preliminary implementation of clipper moved to gfx3d and used for box test. should have fixed all box test issues, but some cases will still fail due to unresolved timing problems

This commit is contained in:
zeromus 2009-10-06 08:42:55 +00:00
parent c986a7eb1a
commit 703a3266b2
6 changed files with 364 additions and 272 deletions

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ PathInfo path;
TCommonSettings CommonSettings;
static BaseDriver _stub_driver;
@ -2035,7 +2035,7 @@ static void execHardware_hstart()
void NDS_Reschedule()
IF_DEVELOPER(if(!sequencer.reschedule) DEBUG_statistics.sequencerExecutionCounters[0]++;);
sequencer.reschedule = true;

View File

@ -1010,15 +1010,17 @@ static void SPU_MixAudio(SPU_struct *SPU, int length)
//emulates one frame of the cpu core.
//emulates one hline of the cpu core.
//this will produce a variable number of samples, calculated to keep a 44100hz output
//in sync with the emulator framerate
static const double time_per_frame = (double)1.0/((double)ARM7_CLOCK/6/355); //(double)1.0/(double)59.8261; // ((double)ARM7_CLOCK/6/355/263)
static const double samples_per_frame = time_per_frame * 44100;
static const int dots_per_clock = 6;
static const int dots_per_hline = 355;
static const double time_per_hline = (double)1.0/((double)ARM7_CLOCK/dots_per_clock/dots_per_hline);
static const double samples_per_hline = time_per_hline * 44100;
int spu_core_samples = 0;
void SPU_Emulate_core()
samples += samples_per_frame;
samples += samples_per_hline;
spu_core_samples = (int)(samples);
samples -= spu_core_samples;

View File

@ -259,6 +259,7 @@ using std::max;
using std::min;
GFX3D gfx3d;
static GFX3D_Clipper boxtestClipper;
//tables that are provided to anyone
CACHE_ALIGN u32 color_15bit_to_24bit_reverse[32768];
@ -1339,26 +1340,15 @@ void gfx3d_glViewPort(u32 v)
int boxcounter = 0;
BOOL gfx3d_glBoxTest(u32 v)
#ifdef TESTS_ENABLED = 0; // clear boxtest bit
MMU_new.gxstat.tb = 1; // busy
#else = 1; // HACK!!!
MMU_new.gxstat.tb = 0;
BTcoords[BTind++] = float16table[v & 0xFFFF];
BTcoords[BTind++] = float16table[v >> 16];
// 0 - X coordinate
// 1 - Y coordinate
// 2 - Z coordinate
// 3 - Width
// 4 - Height
// 5 - Depth
if (BTind < 5) return FALSE;
BTind = 0;
@ -1376,76 +1366,101 @@ BOOL gfx3d_glBoxTest(u32 v)
//(crafted to be clear, not fast.)
// 0 - X coordinate 1 - Y coordinate 2 - Z coordinate
// 3 - Width 4 - Height 5 - Depth
ALIGN(16) float boxCoords[6][4][4] = {
// near
{ {BTcoords[0], BTcoords[1], BTcoords[2], 1.0f},
{BTcoords[0]+BTcoords[3], BTcoords[1], BTcoords[2], 1.0f},
{BTcoords[0]+BTcoords[3], BTcoords[1]+BTcoords[4], BTcoords[2], 1.0f},
{BTcoords[0], BTcoords[1]+BTcoords[4], BTcoords[2], 1.0f}},
// far
{ {BTcoords[0], BTcoords[1], BTcoords[2]+BTcoords[5], 1.0f},
{BTcoords[0]+BTcoords[3], BTcoords[1], BTcoords[2]+BTcoords[5], 1.0f},
{BTcoords[0]+BTcoords[3], BTcoords[1]+BTcoords[4], BTcoords[2]+BTcoords[5], 1.0f},
{BTcoords[0], BTcoords[1]+BTcoords[4], BTcoords[2]+BTcoords[5], 1.0f}},
// left
{ {BTcoords[0], BTcoords[1], BTcoords[2]+BTcoords[5], 1.0f},
{BTcoords[0], BTcoords[1], BTcoords[2], 1.0f},
{BTcoords[0], BTcoords[1]+BTcoords[4], BTcoords[2], 1.0f},
{BTcoords[0], BTcoords[1]+BTcoords[4], BTcoords[2]+BTcoords[5], 1.0f}},
// right
{ {BTcoords[0]+BTcoords[3], BTcoords[1], BTcoords[2], 1.0f},
{BTcoords[0]+BTcoords[3], BTcoords[1], BTcoords[2]+BTcoords[5], 1.0f},
{BTcoords[0]+BTcoords[3], BTcoords[1]+BTcoords[4], BTcoords[2]+BTcoords[5], 1.0f},
{BTcoords[0]+BTcoords[3], BTcoords[1]+BTcoords[4], BTcoords[2], 1.0f}},
// top
{ {BTcoords[0], BTcoords[1], BTcoords[2]+BTcoords[5], 1.0f},
{BTcoords[0]+BTcoords[3], BTcoords[1], BTcoords[2]+BTcoords[5], 1.0f},
{BTcoords[0]+BTcoords[3], BTcoords[1], BTcoords[2], 1.0f},
{BTcoords[0], BTcoords[1], BTcoords[2], 1.0f}},
// bottom
{ {BTcoords[0], BTcoords[1]+BTcoords[4], BTcoords[2]+BTcoords[5], 1.0f},
{BTcoords[0]+BTcoords[3], BTcoords[1]+BTcoords[4], BTcoords[2]+BTcoords[5], 1.0f},
{BTcoords[0]+BTcoords[3], BTcoords[1]+BTcoords[4], BTcoords[2], 1.0f},
{BTcoords[0], BTcoords[1]+BTcoords[4], BTcoords[2], 1.0f}}
//there is a still a problem in here.
//nanostray title, ff4, ice age 3 work
//garfields nightmare, strawberry shortcake do not.
//but i think it is a timing issue, since
//1. shortcake can be made to flicker by tweaking btcoords
//2. the flicker can be made to go away by making dma cost todo instead of todo/4
//the game is probably doing a box test and then dmaing an object to gxfifo,
//and then being sloppy about how long to wait before the next box test.
//(maybe bus lock would fix it)
//this doesnt seem to help garfield. garfield does seem to work better when its
//rendering is being constrained by the box test, but the box test is still failing in that game
float x = BTcoords[0];
float y = BTcoords[1];
float z = BTcoords[2];
float w = BTcoords[3];
float h = BTcoords[4];
float d = BTcoords[5];
//craft the coords by adding extents to startpoint
VERT verts[8];
//transform all coords
for(int i=0;i<8;i++) {
//MatrixMultVec4x4_M2(mtxCurrent[0], verts[i].coord);
//yuck.. cant use the sse2 accelerated ones because vert.coords is not cache aligned or something
//i dunno
void _NOSSE_MatrixMultVec4x4 (const float *matrix, float *vecPtr);
//craft the faces of the box (clockwise)
POLY polys[6];
polys[0].setVertIndexes(7,6,5,4); //near
polys[1].setVertIndexes(0,1,2,3); //far
polys[2].setVertIndexes(0,3,7,4); //left
polys[3].setVertIndexes(6,2,1,5); //right
polys[4].setVertIndexes(3,2,6,7); //top
polys[5].setVertIndexes(0,4,5,1); //bottom
//setup the clipper
GFX3D_Clipper::TClippedPoly tempClippedPoly;
boxtestClipper.clippedPolyCounter = 0;
boxtestClipper.clippedPolys = &tempClippedPoly;
//clip each poly
for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
POLY* poly = &polys[i];
VERT* vertTable[4] = {
for(int face = 0; face < 6; face++)
for(int vtx = 0; vtx < 4; vtx++)
MatrixMultVec4x4(mtxCurrent[1], boxCoords[face][vtx]);
MatrixMultVec4x4(mtxCurrent[0], boxCoords[face][vtx]);
boxCoords[face][vtx][0] = ((boxCoords[face][vtx][0] + boxCoords[face][vtx][3]) / (2.0f * boxCoords[face][vtx][3]));
boxCoords[face][vtx][1] = ((boxCoords[face][vtx][1] + boxCoords[face][vtx][3]) / (2.0f * boxCoords[face][vtx][3]));
boxCoords[face][vtx][2] = ((boxCoords[face][vtx][2] + boxCoords[face][vtx][3]) / (2.0f * boxCoords[face][vtx][3]));
//if(face==0)INFO("box test: testing face %i, vtx %i: %f %f %f %f\n", face, vtx,
// boxCoords[face][vtx][0], boxCoords[face][vtx][1], boxCoords[face][vtx][2], boxCoords[face][vtx][3]);
if ((boxCoords[face][vtx][0] >= 0.0f) && (boxCoords[face][vtx][0] <= 1.0f) &&
(boxCoords[face][vtx][1] >= 0.0f) && (boxCoords[face][vtx][1] <= 1.0f) &&
(boxCoords[face][vtx][2] >= 0.0f) && (boxCoords[face][vtx][2] <= 1.0f))
//if any portion of this poly was retained, then the test passes.
if(boxtestClipper.clippedPolyCounter>0) {
//printf("%06d PASS\n",boxcounter); = 1;
return TRUE;
#else = 1; // hack
if( == 0)
//printf("%06d FAIL\n",boxcounter);
// = 1;
// = 0;
return TRUE;
BOOL gfx3d_glPosTest(u32 v)
MMU_new.gxstat.tb = 1;
@ -1470,6 +1485,7 @@ BOOL gfx3d_glPosTest(u32 v)
void gfx3d_glVecTest(u32 v)
@ -1709,6 +1725,12 @@ void gfx3d_execute3D()
if (isSwapBuffers) return;
//this is a SPEED HACK
//fifo is currently emulated more accurately than it probably needs to be.
//without this batch size the emuloop will escape way too often to run fast.
const int HACK_FIFO_BATCH_SIZE = 32;
for(int i=0;i<HACK_FIFO_BATCH_SIZE;i++) {
if(GFX_PIPErecv(&cmd, &param))
//if (isSwapBuffers) printf("Executing while swapbuffers is pending: %d:%08X\n",cmd,param);
@ -1722,6 +1744,7 @@ void gfx3d_execute3D()
//for the earlier params.
//printf("%05d:%03d:%12lld: executed 3d: %02X %08X\n",currFrameCounter, nds.VCount, nds_timer , cmd, param);
gfx3d_execute(cmd, param);
} else break;
@ -1743,9 +1766,9 @@ void gfx3d_execute3D()
void gfx3d_glFlush(u32 v)
boxcounter = 0;
//printf("-------------FLUSH------------- (vcount=%d\n",nds.VCount);
gfx3d.sortmode = BIT0(v);
gfx3d.wbuffer = BIT1(v);
@ -2177,3 +2200,170 @@ bool gfx3d_loadstate(EMUFILE* is, int size)
return true;
//#define CLIPLOG(X) printf(X);
//#define CLIPLOG2(X,Y,Z) printf(X,Y,Z);
#define CLIPLOG(X)
#define CLIPLOG2(X,Y,Z)
template<typename T>
static T interpolate(const float ratio, const T& x0, const T& x1) {
return (T)(x0 + (float)(x1-x0) * (ratio));
static FORCEINLINE VERT clipPoint(VERT* inside, VERT* outside, int coord, int which)
VERT ret;
float coord_inside = inside->coord[coord];
float coord_outside = outside->coord[coord];
float w_inside = inside->coord[3];
float w_outside = outside->coord[3];
float t;
if(which==-1) {
w_outside = -w_outside;
w_inside = -w_inside;
t = (coord_inside - w_inside)/ ((w_outside-w_inside) - (coord_outside-coord_inside));
#define INTERP(X) ret . X = interpolate(t, inside-> X ,outside-> X )
INTERP(coord[0]); INTERP(coord[1]); INTERP(coord[2]); INTERP(coord[3]);
INTERP(texcoord[0]); INTERP(texcoord[1]);
INTERP(fcolor[0]); INTERP(fcolor[1]); INTERP(fcolor[2]);
INTERP(color[0]); INTERP(color[1]); INTERP(color[2]);
//this seems like a prudent measure to make sure that math doesnt make a point pop back out
//of the clip volume through interpolation
ret.coord[coord] = -ret.coord[3];
ret.coord[coord] = ret.coord[3];
return ret;
FORCEINLINE void GFX3D_Clipper::clipSegmentVsPlane(VERT** verts, const int coord, int which)
bool out0, out1;
out0 = verts[0]->coord[coord] < -verts[0]->coord[3];
out0 = verts[0]->coord[coord] > verts[0]->coord[3];
out1 = verts[1]->coord[coord] < -verts[1]->coord[3];
out1 = verts[1]->coord[coord] > verts[1]->coord[3];
//CONSIDER: should we try and clip things behind the eye? does this code even successfully do it? not sure.
//if(coord==2 && which==1) {
// out0 = verts[0]->coord[2] < 0;
// out1 = verts[1]->coord[2] < 0;
//both outside: insert no points
if(out0 && out1) {
CLIPLOG(" both outside\n");
//both inside: insert the first point
if(!out0 && !out1)
CLIPLOG(" both inside\n");
outClippedPoly.clipVerts[outClippedPoly.type++] = *verts[1];
//exiting volume: insert the clipped point and the first (interior) point
if(!out0 && out1)
CLIPLOG(" exiting\n");
outClippedPoly.clipVerts[outClippedPoly.type++] = clipPoint(verts[0],verts[1], coord, which);
//entering volume: insert clipped point
if(out0 && !out1) {
CLIPLOG(" entering\n");
outClippedPoly.clipVerts[outClippedPoly.type++] = clipPoint(verts[1],verts[0], coord, which);
outClippedPoly.clipVerts[outClippedPoly.type++] = *verts[1];
FORCEINLINE void GFX3D_Clipper::clipPolyVsPlane(const int coord, int which)
outClippedPoly.type = 0;
CLIPLOG2("Clipping coord %d against %f\n",coord,x);
for(int i=0;i<tempClippedPoly.type;i++)
VERT* testverts[2] = {&tempClippedPoly.clipVerts[i],&tempClippedPoly.clipVerts[(i+1)%tempClippedPoly.type]};
clipSegmentVsPlane(testverts, coord, which);
//this doesnt seem to help any. leaving it until i decide to get rid of it
//int j = index_start_table[tempClippedPoly.type-3];
//for(int i=0;i<tempClippedPoly.type;i++,j+=2)
// VERT* testverts[2] = {&tempClippedPoly.clipVerts[index_lookup_table[j]],&tempClippedPoly.clipVerts[index_lookup_table[j+1]]};
// clipSegmentVsPlane(testverts, coord, which);
tempClippedPoly = outClippedPoly;
void GFX3D_Clipper::clipPoly(POLY* poly, VERT** verts)
int type = poly->type;
CLIPLOG("==Begin poly==\n");
tempClippedPoly.clipVerts[0] = *verts[0];
tempClippedPoly.clipVerts[1] = *verts[1];
tempClippedPoly.clipVerts[2] = *verts[2];
tempClippedPoly.clipVerts[3] = *verts[3];
tempClippedPoly.type = type;
clipPolyVsPlane(0, -1);
clipPolyVsPlane(0, 1);
clipPolyVsPlane(1, -1);
clipPolyVsPlane(1, 1);
clipPolyVsPlane(2, -1);
clipPolyVsPlane(2, 1);
//TODO - we need to parameterize back plane clipping
if(tempClippedPoly.type < 3)
//a totally clipped poly. discard it.
//or, a degenerate poly. we're not handling these right now
//TODO - build right in this list instead of copying
clippedPolys[clippedPolyCounter] = tempClippedPoly;
clippedPolys[clippedPolyCounter].poly = poly;

View File

@ -142,6 +142,15 @@ struct POLY {
u32 viewport;
float miny, maxy;
void setVertIndexes(int a, int b, int c, int d=-1)
vertIndexes[0] = a;
vertIndexes[1] = b;
vertIndexes[2] = c;
if(d != -1) { vertIndexes[3] = d; type = 4; }
else type = 3;
bool isTranslucent()
//alpha != 31 -> translucent
@ -200,6 +209,18 @@ struct VERT {
float u,v;
void set_coord(float x, float y, float z, float w) {
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
this->z = z;
this->w = w;
void set_coord(float* coords) {
x = coords[0];
y = coords[1];
z = coords[2];
w = coords[3];
u8 color[3];
float fcolor[3];
void color_to_float() {
@ -236,6 +257,36 @@ struct VIEWPORT {
void decode(u32 v);
//The worst case we've managed to think of so far would be a viewport zoomed in a little bit
//on a diamond, with cut-out bits in all four corners
class GFX3D_Clipper
struct TClippedPoly
int type; //otherwise known as "count" of verts
POLY* poly;
//the entry point for poly clipping
void clipPoly(POLY* poly, VERT** verts);
//the output of clipping operations goes into here.
//be sure you init it before clipping!
TClippedPoly *clippedPolys;
int clippedPolyCounter;
TClippedPoly tempClippedPoly;
TClippedPoly outClippedPoly;
FORCEINLINE void clipSegmentVsPlane(VERT** verts, const int coord, int which);
FORCEINLINE void clipPolyVsPlane(const int coord, int which);
//used to communicate state to the renderer
struct GFX3D

View File

@ -25,10 +25,7 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include "matrix.h"
//switched SSE functions: implementations for no SSE
#ifndef ENABLE_SSE
void MatrixMultVec4x4 (const float *matrix, float *vecPtr)
void _NOSSE_MatrixMultVec4x4 (const float *matrix, float *vecPtr)
float x = vecPtr[0];
float y = vecPtr[1];
@ -42,6 +39,15 @@ void MatrixMultVec4x4 (const float *matrix, float *vecPtr)
//switched SSE functions: implementations for no SSE
#ifndef ENABLE_SSE
void MatrixMultVec4x4 (const float *matrix, float *vecPtr)
_NOSSE_MatrixMultVec4x4(matrix, vecPtr);
void MatrixMultVec3x3 (const float *matrix, float *vecPtr)
float x = vecPtr[0];

View File

@ -26,9 +26,6 @@
//the shape rasterizers contained herein are based on code supplied by Chris Hecker from
//The worst case we've managed to think of so far would be a viewport zoomed in a little bit
//on a diamond, with cut-out bits in all four corners
//TODO - due to a late change of a y-coord flipping, our winding order is wrong
//this causes us to have to flip the verts for every front-facing poly.
@ -73,16 +70,11 @@ static u8 decal_table[32][64][64];
static u8 index_lookup_table[65];
static u8 index_start_table[8];
static struct TClippedPoly
int type;
POLY* poly;
} *clippedPolys = NULL;
static GFX3D_Clipper clipper;
static GFX3D_Clipper::TClippedPoly *clippedPolys = NULL;
static int clippedPolyCounter;
TClippedPoly tempClippedPoly;
TClippedPoly outClippedPoly;
////optimized float floor useful in limited cases
@ -252,10 +244,10 @@ struct Fragment
static VERT* verts[MAX_CLIPPED_VERTS];
INLINE static void SubmitVertex(int vert_index, VERT& rawvert)
verts[vert_index] = &rawvert;
//INLINE static void SubmitVertex(int vert_index, VERT& rawvert)
// verts[vert_index] = &rawvert;
static Fragment screen[256*192];
static FragmentColor screenColor[256*192];
@ -922,7 +914,7 @@ static char SoftRastInit(void)
tables_generated = true;
clippedPolys = new TClippedPoly[POLYLIST_SIZE*2];
clipper.clippedPolys = clippedPolys = new GFX3D_Clipper::TClippedPoly[POLYLIST_SIZE*2];
for(int i=0;i<64;i++)
@ -1079,167 +1071,6 @@ static void SoftRastConvertFramebuffer()
template<typename T>
static T interpolate(const float ratio, const T& x0, const T& x1) {
return (T)(x0 + (float)(x1-x0) * (ratio));
static FORCEINLINE VERT clipPoint(VERT* inside, VERT* outside, int coord, int which)
VERT ret;
float coord_inside = inside->coord[coord];
float coord_outside = outside->coord[coord];
float w_inside = inside->coord[3];
float w_outside = outside->coord[3];
float t;
if(which==-1) {
w_outside = -w_outside;
w_inside = -w_inside;
t = (coord_inside - w_inside)/ ((w_outside-w_inside) - (coord_outside-coord_inside));
#define INTERP(X) ret . X = interpolate(t, inside-> X ,outside-> X )
INTERP(coord[0]); INTERP(coord[1]); INTERP(coord[2]); INTERP(coord[3]);
INTERP(texcoord[0]); INTERP(texcoord[1]);
INTERP(fcolor[0]); INTERP(fcolor[1]); INTERP(fcolor[2]);
INTERP(color[0]); INTERP(color[1]); INTERP(color[2]);
//this seems like a prudent measure to make sure that math doesnt make a point pop back out
//of the clip volume through interpolation
ret.coord[coord] = -ret.coord[3];
ret.coord[coord] = ret.coord[3];
return ret;
//#define CLIPLOG(X) printf(X);
//#define CLIPLOG2(X,Y,Z) printf(X,Y,Z);
#define CLIPLOG(X)
#define CLIPLOG2(X,Y,Z)
static FORCEINLINE void clipSegmentVsPlane(VERT** verts, const int coord, int which)
bool out0, out1;
out0 = verts[0]->coord[coord] < -verts[0]->coord[3];
out0 = verts[0]->coord[coord] > verts[0]->coord[3];
out1 = verts[1]->coord[coord] < -verts[1]->coord[3];
out1 = verts[1]->coord[coord] > verts[1]->coord[3];
//CONSIDER: should we try and clip things behind the eye? does this code even successfully do it? not sure.
//if(coord==2 && which==1) {
// out0 = verts[0]->coord[2] < 0;
// out1 = verts[1]->coord[2] < 0;
//both outside: insert no points
if(out0 && out1) {
CLIPLOG(" both outside\n");
//both inside: insert the first point
if(!out0 && !out1)
CLIPLOG(" both inside\n");
outClippedPoly.clipVerts[outClippedPoly.type++] = *verts[1];
//exiting volume: insert the clipped point and the first (interior) point
if(!out0 && out1)
CLIPLOG(" exiting\n");
outClippedPoly.clipVerts[outClippedPoly.type++] = clipPoint(verts[0],verts[1], coord, which);
//entering volume: insert clipped point
if(out0 && !out1) {
CLIPLOG(" entering\n");
outClippedPoly.clipVerts[outClippedPoly.type++] = clipPoint(verts[1],verts[0], coord, which);
outClippedPoly.clipVerts[outClippedPoly.type++] = *verts[1];
static FORCEINLINE void clipPolyVsPlane(const int coord, int which)
outClippedPoly.type = 0;
CLIPLOG2("Clipping coord %d against %f\n",coord,x);
for(int i=0;i<tempClippedPoly.type;i++)
VERT* testverts[2] = {&tempClippedPoly.clipVerts[i],&tempClippedPoly.clipVerts[(i+1)%tempClippedPoly.type]};
clipSegmentVsPlane(testverts, coord, which);
//this doesnt seem to help any. leaving it until i decide to get rid of it
//int j = index_start_table[tempClippedPoly.type-3];
//for(int i=0;i<tempClippedPoly.type;i++,j+=2)
// VERT* testverts[2] = {&tempClippedPoly.clipVerts[index_lookup_table[j]],&tempClippedPoly.clipVerts[index_lookup_table[j+1]]};
// clipSegmentVsPlane(testverts, coord, which);
tempClippedPoly = outClippedPoly;
static void clipPoly(POLY* poly)
int type = poly->type;
CLIPLOG("==Begin poly==\n");
tempClippedPoly.clipVerts[0] = gfx3d.vertlist->list[poly->vertIndexes[0]];
tempClippedPoly.clipVerts[1] = gfx3d.vertlist->list[poly->vertIndexes[1]];
tempClippedPoly.clipVerts[2] = gfx3d.vertlist->list[poly->vertIndexes[2]];
tempClippedPoly.clipVerts[3] = gfx3d.vertlist->list[poly->vertIndexes[3]];
tempClippedPoly.type = type;
clipPolyVsPlane(0, -1);
clipPolyVsPlane(0, 1);
clipPolyVsPlane(1, -1);
clipPolyVsPlane(1, 1);
clipPolyVsPlane(2, -1);
clipPolyVsPlane(2, 1);
//TODO - we need to parameterize back plane clipping
if(tempClippedPoly.type < 3)
//a totally clipped poly. discard it.
//or, a degenerate poly. we're not handling these right now
//TODO - build right in this list instead of copying
clippedPolys[clippedPolyCounter] = tempClippedPoly;
clippedPolys[clippedPolyCounter].poly = poly;
static void SoftRastRender()
@ -1367,11 +1198,23 @@ static void SoftRastRender()
//submit all polys to clipper
clippedPolyCounter = 0;
clipper.clippedPolyCounter = 0;
for(int i=0;i<gfx3d.polylist->count;i++)
POLY* poly = &gfx3d.polylist->list[gfx3d.indexlist[i]];
VERT* clipVerts[4] = {
clippedPolyCounter = clipper.clippedPolyCounter;
//printf("%d %d %d %d\n",gfx3d.viewport.x,gfx3d.viewport.y,gfx3d.viewport.width,gfx3d.viewport.height);
// printf("%f\n",vert.coord[0]);
@ -1379,7 +1222,7 @@ static void SoftRastRender()
//viewport transforms
for(int i=0;i<clippedPolyCounter;i++)
TClippedPoly &poly = clippedPolys[i];
GFX3D_Clipper::TClippedPoly &poly = clippedPolys[i];
for(int j=0;j<poly.type;j++)
VERT &vert = poly.clipVerts[j];
@ -1428,7 +1271,7 @@ static void SoftRastRender()
polynum = i;
TClippedPoly &clippedPoly = clippedPolys[i];
GFX3D_Clipper::TClippedPoly &clippedPoly = clippedPolys[i];
POLY *poly = clippedPoly.poly;
int type = clippedPoly.type;