rationale: i think some users were picking this menu item on accident and scrambling their games, and we had needed to do this eventually anyway as part of logicalization of systems
- Fix a buffer overrun bug by disabling reading the ROM checksum in .dsm files for now. (Reading the checksum doesn't work correctly anyways, and nothing currently uses it in practice.)
- Fix bug where File menu items were being permanently disabled when the file migration sheet was used.
- Fix bug where closeRom: would occasionally not work correctly.
- Rewrite the display code to be much more flexible (the OpenGL blitter now uses cached vertices instead of calculating the vertices per frame).
- New feature: The DS screens can now be arranged horizontally as well as vertically.
- New feature: The order of the DS screens can now be set.
- Misc. code cleanup.
- Fix one more bug related to main window positioning, which occurs when the status bar is shown when the main window is too large for the desktop content area.
- The main window now remembers if the status bar is shown or hidden.
- Fix a bug with the status bar where if the status bar was to be shown when the main window was larger than the desktop's content area, then the status bar wouldn't show properly until the user resized or rotated the DS display. Now, the main window shrinks in size as necessary to accommodate the status bar.
- Add preprocessor macros for DEBUG and NDEBUG, since, apparently, Xcode doesn't do this for us :(
- Add Windows-style preprocessor macro for _DEBUG (AsmJit uses this)
- Refactor video output code to not assume the use of SoftRasterizer
- Change SoftRasterizer-based video output in combo display mode to draw a separate quad for each DS screen, instead of drawing one big quad for both screens
- Begin adding preliminary support for the OpenGL 3D renderer
- Misc. code cleanup
- Add support for the new dynamic recompiler CPU emulation engine to the legacy port
- Legacy project build targets are now separated into distinct Intel and PowerPC builds
- Fix sound playback issue in the legacy port
- Add OpenGL 3D renderer support to the legacy port (but we're still use the software rasterizer, which is much faster and more accurate)