Commit Graph

231 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Tim Allen 82a17ac0f5 Update to v082r21 release.
byuu says:

2-6% speed hit in SNES core for outputting 19-bit (rounded to 32-bit ...
sigh) video, so that luma non-linearity can eventually be emulated
Now using sinc audio resampler, massive speed hit of course to NES+GB
only, but it's required to get rid of aliasing (buzzing) present in
many, many games otherwise.
Fixed fast forward and none/blur select.
Finally fixed texture clearing for changing pixel shaders and video
Some realllly basic NES MMC3, extremely broken so don't bug me about it.
Other stuff, probably.
2011-09-24 19:51:08 +10:00
Tim Allen 979aa640af Update to v082r20 release.
byuu says:

NES now has save state support.
NES A/B buttons were indeed swapped, so that's fixed now.
nall/dsp now puts resamplers into separate classes, so that each can
have their own state information.
opengl.hpp uses GL_RGBA internal format and doesn't regenerate textures
on resize. No speedup, no fix to junk on resize, so I will be very
unhappy if this breaks things for anyone.
GLSL shaders use <fragment filter="nearest/point"> as you guys wanted.
ui-snes was removed.
2011-09-23 21:13:57 +10:00
Tim Allen 98ec338285 Update snesfilter to release 20110920.
This was released beside bsnes v082r19. byuu didn't mention it in the
v082r19 release notes, but in a previous post mentioned that a number of
filters stopped working when bsnes switched to using RGB555 for all its
internal data.
2011-09-22 10:03:11 +10:00
Tim Allen 5b4dcbfdfe Update to v082r19 release.
byuu says:

This will be the last release with the ui-snes folder (it's broken now
Re-added cheat code database searching + add window. It hashes
NES+SNES+GB images now and will look them up in the database.
Re-added filter support, all filters now output at RGB555. Stacking is
possible, but I don't currently allow it.
Removed mouse capture + test options from tools menu.
Removed smooth video output from settings menu.
There are now two built-in "shaders": "None" (point filtering) and
"Blur" (linear filtering).
OpenGL shaders can now use <shader language="GLSL" filter="point"> (or
"linear") to specify their filtering mode.
Individual emulator versions are gone, and names are hidden from the
GUI: you just see bsnes v082.19 now. A new release bumps all core

I cannot for the life of me get the video to clear properly when
toggling the shaders. Say you set pixellate2x filter, then turn on
curvature shader, then turn off the filter, you get junk at the bottom
I have tried clearing and flipping the OpenGL surface 64x in a row ...
I don't know where the hell it's getting the data from. If anyone can
make a small patch to fix that, I'd greatly appreciate it.
2011-09-22 10:00:21 +10:00
Tim Allen 101c9507b1 Update to v082r18 release.
byuu says:

There we go, the GUI is nearly feature-complete once again.

All cores now output their native video format (NES={emphasis}{palette},
SNES=BGR555, GameBoy={ bright, normal, darker, darkest }), and are
transformed to RGB555 data that is passed to the video renderer.
The video renderer then uses its internal palette to apply
brightness/contrast/gamma/ramp adjustments and outputs in RGB888 color
This does add in another rendering pass, unfortunately, but it's
a necessary one for universal support.
The plan is to adapt all filters to take RGB555 input, and output RGB555
data as well. By doing this, it will be possible to stack filters.
However, it's a bit complicated: I need to plan how the stacking should
occur (eg we never want to apply scanlines before HQ2x, etc.)
Added input frequency adjustments for all three systems. I can easily
get perfect video/audio sync on all three now, hooray.
Long-term, it seems like we only really need one, and we can do
a video/audio delta to get an adjusted value. But for now, this gets the
job done.
Added audio volume adjust. I left out the balance for now, since it's
obviously impossible to balance the NES' single channel audio (I can
duplicate the channel, and do twice the filtering work, but ... why?)
I replaced NTSC/PAL TV mode selection with an "Enable Overscan"
checkbox. On, you get 240 lines on NES+SNES. Off, you get 224 lines on
Also added aspect correction box back. I don't do that gross PAL
distortion shit anymore, sorry PAL people. I just scale up the
54/47*(240/224) aspect correction for overscan off mode.
All memory is loaded and saved now, for all three systems (hooray, now
you can actually play Zelda 1&2.)
Added all of the old bsnes hotkeys, with the exception of capture
screenshot. May add again later. May come up with something a bit
different for extra features.
Re-added the NSS DIP switch setting window. Since geometry is saved,
I didn't want to auto-hide rows, so now you'll see all eight possible
DIPs, and the ones not used are grayed out.
Ultimately, nobody will notice since we only have DIPs for ActRaiser
NSS, and nobody's probably even using the XML file for that anyway.
Whatever, it's nice to have anyway.
Took FitzRoy's advice and single-item combo boxes on the input selection
are disabled, so the user doesn't waste time checking them.
I wanted to leave text so that you know there's not a problem. Qt
disabled radio box items look almost exactly like enabled ones.
Fixed lots of issues in phoenix and extended it a bit. But I was still
having trouble with radio box grouping, so I said fuck it and made the
panels show/hide based instead of append/remove based.
That's all for stuff off the checklist, I did a bunch of other things
I don't recall.

So yeah, I'd say the GUI is 100% usable now. This is my opinion on how
multi-platform GUIs should be done =)

Oh, I figure I should mention, but the NES core is GPLv3, and all future
SNES+GB releases will be as well. It's a move against Microsoft's Metro
2011-09-21 00:04:43 +10:00
Tim Allen 69ed35db99 Update to v082r17 release.
byuu says:

Adds BS-X/Slotted/SufamiTurbo/SGB cartridge loading. Calling it
Satellaview as I'm more partial to that at the moment.
FileBrowser now remembers your folders per filter type like before, and
will keep your place in the list if you don't switch away.
I wanted there to be ONE slot loader, so the loader will show a grayed
out secondary slot on non-ST loading, but it's more consistent to only
have one window instead of two for geometry placement.
Removed help menu. Will try and work it in somewhere unobtrusive later
on I suppose.
Added timed messages and the usual "no cart loaded / paused" messages
and such.
2011-09-19 22:34:18 +10:00
Tim Allen 5c2d16828c Update to v082r16 release.
byuu says:

Binary output is once again called bsnes. No versioning on the title
without a system cartridge loaded. Still saving config files to
.config/batch for now.
Finally fixed NES APU frame IRQ clearing on $4015 reads.
Added mouse button/axis binding through buttons on the input capture
Added advanced settings window with driver selection and focus policy
settings. Will show your default driver properly if none are selected
now, unlike old bsnes.
That exposed a small bug where phoenix isn't removing widgets on
Layout::remove, worked around it for now by hiding the panels. Damn,
sick of working on phoenix.
Added all missing input controllers, which can all now be mapped, and
bound them to the main menu, and added NES support for selecting "no
connected controller."
Added mouse capture and the requisite tools menu option for it.
Added WindowManager class that keeps track of both position and size now
(eg full geometry), so now you can resize your windows and save the
settings, unlike old bsnes.
WindowManager has more stringent geometry checks. The *client area* (not
the window border) can't be below 0,0 or above the width/height of three
30" monitors. If you have 4+ 30" monitors, then fuck you :P
settings.cfg is now also saved, captures all currently available
settings. Right now, there's only one path for the file browser to
remember. I will probably make this per-system later.
FileBrowser has been made a bit more friendly. The bottom left tells you
what type of files the list is filtered by (so you see "*.sfc" for
SNES), and the bottom right has an open button that can enter folders or
load files.
Added video shader support.
Fixed nall/dsp variadic-channel support, was only outputting the left
2011-09-19 22:25:56 +10:00
Tim Allen 382ae1e61e Update to v082r15 release.
byuu says:

7.5 hours of power coding. Das Keyboard definitely helped (but didn't
eliminate) RSI, neato.

Okay, the NES resampler was using 315 / 88.8 by mistake, so the output
rate was wrong, causing way more video/audio stuttering than necessary.
STILL forgot the NES APU frame IRQ clear thing on $4015 reads, blah. Why
do I always remember things right after uploading the WIPs?
Recreated the input manager with a new design, works much nicer than the
old one, a whole lot less duplicated code.
Recreated the input settings window to work with the new multi-system
All input settings are saved to their own configuration file, input.cfg.
Going to batch folder for now.

Okay, so the new input settings window ... basically there are now three
drop-downs, and I'm not even trying to label them anymore.
They are primary, secondary, tertiary selectors for the listed group
below. Examples:
"NES -> Controller Port 1 -> Gamepad"
"SNES -> Controller Port 2 -> Super Scope"
"User Interface -> Hotkeys -> Save States"

I am aware that "Clear" gets disabled when assigning. I will work on
that later, being lazy for now and disabling the entire window. Have to
add the mouse binders back, too.
Escape and modifiers are both mappable as individual keys now. If you
want to clear, click the damn clear button :P

Oh, and all input goes to all windows for now. That'll be fixed too when
input focus stuff is re-added.
2011-09-17 16:42:17 +10:00
Tim Allen 7619805266 Update to v082r14 release.
byuu says:

Emulates DMC channel (sound effect when Link gets hit in Zelda 1, for
instance), fixes up bugs in rectangle/sweep and triangle channels, adds
DMC/frame APU IRQs, adds proper stalling for DMC ROM reads (should even
be cycle accurate, but has one extra cycle when triggered during OAM
DMA, I think), but forgets the frame IRQ acknowledge clear on $4015 read
(will fix next WIP.) All sound courtesy of Ryphecha.

Made template configuration settings window (empty for now.) Simplified
SNES cheat.cpp code. Some other stuff.

Further developed RSI.
2011-09-16 21:44:07 +10:00
Tim Allen e3c7bbfb63 Update to v082r13 release.
byuu says:

I've updated the {System}::Interface classes to encapsulate all common
functionality, so they are C++ equivalents of libsnes now.
The idea being, use the interface class and you'll never have to reach
into core objects (unless you really want to.)
Not guaranteeing as stable an API as I do with libsnes for that, though.
C++ doesn't make for nice dynamic libraries, anyway.

Added back the state manager, and it now works for both SNES and Game
Boy. NES save states aren't in yet.
Anyway, this should give you a pretty good feel for what the combined UI
is going to be like: same as before, everything works the same. Only
difference is the dynamic system menu and cartridge menu with more load
options. The settings window will be mostly the same as well, but will
obviously have options that only apply to some systems.
2011-09-16 21:30:45 +10:00
Tim Allen 5f099b8ad0 Update to v082r12 release.
byuu says:

Merged Ryphecha's APU emulation, so NES has sound output now. We are
still missing the DMC memory fetch, so there will be missing sound
effects here and there.
2011-09-15 22:33:26 +10:00
Tim Allen cb3460a673 Update to v082r11 release.
byuu says:

Emulates grayscale and color emphasis modes, improves sprite timing and
PPU bus fetching behavior with the PPU disabled.
2011-09-15 22:27:34 +10:00
Tim Allen 278cf8462c Update to v082r10 release.
byuu says:

Emulated the Game Genie for the NES and Game Boy, and wrote a new cheat
editor that doesn't reach into specific emulation cores so that it would
Before you ask: yes, long-term I'd like Super Game Boy mode to accept
Game Boy codes. But that's not high on the priority list.
Renamed the mappers toward board names, LZ...->BandaiFCG,
LS161...->AOROM, added CNROM emulation (Adventure Island, Gradius, etc.)
Added the tools menu load/save state stuff, but note that the NES
doesn't have save state support yet (waiting for the interface to
stabilize a bit more first.)

Note: this will be the last release to have the ui-gameboy folder, it's
been deleted locally from my end, as the new multi-GUI does all that it
does and more now.
2011-09-15 22:23:13 +10:00
Tim Allen 7f4381b505 Update to v082r09 release.
byuu says:

Skip this build if you can, it's CPU+PPU timing improvements that should
not visibly affect anything.
2011-09-15 22:14:07 +10:00
Tim Allen c668d10ac7 Update to v082r08 release.
byuu says:

Fixed up the PPU to be as close to cycle-perfect as possible. Fixed RMW
to write twice instead of read twice. Ryphecha added AOROM and fixed up
MMC1. Have CNROM too, but I need to rethink the mapper/board
distinction. Apparently the same logic IC is used in both AOROM and
CNROM, and it's just a matter of routing the pins to it. I need to
consider how crazy it'd be to emulate the logic IC and have boards
simply reroute pins to it. If it's too much work, we'll just treat
mappers as board + logic IC combinations. We'll see.
2011-09-12 20:30:44 +10:00
Tim Allen 7fc78dae07 Update to v082r07 release.
byuu says:

Wrote a cycle-based PPU renderer, ~95% hardware accurate for BGs, not so
much for sprites yet. Mednafen has been helping out a lot.
2011-09-12 20:17:12 +10:00
Tim Allen 4ca051a22f Update to v082r06 release.
byuu says:

Emulated MMC1, currently defaults to B2 configuration. Fixed a whole
bunch of timing things, render things, nametable mirroring things, etc.
Zelda and Mega Man II are fully playable, but they have odd vertical
scrolling issues that make it a not so fun experience.
Not sure what the problem is there, yet. The Y scroll register writes
seem to be wonky ... I don't know.

Keeping the Cartridge menu always visible now, so it's faster to load
carts, but I am still hiding the non-loaded system menus.
2011-09-12 19:44:22 +10:00
Tim Allen 8618334356 Update to v082r05 release.
byuu says:

Okay, I fixed up many outstanding phoenix issues.
* Windows/GTK+ fixed by using processEvents instead of main(); Windows can run unthrottled, and GTK+ shows the window contents now
* fixed keyboard beeping once and for all on Windows: I now whitelist tabbable controls
* fixed main menubar setVisible calls
* Qt and GTK+ now allow you to resize windows smaller than they initially were

Both Qt and GTK+ still fuck up the geometry a bit when toggling fullscreen mode. I have tried, and tried, and tried and tried and tried to fix it all. Nothing works. I give up.
Easier to destroy and recreate the fucking window than figure out how to resize it on Linux (and no, I can't do that. ruby would not like the handle changing.)

As for the GUI:
* file browser is back in, still need remember place and open folder code; that needs to be extended to handle multiple systems now
* shrink window command added to tools menu.
2011-09-09 14:16:25 +10:00
Tim Allen ec7e4087fb Update to v082r04 release.
byuu says:

So, here's the deal. I now have three emulators. I don't think the
NES/GB ones are at all useful, but I do want them to be eventually. And
having them have those pathetic little GUIs like ui-gameboy, and keeping
everything in separate project folders, just doesn't work well for me.
I kind of "got around" the issue with the Game Boy, by only allowing SGB
mode emulation. But there is no "Super Nintendo" ... er ... wait ...
uhmm ... well, you know what I mean anyway.

So, my idea is to write a multi-emulator GUI, and keep the projects
together. The GUI is not going to change much. The way I envision this

At startup, you have a menubar with: "Cartridge, Settings, Tools, Help".
Cartridge has "Load NES Cartridge", "Load SNES Cartridge", etc.
When you load something, Cartridge is replaced with the appropriate
system menu, eg "SNES". Here you have all your regular items: "power,
reset, controller port selection, etc." There is also a new "Unload
Cartridge" option, which is how you restore the "Cartridge" menu again.
I have no plans to emulate any other systems, but if I ever do emulate
something that doesn't take cartridges, I'll change the name to just
"Load" or something.

The cheat editor / state manager will look and act exactly the same. The
settings panel will look exactly the same. I'll simply show/hide
system-specific options as needed, like NES/SNES aspect ratio
correction, etc. The input mapping window will just have settings for
the currently loaded system. Video and audio tweaking will apply
cross-system, as will hotkey mapping.

The GUI stuff is mostly copy-paste, so it should only take me a week to
get it 95% back to where it was, so don't worry, this isn't total GUI
rewrite #80.
I am, however, making all the objects pointers, so that I can destruct
them all prior to main() returning, which is certainly one way of fixing
that annoying Windows/Qt crash.

Please only test on Linux. The Windows port is broken to hell, and will
give you a bad impression of the idea:
- menu groups are not hiding for some reason (all groups are showing, it
  looks hideous)
- Timer interval(0) is taking 16ms per call, capping the FPS to ~64 tops
  [FWIW, bsnes/accuracy gets 130fps, bgameboy gets 450fps, bnes gets
  800fps; all run at lowest possible granularity]
- the OS keeps beeping when you press keys (AGAIN)

Of course, Qt and GTK+ don't let you shrink a window from the requested
geometry size, because they suck. So the video scaling stuff doesn't
work all that great yet.
Man, a metric fuckton of things need to be fixed in phoenix, and
I really don't know how to fix any of them :/
2011-09-09 14:08:38 +10:00
Tim Allen 496708cffe Update to v082r03 release.
byuu says:

Couple more fixes to audio from Jonas, and I converted all types from
"unsigned" to the smallest sizes possible, which simplified a bit of the
code. Love variable-length integers.

Audio core should be really good now. Not perfect, but pretty close for
99% of games. Also fixed the window stuff for Cool World and such.
2011-09-05 13:56:22 +10:00
Tim Allen a86c5ee59d Update to v082r02 release.
byuu says:

Has Jonas Quinn's many Game Boy APU fixes, and two more from blargg's
notes that I added.

It also has the new dynamic phoenix. So yeah, it'll crash on bsnes/Qt
exit. If anyone can fix it *properly* and wants the money, I'll pay them
$20 for the trouble =)
2011-09-05 13:48:23 +10:00
Tim Allen d8f9204e18 Update to v082r01 release.
byuu says:

- if config file window coordinates are >= 30000, it snaps them back to
  128,128; should end the "why aren't windows visible?" posts
- updated GUI code to match new phoenix changes
- phoenix: Layout and Widget inherit from Sizable; directional layouts
  make no distinction between widgets and layouts
- phoenix: individual widgets / layout can maintain visible/hidden
  status in spite of their parents' visibility
2011-08-22 21:27:04 +10:00
Tim Allen e8775319c8 Update to v082 release.
byuu says:

This release features many substantial Game Boy emulation improvements
(all courtesy of Jonas Quinn), a new audio DSP class, and BPS patching

Changelog (since v081):

- added new DSP audio engine; supports sample-averaging for the Game
  Boy's high frequency rate
- GB: MMM01 images with boot loader at bottom of ROM can now be loaded
- GB: EI is delayed one cycle; fixes Bubble Bobble [Jonas Quinn]
- GB: fixed window -7 offset behavior; fixes Contra 3 first boss [Jonas
- GB: disable LCD interrupts when rendering is off; fixes Super Mario
  Land 2 [Jonas Quinn]
- GB: fixed noise channel LFSR; fixes Zelda: LA lightning sound [Jonas
- GB: square channels use initial_length like the noise channel [Jonas
- UI: added BPS patching support; removed UPS patching support
- UI: when loading BS-X/Sufami Turbo/Game Boy games; display game title
  instead of BIOS title
- UI: modified timestamps on screenshots for Windows/NTFS (which
  disallows use of ':')
2011-08-21 01:02:27 +10:00
Tim Allen 095181af62 Update to v081r04 release.
byuu says:

- GB: square channels cache initial_length and invert the length value
  on writes [Jonas Quinn]
- GB: updated LCD disable to just ignore interrupts and pixel writes,
  fixes Contra
- BPS patch information and cartridge sections are now copied from the
  patch metadata, if it is present
- fixed bpslinear out-of-bounds issue, which will be in snespurify v11
  official [Danish]
- simplified Makefile again since command-line trumps manual assignments
2011-08-19 21:36:26 +10:00
Tim Allen b28c54770c Update to v081r03 release.
byuu says:

- GameBoy: fixed window behavior for Contra 3 first boss [Jonas Quinn]
- GameBoy: fixed noise channel for Zelda: LA intro [Jonas Quinn]
- GameBoy: completely disable LCD when turned off, no interrupts; fixes
  Super Mario Land 2 [thanks to Jonas Quinn]
- GameBoy: keep track of where pixels come from for OBJ priority mode
  [Jonas Quinn]
- updated mode+slot-dependent name handling: simplifies Path class,
  allows SGB/BSX/ST games to show the slot title (instead of BIOS name)
  on the title bar
- Makefile allows command-line definitions for ui and profile now (make
  profile=compatibility ui=ui-libsnes)
- Makefile now allows (make pgo=instrument) and (make pgo=optimize)
- added BPS patching support, removed UPS patching support
2011-08-18 23:58:27 +10:00
Tim Allen 71763f2d98 Update to v081r02 release.
byuu says:

This release adds nall/dsp, which is a new framework for audio DSP
effects. It currently supports the usual fractional hermite resampling
and volume adjustments from ruby; but it also adds balance, and
arbitrary precision input and output (still limited to two channels, and
still signed audio [just subtract 1<<(bits-1) from an unsigned value.])
Internally, all samples are converted to doubles in the range of -1.0 to
+1.0, to allow for far greater precision with the hermite resampler and
volume/balance/etc adjustments.

As a result of this, all of the extra resampling/volume code from
ruby::audio has been removed. bsnes pulls in a copy of nall::dsp to
handle that stuff now.
2011-08-14 20:34:11 +10:00
Tim Allen 423d9ba00d Update to v081r01 release.
byuu says:

- EI takes an extra cycle to raise IME; fixes Bubble Bobble [for the
  Gameboy], and likely many more games [Jonas Quinn]
- nall/gameboy/cartridge.hpp descrambles MMM01 images (header can be at
  top or bottom of image now)
- screenshot timestamps use filename-yyyy-mm-dd format; so
  that they can save on Windows
- closing the emulator will switch to windowed mode first, so that
  geometry is preserved
2011-08-13 13:51:29 +10:00
Tim Allen 064ca4c626 Update to v081 release.
byuu says:

This release polishes up the GUI, adds some more features, and fixes
a few minor issues.

Changelog (since v080):
- rewrote S-DD1 module to decompress individual bytes at a time
- simplified SPC7110 deinterleaving code
- OBC1 should not clear RAM on reset [Jonas Quinn]
- fixed enum-cast compilation errors with the latest GCC 4.6.x releases
- added bsnes logo to about screen
- make phoenix=gtk will now build the GTK+ port on Linux
- added settings.startFullScreen to the config file for front-end users
- added advanced settings option to disable window compositor (only
  works on Windows and Xfce)
- merged settings windows into the panel approach used by bsnes/Qt in
  the past
- fixed a crashing bug on input settings window
- fixed GTK+ auto-geometry sizing
- added screenshot capture capability
- added exit emulator hotkey (defaults to being unmapped)
- Xorg keyboard polling now uses cached Display variable [Bisqwit]
- cheat code database updated [mightymo]
2011-08-12 22:33:07 +10:00
Tim Allen 10906d8418 Update to v080r08 release.
byuu says, in a post between the v080r07 release and the v080r08


The slider and scrollbar setParent calls setLength+setPosition, but
setLength sets position = 0 (due to new length possibly invalidating
previous position.)
Cache position first to fix this, can now reparent widgets with proper
slider/scroll positions.

ListView had a workaround where the horizontal scrollbar was always
appearing on single-column lists. The workaround was forcing the config
settings list in bsnes to only select the text portions of each item in
the list, instead of the entire lines. The workaround was needed because
without setting a single header text, the header text count was equal to
zero, causing autoSizeColumns to have no effect. Made the constructor
call setHeaderText("") to guarantee size() >= 1 always. Removes the need
for the workaround, and gives a good file browser and configuration
setting window.


Worked around Qt bugs #258,674+258,675: if you click a list item with
your mouse, currentItem()->isSelected() returns false. It does not
return true until you select an item with a keyboard key. I forced it to
set the selected item upon currentItemChanged() message. It was also not
sending a changed message upon clearing the selection and then selecting
the same item again. I had to do something undocumented:
setCurrentItem(nullptr) so that currentItemChanged works again.


Fonts are now initialized to the platform default settings, Tahoma or
Sans 8-point. This lets geometry on widgets not attached to windows work
better. Makes the ../... buttons smaller pretty much everywhere.

byuu says, announcing the v080r08 release:

Fixed all of the above phoenix issues, and improved the auto-disabling
of buttons on the input setting and state manager windows.
Also manually initiailized lastConfigure for Valgrind in GTK+. Windows
and GTK+ ports look a lot nicer now.
2011-08-08 22:04:47 +10:00
Tim Allen e88ab60663 Update to v080r07 release.
byuu says:

- fixed a long-standing crash: when you have a device index above the
  range permitted by another port, the app would crash (eg Controller
  Port 2 -> Mouse, then switch to Hotkeys)
- Qt bug workaround: have to use currentItemChanged signal instead of
  itemSelectionChanged signal for QTreeWidget, otherwise scrolling with
  mouse gives you the previous item with currentItem() ...
- added support for toggling the Xfce compositor
- added support for detecting if the compositor is enabled in the first
  place on Windows, so that it won't get turned on when you had it off
- added advanced setting to toggle behavior (never disable, disable only
  in fullscreen mode, disable whenever emulator is open)
- worked around GTK+ ../... button height issue
- worked around Windows slider position issue when attaching to a new
  window (need to research this one more)
- fixed up input settings window more: closing window ends assignment,
  custom mapping buttons hidden by default

Some of those bugs have been there since the phoenix port began, good
2011-08-08 22:02:51 +10:00
Tim Allen 564e38ea9f Update to v080r06 release.
byuu says:

Ran out of time, so this is incomplete, but ...

Windows will disable the compositor in fullscreen mode, and enable it
when switching back to windowed mode. Should help with Vsync issues, but
of course only in fullscreen mode.

I've also merged the four settings windows back into a panel with a list
view (since I have no tab control widget.) The input settings window is
a bit incomplete, need to break assignment on window close, hide the
capture buttons on first showing, etc. Will probably try and finish that
up tonight.
2011-08-08 22:01:09 +10:00
Tim Allen 0c3f0834ab Update to v080r05 release.
byuu says:

Includes updated versions of nall and phoenix, which mostly improves the
GTK+ version. However, it appears to be crashing at the moment after
loading a game. Unfortunately it works when gdb is used, so I can't
easily debug it :/

You can now build with make phoenix=gtk if you want the GTK+ version on
Linux (the Qt version is leagues better even on Gnome, please use it if
at all possible.)

There's also settings.startFullScreen, config-file only, to allow for
front-end use. Forgot to add the reset/power hotkeys.

I also fixed compilation of ui-gameboy on GCC 4.6. I hope that's the
last switch(enum) error, those are damn annoying. Can't wait to switch
to GCC 4.6 on Windows.
2011-08-07 00:03:52 +10:00
Tim Allen f38af85e0a Update to v080r04 release.
byuu says:

Adds nall/inflate.hpp and nall/unzip.hpp. Updates nall/resource.hpp to
encode and decode using ZIP/deflate files, rather than a much simpler
(and less powerful) LZSS implementation. Cuts the bsnes-logo.hpp file
from 270KB to 130KB, and the binary overhead from 80KB to 35KB.
2011-07-24 23:51:01 +10:00
Tim Allen 8276700381 Update to v080r03 release.
byuu says:

Wow, nothing in 19 days. Anyway, I wanted to get Nick's logo back in on
the about screen. Adds 80kb to both the binary and source archive, but
eh. Gotta have some style. Nothing else new.
2011-07-23 20:14:47 +10:00
Tim Allen ec69109c0b Update to v080r02 release.
byuu says:

- added qstrlower and qstrupper; mainly for the sake of others wanting
  to patch bass
- added: string sha256(const uint8_t *data, unsigned size); for easier
  hash generation
- cleaned up the NEC DSP and Hitachi DSP XML mapping code; they are
  consistent now as well
- "necdsp" in paths.cfg is now "firmware", since it also affects the
  Hitachi DSP
- XML mapping was using program= for DSP-n/ST-001n and data= for Cx4;
  they both use firmware= now instead
- fixed icd2/interface casting issue for GCC 4.6.0 (thanks for the
  reminder, vEX)
- removed the last parts of code that used string << foo; and removed
  that from nall/string entirely
  - I need to do this for the debugger as well, I'll make sure that it
    compiles before v081 though
- converted all string(...) syntax to { ... } syntax that I could
  (obviously it won't cast to a function that takes const char* instead
  of const string&)

Probably some other tiny things. Just basic maintenance here.
2011-07-07 22:59:26 +10:00
Tim Allen 8ae6444af7 Update to v080r01 release.
byuu says:

There was one unfortunate aspect of the S-DD1 module: you had to give it
the DMA length and a target buffer, and it would do the entire
decompression at once. Real hardware would work by streaming the data
byte by byte. So with that, I went ahead and rewrote the code to handle
byte-based streaming.

This WIP is an important milestone for me personally. Up until now,
bsnes has always had code that was directly copy-pasted from other
authors. With all of the DSP and Cx4 chips rewritten in LLE, and the
SPC7110 algorithm already ported over from C, and archive decompression
code removed for a long time, the S-DD1 was the only module left like
this. It's obviously not that big of a deal. The code is basically still
a copy of the original. S-DD1 decomp from Andreas Naive, SPC7110 decomp
from neviksti, and S-DSP from blargg. And the rest of the emulator is of
course only possible because of code and research before it, although
everything else has no resemblance at all to code before it. The main
advantage, really, is absolute code consistency. I always use the same
variant of K&R, for instance. I dunno, I guess I just never really liked
the "Build-a-Bear Workshop" style of emulators, like is so prominent in
the Genesis scene: "My new Genesis emu (uses Starscream/Musashi 68K
core, Marat Fayzullin's Z80 core, YM2612 core from Game_Music_Emu, VDP
core from Gens, SVP core from picodrive)", sorry, but you wrote
a front-end, not an emulator :/

I also updated the SPC7110 decompression module: I merged the class
inside the SPC7110 class (not sure why it was separate before), and
replaced the morton lookup tables with for-loops. The morton tables were
added to be a tiny bit faster when I was more interested in speed than
code clarity. It may be a tiny bit slower (or faster due to less L2
cache usage), but you won't even notice an FPS drop, and it cuts out
a good chunk of code and some tables. Lastly, I added pinput_poll() to
video_refresh(). Forgot to remove Interface::input_poll() from the C++
side, will have to do that later.
2011-06-28 21:36:00 +10:00
Tim Allen 5fc86eae6d Update to v080 release.
byuu says:

This release adds low-level emulation of the Hitachi HG51B169 DSP, which
was used in Mega Man X2 and Mega Man X3 as the Cx4 chip. It also fixes
a regression in both the sound core and cheat engine.

You will now need the HG51B169 data ROM to play MMX2/MMX3.

Once again, Cx4 LLE could not have been possible without the help of Dr.
Decapitator, Jonas Quinn, Overload and Segher. Be sure to thank them,

* added Cx4 low-level emulation; removed Cx4 high-level emulation code
* fixed S-SMP synchronization to S-CPU on CPUIO writes
* controllers now have their own threads and classes
* serial controller is now emulated as an actual controller, rather than
  as a coprocessor
* added link coprocessor module for special chip research and homebrew
* fixed cheat codes that target mask ROM addresses [Cydrak]
* fixed compilation error with the latest GCC 4.6.0 beta releases
* added flexibility to XML memory mapping file format
* updated to mightymo's latest cheat pack (2011-06-20)
2011-06-26 22:51:37 +10:00
Tim Allen 927c97eb06 Update to v079r06 release.
byuu says:

It does add some more code to the CPU::step() function, so performance
probably went down actually, by about 1%. Removing the input.tick() call
didn't compensate as much as I'd hoped.
Hooked up Super Scope and Justifier support. The good news is that the
Justifier alignment doesn't get fucked up anymore when you go
off-screen. Never could fix that in the old version.
The bad news is that it takes a major speed hit for the time being.
I need to figure out how to run the CPU and input threads out of order.
Every time I try, the input gets thrown off by most of a scanline.
Right now, I'm forced to sync constantly to get the latching position
really accurate. But worst case, I can cut the syncs down by skipping
large chunks around the cursor position, +/-40 clock cycles. So it's
only temporarily slow.
Lastly, killed the old Input class, merged Controllers class into it.
I actually like Controllers as a name better, but it doesn't jive with
video/audio/input, so oh well.
2011-06-25 22:56:32 +10:00
Tim Allen cf09d41669 Update to v079r05 release.
byuu says:

- Fixed GCC-4.6 casting errors in ui/input/input.cpp.
- Fixed some of the opcode mnemonics specified in the HG51B169 core (was
  unable to speed up the code)
- Started on a new core input system: snes/controller. More on that

- Have not yet attempted to add threading support to the controllers, so
  serial is still there as a coprocessor.
- I'm going to move the Controllers {} class back to Input {} once all
  individual controllers have been ported over.

Note: Super Scope and Justifier do not have counter latching support
yet, so you can't really use them. The gamepad, multitap and mouse all
work great; and the SS/Justifier cursors work at least. I also colored
the SS cursor red, so that all three (SS, Justifier, chained secondary
Justifier) all have unique R/G/B colors now. Should prevent confusion
between the SS and one Justifier.
2011-06-24 20:43:29 +10:00
Tim Allen 724747ac9e Update to v079r04 release.
byuu says:

Back from vacation. We were successful in emulating the Cx4 using LLE
during my vacation. We finished on June 15th. And now that I'm back,
I've rewritten the code and merged it into bsnes official. With that,
the very last HLE emulation code in bsnes has now been purged.


The emulation is as minimal as possible. If I don't see an opcode or
feature actually used, I don't implement it. The one exception being
that I do support the vector override functionality. And there are also
dummy handlers for ld ?,$2e + loop, so that the chip won't stall out.
But things like "byte 4" on rdram/wrram, the two-bit destination
selections for all but ld, etc are treated as invalid opcodes, since we
aren't 100% sure if they are there and work as we hypothesize. I also
only map in known registers into the 256-entry register list. This
leaves 90% of the map empty.

The chip runs at 20MHz, and it will disable the ROM while running. DMA
does transfer one byte at a time against the clock and also locks out
the ROM. rdbus won't fetch from IRAM, only from ROM. DMA transfer only
reads from ROM, and only writes to RAM. Unless someone verifies that
they can do more, I'll leave it that way. I don't yet actually buffer
the program ROM into the internal program RAM just yet, but that is on
the to-do list. We aren't entirely sure how that works either, but my
plan is to just lock the Cx4 CPU and load in 512-bytes.

There's still a few unknown registers in $7f40-5f that I don't do
anything with yet. The secondary chip disable is going to be the
weirdest one, since MMX3 only has one chip. I'd really rather not have
to specify the ROM mapping as two separate chips on MMX2 and as one on
MMX3 just to support this, so I don't know yet.

Save state support is of course there already.

Speed hit is 118fps HLE -> 109fps LLE in most scenes. Not bad, honestly.
2011-06-22 23:27:55 +10:00
Tim Allen e1e275eb38 Update to v079r03 release.
byuu says:

This fixes the S-SMP synchronization on CPUIO writes that was broken by
improvements in v078.01. Terranigma will work now. Also adds the 'link'
coprocessor module that was added in v079.01, and improved in v079.02.
2011-06-13 22:26:48 +10:00
Tim Allen e30fcade43 Update to v079r02 release.
byuu says:

Added "unsigned link_run();" which acts as its own thread synchronized
against the S-CPU. Specify the frequency in the configuration file.
I intend to prototype the Cx4 LLE openly using the link module, and that
required timing support, so there we go.

It's very basic, and it synchronizes the CPU to the coprocessors and
vice versa after every call to link_run(). Meaning performance won't be
super exceptional at full 21MHz or higher, but then this is for
prototyping only. I didn't want to expose cothreading, yielding, calls
back into bsnes' core, calls to sync up the S-CPU, etc.
2011-06-13 22:22:06 +10:00
Tim Allen 42dbf73d18 Update to v079r01 release.
This version adds a "link" SNES coprocessor module, which just loads
a shared library. It was posted outside the v079 WIP thread, in this
2011-06-13 22:13:30 +10:00
Tim Allen 2a90e12999 Update to v079 release.
byuu says:

This release includes Nintendo Super System DIP switch emulation and
improved PPU rendering accuracy, among other things.

- added Nintendo Super System DIP switch emulation [requires XML setting
- emulated Super Game Boy $6001 VRAM offset selection port [ikari_01]
- fixed randomness initialization of S-SMP port registers [fixes
  DBZ:Hyper Dimension and Ninja Warriors]
- mosaic V-countdown caches BGOFS registers (fixes Super Turrican
  2 effect) [reported by zal16]
- non-mosaic BGOFS registers are always cached at H=60 (fixes NHL '94
  and Super Mario World flickering)
- fixed 2xSaI family of renderers on 64-bit systems
- cleaned up SMP source code
- phoenix: fixed a bug when closing bsnes while minimized

Please note that the mosaic BGOFS fix is only for the accuracy profile.
Unfortunately the older scanline-based compatibility renderer's code is
nearly unmaintainable at this point, so I haven't yet been able to
backport the fixes.

Also, I have written a new cycle-accurate SMP core that does not use
libco. The aim is to implement it into Snes9X v1.54. But it would of
course be prudent to test the new core first.

[...then in the next post...]

Decided to keep that Super Mario World part a surprise, so ... surprise!

Realized while working on the Super Turrican 2 mosaic fix, and from
looking at NHL '94 and Dai Kaijuu Monogatari 2's behavior, that BGOFS
registers must be cached between H=0 and H=88 for the entire scanline
... they can't work otherwise, and it'd be stupid for the PPU to re-add
the offset to the position on every pixel anyway. I chose H=60 for now.
Once I am set up with the RGB monitor and the North American cartridge
dumping is completed, I'll set it on getting exact timings for all these
things. It'll probably require a smallish speed hit to allow exact-cycle
timing events for everything in the PPU.
2011-06-05 13:45:04 +10:00
Tim Allen d129b72ced Update to v078r07 release.
byuu says:

Would appreciate testing on any games with mosaic, especially Mode7
mosaic.I have tested Super Turrican 2, Sim Earth, Contra III and SNES
Test Program.

This only applies to BG modes 0-6, and technically should not affect
Mode7 at all. I am not sure if Mode7 needs the same change made or not,
but given the way it fetches that could prove quite challenging. I also
simplified the background renderer a good bit. See eg the pixel copy
stuff in Background::run().

I've only fixed this in the accuracy renderer. I'm sorry, but the
compatibility renderer is a fucking mess. I haven't really touched it in
four or five years now.

Will probably just revert to the accuracy/SMP in the performance profile
for the next release since it's not being used otherwise. People can
toggle it on if they want to try it out.
2011-06-05 13:25:24 +10:00
Tim Allen bc0b86891a Update to v078r06 release.
byuu says:

This adds ikari_01's emulation of the ICD2 (Super Game Boy) $6001 register.

It basically removes a really ugly hack where I was intercepting the DMA
transfer destination address to determine while Game Boy tile row to
transfer.  This should make implementing SGB emulation in other
emulators easier, as said hooks were very emulator-specific.
2011-05-08 23:46:37 +10:00
Tim Allen 52443936e6 Update to v078r05 release.
byuu says:

This WIP adds Nintendo Super System emulation, at least of its DIP
switches.  This is done via XML mapping, like so:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <cartridge region="NTSC">
	<map mode="linear" address="00-7f:8000-ffff"/>
	<map mode="linear" address="80-ff:8000-ffff"/>
	<setting name="Difficulty">
	  <option value="0000" name="Easy"/>
	  <option value="0001" name="Normal"/>
	  <option value="0002" name="Hard"/>
	  <option value="0003" name="Expert"/>
	<setting name="Lives">
	  <option value="0000" name="5 lives"/>
	  <option value="0004" name="4 lives"/>
	  <option value="0008" name="3 lives"/>
	  <option value="000c" name="2 lives"/>

The value field is a 16-bit value. All selected options are ORed
together to produce the final DIP switch values.  The number of options
per setting is unlimited, but there are only sixteen settings allowed
(you can't have more settings than you have switches, that's just

In the example above, d0-d1 controls difficulty, and d2-d3 controls # of
lives. d4-d15 appear to be unused, as far as I can tell.
2011-05-07 00:16:46 +10:00
Tim Allen 6694a1c986 Update to v078r04 release.
byuu says:

- file and slot load dialogs should now have perfectly square buttons
  that are based on the platform's default button height.
- cleaned up bsnes/Accuracy SMP source code (removed old !! stuff, stage
  3 timer is now uint4, memory access switch/case cleaned up,
  sSMPTimer->Timer, etc.)
- cleaned up bsnes/Accuracy memory access functions (read/writestack ->
  read/writesp, read/writeaddr -> read/write)
- minor optimization to bsnes/Performance SMP core in cycle-mode
2011-05-05 21:40:22 +10:00
Tim Allen 7ffaeb2ac1 Update to v078r03 release.
byuu says:

I apparently wasted two days writing that SMP core for nothing.  I had
a perfectly well-written and well-tested core in bsnes v045.  The old
opcode.b files that were a cycle-based markup language.

So I took that core, and wrote new parsers to generate both opcode-based
(one switch) and cycle-based (two switch) cores. Throw in a
little #define magic around CYCLE_ACCURATE, and it is compile-time

EWJ2's bug was due to not resetting the timer variables, and Bahamut
Lagoon's was due to dividing timer frequencies by 3, but failing to
remove the 0->1 transition phase (should have done the latter and
divided by two.)

Anyway, all fixed up.
2011-05-05 21:37:46 +10:00
Tim Allen 67e6a6e742 Update to v078r02 release.
byuu says:

New S-SMP core is feature-complete, but still buggy.  It's good enough
for perfect audio in Zelda 3 and Super Mario World, but there are plenty
of issues.  No audio in Bahamut Lagoon, deadlock in Earthworm Jim 2,

With this core, bsnes/Performance runs about 3-5% faster than with the
old one. That won't seem like much, because the S-SMP is the least
demanding portion of the SNES.  blargg's SMP core netted me a 5-8%
speedup the last time I tried it, so I'm sure there's still room to
speed things up.

The core is opcode-based, but has dummy op_io() calls (they compile to
nothing), so it is trivial to make it cycle-based if desired.  I'm not
convinced that is necessary, but we shall see once we get the opcode
bugs ironed out.
2011-05-03 19:58:12 +10:00