lots of emulator features were missing from the french/danish/chinese menus... added them (untranslated)

fix missing accent marks and broken chinese characters resulting from the recent japanese language patch
fix UpdateHotkeyAssignment not working for many hotkeys and possibly breaking chinese/japanese menu items
This commit is contained in:
nitsuja 2009-12-06 19:20:50 +00:00
parent 6f486fc2cf
commit 0f6b30741d
2 changed files with 54 additions and 142 deletions

View File

@ -3473,8 +3473,6 @@ LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProcedure (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
UpdateHotkeyAssignments(); //Add current hotkey mappings to menu item names
TCHAR menuItemString[256];
ZeroMemory(&mii, sizeof(MENUITEMINFO));
@ -3635,6 +3633,8 @@ LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProcedure (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
DesEnableMenuItem(mainMenu, IDM_SCREENSEP_COLORBLACK, false);
UpdateHotkeyAssignments(); //Add current hotkey mappings to menu item names
return 0;
@ -5589,15 +5589,17 @@ void ResetGame()
//adelikat: This function changes a menu item's text
void ChangeMenuItemText(int menuitem, string text)
void ChangeMenuItemText(int menuitem, wstring text)
moo.cbSize = sizeof(moo);
moo.fMask = MIIM_TYPE;
moo.cch = NULL;
GetMenuItemInfo(mainMenu, menuitem, FALSE, &moo);
moo.dwTypeData = (LPSTR)text.c_str();
SetMenuItemInfo(mainMenu, menuitem, FALSE, &moo);
if(GetMenuItemInfoW(mainMenu, menuitem, FALSE, &moo))
moo.dwTypeData = (LPWSTR)text.c_str();
SetMenuItemInfoW(mainMenu, menuitem, FALSE, &moo);
const char* GetModifierString(int num)
@ -5640,146 +5642,56 @@ static void TranslateKeyForMenu(WORD keyz,char *out)
void UpdateHotkeyAssignment(const SCustomKey& hotkey, DWORD menuItemId)
//Update all menu items that can be called from a hotkey to include the current hotkey assignment
char str[256]; //Temp string
wchar_t wstr[256]; //Temp string
wstring text; //Used to manipulate menu item text
wstring keyname; //Used to hold the name of the hotkey
int truncate; //Used to truncate the hotkey config from the menu item
HMENU menu = GetMenuItemParent(menuItemId);
if(!GetMenuStringW(menu,menuItemId, wstr, 255, MF_BYCOMMAND)) //Get menu item text
text = wstr; //Store in string object
truncate = text.find(L"\t"); //Find the tab
if (truncate >= 1) //Truncate if it exists
text = text.substr(0,truncate);
TranslateKeyForMenu(hotkey.key, str);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, str, -1, wstr, 255);
keyname = wstr;
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, GetModifierString(hotkey.modifiers), -1, wstr, 255);
text.append(L"\t" + keyname);
ChangeMenuItemText(menuItemId, text);
//adelikat: This function find the current hotkey assignments for corresponding menu items
// and appends it to the menu item. This function works correctly for all language menus
// However, a Menu item in the Resource file must NOT have a /t (tab) in its caption.
void UpdateHotkeyAssignments()
//Update all menu items that can be called from a hotkey to include the current hotkey assignment
char str[255]; //Temp string
string text; //Used to manipulate menu item text
string keyname; //Used to hold the name of the hotkey
int truncate; //Used to truncate the hotkey config from the menu item
//Open ROM
GetMenuString(mainMenu,IDM_OPEN, str, 255, IDM_OPEN); //Get menu item text
text = str; //Store in string object
truncate = text.find("\t"); //Find the tab
if (truncate >= 1) //Truncate if it exists
text = text.substr(0,truncate);
TranslateKeyForMenu(CustomKeys.OpenROM.key, str);
keyname = str;
text.append("\t" + keyname);
ChangeMenuItemText(IDM_OPEN, text);
//Save Screenshot As...
GetMenuString(mainMenu,IDM_PRINTSCREEN, str, 255, IDM_PRINTSCREEN);
text = str;
truncate = text.find("\t");
if (truncate >= 1)
text = text.substr(0,truncate);
TranslateKeyForMenu(CustomKeys.PrintScreen.key, str);
keyname = str;
text.append("\t" + keyname);
ChangeMenuItemText(IDM_PRINTSCREEN, text);
//adelikat: Why don't these work? GetMenuString returns null for these IDs yet those are the valid ID numbers
//Record AVI
GetMenuString(mainMenu,IDM_FILE_RECORDAVI, str, 255, IDM_FILE_RECORDAVI);
text = str;
truncate = text.find("\t");
if (truncate >= 1)
text = text.substr(0,truncate);
TranslateKeyForMenu(CustomKeys.RecordAVI.key, str);
keyname = str;
text.append("\t" + keyname);
ChangeMenuItemText(IDM_FILE_RECORDAVI, text);
//Stop AVI
GetMenuString(mainMenu,IDM_FILE_STOPAVI, str, 255, IDM_FILE_STOPAVI);
text = str;
truncate = text.find("\t");
if (truncate >= 1)
text = text.substr(0,truncate);
TranslateKeyForMenu(CustomKeys.StopAVI.key, str);
keyname = str;
text.append("\t" + keyname);
ChangeMenuItemText(IDM_FILE_STOPAVI, text);
GetMenuString(mainMenu,IDM_PAUSE, str, 255, IDM_PAUSE);
text = str;
truncate = text.find("\t");
if (truncate >= 1)
text = text.substr(0,truncate);
TranslateKeyForMenu(CustomKeys.Pause.key, str);
keyname = str;
text.append("\t" + keyname);
ChangeMenuItemText(IDM_PAUSE, text);
GetMenuString(mainMenu,IDM_RESET, str, 255, IDM_RESET);
text = str;
truncate = text.find("\t");
if (truncate >= 1)
text = text.substr(0,truncate);
TranslateKeyForMenu(CustomKeys.Reset.key, str);
keyname = str;
text.append("\t" + keyname);
ChangeMenuItemText(IDM_RESET, text);
//Display Frame Counter
text = str;
truncate = text.find("\t");
if (truncate >= 1)
text = text.substr(0,truncate);
TranslateKeyForMenu(CustomKeys.ToggleFrameCounter.key, str);
keyname = str;
text.append("\t" + keyname);
ChangeMenuItemText(ID_VIEW_FRAMECOUNTER, text);
//Display FPS
GetMenuString(mainMenu,ID_VIEW_DISPLAYFPS, str, 255, ID_VIEW_DISPLAYFPS);
text = str;
truncate = text.find("\t");
if (truncate >= 1)
text = text.substr(0,truncate);
TranslateKeyForMenu(CustomKeys.ToggleFPS.key, str);
keyname = str;
text.append("\t" + keyname);
ChangeMenuItemText(ID_VIEW_DISPLAYFPS, text);
//Display Input
text = str;
truncate = text.find("\t");
if (truncate >= 1)
text = text.substr(0,truncate);
TranslateKeyForMenu(CustomKeys.ToggleInput.key, str);
keyname = str;
text.append("\t" + keyname);
ChangeMenuItemText(ID_VIEW_DISPLAYINPUT, text);
//Display Lag Counter
GetMenuString(mainMenu,ID_VIEW_DISPLAYLAG, str, 255, ID_VIEW_DISPLAYLAG);
text = str;
truncate = text.find("\t");
if (truncate >= 1)
text = text.substr(0,truncate);
TranslateKeyForMenu(CustomKeys.ToggleLag.key, str);
keyname = str;
text.append("\t" + keyname);
ChangeMenuItemText(ID_VIEW_DISPLAYLAG, text);
UpdateHotkeyAssignment(CustomKeys.OpenROM, IDM_OPEN);
UpdateHotkeyAssignment(CustomKeys.PrintScreen, IDM_PRINTSCREEN);
UpdateHotkeyAssignment(CustomKeys.RecordAVI, IDM_FILE_RECORDAVI);
UpdateHotkeyAssignment(CustomKeys.Pause, IDM_PAUSE);
UpdateHotkeyAssignment(CustomKeys.Reset, IDM_RESET);
UpdateHotkeyAssignment(CustomKeys.ToggleFrameCounter, ID_VIEW_FRAMECOUNTER);
UpdateHotkeyAssignment(CustomKeys.ToggleFPS, ID_VIEW_DISPLAYFPS);
UpdateHotkeyAssignment(CustomKeys.ToggleInput, ID_VIEW_DISPLAYINPUT);
UpdateHotkeyAssignment(CustomKeys.ToggleLag, ID_VIEW_DISPLAYLAG);
UpdateHotkeyAssignment(CustomKeys.PlayMovie, IDM_PLAY_MOVIE);
UpdateHotkeyAssignment(CustomKeys.RecordMovie, IDM_RECORD_MOVIE);
UpdateHotkeyAssignment(CustomKeys.StopMovie, IDM_STOPMOVIE);
UpdateHotkeyAssignment(CustomKeys.RecordWAV, IDM_FILE_RECORDWAV);
UpdateHotkeyAssignment(CustomKeys.NewLuaScript, IDC_NEW_LUA_SCRIPT);
UpdateHotkeyAssignment(CustomKeys.MostRecentLuaScript, IDD_LUARECENT_RESERVE_START);
UpdateHotkeyAssignment(CustomKeys.CloseLuaScripts, IDC_CLOSE_LUA_SCRIPTS);
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
UpdateHotkeyAssignment(CustomKeys.Save[(i+1)%10], IDM_STATE_SAVE_F1 + i);
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
UpdateHotkeyAssignment(CustomKeys.Load[(i+1)%10], IDM_STATE_LOAD_F1 + i);

Binary file not shown.