Commit Graph

6 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
byuu 926ffd9695 Update to bsnes v028 release.
    - OpenGL (with hardware filter mode support) and SDL video drivers added to Linux port
    - OpenAL (with speed regulation disable support) and OSS audio drivers added to Linux port [Nach]
    - SDL input driver (with joypad support) added to Linux port
    - Emulator pause option added
    - Added option to select behavior of bsnes when idle: allow input, ignore input or pause emulator
    - Added support to remap common GUI actions to key/joypad presses on the "Input Configuration" screen
    - bsnes will now clamp the video output size when it is larger than the screen resolution
    - GUI library has been enhanced, and renamed to hiro
    - Fullscreen mode now always centers video, rather than approximates
    - Fullscreen mode now works correctly on Linux/Openbox
    - Extra layer of abstraction in src/ui has been removed, as GUI lib unifies all ports anyway
    - Video, audio and input drivers unified into standard library, named ruby
    - All custom headers have been merged into a new template library, named nall
    - Makefile rewritten, vastly improved. Allows quick toggling of compiled-in drivers
    - Makefile: all object files now placed in /src/obj, binary placed in /
    - libco greatly enhanced, no longer requires an assembler to build [byuu, blargg, Nach]
    - libco SJLJ driver added; bsnes should now build on any Unix-derivative now (Solaris, OS X, PS3, etc) [Nach]
    - Fixed register $213e.d4 PPU1 open bus behavior [zones]
    - Windows port will not activate screensaver while bsnes is running [Nightcrawler]
    - Visual C++ target no longer requires stdint.h
    - And lots more -- mostly code refactoring related
2008-02-04 16:16:34 +00:00
byuu 4c43e85141 Update to bsnes v027 release.
This version replaces libui with miu -- a new GUI wrapper library, and cleans up large portions of the source code.
Unfortunately, the GUI rewrite took far, far longer than I ever imagined. As a result, no work has gone into the core emulation for this version. But with the GUI rewrite out of the way, that should change in the near future. And thanks to the new UI library, I can now begin work on adding a cross-platform debugger to bsnes, at long last.
    - Major source code cleanup (lib/, ui/miu/, ui/vai/)
    - Cheat code editor was broken in v0.026, this is now fixed
    - Cheat code file format simplified for human readability
    - Makefile install target improvements [belegdol]
    - libui replaced with miu GUI library
    - Custom video / audio / input drivers replaced with vai HW library
    - ppc and ppc64 libco targets added [Vas Crabb]
    - x86 and x86-64 libco targets now work on OS X [Lucas Newman]
2007-12-22 18:26:54 +00:00
byuu 95547f4ff8 Update to bsnes v026 release.
- Major source code cleanup
    - Completely rewrote memory mapper to support runtime MMCs
    - Updated S-DD1 MMC to use new memory mapping interface
    - Improved S-DD1 emulation, thanks to information from orwannon
    - Added support for SameGame -- load via "Load Special -> Load BS-X Slotted Cart" menu option
    - Completely rewrote cartridge loader to support BS-X, BS-X slotted carts and ST carts
    - Created custom dialog windows for multicart loading
    - Improved generic memory mapper, which eliminates the need for cart.db [Nach]
    - Added BS-X slotted cart detection to generic memory mapper [Nach]
    - Linux port will now ignore keypresses when window is inactive
    - Linux port will use much less CPU power when idle
    - Added detailed compilation instructions to Makefile for Linux port
    - Added "make install" target and PNG program icon for Linux port
    - Switched Windows compiler to MinGW/GCC4
    - Windows executable is now packed with UPX to decrease filesize
    - Removed .ufo, .gd7 and .078 ROM extensions; added .bs extension
    - Added preliminary support for the BS-X base unit, BS-X base cartridge + MMC, and BS-X flash I/O
2007-11-18 21:49:20 +00:00
byuu 85fa3cc968 Update to bsnes v025 release.
bsnes is exactly three years old today. I've posted a new version which adds DSP-3 and DSP-4 special chip support. The DSP-3 is used by SD Gundam GX, and the DSP-4 is used by Top Gear 3000. Please note that the DSP-3 is not fully emulated, thusly SD Gundam GX is not fully playable. Also, due to lack of timing emulation with the DSP-4, the Top Gear 3000 track sometimes flickers in split screen mode. However, it is believed that Top Gear 3000 is fully playable.
I should also note that I have started on SuperFX emulation, as some will inevitably see said code in my source releases. What I have now is nothing more than a skeleton implementation, and absolutely nothing using it is playable yet. I am making absolutely no promises that I will ever be able to emulate this chip. It will take at least several months of work, and even then, the speed will probably be too slow to reach 60fps on any system, but ... I'm working on it. While I have no way to run tests on the actual SuperFX hardware, I will do the best I can to emulate the chip accurately. I will be emulating the caching and cycle delays as best I can, but the information I have on this chip is extremely limited, so don't expect miracles.
Lastly, as promised, I have released the special chips I have personally emulated to the public domain. See license.txt for more information if interested. I cannot release the special chips whose code I did not write to the public domain, but all of that is already available under the GPLv2 (from ZSNES) or the SNES9x license.
    - Added DSP-3 support, thanks to John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Lancer, z80 gaiden
    - Added DSP-4 support, thanks to Dreamer Nom, John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Nach, z80 gaiden
    - Started on support for SuperFX, no games playable as chip emulation is less than 1% complete
    - Unsupported special chips will now display an alert
    - Missing stbios.bin file when loading Sufami Turbo cartridges will now display an alert
    - Video settings now saved separately for windowed and fullscreen mode
    - Advanced option video<.mode>.synchronize can be enabled for vsync, but will cause sound crackling
    - Added menu option to toggle FPS counter
    - Minor source code cleanup
2007-10-15 10:03:36 +00:00
byuu 2cc7fe30b4 Update to bsnes v020 release.
Five months and 43 WIP releases in the making, today I am releasing bsnes v0.020. I'd really like to express my thanks to blargg, for he has written a new S-DSP emulator that is an impressive 32 times more precise than all existing S-DSP emulators. It is now bus-accurate, and should produce bit-perfect sound output to that of a real SNES, excepting very minor, very extreme edge cases. Not only did he do this, he went out of his way to develop a special version exclusively for bsnes to ease licensing concerns and take advantage of bsnes' unique features, notably cothreads. I can't thank him enough. Unfortunately, bsnes has taken a ~10% speed hit over v0.019 by using this new S-DSP emulator, but I must stress the speed hit is entirely due to the way bsnes is implemented. blargg's standalone S-DSP emulator is very, very fast. Anyone is free to take a look at his S-DSP emulator, as he has released it as open source under the LGPL, by visiting his homepage, here.
Unfortunately, the new cross-platform UI is not entirely finished. Some sacrifices had to be made to support libui. Specifically, the following features are missing from v0.019, but will hopefully be added back in future releases:
    - Fullscreen support
    - Input Configuration panel cannot capture joypad input. Joypad support is still present, but it must be mapped manually through the Advanced panel or through editing bsnes.cfg by hand
    - The Cheat Code Editor is missing, but cht files can still be used from bsnes v0.019, and created by hand
    - Sufami Turbo support is not accessible from the UI
    - The UI on Windows is slightly less polished due to compromises to allow the UI to be readable on Linux.
I am sorry for the rough edges listed above, but I wanted to get a new release out, as it has been over five months since the last release, and I really want the world to be able to experience blargg's new S-DSP emulator.
    - Added blargg's new S-DSP emulator, runs at 1.024mhz. Many thanks to blargg for this, as this puts all portions of SNES emulation except for the S-PPU at bus-accuracy
    - blargg's S-DSP core fixes bugs in both Koushien 2 (J) and Toy Story (U)
    - Corrected all S-SMP cycle timings to be hardware accurate. Thanks to blargg for creating an amazing test ROM that tested every possible opcode
    - Corrected S-CPU wai instruction timing, fixes Mortal Kombat II
    - Reverted HDMA sync emulation once more to fix Breath of Fire II (G) and Secret of Mana (U)
    - Completely rewrote user interface to use libui, which is a wrapper that allows the same code to produce the same UI on both Windows (through the Win32 API) and Linux (through the GTK+ API)
    - Corrected $2100.d7 OAM reset behavior, thanks to research from anomie
    - Massively revamped the Linux port, should compile with no warnings or errors now
    - Added 64-bit support to libco, tested on FreeBSD/amd64, should work on Linux as well
    - Revamped makefile with suggestions from Nach
    - Improved Linux Xv renderer to use the far more common YUY2 format, which should work on most Xorg drivers, allowing hardware accelerated video scaling
    - Completely rewrote config file system. bsnes.cfg is now saved to user's profile folder on both Windows and Linux, allowing multi-user support
    - A lot more work has been done behind the scenes, including massive code cleanups and portability improvements
You may download the new version on the main bsnes page.
2007-06-03 00:20:00 +00:00
byuu 6d66b1136d Update to bsnes v019r09 release.
Alright, I'm in a semi-good mood.

 This one uses the old win32 interface, and adds a new feature I'd
like people with sound troubles to try out. The config file now
contains "audio.latency". Don't mess with "audio.frequency", it won't
do you any good and gets overridden by the speed regulation settings
for now.

 The audio.latency is a precise measurement of the millisecond delay
between sound being output by a real SNES and hearing that same sound
in bsnes. It takes into account the current playback frequency, as
well as the three-ring buffering system used by bsnes' audio system.
 Formula: sample_latency = CURRENT_playback_frequency / 1000 *
config_file_latency * 3 (so 32khz + 75ms latency means each ring
buffer is 800 samples long). The new formula should make latency sound
better (it's consistent now) on fast / slow emulation speed throttling
settings as well.
 I also cut out the fourth ring, since it was redundant. This should
make bsnes appear ~25% more responsive to sound with the same buffer
latency. As a result, I increased the latency to 75ms (it was at ~45
 I'd like to know what the lowest good value is that works on 95% of
sound cards, so I can use that. I'll let people with cheap sound cards
increase their latency setting manually (eventually it will be an
option in the GUI).

               **NOTE:** this version does nothing for triple
buffering/vsync/whatever. You must _disable_ triple buffering to try
out the latency settings. This version is strictly to test audio
playback support.

 I also added in my audio point resampler. Good god, it sounds
terrible. Regardless of the latency setting (either really high or
really low), the pitch difference between each audio ring is
_extremely_ noticeable. The code is there now in
src/ui/audio/dsound.cpp : AudioDS::run_videosync(), if anyone would
like to take a look. I'll hold my breath ;)


 Comparisons against ZSNES at this point are rather silly. Aside from
much more flexible timings, it probably has a nice audio resampler,
which I don't. If I faked CPU/SMP clock timings, I could get the SNES
spitting out 60 frames a second and 32khz audio a second. I'm not
going to do that, so I have to figure out how to resample the two. All
of my attempts at resampling video _and_ audio have both failed
miserably to date. I really only need one of those to work to get
smooth video+audio, but both would be nice so the user can decide
what's more important to them.

I don't care to add 2xSaI. I'm planning on redoing the filter stuff
soon to support 32-bit output for Xv, so if someone wants to add 2xSaI
support to bsnes after that, I'll add it in. Otherwise, HQ2x is
superior and Scale2x looks about the same, yet is way faster.

 Regarding the IPS thing, exactly. As I said, IPS is a bad format. You
can't tell if you need to patch against a headered or unheadered ROM
unless you read the documentation that fuckheads like Cowering remove
in their ROM sets ("at least it's already prepatched"), or try
patching twice to see which one works. UPS will eliminate both of
these problems. Readmes will be included inside the patches, and UPS
will work regardless if your ROM has a header or not. It will also be
reversible. It'll be better in every regard over IPS, so I have no
reason to support IPS.

 Lastly, I don't have any intention of working on fixing DeJap's
patch, regardless of where the problem is, as I have no way to run the
game on my copier. Maybe when and if the last two serious bugs
(Uniracers and Koushien 2) get fixed, I'll take a look at it then.
2007-01-31 00:00:24 +00:00