mirror of https://github.com/bsnes-emu/bsnes.git
110 lines
5.4 KiB
110 lines
5.4 KiB
#pragma once
namespace nall {
template<uint Precision = 64> struct Integer {
static_assert(Precision >= 1 && Precision <= 64);
static inline constexpr auto bits() -> uint { return Precision; }
using stype =
conditional_t<bits() <= 8, int8_t,
conditional_t<bits() <= 16, int16_t,
conditional_t<bits() <= 32, int32_t,
conditional_t<bits() <= 64, int64_t,
using utype = typename Natural<Precision>::utype;
static inline constexpr auto mask() -> utype { return ~0ull >> 64 - bits(); }
static inline constexpr auto sign() -> utype { return 1ull << Precision - 1; }
inline Integer() : data(0) {}
template<int Bits> inline Integer(Integer<Bits> value) { data = mask(value); }
template<typename T> inline Integer(const T& value) { data = mask(value); }
explicit inline operator bool() const { return data; }
inline operator int64_t() const { return data; }
inline auto operator++(int) { auto value = *this; data = mask(data + 1); return value; }
inline auto operator--(int) { auto value = *this; data = mask(data - 1); return value; }
inline auto& operator++() { data = mask(data + 1); return *this; }
inline auto& operator--() { data = mask(data - 1); return *this; }
inline auto operator!() const { return Integer{!data}; }
inline auto operator~() const { return Integer{~data}; }
inline auto operator+() const { return Integer<>{+(int64_t)data}; }
inline auto operator-() const { return Integer<>{-(int64_t)data}; }
#define lhs data
#define rhs value
template<typename T> inline auto& operator =(const T& value) { lhs = mask( rhs); return *this; }
template<typename T> inline auto& operator *=(const T& value) { lhs = mask(lhs * rhs); return *this; }
template<typename T> inline auto& operator /=(const T& value) { lhs = mask(lhs / rhs); return *this; }
template<typename T> inline auto& operator %=(const T& value) { lhs = mask(lhs % rhs); return *this; }
template<typename T> inline auto& operator +=(const T& value) { lhs = mask(lhs + rhs); return *this; }
template<typename T> inline auto& operator -=(const T& value) { lhs = mask(lhs - rhs); return *this; }
template<typename T> inline auto& operator<<=(const T& value) { lhs = mask(lhs << rhs); return *this; }
template<typename T> inline auto& operator>>=(const T& value) { lhs = mask(lhs >> rhs); return *this; }
template<typename T> inline auto& operator &=(const T& value) { lhs = mask(lhs & rhs); return *this; }
template<typename T> inline auto& operator ^=(const T& value) { lhs = mask(lhs ^ rhs); return *this; }
template<typename T> inline auto& operator |=(const T& value) { lhs = mask(lhs | rhs); return *this; }
#undef lhs
#undef rhs
#define lhs (int64_t)data
#define rhs value
#undef lhs
#undef rhs
//warning: this does not and cannot short-circuit; value is always evaluated
template<typename T> inline auto orElse(const T& value) { return Integer<>{data ? data : value}; }
inline auto bits(int lo, int hi) -> BitRange<Precision> { return {(utype&)data, lo, hi}; }
inline auto bit(int index) -> BitRange<Precision> { return {(utype&)data, index, index}; }
inline auto byte(int index) -> BitRange<Precision> { return {(utype&)data, index * 8 + 0, index * 8 + 7}; }
inline auto bits(int lo, int hi) const -> const BitRange<Precision> { return {(utype&)*this, lo, lo}; }
inline auto bit(int index) const -> const BitRange<Precision> { return {(utype&)*this, index, index}; }
inline auto byte(int index) const -> const BitRange<Precision> { return {(utype&)*this, index * 8 + 0, index * 8 + 7}; }
inline auto slice(int index) const { return Natural<>{bit(index)}; }
inline auto slice(int lo, int hi) const { return Natural<>{bit(lo, hi)}; }
inline auto clamp(uint bits) {
const int64_t b = 1ull << (bits - 1);
const int64_t m = b - 1;
return Integer<>{data > m ? m : data < -b ? -b : data};
inline auto clip(uint bits) {
const uint64_t b = 1ull << (bits - 1);
const uint64_t m = b * 2 - 1;
return Integer<>{(data & m ^ b) - b};
inline auto serialize(serializer& s) { s(data); }
inline auto natural() const -> Natural<Precision>;
inline auto mask(stype value) const -> stype {
return (value & mask() ^ sign()) - sign();
stype data;
#define lhs (int64_t)l
#define rhs r
template<int LHS, int RHS> inline auto operator *(Integer<LHS> l, Integer<RHS> r) { return Integer{lhs * rhs}; }
template<int LHS, int RHS> inline auto operator /(Integer<LHS> l, Integer<RHS> r) { return Integer{lhs / rhs}; }
template<int LHS, int RHS> inline auto operator %(Integer<LHS> l, Integer<RHS> r) { return Integer{lhs % rhs}; }
template<int LHS, int RHS> inline auto operator +(Integer<LHS> l, Integer<RHS> r) { return Integer{lhs + rhs}; }
template<int LHS, int RHS> inline auto operator -(Integer<LHS> l, Integer<RHS> r) { return Integer{lhs - rhs}; }
template<int LHS, int RHS> inline auto operator<<(Integer<LHS> l, Integer<RHS> r) { return Integer{lhs << rhs}; }
template<int LHS, int RHS> inline auto operator>>(Integer<LHS> l, Integer<RHS> r) { return Integer{lhs >> rhs}; }
template<int LHS, int RHS> inline auto operator &(Integer<LHS> l, Integer<RHS> r) { return Integer{lhs & rhs}; }
template<int LHS, int RHS> inline auto operator ^(Integer<LHS> l, Integer<RHS> r) { return Integer{lhs ^ rhs}; }
template<int LHS, int RHS> inline auto operator |(Integer<LHS> l, Integer<RHS> r) { return Integer{lhs | rhs}; }
#undef lhs
#undef rhs