Table of Contents
Command Line
FB Neo can be invoked with command line options. When invoked this way, FB Neo will automatically switch to fullscreen mode when a game is loaded, and the Escape key quits FB Neo. The options are as follows;
fbneo <game> [-listinfo|-w|-a|-r <width>x<height>x<depth>]
<game> = The game's romname. You can specify the filename of a savestate or input recording instead.
-w = Run in a window instead of fullscreen.
-a = Use the same resolution as the original arcade game.
-r = Specify a resolution. Depth is optional.
If neither -a nor -r are specified, the default fullscreen resolution is used.
fbneo sfa3 -r 800x600x32
fbneo -w
fbneo vsav2 -a
For front-ends, you can also do fbneo -listinfo, -listinfomdonly, -listinfopceonly, -listinfotg16only, -listinfosgxonly, -listinfosg1000only, -listinfocolecoonly, or -listinfosmsonly, -listinfoggonly, -listinfomsxonly, or -listinfospectrumonly which will output information about the supported games to stdout, and the ROM files they need in the MAME XML format.
You can also do fbneo -listextrainfo. This will output the following data in a tab-delimited format to stdout; setname, visible size, aspect ratio, hardware code, hardware description, working status, max players, comments.