Remove High Frequency Distortion and Prevent Crackling in Almost All Cases

This commit is contained in:
Sam Belliveau 2024-06-23 15:10:06 -04:00
parent 2aec195ec8
commit 78f0083032
14 changed files with 560 additions and 313 deletions

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
namespace AudioCommon
AudioStretcher::AudioStretcher(unsigned int sample_rate) : m_sample_rate(sample_rate)
AudioStretcher::AudioStretcher(u64 sample_rate) : m_sample_rate(sample_rate)
@ -25,46 +25,45 @@ void AudioStretcher::Clear()
void AudioStretcher::ProcessSamples(const short* in, unsigned int num_in, unsigned int num_out)
void AudioStretcher::ProcessSamples(const s16* in, u32 num_in, u32 num_out)
const double time_delta = static_cast<double>(num_out) / m_sample_rate; // seconds
const double time_delta = static_cast<double>(num_out) / m_sample_rate;
double current_ratio = static_cast<double>(num_in) / num_out; // Current sample ratio.
// We were given actual_samples number of samples, and num_samples were requested from us.
double current_ratio = static_cast<double>(num_in) / static_cast<double>(num_out);
// Calculate maximum allowable backlog based on configured maximum latency.
const double max_latency = Config::Get(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_STRETCH_LATENCY) / 1000.0;
const double max_backlog = m_sample_rate * max_latency; // Max number of samples in the backlog.
const double num_samples = m_sound_touch.numSamples();
const double max_latency = Config::Get(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_STRETCH_LATENCY);
const double max_backlog = m_sample_rate * max_latency / 1000.0 / m_stretch_ratio;
const double backlog_fullness = m_sound_touch.numSamples() / max_backlog;
if (backlog_fullness > 5.0)
// Too many samples in backlog: Don't push anymore on
// Prevent backlog from growing too large.
if (num_samples >= 5.0 * max_backlog)
num_in = 0;
// We ideally want the backlog to be about 50% full.
// This gives some headroom both ways to prevent underflow and overflow.
// We tweak current_ratio to encourage this.
constexpr double tweak_time_scale = 0.5; // seconds
current_ratio *= 1.0 + 2.0 * (backlog_fullness - 0.5) * (time_delta / tweak_time_scale);
// Target for backlog to be about 50% full to allow flexibility.
const double low_watermark = 0.5 * max_backlog;
const double requested_samples = m_stretch_ratio * num_out;
const double num_left = num_samples - requested_samples;
// This low-pass filter smoothes out variance in the calculated stretch ratio.
// The time-scale determines how responsive this filter is.
constexpr double lpf_time_scale = 1.0; // seconds
const double lpf_gain = 1.0 - std::exp(-time_delta / lpf_time_scale);
// Adjustment parameters similar to those used in Mixer for pitch adjustment.
const double lpf_time_scale = 1.0 / 16.0;
const double control_effort = 1.0 / 16.0;
current_ratio *= 1.0 + control_effort * (num_left - low_watermark) / requested_samples;
current_ratio = std::clamp(current_ratio, 0.1, 10.0);
// Calculate target sample ratio and apply low-pass filter to smooth changes.
const double lpf_gain = -std::expm1(-time_delta / lpf_time_scale);
m_stretch_ratio += lpf_gain * (current_ratio - m_stretch_ratio);
// Place a lower limit of 10% speed. When a game boots up, there will be
// many silence samples. These do not need to be timestretched.
m_stretch_ratio = std::max(m_stretch_ratio, 0.1);
DEBUG_LOG_FMT(AUDIO, "Audio stretching: samples:{}/{} ratio:{} backlog:{} gain: {}", num_in,
num_out, m_stretch_ratio, backlog_fullness, lpf_gain);
// Debug log to monitor stretching stats.
DEBUG_LOG_FMT(AUDIO, "Audio stretching: samples:{}/{} ratio:{} backlog:{} gain:{}", num_in,
num_out, m_stretch_ratio, num_samples / max_backlog, lpf_gain);
// Add new samples to the processor for stretching.
m_sound_touch.putSamples(in, num_in);
void AudioStretcher::GetStretchedSamples(short* out, unsigned int num_out)
void AudioStretcher::GetStretchedSamples(s16* out, u32 num_out)
const size_t samples_received = m_sound_touch.receiveSamples(out, num_out);
@ -82,4 +81,10 @@ void AudioStretcher::GetStretchedSamples(short* out, unsigned int num_out)
DT AudioStretcher::AvailableSamplesTime() const
const u32 backlog = m_sound_touch.numSamples();
return std::chrono::duration_cast<DT>(DT_s(backlog) / m_sample_rate);
} // namespace AudioCommon

View File

@ -7,19 +7,23 @@
#include <SoundTouch.h>
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
namespace AudioCommon
class AudioStretcher
explicit AudioStretcher(unsigned int sample_rate);
void ProcessSamples(const short* in, unsigned int num_in, unsigned int num_out);
void GetStretchedSamples(short* out, unsigned int num_out);
explicit AudioStretcher(u64 sample_rate);
void ProcessSamples(const s16* in, u32 num_in, u32 num_out);
void GetStretchedSamples(s16* out, u32 num_out);
void Clear();
DT AvailableSamplesTime() const;
unsigned int m_sample_rate;
std::array<short, 2> m_last_stretched_sample = {};
u64 m_sample_rate;
std::array<s16, 2> m_last_stretched_sample = {};
soundtouch::SoundTouch m_sound_touch;
double m_stretch_ratio = 1.0;

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <Core/Core.h>
#include "AudioCommon/Enums.h"
#include "Common/ChunkFile.h"
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ static u32 DPL2QualityToFrameBlockSize(AudioCommon::DPL2Quality quality)
Mixer::Mixer(unsigned int BackendSampleRate)
Mixer::Mixer(u32 BackendSampleRate)
: m_sampleRate(BackendSampleRate), m_stretcher(BackendSampleRate),
@ -57,119 +59,164 @@ void Mixer::DoState(PointerWrap& p)
// Executed from sound stream thread
unsigned int Mixer::MixerFifo::Mix(short* samples, unsigned int numSamples,
bool consider_framelimit, float emulationspeed,
int timing_variance)
std::pair<float, float> Mixer::MixerFifo::GetSample(u32 index, float frac, float sinc_ratio)
unsigned int currentSample = 0;
constexpr float pi = 3.14159265358979323846f;
const s32 sinc_window_width = m_mixer->m_config_sinc_window_width;
// Cache access in non-volatile variable
// This is the only function changing the read value, so it's safe to
// cache it locally although it's written here.
// The writing pointer will be modified outside, but it will only increase,
// so we will just ignore new written data while interpolating.
// Without this cache, the compiler wouldn't be allowed to optimize the
// interpolation loop.
u32 indexR = m_indexR.load();
u32 indexW = m_indexW.load();
// render numleft sample pairs to samples[]
// advance indexR with sample position
// remember fractional offset
float aid_sample_rate =
FIXED_SAMPLE_RATE_DIVIDEND / static_cast<float>(m_input_sample_rate_divisor);
if (consider_framelimit && emulationspeed > 0.0f)
float l_sample = 0.0f, r_sample = 0.0f;
for (s32 i = 1 - sinc_window_width; i <= sinc_window_width; ++i)
float numLeft = static_cast<float>(((indexW - indexR) & INDEX_MASK) / 2);
const auto [l, r] = m_buffer[(index + i) & INDEX_MASK];
u32 low_watermark = (FIXED_SAMPLE_RATE_DIVIDEND * timing_variance) /
(static_cast<u64>(m_input_sample_rate_divisor) * 1000);
low_watermark = std::min(low_watermark, MAX_SAMPLES / 2);
const float x = pi * (i - frac);
float weight = 0.53836f + 0.46164f * std::cos(x / sinc_window_width);
if (std::abs(x) >= 1e-6f)
weight *= std::sin(x * sinc_ratio) / x;
weight *= sinc_ratio;
m_numLeftI = (numLeft + m_numLeftI * (CONTROL_AVG - 1)) / CONTROL_AVG;
float offset = (m_numLeftI - low_watermark) * CONTROL_FACTOR;
if (offset > MAX_FREQ_SHIFT)
offset = MAX_FREQ_SHIFT;
if (offset < -MAX_FREQ_SHIFT)
offset = -MAX_FREQ_SHIFT;
aid_sample_rate = (aid_sample_rate + offset) * emulationspeed;
r_sample += weight * r;
l_sample += weight * l;
const u32 ratio = (u32)(65536.0f * aid_sample_rate / (float)m_mixer->m_sampleRate);
return std::make_pair(l_sample, r_sample);
s32 lvolume = m_LVolume.load();
s32 rvolume = m_RVolume.load();
// Executed from sound stream thread
void Mixer::MixerFifo::Mix(s16* samples, u32 num_samples, double target_speed)
// Cache access in non-volatile variable. No race conditions are here, as indexW only increases
// (which is fine), and this is the only place indexR is written to.
const u32 indexW = m_indexW.load(); // Write index in circular buffer
u32 indexR = m_indexR.load(); // Read index in circular buffer
const auto read_buffer = [this](auto index) {
return m_little_endian ? m_buffer[index] : Common::swap16(m_buffer[index]);
const float l_volume = float(m_LVolume.load()) / 256.0f;
const float r_volume = float(m_RVolume.load()) / 256.0f;
// TODO: consider a higher-quality resampling algorithm.
for (; currentSample < numSamples * 2 && ((indexW - indexR) & INDEX_MASK) > 2; currentSample += 2)
auto clamp = [](s32 input) -> s16 { return static_cast<s16>(std::clamp(input, -32768, 32767)); };
const double ratio = (target_speed * FIXED_SAMPLE_RATE_DIVIDEND) /
(m_input_sample_rate_divisor * m_mixer->m_sampleRate);
// These are timing markers. We want to keep the audio buffer around the low watermark.
const s32 direct_latency = m_mixer->m_config_direct_latency;
const s32 low_watermark = std::min<s32>(MAX_SAMPLES, direct_latency * FIXED_SAMPLE_RATE_DIVIDEND /
(m_input_sample_rate_divisor * 1000));
// Calculate the number of samples remaining in the buffer
const s32 sinc_window_width = m_mixer->m_config_sinc_window_width;
s32 remaining_samples = s32((indexW - indexR) & INDEX_MASK) - sinc_window_width - 2;
// Calculate the speed at which to play the requested samples in order to maintain the correct
// synchronization with the video stream. Done by slightly adjusting the pitch of the audio.
const double requested_samples = m_multiplier * num_samples * ratio;
double multiplier = (remaining_samples - low_watermark) / requested_samples;
multiplier = 1.0 + CONTROL_EFFORT * (multiplier - 1.0);
multiplier = std::clamp(multiplier, MIN_PITCH_SHIFT, MAX_PITCH_SHIFT);
// If the number of samples is above 2x the low watermark, skip ahead to prevent excessive latency
const double max_latency = 2.0 * low_watermark;
if (remaining_samples - requested_samples >= max_latency)
u32 indexR2 = indexR + 2; // next sample
const s32 jump = 1 + static_cast<s32>(remaining_samples - requested_samples - max_latency);
remaining_samples -= jump;
indexR += jump;
s16 l1 = read_buffer(indexR & INDEX_MASK); // current
s16 l2 = read_buffer(indexR2 & INDEX_MASK); // next
int sampleL = ((l1 << 16) + (l2 - l1) * (u16)m_frac) >> 16;
sampleL = (sampleL * lvolume) >> 8;
sampleL += samples[currentSample + 1];
samples[currentSample + 1] = std::clamp(sampleL, -32767, 32767);
// Low-pass filter to smooth out the multiplier (prevents sudden jumps in pitch)
const double lpf_gain = -std::expm1(-1.0 / (num_samples * SAMPLE_RATE_LPF));
const float sinc_ratio = 1.0f / std::max(1.0f, float(ratio * std::max(m_multiplier, multiplier)));
s16 r1 = read_buffer((indexR + 1) & INDEX_MASK); // current
s16 r2 = read_buffer((indexR2 + 1) & INDEX_MASK); // next
int sampleR = ((r1 << 16) + (r2 - r1) * (u16)m_frac) >> 16;
sampleR = (sampleR * rvolume) >> 8;
sampleR += samples[currentSample];
samples[currentSample] = std::clamp(sampleR, -32767, 32767);
bool reversed = false;
for (u32 sample = 0; sample < num_samples; ++sample)
const auto [l, r] = GetSample(indexR, m_frac, sinc_ratio);
samples[2 * sample + 0] = clamp(samples[2 * sample + 0] + s32(r * r_volume));
samples[2 * sample + 1] = clamp(samples[2 * sample + 1] + s32(l * l_volume));
// Smooth out multiplier with low pass filter
m_multiplier += lpf_gain * (multiplier - m_multiplier);
// Determine if we need to reverse the audio (i.e. we have run out of samples)
reversed |= remaining_samples <= 0;
reversed &= remaining_samples <= low_watermark;
// Manage fractional index and increment index.
m_frac += m_multiplier * (reversed ? -ratio : +ratio);
const s32 inc = static_cast<s32>(m_frac);
remaining_samples -= inc;
indexR += inc;
m_frac -= inc;
// Flush cached variable;
// This is for audio stretching, which requires no playback speed shenanigans
u32 Mixer::MixerFifo::MixRaw(s16* samples, u32 num_samples)
// Cache access in non-volatile variable. No race conditions are here, as indexW only increases
// (which is fine), and this is the only place indexR is written to.
const u32 indexW = m_indexW.load(); // Write index in circular buffer
u32 indexR = m_indexR.load(); // Read index in circular buffer
const float l_volume = float(m_LVolume.load()) / 256.0f;
const float r_volume = float(m_RVolume.load()) / 256.0f;
auto clamp = [](s32 input) -> s16 { return static_cast<s16>(std::clamp(input, -32768, 32767)); };
const double aid_sample_rate = FIXED_SAMPLE_RATE_DIVIDEND / double(m_input_sample_rate_divisor);
const double ratio = aid_sample_rate / m_mixer->m_sampleRate;
const float sinc_ratio = 1.0f / std::max(1.0f, static_cast<float>(ratio));
// Calculate the number of samples remaining in the buffer
const s32 sinc_window_width = m_mixer->m_config_sinc_window_width;
s32 remaining_samples = s32((indexW - indexR) & INDEX_MASK) - sinc_window_width - 2;
u32 sample = 0;
for (; sample < num_samples && 0 < remaining_samples; ++sample)
const auto [l, r] = GetSample(indexR, m_frac, sinc_ratio);
samples[2 * sample + 0] = clamp(samples[2 * sample + 0] + s32(r * r_volume));
samples[2 * sample + 1] = clamp(samples[2 * sample + 1] + s32(l * l_volume));
m_frac += ratio;
indexR += 2 * (u16)(m_frac >> 16);
m_frac &= 0xffff;
const s32 inc = static_cast<s32>(m_frac);
remaining_samples -= inc;
indexR += inc;
m_frac -= inc;
// Actual number of samples written to the buffer without padding.
unsigned int actual_sample_count = currentSample / 2;
// Padding
short s[2];
s[0] = read_buffer((indexR - 1) & INDEX_MASK);
s[1] = read_buffer((indexR - 2) & INDEX_MASK);
s[0] = (s[0] * rvolume) >> 8;
s[1] = (s[1] * lvolume) >> 8;
for (; currentSample < numSamples * 2; currentSample += 2)
if (sample != 0)
int sampleR = std::clamp(s[0] + samples[currentSample + 0], -32767, 32767);
int sampleL = std::clamp(s[1] + samples[currentSample + 1], -32767, 32767);
samples[currentSample + 0] = sampleR;
samples[currentSample + 1] = sampleL;
for (u32 padding = sample; padding < num_samples; ++padding)
samples[2 * padding + 0] = samples[2 * sample - 2];
samples[2 * padding + 1] = samples[2 * sample - 1];
// Flush cached variable;
return actual_sample_count;
return sample;
unsigned int Mixer::Mix(short* samples, unsigned int num_samples)
u32 Mixer::Mix(s16* samples, u32 num_samples)
if (!samples)
return 0;
memset(samples, 0, num_samples * 2 * sizeof(short));
memset(samples, 0, num_samples * 2 * sizeof(s16));
// TODO: Determine how emulation speed will be used in audio
// const float emulation_speed = g_perf_metrics.GetSpeed();
const float emulation_speed = m_config_emulation_speed;
const int timing_variance = m_config_timing_variance;
if (m_config_audio_stretch)
unsigned int available_samples =
std::min(m_dma_mixer.AvailableSamples(), m_streaming_mixer.AvailableSamples());
// We want to get as many samples out of this as possible. Usually all mixers will have the
// same number of samples available, but if not, we want to empty all of them.
const u32 available_samples =
std::min({m_dma_mixer.AvailableSamples(), m_streaming_mixer.AvailableSamples()});
ASSERT_MSG(AUDIO, available_samples <= MAX_SAMPLES,
"Audio stretching would overflow m_scratch_buffer: min({}, {}) -> {} > {} ({})",
@ -178,43 +225,47 @@ unsigned int Mixer::Mix(short* samples, unsigned int num_samples)
m_dma_mixer.Mix(, available_samples, false, emulation_speed,
m_streaming_mixer.Mix(, available_samples, false, emulation_speed,
m_wiimote_speaker_mixer.Mix(, available_samples, false, emulation_speed,
m_skylander_portal_mixer.Mix(, available_samples, false, emulation_speed,
m_dma_mixer.MixRaw(, available_samples);
m_streaming_mixer.MixRaw(, available_samples);
m_wiimote_speaker_mixer.MixRaw(, available_samples);
m_skylander_portal_mixer.MixRaw(, available_samples);
for (auto& mixer : m_gba_mixers)
mixer.Mix(, available_samples, false, emulation_speed,
mixer.MixRaw(, available_samples);
if (!m_is_stretching)
m_is_stretching = true;
m_stretcher.ProcessSamples(, available_samples, num_samples);
m_stretcher.GetStretchedSamples(samples, num_samples);
g_perf_metrics.CountAudioLatency(m_stretcher.AvailableSamplesTime() +
m_dma_mixer.Mix(samples, num_samples, true, emulation_speed, timing_variance);
m_streaming_mixer.Mix(samples, num_samples, true, emulation_speed, timing_variance);
m_wiimote_speaker_mixer.Mix(samples, num_samples, true, emulation_speed, timing_variance);
m_skylander_portal_mixer.Mix(samples, num_samples, true, emulation_speed, timing_variance);
float target_speed = m_config_emulation_speed;
if (target_speed <= 0.0f || Core::GetIsThrottlerTempDisabled())
target_speed = g_perf_metrics.GetAudioSpeed();
m_dma_mixer.Mix(samples, num_samples, target_speed);
m_streaming_mixer.Mix(samples, num_samples, target_speed);
m_wiimote_speaker_mixer.Mix(samples, num_samples, target_speed);
m_skylander_portal_mixer.Mix(samples, num_samples, target_speed);
for (auto& mixer : m_gba_mixers)
mixer.Mix(samples, num_samples, true, emulation_speed, timing_variance);
mixer.Mix(samples, num_samples, target_speed);
m_is_stretching = false;
return num_samples;
unsigned int Mixer::MixSurround(float* samples, unsigned int num_samples)
u32 Mixer::MixSurround(float* samples, u32 num_samples)
if (!num_samples)
return 0;
@ -243,65 +294,62 @@ unsigned int Mixer::MixSurround(float* samples, unsigned int num_samples)
return num_samples;
void Mixer::MixerFifo::PushSamples(const short* samples, unsigned int num_samples)
void Mixer::MixerFifo::PushSamples(const s16* samples, u32 num_samples)
// Cache access in non-volatile variable
// indexR isn't allowed to cache in the audio throttling loop as it
// needs to get updates to not deadlock.
u32 indexW = m_indexW.load();
// Check if we have enough free space
// indexW == m_indexR results in empty buffer, so indexR must always be smaller than indexW
if (num_samples * 2 + ((indexW - m_indexR.load()) & INDEX_MASK) >= MAX_SAMPLES * 2)
// prevent writing into the buffer if it's full
const s32 sinc_window_width = m_mixer->m_config_sinc_window_width;
const s32 writable_samples =
static_cast<s32>((m_indexR.load() - sinc_window_width - indexW) & INDEX_MASK);
num_samples = std::min(num_samples, static_cast<u32>(std::max(0, writable_samples)));
// We do float conversion here to avoid doing it in the mixing loop, which is performance
// critical. That way we only need to do it once per sample.
if (m_little_endian)
for (u32 i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i, ++indexW)
m_buffer[indexW & INDEX_MASK] = std::make_pair(static_cast<float>(samples[i * 2 + 0]),
static_cast<float>(samples[i * 2 + 1]));
// AyuanX: Actual re-sampling work has been moved to sound thread
// to alleviate the workload on main thread
// and we simply store raw data here to make fast mem copy
int over_bytes = num_samples * 4 - (MAX_SAMPLES * 2 - (indexW & INDEX_MASK)) * sizeof(short);
if (over_bytes > 0)
memcpy(&m_buffer[indexW & INDEX_MASK], samples, num_samples * 4 - over_bytes);
memcpy(&m_buffer[0], samples + (num_samples * 4 - over_bytes) / sizeof(short), over_bytes);
memcpy(&m_buffer[indexW & INDEX_MASK], samples, num_samples * 4);
for (u32 i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i, ++indexW)
m_buffer[indexW & INDEX_MASK] =
std::make_pair(static_cast<float>(static_cast<s16>(Common::swap16(samples[i * 2 + 0]))),
static_cast<float>(static_cast<s16>(Common::swap16(samples[i * 2 + 1]))));
m_indexW.fetch_add(num_samples * 2);;
void Mixer::PushSamples(const short* samples, unsigned int num_samples)
void Mixer::PushSamples(const s16* samples, u32 num_samples)
m_dma_mixer.PushSamples(samples, num_samples);
if (m_log_dsp_audio)
int sample_rate_divisor = m_dma_mixer.GetInputSampleRateDivisor();
u32 sample_rate_divisor = m_dma_mixer.GetInputSampleRateDivisor();
auto volume = m_dma_mixer.GetVolume();
m_wave_writer_dsp.AddStereoSamplesBE(samples, num_samples, sample_rate_divisor, volume.first,
void Mixer::PushStreamingSamples(const short* samples, unsigned int num_samples)
void Mixer::PushStreamingSamples(const s16* samples, u32 num_samples)
m_streaming_mixer.PushSamples(samples, num_samples);
if (m_log_dtk_audio)
int sample_rate_divisor = m_streaming_mixer.GetInputSampleRateDivisor();
u32 sample_rate_divisor = m_streaming_mixer.GetInputSampleRateDivisor();
auto volume = m_streaming_mixer.GetVolume();
m_wave_writer_dtk.AddStereoSamplesBE(samples, num_samples, sample_rate_divisor, volume.first,
void Mixer::PushWiimoteSpeakerSamples(const short* samples, unsigned int num_samples,
unsigned int sample_rate_divisor)
void Mixer::PushWiimoteSpeakerSamples(const s16* samples, u32 num_samples, u32 sample_rate_divisor)
// Max 20 bytes/speaker report, may be 4-bit ADPCM so multiply by 2
static constexpr u32 MAX_SPEAKER_SAMPLES = 20 * 2;
std::array<short, MAX_SPEAKER_SAMPLES * 2> samples_stereo;
std::array<s16, MAX_SPEAKER_SAMPLES * 2> samples_stereo;
"num_samples would overflow samples_stereo: {} > {}", num_samples,
@ -310,9 +358,9 @@ void Mixer::PushWiimoteSpeakerSamples(const short* samples, unsigned int num_sam
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i)
for (u32 i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i)
samples_stereo[i * 2] = samples[i];
samples_stereo[i * 2 + 0] = samples[i];
samples_stereo[i * 2 + 1] = samples[i];
@ -320,12 +368,12 @@ void Mixer::PushWiimoteSpeakerSamples(const short* samples, unsigned int num_sam
void Mixer::PushSkylanderPortalSamples(const u8* samples, unsigned int num_samples)
void Mixer::PushSkylanderPortalSamples(const u8* samples, u32 num_samples)
// Skylander samples are always supplied as 64 bytes, 32 x 16 bit samples
// The portal speaker is 1 channel, so duplicate and play as stereo audio
static constexpr u32 MAX_PORTAL_SPEAKER_SAMPLES = 32;
std::array<short, MAX_PORTAL_SPEAKER_SAMPLES * 2> samples_stereo;
std::array<s16, MAX_PORTAL_SPEAKER_SAMPLES * 2> samples_stereo;
"num_samples is not less or equal to 32: {} > {}", num_samples,
@ -333,10 +381,10 @@ void Mixer::PushSkylanderPortalSamples(const u8* samples, unsigned int num_sampl
if (num_samples <= MAX_PORTAL_SPEAKER_SAMPLES)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i)
for (u32 i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i)
s16 sample = static_cast<u16>(samples[i * 2 + 1]) << 8 | static_cast<u16>(samples[i * 2]);
samples_stereo[i * 2] = sample;
samples_stereo[i * 2 + 0] = sample;
samples_stereo[i * 2 + 1] = sample;
@ -344,37 +392,37 @@ void Mixer::PushSkylanderPortalSamples(const u8* samples, unsigned int num_sampl
void Mixer::PushGBASamples(int device_number, const short* samples, unsigned int num_samples)
void Mixer::PushGBASamples(int device_number, const s16* samples, u32 num_samples)
m_gba_mixers[device_number].PushSamples(samples, num_samples);
void Mixer::SetDMAInputSampleRateDivisor(unsigned int rate_divisor)
void Mixer::SetDMAInputSampleRateDivisor(u32 rate_divisor)
void Mixer::SetStreamInputSampleRateDivisor(unsigned int rate_divisor)
void Mixer::SetStreamInputSampleRateDivisor(u32 rate_divisor)
void Mixer::SetGBAInputSampleRateDivisors(int device_number, unsigned int rate_divisor)
void Mixer::SetGBAInputSampleRateDivisors(int device_number, u32 rate_divisor)
void Mixer::SetStreamingVolume(unsigned int lvolume, unsigned int rvolume)
void Mixer::SetStreamingVolume(u32 lvolume, u32 rvolume)
m_streaming_mixer.SetVolume(lvolume, rvolume);
void Mixer::SetWiimoteSpeakerVolume(unsigned int lvolume, unsigned int rvolume)
void Mixer::SetWiimoteSpeakerVolume(u32 lvolume, u32 rvolume)
m_wiimote_speaker_mixer.SetVolume(lvolume, rvolume);
void Mixer::SetGBAVolume(int device_number, unsigned int lvolume, unsigned int rvolume)
void Mixer::SetGBAVolume(int device_number, u32 lvolume, u32 rvolume)
m_gba_mixers[device_number].SetVolume(lvolume, rvolume);
@ -456,8 +504,9 @@ void Mixer::StopLogDSPAudio()
void Mixer::RefreshConfig()
m_config_emulation_speed = Config::Get(Config::MAIN_EMULATION_SPEED);
m_config_timing_variance = Config::Get(Config::MAIN_TIMING_VARIANCE);
m_config_audio_stretch = Config::Get(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_STRETCH);
m_config_direct_latency = Config::Get(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_DIRECT_LATENCY);
m_config_sinc_window_width = Config::Get(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_SINC_WINDOW_WIDTH);
void Mixer::MixerFifo::DoState(PointerWrap& p)
@ -467,17 +516,17 @@ void Mixer::MixerFifo::DoState(PointerWrap& p)
void Mixer::MixerFifo::SetInputSampleRateDivisor(unsigned int rate_divisor)
void Mixer::MixerFifo::SetInputSampleRateDivisor(u64 rate_divisor)
m_input_sample_rate_divisor = rate_divisor;
unsigned int Mixer::MixerFifo::GetInputSampleRateDivisor() const
u64 Mixer::MixerFifo::GetInputSampleRateDivisor() const
return m_input_sample_rate_divisor;
void Mixer::MixerFifo::SetVolume(unsigned int lvolume, unsigned int rvolume)
void Mixer::MixerFifo::SetVolume(s32 lvolume, s32 rvolume)
{ + (lvolume >> 7)); + (rvolume >> 7));
@ -488,11 +537,26 @@ std::pair<s32, s32> Mixer::MixerFifo::GetVolume() const
return std::make_pair(m_LVolume.load(), m_RVolume.load());
unsigned int Mixer::MixerFifo::AvailableSamples() const
u32 Mixer::MixerFifo::AvailableFIFOSamples() const
unsigned int samples_in_fifo = ((m_indexW.load() - m_indexR.load()) & INDEX_MASK) / 2;
if (samples_in_fifo <= 1)
return 0; // Mixer::MixerFifo::Mix always keeps one sample in the buffer.
return (samples_in_fifo - 1) * static_cast<u64>(m_mixer->m_sampleRate) *
m_input_sample_rate_divisor / FIXED_SAMPLE_RATE_DIVIDEND;
const s32 samples_in_fifo = static_cast<s32>((m_indexW.load() - m_indexR.load()) & INDEX_MASK) -
m_mixer->m_config_sinc_window_width - 4;
if (samples_in_fifo <= 0)
return 0;
return static_cast<u32>(samples_in_fifo);
u32 Mixer::MixerFifo::AvailableSamples() const
const s64 samples_in_fifo = static_cast<s64>(AvailableFIFOSamples());
return static_cast<u32>(samples_in_fifo * m_mixer->m_sampleRate * m_input_sample_rate_divisor /
DT Mixer::MixerFifo::AvailableSamplesTime() const
return std::chrono::duration_cast<DT>(DT_s(AvailableFIFOSamples()) * m_input_sample_rate_divisor /

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <optional>
#include "AudioCommon/AudioStretcher.h"
#include "AudioCommon/SurroundDecoder.h"
@ -17,32 +18,31 @@ class PointerWrap;
class Mixer final
explicit Mixer(unsigned int BackendSampleRate);
explicit Mixer(u32 BackendSampleRate);
void DoState(PointerWrap& p);
// Called from audio threads
unsigned int Mix(short* samples, unsigned int numSamples);
unsigned int MixSurround(float* samples, unsigned int num_samples);
u32 Mix(s16* samples, u32 num_samples);
u32 MixSurround(float* samples, u32 num_samples);
// Called from main thread
void PushSamples(const short* samples, unsigned int num_samples);
void PushStreamingSamples(const short* samples, unsigned int num_samples);
void PushWiimoteSpeakerSamples(const short* samples, unsigned int num_samples,
unsigned int sample_rate_divisor);
void PushSkylanderPortalSamples(const u8* samples, unsigned int num_samples);
void PushGBASamples(int device_number, const short* samples, unsigned int num_samples);
void PushSamples(const s16* samples, u32 num_samples);
void PushStreamingSamples(const s16* samples, u32 num_samples);
void PushWiimoteSpeakerSamples(const s16* samples, u32 num_samples, u32 sample_rate_divisor);
void PushSkylanderPortalSamples(const u8* samples, u32 num_samples);
void PushGBASamples(int device_number, const s16* samples, u32 num_samples);
unsigned int GetSampleRate() const { return m_sampleRate; }
u32 GetSampleRate() const { return m_sampleRate; }
void SetDMAInputSampleRateDivisor(unsigned int rate_divisor);
void SetStreamInputSampleRateDivisor(unsigned int rate_divisor);
void SetGBAInputSampleRateDivisors(int device_number, unsigned int rate_divisor);
void SetDMAInputSampleRateDivisor(u32 rate_divisor);
void SetStreamInputSampleRateDivisor(u32 rate_divisor);
void SetGBAInputSampleRateDivisors(int device_number, u32 rate_divisor);
void SetStreamingVolume(unsigned int lvolume, unsigned int rvolume);
void SetWiimoteSpeakerVolume(unsigned int lvolume, unsigned int rvolume);
void SetGBAVolume(int device_number, unsigned int lvolume, unsigned int rvolume);
void SetStreamingVolume(u32 lvolume, u32 rvolume);
void SetWiimoteSpeakerVolume(u32 lvolume, u32 rvolume);
void SetGBAVolume(int device_number, u32 lvolume, u32 rvolume);
void StartLogDTKAudio(const std::string& filename);
void StopLogDTKAudio();
@ -55,43 +55,48 @@ public:
static constexpr u32 MAX_SAMPLES = 1024 * 4; // 128 ms
static constexpr u32 INDEX_MASK = MAX_SAMPLES * 2 - 1;
static constexpr int MAX_FREQ_SHIFT = 200; // Per 32000 Hz
static constexpr float CONTROL_FACTOR = 0.2f;
static constexpr u32 CONTROL_AVG = 32; // In freq_shift per FIFO size offset
static constexpr u32 INDEX_MASK = MAX_SAMPLES - 1;
static constexpr double MAX_PITCH_SHIFT = 1.0145453; // 2 ^ (+1/48) - 1/4th Note Up
static constexpr double MIN_PITCH_SHIFT = 0.9856632; // 2 ^ (-1/48) - 1/4th Note Down
static constexpr double SAMPLE_RATE_LPF = 1.0 / 4.0; // How much to smooth out sample rate
static constexpr double CONTROL_EFFORT = 1.0 / 64.0; // Lowers the strength of pitch shifting
const unsigned int SURROUND_CHANNELS = 6;
const u32 SURROUND_CHANNELS = 6;
class MixerFifo final
MixerFifo(Mixer* mixer, unsigned sample_rate_divisor, bool little_endian)
MixerFifo(Mixer* mixer, u32 sample_rate_divisor, bool little_endian)
: m_mixer(mixer), m_input_sample_rate_divisor(sample_rate_divisor),
void DoState(PointerWrap& p);
void PushSamples(const short* samples, unsigned int num_samples);
unsigned int Mix(short* samples, unsigned int numSamples, bool consider_framelimit,
float emulationspeed, int timing_variance);
void SetInputSampleRateDivisor(unsigned int rate_divisor);
unsigned int GetInputSampleRateDivisor() const;
void SetVolume(unsigned int lvolume, unsigned int rvolume);
void PushSamples(const s16* samples, u32 num_samples);
std::pair<float, float> GetSample(u32 index, float frac, float sinc_ratio);
void Mix(s16* samples, u32 num_samples, double target_speed);
u32 MixRaw(s16* samples, u32 num_samples);
void SetInputSampleRateDivisor(u64 rate_divisor);
u64 GetInputSampleRateDivisor() const;
void SetVolume(s32 lvolume, s32 rvolume);
std::pair<s32, s32> GetVolume() const;
unsigned int AvailableSamples() const;
u32 AvailableFIFOSamples() const;
u32 AvailableSamples() const;
DT AvailableSamplesTime() const;
Mixer* m_mixer;
unsigned m_input_sample_rate_divisor;
u64 m_input_sample_rate_divisor;
bool m_little_endian;
std::array<short, MAX_SAMPLES * 2> m_buffer{};
std::array<std::pair<float, float>, MAX_SAMPLES> m_buffer{};
std::atomic<u32> m_indexW{0};
std::atomic<u32> m_indexR{0};
// Volume ranges from 0-256
std::atomic<s32> m_LVolume{256};
std::atomic<s32> m_RVolume{256};
float m_numLeftI = 0.0f;
u32 m_frac = 0;
double m_multiplier = 1.0;
double m_frac = 0.0;
void RefreshConfig();
@ -104,12 +109,12 @@ private:
MixerFifo{this, FIXED_SAMPLE_RATE_DIVIDEND / 48000, true},
MixerFifo{this, FIXED_SAMPLE_RATE_DIVIDEND / 48000, true},
MixerFifo{this, FIXED_SAMPLE_RATE_DIVIDEND / 48000, true}};
unsigned int m_sampleRate;
u32 m_sampleRate;
bool m_is_stretching = false;
AudioCommon::AudioStretcher m_stretcher;
AudioCommon::SurroundDecoder m_surround_decoder;
std::array<short, MAX_SAMPLES * 2> m_scratch_buffer{};
std::array<s16, MAX_SAMPLES * 2> m_scratch_buffer{};
WaveFileWriter m_wave_writer_dtk;
WaveFileWriter m_wave_writer_dsp;
@ -118,8 +123,9 @@ private:
bool m_log_dsp_audio = false;
float m_config_emulation_speed;
int m_config_timing_variance;
bool m_config_audio_stretch;
int m_config_direct_latency;
int m_config_sinc_window_width;
Config::ConfigChangedCallbackID m_config_changed_callback_id;

View File

@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ const Info<bool> MAIN_LARGE_ENTRY_POINTS_MAP{{System::Main, "Core", "LargeEntryP
const Info<bool> MAIN_ACCURATE_CPU_CACHE{{System::Main, "Core", "AccurateCPUCache"}, false};
const Info<bool> MAIN_DSP_HLE{{System::Main, "Core", "DSPHLE"}, true};
const Info<int> MAIN_MAX_FALLBACK{{System::Main, "Core", "MaxFallback"}, 100};
const Info<int> MAIN_TIMING_VARIANCE{{System::Main, "Core", "TimingVariance"}, 40};
const Info<bool> MAIN_CPU_THREAD{{System::Main, "Core", "CPUThread"}, true};
const Info<bool> MAIN_SYNC_ON_SKIP_IDLE{{System::Main, "Core", "SyncOnSkipIdle"}, true};
const Info<std::string> MAIN_DEFAULT_ISO{{System::Main, "Core", "DefaultISO"}, ""};
@ -57,7 +56,9 @@ const Info<AudioCommon::DPL2Quality> MAIN_DPL2_QUALITY{{System::Main, "Core", "D
const Info<int> MAIN_AUDIO_LATENCY{{System::Main, "Core", "AudioLatency"}, 20};
const Info<bool> MAIN_AUDIO_STRETCH{{System::Main, "Core", "AudioStretch"}, false};
const Info<int> MAIN_AUDIO_DIRECT_LATENCY{{System::Main, "Core", "AudioDirectLatency"}, 20};
const Info<int> MAIN_AUDIO_STRETCH_LATENCY{{System::Main, "Core", "AudioStretchMaxLatency"}, 80};
const Info<int> MAIN_AUDIO_SINC_WINDOW_WIDTH{{System::Main, "Core", "AudioSincResampleTaps"}, 6};
const Info<std::string> MAIN_MEMCARD_A_PATH{{System::Main, "Core", "MemcardAPath"}, ""};
const Info<std::string> MAIN_MEMCARD_B_PATH{{System::Main, "Core", "MemcardBPath"}, ""};
const Info<std::string>& GetInfoForMemcardPath(ExpansionInterface::Slot slot)

View File

@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ extern const Info<bool> MAIN_ACCURATE_CPU_CACHE;
// Should really be in the DSP section, but we're kind of stuck with bad decisions made in the past.
extern const Info<bool> MAIN_DSP_HLE;
extern const Info<int> MAIN_MAX_FALLBACK;
extern const Info<int> MAIN_TIMING_VARIANCE;
extern const Info<bool> MAIN_CPU_THREAD;
extern const Info<bool> MAIN_SYNC_ON_SKIP_IDLE;
extern const Info<std::string> MAIN_DEFAULT_ISO;
@ -73,7 +72,9 @@ extern const Info<bool> MAIN_DPL2_DECODER;
extern const Info<AudioCommon::DPL2Quality> MAIN_DPL2_QUALITY;
extern const Info<int> MAIN_AUDIO_LATENCY;
extern const Info<bool> MAIN_AUDIO_STRETCH;
extern const Info<int> MAIN_AUDIO_DIRECT_LATENCY;
extern const Info<int> MAIN_AUDIO_STRETCH_LATENCY;
extern const Info<int> MAIN_AUDIO_SINC_WINDOW_WIDTH;
extern const Info<std::string> MAIN_MEMCARD_A_PATH;
extern const Info<std::string> MAIN_MEMCARD_B_PATH;
const Info<std::string>& GetInfoForMemcardPath(ExpansionInterface::Slot slot);

View File

@ -136,8 +136,6 @@ void CoreTimingManager::RefreshConfig()
// too long or going full speed in an attempt to catch up to timings.
m_max_fallback = std::chrono::duration_cast<DT>(DT_ms(Config::Get(Config::MAIN_MAX_FALLBACK)));
m_max_variance = std::chrono::duration_cast<DT>(DT_ms(Config::Get(Config::MAIN_TIMING_VARIANCE)));
if (AchievementManager::GetInstance().IsHardcoreModeActive() &&
Config::Get(Config::MAIN_EMULATION_SPEED) < 1.0f &&
Config::Get(Config::MAIN_EMULATION_SPEED) > 0.0f)
@ -399,7 +397,7 @@ void CoreTimingManager::Throttle(const s64 target_cycle)
m_throttle_deadline = min_deadline;
const TimePoint vi_deadline = time - std::min(m_max_fallback, m_max_variance) / 2;
const TimePoint vi_deadline = time - m_max_fallback;
// Skip the VI interrupt if the CPU is lagging by a certain amount.
// It doesn't matter what amount of lag we skip VI at, as long as it's constant.

View File

@ -195,7 +195,6 @@ private:
bool m_throttle_disable_vi_int = false;
DT m_max_fallback = {};
DT m_max_variance = {};
double m_emulation_speed = 1.0;
void ResetThrottle(s64 cycle);

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include <QSlider>
#include <QSpacerItem>
#include <QSpinBox>
#include <QStackedWidget>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include "AudioCommon/AudioCommon.h"
@ -137,32 +138,81 @@ void AudioPane::CreateWidgets()
auto* stretching_box = new QGroupBox(tr("Audio Stretching Settings"));
auto* stretching_layout = new QGridLayout;
m_stretching_enable = new QCheckBox(tr("Enable Audio Stretching"));
// Set up for new Audio Options Box with ComboBox and StackedWidget
m_audio_group = new QGroupBox(tr("Audio Options"));
auto* audio_options_layout = new QGridLayout(m_audio_group);
// Resampling Options
m_audio_resampling_box = new QComboBox;
m_audio_resampling_box->addItem(tr("Default (12 Samples)"));
m_audio_resampling_box->addItem(tr("High (32 Samples)"));
m_audio_resampling_box->addItem(tr("Very High (96 Samples)"));
m_audio_resampling_box->addItem(tr("Placebo (256 Samples)"));
"Dolphin must resample audio from ~32000hz to the modern sample rates like 48000hz.<br><br>"
"Higher quality options will only result in lower distortion <i>at high frequencies "
"(~16000hz)</i>, at the cost of increased CPU usage. <b>The vast majority of people will be "
"unable to notice</b>. <br><br>"
"<b>WARNING: If your CPU is not fast enough audio will cutout.</b>"));
audio_options_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Resampling Quality:")), 0, 0);
audio_options_layout->addWidget(m_audio_resampling_box, 0, 1);
// Audio Playback Mode
m_audio_playback_mode_box = new QComboBox;
m_audio_playback_mode_box->addItem(tr("Direct Playback"));
m_audio_playback_mode_box->addItem(tr("Audio Stretching"));
tr("<b>Direct Playback:</b> Audio is played unaltered at a fixed latency.<br><br>"
"<b>Audio Stretching:</b> Audio is stretched without changing pitch to match emulation "
audio_options_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Playback Mode:")), 1, 0);
audio_options_layout->addWidget(m_audio_playback_mode_box, 1, 1);
// Audio Playback Mode Stack
m_audio_playback_mode_stack = new QStackedWidget;
audio_options_layout->addWidget(m_audio_playback_mode_stack, 2, 0, 1, 2);
// Direct Playback Settings
m_direct_playback_box = new QGroupBox(tr("Direct Playback Settings"));
auto* direct_playback_layout = new QHBoxLayout(m_direct_playback_box);
m_direct_playback_latency = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal);
m_direct_playback_indicator = new QLabel();
m_direct_playback_latency->setRange(8, 64);
direct_playback_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Buffer:")));
tr("Sets the buffer size in milliseconds for direct playback.<br><br>"
"Higher values may hide small lag spikes at the expense of increased latency."));
// Audio Stretching Settings
m_stretching_box = new QGroupBox(tr("Audio Stretching Settings"));
auto* stretching_layout = new QHBoxLayout(m_stretching_box);
m_stretching_buffer_slider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal);
m_stretching_buffer_indicator = new QLabel();
m_stretching_buffer_label = new QLabel(tr("Buffer Size:"));
m_stretching_buffer_slider->setRange(48, 256);
stretching_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Buffer:")));
m_stretching_enable->setToolTip(tr("Enables stretching of the audio to match emulation speed."));
m_stretching_buffer_slider->setToolTip(tr("Size of stretch buffer in milliseconds. "
"Values too low may cause audio crackling."));
stretching_layout->addWidget(m_stretching_enable, 0, 0, 1, -1);
stretching_layout->addWidget(m_stretching_buffer_label, 1, 0);
stretching_layout->addWidget(m_stretching_buffer_slider, 1, 1);
stretching_layout->addWidget(m_stretching_buffer_indicator, 1, 2);
tr("Sets the buffer size in milliseconds for audio stretching.<br><br>"
"Higher values may reduce audio crackling at the expense of increased latency."));
dsp_box->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
auto* const main_vbox_layout = new QVBoxLayout;
m_main_layout = new QHBoxLayout;
@ -180,14 +230,19 @@ void AudioPane::ConnectWidgets()
connect(m_latency_spin, &QSpinBox::valueChanged, this, &AudioPane::SaveSettings);
connect(m_stretching_buffer_slider, &QSlider::valueChanged, this, &AudioPane::SaveSettings);
connect(m_dolby_pro_logic, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &AudioPane::SaveSettings);
connect(m_dolby_quality_slider, &QSlider::valueChanged, this, &AudioPane::SaveSettings);
connect(m_stretching_enable, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &AudioPane::SaveSettings);
connect(m_dsp_hle, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &AudioPane::SaveSettings);
connect(m_dsp_lle, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &AudioPane::SaveSettings);
connect(m_dsp_interpreter, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &AudioPane::SaveSettings);
connect(m_audio_resampling_box, &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &AudioPane::SaveSettings);
connect(m_audio_playback_mode_box, &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this,
connect(m_direct_playback_latency, &QSlider::valueChanged, this, &AudioPane::SaveSettings);
connect(m_stretching_buffer_slider, &QSlider::valueChanged, this, &AudioPane::SaveSettings);
#ifdef _WIN32
connect(m_wasapi_device_combo, &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &AudioPane::SaveSettings);
@ -242,13 +297,36 @@ void AudioPane::LoadSettings()
if (m_latency_control_supported)
// Stretch
// Resampling
switch (Config::Get(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_SINC_WINDOW_WIDTH))
case 6:
case 16:
case 48:
case 128:
// Playback Mode
int playback_mode = Config::Get(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_STRETCH) ? 1 : 0;
tr("%1 ms").arg(Config::Get(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_DIRECT_LATENCY)));
m_stretching_buffer_indicator->setText(tr("%1 ms").arg(m_stretching_buffer_slider->value()));
tr("%1 ms").arg(Config::Get(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_STRETCH_LATENCY)));
#ifdef _WIN32
if (Config::Get(Config::MAIN_WASAPI_DEVICE) == "default")
@ -310,12 +388,34 @@ void AudioPane::SaveSettings()
if (m_latency_control_supported)
Config::SetBaseOrCurrent(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_LATENCY, m_latency_spin->value());
// Resampling
switch (m_audio_resampling_box->currentIndex())
case 0:
Config::SetBaseOrCurrent(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_SINC_WINDOW_WIDTH, 6);
case 1:
Config::SetBaseOrCurrent(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_SINC_WINDOW_WIDTH, 16);
case 2:
Config::SetBaseOrCurrent(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_SINC_WINDOW_WIDTH, 48);
case 3:
Config::SetBaseOrCurrent(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_SINC_WINDOW_WIDTH, 128);
// Stretch
Config::SetBaseOrCurrent(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_STRETCH, m_stretching_enable->isChecked());
int playback_mode = m_audio_playback_mode_box->currentIndex();
Config::SetBaseOrCurrent(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_STRETCH, playback_mode == 1);
Config::SetBaseOrCurrent(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_DIRECT_LATENCY, m_direct_playback_latency->value());
tr("%1 ms").arg(Config::Get(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_DIRECT_LATENCY)));
Config::SetBaseOrCurrent(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_STRETCH_LATENCY, m_stretching_buffer_slider->value());
tr("%1 ms").arg(Config::Get(Config::MAIN_AUDIO_STRETCH_LATENCY)));

View File

@ -12,11 +12,13 @@ enum class DPL2Quality;
class QCheckBox;
class QComboBox;
class QGroupBox;
class QHBoxLayout;
class QLabel;
class QRadioButton;
class QSlider;
class QSpinBox;
class QStackedWidget;
class SettingsWindow;
class AudioPane final : public QWidget
@ -71,9 +73,17 @@ private:
QComboBox* m_wasapi_device_combo;
// Audio Stretching
QCheckBox* m_stretching_enable;
QLabel* m_stretching_buffer_label;
// Audio Options
QGroupBox* m_audio_group;
QComboBox* m_audio_resampling_box;
QComboBox* m_audio_playback_mode_box;
QStackedWidget* m_audio_playback_mode_stack;
QGroupBox* m_direct_playback_box;
QSlider* m_direct_playback_latency;
QLabel* m_direct_playback_indicator;
QGroupBox* m_stretching_box;
QSlider* m_stretching_buffer_slider;
QLabel* m_stretching_buffer_indicator;

View File

@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ void PerformanceMetrics::Reset()
m_time_sleeping = DT::zero();
m_prev_adjusted_time = Clock::now() - m_time_sleeping;
void PerformanceMetrics::CountFrame()
@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ void PerformanceMetrics::CountVBlank()
void PerformanceMetrics::CountAudioLatency(DT latency)
m_audio_latency_counter.Count(latency, false);
void PerformanceMetrics::CountThrottleSleep(DT sleep)
std::unique_lock lock(m_time_lock);
@ -45,11 +50,13 @@ void PerformanceMetrics::CountThrottleSleep(DT sleep)
void PerformanceMetrics::CountPerformanceMarker(Core::System& system, s64 cyclesLate)
std::unique_lock lock(m_time_lock);
const TimePoint adjusted_time = Clock::now() - m_time_sleeping;
m_real_times[m_time_index] = Clock::now() - m_time_sleeping;
m_cpu_times[m_time_index] = system.GetCoreTiming().GetCPUTimePoint(cyclesLate);
m_time_index += 1;
m_max_speed_counter.Count(adjusted_time - m_prev_adjusted_time);
m_prev_adjusted_time = adjusted_time;
double PerformanceMetrics::GetFPS() const
@ -67,11 +74,14 @@ double PerformanceMetrics::GetSpeed() const
return m_speed_counter.GetHzAvg() / 100.0;
double PerformanceMetrics::GetAudioSpeed() const
return m_audio_speed_counter.GetHzAvg() / 100.0;
double PerformanceMetrics::GetMaxSpeed() const
std::shared_lock lock(m_time_lock);
return DT_s(m_cpu_times[u8(m_time_index - 1)] - m_cpu_times[m_time_index]) /
DT_s(m_real_times[u8(m_time_index - 1)] - m_real_times[m_time_index]);
return m_max_speed_counter.GetHzAvg() / 100.0;
double PerformanceMetrics::GetLastSpeedDenominator() const
@ -145,9 +155,13 @@ void PerformanceMetrics::DrawImGuiStats(const float backbuffer_scale)
const DT vblank_time = m_vps_counter.GetDtAvg() + 2 * m_vps_counter.GetDtStd();
const DT frame_time = m_fps_counter.GetDtAvg() + 2 * m_fps_counter.GetDtStd();
const double target_max_time = DT_ms(vblank_time + frame_time).count();
const double vblank_time =
DT_ms(m_vps_counter.GetDtAvg() + 2 * m_vps_counter.GetDtStd()).count();
const double frame_time =
DT_ms(m_fps_counter.GetDtAvg() + 2 * m_fps_counter.GetDtStd()).count();
const double audio_latency = DT_ms(m_audio_latency_counter.GetDtAvg()).count();
const double target_max_time = 2.0 * std::max({vblank_time, frame_time, audio_latency});
const double a =
std::max(0.0, 1.0 - std::exp(-4.0 * (DT_s(m_fps_counter.GetLastRawDt()) /
@ -176,6 +190,7 @@ void PerformanceMetrics::DrawImGuiStats(const float backbuffer_scale)
ImPlot::SetupAxisTicks(ImAxis_Y1,, num_ticks);
ImPlot::SetupAxesLimits(0, total_frame_time, 0, m_graph_max_time, ImGuiCond_Always);
ImPlot::SetupLegend(ImPlotLocation_SouthEast, ImPlotLegendFlags_None);
m_audio_latency_counter.ImPlotPlotLines("Audio Latency (ms)");
m_vps_counter.ImPlotPlotLines("V-Blank (ms)");
m_fps_counter.ImPlotPlotLines("Frame (ms)");

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ public:
void CountFrame();
void CountVBlank();
void CountAudioLatency(DT latency);
void CountThrottleSleep(DT sleep);
void CountPerformanceMarker(Core::System& system, s64 cyclesLate);
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ public:
double GetFPS() const;
double GetVPS() const;
double GetSpeed() const;
double GetAudioSpeed() const;
double GetMaxSpeed() const;
double GetLastSpeedDenominator() const;
@ -47,15 +49,17 @@ public:
PerformanceTracker m_fps_counter{"render_times.txt"};
PerformanceTracker m_vps_counter{"vblank_times.txt"};
PerformanceTracker m_speed_counter{std::nullopt, 1000000};
PerformanceTracker m_audio_latency_counter{};
PerformanceTracker m_audio_speed_counter{std::nullopt, 128000};
PerformanceTracker m_speed_counter{std::nullopt, 1280000};
PerformanceTracker m_max_speed_counter{std::nullopt, 1280000};
double m_graph_max_time = 0.0;
mutable std::shared_mutex m_time_lock;
u8 m_time_index = 0;
std::array<TimePoint, 256> m_real_times{};
std::array<TimePoint, 256> m_cpu_times{};
TimePoint m_prev_adjusted_time{};
DT m_time_sleeping{};

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ void PerformanceTracker::Reset()
m_dt_std = std::nullopt;
void PerformanceTracker::Count()
void PerformanceTracker::Count(std::optional<DT> custom_value, bool value_is_duration)
std::unique_lock lock{m_mutex};
@ -57,26 +57,31 @@ void PerformanceTracker::Count()
const DT window{GetSampleWindow()};
const TimePoint time{Clock::now()};
const DT diff{time - m_last_time};
const DT duration{time - m_last_time};
const DT value{custom_value.value_or(duration)};
const TimeDataPair data_point{value_is_duration ? value : duration, value};
m_last_time = time;
m_dt_total += diff;
m_dt_total += data_point;
if (m_dt_queue_begin == m_dt_queue_end)
m_dt_total -= QueuePop();
while (window <= m_dt_total - QueueTop())
while (window <= m_dt_total.duration - QueueTop().duration)
m_dt_total -= QueuePop();
// Simple Moving Average Throughout the Window
m_dt_avg = m_dt_total / QueueSize();
const double hz = DT_s(1.0) / m_dt_avg;
// We want the average value, so we use the value
m_dt_avg = m_dt_total.value / QueueSize();
// Even though the frequency does not make sense if the value
// is not the duration, it is still useful to have the value
const double hz = DT_s(QueueSize()) / m_dt_total.value;
// Exponential Moving Average
const DT_s rc = SAMPLE_RC_RATIO * std::min(window, m_dt_total);
const double a = 1.0 - std::exp(-(DT_s(diff) / rc));
const DT_s rc = SAMPLE_RC_RATIO * window;
const double a = 1.0 - std::exp(-(DT_s(data_point.duration) / rc));
// Sometimes euler averages can break when the average is inf/nan
if (std::isfinite(m_hz_avg))
@ -86,7 +91,7 @@ void PerformanceTracker::Count()
m_dt_std = std::nullopt;
DT PerformanceTracker::GetSampleWindow() const
@ -121,7 +126,7 @@ DT PerformanceTracker::GetDtStd() const
double total = 0.0;
for (std::size_t i = m_dt_queue_begin; i != m_dt_queue_end; i = IncrementIndex(i))
double diff = DT_s(m_dt_queue[i] - m_dt_avg).count();
double diff = DT_s(m_dt_queue[i].value - m_dt_avg).count();
total += diff * diff;
@ -136,7 +141,7 @@ DT PerformanceTracker::GetLastRawDt() const
if (QueueEmpty())
return DT::zero();
return QueueBottom();
return QueueBottom().value;
void PerformanceTracker::ImPlotPlotLines(const char* label) const
@ -152,35 +157,32 @@ void PerformanceTracker::ImPlotPlotLines(const char* label) const
const bool quality = QueueSize() < MAX_QUALITY_GRAPH_SIZE;
const DT update_time = Clock::now() - m_last_time;
const float predicted_frame_time = DT_ms(std::max(update_time, QueueBottom())).count();
std::size_t points = 0;
if (quality)
x[points] = 0.f;
y[points] = predicted_frame_time;
x[points] = 0.f;
y[points] = DT_ms(QueueBottom().value).count();
x[points] = DT_ms(update_time).count();
y[points] = predicted_frame_time;
y[points] = y[points - 1];
const std::size_t begin = DecrementIndex(m_dt_queue_end);
const std::size_t end = DecrementIndex(m_dt_queue_begin);
for (std::size_t i = begin; i != end; i = DecrementIndex(i))
const float frame_time_ms = DT_ms(m_dt_queue[i]).count();
const float frame_duration_ms = DT_ms(m_dt_queue[i].duration).count();
const float frame_value_ms = DT_ms(m_dt_queue[i].value).count();
if (quality)
x[points] = x[points - 1];
y[points] = frame_time_ms;
y[points] = frame_value_ms;
x[points] = x[points - 1] + frame_time_ms;
y[points] = frame_time_ms;
x[points] = x[points - 1] + frame_duration_ms;
y[points] = frame_value_ms;
@ -194,25 +196,25 @@ void PerformanceTracker::QueueClear()
m_dt_queue_end = 0;
void PerformanceTracker::QueuePush(DT dt)
void PerformanceTracker::QueuePush(TimeDataPair dt)
m_dt_queue[m_dt_queue_end] = dt;
m_dt_queue_end = IncrementIndex(m_dt_queue_end);
const DT& PerformanceTracker::QueuePop()
const PerformanceTracker::TimeDataPair& PerformanceTracker::QueuePop()
const std::size_t top = m_dt_queue_begin;
m_dt_queue_begin = IncrementIndex(m_dt_queue_begin);
return m_dt_queue[top];
const DT& PerformanceTracker::QueueTop() const
const PerformanceTracker::TimeDataPair& PerformanceTracker::QueueTop() const
return m_dt_queue[m_dt_queue_begin];
const DT& PerformanceTracker::QueueBottom() const
const PerformanceTracker::TimeDataPair& PerformanceTracker::QueueBottom() const
return m_dt_queue[DecrementIndex(m_dt_queue_end)];

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class PerformanceTracker
// Must be powers of 2 for masking to work
static constexpr u64 MAX_DT_QUEUE_SIZE = 1UL << 12;
static constexpr u64 MAX_DT_QUEUE_SIZE = 1UL << 13;
static constexpr u64 MAX_QUALITY_GRAPH_SIZE = 1UL << 8;
static inline std::size_t IncrementIndex(const std::size_t index)
@ -33,6 +33,31 @@ private:
return (end - begin) & (MAX_DT_QUEUE_SIZE - 1);
struct TimeDataPair
TimeDataPair(DT duration_dt, DT value_dt) : duration{duration_dt}, value{value_dt} {}
TimeDataPair(DT duration_dt) : TimeDataPair{duration_dt, duration_dt} {}
TimeDataPair() : TimeDataPair{DT::zero()} {}
TimeDataPair& operator+=(const TimeDataPair& other)
duration += other.duration;
value += other.value;
return *this;
TimeDataPair& operator-=(const TimeDataPair& other)
duration -= other.duration;
value -= other.value;
return *this;
DT duration, value;
PerformanceTracker(const std::optional<std::string> log_name = std::nullopt,
const std::optional<s64> sample_window_us = std::nullopt);
@ -45,7 +70,20 @@ public:
// Functions for recording performance information
void Reset();
void Count();
* custom_value can be used if you are recording something with it's own DT. For example,
* if you are recording the fallback of the throttler or the latency of the frame.
* If a custom_value is not supplied, the value will be set to the time between calls aka,
* duration. This is the most common use case of this class, as an FPS counter.
* The boolean value_is_duration should be set to true if the custom DTs you are providing
* represent a continuous duration. For example, the present times from a render backend
* would set value_is_duration to true. Things like throttler fallback or frame latency
* are not continuous, so they should not represent duration.
void Count(std::optional<DT> custom_value = std::nullopt, bool value_is_duration = false);
// Functions for reading performance information
DT GetSampleWindow() const;
@ -61,13 +99,13 @@ public:
private: // Functions for managing dt queue
inline void QueueClear();
inline void QueuePush(DT dt);
inline const DT& QueuePop();
inline const DT& QueueTop() const;
inline const DT& QueueBottom() const;
inline void QueuePush(TimeDataPair dt);
inline const TimeDataPair& QueuePop();
inline const TimeDataPair& QueueTop() const;
inline const TimeDataPair& QueueBottom() const;
std::size_t inline QueueSize() const;
bool inline QueueEmpty() const;
inline std::size_t QueueSize() const;
inline bool QueueEmpty() const;
// Handle pausing and logging
void LogRenderTimeToFile(DT val);
@ -87,8 +125,8 @@ private: // Functions for managing dt queue
const std::optional<s64> m_sample_window_us;
// Queue + Running Total used to calculate average dt
DT m_dt_total = DT::zero();
std::array<DT, MAX_DT_QUEUE_SIZE> m_dt_queue;
TimeDataPair m_dt_total;
std::array<TimeDataPair, MAX_DT_QUEUE_SIZE> m_dt_queue;
std::size_t m_dt_queue_begin = 0;
std::size_t m_dt_queue_end = 0;