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9 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Tim Allen 6090c63958 Update to v106r47 release.
byuu says:

This is probably the largest code-change diff I've done in years.

I spent four days working 10-16 hours a day reworking layouts in hiro

The result is we now have TableLayout, which will allow for better
horizontal+vertical combined alignment.

Windows, GTK2, and now GTK3 are fully supported.

Windows is getting the initial window geometry wrong by a bit.

GTK2 and GTK3 work perfectly. I basically abandoned trying to detect
resize signals, and instead keep a list of all hiro windows that are
allocated, and every time the main loop runs, it will query all of them
to see if they've been resized. I'm disgusted that I have to do this,
but after fighting with GTK for years, I'm about sick of it. GTK was
doing this crazy thing where it would trigger another size-allocate
inside of a previous size-allocate, and so my layouts would be halfway
through resizing all the widgets, and then the size-allocate would kick
off another one. That would end up leaving the rest of the first layout
loop with bad widget sizes. And if I detected a second re-entry and
blocked it, then the entire window would end up with the older geometry.
I started trying to build a message queue system to allow the second
layout resize to occur after the first one completed, but this was just
too much madness, so I went with the simpler solution.

Qt4 has some geometry problems, and doesn't show tab frame layouts
properly yet.

Qt5 causes an ICE error and tanks my entire Xorg display server, so ...
something is seriously wrong there, and it's not hiro's fault. Creating
a dummy Qt5 application without even using hiro, just int main() {
TestObject object; } with object performing a dynamic\_cast to a derived
type segfaults. Memory is getting corrupted where GCC allocates the
vtables for classes, just by linking in Qt. Could be somehow related to
the -fPIC requirement that only Qt5 has ... could just be that FreeBSD
10.1 has a buggy implementation of Qt5. I don't know. It's beyond my
ability to debug, so this one's going to stay broken.

The Cocoa port is busted. I'll fix it up to compile again, but that's
about all I'm going to do.

Many optimizations mean bsnes and higan open faster. GTK2 and GTK3 both
resize windows very quickly now.

higan crashes when you load a game, so that's not good. bsnes works

bsnes also has the start of a localization engine now. Still a long way
to go.

The makefiles received a rather substantial restructuring. Including the
ruby and hiro makefiles will add the necessary compilation rules for
you, which also means that moc will run for the qt4 and qt5 targets, and
windres will run for the Windows targets.
2018-07-14 13:59:29 +10:00
Tim Allen 0c55796060 Update to v106r46 release.
byuu says:


  - bsnes, higan: simplified make output; reordered rules
  - hiro: added Window::set(Minimum,Maximum)Size() [only implemented in
    GTK+ so far]
  - bsnes: only allow the window to be shrunk to the 1x multiplier size
  - bsnes: refactored Integral Scaling checkbox to {Center, Scale,
    Stretch} radio selection
  - nall: call fflush() after nall::print() to stdout or stderr [needed
    for msys2/bash]
  - bsnes, higan: program/interface.cpp renamed to program/platform.cpp
  - bsnes: trim ".shader/" from names in Settings→Shader menu
  - bsnes: Settings→Shader menu updated on video driver changes
  - bsnes: remove missing games from recent files list each time it is
  - bsnes: video multiplier menu generated dynamically based on largest
    monitor size at program startup
  - bsnes: added shrink window and center window function to video
    multiplier menu
  - bsnes: de-minimize presentation window when exiting fullscreen mode
    or changing video multiplier
  - bsnes: center the load game dialog against the presentation window
    (important for multi-monitor setups)
  - bsnes: screenshots are not immediate instead of delayed one frame
  - bsnes: added frame advance menu option and hotkey
  - bsnes: added enable cheats checkbox and hotkey; can be used to
    quickly enable/disable all active cheats


  - hiro/Windows: `SW_MINIMIZED`, `SW_MAXIMIZED `=> `SW_MINIMIZE`,
  - hiro/Windows: add pMonitor::workspace()
  - hiro/Windows: add setMaximized(), setMinimized() in
  - bsnes: call setCentered() after setMaximized(false)
2018-07-08 14:58:27 +10:00
Tim Allen ed5ec58595 Update to v103r13 release.
byuu says:


  - gb/interface: fix Game Boy Color extension to be "gbc" and not "gb"
  - ms/interface: move Master System hardware controls below controller
  - sfc/ppu: improve latching behavior of BGnHOFS registers (not
    hardware verified) [AWJ]
  - tomoko/input: rework port/device mapping to support non-sequential
    ports and devices¹
      - todo: should add move() to inputDevice.mappings.append and
      - note: there's a weird GCC 4.9 bug with brace initialization of
        InputEmulator; have to assign each field separately
  - tomoko: all windows sans the main presentation window can be
    dismissed with the escape key
  - icarus: the single file selection dialog ("Load ROM Image...") can
    be dismissed with the escape key
  - tomoko: do not pause emulation when FocusLoss/Pause is set during
    exclusive fullscreen mode
  - hiro/(windows,gtk,qt): implemented Window::setDismissable() function
    (missing from cocoa port, sorry)
  - nall/string: fixed printing of largest possible negative numbers (eg
    `INT_MIN`) [Sintendo]
      - only took eight months! :D

¹: When I tried to move the Master System hardware port below the
controller ports, I ran into a world of pain.

The input settings list expects every item in the
`InputEmulator<InputPort<InputDevice<InputMapping>>>>` arrays to be
populated with valid results. But these would be sparsely populated
based on the port and device IDs from inside higan. And that is done so
that the Interface::inputPoll can have O(1) lookup of ports and devices.
This worked because all the port and device IDs were sequential (they
left no gaps in the maps upon creating the lists.)

Unfortunately by changing the expectation of port ID to how it appears
in the list, inputs would not poll correctly. By leaving them alone and
just moving Hardware to the third position, the Game Gear would be
missing port IDs of 0 and 1 (the controller ports of the Master System).
Even by trying to make separate MasterSystemHardware and
GameGearHardware ports, things still fractured when the devices were no
longer contigious.

I got pretty sick of this and just decided to give up on O(1)
port/device lookup, and moved to O(n) lookup. It only knocked the
framerate down by maybe one frame per second, enough to be in the margin
of error. Inputs aren't polled *that* often for loops that usually
terminate after 1-2 cycles to be too detrimental to performance.

So the new input system now allows non-sequential port and device IDs.

Remember that I killed input IDs a while back. There's never any reason
for those to need IDs ... it was easier to just order the inputs in the
order you want to see them in the user interface. So the input lookup is
still O(1). Only now, everything's safer and I return a
maybe<InputMapping&>, and won't crash out the program trying to use a
mapping that isn't found for some reason.

Errata: the escape key isn't working on the browser/message dialogs on
Windows, because of course nothing can ever just be easy and work for
me. If anyone else wouldn't mind looking into that, I'd greatly
appreciate it.

Having the `WM_KEYDOWN` test inside the main `Application_sharedProc`, it
seems to not respond to the escape key on modal dialogs. If I put the
`WM_KEYDOWN` test in the main window proc, then it doesn't seem to get
called for `VK_ESCAPE` at all, and doesn't get called period for modal
windows. So I'm at a loss and it's past 4AM here >_>
2017-07-12 18:24:27 +10:00
Tim Allen 427bac3011 Update to v101r06 release.
byuu says:

I reworked the video sizing code. Ended up wasting five fucking hours
fighting GTK. When you call `gtk_widget_set_size_request`, it doesn't
actually happen then. This is kind of a big deal because when I then go
to draw onto the viewport, the actual viewport child window is still the
old size, so the image gets distorted. It recovers in a frame or so with
emulation, but if we were to put a still image on there, it would stay

The first thought is, `while(gtk_events_pending())
gtk_main_iteration_do(false);` right after the `set_size_request`. But
nope, it tells you there's no events pending. So then you think, go
deeper, use `XPending()` instead. Same thing, GTK hasn't actually issued
the command to Xlib yet. So then you think, if the widget is realized,
just call a blocking `gtk_main_iteration`. One call does nothing, two
calls results in a deadlock on the second one ... do it before program
startup, and the main window will never appear. Great.

Oh, and it's not just the viewport. It's also the widget container area
of the windows, as well as the window itself, as well as the fullscreen
mode toggle effect. They all do this.

For the latter three, I couldn't find anything that worked, so I just
added 20ms loops of constantly calling `gtk_main_iteration_do(false)`
after each one of those things. The downside here is toggling the status
bar takes 40ms, so you'll see it and it'll feel a tiny bit sluggish.

But I can't have a 20ms wait on each widget resize, that would be
catastrophic to performance on windows with lots of widgets.

I tried hooking configure-event and size-allocate, but they were very
unreliable. So instead I ended up with a loop that waits up to a maximm
of 20ms that inspects the `widget->allocation.(width,height)` values
directly and waits for them to be what we asked for with

There was some extreme ugliness in GTK with calling
`gtk_main_iteration_do` recursively (`hiro::Widget::setGeometry` is
called recursively), so I had to lock it to only happen on the top level
widgets (the child ones should get resized while waiting on the
top-level ones, so it should be fine in practice), and also only run it
on realized widgets.

Even still, I'm getting ~3 timeouts when opening the settings dialog in
higan, but no other windows. But, this is the best I can do for now.

And the reason for all of this pain? Yeah, updated the video code.

So the Emulator::Interface now has this:

    struct VideoSize { uint width, height; };  //or requiem for a tuple
    auto videoSize() -> VideoSize;
    auto videoSize(uint width, uint height, bool arc) -> VideoSize;

The first function, for now, is just returning the literal surface size.
I may remove this ... one thing I want to allow for is cores that send
different texture sizes based on interlace/hires/overscan/etc settings.

The second function is more interesting. Instead of having the UI trying
to figure out sizing, I figure the emulation cores can do a better job
and we can customize it per-core now. So it gets the window's width and
height, and whether the user asked for aspect correction, and then
computes the best width/height ratio possible. For now they're all just
doing multiples of a 1x scale to the UI 2x,3x,4x modes.

We still need a third function, which will probably be what I repurpose
videoSize() for: to return the 'effective' size for pixel shaders, to
then feed into ruby, to then feed into quark, to then feed into our
shaders. Since shaders use normalized coordinates for pixel fetching,
this should work out just fine. The real texture size will be exposed to
quark shaders as well, of course.

Now for the main window ... it's just hard-coded to be 640x480, 960x720,
1280x960 for now. It works nicely for some cores on some modes, not so
much for others. Work in progress I guess.

I also took the opportunity to draw the about dialog box logo on the
main window. Got a bit fancy and used the old spherical gradient and
impose functionality of nall/image on it. Very minor highlight, nothing
garish. Just something nicer than a solid black window.

If you guys want to mess around with sizes, placements, and gradient
styles/colors/shapes ... feel free. If you come up with something nicer,
do share.

That's what led to all the GTK hell ... the logo wasn't drawing right as
you resized the window. But now it is, though I am not at all happy with
the hacking I had to do.

I also had to improve the video update code as a result of this:

  - when you unload a game, it blacks out the screen
      - if you are not quitting the emulator, it'll draw the logo; if
        you are, it won't
  - when you load a game, it black out the logo

These options prevent any unsightliness from resizing the viewport with
image data on it already

I need to redraw the logo when toggling fullscreen with no game loaded
as well for Windows, it seems.
2016-08-15 14:52:05 +10:00
Tim Allen 0c87bdabed Update to v094r43 release.
byuu says:

Updated to compile with all of the new hiro changes. My next step is to
write up hiro API documentation, and move the API from alpha (constantly
changing) to beta (rarely changing), in preparation for the first stable
release (backward-compatible changes only.)

Added "--fullscreen" command-line option. I like this over
a configuration file option. Lets you use the emulator in both modes
without having to modify the config file each time.

Also enhanced the command-line game loading. You can now use any of
these methods:

    higan /path/to/game-folder.sfc
    higan /path/to/game-folder.sfc/
    higan /path/to/game-folder.sfc/program.rom

The idea is to support launchers that insist on loading files only.

Technically, the file can be any name (manifest.bml also works); the
only criteria is that the file actually exists and is a file, and not
a directory. This is a requirement to support the first version (a
directory lacking the trailing / identifier), because I don't want my
nall::string class to query the file system to determine if the string
is an actual existing file or directory for its pathname() / dirname()

Anyway, every game folder I've made so far has program.rom, and that's
very unlikely to change, so this should be fine.

Now, of course, if you drop a regular "game.sfc" file on the emulator,
it won't even try to load it, unless it's in a folder that ends in .fc,
.sfc, etc. In which case, it'll bail out immediately by being unable to
produce a manifest for what is obviously not really a game folder.
2015-08-30 12:08:26 +10:00
Tim Allen c45633550e Update to v094r42 release.
byuu says:

I imagine you guys will like this WIP very much.

- ListView check boxes on Windows
- ListView removal of columns on reset (changing input dropdowns)
- DirectSound audio duplication on latency change
- DirectSound crash on 20ms latency
- Fullscreen window sizing in multi-monitor setups
- Allow joypad bindings of hotkeys
- Allow triggers to be mapped (Xbox 360 / XInput / Windows only)
- Support joypad rumble for Game Boy Player
- Video scale settings modified from {1x,2x,3x} to {2x,3x,4x}
- System menu now renames to active emulation core
- Added fast forward hotkey

Not changing for v095:
- not adding input focus settings yet
- not adding shaders yet

Not changing at all:
- not implementing maximize
2015-08-24 19:42:11 +10:00
Tim Allen f0c17ffc0d Update to v094r24 release.
byuu says:

Finally!! Compilation works once again on Windows.

However, it's pretty buggy. Modality isn't really working right, you can
still poke at other windows, but when you select ListView items, they
redraw as empty boxes (need to process WM_DRAWITEM before checking

The program crashes when you close it (probably a ruby driver's term()
function, that's what it usually is.)

The Layout::setEnabled(false) call isn't working right, so you get that
annoying chiming sound and cursor movement when mapping keyboard keys to
game inputs.

The column sizing seems off a bit on first display for the Hotkeys tab.

And probably lots more.
2015-06-16 20:30:04 +10:00
Tim Allen 4e0223d590 Update to v094r20 release.
byuu says:

Main reason for this WIP was because of all the added lines to hiro for
selective component disabling. May as well get all the diff-noise apart
from code changes.

It also merges something I've been talking to Cydrak about ... making
nall::string::(integer,decimal) do built-in binary,octal,hex decoding
instead of just failing on those. This will have fun little side effects
all over the place, like being able to view a topic on my forum via
"", heh.

There are two small changes to higan itself, though. First up, I fixed
the resampler ratio when loading non-SNES games. Tested and I can play
Game Boy games fine now. Second, I hooked up menu option hiding for
reset and controller selection. Right now, this works like higan v094,
but I'm thinking I might want to show the "Device -> Controller" even if
that's all that's there. It kind of jives nicer with the input settings
window to see the labels there, I think. And if we ever do add more
stuff, it'll be nice that people already always expect that menu there.

Remaining issues:
* add slotted cart loader (SGB, BSX, ST)
* add DIP switch selection window (NSS)
* add timing configuration (video/audio sync)
2015-05-23 15:37:08 +10:00
Tim Allen a512d14628 Update to v094r09 release.
byuu says:

This will easily be the biggest diff in the history of higan. And not in
a good way.

* target-higan and target-loki have been blown away completely
* nall and ruby massively updated
* phoenix replaced with hiro (pretty near a total rewrite)
* target-higan restarted using hiro (just a window for now)
* all emulation cores updated to compile again
* installation changed to not require root privileges (installs locally)

For the foreseeable future (maybe even permanently?), the new higan UI
will only build under Linux/BSD with GTK+ 2.20+. Probably the most
likely route for Windows/OS X will be to try and figure out how to build
hiro/GTK on those platforms, as awful as that would be. The other
alternative would be to produce new UIs for those platforms ... which
would actually be a good opportunity to make something much more user

Being that I just started on this a few hours ago, that means that for
at least a few weeks, don't expect to be able to actually play any
games. Right now, you can pretty much just compile the binary and that's
it. It's quite possible that some nall changes didn't produce
compilation errors, but will produce runtime errors. So until the UI can
actually load games, we won't know if anything is broken. But we should
mostly be okay. It was mostly just trim<1> -> trim changes, moving to
Hash::SHA256 (much cleaner), and patching some reckless memory copy
functions enough to compile.

Progress isn't going to be like it was before: I'm now dividing my time
much thinner between studying and other hobbies.

My aim this time is not to produce a binary for everyone to play games
on. Rather, it's to keep the emulator alive. I want to be able to apply
critical patches again. And I would also like the base of the emulator
to live on, for use in other emulator frontends that utilize higan.
2015-02-28 12:52:53 +11:00