Cocoa Port:

- Add shader-based equivalents to the following pixel scalers: LQ2x, LQ2xS, HQ2x, HQ2xS, HQ4x, HQ4xS
This commit is contained in:
rogerman 2015-01-25 01:43:37 +00:00
parent 1041fe8e3a
commit c233b1c14f
2 changed files with 751 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -988,6 +988,477 @@ static const char *ScalarSuperEagle2xFragShader_110 = {"\
static const char *ScalerLQ2xFragShader_110 = {"\
#version 110\n\
#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : require\n\
varying vec2 texCoord[9];\n\
uniform sampler2DRect tex;\n\
uniform sampler3D lut;\n\
float reduce(vec3 color)\n\
return dot(color, vec3(65536.0, 256.0, 1.0));\n\
vec3 Lerp(vec3 weight, vec3 p1, vec3 p2, vec3 p3)\n\
return p1*weight.r + p2*weight.g + p3*weight.b;\n\
// Input Pixel Mapping: 06|07|08\n\
// 05|00|01\n\
// 04|03|02\n\
// Output Pixel Mapping: 00|01\n\
// 02|03\n\
// LQ2x Pixel Mapping: 0|1|2\n\
// 3|4|5\n\
// 6|7|8\n\
void main()\n\
vec3 src[9];\n\
src[0] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[6]).rgb;\n\
src[1] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[7]).rgb;\n\
src[2] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[8]).rgb;\n\
src[3] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[5]).rgb;\n\
src[4] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[0]).rgb;\n\
src[5] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[1]).rgb;\n\
src[6] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[4]).rgb;\n\
src[7] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[3]).rgb;\n\
src[8] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[2]).rgb;\n\
float v[9];\n\
v[0] = reduce(src[0]);\n\
v[1] = reduce(src[1]);\n\
v[2] = reduce(src[2]);\n\
v[3] = reduce(src[3]);\n\
v[4] = reduce(src[4]);\n\
v[5] = reduce(src[5]);\n\
v[6] = reduce(src[6]);\n\
v[7] = reduce(src[7]);\n\
v[8] = reduce(src[8]);\n\
float pattern = (float(v[0] != v[4]) * 1.0) +\n\
(float(v[1] != v[4]) * 2.0) +\n\
(float(v[2] != v[4]) * 4.0) +\n\
(float(v[3] != v[4]) * 8.0) +\n\
(float(v[5] != v[4]) * 16.0) +\n\
(float(v[6] != v[4]) * 32.0) +\n\
(float(v[7] != v[4]) * 64.0) +\n\
(float(v[8] != v[4]) * 128.0);\n\
float compare = (float(v[1] != v[5]) * 1.0) +\n\
(float(v[5] != v[7]) * 2.0) +\n\
(float(v[7] != v[3]) * 4.0) +\n\
(float(v[3] != v[1]) * 8.0);\n\
vec2 f = step(0.5, fract(texCoord[0]));\n\
float k = (f.y*2.0) + f.x;\n\
vec3 p = texture3D(lut, vec3(((pattern*2.0+0.0)+0.5)/512.0, (k+0.5)/4.0, (compare+0.5)/16.0)).rgb;\n\
vec3 w = texture3D(lut, vec3(((pattern*2.0+1.0)+0.5)/512.0, (k+0.5)/4.0, (compare+0.5)/16.0)).rgb;\n\
vec3 dst[3];\n\
dst[0] = mix(src[0], mix(src[1], mix(src[2], mix(src[3], mix(src[4], mix(src[5], mix(src[6], mix(src[7], src[8], step(8.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(7.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(6.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(5.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(4.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(3.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(2.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(1.0*30.95/255.0, p.r));\n\
dst[1] = mix(src[0], mix(src[1], mix(src[2], mix(src[3], mix(src[4], mix(src[5], mix(src[6], mix(src[7], src[8], step(8.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(7.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(6.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(5.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(4.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(3.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(2.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(1.0*30.95/255.0, p.g));\n\
dst[2] = mix(src[0], mix(src[1], mix(src[2], mix(src[3], mix(src[4], mix(src[5], mix(src[6], mix(src[7], src[8], step(8.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(7.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(6.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(5.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(4.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(3.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(2.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(1.0*30.95/255.0, p.b));\n\
gl_FragColor.rgb = Lerp(w, dst[0], dst[1], dst[2]);\n\
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;\n\
static const char *ScalerLQ2xSFragShader_110 = {"\
#version 110\n\
#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : require\n\
varying vec2 texCoord[9];\n\
uniform sampler2DRect tex;\n\
uniform sampler3D lut;\n\
vec3 Lerp(vec3 weight, vec3 p1, vec3 p2, vec3 p3)\n\
return p1*weight.r + p2*weight.g + p3*weight.b;\n\
// Input Pixel Mapping: 06|07|08\n\
// 05|00|01\n\
// 04|03|02\n\
// Output Pixel Mapping: 00|01\n\
// 02|03\n\
// LQ2xS Pixel Mapping: 0|1|2\n\
// 3|4|5\n\
// 6|7|8\n\
void main()\n\
vec3 src[9];\n\
src[0] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[6]).rgb;\n\
src[1] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[7]).rgb;\n\
src[2] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[8]).rgb;\n\
src[3] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[5]).rgb;\n\
src[4] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[0]).rgb;\n\
src[5] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[1]).rgb;\n\
src[6] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[4]).rgb;\n\
src[7] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[3]).rgb;\n\
src[8] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[2]).rgb;\n\
float b[9];\n\
float minBright = 10.0;\n\
float maxBright = 0.0;\n\
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)\n\
b[i] = (src[i].r + src[i].r + src[i].r) + (src[i].g + src[i].g + src[i].g) + (src[i].b + src[i].b);\n\
minBright = min(minBright, b[i]);\n\
maxBright = max(maxBright, b[i]);\n\
float diffBright = (maxBright - minBright) / 16.0;\n\
float pattern = step((0.5*1.0/127.5), diffBright) * ((float(abs(b[0] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 1.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[1] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 2.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[2] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 4.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[3] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 8.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[5] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 16.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[6] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 32.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[7] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 64.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[8] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 128.0));\n\
vec2 f = step(0.5, fract(texCoord[0]));\n\
float k = (f.y*2.0) + f.x;\n\
vec3 p = texture3D(lut, vec3(((pattern*2.0+0.0)+0.5)/512.0, (k+0.5)/4.0, 0.5/16.0)).rgb;\n\
vec3 w = texture3D(lut, vec3(((pattern*2.0+1.0)+0.5)/512.0, (k+0.5)/4.0, 0.5/16.0)).rgb;\n\
vec3 dst[3];\n\
dst[0] = mix(src[0], mix(src[1], mix(src[2], mix(src[3], mix(src[4], mix(src[5], mix(src[6], mix(src[7], src[8], step(8.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(7.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(6.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(5.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(4.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(3.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(2.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(1.0*30.95/255.0, p.r));\n\
dst[1] = mix(src[0], mix(src[1], mix(src[2], mix(src[3], mix(src[4], mix(src[5], mix(src[6], mix(src[7], src[8], step(8.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(7.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(6.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(5.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(4.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(3.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(2.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(1.0*30.95/255.0, p.g));\n\
dst[2] = mix(src[0], mix(src[1], mix(src[2], mix(src[3], mix(src[4], mix(src[5], mix(src[6], mix(src[7], src[8], step(8.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(7.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(6.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(5.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(4.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(3.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(2.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(1.0*30.95/255.0, p.b));\n\
gl_FragColor.rgb = Lerp(w, dst[0], dst[1], dst[2]);\n\
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;\n\
static const char *ScalerHQ2xFragShader_110 = {"\
#version 110\n\
#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : require\n\
varying vec2 texCoord[9];\n\
uniform sampler2DRect tex;\n\
uniform sampler3D lut;\n\
bool InterpDiff(vec3 p1, vec3 p2)\n\
vec3 diff = p1 - p2;\n\
vec3 yuv = vec3( diff.r + diff.g + diff.b,\n\
diff.r - diff.b,\n\
-diff.r + (2.0*diff.g) - diff.b );\n\
yuv = abs(yuv);\n\
return any( greaterThan(yuv, vec3(192.0/255.0, 28.0/255.0, 48.0/255.0)) );\n\
vec3 Lerp(vec3 weight, vec3 p1, vec3 p2, vec3 p3)\n\
return p1*weight.r + p2*weight.g + p3*weight.b;\n\
// Input Pixel Mapping: 06|07|08\n\
// 05|00|01\n\
// 04|03|02\n\
// Output Pixel Mapping: 00|01\n\
// 02|03\n\
// HQ2x Pixel Mapping: 0|1|2\n\
// 3|4|5\n\
// 6|7|8\n\
void main()\n\
vec3 src[9];\n\
src[0] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[6]).rgb;\n\
src[1] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[7]).rgb;\n\
src[2] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[8]).rgb;\n\
src[3] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[5]).rgb;\n\
src[4] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[0]).rgb;\n\
src[5] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[1]).rgb;\n\
src[6] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[4]).rgb;\n\
src[7] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[3]).rgb;\n\
src[8] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[2]).rgb;\n\
float pattern = (float(InterpDiff(src[0], src[4])) * 1.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[1], src[4])) * 2.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[2], src[4])) * 4.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[3], src[4])) * 8.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[5], src[4])) * 16.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[6], src[4])) * 32.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[7], src[4])) * 64.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[8], src[4])) * 128.0);\n\
float compare = (float(InterpDiff(src[1], src[5])) * 1.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[5], src[7])) * 2.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[7], src[3])) * 4.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[3], src[1])) * 8.0);\n\
vec2 f = step(0.5, fract(texCoord[0]));\n\
float k = (f.y*2.0) + f.x;\n\
vec3 p = texture3D(lut, vec3(((pattern*2.0+0.0)+0.5)/512.0, (k+0.5)/4.0, (compare+0.5)/16.0)).rgb;\n\
vec3 w = texture3D(lut, vec3(((pattern*2.0+1.0)+0.5)/512.0, (k+0.5)/4.0, (compare+0.5)/16.0)).rgb;\n\
vec3 dst[3];\n\
dst[0] = mix(src[0], mix(src[1], mix(src[2], mix(src[3], mix(src[4], mix(src[5], mix(src[6], mix(src[7], src[8], step(8.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(7.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(6.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(5.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(4.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(3.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(2.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(1.0*30.95/255.0, p.r));\n\
dst[1] = mix(src[0], mix(src[1], mix(src[2], mix(src[3], mix(src[4], mix(src[5], mix(src[6], mix(src[7], src[8], step(8.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(7.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(6.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(5.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(4.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(3.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(2.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(1.0*30.95/255.0, p.g));\n\
dst[2] = mix(src[0], mix(src[1], mix(src[2], mix(src[3], mix(src[4], mix(src[5], mix(src[6], mix(src[7], src[8], step(8.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(7.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(6.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(5.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(4.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(3.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(2.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(1.0*30.95/255.0, p.b));\n\
gl_FragColor.rgb = Lerp(w, dst[0], dst[1], dst[2]);\n\
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;\n\
static const char *ScalerHQ2xSFragShader_110 = {"\
#version 110\n\
#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : require\n\
varying vec2 texCoord[9];\n\
uniform sampler2DRect tex;\n\
uniform sampler3D lut;\n\
vec3 Lerp(vec3 weight, vec3 p1, vec3 p2, vec3 p3)\n\
return p1*weight.r + p2*weight.g + p3*weight.b;\n\
// Input Pixel Mapping: 06|07|08\n\
// 05|00|01\n\
// 04|03|02\n\
// Output Pixel Mapping: 00|01\n\
// 02|03\n\
// HQ2xS Pixel Mapping: 0|1|2\n\
// 3|4|5\n\
// 6|7|8\n\
void main()\n\
vec3 src[9];\n\
src[0] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[6]).rgb;\n\
src[1] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[7]).rgb;\n\
src[2] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[8]).rgb;\n\
src[3] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[5]).rgb;\n\
src[4] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[0]).rgb;\n\
src[5] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[1]).rgb;\n\
src[6] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[4]).rgb;\n\
src[7] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[3]).rgb;\n\
src[8] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[2]).rgb;\n\
float b[9];\n\
float minBright = 10.0;\n\
float maxBright = 0.0;\n\
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)\n\
b[i] = (src[i].r + src[i].r + src[i].r) + (src[i].g + src[i].g + src[i].g) + (src[i].b + src[i].b);\n\
minBright = min(minBright, b[i]);\n\
maxBright = max(maxBright, b[i]);\n\
float diffBright = (maxBright - minBright) * (7.0/16.0);\n\
float pattern = step((3.5*7.0/892.5), diffBright) * ((float(abs(b[0] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 1.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[1] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 2.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[2] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 4.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[3] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 8.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[5] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 16.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[6] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 32.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[7] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 64.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[8] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 128.0));\n\
vec2 f = step(0.5, fract(texCoord[0]));\n\
float k = (f.y*2.0) + f.x;\n\
vec3 p = texture3D(lut, vec3(((pattern*2.0+0.0)+0.5)/512.0, (k+0.5)/4.0, 0.5/16.0)).rgb;\n\
vec3 w = texture3D(lut, vec3(((pattern*2.0+1.0)+0.5)/512.0, (k+0.5)/4.0, 0.5/16.0)).rgb;\n\
vec3 dst[3];\n\
dst[0] = mix(src[0], mix(src[1], mix(src[2], mix(src[3], mix(src[4], mix(src[5], mix(src[6], mix(src[7], src[8], step(8.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(7.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(6.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(5.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(4.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(3.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(2.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(1.0*30.95/255.0, p.r));\n\
dst[1] = mix(src[0], mix(src[1], mix(src[2], mix(src[3], mix(src[4], mix(src[5], mix(src[6], mix(src[7], src[8], step(8.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(7.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(6.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(5.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(4.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(3.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(2.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(1.0*30.95/255.0, p.g));\n\
dst[2] = mix(src[0], mix(src[1], mix(src[2], mix(src[3], mix(src[4], mix(src[5], mix(src[6], mix(src[7], src[8], step(8.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(7.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(6.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(5.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(4.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(3.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(2.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(1.0*30.95/255.0, p.b));\n\
gl_FragColor.rgb = Lerp(w, dst[0], dst[1], dst[2]);\n\
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;\n\
static const char *ScalerHQ4xFragShader_110 = {"\
#version 110\n\
#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : require\n\
varying vec2 texCoord[9];\n\
uniform sampler2DRect tex;\n\
uniform sampler3D lut;\n\
bool InterpDiff(vec3 p1, vec3 p2)\n\
vec3 diff = p1 - p2;\n\
vec3 yuv = vec3( diff.r + diff.g + diff.b,\n\
diff.r - diff.b,\n\
-diff.r + (2.0*diff.g) - diff.b );\n\
yuv = abs(yuv);\n\
return any( greaterThan(yuv, vec3(192.0/255.0, 28.0/255.0, 48.0/255.0)) );\n\
vec3 Lerp(vec3 weight, vec3 p1, vec3 p2, vec3 p3)\n\
return p1*weight.r + p2*weight.g + p3*weight.b;\n\
// Input Pixel Mapping: 06|07|08\n\
// 05|00|01\n\
// 04|03|02\n\
// Output Pixel Mapping: 00|01|02|03\n\
// 04|05|06|07\n\
// 08|09|10|11\n\
// 12|13|14|15\n\
// HQ4x Pixel Mapping: 0|1|2\n\
// 3|4|5\n\
// 6|7|8\n\
void main()\n\
vec3 src[9];\n\
src[0] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[6]).rgb;\n\
src[1] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[7]).rgb;\n\
src[2] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[8]).rgb;\n\
src[3] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[5]).rgb;\n\
src[4] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[0]).rgb;\n\
src[5] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[1]).rgb;\n\
src[6] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[4]).rgb;\n\
src[7] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[3]).rgb;\n\
src[8] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[2]).rgb;\n\
float pattern = (float(InterpDiff(src[0], src[4])) * 1.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[1], src[4])) * 2.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[2], src[4])) * 4.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[3], src[4])) * 8.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[5], src[4])) * 16.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[6], src[4])) * 32.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[7], src[4])) * 64.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[8], src[4])) * 128.0);\n\
float compare = (float(InterpDiff(src[1], src[5])) * 1.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[5], src[7])) * 2.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[7], src[3])) * 4.0) +\n\
(float(InterpDiff(src[3], src[1])) * 8.0);\n\
vec2 f = mix( mix(vec2(0.0,0.0), vec2(1.0,1.0), step(0.25, fract(texCoord[0]))), mix(vec2(2.0,2.0), vec2(3.0,3.0), step(0.75, fract(texCoord[0]))), step(0.5, fract(texCoord[0])) );\n\
float k = (f.y*4.0) + f.x;\n\
vec3 p = texture3D(lut, vec3(((pattern*2.0+0.0)+0.5)/512.0, (k+0.5)/16.0, (compare+0.5)/16.0)).rgb;\n\
vec3 w = texture3D(lut, vec3(((pattern*2.0+1.0)+0.5)/512.0, (k+0.5)/16.0, (compare+0.5)/16.0)).rgb;\n\
vec3 dst[3];\n\
dst[0] = mix(src[0], mix(src[1], mix(src[2], mix(src[3], mix(src[4], mix(src[5], mix(src[6], mix(src[7], src[8], step(8.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(7.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(6.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(5.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(4.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(3.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(2.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(1.0*30.95/255.0, p.r));\n\
dst[1] = mix(src[0], mix(src[1], mix(src[2], mix(src[3], mix(src[4], mix(src[5], mix(src[6], mix(src[7], src[8], step(8.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(7.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(6.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(5.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(4.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(3.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(2.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(1.0*30.95/255.0, p.g));\n\
dst[2] = mix(src[0], mix(src[1], mix(src[2], mix(src[3], mix(src[4], mix(src[5], mix(src[6], mix(src[7], src[8], step(8.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(7.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(6.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(5.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(4.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(3.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(2.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(1.0*30.95/255.0, p.b));\n\
gl_FragColor.rgb = Lerp(w, dst[0], dst[1], dst[2]);\n\
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;\n\
static const char *ScalerHQ4xSFragShader_110 = {"\
#version 110\n\
#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : require\n\
varying vec2 texCoord[9];\n\
uniform sampler2DRect tex;\n\
uniform sampler3D lut;\n\
vec3 Lerp(vec3 weight, vec3 p1, vec3 p2, vec3 p3)\n\
return p1*weight.r + p2*weight.g + p3*weight.b;\n\
// Input Pixel Mapping: 06|07|08\n\
// 05|00|01\n\
// 04|03|02\n\
// Output Pixel Mapping: 00|01|02|03\n\
// 04|05|06|07\n\
// 08|09|10|11\n\
// 12|13|14|15\n\
// HQ4xS Pixel Mapping: 0|1|2\n\
// 3|4|5\n\
// 6|7|8\n\
void main()\n\
vec3 src[9];\n\
src[0] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[6]).rgb;\n\
src[1] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[7]).rgb;\n\
src[2] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[8]).rgb;\n\
src[3] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[5]).rgb;\n\
src[4] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[0]).rgb;\n\
src[5] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[1]).rgb;\n\
src[6] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[4]).rgb;\n\
src[7] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[3]).rgb;\n\
src[8] = texture2DRect(tex, texCoord[2]).rgb;\n\
float b[9];\n\
float minBright = 10.0;\n\
float maxBright = 0.0;\n\
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)\n\
b[i] = (src[i].r + src[i].r + src[i].r) + (src[i].g + src[i].g + src[i].g) + (src[i].b + src[i].b);\n\
minBright = min(minBright, b[i]);\n\
maxBright = max(maxBright, b[i]);\n\
float diffBright = (maxBright - minBright) * (7.0/16.0);\n\
float pattern = step((3.5*7.0/892.5), diffBright) * ((float(abs(b[0] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 1.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[1] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 2.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[2] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 4.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[3] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 8.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[5] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 16.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[6] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 32.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[7] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 64.0) +\n\
(float(abs(b[8] - b[4]) > diffBright) * 128.0));\n\
vec2 f = mix( mix(vec2(0.0,0.0), vec2(1.0,1.0), step(0.25, fract(texCoord[0]))), mix(vec2(2.0,2.0), vec2(3.0,3.0), step(0.75, fract(texCoord[0]))), step(0.5, fract(texCoord[0])) );\n\
float k = (f.y*4.0) + f.x;\n\
vec3 p = texture3D(lut, vec3(((pattern*2.0+0.0)+0.5)/512.0, (k+0.5)/16.0, 0.5/16.0)).rgb;\n\
vec3 w = texture3D(lut, vec3(((pattern*2.0+1.0)+0.5)/512.0, (k+0.5)/16.0, 0.5/16.0)).rgb;\n\
vec3 dst[3];\n\
dst[0] = mix(src[0], mix(src[1], mix(src[2], mix(src[3], mix(src[4], mix(src[5], mix(src[6], mix(src[7], src[8], step(8.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(7.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(6.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(5.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(4.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(3.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(2.0*30.95/255.0, p.r)), step(1.0*30.95/255.0, p.r));\n\
dst[1] = mix(src[0], mix(src[1], mix(src[2], mix(src[3], mix(src[4], mix(src[5], mix(src[6], mix(src[7], src[8], step(8.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(7.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(6.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(5.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(4.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(3.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(2.0*30.95/255.0, p.g)), step(1.0*30.95/255.0, p.g));\n\
dst[2] = mix(src[0], mix(src[1], mix(src[2], mix(src[3], mix(src[4], mix(src[5], mix(src[6], mix(src[7], src[8], step(8.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(7.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(6.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(5.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(4.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(3.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(2.0*30.95/255.0, p.b)), step(1.0*30.95/255.0, p.b));\n\
gl_FragColor.rgb = Lerp(w, dst[0], dst[1], dst[2]);\n\
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;\n\
enum OGLVertexAttributeID
OGLVertexAttributeID_Position = 0,
@ -1408,7 +1879,7 @@ OGLVideoOutput::OGLVideoOutput()
// Set up clear attributes
@ -1850,6 +2321,8 @@ OGLDisplayLayer::OGLDisplayLayer(OGLVideoOutput *oglVO)
_shaderFilter = new OGLFilter(GPU_DISPLAY_WIDTH, GPU_DISPLAY_HEIGHT * 2, 1);
OGLShaderProgram *shaderFilterProgram = _shaderFilter->GetProgram();
shaderFilterProgram->SetVertexAndFragmentShaderOGL(Sample1x1_VertShader_110, PassthroughFragShader_110);
@ -1871,6 +2344,13 @@ OGLDisplayLayer::~OGLDisplayLayer()
glDeleteTextures(1, &this->_texCPUFilterDstID);
glDeleteTextures(1, &this->_texVideoInputDataID);
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0);
glDeleteTextures(1, &this->_texLQ2xLUT);
glDeleteTextures(1, &this->_texHQ2xLUT);
glDeleteTextures(1, &this->_texHQ4xLUT);
if (_canUseShaderOutput)
@ -1888,6 +2368,162 @@ OGLDisplayLayer::~OGLDisplayLayer()
typedef struct
GLubyte p0;
GLubyte p1;
GLubyte p2;
GLubyte w0;
GLubyte w1;
GLubyte w2;
} LUTValues;
LUTValues PackLUTValues(GLubyte p0, GLubyte p1, GLubyte p2, GLubyte w0, GLubyte w1, GLubyte w2)
if (w1 == 0 && w2 == 0)
w0 = 255;
const GLubyte wR = 256 / (w0 + w1 + w2);
w0 *= wR;
w1 *= wR;
w2 *= wR;
return {p0*31, p1*31, p2*31, w0, w1, w2};
void OGLDisplayLayer::InitHQnxPixelScaler()
LUTValues hqnxLUT[256*16*16];
glGenTextures(1, &_texLQ2xLUT);
glGenTextures(1, &_texHQ2xLUT);
glGenTextures(1, &_texHQ4xLUT);
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 1);
#define MUR (compare & 0x01) // top-right
#define MDR (compare & 0x02) // bottom-right
#define MDL (compare & 0x04) // bottom-left
#define MUL (compare & 0x08) // top-left
#define IC(p0) PackLUTValues(p0, p0, p0, 1, 0, 0)
#define I11(p0,p1) PackLUTValues(p0, p1, p0, 1, 1, 0)
#define I211(p0,p1,p2) PackLUTValues(p0, p1, p2, 2, 1, 1)
#define I31(p0,p1) PackLUTValues(p0, p1, p0, 3, 1, 0)
#define I332(p0,p1,p2) PackLUTValues(p0, p1, p2, 3, 3, 2)
#define I431(p0,p1,p2) PackLUTValues(p0, p1, p2, 4, 3, 1)
#define I521(p0,p1,p2) PackLUTValues(p0, p1, p2, 5, 2, 1)
#define I53(p0,p1) PackLUTValues(p0, p1, p0, 5, 3, 0)
#define I611(p0,p1,p2) PackLUTValues(p0, p1, p2, 6, 1, 1)
#define I71(p0,p1) PackLUTValues(p0, p1, p0, 7, 1, 0)
#define I772(p0,p1,p2) PackLUTValues(p0, p1, p2, 7, 7, 2)
#define I97(p0,p1) PackLUTValues(p0, p1, p0, 9, 7, 0)
#define I1411(p0,p1,p2) PackLUTValues(p0, p1, p2, 14, 1, 1)
#define I151(p0,p1) PackLUTValues(p0, p1, p0, 15, 1, 0)
#define P0 hqnxLUT[pattern+(256*0)+(1024*compare)]
#define P1 hqnxLUT[pattern+(256*1)+(1024*compare)]
#define P2 hqnxLUT[pattern+(256*2)+(1024*compare)]
#define P3 hqnxLUT[pattern+(256*3)+(1024*compare)]
for (size_t compare = 0; compare < 16; compare++)
for (size_t pattern = 0; pattern < 256; pattern++)
switch (pattern)
#include "../filter/lq2x.h"
#undef P0
#undef P1
#undef P2
#undef P3
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, _texLQ2xLUT);
glTexImage3D(GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0, GL_RGB, 256*2, 4, 16, 0, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, hqnxLUT);
#define P0 hqnxLUT[pattern+(256*0)+(1024*compare)]
#define P1 hqnxLUT[pattern+(256*1)+(1024*compare)]
#define P2 hqnxLUT[pattern+(256*2)+(1024*compare)]
#define P3 hqnxLUT[pattern+(256*3)+(1024*compare)]
for (size_t compare = 0; compare < 16; compare++)
for (size_t pattern = 0; pattern < 256; pattern++)
switch (pattern)
#include "../filter/hq2x.h"
#undef P0
#undef P1
#undef P2
#undef P3
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, _texHQ2xLUT);
glTexImage3D(GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0, GL_RGB, 256*2, 4, 16, 0, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, hqnxLUT);
#define P(a, b) hqnxLUT[pattern+(256*((b*4)+a))+(4096*compare)]
#define I1(p0) PackLUTValues(p0, p0, p0, 1, 0, 0)
#define I2(i0, i1, p0, p1) PackLUTValues(p0, p1, p0, i0, i1, 0)
#define I3(i0, i1, i2, p0, p1, p2) PackLUTValues(p0, p1, p2, i0, i1, i2)
for (size_t compare = 0; compare < 16; compare++)
for (size_t pattern = 0; pattern < 256; pattern++)
switch (pattern)
#include "../filter/hq4x.dat"
#undef P
#undef I1
#undef I2
#undef I3
#undef MUR
#undef MDR
#undef MDL
#undef MUL
#undef IC
#undef I11
#undef I211
#undef I31
#undef I332
#undef I431
#undef I521
#undef I53
#undef I611
#undef I71
#undef I772
#undef I97
#undef I1411
#undef I151
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, _texHQ4xLUT);
glTexImage3D(GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0, GL_RGB, 256*2, 16, 16, 0, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, hqnxLUT);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0);
bool OGLDisplayLayer::GetFiltersPreferGPU()
return this->_filtersPreferGPU;
@ -2264,6 +2900,114 @@ void OGLDisplayLayer::SetPixelScalerOGL(const int filterID)
shaderFilterProgram->SetVertexAndFragmentShaderOGL(Sample4x4_VertShader_110, ScalarSuperEagle2xFragShader_110);
case VideoFilterTypeID_LQ2X:
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, this->_texLQ2xLUT);
shaderFilterProgram->SetVertexAndFragmentShaderOGL(Sample3x3_VertShader_110, ScalerLQ2xFragShader_110);
GLint uniformTexSampler = glGetUniformLocation(shaderFilterProgram->GetProgramID(), "tex");
glUniform1i(uniformTexSampler, 0);
uniformTexSampler = glGetUniformLocation(shaderFilterProgram->GetProgramID(), "lut");
glUniform1i(uniformTexSampler, 1);
case VideoFilterTypeID_LQ2XS:
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, this->_texLQ2xLUT);
shaderFilterProgram->SetVertexAndFragmentShaderOGL(Sample3x3_VertShader_110, ScalerLQ2xSFragShader_110);
GLint uniformTexSampler = glGetUniformLocation(shaderFilterProgram->GetProgramID(), "tex");
glUniform1i(uniformTexSampler, 0);
uniformTexSampler = glGetUniformLocation(shaderFilterProgram->GetProgramID(), "lut");
glUniform1i(uniformTexSampler, 1);
case VideoFilterTypeID_HQ2X:
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, this->_texHQ2xLUT);
shaderFilterProgram->SetVertexAndFragmentShaderOGL(Sample3x3_VertShader_110, ScalerHQ2xFragShader_110);
GLint uniformTexSampler = glGetUniformLocation(shaderFilterProgram->GetProgramID(), "tex");
glUniform1i(uniformTexSampler, 0);
uniformTexSampler = glGetUniformLocation(shaderFilterProgram->GetProgramID(), "lut");
glUniform1i(uniformTexSampler, 1);
case VideoFilterTypeID_HQ2XS:
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, this->_texHQ2xLUT);
shaderFilterProgram->SetVertexAndFragmentShaderOGL(Sample3x3_VertShader_110, ScalerHQ2xSFragShader_110);
GLint uniformTexSampler = glGetUniformLocation(shaderFilterProgram->GetProgramID(), "tex");
glUniform1i(uniformTexSampler, 0);
uniformTexSampler = glGetUniformLocation(shaderFilterProgram->GetProgramID(), "lut");
glUniform1i(uniformTexSampler, 1);
case VideoFilterTypeID_HQ4X:
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, this->_texHQ4xLUT);
shaderFilterProgram->SetVertexAndFragmentShaderOGL(Sample3x3_VertShader_110, ScalerHQ4xFragShader_110);
GLint uniformTexSampler = glGetUniformLocation(shaderFilterProgram->GetProgramID(), "tex");
glUniform1i(uniformTexSampler, 0);
uniformTexSampler = glGetUniformLocation(shaderFilterProgram->GetProgramID(), "lut");
glUniform1i(uniformTexSampler, 1);
case VideoFilterTypeID_HQ4XS:
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, this->_texHQ4xLUT);
shaderFilterProgram->SetVertexAndFragmentShaderOGL(Sample3x3_VertShader_110, ScalerHQ4xSFragShader_110);
GLint uniformTexSampler = glGetUniformLocation(shaderFilterProgram->GetProgramID(), "tex");
glUniform1i(uniformTexSampler, 0);
uniformTexSampler = glGetUniformLocation(shaderFilterProgram->GetProgramID(), "lut");
glUniform1i(uniformTexSampler, 1);
this->_useShaderBasedPixelScaler = false;

View File

@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ protected:
GLint _displayTexFilter;
GLuint _texCPUFilterDstID;
GLuint _texLQ2xLUT;
GLuint _texHQ2xLUT;
GLuint _texHQ4xLUT;
GLint vtxBuffer[4 * 8];
GLfloat texCoordBuffer[2 * 8];
size_t _vtxBufferOffset;
@ -242,6 +246,8 @@ protected:
GLint _uniformFinalOutputScalar;
GLint _uniformFinalOutputViewSize;
void InitHQnxPixelScaler();
virtual void UploadVerticesOGL();
virtual void UploadTexCoordsOGL();
virtual void UploadTransformationOGL();