revert gxfifo related changes so at least we have a revision that works. feel free to paste over when its working again
This commit is contained in:
@ -161,7 +161,6 @@ void GFX_FIFOsend(u8 cmd, u32 param)
if (gxFIFO.tail == 0) // FIFO empty
if (gxPIPE.tail < 4) // pipe not full
gxPIPE.cmd[gxPIPE.tail] = cmd;
@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ void GFX_FIFOsend(u8 cmd, u32 param)
//INFO("GFX FIFO: Send GFX 3D cmd 0x%02X to FIFO - 0x%08X (%03i/%02X)\n", cmd, param, gxFIFO.tail, gxFIFO.tail);
if (gxstat & 0x01000000)
//INFO("ERROR: gxFIFO is full (cmd 0x%02X = 0x%08X) (prev cmd 0x%02X = 0x%08X)\n", cmd, param, gxFIFO.cmd[255], gxFIFO.param[255]);
//INFO("ERROR: gxFIFO is full\n");
return; // full
@ -206,8 +205,7 @@ void GFX_FIFOsend(u8 cmd, u32 param)
extern void execHardware_doAllDma(EDMAMode modeNum);
BOOL FORCEINLINE GFX_FIFOrecv(u8 *cmd, u32 *param)
static BOOL GFX_FIFOrecv(u8 *cmd, u32 *param)
u32 gxstat = T1ReadLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[ARMCPU_ARM9][0x40], 0x600);
@ -216,7 +214,7 @@ BOOL FORCEINLINE GFX_FIFOrecv(u8 *cmd, u32 *param)
gxstat &= 0xF000FFFF;
gxstat |= 0x06000000;
T1WriteLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[ARMCPU_ARM9][0x40], 0x600, gxstat);
if ((gxstat & 0xC0000000)) // IRQ: empty
if ((gxstat & 0x80000000)) // IRQ: empty
setIF(0, (1<<21));
@ -241,12 +239,7 @@ BOOL FORCEINLINE GFX_FIFOrecv(u8 *cmd, u32 *param)
gxstat |= (gxFIFO.tail << 16);
if (gxFIFO.tail < 128)
gxstat |= 0x02000000;
if (gxFIFO.tail == 0) // empty
gxstat |= 0x04000000;
@ -926,7 +926,6 @@ void MMU_clearMem()
memset(MMU.DMACycle, 0, sizeof(MMU.DMACycle));
memset(MMU.DMACrt, 0, sizeof(u32) * 2 * 4);
memset(MMU.DMAing, 0, sizeof(BOOL) * 2 * 4);
memset(MMU.DMACompleted, 0, sizeof(BOOL) * 2 * 4);
memset(MMU.dscard, 0, sizeof(nds_dscard) * 2);
@ -1250,21 +1249,10 @@ u32 MMU_readFromGC()
template<int PROCNUM>
void FASTCALL MMU_doDMA(u32 num)
if (MMU.DMACompleted[PROCNUM][num]) return;
u32 src = DMASrc[PROCNUM][num];
u32 dst = DMADst[PROCNUM][num];
u32 taille = 0;
bool paused = false;
u32 taille;
if (MMU.DMAStartTime[PROCNUM][num]== EDMAMode_GXFifo)
if (gxFIFO.tail > 127) return;
T1WriteLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[PROCNUM][0x40], 0xB8 + (0xC*num), T1ReadLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[PROCNUM][0x40], 0xB8 + (0xC*num)) & 0x7FFFFFFF);
@ -1279,6 +1267,7 @@ void FASTCALL MMU_doDMA(u32 num)
//word count
taille = (MMU.DMACrt[PROCNUM][num]&0x1FFFFF);
if(taille == 0) taille = 0x200000; //according to gbatek..
@ -1292,23 +1281,21 @@ void FASTCALL MMU_doDMA(u32 num)
if(MMU.DMAStartTime[PROCNUM][num] == EDMAMode_Card)
taille *= 0x80;
MMU.DMACycle[PROCNUM][num] = taille + nds_timer; //TODO - surely this is a gross simplification
MMU.CheckDMAs |= (1<<(num+(PROCNUM<<2)));
DMALOG("ARM%c: DMA%d run src=%08X dst=%08X start=%d taille=%d repeat=%s %08X\r\n",
(PROCNUM==0)?'9':'7', num, src, dst, MMU.DMAStartTime[PROCNUM][num], taille,
DMALOG("PROCNUM %d, dma %d src %08X dst %08X start %d taille %d repeat %s %08X\r\n",
PROCNUM, num, src, dst, MMU.DMAStartTime[PROCNUM][num], taille,
MMU.DMAStartTime[PROCNUM][num] = 0;
// transfer
u32 i=0;
@ -1343,21 +1330,6 @@ void FASTCALL MMU_doDMA(u32 num)
_MMU_write32<PROCNUM,MMU_AT_DMA>(dst, _MMU_read32<PROCNUM,MMU_AT_DMA>(src));
dst += dstinc;
src += srcinc;
if (MMU.DMAStartTime[PROCNUM][num] == EDMAMode_GXFifo)
if ( gxFIFO.tail > 255)
if (i == taille) break;
paused = true;
MMU.DMACrt[PROCNUM][num] &= 0xFFE00000;
MMU.DMACrt[PROCNUM][num] |= ((taille-i-1) & 0x1FFFFF);
MMU.DMACycle[PROCNUM][num] = nds_timer+1;
for(; i < taille; ++i)
@ -1366,7 +1338,7 @@ void FASTCALL MMU_doDMA(u32 num)
dst += dstinc;
src += srcinc;
//write back the addresses
DMASrc[PROCNUM][num] = src;
if((u & 0x3)!=3) //but dont write back dst if we were supposed to reload
@ -1377,9 +1349,6 @@ void FASTCALL MMU_doDMA(u32 num)
//(there is no proof for this code, but it is reasonable)
T1WriteLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[PROCNUM][0x40], 0xB0+12*num, DMASrc[PROCNUM][num]);
T1WriteLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[PROCNUM][0x40], 0xB4+12*num, DMADst[PROCNUM][num]);
if (!paused)
MMU.DMACompleted[PROCNUM][num] = true;
@ -1564,31 +1533,16 @@ template<int proc> static INLINE void write_dma_hictrl(const int dmanum, const u
MMU.DMAStartTime[proc][dmanum] = EDMAMode7_GBASlot;
MMU.DMACrt[proc][dmanum] = v;
MMU.DMACompleted[proc][dmanum] = false;
MMU.DMAing[proc][dmanum] = false;
if(MMU.DMAStartTime[proc][dmanum] == EDMAMode_Immediate)
if (MMU.DMAStartTime[proc][dmanum] == EDMAMode_GXFifo)
#ifdef _3DINFO
INFO("ARM%c: DMA%d control src=0x%08X dst=0x%08X %s (gxFIFO tail %03i)\n", (proc==0)?'9':'7', dmanum, DMASrc[proc][dmanum], DMADst[proc][dmanum], ((val>>15)&0x01)?"ON":"OFF", gxFIFO.tail);
if(MMU.DMAStartTime[proc][dmanum] == EDMAMode_Immediate
if(MMU.DMAStartTime[proc][dmanum] == EDMAMode_Immediate
//TODO HACK: I think this is a gxfifo hack:
|| MMU.DMAStartTime[proc][dmanum] == EDMAMode_GXFifo)
DMALOG("ARM%c: DMA%d control src=0x%08X dst=0x%08X %s\n", (proc==0)?'9':'7', dmanum, DMASrc[proc][dmanum], DMADst[proc][dmanum], ((val>>15)&0x01)?"ON":"OFF");
//printf("dma ctrl %d %d\n",proc,dmanum);
//LOG("ARMCPU_ARM9 %d, dma %d src %08X dst %08X %s\r\n", ARMCPU_ARM9, 0, DMASrc[ARMCPU_ARM9][0], DMADst[ARMCPU_ARM9][0], (val&(1<<25))?"ON":"OFF");
@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ struct MMU_struct {
u64 DMACycle[2][4];
u32 DMACrt[2][4];
BOOL DMAing[2][4];
BOOL DMACompleted[2][4];
BOOL divRunning;
s64 divResult;
@ -1492,9 +1492,7 @@ void NDS_SkipNextFrame() { SkipNext2DFrame = true; SkipCur3DFrame = true; }
static void execHardware_doDma(int procnum, int chan, EDMAMode modeNum)
if(MMU.DMAStartTime[procnum][chan] == modeNum)
if(procnum == ARMCPU_ARM9) MMU_doDMA<ARMCPU_ARM9>(chan);
else MMU_doDMA<ARMCPU_ARM7>(chan);
@ -1502,7 +1500,7 @@ static void execHardware_doDma(int procnum, int chan, EDMAMode modeNum)
void execHardware_doAllDma(EDMAMode modeNum)
static void execHardware_doAllDma(EDMAMode modeNum)
for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
@ -1571,7 +1569,6 @@ struct TSequenceItem_GXFIFO : public TSequenceItem
MMU.gfx3dCycles = max(MMU.gfx3dCycles,nds_timer); //uhh i dont entirely understand why this was necessary
//i need to learn more about how the new gxfifo works, but I am leaving that to you for now crazymax ^_^
FORCEINLINE u64 next()
@ -1664,16 +1661,13 @@ template<int procnum, int chan> struct TSequenceItem_DMA : public TSequenceItem
FORCEINLINE void exec()
if (MMU.DMACompleted[procnum][chan])
u8* regs = procnum==0?ARM9Mem.ARM9_REG:MMU.ARM7_REG;
T1WriteLong(regs, 0xB8 + (0xC*chan), T1ReadLong(regs, 0xB8 + (0xC*chan)) & 0x7FFFFFFF);
if((MMU.DMACrt[procnum][chan])&(1<<30)) {
if(procnum==0) NDS_makeARM9Int(8+chan);
else NDS_makeARM7Int(8+chan);
MMU.DMAing[procnum][chan] = FALSE;
u8* regs = procnum==0?ARM9Mem.ARM9_REG:MMU.ARM7_REG;
T1WriteLong(regs, 0xB8 + (0xC*chan), T1ReadLong(regs, 0xB8 + (0xC*chan)) & 0x7FFFFFFF);
if((MMU.DMACrt[procnum][chan])&(1<<30)) {
if(procnum==0) NDS_makeARM9Int(8+chan);
else NDS_makeARM7Int(8+chan);
MMU.DMAing[procnum][chan] = FALSE;
@ -575,6 +575,681 @@ static void gfx3d_glLightDirection_cache(int index)
#if 0
#define dEXEC(cmdName, oldcmd, newcmd) if (oldcmd != newcmd)\
INFO("ERROR %s: cmd old 0x%02X, new 0x%02X\n", cmdName, oldcmd, newcmd);
#define dEXEC(cmdName, oldcmd, newcmd)
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glMatrixMode(u32 v)
mode = (v&3);
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glPushMatrix()
u32 gxstat = T1ReadLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[ARMCPU_ARM9][0x40], 0x600);
//this command always works on both pos and vector when either pos or pos-vector are the current mtx mode
short mymode = (mode==1?2:mode);
if (mtxStack[mymode].position > mtxStack[mymode].size)
gxstat |= (1<<15);
T1WriteLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[ARMCPU_ARM9][0x40], 0x600, gxstat);
gxstat &= 0xFFFF00FF;
MatrixStackPushMatrix(&mtxStack[mymode], mtxCurrent[mymode]);
MatrixStackPushMatrix (&mtxStack[1], mtxCurrent[1]);
gxstat |= ((mtxStack[0].position << 13) | (mtxStack[1].position << 8));
T1WriteLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[ARMCPU_ARM9][0x40], 0x600, gxstat);
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glPopMatrix(s32 i)
u32 gxstat = T1ReadLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[ARMCPU_ARM9][0x40], 0x600);
//this command always works on both pos and vector when either pos or pos-vector are the current mtx mode
short mymode = (mode==1?2:mode);
if (i > mtxStack[mymode].position)
gxstat |= (1<<15);
T1WriteLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[ARMCPU_ARM9][0x40], 0x600, gxstat);
gxstat &= 0xFFFF00FF;
MatrixCopy(mtxCurrent[mymode], MatrixStackPopMatrix (&mtxStack[mymode], i));
if (mymode == 2)
MatrixCopy(mtxCurrent[1], MatrixStackPopMatrix (&mtxStack[1], i));
gxstat |= ((mtxStack[0].position << 13) | (mtxStack[1].position << 8));
T1WriteLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[ARMCPU_ARM9][0x40], 0x600, gxstat);
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glStoreMatrix(u32 v)
//this command always works on both pos and vector when either pos or pos-vector are the current mtx mode
short mymode = (mode==1?2:mode);
//limit height of these stacks.
//without the mymode==3 namco classics galaxian will try to use pos=1 and overrun the stack, corrupting emu
if(mymode==0 || mymode==3)
v = 0;
if(v==31) v=30; //? what should happen in this case?
MatrixStackLoadMatrix (&mtxStack[mymode], v&31, mtxCurrent[mymode]);
MatrixStackLoadMatrix (&mtxStack[1], v&31, mtxCurrent[1]);
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glRestoreMatrix(u32 v)
//this command always works on both pos and vector when either pos or pos-vector are the current mtx mode
short mymode = (mode==1?2:mode);
//limit height of these stacks
//without the mymode==3 namco classics galaxian will try to use pos=1 and overrun the stack, corrupting emu
if(mymode==0 || mymode==3)
v = 0;
if(v==31) v=30; //? what should happen in this case?
MatrixCopy (mtxCurrent[mymode], MatrixStackGetPos(&mtxStack[mymode], v&31));
if (mymode == 2)
MatrixCopy (mtxCurrent[1], MatrixStackGetPos(&mtxStack[1], v&31));
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glLoadIdentity()
MatrixIdentity (mtxCurrent[mode]);
if (mode == 2)
MatrixIdentity (mtxCurrent[1]);
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glLoadMatrix4x4(s32 v)
mtxCurrent[mode][0] = v;
for (int i = 1; i < 16; i++)
u8 cmd = 0;
u32 param = 0;
if (!GFX_PIPErecv(&cmd, ¶m)) break;
dEXEC("glLoadMatrix4x4", 0x16, cmd);
mtxCurrent[mode][i] = (s32)param;
vector_fix2float<4>(mtxCurrent[mode], 4096.f);
if (mode == 2)
MatrixCopy (mtxCurrent[1], mtxCurrent[2]);
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glLoadMatrix4x3(s32 v)
mtxCurrent[mode][0] = v;
for (int i = 1; i < 16; i++)
if ((i & 0x03) == 3) continue;
u8 cmd = 0;
u32 param = 0;
if (!GFX_PIPErecv(&cmd, ¶m)) break;
dEXEC("glLoadMatrix4x3", 0x17, cmd);
mtxCurrent[mode][i] = (s32)param;
vector_fix2float<4>(mtxCurrent[mode], 4096.f);
//fill in the unusued matrix values
mtxCurrent[mode][3] = mtxCurrent[mode][7] = mtxCurrent[mode][11] = 0.f;
mtxCurrent[mode][15] = 1.f;
if (mode == 2)
MatrixCopy (mtxCurrent[1], mtxCurrent[2]);
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glMultMatrix4x4(s32 v)
mtxTemporal[0] = v;
for (int i = 1; i < 16; i++)
u8 cmd = 0;
u32 param = 0;
if (!GFX_PIPErecv(&cmd, ¶m)) break;
dEXEC("glMultMatrix4x4", 0x18, cmd);
mtxTemporal[i] = (s32)param;
vector_fix2float<4>(mtxTemporal, 4096.f);
MatrixMultiply (mtxCurrent[mode], mtxTemporal);
if (mode == 2)
MatrixMultiply (mtxCurrent[1], mtxTemporal);
MatrixIdentity (mtxTemporal);
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glMultMatrix4x3(s32 v)
mtxTemporal[0] = v;
for (int i = 1; i < 16; i++)
if ((i & 0x03) == 3) continue;
u8 cmd = 0;
u32 param = 0;
if (!GFX_PIPErecv(&cmd, ¶m)) break;
dEXEC("glMultMatrix4x3", 0x19, cmd);
mtxTemporal[i] = (s32)param;
vector_fix2float<4>(mtxTemporal, 4096.f);
//fill in the unusued matrix values
mtxTemporal[3] = mtxTemporal[7] = mtxTemporal[11] = 0.f;
mtxTemporal[15] = 1.f;
MatrixMultiply (mtxCurrent[mode], mtxTemporal);
if (mode == 2)
MatrixMultiply (mtxCurrent[1], mtxTemporal);
//does this really need to be done?
MatrixIdentity (mtxTemporal);
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glMultMatrix3x3(s32 v)
mtxTemporal[0] = v;
for (int i = 1; i < 12; i++)
if ((i & 0x03) == 3) continue;
u8 cmd = 0;
u32 param = 0;
if (!GFX_PIPErecv(&cmd, ¶m)) break;
dEXEC("glMultMatrix3x3", 0x1A, cmd);
mtxTemporal[i] = (s32)param;
vector_fix2float<3>(mtxTemporal, 4096.f);
//fill in the unusued matrix values
mtxTemporal[3] = mtxTemporal[7] = mtxTemporal[11] = 0;
mtxTemporal[15] = 1;
mtxTemporal[12] = mtxTemporal[13] = mtxTemporal[14] = 0;
MatrixMultiply (mtxCurrent[mode], mtxTemporal);
if (mode == 2)
MatrixMultiply (mtxCurrent[1], mtxTemporal);
//does this really need to be done?
MatrixIdentity (mtxTemporal);
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glScale(s32 v)
u8 cmd = 0;
u32 param = 0;
scale[0] = fix2float(v);
if (!GFX_PIPErecv(&cmd, ¶m)) return;
dEXEC("glScale", 0x1B, cmd);
scale[1] = fix2float((s32)param);
if (!GFX_PIPErecv(&cmd, ¶m)) return;
dEXEC("glScale", 0x1B, cmd);
scale[2] = fix2float((s32)param);
MatrixScale (mtxCurrent[(mode==2?1:mode)], scale);
//note: pos-vector mode should not cause both matrices to scale.
//the whole purpose is to keep the vector matrix orthogonal
//so, I am leaving this commented out as an example of what not to do.
//if (mode == 2)
// MatrixScale (mtxCurrent[1], scale);
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glTranslate(s32 v)
u8 cmd = 0;
u32 param = 0;
trans[0] = fix2float(v);
if (!GFX_PIPErecv(&cmd, ¶m)) return;
dEXEC("glTranslate", 0x1C, cmd);
trans[1] = fix2float((s32)param);
if (!GFX_PIPErecv(&cmd, ¶m)) return;
dEXEC("glTranslate", 0x1C, cmd);
trans[2] = fix2float((s32)param);
MatrixTranslate (mtxCurrent[mode], trans);
if (mode == 2)
MatrixTranslate (mtxCurrent[1], trans);
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glColor3b(u32 v)
colorRGB[0] = (v&0x1F);
colorRGB[1] = ((v>>5)&0x1F);
colorRGB[2] = ((v>>10)&0x1F);
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glNormal(u32 v)
int i,c;
ALIGN(16) float normal[4] = { normalTable[v&1023],
if (texCoordinateTransform == 2)
last_s =( (normal[0] *mtxCurrent[3][0] + normal[1] *mtxCurrent[3][4] +
normal[2] *mtxCurrent[3][8]) + (_s*16.0f)) / 16.0f;
last_t =( (normal[0] *mtxCurrent[3][1] + normal[1] *mtxCurrent[3][5] +
normal[2] *mtxCurrent[3][9]) + (_t*16.0f)) / 16.0f;
//use the current normal transform matrix
MatrixMultVec3x3 (mtxCurrent[2], normal);
//apply lighting model
u8 diffuse[3] = {
(dsDiffuse>>10)&0x1F };
u8 ambient[3] = {
(dsAmbient>>10)&0x1F };
u8 emission[3] = {
(dsEmission>>10)&0x1F };
u8 specular[3] = {
(dsSpecular>>10)&0x1F };
int vertexColor[3] = { emission[0], emission[1], emission[2] };
for(i=0; i<4; i++)
if(!((lightMask>>i)&1)) continue;
u8 _lightColor[3] = {
(lightColor[i]>>10)&0x1F };
/* This formula is the one used by the DS */
/* Reference : */
float diffuseLevel = std::max(0.0f, -vec3dot(cacheLightDirection[i], normal));
float shininessLevel = pow(std::max(0.0f, vec3dot(-cacheHalfVector[i], normal)), 2);
if(dsSpecular & 0x8000)
int shininessIndex = (int)(shininessLevel * 128);
if(shininessIndex >= (int)ARRAY_SIZE(shininessTable)) {
//we can't print this right now, because when a game triggers this it triggers it _A_LOT_
//so wait until we have per-frame diagnostics.
//this was tested using Princess Debut (US) after proceeding through the intro and getting the tiara.
//After much research, I determined that this was caused by the game feeding in a totally jacked matrix
//to mult4x4 from 0x02129B80 (after feeding two other valid matrices)
//the game seems to internally index these as: ?, 0x37, 0x2B <-- error
//but, man... this is seriously messed up. there must be something going wrong.
//maybe it has something to do with what looks like a mirror room effect that is going on during this time?
//PROGINFO("ERROR: shininess table out of bounds.\n maybe an emulator error; maybe a non-unit normal; setting to 0\n");
shininessIndex = 0;
shininessLevel = shininessTable[shininessIndex];
for(c = 0; c < 3; c++)
vertexColor[c] += (int)(((specular[c] * _lightColor[c] * shininessLevel)
+ (diffuse[c] * _lightColor[c] * diffuseLevel)
+ (ambient[c] * _lightColor[c])) / 31.0f);
colorRGB[c] = std::min(31,vertexColor[c]);
GFX_DELAY_M2((lightMask) & 0x01);
GFX_DELAY_M2((lightMask>>1) & 0x01);
GFX_DELAY_M2((lightMask>>2) & 0x01);
GFX_DELAY_M2((lightMask>>3) & 0x01);
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glTexCoord(u32 val)
_t = (s16)(val>>16);
_s = (s16)(val&0xFFFF);
_s /= 16.0f;
_t /= 16.0f;
if (texCoordinateTransform == 1)
last_s =_s*mtxCurrent[3][0] + _t*mtxCurrent[3][4] +
0.0625f*mtxCurrent[3][8] + 0.0625f*mtxCurrent[3][12];
last_t =_s*mtxCurrent[3][1] + _t*mtxCurrent[3][5] +
0.0625f*mtxCurrent[3][9] + 0.0625f*mtxCurrent[3][13];
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glVertex16b(unsigned int v)
u8 cmd = 0;
u32 param = 0;
coord[0] = float16table[v&0xFFFF];
coord[1] = float16table[v>>16];
//if (gxPIPE.cmd[0] != 0x23) return;
if (!GFX_PIPErecv(&cmd, ¶m)) return;
dEXEC("glVertex16b", 0x23, cmd);
coord[2] = float16table[param&0xFFFF];
SetVertex ();
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glVertex10b(u32 v)
coord[0] = float10Table[v&1023];
coord[1] = float10Table[(v>>10)&1023];
coord[2] = float10Table[(v>>20)&1023];
SetVertex ();
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glVertex3_cord(unsigned int one, unsigned int two, unsigned int v)
coord[one] = float16table[v&0xffff];
coord[two] = float16table[v>>16];
SetVertex ();
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glVertex_rel(u32 v)
coord[0] += float10RelTable[v&1023];
coord[1] += float10RelTable[(v>>10)&1023];
coord[2] += float10RelTable[(v>>20)&1023];
SetVertex ();
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glPolygonAttrib (u32 val)
if(inBegin) {
//PROGINFO("Set polyattr in the middle of a begin/end pair.\n (This won't be activated until the next begin)\n");
//TODO - we need some some similar checking for teximageparam etc.
polyAttrPending = val;
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glTexImage(u32 val)
textureFormat = val;
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glTexPalette(u32 val)
texturePalette = val;
0-4 Diffuse Reflection Red
5-9 Diffuse Reflection Green
10-14 Diffuse Reflection Blue
15 Set Vertex Color (0=No, 1=Set Diffuse Reflection Color as Vertex Color)
16-20 Ambient Reflection Red
21-25 Ambient Reflection Green
26-30 Ambient Reflection Blue
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glMaterial0(u32 val)
dsDiffuse = val&0xFFFF;
dsAmbient = val>>16;
if (BIT15(val))
colorRGB[0] = (val)&0x1F;
colorRGB[1] = (val>>5)&0x1F;
colorRGB[2] = (val>>10)&0x1F;
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glMaterial1(u32 val)
dsSpecular = val&0xFFFF;
dsEmission = val>>16;
0-9 Directional Vector's X component (1bit sign + 9bit fractional part)
10-19 Directional Vector's Y component (1bit sign + 9bit fractional part)
20-29 Directional Vector's Z component (1bit sign + 9bit fractional part)
30-31 Light Number (0..3)
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glLightDirection (u32 v)
int index = v>>30;
lightDirection[index] = v;
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glLightColor (u32 v)
int index = v>>30;
lightColor[index] = v;
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glShininess (u32 val)
u8 cmd = 0;
u32 param = 0;
shininessTable[0] = ((val & 0xFF) / 256.0f);
shininessTable[1] = (((val >> 8) & 0xFF) / 256.0f);
shininessTable[2] = (((val >> 16) & 0xFF) / 256.0f);
shininessTable[3] = (((val >> 24) & 0xFF) / 256.0f);
for (int i = 4; i < 128; i+=4)
if (!GFX_PIPErecv(&cmd, ¶m)) return;
dEXEC("glShininess", 0x34, cmd);
shininessTable[i] = ((param & 0xFF) / 256.0f);
shininessTable[i+1] = (((param >> 8) & 0xFF) / 256.0f);
shininessTable[i+2] = (((param >> 16) & 0xFF) / 256.0f);
shininessTable[i+3] = (((param >> 24) & 0xFF) / 256.0f);
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glBegin(u32 v)
inBegin = TRUE;
vtxFormat = v&0x03;
triStripToggle = 0;
tempVertInfo.count = 0;
tempVertInfo.first = true;
polyAttr = polyAttrPending;
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glEnd(void)
inBegin = FALSE;
tempVertInfo.count = 0;
// swap buffers - skipped
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glViewPort(u32 v)
viewport = v;
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glBoxTest(u32 v)
u8 cmd = 0;
u32 param = 0;
u32 gxstat = T1ReadLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[ARMCPU_ARM9][0x40], 0x600);
if (!GFX_PIPErecv(&cmd, ¶m)) return;
dEXEC("glBoxTest", 0x70, cmd);
if (!GFX_PIPErecv(&cmd, ¶m)) return;
dEXEC("glBoxTest", 0x70, cmd);
gxstat &= 0xFFFFFFFE; // clear busy bit
gxstat |= 0x00000002; // hack
T1WriteLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[ARMCPU_ARM9][0x40], 0x600, gxstat);
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glPosTest(u32 v)
u8 cmd = 0;
u32 param = 0;
u32 gxstat = T1ReadLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[ARMCPU_ARM9][0x40], 0x600);
PTcoords[0] = float16table[v & 0xFFFF];
PTcoords[1] = float16table[v >> 16];
if (!GFX_PIPErecv(&cmd, ¶m)) return;
dEXEC("glPosTest", 0x71, cmd);
PTcoords[2] = float16table[param & 0xFFFF];
PTcoords[3] = 1.0f;
MatrixMultVec4x4_M2(mtxCurrent[0], PTcoords);
gxstat &= 0xFFFFFFFE; // cleay busy bit
T1WriteLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[ARMCPU_ARM9][0x40], 0x600, gxstat);
void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_glVecTest(u32 v)
u32 gxstat = T1ReadLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[ARMCPU_ARM9][0x40], 0x600);
gxstat &= 0xFFFFFFFE;
T1WriteLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[ARMCPU_ARM9][0x40], 0x600, gxstat);
void gfx3d_glMatrixMode(u32 v)
@ -1285,6 +1960,8 @@ void gfx3d_glVecTest(u32 v)
//================================================================================= Geometry Engine
//================================================================================= (end)
@ -1385,7 +2062,7 @@ void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_execute(u8 cmd, u32 param)
#ifdef _3D_LOG_EXEC
u32 gxstat2 = T1ReadLong(MMU.MMU_MEM[ARMCPU_ARM9][0x40], 0x600);
INFO("*** gxFIFO: exec 0x%02X, tail %03i, gxstat 0x%08X (timer %i)\n", cmd, gxFIFO.tail, gxstat2, nds_timer);
INFO("*** gxFIFO: exec 0x%02X, tail %03i, gxstat 0x%08X\n", cmd, gxFIFO.tail, gxstat2);
switch (cmd)
@ -1502,7 +2179,7 @@ void FORCEINLINE gfx3d_execute(u8 cmd, u32 param)
INFO("Unknown execute FIFO 3D command 0x%02X with param 0x%08X\n", cmd, param);
@ -1514,6 +2191,43 @@ void gfx3d_execute3D()
if (isSwapBuffers) return;
u16 size = gxPIPE.tail + gxFIFO.tail;
//if (size == 0) return;
switch (gxPIPE.cmd[0])
case 0x34: // SHININESS - Specular Reflection Shininess Table (W)
if (size < 32) return;
case 0x16: // MTX_LOAD_4x4 - Load 4x4 Matrix to Current Matrix (W)
case 0x18: // MTX_MULT_4x4 - Multiply Current Matrix by 4x4 Matrix (W)
if (size < 16) return;
case 0x17: // MTX_LOAD_4x3 - Load 4x3 Matrix to Current Matrix (W)
case 0x19: // MTX_MULT_4x3 - Multiply Current Matrix by 4x3 Matrix (W)
if (size < 12) return;
case 0x1A: // MTX_MULT_3x3 - Multiply Current Matrix by 3x3 Matrix (W)
if (size < 9) return;
case 0x1B: // MTX_SCALE - Multiply Current Matrix by Scale Matrix (W)
case 0x1C: // MTX_TRANS - Mult. Curr. Matrix by Translation Matrix (W)
case 0x70: // BOX_TEST - Test if Cuboid Sits inside View Volume (W)
if (size < 3) return;
case 0x23: // VTX_16 - Set Vertex XYZ Coordinates (W)
case 0x71: // POS_TEST - Set Position Coordinates for Test (W)
if (size < 2) return;
if (GFX_PIPErecv(&cmd, ¶m))
gfx3d_execute(cmd, param);
@ -1766,14 +2480,22 @@ void gfx3d_sendCommandToFIFO(u32 val)
if (clCmd == 0)
clInd2 = 0;
clCmd = val;
#ifdef _3D_LOG
INFO("gxFIFO: send 0x%02X: val=0x%08X, pipe %02i, fifo %03i\n", clCmd & 0xFF, val, gxPIPE.tail, gxFIFO.tail);
if (clCmd == 0)
if (val == 0) return;
clCmd = val;
switch (clCmd & 0xFF)
case 0x34: // SHININESS - Specular Reflection Shininess Table (W)
Reference in New Issue