increase visual studio warning level and deal with the consequences.
This commit is contained in:
@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ template<SPUInterpolationMode INTERPOLATE_MODE> static FORCEINLINE s32 Interpola
ratio = ratio - (int)ratio;
double ratio2 = ((1.0 - cos(ratio * M_PI)) * 0.5);
//double ratio2 = (1.0f - cos_lut[((int)(ratio*256.0))&0xFF]) / 2.0f;
return (((1-ratio2)*a) + (ratio2*b));
return (s32)(((1-ratio2)*a) + (ratio2*b));
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ TEMPLATE static u32 divide()
cpu->R[0] = (u32)(num / dnum);
cpu->R[1] = (u32)(num % dnum);
cpu->R[3] = (u32) (((s32)cpu->R[0])<0 ? -cpu->R[0] : cpu->R[0]);
cpu->R[3] = (u32) (((s32)cpu->R[0])<0 ? -(s32)cpu->R[0] : cpu->R[0]);
return 6;
@ -1363,7 +1363,7 @@ void gfx3d_glLoadIdentity()
BOOL gfx3d_glLoadMatrix4x4(s32 v)
mtxCurrent[mode][ML4x4ind] = v;
mtxCurrent[mode][ML4x4ind] = (float)v;
if(ML4x4ind<16) return FALSE;
@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@ BOOL gfx3d_glLoadMatrix4x4(s32 v)
BOOL gfx3d_glLoadMatrix4x3(s32 v)
mtxCurrent[mode][ML4x3ind] = v;
mtxCurrent[mode][ML4x3ind] = (float)v;
if((ML4x3ind & 0x03) == 3) ML4x3ind++;
@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ BOOL gfx3d_glLoadMatrix4x3(s32 v)
BOOL gfx3d_glMultMatrix4x4(s32 v)
mtxTemporal[MM4x4ind] = v;
mtxTemporal[MM4x4ind] = (float)v;
if(MM4x4ind<16) return FALSE;
@ -1426,7 +1426,7 @@ BOOL gfx3d_glMultMatrix4x4(s32 v)
BOOL gfx3d_glMultMatrix4x3(s32 v)
mtxTemporal[MM4x3ind] = v;
mtxTemporal[MM4x3ind] = (float)v;
if((MM4x3ind & 0x03) == 3) MM4x3ind++;
@ -1456,7 +1456,7 @@ BOOL gfx3d_glMultMatrix4x3(s32 v)
BOOL gfx3d_glMultMatrix3x3(s32 v)
mtxTemporal[MM3x3ind] = v;
mtxTemporal[MM3x3ind] = (float)v;
@ -3266,7 +3266,7 @@ static int arc(lua_State *L) {
static int star(lua_State *L) {
double cx,cy,r1,r2,startAngle,numRays;
lua_Integer cx,cy,r1,r2,startAngle,numRays;
cx = luaL_checkinteger(L,1);
cy = luaL_checkinteger(L,2);
r1 = luaL_checkinteger(L,3);
@ -3314,7 +3314,7 @@ static const struct luaL_reg aggbasicshapes [] =
static int fillColor(lua_State *L) {
double r,g,b,a;
lua_Integer r,g,b,a;
r = luaL_checkinteger(L,1);
g = luaL_checkinteger(L,2);
b = luaL_checkinteger(L,3);
@ -3333,7 +3333,7 @@ static int noFill(lua_State *L) {
static int lineColor(lua_State *L) {
double r,g,b,a;
lua_Integer r,g,b,a;
r = luaL_checkinteger(L,1);
g = luaL_checkinteger(L,2);
b = luaL_checkinteger(L,3);
@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ void BackupDevice::loadfile()
//scan for desmume save footer
const u32 cookieLen = strlen(kDesmumeSaveCookie);
const s32 cookieLen = (s32)strlen(kDesmumeSaveCookie);
char *sigbuf = new char[cookieLen];
fseek(inf, -cookieLen, SEEK_END);
@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ bool BackupDevice::load_duc(const char* filename)
bool BackupDevice::load_movie(std::istream* is) {
const u32 cookieLen = strlen(kDesmumeSaveCookie);
const s32 cookieLen = (s32)strlen(kDesmumeSaveCookie);
is->seekg(-cookieLen, std::ios::end);
is->seekg(-4, std::ios::cur);
@ -706,8 +706,8 @@ struct edge_fx_fl {
FORCEINLINE edge_fx_fl::edge_fx_fl(int Top, int Bottom) {
Y = Ceil28_4(verts[Top]->y);
int YEnd = Ceil28_4(verts[Bottom]->y);
Y = Ceil28_4((fixed28_4)verts[Top]->y);
int YEnd = Ceil28_4((fixed28_4)verts[Bottom]->y);
Height = YEnd - Y;
@ -715,13 +715,13 @@ FORCEINLINE edge_fx_fl::edge_fx_fl(int Top, int Bottom) {
long dN = long(verts[Bottom]->y - verts[Top]->y);
long dM = long(verts[Bottom]->x - verts[Top]->x);
long InitialNumerator = dM*16*Y - dM*verts[Top]->y + dN*verts[Top]->x - 1 + dN*16;
long InitialNumerator = (long)(dM*16*Y - dM*verts[Top]->y + dN*verts[Top]->x - 1 + dN*16);
Denominator = dN*16;
float YPrestep = Fixed28_4ToFloat(Y*16 - verts[Top]->y);
float XPrestep = Fixed28_4ToFloat(X*16 - verts[Top]->x);
float YPrestep = Fixed28_4ToFloat((fixed28_4)(Y*16 - verts[Top]->y));
float XPrestep = Fixed28_4ToFloat((fixed28_4)(X*16 - verts[Top]->x));
float dy = 1/Fixed28_4ToFloat(dN);
float dx = 1/Fixed28_4ToFloat(dM);
@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ static void SoftRastConvertFramebuffer()
template<typename T>
static T interpolate(const float ratio, const T& x0, const T& x1) {
return x0 + (float)(x1-x0) * (ratio);
return (T)(x0 + (float)(x1-x0) * (ratio));
@ -1381,7 +1381,7 @@ static void SoftRastRender()
//which is currently just a float
for(int j=0;j<type;j++)
for(int k=0;k<2;k++)
verts[j].coord[k] = iround(16.0f * verts[j].coord[k]);
verts[j].coord[k] = (float)iround(16.0f * verts[j].coord[k]);
//hmm... shader gets setup every time because it depends on sampler which may have just changed
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ void WINCLASS::sizingMsg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL keepRatio)
float ratio = ((rect->right - rect->left - xborder - xborder) / (float)minWidth);
rect->bottom = (rect->top + ycaption + yborder + ymenu + (minHeight * ratio) + yborder);
rect->bottom = (LONG)((rect->top + ycaption + yborder + ymenu + (minHeight * ratio) + yborder));
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ void WINCLASS::sizingMsg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL keepRatio)
float ratio = ((rect->bottom - rect->top - ycaption - yborder - ymenu - yborder) / (float)minHeight);
rect->right = (rect->left + xborder + (minWidth * ratio) + xborder);
rect->right = (LONG)((rect->left + xborder + (minWidth * ratio) + xborder));
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ void ScaleScreen(float factor)
factor = 1.5f;
else if(factor==65534)
factor = 2.5f;
MainWindow->setClientSize((video.rotatedwidthgap() * factor), (video.rotatedheightgap() * factor));
MainWindow->setClientSize((int)(video.rotatedwidthgap() * factor), (int)(video.rotatedheightgap() * factor));
@ -1854,7 +1854,7 @@ void UpdateWndRects(HWND hwnd)
ratio = ((float)wndHeight / (float)defHeight);
oneScreenHeight = ((video.height/2) * ratio);
oneScreenHeight = (int)((video.height/2) * ratio);
gapHeight = (wndHeight - (oneScreenHeight * 2));
if((video.rotation == 90) || (video.rotation == 270))
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ void Describe(HWND hwndDlg)
u32 num_frames = md.records.size();
double tempCount = num_frames / (33513982.0/6/355/263);
int num_seconds = tempCount;
int fraction = (tempCount - num_seconds) * 100;
int num_seconds = (int)tempCount;
int fraction = ((int)tempCount - num_seconds) * 100;
int seconds = num_seconds % 60;
int minutes = (num_seconds / 60) % 60;
int hours = (num_seconds / 60 / 60) % 60;
Reference in New Issue