2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
/* FCE Ultra - NES/Famicom Emulator
* Copyright notice for this file :
* Copyright ( C ) 2002 Xodnizel
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
static int RecalcCustom ( void ) ;
# define VEF____INTERNAL 2
# define VMDF_DXBLT 1
# define VMDF_STRFS 2
typedef struct {
int x ;
int y ;
int bpp ;
int flags ;
int xscale ;
int yscale ;
RECT srect ;
RECT drect ;
int special ;
} vmdef ;
// left, top, right, bottom
static vmdef vmodes [ 11 ] = {
{ 320 , 240 , 8 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 } , //0
{ 320 , 240 , 8 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 } , //1
{ 512 , 384 , 8 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 } , //2
{ 640 , 480 , 8 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 } , //3
{ 640 , 480 , 8 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 } , //4
{ 640 , 480 , 8 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 } , //5
{ 640 , 480 , 8 , VMDF_DXBLT , 2 , 2 , 0 } , //6
{ 1024 , 768 , 8 , VMDF_DXBLT , 4 , 3 , 0 } , //7
{ 1280 , 1024 , 8 , VMDF_DXBLT , 5 , 4 , 0 } , //8
{ 1600 , 1200 , 8 , VMDF_DXBLT , 6 , 5 , 0 } , //9
{ 800 , 600 , 8 , VMDF_DXBLT | VMDF_STRFS , 0 , 0 } //10
} ;
static DDCAPS caps ;
static int mustrestore = 0 ;
static DWORD CBM [ 3 ] ;
static int bpp ;
static int vflags ;
static int veflags ;
static int winspecial = 0 ;
int disvaccel = 0 ; /* Disable video hardware acceleration. */
int fssync = 0 ;
int winsync = 0 ;
PALETTEENTRY * color_palette ; // shared memory changes
HANDLE mapColorPalette ;
# else
PALETTEENTRY color_palette [ 256 ] ;
static int PaletteChanged = 0 ;
static void ShowDDErr ( char * s )
char tempo [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( tempo , " DirectDraw: %s " , s ) ;
FCEUD_PrintError ( tempo ) ;
int RestoreDD ( int w )
if ( w )
if ( ! lpDDSBack ) return 0 ;
if ( IDirectDrawSurface7_Restore ( lpDDSBack ) ! = DD_OK ) return 0 ;
if ( ! lpDDSPrimary ) return 0 ;
if ( IDirectDrawSurface7_Restore ( lpDDSPrimary ) ! = DD_OK ) return 0 ;
veflags | = 1 ;
return 1 ;
void FCEUD_SetPalette ( unsigned char index , unsigned char r , unsigned char g , unsigned char b )
color_palette [ index ] . peRed = r ;
color_palette [ index ] . peGreen = g ;
color_palette [ index ] . peBlue = b ;
PaletteChanged = 1 ;
void FCEUD_GetPalette ( unsigned char i , unsigned char * r , unsigned char * g , unsigned char * b )
* r = color_palette [ i ] . peRed ;
* g = color_palette [ i ] . peGreen ;
* b = color_palette [ i ] . peBlue ;
static int InitializeDDraw ( int fs )
mapColorPalette = CreateFileMapping ( ( HANDLE ) 0xFFFFFFFF , NULL , PAGE_READWRITE , 0 , 256 * sizeof ( PALETTEENTRY ) , " fceu.ColorPalette " ) ;
if ( mapColorPalette = = NULL | | GetLastError ( ) = = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS )
CloseHandle ( mapColorPalette ) ;
mapColorPalette = NULL ;
2006-07-19 02:22:26 +00:00
color_palette = ( PALETTEENTRY * ) malloc ( 256 * sizeof ( PALETTEENTRY ) ) ; //mbg merge 7/18/06 added cast
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
color_palette = ( PALETTEENTRY * ) MapViewOfFile ( mapColorPalette , FILE_MAP_WRITE , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
# endif
//(disvaccel&(1<<(fs?1:0)))?(GUID FAR *)DDCREATE_EMULATIONONLY:
ddrval = DirectDrawCreate ( ( disvaccel & ( 1 < < ( fs ? 1 : 0 ) ) ) ? ( GUID FAR * ) DDCREATE_EMULATIONONLY : NULL , & lpDD , NULL ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
ShowDDErr ( " Error creating DirectDraw object. " ) ;
return 0 ;
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
//mbg merge 7/17/06 changed:
ddrval = IDirectDraw_QueryInterface ( lpDD , IID_IDirectDraw7 , ( LPVOID * ) & lpDD7 ) ;
//ddrval = IDirectDraw_QueryInterface(lpDD,&IID_IDirectDraw7,(LPVOID *)&lpDD7);
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
IDirectDraw_Release ( lpDD ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
ShowDDErr ( " Error querying interface. " ) ;
return 0 ;
caps . dwSize = sizeof ( caps ) ;
if ( IDirectDraw7_GetCaps ( lpDD7 , & caps , 0 ) ! = DD_OK )
ShowDDErr ( " Error getting capabilities. " ) ;
return 0 ;
return 1 ;
static int GetBPP ( void )
memset ( & ddpix , 0 , sizeof ( ddpix ) ) ;
ddpix . dwSize = sizeof ( ddpix ) ;
ddrval = IDirectDrawSurface7_GetPixelFormat ( lpDDSPrimary , & ddpix ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
ShowDDErr ( " Error getting primary surface pixel format. " ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( ddpix . dwFlags & DDPF_RGB )
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
//mbg merge 7/17/06 removed silly dummy union stuff now that we have c++
bpp = ddpix . dwRGBBitCount ;
CBM [ 0 ] = ddpix . dwRBitMask ;
CBM [ 1 ] = ddpix . dwGBitMask ;
CBM [ 2 ] = ddpix . dwBBitMask ;
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
ShowDDErr ( " RGB data not valid. " ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( bpp = = 15 ) bpp = 16 ;
return 1 ;
static int InitBPPStuff ( int fs )
if ( bpp > = 16 )
InitBlitToHigh ( bpp > > 3 , CBM [ 0 ] , CBM [ 1 ] , CBM [ 2 ] , 0 , fs ? vmodes [ vmod ] . special : winspecial ) ;
else if ( bpp = = 8 )
ddrval = IDirectDraw7_CreatePalette ( lpDD7 , DDPCAPS_8BIT | DDPCAPS_ALLOW256 | DDPCAPS_INITIALIZE , color_palette , & lpddpal , NULL ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
ShowDDErr ( " Error creating palette object. " ) ;
return 0 ;
ddrval = IDirectDrawSurface7_SetPalette ( lpDDSPrimary , lpddpal ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
ShowDDErr ( " Error setting palette object. " ) ;
return 0 ;
return 1 ;
int SetVideoMode ( int fs )
int specmul ; // Special scaler size multiplier
if ( fs )
if ( ! vmod )
if ( ! RecalcCustom ( ) )
return ( 0 ) ;
vflags = 0 ;
veflags = 1 ;
PaletteChanged = 1 ;
ResetVideo ( ) ;
StopSound ( ) ;
if ( ! InitializeDDraw ( fs ) ) return ( 1 ) ; // DirectDraw not initialized
if ( ! fs )
if ( winspecial = = 2 | | winspecial = = 1 )
specmul = 2 ;
else if ( winspecial = = 3 | | winspecial = = 4 )
specmul = 3 ;
specmul = 1 ;
ShowCursorAbs ( 1 ) ;
windowedfailed = 1 ;
HideFWindow ( 0 ) ;
ddrval = IDirectDraw7_SetCooperativeLevel ( lpDD7 , hAppWnd , DDSCL_NORMAL ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
ShowDDErr ( " Error setting cooperative level. " ) ;
return 1 ;
/* Beginning */
memset ( & ddsd , 0 , sizeof ( ddsd ) ) ;
ddsd . dwSize = sizeof ( ddsd ) ;
ddsd . dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS ;
ddsd . ddsCaps . dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE ;
ddrval = IDirectDraw7_CreateSurface ( lpDD7 , & ddsd , & lpDDSPrimary , ( IUnknown FAR * ) NULL ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
FCEU_PrintError ( " %08x, %d \n " , ddrval , lpDD7 ) ;
ShowDDErr ( " Error creating primary surface. " ) ;
return 1 ;
memset ( & ddsdback , 0 , sizeof ( ddsdback ) ) ;
ddsdback . dwSize = sizeof ( ddsdback ) ;
ddsdback . dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_WIDTH ;
ddsdback . ddsCaps . dwCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN ;
ddsdback . dwWidth = 256 * specmul ;
ddsdback . dwHeight = 240 * specmul ;
If the blit hardware can ' t stretch , assume it ' s cheap ( and slow )
and create the buffer in system memory .
if ( ! ( caps . dwCaps & DDCAPS_BLTSTRETCH ) )
ddsdback . ddsCaps . dwCaps | = DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY ;
ddrval = IDirectDraw7_CreateSurface ( lpDD7 , & ddsdback , & lpDDSBack , ( IUnknown FAR * ) NULL ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
ShowDDErr ( " Error creating secondary surface. " ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( ! GetBPP ( ) )
return 0 ;
if ( bpp ! = 16 & & bpp ! = 24 & & bpp ! = 32 )
ShowDDErr ( " Current bit depth not supported! " ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( ! InitBPPStuff ( fs ) )
return 0 ;
ddrval = IDirectDraw7_CreateClipper ( lpDD7 , 0 , & lpClipper , 0 ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
ShowDDErr ( " Error creating clipper. " ) ;
return 0 ;
ddrval = IDirectDrawClipper_SetHWnd ( lpClipper , 0 , hAppWnd ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
ShowDDErr ( " Error setting clipper window. " ) ;
return 0 ;
ddrval = IDirectDrawSurface7_SetClipper ( lpDDSPrimary , lpClipper ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
ShowDDErr ( " Error attaching clipper to primary surface. " ) ;
return 0 ;
windowedfailed = 0 ;
SetMainWindowStuff ( ) ;
else /* Following is full-screen */
if ( vmod = = 0 )
if ( vmodes [ 0 ] . special = = 2 | | vmodes [ 0 ] . special = = 1 )
specmul = 2 ;
else if ( vmodes [ 0 ] . special = = 3 | | vmodes [ 0 ] . special = = 4 )
specmul = 3 ;
specmul = 1 ;
HideFWindow ( 1 ) ;
ddrval = IDirectDraw7_SetCooperativeLevel ( lpDD7 , hAppWnd , DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE | DDSCL_FULLSCREEN | DDSCL_ALLOWREBOOT ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
ShowDDErr ( " Error setting cooperative level. " ) ;
return 0 ;
ddrval = IDirectDraw7_SetDisplayMode ( lpDD7 , vmodes [ vmod ] . x , vmodes [ vmod ] . y , vmodes [ vmod ] . bpp , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
ShowDDErr ( " Error setting display mode. " ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( vmodes [ vmod ] . flags & VMDF_DXBLT )
memset ( & ddsdback , 0 , sizeof ( ddsdback ) ) ;
ddsdback . dwSize = sizeof ( ddsdback ) ;
ddsdback . dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_WIDTH ;
ddsdback . ddsCaps . dwCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN ;
ddsdback . dwWidth = 256 * specmul ; //vmodes[vmod].srect.right;
ddsdback . dwHeight = 240 * specmul ; //vmodes[vmod].srect.bottom;
if ( ! ( caps . dwCaps & DDCAPS_BLTSTRETCH ) )
ddsdback . ddsCaps . dwCaps | = DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY ;
ddrval = IDirectDraw7_CreateSurface ( lpDD7 , & ddsdback , & lpDDSBack , ( IUnknown FAR * ) NULL ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
ShowDDErr ( " Error creating secondary surface. " ) ;
return 0 ;
// create foreground surface
memset ( & ddsd , 0 , sizeof ( ddsd ) ) ;
ddsd . dwSize = sizeof ( ddsd ) ;
ddsd . dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS ;
ddsd . ddsCaps . dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE ;
if ( fssync = = 3 ) // Double buffering.
ddsd . dwFlags | = DDSD_BACKBUFFERCOUNT ;
ddsd . dwBackBufferCount = 1 ;
ddsd . ddsCaps . dwCaps | = DDSCAPS_COMPLEX | DDSCAPS_FLIP ;
ddrval = IDirectDraw7_CreateSurface ( lpDD7 , & ddsd , & lpDDSPrimary , ( IUnknown FAR * ) NULL ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
ShowDDErr ( " Error creating primary surface. " ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( fssync = = 3 )
DDSCAPS2 tmp ;
memset ( & tmp , 0 , sizeof ( tmp ) ) ;
if ( IDirectDrawSurface7_GetAttachedSurface ( lpDDSPrimary , & tmp , & lpDDSDBack ) ! = DD_OK )
ShowDDErr ( " Error getting attached surface. " ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( ! GetBPP ( ) )
return 0 ;
if ( ! InitBPPStuff ( fs ) )
return 0 ;
mustrestore = 1 ;
ShowCursorAbs ( 0 ) ;
InputScreenChanged ( fs ) ;
fullscreen = fs ;
return 1 ;
static void BlitScreenWindow ( uint8 * XBuf ) ;
static void BlitScreenFull ( uint8 * XBuf ) ;
//static uint8 *XBSave;
void FCEUD_BlitScreen ( uint8 * XBuf )
xbsave = XBuf ;
if ( ! NoWaiting )
int ws ;
if ( fullscreen ) ws = fssync ;
else ws = winsync ;
if ( ws = = 1 )
IDirectDraw7_WaitForVerticalBlank ( lpDD7 , DDWAITVB_BLOCKBEGIN , 0 ) ;
else if ( ws = = 2 )
BOOL invb = 0 ;
while ( ( DD_OK = = IDirectDraw7_GetVerticalBlankStatus ( lpDD7 , & invb ) ) & & ! invb )
Sleep ( 0 ) ;
if ( fullscreen )
BlitScreenFull ( XBuf ) ;
if ( ! windowedfailed )
BlitScreenWindow ( XBuf ) ;
static void FixPaletteHi ( void )
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
SetPaletteBlitToHigh ( ( uint8 * ) color_palette ) ; //mbg merge 7/17/06 added cast
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
static void BlitScreenWindow ( unsigned char * XBuf )
int pitch ;
unsigned char * ScreenLoc ;
static RECT srect ;
RECT drect ;
int specialmul ;
if ( winspecial = = 2 | | winspecial = = 1 )
specialmul = 2 ;
else if ( winspecial = = 4 | | winspecial = = 3 )
specialmul = 3 ;
else specialmul = 1 ;
srect . top = srect . left = 0 ;
srect . right = VNSWID * specialmul ;
srect . bottom = totallines * specialmul ;
if ( PaletteChanged = = 1 )
FixPaletteHi ( ) ;
PaletteChanged = 0 ;
if ( ! GetClientAbsRect ( & drect ) ) return ;
ddrval = IDirectDrawSurface7_Lock ( lpDDSBack , NULL , & ddsdback , 0 , NULL ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
if ( ddrval = = DDERR_SURFACELOST ) RestoreDD ( 1 ) ;
return ;
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
//mbg merge 7/17/06 removing dummyunion stuff
pitch = ddsdback . lPitch ;
ScreenLoc = ( unsigned char * ) ddsdback . lpSurface ; //mbg merge 7/17/06 added cst
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
if ( veflags & 1 )
memset ( ScreenLoc , 0 , pitch * 240 ) ;
veflags & = ~ 1 ;
Blit8ToHigh ( XBuf + srendline * 256 + VNSCLIP , ScreenLoc , VNSWID , totallines , pitch , specialmul , specialmul ) ;
IDirectDrawSurface7_Unlock ( lpDDSBack , NULL ) ;
if ( IDirectDrawSurface7_Blt ( lpDDSPrimary , & drect , lpDDSBack , & srect , DDBLT_ASYNC , 0 ) ! = DD_OK )
ddrval = IDirectDrawSurface7_Blt ( lpDDSPrimary , & drect , lpDDSBack , & srect , DDBLT_WAIT , 0 ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
if ( ddrval = = DDERR_SURFACELOST ) { RestoreDD ( 1 ) ; RestoreDD ( 0 ) ; }
return ;
static void BlitScreenFull ( uint8 * XBuf )
static int pitch ;
char * ScreenLoc ;
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
//unsigned long x; //mbg merge 7/17/06 removed
//uint8 y; //mbg merge 7/17/06 removed
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
RECT srect , drect ;
int specmul ; // Special scaler size multiplier
if ( vmodes [ 0 ] . special = = 2 | | vmodes [ 0 ] . special = = 1 )
specmul = 2 ;
else if ( vmodes [ 0 ] . special = = 3 | | vmodes [ 0 ] . special = = 4 )
specmul = 3 ;
specmul = 1 ;
if ( fssync = = 3 )
lpDDSVPrimary = lpDDSDBack ;
lpDDSVPrimary = lpDDSPrimary ;
if ( PaletteChanged = = 1 )
if ( bpp > = 16 )
FixPaletteHi ( ) ;
ddrval = IDirectDrawPalette_SetEntries ( lpddpal , 0 , 0 , 256 , color_palette ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
if ( ddrval = = DDERR_SURFACELOST ) RestoreDD ( 0 ) ;
return ;
PaletteChanged = 0 ;
if ( vmodes [ vmod ] . flags & VMDF_DXBLT )
ddrval = IDirectDrawSurface7_Lock ( lpDDSBack , NULL , & ddsdback , 0 , NULL ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
if ( ddrval = = DDERR_SURFACELOST ) RestoreDD ( 1 ) ;
return ;
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
ScreenLoc = ( char * ) ddsdback . lpSurface ; //mbg merge 7/17/06 added cast
pitch = ddsdback . lPitch ; //mbg merge 7/17/06 removed dummyunion stuff
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
srect . top = 0 ;
srect . left = 0 ;
srect . right = VNSWID * specmul ;
srect . bottom = totallines * specmul ;
if ( vmodes [ vmod ] . flags & VMDF_STRFS )
drect . top = 0 ;
drect . left = 0 ;
drect . right = vmodes [ vmod ] . x ;
drect . bottom = vmodes [ vmod ] . y ;
drect . top = ( vmodes [ vmod ] . y - ( totallines * vmodes [ vmod ] . yscale ) ) > > 1 ;
drect . bottom = drect . top + ( totallines * vmodes [ vmod ] . yscale ) ;
drect . left = ( vmodes [ vmod ] . x - VNSWID * vmodes [ vmod ] . xscale ) > > 1 ;
drect . right = drect . left + VNSWID * vmodes [ vmod ] . xscale ;
ddrval = IDirectDrawSurface7_Lock ( lpDDSVPrimary , NULL , & ddsd , 0 , NULL ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
if ( ddrval = = DDERR_SURFACELOST ) RestoreDD ( 0 ) ;
return ;
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
ScreenLoc = ( char * ) ddsd . lpSurface ; //mbg merge 7/17/06 added cast
pitch = ddsd . lPitch ; //mbg merge 7/17/06 removing dummyunion stuff
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
if ( veflags & 1 )
if ( vmodes [ vmod ] . flags & VMDF_DXBLT )
veflags | = 2 ;
memset ( ( char * ) ScreenLoc , 0 , pitch * srect . bottom ) ;
memset ( ( char * ) ScreenLoc , 0 , pitch * vmodes [ vmod ] . y ) ;
PaletteChanged = 1 ;
veflags & = ~ 1 ;
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
//mbg 6/29/06 merge
# ifndef MSVC
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
if ( vmod = = 5 )
if ( eoptions & EO_CLIPSIDES )
asm volatile (
" xorl %%edx, %%edx \n \t "
" akoop1: \n \t "
" movb $120,%%al \n \t "
" akoop2: \n \t "
" movb 1(%%esi),%%dl \n \t "
" shl $16,%%edx \n \t "
" movb (%%esi),%%dl \n \t "
" movl %%edx,(%%edi) \n \t "
" addl $2,%%esi \n \t "
" addl $4,%%edi \n \t "
" decb %%al \n \t "
" jne akoop2 \n \t "
" addl $16,%%esi \n \t "
" addl %%ecx,%%edi \n \t "
" decb %%bl \n \t "
" jne akoop1 \n \t "
: " S " ( XBuf + srendline * 256 + VNSCLIP ) , " D " ( ScreenLoc + ( ( 240 - totallines ) / 2 ) * pitch + ( 640 - ( VNSWID < < 1 ) ) / 2 ) , " b " ( totallines ) , " c " ( ( pitch - VNSWID ) < < 1 )
: " %al " , " %edx " , " %cc " ) ;
asm volatile (
" xorl %%edx, %%edx \n \t "
" koop1: \n \t "
" movb $128,%%al \n \t "
" koop2: \n \t "
" movb 1(%%esi),%%dl \n \t "
" shl $16,%%edx \n \t "
" movb (%%esi),%%dl \n \t "
" movl %%edx,(%%edi) \n \t "
" addl $2,%%esi \n \t "
" addl $4,%%edi \n \t "
" decb %%al \n \t "
" jne koop2 \n \t "
" addl %%ecx,%%edi \n \t "
" decb %%bl \n \t "
" jne koop1 \n \t "
: " S " ( XBuf + srendline * 256 ) , " D " ( ScreenLoc + ( ( 240 - totallines ) / 2 ) * pitch + ( 640 - 512 ) / 2 ) , " b " ( totallines ) , " c " ( pitch - 512 + pitch )
: " %al " , " %edx " , " %cc " ) ;
else if ( vmod = = 4 )
if ( eoptions & EO_CLIPSIDES )
asm volatile (
" ayoop1: \n \t "
" movb $120,%%al \n \t "
" ayoop2: \n \t "
" movb 1(%%esi),%%dh \n \t "
" movb %%dh,%%dl \n \t "
" shl $16,%%edx \n \t "
" movb (%%esi),%%dl \n \t "
" movb %%dl,%%dh \n \t " // Ugh
" movl %%edx,(%%edi) \n \t "
" addl $2,%%esi \n \t "
" addl $4,%%edi \n \t "
" decb %%al \n \t "
" jne ayoop2 \n \t "
" addl $16,%%esi \n \t "
" addl %%ecx,%%edi \n \t "
" decb %%bl \n \t "
" jne ayoop1 \n \t "
: " S " ( XBuf + srendline * 256 + VNSCLIP ) , " D " ( ScreenLoc + ( ( 240 - totallines ) / 2 ) * pitch + ( 640 - ( VNSWID < < 1 ) ) / 2 ) , " b " ( totallines ) , " c " ( ( pitch - VNSWID ) < < 1 )
: " %al " , " %edx " , " %cc " ) ;
asm volatile (
" yoop1: \n \t "
" movb $128,%%al \n \t "
" yoop2: \n \t "
" movb 1(%%esi),%%dh \n \t "
" movb %%dh,%%dl \n \t "
" shl $16,%%edx \n \t "
" movb (%%esi),%%dl \n \t "
" movb %%dl,%%dh \n \t " // Ugh
" movl %%edx,(%%edi) \n \t "
" addl $2,%%esi \n \t "
" addl $4,%%edi \n \t "
" decb %%al \n \t "
" jne yoop2 \n \t "
" addl %%ecx,%%edi \n \t "
" decb %%bl \n \t "
" jne yoop1 \n \t "
: " S " ( XBuf + srendline * 256 ) , " D " ( ScreenLoc + ( ( 240 - totallines ) / 2 ) * pitch + ( 640 - 512 ) / 2 ) , " b " ( totallines ) , " c " ( pitch - 512 + pitch )
: " %al " , " %edx " , " %cc " ) ;
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
# endif
//mbg 6/29/06 merge
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
if ( ! ( vmodes [ vmod ] . flags & VMDF_DXBLT ) )
if ( vmodes [ vmod ] . special )
ScreenLoc + = ( vmodes [ vmod ] . drect . left * ( bpp > > 3 ) ) + ( ( vmodes [ vmod ] . drect . top ) * pitch ) ;
ScreenLoc + = ( ( vmodes [ vmod ] . x - VNSWID ) > > 1 ) * ( bpp > > 3 ) + ( ( ( vmodes [ vmod ] . y - totallines ) > > 1 ) ) * pitch ;
if ( bpp > = 16 )
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
Blit8ToHigh ( XBuf + srendline * 256 + VNSCLIP , ( uint8 * ) ScreenLoc , VNSWID , totallines , pitch , specmul , specmul ) ; //mbg merge 7/17/06 added cast
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
XBuf + = srendline * 256 + VNSCLIP ;
if ( vmodes [ vmod ] . special )
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
Blit8To8 ( XBuf , ( uint8 * ) ScreenLoc , VNSWID , totallines , pitch , vmodes [ vmod ] . xscale , vmodes [ vmod ] . yscale , 0 , vmodes [ vmod ] . special ) ; //mbg merge 7/17/06 added cast
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
Blit8To8 ( XBuf , ( uint8 * ) ScreenLoc , VNSWID , totallines , pitch , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 ) ; //mbg merge 7/17/06 added cast
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
if ( vmodes [ vmod ] . flags & VMDF_DXBLT )
IDirectDrawSurface7_Unlock ( lpDDSBack , NULL ) ;
if ( veflags & 2 )
if ( IDirectDrawSurface7_Lock ( lpDDSVPrimary , NULL , & ddsd , 0 , NULL ) = = DD_OK )
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
memset ( ddsd . lpSurface , 0 , ddsd . lPitch * vmodes [ vmod ] . y ) ; //mbg merge 7/17/06 removing dummyunion stuff
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
IDirectDrawSurface7_Unlock ( lpDDSVPrimary , NULL ) ;
veflags & = ~ 2 ;
if ( IDirectDrawSurface7_Blt ( lpDDSVPrimary , & drect , lpDDSBack , & srect , DDBLT_ASYNC , 0 ) ! = DD_OK )
ddrval = IDirectDrawSurface7_Blt ( lpDDSVPrimary , & drect , lpDDSBack , & srect , DDBLT_WAIT , 0 ) ;
if ( ddrval ! = DD_OK )
if ( ddrval = = DDERR_SURFACELOST )
RestoreDD ( 0 ) ;
RestoreDD ( 1 ) ;
return ;
IDirectDrawSurface7_Unlock ( lpDDSVPrimary , NULL ) ;
if ( fssync = = 3 )
IDirectDrawSurface7_Flip ( lpDDSPrimary , 0 , 0 ) ;
void ResetVideo ( void )
ShowCursorAbs ( 1 ) ;
KillBlitToHigh ( ) ;
if ( lpDD7 )
if ( mustrestore )
{ IDirectDraw7_RestoreDisplayMode ( lpDD7 ) ; mustrestore = 0 ; }
if ( lpddpal ) { IDirectDrawPalette_Release ( lpddpal ) ; lpddpal = 0 ; }
if ( lpDDSBack ) { IDirectDrawSurface7_Release ( lpDDSBack ) ; lpDDSBack = 0 ; }
if ( lpDDSPrimary ) { IDirectDrawSurface7_Release ( lpDDSPrimary ) ; lpDDSPrimary = 0 ; }
if ( lpClipper ) { IDirectDrawClipper_Release ( lpClipper ) ; lpClipper = 0 ; }
if ( lpDD7 )
{ IDirectDraw_Release ( lpDD7 ) ; lpDD7 = NULL ; }
int specialmlut [ 5 ] = { 1 , 2 , 2 , 3 , 3 } ;
static int RecalcCustom ( void )
vmdef * cmode = & vmodes [ 0 ] ;
cmode - > flags & = ~ VMDF_DXBLT ;
if ( cmode - > flags & VMDF_STRFS )
cmode - > flags | = VMDF_DXBLT ;
else if ( cmode - > xscale ! = 1 | | cmode - > yscale ! = 1 | | cmode - > special )
if ( cmode - > special )
int mult = specialmlut [ cmode - > special ] ;
if ( cmode - > xscale < mult )
cmode - > xscale = mult ;
if ( cmode - > yscale < mult )
cmode - > yscale = mult ;
if ( cmode - > xscale ! = mult | | cmode - > yscale ! = mult )
cmode - > flags | = VMDF_DXBLT ;
cmode - > flags | = VMDF_DXBLT ;
if ( VNSWID * cmode - > xscale > cmode - > x )
if ( cmode - > special )
FCEUD_PrintError ( " Scaled width is out of range. " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
FCEUD_PrintError ( " Scaled width is out of range. Reverting to no horizontal scaling. " ) ;
cmode - > xscale = 1 ;
if ( totallines * cmode - > yscale > cmode - > y )
if ( cmode - > special )
FCEUD_PrintError ( " Scaled height is out of range. " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
FCEUD_PrintError ( " Scaled height is out of range. Reverting to no vertical scaling. " ) ;
cmode - > yscale = 1 ;
cmode - > srect . left = VNSCLIP ;
cmode - > srect . top = srendline ;
cmode - > srect . right = 256 - VNSCLIP ;
cmode - > srect . bottom = erendline + 1 ;
cmode - > drect . top = ( cmode - > y - ( totallines * cmode - > yscale ) ) > > 1 ;
cmode - > drect . bottom = cmode - > drect . top + totallines * cmode - > yscale ;
cmode - > drect . left = ( cmode - > x - ( VNSWID * cmode - > xscale ) ) > > 1 ;
cmode - > drect . right = cmode - > drect . left + VNSWID * cmode - > xscale ;
if ( ( cmode - > special = = 1 | | cmode - > special = = 3 ) & & cmode - > bpp = = 8 )
cmode - > bpp = 32 ;
//FCEUD_PrintError("HQ2x/HQ3x requires 16bpp or 32bpp(best).");
if ( cmode - > x < VNSWID )
FCEUD_PrintError ( " Horizontal resolution is too low. " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( cmode - > y < totallines & & ! ( cmode - > flags & VMDF_STRFS ) )
FCEUD_PrintError ( " Vertical resolution must not be less than the total number of drawn scanlines. " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
return ( 1 ) ;
BOOL SetDlgItemDouble ( HWND hDlg , int item , double value )
2006-07-20 06:10:45 +00:00
char buf [ 9 ] ; //mbg merge 7/19/06 changed to 9 to leave room for \0
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
sprintf ( buf , " %.6f " , value ) ;
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
return SetDlgItemText ( hDlg , item , buf ) ; //mbg merge 7/17/06 added this return value
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
double GetDlgItemDouble ( HWND hDlg , int item )
char buf [ 8 ] ;
double ret = 0 ;
GetDlgItemText ( hDlg , item , buf , 8 ) ;
sscanf ( buf , " %lf " , & ret ) ;
return ( ret ) ;
BOOL CALLBACK VideoConCallB ( HWND hwndDlg , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
static char * vmstr [ 11 ] = {
" Custom " ,
" 320x240 Full Screen " ,
" 512x384 Centered " ,
" 640x480 Centered " ,
" 640x480 Scanlines " ,
" 640x480 \" 4 per 1 \" " ,
" 640x480 2x,2y " ,
" 1024x768 4x,3y " ,
" 1280x1024 5x,4y " ,
" 1600x1200 6x,5y " ,
" 800x600 Stretched "
} ;
int x ;
switch ( uMsg )
2006-07-19 05:57:00 +00:00
SetDlgItemText ( hwndDlg , 65454 , " For the custom video mode settings to be in effect, the \" Custom \" video mode needs to be selected. If you select a sync method, and sound is disabled, you may want to disable speed throttling(in the \" Timing \" window). If you use \" wait for vblank \" , you should use the \" lazy \" form. \x0AA llowing more than 8 sprites per scanline can cause graphics corruption in some games, including \" Solstice \" . " ) ;
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
for ( x = 0 ; x < 11 ; x + + )
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 100 , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) vmstr [ x ] ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 100 , CB_SETCURSEL , vmod , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) 0 ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 202 , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) " 8 " ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 202 , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) " 16 " ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 202 , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) " 24 " ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 202 , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) " 32 " ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 202 , CB_SETCURSEL , ( vmodes [ 0 ] . bpp > > 3 ) - 1 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) 0 ) ;
SetDlgItemInt ( hwndDlg , 200 , vmodes [ 0 ] . x , 0 ) ;
SetDlgItemInt ( hwndDlg , 201 , vmodes [ 0 ] . y , 0 ) ;
SetDlgItemInt ( hwndDlg , 302 , vmodes [ 0 ] . xscale , 0 ) ;
SetDlgItemInt ( hwndDlg , 303 , vmodes [ 0 ] . yscale , 0 ) ;
CheckRadioButton ( hwndDlg , 300 , 301 , ( vmodes [ 0 ] . flags & VMDF_STRFS ) ? 301 : 300 ) ;
char * str [ ] = { " <none> " , " hq2x " , " Scale2x " , " hq3x " , " Scale3x " } ;
int x ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < 5 ; x + + )
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 304 , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) str [ x ] ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 406 , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) str [ x ] ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 304 , CB_SETCURSEL , vmodes [ 0 ] . special , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) 0 ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 406 , CB_SETCURSEL , winspecial , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) 0 ) ;
if ( eoptions & EO_FSAFTERLOAD )
CheckDlgButton ( hwndDlg , 102 , BST_CHECKED ) ;
if ( eoptions & EO_CLIPSIDES )
CheckDlgButton ( hwndDlg , 106 , BST_CHECKED ) ;
if ( disvaccel & 1 )
CheckDlgButton ( hwndDlg , 130 , BST_CHECKED ) ;
if ( disvaccel & 2 )
CheckDlgButton ( hwndDlg , 131 , BST_CHECKED ) ;
if ( eoptions & EO_FORCEISCALE )
CheckDlgButton ( hwndDlg , 402 , BST_CHECKED ) ;
if ( eoptions & EO_FORCEASPECT )
CheckDlgButton ( hwndDlg , 403 , BST_CHECKED ) ;
SetDlgItemInt ( hwndDlg , 500 , srendlinen , 0 ) ;
SetDlgItemInt ( hwndDlg , 501 , erendlinen , 0 ) ;
SetDlgItemInt ( hwndDlg , 502 , srendlinep , 0 ) ;
SetDlgItemInt ( hwndDlg , 503 , erendlinep , 0 ) ;
SetDlgItemDouble ( hwndDlg , 400 , winsizemulx ) ;
SetDlgItemDouble ( hwndDlg , 401 , winsizemuly ) ;
SetDlgItemDouble ( hwndDlg , 404 , saspectw ) ;
SetDlgItemDouble ( hwndDlg , 405 , saspecth ) ;
//SetDlgI temInt(hwndDlg,103,winsizemul,0);
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 104 , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) " <none> " ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 105 , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) " <none> " ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 104 , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) " Wait for VBlank " ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 104 , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) " Lazy wait for VBlank " ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 105 , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) " Wait for VBlank " ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 105 , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) " Lazy wait for VBlank " ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 105 , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) " Double Buffering " ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 104 , CB_SETCURSEL , winsync , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) 0 ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 105 , CB_SETCURSEL , fssync , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) 0 ) ;
if ( eoptions & EO_NOSPRLIM )
CheckDlgButton ( hwndDlg , 600 , BST_CHECKED ) ;
break ;
case WM_CLOSE :
case WM_QUIT : goto gornk ;
if ( ! ( wParam > > 16 ) )
switch ( wParam & 0xFFFF )
case 1 :
gornk :
if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hwndDlg , 106 ) = = BST_CHECKED )
eoptions | = EO_CLIPSIDES ;
eoptions & = ~ EO_CLIPSIDES ;
if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hwndDlg , 600 ) = = BST_CHECKED )
eoptions | = EO_NOSPRLIM ;
eoptions & = ~ EO_NOSPRLIM ;
srendlinen = GetDlgItemInt ( hwndDlg , 500 , 0 , 0 ) ;
erendlinen = GetDlgItemInt ( hwndDlg , 501 , 0 , 0 ) ;
srendlinep = GetDlgItemInt ( hwndDlg , 502 , 0 , 0 ) ;
erendlinep = GetDlgItemInt ( hwndDlg , 503 , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( erendlinen > 239 ) erendlinen = 239 ;
if ( srendlinen > erendlinen ) srendlinen = erendlinen ;
if ( erendlinep > 239 ) erendlinep = 239 ;
if ( srendlinep > erendlinen ) srendlinep = erendlinep ;
UpdateRendBounds ( ) ;
if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hwndDlg , 301 ) = = BST_CHECKED )
vmodes [ 0 ] . flags | = VMDF_STRFS ;
vmodes [ 0 ] . flags & = ~ VMDF_STRFS ;
vmod = SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 100 , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) 0 ) ;
vmodes [ 0 ] . x = GetDlgItemInt ( hwndDlg , 200 , 0 , 0 ) ;
vmodes [ 0 ] . y = GetDlgItemInt ( hwndDlg , 201 , 0 , 0 ) ;
vmodes [ 0 ] . bpp = ( SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 202 , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) 0 ) + 1 ) < < 3 ;
vmodes [ 0 ] . xscale = GetDlgItemInt ( hwndDlg , 302 , 0 , 0 ) ;
vmodes [ 0 ] . yscale = GetDlgItemInt ( hwndDlg , 303 , 0 , 0 ) ;
vmodes [ 0 ] . special = SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 304 , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) 0 ) ;
winspecial = SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 406 , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) 0 ) ;
disvaccel = 0 ;
if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hwndDlg , 130 ) = = BST_CHECKED )
disvaccel | = 1 ;
if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hwndDlg , 131 ) = = BST_CHECKED )
disvaccel | = 2 ;
if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hwndDlg , 101 ) = = BST_CHECKED )
fullscreen = 1 ;
fullscreen = 0 ;
if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hwndDlg , 102 ) = = BST_CHECKED )
eoptions | = EO_FSAFTERLOAD ;
eoptions & = ~ EO_FSAFTERLOAD ;
eoptions & = ~ ( EO_FORCEISCALE | EO_FORCEASPECT ) ;
if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hwndDlg , 402 ) = = BST_CHECKED )
eoptions | = EO_FORCEISCALE ;
if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hwndDlg , 403 ) = = BST_CHECKED )
eoptions | = EO_FORCEASPECT ;
winsizemulx = GetDlgItemDouble ( hwndDlg , 400 ) ;
winsizemuly = GetDlgItemDouble ( hwndDlg , 401 ) ;
saspectw = GetDlgItemDouble ( hwndDlg , 404 ) ;
saspecth = GetDlgItemDouble ( hwndDlg , 405 ) ;
FixWXY ( 0 ) ;
winsync = SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 104 , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) 0 ) ;
fssync = SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , 105 , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) 0 ) ;
EndDialog ( hwndDlg , 0 ) ;
break ;
return 0 ;
static void SetFSVideoMode ( void )
changerecursive = 1 ;
if ( ! SetVideoMode ( 1 ) )
SetVideoMode ( 0 ) ;
changerecursive = 0 ;
void DoVideoConfigFix ( void )
FCEUI_DisableSpriteLimitation ( eoptions & EO_NOSPRLIM ) ;
UpdateRendBounds ( ) ;
void ConfigVideo ( void )
DialogBox ( fceu_hInstance , " VIDEOCONFIG " , hAppWnd , VideoConCallB ) ;
DoVideoConfigFix ( ) ;
if ( fullscreen )
SetFSVideoMode ( ) ;
changerecursive = 1 ;
SetVideoMode ( 0 ) ;
changerecursive = 0 ;