dialog style control, where there is no extra task bar item, and it minimizes when FCEUX is minimized</br>