OpenGL Renderer:

- Bring back vertex draw batching from r4522, fixing the bug that caused it to fail on Metroid Prime Hunters. This gives a small performance improvement for users with older drivers.
This commit is contained in:
rogerman 2015-04-16 21:55:57 +00:00
parent e0aa9eb56b
commit 21fce2cab0
1 changed files with 71 additions and 45 deletions

View File

@ -1767,7 +1767,8 @@ Render3DError OpenGLRenderer_1_2::DoRender(const GFX3D_State *renderState, const
u32 lastPolyAttr = 0;
u32 lastViewport = 0xFFFFFFFF;
const size_t polyCount = polyList->count;
GLushort *indexBufferPtr = this->isVBOSupported ? 0 : OGLRef.vertIndexBuffer;
GLsizei vertIndexCount = 0;
GLushort *indexBufferPtr = (this->isVBOSupported) ? 0 : OGLRef.vertIndexBuffer;
// Map GFX3D_QUADS and GFX3D_QUAD_STRIP to GL_TRIANGLES since we will convert them.
@ -1783,56 +1784,81 @@ Render3DError OpenGLRenderer_1_2::DoRender(const GFX3D_State *renderState, const
// Set up initial states, but only if there are polygons to draw
if (polyCount > 0)
const POLY *poly = &polyList->list[indexList->list[0]];
const POLY *firstPoly = &polyList->list[indexList->list[0]];
lastPolyAttr = poly->polyAttr;
lastPolyAttr = firstPoly->polyAttr;
lastTexParams = poly->texParam;
lastTexPalette = poly->texPalette;
this->SetupTexture(poly, renderState->enableTexturing);
lastTexParams = firstPoly->texParam;
lastTexPalette = firstPoly->texPalette;
this->SetupTexture(firstPoly, renderState->enableTexturing);
lastViewport = poly->viewport;
for(size_t i = 0; i < polyCount; i++)
const POLY *poly = &polyList->list[indexList->list[i]];
lastViewport = firstPoly->viewport;
// Set up the polygon if it changed
if(lastPolyAttr != poly->polyAttr)
// Enumerate through all polygons and render
for(size_t i = 0; i < polyCount; i++)
lastPolyAttr = poly->polyAttr;
const POLY *poly = &polyList->list[indexList->list[i]];
// Set up the polygon if it changed
if(lastPolyAttr != poly->polyAttr)
lastPolyAttr = poly->polyAttr;
// Set up the texture if it changed
if(lastTexParams != poly->texParam || lastTexPalette != poly->texPalette)
lastTexParams = poly->texParam;
lastTexPalette = poly->texPalette;
this->SetupTexture(poly, renderState->enableTexturing);
// Set up the viewport if it changed
if(lastViewport != poly->viewport)
lastViewport = poly->viewport;
// In wireframe mode, redefine all primitives as GL_LINE_LOOP rather than
// setting the polygon mode to GL_LINE though glPolygonMode(). Not only is
// drawing more accurate this way, but it also allows GFX3D_QUADS and
// GFX3D_QUAD_STRIP primitives to properly draw as wireframe without the
// extra diagonal line.
const GLenum polyPrimitive = (!poly->isWireframe()) ? oglPrimitiveType[poly->vtxFormat] : GL_LINE_LOOP;
// Increment the vertex count
vertIndexCount += indexIncrementLUT[poly->vtxFormat];
// Look ahead to the next polygon to see if we can simply buffer the indices
// instead of uploading them now. We can buffer if all polygon states remain
// the same and we're not drawing a line loop or line strip.
if (i+1 < polyCount)
const POLY *nextPoly = &polyList->list[indexList->list[i+1]];
if (lastPolyAttr == nextPoly->polyAttr &&
lastTexParams == nextPoly->texParam &&
lastTexPalette == nextPoly->texPalette &&
lastViewport == nextPoly->viewport &&
polyPrimitive == oglPrimitiveType[nextPoly->vtxFormat] &&
polyPrimitive != GL_LINE_LOOP &&
polyPrimitive != GL_LINE_STRIP &&
oglPrimitiveType[nextPoly->vtxFormat] != GL_LINE_LOOP &&
oglPrimitiveType[nextPoly->vtxFormat] != GL_LINE_STRIP)
// Render the polygons
glDrawElements(polyPrimitive, vertIndexCount, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, indexBufferPtr);
indexBufferPtr += vertIndexCount;
vertIndexCount = 0;
// Set up the texture if it changed
if(lastTexParams != poly->texParam || lastTexPalette != poly->texPalette)
lastTexParams = poly->texParam;
lastTexPalette = poly->texPalette;
this->SetupTexture(poly, renderState->enableTexturing);
// Set up the viewport if it changed
if(lastViewport != poly->viewport)
lastViewport = poly->viewport;
// In wireframe mode, redefine all primitives as GL_LINE_LOOP rather than
// setting the polygon mode to GL_LINE though glPolygonMode(). Not only is
// drawing more accurate this way, but it also allows GFX3D_QUADS and
// GFX3D_QUAD_STRIP primitives to properly draw as wireframe without the
// extra diagonal line.
const GLenum polyPrimitive = !poly->isWireframe() ? oglPrimitiveType[poly->vtxFormat] : GL_LINE_LOOP;
// Render the polygon
const GLsizei vertIndexCount = indexIncrementLUT[poly->vtxFormat];
glDrawElements(polyPrimitive, vertIndexCount, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, indexBufferPtr);
indexBufferPtr += vertIndexCount;