import latest from rerecording branch

This commit is contained in:
zeromus 2009-05-04 23:36:46 +00:00
parent fbbe9da5ef
commit a30cf51c7d
11 changed files with 173 additions and 69 deletions

desmume/dsm.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
DSM is ascii plain text. It is derived from the FCEUX FM2 format.
It consists of several key-value pairs followed by an inputlog section.
The inputlog section can be identified by its starting with a | (pipe).
The inputlog section terminates at eof.
Newlines may be \r\n or \n
Key-value pairs consist of a key identifier, followed by a space separator, followed by the value text.
Value text is always terminated by a newline, which the value text will not include.
The value text is parsed differently depending on the type of the key.
The key-value pairs may be in any order, except that the first key must be version.
Integer keys (also used for booleans, with a 1 or 0) will have a value that is a simple integer not to exceed 32bits
- version (required) - the version of the movie file format; for now it is always 3
- emuVersion (required) - the version of the emulator used to produce the movie
- rerecordCount (optional) - the rerecord count
String keys have values that consist of the remainder of the key-value pair line. As a consequence, string values cannot contain newlines.
- romFilename (required) - the name of the file used to record the movie
- comment (optional) - simply a memo.
by convention, the first token in the comment value is the subject of the comment.
by convention, subsequent comments with the same subject will have their ordering preserved and may be used to approximate multiline comments.
by convention, the author of the movie should be stored in comment(s) with a subject of: author
Hex string keys (used for binary blobs) will have a value that is like 0x0123456789ABCDEF...
- romChecksum (required) - this is currently unused.
GUID keys have a value which is in the standard guid format: 452DE2C3-EF43-2FA9-77AC-0677FC51543B
- guid (required) a unique identifier for a movie, generated when the movie is created, which is used when loading a savestate to make sure it belongs to the current movie.
The inputlog section consists of lines beginning and ending with a | (pipe).
The fields are as follows, except as noted in note C.
|c|.............XXX YYY Z|
field c is a variable length decimal integer which is a bitfield corresponding to miscellaneous input states which are valid at the start of the frame.
There are currently no valid values and so this should always be 0.
the format of the main section is as follows:
the field begins with 13 characters which constitute a bitfield.
any character other than ' ' or '.' means that the button was pressed.
by convention, the following mnemonics will be used in a column to remind us of which button corresponds to which column:
RLDUTSBAYXWEG (Right,Left,Down,Up,sTart,Select,B,A,Y,X,lshoulder,rshoulder,debuG)
This ordering is based on FCEUX to a certain extent, and arbitrary after that.
W and E were chosen for shoulders to suggest West and East for Left and Right.
While the emulator supports a 'lid' button, and to some extent a 'blow' button, these are not supported in the movies.
XXX: %03d, the x position of the stylus (0,0 topleft, 255,191 bottomright)
YYY: %03d, the y position of the stylus
Z: %1d, 1 if the stylus is pressed pressed; 0 if not
Additional fields after this main section may be added later without breaking the file format.
* Notes *
A. There is no key-value pair that indicates the length of the movie. This must be read by scanning the inputlog and counting the number of lines.
B. All movies start from power-on.
C. The emulator uses these framerate constants
arm7_cycles_per_frame = 560190
frames_per_second = 59.8261

View File

@ -881,6 +881,7 @@ void NDS_FreeROM(void)
MMU.bupmem.fp = NULL;
bool _HACK_DONT_STOPMOVIE = false;
void NDS_Reset(BOOL resetBySavestate)
unsigned int i;
@ -889,7 +890,8 @@ void NDS_Reset(BOOL resetBySavestate)
FILE* inf = 0;
NDS_header * header = NDS_getROMHeader();
if (!header) return ;

View File

@ -207,10 +207,10 @@ static CACHE_ALIGN float cacheHalfVector[4][4];
//-------------poly and vertex lists and such things
POLYLIST polylists[2];
POLYLIST* polylist = &polylists[0];
VERTLIST vertlists[2];
VERTLIST* vertlist = &vertlists[0];
POLYLIST* polylists = NULL;
POLYLIST* polylist = NULL;
VERTLIST* vertlists = NULL;
VERTLIST* vertlist = NULL;
int listTwiddle = 1;
int triStripToggle;
@ -278,6 +278,8 @@ static void makeTables() {
void gfx3d_init()
if(polylists == NULL) { polylists = new POLYLIST[2]; polylist = &polylists[0]; }
if(vertlists == NULL) { vertlists = new VERTLIST[2]; vertlist = &vertlists[0]; }
@ -2328,6 +2330,9 @@ SFORMAT SF_GFX3D[]={
void gfx3d_savestate(std::ostream* os)
//dump the render lists
for(int i=0;i<vertlist->count;i++)
@ -2339,6 +2344,11 @@ void gfx3d_savestate(std::ostream* os)
bool gfx3d_loadstate(std::istream* is, int size)
int version;
if(read32le(&version,is) != 1) return false;
if(size==8) version = 0;
@ -2352,12 +2362,15 @@ bool gfx3d_loadstate(std::istream* is, int size)
polylist = &polylists[listTwiddle];
vertlist = &vertlists[listTwiddle];
for(int i=0;i<vertlist->count;i++)
for(int i=0;i<polylist->count;i++)
for(int i=0;i<vertlist->count;i++)
for(int i=0;i<polylist->count;i++)
gfx3d.polylist = &polylists[listTwiddle^1];
gfx3d.vertlist = &vertlists[listTwiddle^1];

View File

@ -478,7 +478,11 @@ static void openRecordingMovie(const char* fname)
//currMovieData.romChecksum = GameInfo->MD5;
//currMovieData.romFilename = FileBase;
//todo ?
@ -755,6 +759,7 @@ bool mov_loadstate(std::istream* is, int size)
currMovieData.rerecordCount = currRerecordCount;
//printf("DUMPING MOVIE: %d FRAMES\n",currMovieData.records.size());
currMovieData.dump(osRecordingMovie, false);
@ -844,6 +849,7 @@ void LoadFM2_binarychunk(MovieData& movieData, std::istream* fp, int size)
int todo = std::min(size, flen);
int numRecords = todo/recordsize;
//printf("LOADED MOVIE: %d records; currFrameCounter: %d\n",numRecords,currFrameCounter);
for(int i=0;i<numRecords;i++)

View File

@ -69,6 +69,17 @@ static u8 decal_table[32][32][32];
static u8 index_lookup_table[65];
static u8 index_start_table[8];
static struct TClippedPoly
int type;
POLY* poly;
} *clippedPolys = NULL;
static int clippedPolyCounter;
TClippedPoly tempClippedPoly;
TClippedPoly outClippedPoly;
////optimized float floor useful in limited cases
////(unfortunately, it relies on certain FPU register settings)
@ -895,6 +906,9 @@ static char SoftRastInit(void)
tables_generated = true;
clippedPolys = new TClippedPoly[POLYLIST_SIZE*2];
for(int i=0;i<32;i++)
for(int j=0;j<32;j++)
@ -968,16 +982,6 @@ static void SoftRastConvertFramebuffer()
static struct TClippedPoly
int type;
POLY* poly;
} clippedPolys[POLYLIST_SIZE*2];
static int clippedPolyCounter;
TClippedPoly tempClippedPoly;
TClippedPoly outClippedPoly;
template<typename T>
static T interpolate(const float ratio, const T& x0, const T& x1) {

View File

@ -79,33 +79,30 @@ struct movietime {
struct movietime movie;
int oldframeCounter;
u64 totalcycles=2904024960000ULL;//noon
int totalseconds;
bool moviemode=false;
void InitMovieTime(void) {
void InitMovieTime(void)
#ifdef WIN32
static void MovieTime(void) {
if(currFrameCounter > oldframeCounter) {
int difference;
//now, you might think it is silly to go through all these conniptions
//when we could just assume that there are 60fps and base the seconds on frameCounter/60
//but, we were imagining that one day we might need more precision
totalseconds=totalcycles / 67222800; //one second
const u32 arm9rate_unitsperframe = 560190<<1;
const u32 arm9rate_unitspersecond = (u32)(arm9rate_unitsperframe * 59.8261);
const u64 noon = (u64)arm9rate_unitspersecond * 60 * 60 * 12;
u64 frameCycles = (u64)arm9rate_unitsperframe * currFrameCounter;
u64 totalcycles = frameCycles + noon;
u32 totalseconds=totalcycles/arm9rate_unitspersecond;
movie.sec=totalseconds % 60;

View File

@ -862,7 +862,10 @@ static bool savestate_load(std::istream* is)
//while the series of resets below should work,
//we are testing the robustness of the savestate system with this full reset.
//the full reset wipes more things, so we can make sure that they are being restored correctly
//reset some options to their old defaults which werent saved
nds.debugConsole = FALSE;

View File

@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ static MemSpan MemSpan_TexPalette(u32 ofs, u32 len)
return ret;
TextureCache texcache[MAX_TEXTURE+1];
u32 texcache_start;
u32 texcache_stop;
u8 TexCache_texMAP[1024*2048*4];
TextureCache *texcache;
u32 texcache_start;
u32 texcache_stop;
u8 *TexCache_texMAP = NULL;
#if defined (DEBUG_DUMP_TEXTURE) && defined (WIN32)
@ -575,6 +575,9 @@ REJECT:
void TexCache_Reset()
if(TexCache_texMAP == NULL) TexCache_texMAP = new u8[1024*2048*4];
if(texcache == NULL) texcache = new TextureCache[MAX_TEXTURE+1];

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ struct ALIGN(8) TextureCache
extern TextureCache texcache[MAX_TEXTURE+1];
extern TextureCache *texcache;
extern void (*TexCache_BindTexture)(u32 texnum);
extern void (*TexCache_BindTextureData)(u32 texnum, u8* data);
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ void TexCache_SetTexture(u32 format, u32 texpal);
void TexCache_Invalidate();
extern u8 TexCache_texMAP[1024*2048*4];
extern u8 *TexCache_texMAP;
TextureCache* TexCache_Curr();

View File

@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ void DRV_AviVideoUpdate(const u16* buffer);
DWORD hKeyInputTimer;
extern LRESULT CALLBACK RamSearchProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void InitRamSearch();
@ -3139,6 +3140,7 @@ LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProcedure (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
RamSearchHWnd = CreateDialog(hAppInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_RAMSEARCH), hwnd, (DLGPROC) RamSearchProc);

View File

@ -63,10 +63,12 @@ struct MemoryRegion
unsigned int itemIndex; // index into listbox items, valid when s_itemIndicesInvalid is false
static unsigned char s_prevValues [MAX_RAM_SIZE+4] = {0}; // values at last search or reset
static unsigned char s_curValues [MAX_RAM_SIZE+4] = {0}; // values at last frame update
static unsigned short s_numChanges [MAX_RAM_SIZE+4] = {0}; // number of changes of the item starting at this virtual index address
static MemoryRegion* s_itemIndexToRegionPointer [MAX_RAM_SIZE+4] = {0}; // used for random access into the memory list (trading memory size to get speed here, too bad it's so much memory), only valid when s_itemIndicesInvalid is false
static struct Buffers {
unsigned char s_prevValues [MAX_RAM_SIZE+4]; // values at last search or reset
unsigned char s_curValues [MAX_RAM_SIZE+4]; // values at last frame update
unsigned short s_numChanges [MAX_RAM_SIZE+4]; // number of changes of the item starting at this virtual index address
MemoryRegion* s_itemIndexToRegionPointer [MAX_RAM_SIZE+4]; // used for random access into the memory list (trading memory size to get speed here, too bad it's so much memory), only valid when s_itemIndicesInvalid is false
} *buffers = NULL;
static BOOL s_itemIndicesInvalid = true; // if true, the link from listbox items to memory regions (s_itemIndexToRegionPointer) and the link from memory regions to list box items (MemoryRegion::itemIndex) both need to be recalculated
static BOOL s_prevValuesNeedUpdate = true; // if true, the "prev" values should be updated using the "cur" values on the next frame update signaled
static unsigned int s_maxItemIndex = 0; // max currently valid item index, the listbox sometimes tries to update things past the end of the list so we need to know this to ignore those attempts
@ -92,6 +94,15 @@ static int s_undoType = 0; // 0 means can't undo, 1 means can undo, 2 means can
void RamSearchSaveUndoStateIfNotTooBig(HWND hDlg);
static const int tooManyRegionsForUndo = 10000;
void InitRamSearch()
if(buffers == NULL)
buffers = new Buffers;
void ResetMemoryRegions()
// Clear_Sound_Buffer();
@ -200,7 +211,7 @@ void CalculateItemIndices(int itemSize)
unsigned int start = startSkipSize;
unsigned int end = region.size;
for(unsigned int i = start; i < end; i += itemSize)
s_itemIndexToRegionPointer[itemIndex++] = &region;
buffers->s_itemIndexToRegionPointer[itemIndex++] = &region;
s_maxItemIndex = itemIndex;
s_itemIndicesInvalid = FALSE;
@ -210,7 +221,7 @@ template<typename stepType, typename compareType, int swapXOR>
void UpdateRegionT(const MemoryRegion& region, const MemoryRegion* nextRegionPtr)
memcpy(s_prevValues + region.virtualIndex, s_curValues + region.virtualIndex, region.size + sizeof(compareType) - sizeof(stepType));
memcpy(buffers->s_prevValues + region.virtualIndex, buffers->s_curValues + region.virtualIndex, region.size + sizeof(compareType) - sizeof(stepType));
unsigned int startSkipSize = ((unsigned int)(sizeof(stepType) - region.hardwareAddress)) % sizeof(stepType);
@ -222,11 +233,11 @@ void UpdateRegionT(const MemoryRegion& region, const MemoryRegion* nextRegionPtr
for(unsigned int i = indexStart; i < indexEnd; i++)
if(s_curValues[i] != sourceAddr[i^swapXOR]) // if value changed
if(buffers->s_curValues[i] != sourceAddr[i^swapXOR]) // if value changed
s_curValues[i] = sourceAddr[i^swapXOR]; // update value
buffers->s_curValues[i] = sourceAddr[i^swapXOR]; // update value
//if(s_numChanges[i] != 0xFFFF)
s_numChanges[i]++; // increase change count
buffers->s_numChanges[i]++; // increase change count
@ -253,10 +264,10 @@ void UpdateRegionT(const MemoryRegion& region, const MemoryRegion* nextRegionPtr
for(unsigned int i = indexStart, j = 0; i < lastIndexToRead; i++, j++)
if(s_curValues[i] != sourceAddr[i^swapXOR]) // if value of this byte changed
if(buffers->s_curValues[i] != sourceAddr[i^swapXOR]) // if value of this byte changed
if(i < lastIndexToCopy)
s_curValues[i] = sourceAddr[i^swapXOR]; // update value
buffers->s_curValues[i] = sourceAddr[i^swapXOR]; // update value
for(int k = 0; k < sizeof(compareType); k++) // loop through the previous entries that contain this byte
if(i >= indexEnd+k)
@ -265,7 +276,7 @@ void UpdateRegionT(const MemoryRegion& region, const MemoryRegion* nextRegionPtr
if(nextValidChange[m]+sizeof(compareType) <= i+sizeof(compareType)) // if we didn't already increase the change count for this entry
//if(s_numChanges[i-k] != 0xFFFF)
s_numChanges[i-k]++; // increase the change count for this entry
buffers->s_numChanges[i-k]++; // increase the change count for this entry
nextValidChange[m] = i+sizeof(compareType); // and remember not to increase it again
@ -333,7 +344,7 @@ void ItemIndexToVirtualRegion(unsigned int itemIndex, MemoryRegion& virtualRegio
const MemoryRegion* regionPtr = s_itemIndexToRegionPointer[itemIndex];
const MemoryRegion* regionPtr = buffers->s_itemIndexToRegionPointer[itemIndex];
const MemoryRegion& region = *regionPtr;
int bytesWithinRegion = (itemIndex - region.itemIndex) * sizeof(stepType);
@ -375,19 +386,19 @@ template<> unsigned char ReadBigEndian(const unsigned char* data) { return *data
template<typename stepType, typename compareType>
compareType GetPrevValueFromVirtualIndex(unsigned int virtualIndex)
return ReadBigEndian<compareType>(s_prevValues + virtualIndex);
return ReadBigEndian<compareType>(buffers->s_prevValues + virtualIndex);
//return *(compareType*)(s_prevValues+virtualIndex);
template<typename stepType, typename compareType>
compareType GetCurValueFromVirtualIndex(unsigned int virtualIndex)
return ReadBigEndian<compareType>(s_curValues + virtualIndex);
return ReadBigEndian<compareType>(buffers->s_curValues + virtualIndex);
// return *(compareType*)(s_curValues+virtualIndex);
template<typename stepType, typename compareType>
unsigned short GetNumChangesFromVirtualIndex(unsigned int virtualIndex)
unsigned short num = s_numChanges[virtualIndex];
unsigned short num = buffers->s_numChanges[virtualIndex];
//for(unsigned int i = 1; i < sizeof(stepType); i++)
// if(num < s_numChanges[virtualIndex+i])
// num = s_numChanges[virtualIndex+i];
@ -970,14 +981,14 @@ void CompactAddrs()
void soft_reset_address_info ()
memset(s_numChanges, 0, sizeof(s_numChanges));
memset(buffers->s_numChanges, 0, sizeof(buffers->s_numChanges));
void reset_address_info ()
SetRamSearchUndoType(RamSearchHWnd, 0);
s_activeMemoryRegionsBackup.clear(); // not necessary, but we'll take the time hit here instead of at the next thing that sets up an undo
memcpy(s_prevValues, s_curValues, sizeof(s_prevValues));
memcpy(buffers->s_prevValues, buffers->s_curValues, sizeof(buffers->s_prevValues));
s_prevValuesNeedUpdate = false;
@ -992,7 +1003,7 @@ void reset_address_info ()
s_prevValuesNeedUpdate = true;
memset(s_numChanges, 0, sizeof(s_numChanges));
memset(buffers->s_numChanges, 0, sizeof(buffers->s_numChanges));
@ -1663,7 +1674,7 @@ LRESULT CALLBACK RamSearchProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lPara
{rv = true; break;}
memset(s_numChanges, 0, sizeof(s_numChanges));
memset(buffers->s_numChanges, 0, sizeof(buffers->s_numChanges));
ListView_Update(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_RAMLIST), -1);
//SetRamSearchUndoType(hDlg, 0);
{rv = true; break;}