<P>FB Neo can be invoked with command line options. When invoked this way, FB Neo will automatically switch to fullscreen mode when a game is loaded, and the Escape key quits FB Neo. The options are as follows;</P>
<P>For front-ends, you can also do fbneo <B>-listinfo</B>, <B>-listinfomdonly</B>, <B>-listinfopceonly</B>, <B>-listinfotg16only</B>, <B>-listinfosgxonly</B>, <B>-listinfosg1000only</B>, <B>-listinfocolecoonly</B>, or <B>-listinfosmsonly</B>, <B>-listinfoggonly</B>, <B>-listinfomsxonly</B>, or <B>-listinfospectrumonly</B> which will output information about the supported games to
<P>You can also do fbneo <B>-listextrainfo</B>. This will output the following data in a tab-delimited format to stdout; setname, visible size, aspect ratio, hardware code, hardware description, working status, max players, comments.</P>