Merge pull request #10928 from sepalani/bba-arp
BBA/BuiltIn: Generate a MAC address for each new IP address
This commit is contained in:
@ -56,8 +56,161 @@ void SetIPIdentification(u8* ptr, std::size_t size, u16 value)
checksum_bitcast_ptr = u16(0);
checksum_bitcast_ptr = htons(Common::ComputeNetworkChecksum(ip_ptr, ip_header_size));
} // namespace
std::optional<std::vector<u8>> TryGetDataFromSocket(StackRef* ref)
bool CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::Activate()
if (IsActivated())
return true;
m_active = true;
for (auto& buf : m_queue_data)
// Workaround to get the host IP (might not be accurate)
const u32 ip = m_local_ip.empty() ? sf::IpAddress::getLocalAddress().toInteger() :
m_current_ip = htonl(ip);
m_current_mac = Common::BitCastPtr<Common::MACAddress>(&m_eth_ref->mBbaMem[BBA_NAFR_PAR0]);
m_arp_table[m_current_ip] = m_current_mac;
m_router_ip = (m_current_ip & 0xFFFFFF) | 0x01000000;
m_router_mac = Common::GenerateMacAddress(Common::MACConsumer::BBA);
m_arp_table[m_router_ip] = m_router_mac;
// clear all ref
for (auto& ref : network_ref)
ref.ip = 0;
return RecvInit();
void CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::Deactivate()
// Is the BBA Active? If not skip shutdown
if (!IsActivated())
// Signal read thread to exit.
m_active = false;
// kill all active socket
for (auto& ref : network_ref)
if (ref.ip != 0)
ref.type == IPPROTO_TCP ? ref.tcp_socket.disconnect() : ref.udp_socket.unbind();
ref.ip = 0;
// Wait for read thread to exit.
if (m_read_thread.joinable())
bool CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::IsActivated()
return m_active;
void CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::WriteToQueue(const std::vector<u8>& data)
m_queue_data[m_queue_write] = data;
const u8 next_write_index = (m_queue_write + 1) & 15;
if (next_write_index != m_queue_read)
m_queue_write = next_write_index;
void CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::HandleARP(const Common::ARPPacket& packet)
const auto& [hwdata, arpdata] = packet;
Common::ARPPacket response(m_current_mac, m_router_mac);
response.arp_header = Common::ARPHeader(arpdata.target_ip, ResolveAddress(arpdata.target_ip),
m_current_ip, m_current_mac);
void CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::HandleDHCP(const Common::UDPPacket& packet)
const auto& [hwdata, ip, udp_header, ip_options, data] = packet;
const Common::DHCPPacket dhcp(;
const Common::DHCPBody& request = dhcp.body;
sockaddr_in from;
sockaddr_in to;
from.sin_addr.s_addr = m_router_ip;
from.sin_family = IPPROTO_UDP;
from.sin_port = htons(67);
to.sin_addr.s_addr = m_current_ip;
to.sin_family = IPPROTO_UDP;
to.sin_port = udp_header.source_port;
const u8* router_ip_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&m_router_ip);
const std::vector<u8> ip_part(router_ip_ptr, router_ip_ptr + sizeof(m_router_ip));
const std::vector<u8> timeout_24h = {0, 1, 0x51, 0x80};
Common::DHCPPacket reply;
reply.body = Common::DHCPBody(request.transaction_id, m_current_mac, m_current_ip, m_router_ip);
// options
// send our emulated lan settings
(dhcp.options.size() == 0 || dhcp.options[0].size() < 2 || dhcp.options[0].at(2) == 1) ?
reply.AddOption(53, {2}) : // default, send a suggestion
reply.AddOption(53, {5});
reply.AddOption(54, ip_part); // dhcp server ip
reply.AddOption(51, timeout_24h); // lease time 24h
reply.AddOption(58, timeout_24h); // renewal time
reply.AddOption(59, timeout_24h); // rebind time
reply.AddOption(1, {255, 255, 255, 0}); // submask
reply.AddOption(28, {ip_part[0], ip_part[1], ip_part[2], 255}); // broadcast ip
reply.AddOption(6, ip_part); // dns server
reply.AddOption(15, {0x6c, 0x61, 0x6e}); // domain name "lan"
reply.AddOption(3, ip_part); // router ip
reply.AddOption(255, {}); // end
const Common::UDPPacket response(m_current_mac, m_router_mac, from, to, reply.Build());
StackRef* CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::GetAvailableSlot(u16 port)
if (port > 0) // existing connection?
for (auto& ref : network_ref)
if (ref.ip != 0 && ref.local == port)
return &ref;
for (auto& ref : network_ref)
if (ref.ip == 0)
return &ref;
return nullptr;
StackRef* CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::GetTCPSlot(u16 src_port, u16 dst_port, u32 ip)
for (auto& ref : network_ref)
if (ref.ip == ip && ref.remote == dst_port && ref.local == src_port)
return &ref;
return nullptr;
CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::TryGetDataFromSocket(StackRef* ref)
size_t datasize = 0; // Set by socket.receive using a non-const reference
unsigned short remote_port;
@ -71,7 +224,9 @@ std::optional<std::vector<u8>> TryGetDataFromSocket(StackRef* ref)
if (datasize > 0)
ref->from.sin_port = htons(remote_port);
ref->from.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(ref->target.toInteger());
const u32 remote_ip = htonl(ref->target.toInteger());
ref->from.sin_addr.s_addr = remote_ip;
ref->my_mac = ResolveAddress(remote_ip);
const std::vector<u8> udp_data(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + datasize);
const Common::UDPPacket packet(ref->bba_mac, ref->my_mac, ref->from, ref->to, udp_data);
return packet.Build();
@ -127,166 +282,6 @@ std::optional<std::vector<u8>> TryGetDataFromSocket(StackRef* ref)
return std::nullopt;
} // namespace
bool CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::Activate()
if (IsActivated())
return true;
m_active = true;
for (auto& buf : m_queue_data)
m_fake_mac = Common::GenerateMacAddress(Common::MACConsumer::BBA);
// Workaround to get the host IP (might not be accurate)
const u32 ip = m_local_ip.empty() ? sf::IpAddress::getLocalAddress().toInteger() :
m_current_ip = htonl(ip);
m_router_ip = (m_current_ip & 0xFFFFFF) | 0x01000000;
// clear all ref
for (auto& ref : network_ref)
ref.ip = 0;
return RecvInit();
void CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::Deactivate()
// Is the BBA Active? If not skip shutdown
if (!IsActivated())
// Signal read thread to exit.
m_active = false;
// kill all active socket
for (auto& ref : network_ref)
if (ref.ip != 0)
ref.type == IPPROTO_TCP ? ref.tcp_socket.disconnect() : ref.udp_socket.unbind();
ref.ip = 0;
// Wait for read thread to exit.
if (m_read_thread.joinable())
bool CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::IsActivated()
return m_active;
void CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::WriteToQueue(const std::vector<u8>& data)
m_queue_data[m_queue_write] = data;
const u8 next_write_index = (m_queue_write + 1) & 15;
if (next_write_index != m_queue_read)
m_queue_write = next_write_index;
void CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::HandleARP(const Common::ARPPacket& packet)
const auto& [hwdata, arpdata] = packet;
const Common::MACAddress bba_mac =
Common::ARPPacket response(bba_mac, m_fake_mac);
if (arpdata.target_ip == m_current_ip)
// game asked for himself, reply with his mac address
response.arp_header = Common::ARPHeader(arpdata.target_ip, bba_mac, m_current_ip, bba_mac);
response.arp_header = Common::ARPHeader(arpdata.target_ip, m_fake_mac, m_current_ip, bba_mac);
void CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::HandleDHCP(const Common::UDPPacket& packet)
const auto& [hwdata, ip, udp_header, ip_options, data] = packet;
const Common::DHCPPacket dhcp(;
const Common::DHCPBody& request = dhcp.body;
sockaddr_in from;
sockaddr_in to;
from.sin_addr.s_addr = m_router_ip;
from.sin_family = IPPROTO_UDP;
from.sin_port = htons(67);
to.sin_addr.s_addr = m_current_ip;
to.sin_family = IPPROTO_UDP;
to.sin_port = udp_header.source_port;
const u8* router_ip_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&m_router_ip);
const std::vector<u8> ip_part(router_ip_ptr, router_ip_ptr + sizeof(m_router_ip));
const std::vector<u8> timeout_24h = {0, 1, 0x51, 0x80};
const Common::MACAddress bba_mac =
Common::DHCPPacket reply;
reply.body = Common::DHCPBody(request.transaction_id, bba_mac, m_current_ip, m_router_ip);
// options
// send our emulated lan settings
(dhcp.options.size() == 0 || dhcp.options[0].size() < 2 || dhcp.options[0].at(2) == 1) ?
reply.AddOption(53, {2}) : // default, send a suggestion
reply.AddOption(53, {5});
reply.AddOption(54, ip_part); // dhcp server ip
reply.AddOption(51, timeout_24h); // lease time 24h
reply.AddOption(58, timeout_24h); // renewal time
reply.AddOption(59, timeout_24h); // rebind time
reply.AddOption(1, {255, 255, 255, 0}); // submask
reply.AddOption(28, {ip_part[0], ip_part[1], ip_part[2], 255}); // broadcast ip
reply.AddOption(6, ip_part); // dns server
reply.AddOption(15, {0x6c, 0x61, 0x6e}); // domain name "lan"
reply.AddOption(3, ip_part); // router ip
reply.AddOption(255, {}); // end
const Common::UDPPacket response(bba_mac, m_fake_mac, from, to, reply.Build());
StackRef* CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::GetAvailableSlot(u16 port)
if (port > 0) // existing connection?
for (auto& ref : network_ref)
if (ref.ip != 0 && ref.local == port)
return &ref;
for (auto& ref : network_ref)
if (ref.ip == 0)
return &ref;
return nullptr;
StackRef* CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::GetTCPSlot(u16 src_port, u16 dst_port, u32 ip)
for (auto& ref : network_ref)
if (ref.ip == ip && ref.remote == dst_port && ref.local == src_port)
return &ref;
return nullptr;
void CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::HandleTCPFrame(const Common::TCPPacket& packet)
@ -322,12 +317,13 @@ void CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::HandleTCPFrame(const Common::TCPPacket&
ref->type = IPPROTO_TCP;
for (auto& tcp_buf : ref->tcp_buffers)
tcp_buf.used = false;
ref->from.sin_addr.s_addr = Common::BitCast<u32>(ip_header.destination_addr);
const u32 destination_ip = Common::BitCast<u32>(ip_header.destination_addr);
ref->from.sin_addr.s_addr = destination_ip;
ref->from.sin_port = tcp_header.destination_port;
ref->to.sin_addr.s_addr = Common::BitCast<u32>(ip_header.source_addr);
ref->to.sin_port = tcp_header.source_port;
ref->bba_mac = Common::BitCastPtr<Common::MACAddress>(&m_eth_ref->mBbaMem[BBA_NAFR_PAR0]);
ref->my_mac = m_fake_mac;
ref->bba_mac = m_current_mac;
ref->my_mac = ResolveAddress(destination_ip);
// reply with a sin_ack
@ -337,7 +333,7 @@ void CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::HandleTCPFrame(const Common::TCPPacket&
result.tcp_options = {0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0xb4, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01};
target = sf::IpAddress(ntohl(Common::BitCast<u32>(ip_header.destination_addr)));
target = sf::IpAddress(ntohl(destination_ip));
ref->tcp_socket.connect(target, ntohs(tcp_header.destination_port));
ref->ready = false;
ref->ip = Common::BitCast<u32>(ip_header.destination_addr);
@ -417,8 +413,8 @@ void CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::InitUDPPort(u16 port)
ref->local = htons(port);
ref->remote = htons(port);
ref->type = IPPROTO_UDP;
ref->bba_mac = Common::BitCastPtr<Common::MACAddress>(&m_eth_ref->mBbaMem[BBA_NAFR_PAR0]);
ref->my_mac = m_fake_mac;
ref->bba_mac = m_current_mac;
ref->my_mac = m_router_mac;
ref->from.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;
ref->from.sin_port = htons(port);
ref->to.sin_addr.s_addr = m_current_ip;
@ -447,8 +443,8 @@ void CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::HandleUDPFrame(const Common::UDPPacket&
ref->local = udp_header.source_port;
ref->remote = udp_header.destination_port;
ref->type = IPPROTO_UDP;
ref->bba_mac = Common::BitCastPtr<Common::MACAddress>(&m_eth_ref->mBbaMem[BBA_NAFR_PAR0]);
ref->my_mac = m_fake_mac;
ref->bba_mac = m_current_mac;
ref->my_mac = m_router_mac;
ref->from.sin_addr.s_addr = destination_addr;
ref->from.sin_port = udp_header.destination_port;
ref->to.sin_addr.s_addr = Common::BitCast<u32>(ip_header.source_addr);
@ -488,6 +484,21 @@ void CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::HandleUDPFrame(const Common::UDPPacket&
ref->udp_socket.send(, data.size(), target, ntohs(udp_header.destination_port));
const Common::MACAddress& CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::ResolveAddress(u32 inet_ip)
auto it = m_arp_table.lower_bound(inet_ip);
if (it != m_arp_table.end() && it->first == inet_ip)
return it->second;
return m_arp_table
.emplace_hint(it, inet_ip, Common::GenerateMacAddress(Common::MACConsumer::BBA))
bool CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::SendFrame(const u8* frame, u32 size)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mtx);
@ -613,7 +624,7 @@ void CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::ReadThreadHandler(CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInB
if (net_ref.ip == 0)
const auto socket_data = TryGetDataFromSocket(&net_ref);
const auto socket_data = self->TryGetDataFromSocket(&net_ref);
if (socket_data.has_value())
datasize = socket_data->size();
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
@ -13,7 +15,6 @@
#include <SFML/Network.hpp>
#include <mutex>
#include "Common/Flag.h"
#include "Common/Network.h"
#include "Core/HW/EXI/BBA/BuiltIn.h"
@ -444,7 +445,10 @@ private:
std::mutex m_mtx;
std::string m_local_ip;
u32 m_current_ip = 0;
Common::MACAddress m_current_mac{};
u32 m_router_ip = 0;
Common::MACAddress m_router_mac{};
std::map<u32, Common::MACAddress> m_arp_table;
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || \
defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__HAIKU__)
std::array<StackRef, 10> network_ref{}; // max 10 at same time, i think most gc game had a
@ -452,18 +456,19 @@ private:
std::thread m_read_thread;
Common::Flag m_read_enabled;
Common::Flag m_read_thread_shutdown;
Common::MACAddress m_fake_mac{};
static void ReadThreadHandler(BuiltInBBAInterface* self);
void WriteToQueue(const std::vector<u8>& data);
StackRef* GetAvailableSlot(u16 port);
StackRef* GetTCPSlot(u16 src_port, u16 dst_port, u32 ip);
std::optional<std::vector<u8>> TryGetDataFromSocket(StackRef* ref);
void HandleARP(const Common::ARPPacket& packet);
void HandleDHCP(const Common::UDPPacket& packet);
void HandleTCPFrame(const Common::TCPPacket& packet);
void InitUDPPort(u16 port);
void HandleUDPFrame(const Common::UDPPacket& packet);
const Common::MACAddress& ResolveAddress(u32 inet_ip);
std::unique_ptr<NetworkInterface> m_network_interface;
Reference in New Issue