mirror of https://github.com/bsnes-emu/bsnes.git
Update to bsnes v028 release.
Changelog: - OpenGL (with hardware filter mode support) and SDL video drivers added to Linux port - OpenAL (with speed regulation disable support) and OSS audio drivers added to Linux port [Nach] - SDL input driver (with joypad support) added to Linux port - Emulator pause option added - Added option to select behavior of bsnes when idle: allow input, ignore input or pause emulator - Added support to remap common GUI actions to key/joypad presses on the "Input Configuration" screen - bsnes will now clamp the video output size when it is larger than the screen resolution - GUI library has been enhanced, and renamed to hiro - Fullscreen mode now always centers video, rather than approximates - Fullscreen mode now works correctly on Linux/Openbox - Extra layer of abstraction in src/ui has been removed, as GUI lib unifies all ports anyway - Video, audio and input drivers unified into standard library, named ruby - All custom headers have been merged into a new template library, named nall - Makefile rewritten, vastly improved. Allows quick toggling of compiled-in drivers - Makefile: all object files now placed in /src/obj, binary placed in / - libco greatly enhanced, no longer requires an assembler to build [byuu, blargg, Nach] - libco SJLJ driver added; bsnes should now build on any Unix-derivative now (Solaris, OS X, PS3, etc) [Nach] - Fixed register $213e.d4 PPU1 open bus behavior [zones] - Windows port will not activate screensaver while bsnes is running [Nightcrawler] - Visual C++ target no longer requires stdint.h - And lots more -- mostly code refactoring related
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
bsnes (TM) Reference License
Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 byuu
Copyright (C) 2004 - 2008 byuu
All rights reserved
1. Definitions
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Version 0.027
Version: 0.028
Author: byuu
@ -13,12 +13,6 @@ http://byuu.org/
Please see license.txt for important licensing information.
Shortcut Keys:
Esc - Toggle menubar visibility
F11 - Toggle fullscreen mode
Known Limitations:
@ -1,333 +1,303 @@
### bsnes makefile ###
include lib/nall/Makefile.string
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),)
null_: help
prefix = /usr/local
arch = ARCH_LSB
### compiler ###
ifneq ($(findstring gcc,$(compiler)),) # GCC family
flags = -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Ilib
c = $(compiler) $(flags)
cpp = $(subst cc,++,$(compiler)) $(flags)
obj = o
rule = -c $< -o $@
link =
mkbin = -o$1
mkdef = -D$1
mklib = -l$1
else ifeq ($(compiler),cl) # Visual C++
flags = /nologo /wd4355 /wd4996 /O2 /EHsc /Ilib
c = cl $(flags)
cpp = cl $(flags)
obj = obj
rule = /c $< /Fo$@
link = /link
mkbin = /Fe$1
mkdef = /D$1
mklib = $1.lib
unknown_compiler: help;
### platform-specific settings ###
### os ###
PREFIX = /usr/local
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),x-gcc-x86)
OS = unix
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -DPLATFORM_X -DCOMPILER_GCC -DPROCESSOR_X86 -DUI_MIU `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0`
AS = yasm
ASFLAGS = -f elf
LIBS = `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0` -lXv -lao
LIBCO = libco.x86
MIU = miu.gtk
VAI = video.xv.$(OBJ) video.gtk.$(OBJ) audio.ao.$(OBJ) input.x.$(OBJ)
ifeq ($(platform),x) # X11
ruby = video.glx video.xv video.sdl audio.openal audio.oss audio.ao input.sdl input.x
arch += PLATFORM_X
link += `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0`
delete = rm -f $1
else ifeq ($(platform),win) # Windows
ruby = video.direct3d video.directdraw video.gdi audio.directsound input.directinput
link += $(if $(findstring mingw,$(compiler)),-mwindows)
link += $(call mklib,uuid)
link += $(call mklib,kernel32)
link += $(call mklib,user32)
link += $(call mklib,gdi32)
link += $(call mklib,shell32)
link += $(call mklib,winmm)
link += $(call mklib,comdlg32)
link += $(call mklib,comctl32)
delete = $(if $(findstring i586-mingw-gcc,$(compiler)),rm -f $1,del $(subst /,\,$1))
unknown_platform: help;
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),x-gcc-x86-64)
OS = unix
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -DPLATFORM_X -DCOMPILER_GCC -DPROCESSOR_X86_64 -DUI_MIU `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0`
AS = yasm
ASFLAGS = -f elf64
LIBS = `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0` -lXv -lao
LIBCO = libco.x86-64
MIU = miu.gtk
VAI = video.xv.$(OBJ) video.gtk.$(OBJ) audio.ao.$(OBJ) input.x.$(OBJ)
### ruby ###
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),win-mingw-x86)
OS = win
CC = mingw32-gcc
CFLAGS = -mwindows -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -DPLATFORM_WIN -DCOMPILER_GCC -DPROCESSOR_X86 -DUI_MIU
AS = nasm
ASFLAGS = -f win32 -DWIN
LIBS = -ld3d9 -lddraw -ldsound -ldinput8 -ldxguid -luuid -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lshell32 -lwinmm -lcomdlg32 -lcomctl32
LIBCO = libco.x86
MIU = miu.win
VAI = video.direct3d.$(OBJ) video.directdraw.$(OBJ) video.gdi.$(OBJ) audio.directsound.$(OBJ) input.directinput.$(OBJ)
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),win-visualc-x86)
OS = win
CC = cl
AS = nasm
ASFLAGS = -f win32 -DWIN
LIBS = d3d9.lib ddraw.lib dsound.lib dinput8.lib dxguid.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib shell32.lib winmm.lib comdlg32.lib comctl32.lib
LIBCO = libco.x86
MIU = miu.win
VAI = video.direct3d.$(OBJ) video.directdraw.$(OBJ) video.gdi.$(OBJ) audio.directsound.$(OBJ) input.directinput.$(OBJ)
### compiler / assembler switches ###
ifeq ($(CC),gcc)
OUT = -obsnes
CPP = g++
OBJ = o
CARGS = -c $< -o $@
ifeq ($(CC),mingw32-gcc)
OUT = -obsnes
CPP = mingw32-g++
OBJ = o
CARGS = -c $< -o $@
ifeq ($(CC),cl)
OUT = /Febsnes
CPP = cl
OBJ = obj
CARGS = /c $< /Fo$@
ifeq ($(AS),nasm)
ASARGS = $< -o $@
ifeq ($(AS),yasm)
ASARGS = $< -o $@
### OS switches ###
ifeq ($(OS),unix)
RM = rm -f
ifeq ($(OS),win)
OUT := $(OUT).exe
RM = del
link += $(if $(findstring video.direct3d,$(ruby)),$(call mklib,d3d9))
link += $(if $(findstring video.directdraw,$(ruby)),$(call mklib,ddraw))
link += $(if $(findstring video.glx,$(ruby)),$(call mklib,GL))
link += $(if $(findstring video.xv,$(ruby)),$(call mklib,Xv))
link += $(if $(findstring audio.ao,$(ruby)),$(call mklib,ao))
link += $(if $(findstring audio.directsound,$(ruby)),$(call mklib,dsound))
link += $(if $(findstring audio.openal,$(ruby)),$(call mklib,openal) $(call mklib,alut))
link += $(if $(findstring input.directinput,$(ruby)),$(call mklib,dinput8) $(call mklib,dxguid))
link += $(if $(findstring input.sdl,$(ruby)),`sdl-config --libs`)
### main target and dependencies ###
OBJECTS = main.$(OBJ) $(LIBCO).$(OBJ) $(MIU).$(OBJ) $(VAI) bstring.$(OBJ) \
reader.$(OBJ) cart.$(OBJ) cheat.$(OBJ) memory.$(OBJ) smemory.$(OBJ) \
cpu.$(OBJ) scpu.$(OBJ) smp.$(OBJ) ssmp.$(OBJ) bdsp.$(OBJ) ppu.$(OBJ) \
bppu.$(OBJ) snes.$(OBJ) bsx.$(OBJ) superfx.$(OBJ) srtc.$(OBJ) \
sdd1.$(OBJ) cx4.$(OBJ) dsp1.$(OBJ) dsp2.$(OBJ) dsp3.$(OBJ) dsp4.$(OBJ) \
obc1.$(OBJ) st010.$(OBJ)
objects = main libco hiro ruby $(ruby) string reader cart cheat \
memory smemory cpu scpu smp ssmp bdsp ppu bppu snes \
bsx srtc sdd1 cx4 dsp1 dsp2 dsp3 dsp4 obc1 st010
ifeq ($(GZIP_SUPPORT),true)
OBJECTS += adler32.$(OBJ) compress.$(OBJ) crc32.$(OBJ) deflate.$(OBJ) \
gzio.$(OBJ) inffast.$(OBJ) inflate.$(OBJ) inftrees.$(OBJ) ioapi.$(OBJ) \
trees.$(OBJ) unzip.$(OBJ) zip.$(OBJ) zutil.$(OBJ)
ifeq ($(enable_gzip),true)
objects += adler32 compress crc32 deflate gzio inffast inflate inftrees ioapi trees unzip zip zutil
flags += $(call mkdef,GZIP_SUPPORT)
ifeq ($(JMA_SUPPORT),true)
OBJECTS += jma.$(OBJ) jcrc32.$(OBJ) lzmadec.$(OBJ) 7zlzma.$(OBJ) \
iiostrm.$(OBJ) inbyte.$(OBJ) lzma.$(OBJ) winout.$(OBJ)
ifeq ($(enable_jma),true)
objects += jma jcrc32 lzmadec 7zlzma iiostrm inbyte lzma winout
flags += $(call mkdef,JMA_SUPPORT)
ifeq ($(OS),win)
ifeq ($(CC),cl)
OBJECTS += bsnes.res
ifeq ($(CC),mingw32-gcc)
OBJECTS += bsnesrc.o
arch := $(patsubst %,$(call mkdef,%),$(arch))
objects := $(patsubst %,obj/%.$(obj),$(objects))
rubydef := $(foreach c,$(subst .,_,$(call strupper,$(ruby))),$(call mkdef,$c))
# Windows resource file
ifeq ($(platform),win)
ifeq ($(compiler),cl)
objects += obj/bsnes.res
else ifneq ($(findstring gcc,$(compiler)),)
objects += obj/bsnesrc.$(obj)
all: $(OBJECTS)
### implicit ###
### implicit rules ###
compile = \
$(strip \
$(if $(filter %.c,$<), \
$(c) $1 $(rule), \
$(if $(filter %.cpp,$<), \
$(cpp) $1 $(rule) \
) \
) \
%.$(OBJ): $<
$(if $(filter %.asm,$<),$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) $(ASARGS))
$(if $(filter %.s,$<),$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) $(ASARGS))
$(if $(filter %.c,$<),$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CARGS))
$(if $(filter %.cpp,$<),$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) $(CARGS))
%.$(obj): $<; $(call compile)
all: build;
### main ###
main.$(OBJ): ui/main.cpp config/* \
ui/* ui/vai/* \
ui/miu/* ui/miu/loader/* ui/miu/settings/*
obj/main.$(obj): ui/main.cpp config/* lib/nall/* lib/ruby/* ui/* ui/loader/* ui/settings/*
$(call compile,$(arch))
bsnes.res: ui/bsnes.rc ; rc /r /fobsnes.res ui/bsnes.rc
bsnesrc.o: ui/bsnes.rc ; windres -I data ui/bsnes.rc bsnesrc.o
obj/bsnes.res : ui/bsnes.rc; rc /r /foobj/bsnes.res ui/bsnes.rc
obj/bsnesrc.$(obj): ui/bsnes.rc; windres -I data ui/bsnes.rc obj/bsnesrc.$(obj)
### ui ###
### ruby ###
video.direct3d.$(OBJ) : ui/vai/video/video.direct3d.cpp ui/vai/video/*
video.directdraw.$(OBJ) : ui/vai/video/video.directdraw.cpp ui/vai/video/*
video.gdi.$(OBJ) : ui/vai/video/video.gdi.cpp ui/vai/video/*
video.gtk.$(OBJ) : ui/vai/video/video.gtk.cpp ui/vai/video/*
video.xv.$(OBJ) : ui/vai/video/video.xv.cpp ui/vai/video/*
audio.ao.$(OBJ) : ui/vai/audio/audio.ao.cpp ui/vai/audio/*
audio.directsound.$(OBJ): ui/vai/audio/audio.directsound.cpp ui/vai/audio/*
input.directinput.$(OBJ): ui/vai/input/input.directinput.cpp ui/vai/input/*
input.x.$(OBJ) : ui/vai/input/input.x.cpp ui/vai/input/*
obj/ruby.$(obj) : lib/ruby/ruby.cpp lib/ruby/*
$(call compile,$(rubydef))
obj/video.direct3d.$(obj) : lib/ruby/video/direct3d.cpp lib/ruby/video/direct3d.*
obj/video.directdraw.$(obj) : lib/ruby/video/directdraw.cpp lib/ruby/video/directdraw.*
obj/video.gdi.$(obj) : lib/ruby/video/gdi.cpp lib/ruby/video/gdi.*
obj/video.glx.$(obj) : lib/ruby/video/glx.cpp lib/ruby/video/glx.*
obj/video.sdl.$(obj) : lib/ruby/video/sdl.cpp lib/ruby/video/sdl.*
$(call compile,`sdl-config --cflags`)
obj/video.xv.$(obj) : lib/ruby/video/xv.cpp lib/ruby/video/xv.*
obj/audio.ao.$(obj) : lib/ruby/audio/ao.cpp lib/ruby/audio/ao.*
obj/audio.directsound.$(obj): lib/ruby/audio/directsound.cpp lib/ruby/audio/directsound.*
obj/audio.openal.$(obj) : lib/ruby/audio/openal.cpp lib/ruby/audio/openal.*
obj/audio.oss.$(obj) : lib/ruby/audio/oss.cpp lib/ruby/audio/oss.*
obj/input.directinput.$(obj): lib/ruby/input/directinput.cpp lib/ruby/input/directinput.*
obj/input.sdl.$(obj) : lib/ruby/input/sdl.cpp lib/ruby/input/sdl.*
$(call compile,`sdl-config --cflags`)
obj/input.x.$(obj) : lib/ruby/input/x.cpp lib/ruby/input/x.*
### libco ###
### hiro ###
libco.x86.$(OBJ) : lib/libco/libco.x86.asm lib/libco/*
libco.x86-64.$(OBJ): lib/libco/libco.x86-64.asm lib/libco/*
libco.pcc.$(OBJ) : lib/libco/libco.ppc.s lib/libco/*
libco.ppc64.$(OBJ) : lib/libco/libco.ppc64.s lib/libco/*
### miu ###
miu.gtk.$(OBJ): lib/miu.gtk/miu.gtk.cpp lib/miu.gtk/*
miu.win.$(OBJ): lib/miu.win/miu.win.cpp lib/miu.win/*
obj/hiro.$(obj): lib/hiro.cpp lib/hiro.* lib/hiro_gtk/* lib/hiro_win/*
$(call compile,$(if $(call streq,$(platform),x),`pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0`))
### libraries ###
bstring.$(OBJ): lib/bstring.cpp lib/*
obj/libco.$(obj): lib/libco.c lib/libco.* lib/libco/*
obj/string.$(obj): lib/nall/string.cpp lib/nall/*
### utilities ###
reader.$(OBJ): reader/reader.cpp reader/*
cart.$(OBJ) : cart/cart.cpp cart/*
cheat.$(OBJ) : cheat/cheat.cpp cheat/*
obj/reader.$(obj): reader/reader.cpp reader/*
obj/cart.$(obj) : cart/cart.cpp cart/*
obj/cheat.$(obj) : cheat/cheat.cpp cheat/*
### memory ###
memory.$(OBJ) : memory/memory.cpp memory/*
bmemory.$(OBJ): memory/bmemory/bmemory.cpp memory/bmemory/* memory/bmemory/mapper/*
smemory.$(OBJ): memory/smemory/smemory.cpp memory/smemory/* memory/smemory/mapper/*
obj/memory.$(obj) : memory/memory.cpp memory/*
obj/bmemory.$(obj): memory/bmemory/bmemory.cpp memory/bmemory/* memory/bmemory/mapper/*
obj/smemory.$(obj): memory/smemory/smemory.cpp memory/smemory/* memory/smemory/mapper/*
### cpu ###
cpu.$(OBJ) : cpu/cpu.cpp cpu/*
scpu.$(OBJ): cpu/scpu/scpu.cpp cpu/scpu/* cpu/scpu/core/* cpu/scpu/dma/* cpu/scpu/memory/* cpu/scpu/mmio/* cpu/scpu/timing/*
obj/cpu.$(obj) : cpu/cpu.cpp cpu/*
obj/scpu.$(obj): cpu/scpu/scpu.cpp cpu/scpu/* cpu/scpu/core/* cpu/scpu/dma/* cpu/scpu/memory/* cpu/scpu/mmio/* cpu/scpu/timing/*
### smp ###
smp.$(OBJ) : smp/smp.cpp smp/*
ssmp.$(OBJ): smp/ssmp/ssmp.cpp smp/ssmp/* smp/ssmp/core/* smp/ssmp/memory/* smp/ssmp/timing/*
obj/smp.$(obj) : smp/smp.cpp smp/*
obj/ssmp.$(obj): smp/ssmp/ssmp.cpp smp/ssmp/* smp/ssmp/core/* smp/ssmp/memory/* smp/ssmp/timing/*
### dsp ###
adsp.$(OBJ): dsp/adsp/adsp.cpp dsp/adsp/*
bdsp.$(OBJ): dsp/bdsp/bdsp.cpp dsp/bdsp/*
obj/adsp.$(obj): dsp/adsp/adsp.cpp dsp/adsp/*
obj/bdsp.$(obj): dsp/bdsp/bdsp.cpp dsp/bdsp/*
### ppu ###
ppu.$(OBJ) : ppu/ppu.cpp ppu/*
bppu.$(OBJ): ppu/bppu/bppu.cpp ppu/bppu/*
obj/ppu.$(obj) : ppu/ppu.cpp ppu/*
obj/bppu.$(obj): ppu/bppu/bppu.cpp ppu/bppu/*
### snes ###
snes.$(OBJ): snes/snes.cpp snes/* snes/scheduler/* snes/video/* snes/audio/* snes/input/*
obj/snes.$(obj): snes/snes.cpp snes/* snes/scheduler/* snes/video/* snes/audio/* snes/input/*
### special chips ###
bsx.$(OBJ) : chip/bsx/bsx.cpp chip/bsx/*
superfx.$(OBJ): chip/superfx/superfx.cpp chip/superfx/* chip/superfx/core/* chip/superfx/memory/*
srtc.$(OBJ) : chip/srtc/srtc.cpp chip/srtc/*
sdd1.$(OBJ) : chip/sdd1/sdd1.cpp chip/sdd1/*
cx4.$(OBJ) : chip/cx4/cx4.cpp chip/cx4/*
dsp1.$(OBJ) : chip/dsp1/dsp1.cpp chip/dsp1/*
dsp2.$(OBJ) : chip/dsp2/dsp2.cpp chip/dsp2/*
dsp3.$(OBJ) : chip/dsp3/dsp3.cpp chip/dsp3/*
dsp4.$(OBJ) : chip/dsp4/dsp4.cpp chip/dsp4/*
obc1.$(OBJ) : chip/obc1/obc1.cpp chip/obc1/*
st010.$(OBJ) : chip/st010/st010.cpp chip/st010/*
obj/bsx.$(obj) : chip/bsx/bsx.cpp chip/bsx/*
obj/srtc.$(obj) : chip/srtc/srtc.cpp chip/srtc/*
obj/sdd1.$(obj) : chip/sdd1/sdd1.cpp chip/sdd1/*
obj/cx4.$(obj) : chip/cx4/cx4.cpp chip/cx4/*
obj/dsp1.$(obj) : chip/dsp1/dsp1.cpp chip/dsp1/*
obj/dsp2.$(obj) : chip/dsp2/dsp2.cpp chip/dsp2/*
obj/dsp3.$(obj) : chip/dsp3/dsp3.cpp chip/dsp3/*
obj/dsp4.$(obj) : chip/dsp4/dsp4.cpp chip/dsp4/*
obj/obc1.$(obj) : chip/obc1/obc1.cpp chip/obc1/*
obj/st010.$(obj): chip/st010/st010.cpp chip/st010/*
### zlib ###
adler32.$(OBJ) : reader/zlib/adler32.c reader/zlib/*
compress.$(OBJ): reader/zlib/compress.c reader/zlib/*
crc32.$(OBJ) : reader/zlib/crc32.c reader/zlib/*
deflate.$(OBJ) : reader/zlib/deflate.c reader/zlib/*
gzio.$(OBJ) : reader/zlib/gzio.c reader/zlib/*
inffast.$(OBJ) : reader/zlib/inffast.c reader/zlib/*
inflate.$(OBJ) : reader/zlib/inflate.c reader/zlib/*
inftrees.$(OBJ): reader/zlib/inftrees.c reader/zlib/*
ioapi.$(OBJ) : reader/zlib/ioapi.c reader/zlib/*
trees.$(OBJ) : reader/zlib/trees.c reader/zlib/*
unzip.$(OBJ) : reader/zlib/unzip.c reader/zlib/*
zip.$(OBJ) : reader/zlib/zip.c reader/zlib/*
zutil.$(OBJ) : reader/zlib/zutil.c reader/zlib/*
obj/adler32.$(obj) : reader/zlib/adler32.c reader/zlib/*
obj/compress.$(obj): reader/zlib/compress.c reader/zlib/*
obj/crc32.$(obj) : reader/zlib/crc32.c reader/zlib/*
obj/deflate.$(obj) : reader/zlib/deflate.c reader/zlib/*
obj/gzio.$(obj) : reader/zlib/gzio.c reader/zlib/*
obj/inffast.$(obj) : reader/zlib/inffast.c reader/zlib/*
obj/inflate.$(obj) : reader/zlib/inflate.c reader/zlib/*
obj/inftrees.$(obj): reader/zlib/inftrees.c reader/zlib/*
obj/ioapi.$(obj) : reader/zlib/ioapi.c reader/zlib/*
obj/trees.$(obj) : reader/zlib/trees.c reader/zlib/*
obj/unzip.$(obj) : reader/zlib/unzip.c reader/zlib/*
obj/zip.$(obj) : reader/zlib/zip.c reader/zlib/*
obj/zutil.$(obj) : reader/zlib/zutil.c reader/zlib/*
### jma ###
jma.$(OBJ) : reader/jma/jma.cpp reader/jma/*
jcrc32.$(OBJ) : reader/jma/jcrc32.cpp reader/jma/*
lzmadec.$(OBJ): reader/jma/lzmadec.cpp reader/jma/*
7zlzma.$(OBJ) : reader/jma/7zlzma.cpp reader/jma/*
iiostrm.$(OBJ): reader/jma/iiostrm.cpp reader/jma/*
inbyte.$(OBJ) : reader/jma/inbyte.cpp reader/jma/*
lzma.$(OBJ) : reader/jma/lzma.cpp reader/jma/*
winout.$(OBJ) : reader/jma/winout.cpp reader/jma/*
obj/jma.$(obj) : reader/jma/jma.cpp reader/jma/*
obj/jcrc32.$(obj) : reader/jma/jcrc32.cpp reader/jma/*
obj/lzmadec.$(obj): reader/jma/lzmadec.cpp reader/jma/*
obj/7zlzma.$(obj) : reader/jma/7zlzma.cpp reader/jma/*
obj/iiostrm.$(obj): reader/jma/iiostrm.cpp reader/jma/*
obj/inbyte.$(obj) : reader/jma/inbyte.cpp reader/jma/*
obj/lzma.$(obj) : reader/jma/lzma.cpp reader/jma/*
obj/winout.$(obj) : reader/jma/winout.cpp reader/jma/*
### misc targets ###
### targets ###
build: $(objects)
$(strip $(cpp) $(call mkbin,../bsnes) $(objects) $(link))
install -m 775 bsnes $(PREFIX)/bin/bsnes
install -m 775 data/bsnes.png $(PREFIX)/share/icons/bsnes.png
install -m 755 ../bsnes $(prefix)/bin/bsnes
install -m 644 data/bsnes.png $(prefix)/share/icons/bsnes.png
-@$(RM) *.$(OBJ)
-@$(RM) *.res
-@$(RM) *.pgd
-@$(RM) *.pgc
-@$(RM) *.ilk
-@$(RM) *.pdb
-@$(RM) *.manifest
-@$(call delete,obj/*.$(obj))
-@$(call delete,*.res)
-@$(call delete,*.pgd)
-@$(call delete,*.pgc)
-@$(call delete,*.ilk)
-@$(call delete,*.pdb)
-@$(call delete,*.manifest)
@echo "Usage: $(MAKE) PLATFORM=platform [options]"
@echo "Usage: $(MAKE) platform=(os) compiler=(cc) [options]"
@echo ""
@echo "Available platform targets:"
@echo " x-gcc-x86 - Linux / BSD (x86) (requires yasm)"
@echo " x-gcc-x86-64 - Linux / BSD (x86-64) (requires yasm)"
@echo " win-mingw-x86 - Windows (x86) (requires nasm)"
@echo " win-visualc-x86 - Windows (x86) (requires nasm)"
@echo "Supported platforms:"
@echo " x - Linux / BSD (x86, x86-64)"
@echo " win - Windows (x86, x86-64)"
@echo ""
@echo "Supported compilers:"
@echo " gcc - GCC compiler"
@echo " mingw32-gcc - MinGW compiler"
@echo " i586-mingw32-gcc - MinGW cross compiler"
@echo " cl - Visual C++"
@echo ""
@echo "Available options:"
@echo " GZIP_SUPPORT=[true|false] - Enable ZIP / GZ support (default=false)"
@echo " JMA_SUPPORT=[true|false] - Enable JMA support (default=false)"
@echo " enable_gzip=[true|false] - Enable ZIP / GZ support (default=false)"
@echo " enable_jma=[true|false] - Enable JMA support (default=false)"
@echo ""
@echo "Example: $(MAKE) PLATFORM=x-gcc-lui GZIP_SUPPORT=true"
@echo "Example: $(MAKE) platform=x compiler=gcc enable_gzip=true"
@echo ""
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#define BSNES_VERSION "0.027"
#define BSNES_VERSION "0.028"
#define BUSCORE sBus
@ -17,22 +17,23 @@
//game genie + pro action replay code support (~1-3% speed hit)
#if defined(PROCESSOR_X86) || defined(PROCESSOR_X86_64)
#define ARCH_LSB
#elif defined(PROCESSOR_PPC) || defined(PROCESSOR_PPC64)
#define ARCH_MSB
#else //guess
#define ARCH_LSB
#if !defined(ARCH_LSB) && !defined(ARCH_MSB)
#define ARCH_LSB //guess
#include "lib/libco.h"
#include "lib/bbase.h"
#include "lib/bfunction.h"
#include "lib/barray.h"
#include "lib/bvector.h"
#include "lib/bkeymap.h"
#include "lib/bstring.h"
#include "lib/bconfig.h"
#include <nall/algorithm.hpp>
#include <nall/array.hpp>
#include <nall/bit.hpp>
#include <nall/config.hpp>
#include <nall/function.hpp>
#include <nall/new.hpp>
#include <nall/sort.hpp>
#include <nall/string.hpp>
#include <nall/vector.hpp>
using namespace nall;
#include <libco.h>
#include <bbase.h>
//platform-specific global functions
void alert(const char*, ...);
Binary file not shown.
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ char* Cartridge::get_save_filename(const char *source, const char *extension) {
if(config::path.save != "") {
lstring part;
split(part, "/", savefn);
string fn = config::path.save();
string fn = (const char*)config::path.save;
if(strend(fn, "/") == false) strcat(fn, "/");
strcat(fn, part[count(part) - 1]);
strcpy(savefn, fn);
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ uint size;
memset(stA.ram, 0xff, stA.ram_size);
if(load_file(get_save_filename(stA.fn, "srm"), data, size) == true) {
memcpy(stA.ram, data, min(size, 0x020000));
memcpy(stA.ram, data, min(size, 0x020000U));
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ uint size;
memset(stB.ram, 0xff, stB.ram_size);
if(load_file(get_save_filename(stB.fn, "srm"), data, size) == true) {
memcpy(stB.ram, data, min(size, 0x020000));
memcpy(stB.ram, data, min(size, 0x020000U));
@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
@make -r PLATFORM=win-mingw-x86
::@make -r PLATFORM=win-mingw-x86 GZIP_SUPPORT=true JMA_SUPPORT=true
::@make -r PLATFORM=win-visualc-x86
::@make -r PLATFORM=win-visualc-x86 GZIP_SUPPORT=true JMA_SUPPORT=true
@move bsnes.exe ../bsnes.exe>nul
@make platform=win compiler=mingw32-gcc
::@make platform=win compiler=mingw32-gcc enable_gzip=true enable_jma=true
@ -1 +1,2 @@
make PLATFORM=x-gcc-x86
make platform=x compiler=gcc
#make platform=x compiler=gcc enable_gzip=true enable_jma=true
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ string t, part;
if(strlen(t) == 8 || (strlen(t) == 9 && t()[6] == ':')) {
replace(t, ":", "");
uint32 r = strhex(t);
uint32 r = strhex((const char*)t);
addr = r >> 8;
data = r & 0xff;
return true;
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ string t, part;
replace(t, "-", "");
strtr(t, "df4709156bc8a23e", "0123456789abcdef");
uint32 r = strhex(t);
uint32 r = strhex((const char*)t);
//8421 8421 8421 8421 8421 8421
//abcd efgh ijkl mnop qrst uvwx
//ijkl qrst opab cduv wxef ghmn
@ -2,18 +2,22 @@
class Cheat {
enum {
struct CheatIndex {
bool enabled;
uint32 addr;
uint8 data;
char code[ 16 + 1];
char desc[128 + 1];
} index[CHEAT_LIMIT + 1];
bool cheat_enabled;
uint32 cheat_count;
uint8 mask[0x200000];
struct CheatIndex {
bool enabled;
uint32 addr;
uint8 data;
char code[ 16 + 1];
char desc[128 + 1];
} index[CHEAT_LIMIT + 1];
bool cheat_enabled;
uint32 cheat_count;
uint8 mask[0x200000];
inline bool enabled() { return cheat_enabled; }
inline uint count() { return cheat_count; }
@ -22,12 +26,6 @@ uint8 mask[0x200000];
bool decode(char *str, uint32 &addr, uint8 &data, uint8 &type);
bool encode(char *str, uint32 addr, uint8 data, uint8 type);
uint mirror_address(uint addr);
void set(uint32 addr);
void clear(uint32 addr);
bool read(uint32 addr, uint8 &data);
void update_cheat_status();
@ -42,7 +40,12 @@ public:
bool save(const char *fn);
void clear();
uint mirror_address(uint addr);
void set(uint32 addr);
void clear(uint32 addr);
extern Cheat cheat;
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#include "bsx/bsx.h"
#include "superfx/superfx.h"
#include "srtc/srtc.h"
#include "sdd1/sdd1.h"
#include "cx4/cx4.h"
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
void op_unknown() {}
void op_00();
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
void SuperFX::op_00() {
regs.sfr.g = 0;
regs.sfr.b = 0;
regs.sfr.alt1 = 0;
regs.sfr.alt2 = 0;
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
uint8 SuperFX::mmio_read(uint addr) {
addr &= 0xffff;
switch(addr) {
case 0x3000: return regs.r0.l;
case 0x3001: return regs.r0.h;
case 0x3002: return regs.r1.l;
case 0x3003: return regs.r1.h;
case 0x3004: return regs.r2.l;
case 0x3005: return regs.r2.h;
case 0x3006: return regs.r3.l;
case 0x3007: return regs.r3.h;
case 0x3008: return regs.r4.l;
case 0x3009: return regs.r4.h;
case 0x300a: return regs.r5.l;
case 0x300b: return regs.r5.h;
case 0x300c: return regs.r6.l;
case 0x300d: return regs.r6.h;
case 0x300e: return regs.r7.l;
case 0x300f: return regs.r7.h;
case 0x3010: return regs.r8.l;
case 0x3011: return regs.r8.h;
case 0x3012: return regs.r9.l;
case 0x3013: return regs.r9.h;
case 0x3014: return regs.r10.l;
case 0x3015: return regs.r10.h;
case 0x3016: return regs.r11.l;
case 0x3017: return regs.r11.h;
case 0x3018: return regs.r12.l;
case 0x3019: return regs.r12.h;
case 0x301a: return regs.r13.l;
case 0x301b: return regs.r13.h;
case 0x301c: return regs.r14.l;
case 0x301d: return regs.r14.h;
case 0x301e: return regs.r15.l;
case 0x301f: return regs.r15.h;
//0x3020 - 0x302f unused
case 0x3030: return regs.sfr;
case 0x3031: return regs.sfr >> 8;
case 0x3032: return 0x00; //unused
case 0x3033: return 0x00; //BRAMR (write only)
case 0x3034: return regs.pbr;
case 0x3035: return 0x00; //unused
case 0x3036: return regs.rombr;
case 0x3037: return 0x00; //CFGR (write only)
case 0x3038: return 0x00; //SCBR (write only)
case 0x3039: return 0x00; //CLSR (write only)
case 0x303a: return 0x00; //SCMR (write only)
case 0x303b: return regs.vcr;
case 0x303c: return regs.rambr;
case 0x303d: return 0x00; //unused
case 0x303e: return regs.cbr;
case 0x303f: return regs.cbr >> 8;
//0x3040 - 0x30ff unused
if(addr >= 0x3100 && addr <= 0x32ff) {
return cache[addr - 0x3100];
return 0x00;
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
void SuperFX::mmio_write(uint addr, uint8 data) {
addr &= 0xffff;
switch(addr) {
case 0x3000: regs.r0.l = data; return;
case 0x3001: regs.r0.h = data; return;
case 0x3002: regs.r1.l = data; return;
case 0x3003: regs.r1.h = data; return;
case 0x3004: regs.r2.l = data; return;
case 0x3005: regs.r2.h = data; return;
case 0x3006: regs.r3.l = data; return;
case 0x3007: regs.r3.h = data; return;
case 0x3008: regs.r4.l = data; return;
case 0x3009: regs.r4.h = data; return;
case 0x300a: regs.r5.l = data; return;
case 0x300b: regs.r5.h = data; return;
case 0x300c: regs.r6.l = data; return;
case 0x300d: regs.r6.h = data; return;
case 0x300e: regs.r7.l = data; return;
case 0x300f: regs.r7.h = data; return;
case 0x3010: regs.r8.l = data; return;
case 0x3011: regs.r8.h = data; return;
case 0x3012: regs.r9.l = data; return;
case 0x3013: regs.r9.h = data; return;
case 0x3014: regs.r10.l = data; return;
case 0x3015: regs.r10.h = data; return;
case 0x3016: regs.r11.l = data; return;
case 0x3017: regs.r11.h = data; return;
case 0x3018: regs.r12.l = data; return;
case 0x3019: regs.r12.h = data; return;
case 0x301a: regs.r13.l = data; return;
case 0x301b: regs.r13.h = data; return;
case 0x301c: regs.r14.l = data; return;
case 0x301d: regs.r14.h = data; return;
case 0x301e: regs.r15.l = data; return;
case 0x301f: regs.r15.h = data; return;
//0x3020 - 0x302f unused
case 0x3030: regs.sfr.l = data & 0x7e; return; //mask invalid bits
case 0x3031: regs.sfr.h = data & 0x9f; return; //mask invalid bits
case 0x3032: return; //unused
case 0x3033: regs.bramr = data; return;
case 0x3034: regs.pbr = data; return;
case 0x3035: return; //unused
case 0x3036: return; //ROMBR (read only)
case 0x3037: regs.cfgr = data; return;
case 0x3038: regs.scbr = data; return;
case 0x3039: regs.clsr = data; return;
case 0x303a: regs.scmr = data; return;
case 0x303b: return; //VCR (read only)
case 0x303c: return; //RAMBR (read only)
case 0x303d: return; //unused
case 0x303e: return; //CBR low (read only)
case 0x303f: return; //CBR high (read only)
//0x3040 - 0x30ff unused
if(addr >= 0x3100 && addr <= 0x32ff) {
cache[addr - 0x3100] = data;
@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
struct Reg16 {
union {
uint16 w;
struct { uint8 order_lsb2(l, h); };
inline operator unsigned() const { return w; }
inline unsigned operator=(const unsigned i) { return w = i; }
Reg16() : w(0) {}
template<int bit> struct RegFlag8 {
uint8 data;
inline operator bool() const { return data & bit; }
inline bool operator=(const bool i) { i ? data |= bit : data &= ~bit; return i; }
template<int bit> struct RegFlag16 {
uint16 data;
inline operator bool() const { return data & bit; }
inline bool operator=(const bool i) { i ? data |= bit : data &= ~bit; return i; }
struct SFR {
union {
uint16 w;
struct { uint8 order_lsb2(l, h); };
RegFlag16<0x0002> z; //zero flag
RegFlag16<0x0004> c; //carry flag
RegFlag16<0x0008> s; //sign flag
RegFlag16<0x0010> v; //overflow flag
RegFlag16<0x0020> g; //go flag
RegFlag16<0x0040> r; //ROM read using r14 flag
RegFlag16<0x0100> alt1; //alternate instruction 1 flag
RegFlag16<0x0200> alt2; //alternate instruction 2 flag
RegFlag16<0x0400> il; //immediate lower 8-bit flag
RegFlag16<0x0800> ih; //immediate upper 8-bit flag
RegFlag16<0x1000> b; //WITH instruction flag
RegFlag16<0x8000> irq; //interrupt flag
inline operator unsigned() const { return w & 0x9f7e; } //invalid flag bits always return 0 when read
inline unsigned operator=(const unsigned i) { return w = i & 0x9f7e; }
SFR() : w(0) {}
struct RAMBR {
union {
uint8 b;
RegFlag8<0x01> bank;
inline operator unsigned() const { return b & 0x01; }
inline unsigned operator=(const unsigned i) { return b = i & 0x01; }
RAMBR() : b(0) {}
struct CBR {
uint16 w;
inline operator unsigned() const { return w & 0xfff0; }
inline unsigned operator=(const unsigned i) { return w = i & 0xfff0; }
CBR() : w(0) {}
struct SCMR {
union {
uint8 b;
RegFlag8<0x01> md0; //color mode low
RegFlag8<0x02> md1; //color mode high
RegFlag8<0x04> ht0; //height low
RegFlag8<0x08> ran; //ram enable
RegFlag8<0x10> ron; //rom enable
RegFlag8<0x20> ht1; //height high
inline operator unsigned() const { return b; }
inline unsigned operator=(const unsigned i) { return b = i; }
SCMR() : b(0) {}
struct BRAMR {
union {
uint8 b;
RegFlag8<0x01> flag;
inline operator unsigned() const { return b; }
inline unsigned operator=(const unsigned i) { return b = i; }
BRAMR() : b(0) {}
struct CFGR {
union {
uint8 b;
RegFlag8<0x20> ms0; //multiplier speed selection
RegFlag8<0x80> irq; //irq mask flag
inline operator unsigned() const { return b; }
inline unsigned operator=(const unsigned i) { return b = i; }
CFGR() : b(0) {}
struct CLSR {
union {
uint8 b;
RegFlag8<0x01> flag;
inline operator unsigned() const { return b; }
inline unsigned operator=(const unsigned i) { return b = i; }
CLSR() : b(0) {}
struct POR {
union {
uint8 b;
RegFlag8<0x01> transparent; //transparent flag
RegFlag8<0x02> dither; //dither flag
RegFlag8<0x04> highnibble; //high nibble flag
RegFlag8<0x08> freezehigh; //freeze high flag
RegFlag8<0x10> obj; //OBJ flag
inline operator unsigned() const { return b; }
inline unsigned operator=(const unsigned i) { return b = i; }
POR() : b(0) {}
struct Regs {
Reg16 r0; //default source/destination register
Reg16 r1; //pixel plot X position register
Reg16 r2; //pixel plot Y position register
Reg16 r3;
Reg16 r4; //lower 16-bit result of lmult
Reg16 r5;
Reg16 r6; //multiplier for fmult and lmult
Reg16 r7; //fixed point texel X position for merge
Reg16 r8; //fixed point texel Y position for merge
Reg16 r9;
Reg16 r10;
Reg16 r11; //return address set by link
Reg16 r12; //loop counter
Reg16 r13; //loop point address
Reg16 r14; //rom address for getb, getbh, getbl, getbs
Reg16 r15; //program counter
SFR sfr; //status/flag register
uint8 pbr; //program bank register
uint8 rombr; //rom bank register
RAMBR rambr; //ram bank register
CBR cbr; //cache base register
uint8 scbr; //screen base register
SCMR scmr; //screen mode register
BRAMR bramr; //backup ram register
uint8 vcr; //version code register
CFGR cfgr; //config register
CLSR clsr; //clock select register
uint8 colr; //color register
POR por; //plot option register
} regs;
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
#include "../../base.h"
#include "core/op0x.cpp"
#include "memory/read.cpp"
#include "memory/write.cpp"
void SuperFX::init() {
void SuperFX::enable() {
for(uint i = 0x3000; i <= 0x32ff; i++) {
memory::mmio.map(i, *this);
void SuperFX::power() {
void SuperFX::reset() {
regs.r0 = 0;
regs.r1 = 0;
regs.r2 = 0;
regs.r3 = 0;
regs.r4 = 0;
regs.r5 = 0;
regs.r6 = 0;
regs.r7 = 0;
regs.r8 = 0;
regs.r9 = 0;
regs.r10 = 0;
regs.r11 = 0;
regs.r12 = 0;
regs.r13 = 0;
regs.r14 = 0;
regs.r15 = 0;
regs.sfr = 0;
memset(cache, 0, sizeof cache);
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
class SuperFX : public MMIO { public:
#include "core/core.h"
void init();
void enable();
void power();
void reset();
uint8 mmio_read (uint addr);
void mmio_write(uint addr, uint8 data);
#include "regs.h"
uint8 cache[512]; //cache RAM
extern SuperFX superfx;
@ -1,2 +1 @@
@make PLATFORM=win-mingw-x86 clean
::@make PLATFORM=win-visualc-x86 clean
@make platform=win compiler=mingw32-gcc clean
@ -1 +1 @@
make PLATFORM=x-gcc-x86 clean
make platform=x compiler=gcc clean
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
namespace config {
Config& config() {
static Config config;
configuration& config() {
static configuration config;
return config;
@ -28,48 +28,45 @@ lstring part;
return path;
StringSetting Path::base(0, "path.base",
string_setting Path::base("path.base",
"Path that bsnes resides in", "");
StringSetting Path::rom(&config(), "path.rom",
string_setting Path::rom(config(), "path.rom",
"Default path to look for ROM files in (\"\" = use default directory)", "");
StringSetting Path::save(&config(), "path.save",
string_setting Path::save(config(), "path.save",
"Default path for all save RAM and cheat files (\"\" = use current directory)", "");
StringSetting Path::bsx(&config(), "path.bsx", "", "");
StringSetting Path::st(&config(), "path.st", "", "");
string_setting Path::bsx(config(), "path.bsx", "", "");
string_setting Path::st(config(), "path.st", "", "");
IntegerSetting SNES::gamma_ramp(&config(), "snes.colorfilter.gamma_ramp",
"Use precalculated TV-style gamma ramp", IntegerSetting::Boolean, true);
IntegerSetting SNES::sepia(&config(), "snes.colorfilter.sepia",
"Convert color to sepia tone", IntegerSetting::Boolean, false);
IntegerSetting SNES::grayscale(&config(), "snes.colorfilter.grayscale",
"Convert color to grayscale tone", IntegerSetting::Boolean, false);
IntegerSetting SNES::invert(&config(), "snes.colorfilter.invert",
"Invert output image colors", IntegerSetting::Boolean, false);
IntegerSetting SNES::contrast(&config(), "snes.colorfilter.contrast",
"Contrast", IntegerSetting::Decimal, 0);
IntegerSetting SNES::brightness(&config(), "snes.colorfilter.brightness",
"Brightness", IntegerSetting::Decimal, 0);
IntegerSetting SNES::gamma(&config(), "snes.colorfilter.gamma",
"Gamma", IntegerSetting::Decimal, 80);
integral_setting SNES::gamma_ramp(config(), "snes.colorfilter.gamma_ramp",
"Use precalculated TV-style gamma ramp", integral_setting::boolean, true);
integral_setting SNES::sepia(config(), "snes.colorfilter.sepia",
"Convert color to sepia tone", integral_setting::boolean, false);
integral_setting SNES::grayscale(config(), "snes.colorfilter.grayscale",
"Convert color to grayscale tone", integral_setting::boolean, false);
integral_setting SNES::invert(config(), "snes.colorfilter.invert",
"Invert output image colors", integral_setting::boolean, false);
integral_setting SNES::contrast(config(), "snes.colorfilter.contrast",
"Contrast", integral_setting::decimal, 0);
integral_setting SNES::brightness(config(), "snes.colorfilter.brightness",
"Brightness", integral_setting::decimal, 0);
integral_setting SNES::gamma(config(), "snes.colorfilter.gamma",
"Gamma", integral_setting::decimal, 80);
IntegerSetting SNES::ntsc_merge_fields(&config(), "snes.ntsc_merge_fields",
integral_setting SNES::ntsc_merge_fields(config(), "snes.ntsc_merge_fields",
"Merge fields in NTSC video filter\n"
"Set to true if using filter at any refresh rate other than 60hz\n"
"", IntegerSetting::Boolean, true);
"", integral_setting::boolean, true);
IntegerSetting SNES::mute(&config(), "snes.mute", "Mutes SNES audio output when enabled",
IntegerSetting::Boolean, false);
integral_setting SNES::controller_port0(config(), "snes.controller_port_1",
"Controller attached to SNES port 1", integral_setting::decimal, ::SNES::DEVICEID_JOYPAD1);
integral_setting SNES::controller_port1(config(), "snes.controller_port_2",
"Controller attached to SNES port 2", integral_setting::decimal, ::SNES::DEVICEID_JOYPAD2);
IntegerSetting SNES::controller_port0(&config(), "snes.controller_port_1",
"Controller attached to SNES port 1", IntegerSetting::Decimal, ::SNES::DEVICEID_JOYPAD1);
IntegerSetting SNES::controller_port1(&config(), "snes.controller_port_2",
"Controller attached to SNES port 2", IntegerSetting::Decimal, ::SNES::DEVICEID_JOYPAD2);
IntegerSetting CPU::ntsc_clock_rate(&config(), "cpu.ntsc_clock_rate",
"NTSC S-CPU clock rate (in hz)", IntegerSetting::Decimal, 21477272);
IntegerSetting CPU::pal_clock_rate(&config(), "cpu.pal_clock_rate",
"PAL S-CPU clock rate (in hz)", IntegerSetting::Decimal, 21281370);
IntegerSetting CPU::wram_init_value(&config(), "cpu.wram_init_value",
integral_setting CPU::ntsc_clock_rate(config(), "cpu.ntsc_clock_rate",
"NTSC S-CPU clock rate (in hz)", integral_setting::decimal, 21477272);
integral_setting CPU::pal_clock_rate(config(), "cpu.pal_clock_rate",
"PAL S-CPU clock rate (in hz)", integral_setting::decimal, 21281370);
integral_setting CPU::wram_init_value(config(), "cpu.wram_init_value",
"Value to initialize 128k WRAM to upon power cycle.\n"
"Note that on real hardware, this value is undefined; meaning it can vary\n"
"per power-on, and per SNES unit. Such randomness is undesirable for an\n"
@ -81,52 +78,52 @@ IntegerSetting CPU::wram_init_value(&config(), "cpu.wram_init_value",
"which executed on these copiers. Using 0x00 will therefore fix many homebrew\n"
"programs, but *will* break some poorly programmed commercial software titles,\n"
"which do not properly initialize WRAM upon power cycle.\n",
IntegerSetting::Hex, 0x55);
integral_setting::hex, 0x55);
IntegerSetting CPU::hdma_enable(0, "cpu.hdma_enable",
"Enable HDMA effects", IntegerSetting::Boolean, true);
integral_setting CPU::hdma_enable("cpu.hdma_enable",
"Enable HDMA effects", integral_setting::boolean, true);
IntegerSetting SMP::ntsc_clock_rate(&config(), "smp.ntsc_clock_rate",
"NTSC S-SMP clock rate (in hz)", IntegerSetting::Decimal, 24606720);
IntegerSetting SMP::pal_clock_rate(&config(), "smp.pal_clock_rate",
"PAL S-SMP clock rate (in hz)", IntegerSetting::Decimal, 24606720);
integral_setting SMP::ntsc_clock_rate(config(), "smp.ntsc_clock_rate",
"NTSC S-SMP clock rate (in hz)", integral_setting::decimal, 24606720);
integral_setting SMP::pal_clock_rate(config(), "smp.pal_clock_rate",
"PAL S-SMP clock rate (in hz)", integral_setting::decimal, 24606720);
IntegerSetting PPU::Hack::render_scanline_position(&config(), "ppu.hack.render_scanline_position",
integral_setting PPU::Hack::render_scanline_position(config(), "ppu.hack.render_scanline_position",
"Approximate HCLOCK position to render at for scanline-based renderers",
IntegerSetting::Decimal, 512);
IntegerSetting PPU::Hack::obj_cache(&config(), "ppu.hack.obj_cache",
integral_setting::decimal, 512);
integral_setting PPU::Hack::obj_cache(config(), "ppu.hack.obj_cache",
"Cache OAM OBJ attributes one scanline before rendering\n"
"This is technically closer to the actual operation of the SNES,\n"
"but can cause problems in some games if enabled",
IntegerSetting::Boolean, false);
IntegerSetting PPU::Hack::oam_address_invalidation(&config(), "ppu.hack.oam_address_invalidation",
integral_setting::boolean, false);
integral_setting PPU::Hack::oam_address_invalidation(config(), "ppu.hack.oam_address_invalidation",
"OAM access address changes during active display, as the S-PPU reads\n"
"data to render the display. Thusly, the address retrieved when accessing\n"
"OAM during active display is unpredictable. Unfortunately, the exact\n"
"algorithm for this is completely unknown at this time. It is more hardware\n"
"accurate to enable this setting, but one must *not* rely on the actual\n"
"address to match hardware under emulation.",
IntegerSetting::Boolean, true);
IntegerSetting PPU::Hack::cgram_address_invalidation(&config(), "ppu.hack.cgram_address_invalidation",
integral_setting::boolean, true);
integral_setting PPU::Hack::cgram_address_invalidation(config(), "ppu.hack.cgram_address_invalidation",
"CGRAM access address changes during active display (excluding hblank), as\n"
"the S-PPU reads data to render the display. Thusly, as with OAM, the access\n"
"address is unpredictable. Again, enabling this setting is more hardware\n"
"accurate, but one must *not* rely on the actual address to match hardware\n"
"under emulation.",
IntegerSetting::Boolean, true);
integral_setting::boolean, true);
IntegerSetting PPU::opt_enable(0, "ppu.opt_enable", "Enable offset-per-tile effects", IntegerSetting::Boolean, true);
IntegerSetting PPU::bg1_pri0_enable(0, "ppu.bg1_pri0_enable", "Enable BG1 Priority 0", IntegerSetting::Boolean, true);
IntegerSetting PPU::bg1_pri1_enable(0, "ppu.bg1_pri1_enable", "Enable BG1 Priority 1", IntegerSetting::Boolean, true);
IntegerSetting PPU::bg2_pri0_enable(0, "ppu.bg2_pri0_enable", "Enable BG2 Priority 0", IntegerSetting::Boolean, true);
IntegerSetting PPU::bg2_pri1_enable(0, "ppu.bg2_pri1_enable", "Enable BG2 Priority 1", IntegerSetting::Boolean, true);
IntegerSetting PPU::bg3_pri0_enable(0, "ppu.bg3_pri0_enable", "Enable BG3 Priority 0", IntegerSetting::Boolean, true);
IntegerSetting PPU::bg3_pri1_enable(0, "ppu.bg3_pri1_enable", "Enable BG3 Priority 1", IntegerSetting::Boolean, true);
IntegerSetting PPU::bg4_pri0_enable(0, "ppu.bg4_pri0_enable", "Enable BG4 Priority 0", IntegerSetting::Boolean, true);
IntegerSetting PPU::bg4_pri1_enable(0, "ppu.bg4_pri1_enable", "Enable BG4 Priority 1", IntegerSetting::Boolean, true);
IntegerSetting PPU::oam_pri0_enable(0, "ppu.oam_pri0_enable", "Enable OAM Priority 0", IntegerSetting::Boolean, true);
IntegerSetting PPU::oam_pri1_enable(0, "ppu.oam_pri1_enable", "Enable OAM Priority 1", IntegerSetting::Boolean, true);
IntegerSetting PPU::oam_pri2_enable(0, "ppu.oam_pri2_enable", "Enable OAM Priority 2", IntegerSetting::Boolean, true);
IntegerSetting PPU::oam_pri3_enable(0, "ppu.oam_pri3_enable", "Enable OAM Priority 3", IntegerSetting::Boolean, true);
integral_setting PPU::opt_enable("ppu.opt_enable", "Enable offset-per-tile effects", integral_setting::boolean, true);
integral_setting PPU::bg1_pri0_enable("ppu.bg1_pri0_enable", "Enable BG1 Priority 0", integral_setting::boolean, true);
integral_setting PPU::bg1_pri1_enable("ppu.bg1_pri1_enable", "Enable BG1 Priority 1", integral_setting::boolean, true);
integral_setting PPU::bg2_pri0_enable("ppu.bg2_pri0_enable", "Enable BG2 Priority 0", integral_setting::boolean, true);
integral_setting PPU::bg2_pri1_enable("ppu.bg2_pri1_enable", "Enable BG2 Priority 1", integral_setting::boolean, true);
integral_setting PPU::bg3_pri0_enable("ppu.bg3_pri0_enable", "Enable BG3 Priority 0", integral_setting::boolean, true);
integral_setting PPU::bg3_pri1_enable("ppu.bg3_pri1_enable", "Enable BG3 Priority 1", integral_setting::boolean, true);
integral_setting PPU::bg4_pri0_enable("ppu.bg4_pri0_enable", "Enable BG4 Priority 0", integral_setting::boolean, true);
integral_setting PPU::bg4_pri1_enable("ppu.bg4_pri1_enable", "Enable BG4 Priority 1", integral_setting::boolean, true);
integral_setting PPU::oam_pri0_enable("ppu.oam_pri0_enable", "Enable OAM Priority 0", integral_setting::boolean, true);
integral_setting PPU::oam_pri1_enable("ppu.oam_pri1_enable", "Enable OAM Priority 1", integral_setting::boolean, true);
integral_setting PPU::oam_pri2_enable("ppu.oam_pri2_enable", "Enable OAM Priority 2", integral_setting::boolean, true);
integral_setting PPU::oam_pri3_enable("ppu.oam_pri3_enable", "Enable OAM Priority 3", integral_setting::boolean, true);
@ -1,47 +1,46 @@
namespace config {
extern Config& config();
extern configuration& config();
string file_updatepath(const char *, const char *);
extern struct Path {
static StringSetting base, rom, save;
static StringSetting bsx, st;
static string_setting base, rom, save;
static string_setting bsx, st;
} path;
extern struct SNES {
static IntegerSetting gamma_ramp, sepia, grayscale, invert, contrast, brightness, gamma;
static IntegerSetting ntsc_merge_fields;
static IntegerSetting mute;
static IntegerSetting controller_port0;
static IntegerSetting controller_port1;
static integral_setting gamma_ramp, sepia, grayscale, invert, contrast, brightness, gamma;
static integral_setting ntsc_merge_fields;
static integral_setting controller_port0;
static integral_setting controller_port1;
} snes;
extern struct CPU {
static IntegerSetting ntsc_clock_rate, pal_clock_rate;
static IntegerSetting wram_init_value;
static IntegerSetting hdma_enable;
static integral_setting ntsc_clock_rate, pal_clock_rate;
static integral_setting wram_init_value;
static integral_setting hdma_enable;
} cpu;
extern struct SMP {
static IntegerSetting ntsc_clock_rate, pal_clock_rate;
static integral_setting ntsc_clock_rate, pal_clock_rate;
} smp;
extern struct PPU {
struct Hack {
static IntegerSetting render_scanline_position;
static IntegerSetting obj_cache;
static IntegerSetting oam_address_invalidation;
static IntegerSetting cgram_address_invalidation;
static integral_setting render_scanline_position;
static integral_setting obj_cache;
static integral_setting oam_address_invalidation;
static integral_setting cgram_address_invalidation;
} hack;
static IntegerSetting opt_enable;
static IntegerSetting bg1_pri0_enable, bg1_pri1_enable;
static IntegerSetting bg2_pri0_enable, bg2_pri1_enable;
static IntegerSetting bg3_pri0_enable, bg3_pri1_enable;
static IntegerSetting bg4_pri0_enable, bg4_pri1_enable;
static IntegerSetting oam_pri0_enable, oam_pri1_enable;
static IntegerSetting oam_pri2_enable, oam_pri3_enable;
static integral_setting opt_enable;
static integral_setting bg1_pri0_enable, bg1_pri1_enable;
static integral_setting bg2_pri0_enable, bg2_pri1_enable;
static integral_setting bg3_pri0_enable, bg3_pri1_enable;
static integral_setting bg4_pri0_enable, bg4_pri1_enable;
static integral_setting oam_pri0_enable, oam_pri1_enable;
static integral_setting oam_pri2_enable, oam_pri3_enable;
} ppu;
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ void sCPU::timing_reset() {
status.prev_line_clocks = 1364;
status.line_rendered = false;
status.line_render_position = min(1112, (uint16)config::ppu.hack.render_scanline_position);
status.line_render_position = min(1112U, (uint)config::ppu.hack.render_scanline_position);
status.dram_refreshed = false;
status.dram_refresh_position = (cpu_version == 1) ? 530 : 538;
Binary file not shown.
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
#include "smp/ssmp/ssmp.h"
#include "dsp/dsp.h"
//#include "dsp/adsp/adsp.h"
#include "dsp/bdsp/bdsp.h"
#include "ppu/ppu.h"
@ -4,11 +4,25 @@
#ifndef BBASE_H
#define BBASE_H
#define BBASE_H
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
typedef int8_t int8;
typedef int16_t int16;
typedef int32_t int32;
typedef int64_t int64;
typedef uint8_t uint8;
typedef uint16_t uint16;
typedef uint32_t uint32;
typedef uint64_t uint64;
typedef unsigned int uint;
#include <algorithm>
using std::min;
using std::max;
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
@ -16,8 +30,6 @@
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <new>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)
#include <io.h>
#include <direct.h>
@ -70,22 +82,6 @@
#define alwaysinline inline
* typedefs
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef uint8_t uint8;
typedef uint16_t uint16;
typedef uint32_t uint32;
typedef uint64_t uint64;
typedef int8_t int8;
typedef int16_t int16;
typedef int32_t int32;
typedef int64_t int64;
* OS localization
@ -108,26 +104,6 @@ struct passwd *userinfo = getpwuid(getuid());
* template classes
class noncopyable {
noncopyable() {}
~noncopyable() {}
noncopyable(const noncopyable&);
const noncopyable& operator=(const noncopyable&);
template<typename T>
struct base_from_member {
T value;
base_from_member(T value_) : value(value_) {}
* template functions
@ -153,88 +129,57 @@ template<typename T> inline void safe_release(T &handle) {
template<typename T> inline void swap(T &x, T &y) {
T z = x;
x = y;
y = z;
#undef min
#define min(x, y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
#undef max
#define max(x, y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))
template<int min, int max, typename T> inline T minmax(const T x) {
return (x < (T)min) ? (T)min : (x > (T)max) ? (T)max : x;
template<int bits> inline unsigned uclamp(const unsigned x) {
enum { y = (1U << bits) - 1 };
return y + ((x - y) & -(x < y)); //min(x, y);
template<int bits> inline unsigned uclip(const unsigned x) {
enum { m = (1U << bits) - 1 };
return (x & m);
template<int bits> inline signed sclamp(const signed x) {
enum { b = 1U << (bits - 1), m = (1U << (bits - 1)) - 1 };
return (x > m) ? m : (x < -b) ? -b : x;
template<int bits> inline signed sclip(const signed x) {
enum { b = 1U << (bits - 1), m = (1U << bits) - 1 };
return ((x & m) ^ b) - b;
* endian wrappers
#ifndef ARCH_MSB
//little-endian: uint8[] { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 } = 0x04030201
#define order_lsb2(a,b) a,b
#define order_lsb3(a,b,c) a,b,c
#define order_lsb4(a,b,c,d) a,b,c,d
#define order_lsb5(a,b,c,d,e) a,b,c,d,e
#define order_lsb6(a,b,c,d,e,f) a,b,c,d,e,f
#define order_lsb7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) a,b,c,d,e,f,g
#define order_lsb8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h
#define order_msb2(a,b) b,a
#define order_msb3(a,b,c) c,b,a
#define order_msb4(a,b,c,d) d,c,b,a
#define order_msb5(a,b,c,d,e) e,d,c,b,a
#define order_msb6(a,b,c,d,e,f) f,e,d,c,b,a
#define order_msb7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) g,f,e,d,c,b,a
#define order_msb8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) h,g,f,e,d,c,b,a
//big-endian: uint8[] { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 } = 0x01020304
#define order_lsb2(a,b) b,a
#define order_lsb3(a,b,c) c,b,a
#define order_lsb4(a,b,c,d) d,c,b,a
#define order_lsb5(a,b,c,d,e) e,d,c,b,a
#define order_lsb6(a,b,c,d,e,f) f,e,d,c,b,a
#define order_lsb7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) g,f,e,d,c,b,a
#define order_lsb8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) h,g,f,e,d,c,b,a
#define order_msb2(a,b) a,b
#define order_msb3(a,b,c) a,b,c
#define order_msb4(a,b,c,d) a,b,c,d
#define order_msb5(a,b,c,d,e) a,b,c,d,e
#define order_msb6(a,b,c,d,e,f) a,b,c,d,e,f
#define order_msb7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) a,b,c,d,e,f,g
#define order_msb8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h
#ifndef ARCH_MSB
//little-endian: uint8[] { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 } == 0x04030201
#define order_lsb2(a,b) a,b
#define order_lsb3(a,b,c) a,b,c
#define order_lsb4(a,b,c,d) a,b,c,d
#define order_lsb5(a,b,c,d,e) a,b,c,d,e
#define order_lsb6(a,b,c,d,e,f) a,b,c,d,e,f
#define order_lsb7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) a,b,c,d,e,f,g
#define order_lsb8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h
#define order_msb2(a,b) b,a
#define order_msb3(a,b,c) c,b,a
#define order_msb4(a,b,c,d) d,c,b,a
#define order_msb5(a,b,c,d,e) e,d,c,b,a
#define order_msb6(a,b,c,d,e,f) f,e,d,c,b,a
#define order_msb7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) g,f,e,d,c,b,a
#define order_msb8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) h,g,f,e,d,c,b,a
//big-endian: uint8[] { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 } == 0x01020304
#define order_lsb2(a,b) b,a
#define order_lsb3(a,b,c) c,b,a
#define order_lsb4(a,b,c,d) d,c,b,a
#define order_lsb5(a,b,c,d,e) e,d,c,b,a
#define order_lsb6(a,b,c,d,e,f) f,e,d,c,b,a
#define order_lsb7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) g,f,e,d,c,b,a
#define order_lsb8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) h,g,f,e,d,c,b,a
#define order_msb2(a,b) a,b
#define order_msb3(a,b,c) a,b,c
#define order_msb4(a,b,c,d) a,b,c,d
#define order_msb5(a,b,c,d,e) a,b,c,d,e
#define order_msb6(a,b,c,d,e,f) a,b,c,d,e,f
#define order_msb7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) a,b,c,d,e,f,g
#define order_msb8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h
* libc extensions
//static uint random() {
//static uint n = 0;
// return n = (n >> 1) ^ (((n & 1) - 1) & 0xedb88320);
//pseudo-random number generator
static uint prng() {
static uint n = 0;
return n = (n >> 1) ^ (((n & 1) - 1) & 0xedb88320);
static uint64 fget(FILE *fp, uint length = 1) {
uint64 data = 0;
@ -283,7 +228,6 @@ static int fresize(FILE *fp, long size) {
* crc32 calculation
* TODO: create libhash and move this code there
const uint32 crc32_table[256] = {
@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
bconfig : version 0.16 ~byuu (2007-11-28)
license: public domain
#ifndef BCONFIG_H
#define BCONFIG_H
#include "bbase.h"
#include "barray.h"
#include "bstring.h"
class Setting;
class Config {
array<Setting*> list;
uint list_count;
string data;
lstring line, part, subpart;
bool load(const char *fn);
bool save(const char *fn);
void add(Setting *setting) { list[list_count++] = setting; }
Config() : list_count(0) {}
class Setting {
enum Type {
} type;
char *name, *desc, *def;
virtual void set(const char *input) = 0;
virtual void get(string &output) = 0;
class IntegerSetting : public Setting {
enum Format {
} ifmt;
uint data, idef;
void set(const char *input) {
if(ifmt == Boolean) { data = !strcmp(input, "true"); }
if(ifmt == Decimal) { data = strdec(input); }
if(ifmt == Hex) { data = strhex(input + (stribegin(input, "0x") ? 2 : 0)); }
void get(string &output) {
if(ifmt == Boolean) { sprintf(output(), "%s", data ? "true" : "false"); }
if(ifmt == Decimal) { sprintf(output(), "%d", data); }
if(ifmt == Hex) { sprintf(output(), "0x%x", data); }
uint operator()() { return data; }
operator uint() { return data; }
template<typename T> IntegerSetting &operator=(T x) { data = uint(x); return *this; }
template<typename T> bool operator==(T x) { return (T(data) == x); }
template<typename T> bool operator!=(T x) { return (T(data) != x); }
template<typename T> bool operator>=(T x) { return (T(data) >= x); }
template<typename T> bool operator> (T x) { return (T(data) > x); }
template<typename T> bool operator<=(T x) { return (T(data) <= x); }
template<typename T> bool operator< (T x) { return (T(data) < x); }
IntegerSetting(Config *parent, const char *r_name, const char *r_desc, Format r_format, uint r_data) {
type = Setting::Integer;
name = strdup(r_name);
desc = strdup(r_desc);
ifmt = r_format;
data = idef = r_data;
string t;
def = strdup(t);
if(parent) { parent->add(this); }
~IntegerSetting() {
class StringSetting : public Setting {
string data;
void set(const char *input) { data = input; trim(data(), "\""); }
void get(string &output) { output = string() << "\"" << data << "\""; }
char* operator()() { return data(); }
operator const char*() { return data; }
StringSetting &operator=(const char *x) { data = x; return *this; }
bool operator==(const char *x) { return !strcmp(data, x); }
bool operator!=(const char *x) { return strcmp(data, x); }
StringSetting(Config *parent, const char *r_name, const char *r_desc, const char *r_data) {
type = Setting::String;
name = strdup(r_name);
desc = strdup(r_desc);
data = r_data;
string t;
def = strdup(t);
if(parent) { parent->add(this); }
~StringSetting() {
inline bool Config::load(const char *fn) {
FILE *fp = fopen(fn, "rb");
if(!fp)return false;
//load the config file into memory
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
int fsize = ftell(fp);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
char *buffer = (char*)malloc(fsize + 1);
fread(buffer, 1, fsize, fp);
*(buffer + fsize) = 0;
strcpy(data, buffer);
//split the file into lines
replace(data, "\r\n", "\n");
qreplace(data, "\t", "");
qreplace(data, " ", "");
split(line, "\n", data);
for(int i = 0; i < count(line); i++) {
if(strlen(line[i]) == 0)continue;
if(*line[i] == '#')continue;
qsplit(part, "=", line[i]);
for(int l = 0; l < list_count; l++) {
if(!strcmp(list[l]->name, part[0])) {
return true;
inline bool Config::save(const char *fn) {
FILE *fp;
string t;
fp = fopen(fn, "wb");
if(!fp)return false;
for(int i = 0; i < list_count; i++) {
strcpy(data, list[i]->desc);
replace(data, "\r\n", "\n");
split(line, "\n", data);
for(int l = 0; l < count(line); l++) {
if(line[l] != "") { fprintf(fp, "# %s\r\n", line[l]()); }
fprintf(fp, "# (default = %s)\r\n", list[i]->def);
fprintf(fp, "%s = %s\r\n\r\n", list[i]->name, t());
return true;
#endif //ifndef BCONFIG_H
@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
bkeymap : version 0.02 ~byuu (2007-05-28)
license: public domain
#ifndef BKEYMAP_H
#define BKEYMAP_H
namespace keymap {
//TODO: use lookup table for find() functions
static char keytable[][64] = {
"f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7", "f8", "f9", "f10", "f11", "f12",
"print_screen", "sys_req", "scroll_lock", "pause", "brk",
"grave", "tilde",
"num_1", "exclamation",
"num_2", "at",
"num_3", "pound",
"num_4", "dollar",
"num_5", "percent",
"num_6", "power",
"num_7", "ampersand",
"num_8", "asterisk",
"num_9", "lparenthesis",
"num_0", "rparenthesis",
"minus", "underscore",
"equal", "plus",
enum {
none = 0x0000,
print_screen, sys_req,
pause, brk,
grave, tilde,
num_1, exclamation,
num_2, at,
num_3, pound,
num_4, dollar,
num_5, percent,
num_6, power,
num_7, ampersand,
num_8, asterisk,
num_9, lparenthesis,
num_0, rparenthesis,
minus, underscore,
equal, plus,
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m,
n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z,
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M,
N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,
lbracket, lbrace,
rbracket, rbrace,
backslash, pipe,
semicolon, colon,
apostrophe, quote,
comma, lcaret,
period, rcaret,
slash, question,
kp_1, kp_end,
kp_2, kp_down,
kp_3, kp_page_down,
kp_4, kp_left,
kp_5, kp_center,
kp_6, kp_right,
kp_7, kp_home,
kp_8, kp_up,
kp_9, kp_page_up,
kp_0, kp_insert,
kp_decimal, kp_delete,
limit, //not an actual key -- marks the end of linear key entries
joypad_flag = 0x8000,
joypad_nummask = 0x7f00,
joypad_keymask = 0x00ff,
joypad_up = 0x0080,
joypad_down = 0x0081,
joypad_left = 0x0082,
joypad_right = 0x0083,
static uint16 find(const char *key) {
#define match(_n) if(!strcmp(#_n, key)) { return _n; }
match(f1) match(f2) match(f3) match(f4) match(f5) match(f6)
match(f7) match(f8) match(f9) match(f10) match(f11) match(f12)
match(print_screen) match(sys_req) match(scroll_lock) match(pause) match(brk)
match(grave) match(tilde)
match(num_1) match(exclamation)
match(num_2) match(at)
match(num_3) match(pound)
match(num_4) match(dollar)
match(num_5) match(percent)
match(num_6) match(power)
match(num_7) match(ampersand)
match(num_8) match(asterisk)
match(num_9) match(lparenthesis)
match(num_0) match(rparenthesis)
match(minus) match(underscore) match(equal) match(plus) match(backspace)
match(ins) match(del) match(home) match(end) match(page_up) match(page_down)
match(a) match(b) match(c) match(d) match(e) match(f)
match(g) match(h) match(i) match(j) match(k) match(l)
match(m) match(n) match(o) match(p) match(q) match(r)
match(s) match(t) match(u) match(v) match(w) match(x)
match(y) match(z)
match(A) match(B) match(C) match(D) match(E) match(F)
match(G) match(H) match(I) match(J) match(K) match(L)
match(M) match(N) match(O) match(P) match(Q) match(R)
match(S) match(T) match(U) match(V) match(W) match(X)
match(Y) match(Z)
match(lbracket) match(lbrace)
match(rbracket) match(rbrace)
match(backslash) match(pipe)
match(semicolon) match(colon)
match(apostrophe) match(quote)
match(comma) match(lcaret)
match(period) match(rcaret)
match(slash) match(question)
match(kp_1) match(kp_end)
match(kp_2) match(kp_down)
match(kp_3) match(kp_page_down)
match(kp_4) match(kp_left)
match(kp_5) match(kp_center)
match(kp_6) match(kp_right)
match(kp_7) match(kp_home)
match(kp_8) match(kp_up)
match(kp_9) match(kp_page_up)
match(kp_0) match(kp_insert)
match(kp_decimal) match(kp_delete)
match(kp_plus) match(kp_minus) match(kp_mul) match(kp_div) match(kp_enter)
match(num_lock) match(caps_lock)
match(up) match(down) match(left) match(right)
match(tab) match(enter) match(space)
match(lctrl) match(rctrl)
match(lalt) match(ralt)
match(lshift) match(rshift)
match(lsuper) match(rsuper)
#undef match
if(!memcmp(key, "joypad", 6)) {
const char *p = key + 6;
uint joypad, button, n;
sscanf(p, "%u%n", &joypad, &n);
joypad &= 127;
p += n;
if(!strcmp(p, ".up")) { return joypad_flag | (joypad << 8) | joypad_up; }
if(!strcmp(p, ".down")) { return joypad_flag | (joypad << 8) | joypad_down; }
if(!strcmp(p, ".left")) { return joypad_flag | (joypad << 8) | joypad_left; }
if(!strcmp(p, ".right")) { return joypad_flag | (joypad << 8) | joypad_right; }
if(!memcmp(p, ".button", 7)) {
sscanf(p + 7, "%u", &button);
button &= 127;
return joypad_flag | (joypad << 8) | button;
return none;
static char *find(char *out, uint16 key) {
#define match(_n) if(_n == key) { strcpy(out, #_n); return out; }
match(f1) match(f2) match(f3) match(f4) match(f5) match(f6)
match(f7) match(f8) match(f9) match(f10) match(f11) match(f12)
match(print_screen) match(sys_req) match(scroll_lock) match(pause) match(brk)
match(grave) match(tilde)
match(num_1) match(exclamation)
match(num_2) match(at)
match(num_3) match(pound)
match(num_4) match(dollar)
match(num_5) match(percent)
match(num_6) match(power)
match(num_7) match(ampersand)
match(num_8) match(asterisk)
match(num_9) match(lparenthesis)
match(num_0) match(rparenthesis)
match(minus) match(underscore) match(equal) match(plus) match(backspace)
match(ins) match(del) match(home) match(end) match(page_up) match(page_down)
match(a) match(b) match(c) match(d) match(e) match(f)
match(g) match(h) match(i) match(j) match(k) match(l)
match(m) match(n) match(o) match(p) match(q) match(r)
match(s) match(t) match(u) match(v) match(w) match(x)
match(y) match(z)
match(A) match(B) match(C) match(D) match(E) match(F)
match(G) match(H) match(I) match(J) match(K) match(L)
match(M) match(N) match(O) match(P) match(Q) match(R)
match(S) match(T) match(U) match(V) match(W) match(X)
match(Y) match(Z)
match(lbracket) match(lbrace)
match(rbracket) match(rbrace)
match(backslash) match(pipe)
match(semicolon) match(colon)
match(apostrophe) match(quote)
match(comma) match(lcaret)
match(period) match(rcaret)
match(slash) match(question)
match(kp_1) match(kp_end)
match(kp_2) match(kp_down)
match(kp_3) match(kp_page_down)
match(kp_4) match(kp_left)
match(kp_5) match(kp_center)
match(kp_6) match(kp_right)
match(kp_7) match(kp_home)
match(kp_8) match(kp_up)
match(kp_9) match(kp_page_up)
match(kp_0) match(kp_insert)
match(kp_decimal) match(kp_delete)
match(kp_plus) match(kp_minus) match(kp_mul) match(kp_div) match(kp_enter)
match(num_lock) match(caps_lock)
match(up) match(down) match(left) match(right)
match(tab) match(enter) match(space)
match(lctrl) match(rctrl)
match(lalt) match(ralt)
match(lshift) match(rshift)
match(lsuper) match(rsuper)
#undef match
if(key & joypad_flag) {
uint joypad = (key & joypad_nummask) >> 8;
uint button = (key & joypad_keymask);
if(button == joypad_up) { sprintf(out, "joypad%d.up", joypad); return out; }
if(button == joypad_down) { sprintf(out, "joypad%d.down", joypad); return out; }
if(button == joypad_left) { sprintf(out, "joypad%d.left", joypad); return out; }
if(button == joypad_right) { sprintf(out, "joypad%d.right", joypad); return out; }
sprintf(out, "joypad%d.button%d", joypad, button & 127);
return out;
strcpy(out, "none");
return out;
static char find_t[256];
static const char *find(uint16 key) {
find(find_t, key);
return find_t;
#endif //ifndef BKEYMAP_H
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
#include "bstring.h"
#include "bstring/bstring.list.cpp"
#include "bstring/bstring.strl.cpp"
#include "bstring/bstring.math.cpp"
#include "bstring/bstring.misc.cpp"
#include "bstring/bstring.replace.cpp"
#include "bstring/bstring.split.cpp"
#include "bstring/bstring.trim.cpp"
void string::reserve(uint size_) {
if(size_ > size) {
size = size_;
data = (char*)realloc(data, size + 1);
data[size] = 0;
//implicit-conversion, read-only
string::operator const char*() const {
return data;
//explicit-coversion, read-write
char* string::operator()() {
return data;
//index, read-write
char& string::operator[](const uint index) {
return data[index];
string& string::operator=(const int num) {
itoa(*this, num);
return *this;
string& string::operator=(const char *str) {
strcpy(*this, str);
return *this;
string& string::operator=(const string &str) {
strcpy(*this, str);
return *this;
string& string::operator<<(const int num) {
string temp(num);
strcat(*this, temp);
return *this;
string& string::operator<<(const char *str) {
strcat(*this, str);
return *this;
bool string::operator==(const char *str) { return strcmp(data, str) == 0; }
bool string::operator!=(const char *str) { return strcmp(data, str) != 0; }
bool string::operator< (const char *str) { return strcmp(data, str) < 0; }
bool string::operator<=(const char *str) { return strcmp(data, str) <= 0; }
bool string::operator> (const char *str) { return strcmp(data, str) > 0; }
bool string::operator>=(const char *str) { return strcmp(data, str) >= 0; }
string::string() {
size = 64;
data = (char*)malloc(size + 1);
*data = 0;
string::string(const int source) {
size = 64;
data = (char*)malloc(size + 1);
*data = 0;
itoa(*this, source);
string::string(const char *source) {
size = strlen(source);
data = (char*)malloc(size + 1);
strcpy(data, source);
string::string(const string &source) {
size = strlen(source);
data = (char*)malloc(size + 1);
strcpy(data, source);
string::~string() {
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
bstring : version 0.01a ~byuu (2007-12-12)
license: public domain
#ifndef BSTRING_H
#define BSTRING_H
#include "bbase.h"
#include "bvector.h"
class string;
typedef linear_vector<string> lstring;
uint count(lstring&);
int find(lstring &str, const char *key);
uint strlcpy(char *dest, const char *src, uint length);
uint strlcat(char *dest, const char *src, uint length);
uint strlcpy(string &dest, const char *src, uint length);
uint strlcat(string &dest, const char *src, uint length);
int strmath(const char *str);
char chrlower(char c);
char chrupper(char c);
int stricmp(const char *dest, const char *src);
void strcpy(string &dest, const char *src);
void strcat(string &dest, const char *src);
string substr(string &dest, const char *src, uint start = 0, uint length = 0);
char* strlower(char *str);
char* strupper(char *str);
string& strlower(string &str);
string& strupper(string &str);
int strpos(const char *str, const char *key);
int qstrpos(const char *str, const char *key);
char* strtr(char *dest, const char *before, const char *after);
string& strtr(string &dest, const char *before, const char *after);
bool strbegin(const char *str, const char *key);
bool stribegin(const char *str, const char *key);
bool strend(const char *str, const char *key);
bool striend(const char *str, const char *key);
uint strhex(const char *str);
uint strdec(const char *str);
uint strbin(const char *str);
string& utoa(string &str, uint num);
string& itoa(string &str, uint num);
string& htoa(string &str, uint num);
string& btoa(string &str, uint num);
bool fread(string &str, const char *filename);
string& replace(string &str, const char *key, const char *token);
string& qreplace(string &str, const char *key, const char *token);
void split(lstring &dest, const char *key, const char *src);
void qsplit(lstring &dest, const char *key, const char *src);
char* ltrim(char *str, const char *key = " ");
char* rtrim(char *str, const char *key = " ");
char* trim(char *str, const char *key = " ");
string& ltrim(string &str, const char *key = " ");
string& rtrim(string &str, const char *key = " ");
string& trim(string &str, const char *key = " ");
class string {
char *data;
uint size;
void reserve(uint size_);
operator const char*() const;
char* operator()();
char& operator[](const uint);
string& operator=(const int num);
string& operator=(const char *str);
string& operator=(const string &str);
string& operator<<(const int num);
string& operator<<(const char *str);
bool operator==(const char *str);
bool operator!=(const char *str);
bool operator< (const char *str);
bool operator<=(const char *str);
bool operator> (const char *str);
bool operator>=(const char *str);
string(const int num);
string(const char *source);
string(const string &source);
#endif //ifndef BSTRING_H
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
#ifdef BSTRING_H
uint count(lstring &str) {
return str.size();
int find(lstring &str, const char *key) {
for(uint i = 0; i < count(str); i++) {
if(str[i] == key) return i;
return -1;
#endif //ifdef BSTRING_H
@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
#ifdef BSTRING_H
recursive descent math processor v0.02 (2007-11-28)
authors: gladius, byuu
license: public domain
void strmath_space(const char *&s) {
while(*s == ' ' || *s == '\t')s++;
int strmath_number(const char *&s) {
int result = 0;
enum type { dec, hex, bin, oct };
type t = dec;
if(*s == '0') {
if(*s == 'x' || *s == 'X') { s++; t = hex; }
else if(*s == 'b' || *s == 'B') { s++; t = bin; }
else { t = oct; }
} else if(*s == '$') {
t = hex;
} else if(*s == '%') {
t = bin;
switch(t) {
case dec: {
while(true) {
char x = *s;
if(x >= '0' && x <= '9')x = x - '0';
else break;
result = result * 10 + x;
} break;
case hex: {
while(true) {
char x = *s;
if(x >= '0' && x <= '9')x = x - '0';
else if(x >= 'a' && x <= 'f')x = x - 'a' + 0x0a;
else if(x >= 'A' && x <= 'F')x = x - 'A' + 0x0a;
else break;
result = result * 16 + x;
} break;
case bin: {
while(true) {
char x = *s;
if(x >= '0' && x <= '1')x = x - '0';
else break;
result = result * 2 + x;
} break;
case oct: {
while(true) {
char x = *s;
if(x >= '0' && x <= '7')x = x - '0';
else break;
result = result * 8 + x;
} break;
return result;
int num, len;
sscanf(s, "%d%n", &num, &len);
s += len;
return num;
#define maxlevel 12
int strmath_rdp(const char *&s, int level = 0) {
if(level == maxlevel) {
if(*s == '(') {
int result = strmath_rdp(++s, 0);
return result;
} else if(*s == '+') {
return +strmath_rdp(++s, maxlevel);
} else if(*s == '-') {
return -strmath_rdp(++s, maxlevel);
} else if(*s == '!') {
return !strmath_rdp(++s, maxlevel);
} else if(*s == '~') {
return ~strmath_rdp(++s, maxlevel);
} else if((*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') || *s == '$' || *s == '%') {
return strmath_number(s);
} else {
return 0; //error
int lhs = strmath_rdp(s, level + 1);
while(*s) {
int a = *s;
int b = *s ? *(s + 1) : 0;
switch(level) {
case 0:
if(a == '?')break;
return lhs;
case 1:
if(a == '|' && b == '|') { s++; break; }
return lhs;
case 2:
if(a == '^' && b == '^') { s++; break; }
return lhs;
case 3:
if(a == '&' && b == '&') { s++; break; }
return lhs;
case 4:
if(a == '|' && b != '|')break;
return lhs;
case 5:
if(a == '^' && b != '^')break;
return lhs;
case 6:
if(a == '&' && b != '&')break;
return lhs;
case 7:
if(a == '=' && b == '=') { s++; break; }
if(a == '!' && b == '=') { s++; break; }
return lhs;
case 8:
if(a == '<' && b == '=') { s++; break; }
if(a == '>' && b == '=') { s++; break; }
if(a == '<')break;
if(a == '>')break;
return lhs;
case 9:
if(a == '<' && b == '<') { s++; break; }
if(a == '>' && b == '>') { s++; break; }
return lhs;
case 10:
if(a == '+')break;
if(a == '-')break;
return lhs;
case 11:
if(a == '*')break;
if(a == '/')break;
if(a == '%')break;
return lhs;
if(a == '?') {
int tr = strmath_rdp(++s, level);
int fr = strmath_rdp(++s, level);
lhs = (lhs) ? tr : fr;
} else {
int rhs = strmath_rdp(++s, level + 1);
if (a == '|' && b == '|') lhs = (lhs || rhs);
else if(a == '^' && b == '^') lhs = (!lhs != !rhs);
else if(a == '&' && b == '&') lhs = (lhs && rhs);
else if(a == '|' && b != '|') lhs |= rhs;
else if(a == '^' && b != '^') lhs ^= rhs;
else if(a == '&' && b != '&') lhs &= rhs;
else if(a == '=' && b == '=') lhs = (lhs == rhs);
else if(a == '!' && b == '=') lhs = (lhs != rhs);
else if(a == '<' && b == '=') lhs = (lhs <= rhs);
else if(a == '>' && b == '=') lhs = (lhs >= rhs);
else if(a == '<' && b != '<') lhs = (lhs < rhs);
else if(a == '>' && b != '>') lhs = (lhs > rhs);
else if(a == '<' && b == '<') lhs <<= rhs;
else if(a == '>' && b == '>') lhs >>= rhs;
else if(a == '+') lhs += rhs;
else if(a == '-') lhs -= rhs;
else if(a == '*') lhs *= rhs;
else if(a == '/') lhs /= rhs;
else if(a == '%') lhs %= rhs;
return lhs;
#undef maxlevel
int strmath(const char *str) {
return strmath_rdp(str);
#endif //ifdef BSTRING_H
@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
#ifdef BSTRING_H
char chrlower(char c) {
return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ? c + ('a' - 'A') : c;
char chrupper(char c) {
return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ? c - ('a' - 'A') : c;
int stricmp(const char *dest, const char *src) {
while(*dest) {
if(chrlower(*dest) != chrlower(*src)) break;
return (int)chrlower(*dest) - (int)chrlower(*src);
void strcpy(string &dest, const char *src) {
int srclen = strlen(src);
strcpy(dest(), src);
void strcat(string &dest, const char *src) {
int srclen = strlen(src);
int destlen = strlen(dest);
dest.reserve(srclen + destlen);
strcat(dest(), src);
string substr(const char *src, uint start, uint length) {
string dest;
if(length == 0) {
//copy entire string
strcpy(dest, src + start);
} else {
//copy partial string
strlcpy(dest, src + start, length + 1);
return dest;
char* strlower(char *str) {
uint i = 0;
while(str[i]) {
str[i] = chrlower(str[i]);
return str;
char* strupper(char *str) {
uint i = 0;
while(str[i]) {
str[i] = chrupper(str[i]);
return str;
string& strlower(string &str) {
return str;
string& strupper(string &str) {
return str;
int strpos(const char *str, const char *key) {
int ssl = strlen(str), ksl = strlen(key);
if(ksl > ssl) return -1;
for(int i = 0; i <= ssl - ksl; i++) {
if(!memcmp(str + i, key, ksl)) {
return i;
return -1;
int qstrpos(const char *str, const char *key) {
int ssl = strlen(str), ksl = strlen(key);
if(ksl > ssl) return -1;
for(int i = 0; i <= ssl - ksl;) {
uint8 x = str[i];
if(x == '\"' || x == '\'') {
uint8 z = i++;
while(str[i] != x && i < ssl) i++;
if(i >= ssl) i = z;
if(!memcmp(str + i, key, ksl)) {
return i;
} else {
return -1;
char* strtr(char *dest, const char *before, const char *after) {
int sl = strlen(dest), bsl = strlen(before), asl = strlen(after);
if(bsl != asl || bsl == 0) return dest; //patterns must be the same length for 1:1 replace
for(int i = 0; i < sl; i++) {
for(int l = 0; l < bsl; l++) {
if(dest[i] == before[l]) {
dest[i] = after[l];
return dest;
string& strtr(string &dest, const char *before, const char *after) {
strtr(dest(), before, after);
return dest;
bool strbegin(const char *str, const char *key) {
int i, ssl = strlen(str), ksl = strlen(key);
if(ksl > ssl)return false;
return (!memcmp(str, key, ksl));
bool stribegin(const char *str, const char *key) {
int ssl = strlen(str), ksl = strlen(key);
if(ksl > ssl)return false;
for(int i = 0; i < ksl; i++) {
if(str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'Z') {
if(str[i] != key[i] && str[i]+0x20 != key[i])return false;
} else if(str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'z') {
if(str[i] != key[i] && str[i]-0x20 != key[i])return false;
} else {
if(str[i] != key[i])return false;
return true;
bool strend(const char *str, const char *key) {
int ssl = strlen(str), ksl = strlen(key);
if(ksl > ssl)return false;
return (!memcmp(str + ssl - ksl, key, ksl));
bool striend(const char *str, const char *key) {
int ssl = strlen(str), ksl = strlen(key);
if(ksl > ssl)return false;
for(int i = ssl - ksl, z = 0; i < ssl; i++, z++) {
if(str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'Z') {
if(str[i] != key[z] && str[i]+0x20 != key[z])return false;
} else if(str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'z') {
if(str[i] != key[z] && str[i]-0x20 != key[z])return false;
} else {
if(str[i] != key[z])return false;
return true;
uint strhex(const char *str) {
uint r = 0, m = 0;
int i = 0, ssl = strlen(str);
uint8 x;
bool negate = (str[0] == '-');
for(; i < ssl; i++) {
if(str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9');
else if(str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'F');
else if(str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'f');
else break;
for(--i; i >= 0; i--, m += 4) {
x = str[i];
if(x >= '0' && x <= '9')x -= '0';
else if(x >= 'A' && x <= 'F')x -= 'A' - 0x0a;
else if(x >= 'a' && x <= 'f')x -= 'a' - 0x0a;
else break;
r |= x << m;
return !negate ? r : (uint)-r;
uint strdec(const char *str) {
uint m = 1;
int i = 0, r = 0, ssl = strlen(str);
uint8 x;
bool negate = (str[0] == '-');
for(; i < ssl; i++) {
if(str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9');
else break;
for(--i; i >= 0; i--, m *= 10) {
x = str[i];
if(x >= '0' && x <= '9')x -= '0';
else break;
r += x * m;
return !negate ? r : (uint)-r;
uint strbin(const char *str) {
uint r = 0, m = 0;
int i = 0, ssl = strlen(str);
uint8 x;
bool negate = (str[0] == '-');
for(; i < ssl; i++) {
if(str[i] == '0' || str[i] == '1');
else break;
for(--i; i >= 0; i--, m++) {
x = str[i];
if(str[i] == '0' || str[i] == '1')x -= '0';
else break;
r |= x << m;
return !negate ? r : (uint)-r;
string &utoa(string &str, uint num) {
sprintf(str(), "%u", num);
return str;
string &itoa(string &str, uint num) {
sprintf(str(), "%d", num);
return str;
string &htoa(string &str, uint num) {
sprintf(str(), "%x", num);
return str;
string &btoa(string &str, uint num) {
char *pstr = str();
uint mask = 0x80000000;
while(mask && (num & mask) == 0)mask >>= 1;
while(mask > 1) {
*pstr++ = (num & mask) ? '1' : '0';
mask >>= 1;
*pstr++ = (num & mask) ? '1' : '0';
*pstr = 0;
return str;
bool fread(string &str, const char *filename) {
strcpy(str, "");
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
if(!fp)return false;
uint size = fsize(fp);
char *fdata = (char*)malloc(size + 1);
fread(fdata, 1, size, fp);
fdata[size] = 0;
strcpy(str, fdata);
return true;
#endif //ifdef BSTRING_H
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
#ifdef BSTRING_H
void split(lstring &dest, const char *key, const char *src) {
int ssl = strlen(src), ksl = strlen(key);
int lp = 0, split_count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i <= ssl - ksl;) {
if(!memcmp(src + i, key, ksl)) {
strlcpy(dest[split_count++], src + lp, i - lp + 1);
i += ksl;
lp = i;
} else i++;
strcpy(dest[split_count++], src + lp);
void qsplit(lstring &dest, const char *key, const char *src) {
int z, ssl = strlen(src), ksl = strlen(key);
int lp = 0, split_count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i <= ssl - ksl;) {
uint8 x = src[i];
if(x == '\"' || x == '\'') {
z = i++;
while(src[i] != x && i < ssl)i++;
if(i >= ssl)i = z;
if(!memcmp(src + i, key, ksl)) {
strlcpy(dest[split_count++], src + lp, i - lp + 1);
i += ksl;
lp = i;
} else i++;
strcpy(dest[split_count++], src + lp);
#endif //ifdef BSTRING_H
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
#ifdef BSTRING_H
uint strlcpy(char *dest, const char *src, uint length) {
uint srclen = strlen(src);
if(length > srclen) length = srclen;
memcpy(dest, src, length);
dest[length] = 0;
return srclen;
uint strlcat(char *dest, const char *src, uint length) {
uint destlen = strlen(dest), srclen = strlen(src);
if(length > destlen + srclen) length = destlen + srclen;
memcpy(dest + destlen, src, length - destlen);
dest[length] = 0;
return destlen + srclen;
uint strlcpy(string &dest, const char *src, uint length) {
return strlcpy(dest(), src, length);
uint strlcat(string &dest, const char *src, uint length) {
return strlcat(dest(), src, length);
#endif //ifdef BSTRING_H
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
#ifdef BSTRING_H
char* ltrim(char *str, const char *key) {
if(!key || !*key) return str;
while(strbegin(str, key)) {
string temp = str;
strcpy(str, temp() + strlen(key));
return str;
char* rtrim(char *str, const char *key) {
if(!key || !*key) return str;
while(strend(str, key)) {
str[strlen(str) - strlen(key)] = 0;
return str;
char* trim(char *str, const char *key) {
return ltrim(rtrim(str, key), key);
string& ltrim(string &str, const char *key) {
ltrim(str(), key);
return str;
string& rtrim(string &str, const char *key) {
rtrim(str(), key);
return str;
string& trim(string &str, const char *key) {
trim(str(), key);
return str;
#endif //ifdef BSTRING_H
@ -1,21 +1,28 @@
#include "miu.h"
#include <hiro.h>
using namespace nall;
namespace ns_miu {
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <hiro_win/hiro.cpp>
#include <hiro_gtk/hiro.cpp>
/* Miu (singleton) */
namespace libhiro {
void Miu::init() { p.init(); }
void Miu::term() { p.term(); }
bool Miu::run() { return p.run(); }
bool Miu::pending() { return p.pending(); }
bool Miu::file_load(Window *focus, char *filename, const char *filter, const char *path) { return p.file_load(focus, filename, filter, path); }
bool Miu::file_save(Window *focus, char *filename, const char *filter, const char *path) { return p.file_save(focus, filename, filter, path); }
uint Miu::screen_width() { return p.screen_width(); }
uint Miu::screen_height() { return p.screen_height(); }
Miu& Miu::handle() { static Miu miu; return miu; }
Miu::Miu() : p(*new pMiu(*this)) {}
Miu::~Miu() { delete &p; }
Miu& miu() { return Miu::handle(); }
/* Hiro (singleton) */
void Hiro::init() { p.init(); }
void Hiro::term() { p.term(); }
bool Hiro::run() { return p.run(); }
bool Hiro::pending() { return p.pending(); }
bool Hiro::file_load(Window *focus, char *filename, const char *filter, const char *path) { return p.file_load(focus, filename, filter, path); }
bool Hiro::file_save(Window *focus, char *filename, const char *filter, const char *path) { return p.file_save(focus, filename, filter, path); }
uint Hiro::screen_width() { return p.screen_width(); }
uint Hiro::screen_height() { return p.screen_height(); }
Hiro& Hiro::handle() { static Hiro hiro; return hiro; }
Hiro::Hiro() : p(*new pHiro(*this)) {}
Hiro::~Hiro() { delete &p; }
Hiro& hiro() { return Hiro::handle(); }
/* Widget */
@ -37,24 +44,33 @@ void Window::focus() { p.focus(); }
bool Window::focused() { return p.focused(); }
void Window::fullscreen() { p.fullscreen(); }
void Window::unfullscreen() { p.unfullscreen(); }
void Window::set_background_color(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b) { p.set_background_color(r, g, b); }
uint Window::get_width() { return p.get_width(); }
uint Window::get_height() { return p.get_height(); }
void Window::set_background_color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { p.set_background_color(r, g, b); }
void Window::set_text(const char *text) { p.set_text(text); }
void Window::attach(Window &window, uint x, uint y) { p.attach(window, x, y); }
void Window::attach(MenuGroup &menugroup) { p.attach(menugroup); }
void Window::attach(FormControl &formcontrol, uint x, uint y) { p.attach(formcontrol, x, y); }
void Window::move(Window &window, uint x, uint y) { p.move(window, x, y); }
void Window::move(FormControl &formcontrol, uint x, uint y) { p.move(formcontrol, x, y); }
void Window::menu_show(bool state) { p.menu_show(state); }
void Window::menu_hide() { p.menu_hide(); }
bool Window::menu_visible() { return p.menu_visible(); }
void Window::Menubar::show(bool state) { p.menu.show(state); }
void Window::Menubar::hide() { p.menu.hide(); }
bool Window::Menubar::visible() { return p.menu.visible(); }
Window::Menubar::Menubar(pWindow &p_) : p(p_) {}
void Window::Statusbar::set_text(const char *text) { p.status.set_text(text); }
void Window::Statusbar::show(bool state) { p.status.show(state); }
void Window::Statusbar::hide() { p.status.hide(); }
bool Window::Statusbar::visible() { return p.status.visible(); }
Window::Statusbar::Statusbar(pWindow &p_) : p(p_) {}
Window::Window() :
base_from_member<pWindow&>(*new pWindow(*this)),
p(base_from_member<pWindow&>::value) { type = WindowType; }
Window::Window(pWindow &p_) :
p(base_from_member<pWindow&>::value) { type = WindowType; }
status(base_from_member<pWindow&>::value) { type = WindowType; }
/* Widget -> MenuControl */
@ -146,7 +162,7 @@ Frame::Frame() :
void Canvas::create(uint style, uint width, uint height) { p.create(style, width, height); }
void Canvas::redraw() { p.redraw(); }
uint32* Canvas::buffer() { return p.buffer(); }
uint32_t* Canvas::buffer() { return p.buffer(); }
Canvas::Canvas() :
base_from_member<pCanvas&>(*new pCanvas(*this)),
@ -250,4 +266,4 @@ Slider::Slider() :
p(base_from_member<pSlider&>::value) { type = SliderType; }
} //namespace ns_miu
} //namespace libhiro
@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
version: 0.012 (2007-12-22)
version: 0.001 (2008-02-03)
author: byuu
license: public domain
#ifndef MIU_H
#define MIU_H
#ifndef HIRO_H
#define HIRO_H
#include "bbase.h"
#include "barray.h"
#include "bfunction.h"
#include "bkeymap.h"
#include "bstring.h"
#include <nall/array.hpp>
#include <nall/function.hpp>
#include <nall/input.hpp>
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
#include <nall/string.hpp>
#include <nall/utility.hpp>
typedef unsigned int uint;
namespace ns_miu {
namespace libhiro {
class pMiu;
class pHiro;
class pWidget;
class pWindow;
class pMenuControl;
@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ class pWidget;
class pSlider;
#define pFriends \
friend class pMiu; \
friend class pHiro; \
friend class pWidget; \
friend class pWindow; \
friend class pMenuControl; \
@ -61,7 +63,7 @@ class pWidget;
friend class pProgressbar; \
friend class pSlider
class Miu;
class Hiro;
class Widget;
class Window;
class MenuControl;
@ -83,8 +85,8 @@ class Widget;
class Progressbar;
class Slider;
typedef array<MenuRadioItem*> MenuRadioItemGroup;
typedef array<Radiobox*> RadioboxGroup;
typedef nall::array<MenuRadioItem*> MenuRadioItemGroup;
typedef nall::array<Radiobox*> RadioboxGroup;
struct Event {
enum Type {
@ -103,7 +105,7 @@ struct Event {
type(type_), param(param_), widget(widget_) {}
class Miu : noncopyable {
class Hiro : nall::noncopyable {
void init();
void term();
@ -116,18 +118,18 @@ public:
uint screen_width();
uint screen_height();
static Miu& handle();
static Hiro& handle();
pMiu &p;
pHiro &p;
Miu& miu();
Hiro& hiro();
class Widget : noncopyable {
class Widget : nall::noncopyable {
enum Type {
@ -169,7 +171,7 @@ private:
pWidget &p;
class Window : private base_from_member<pWindow&>, public Widget {
class Window : private nall::base_from_member<pWindow&>, public Widget {
enum Style {
AutoCenter = 1 << 1,
@ -183,33 +185,51 @@ public:
bool focused();
void fullscreen();
void unfullscreen();
void set_background_color(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b);
uint get_width();
uint get_height();
void set_background_color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
void set_status_text(const char *text = "");
void set_text(const char *text = "");
void attach(Window &window, uint x, uint y);
void attach(MenuGroup &menugroup);
void attach(FormControl &formcontrol, uint x, uint y);
void move(Window &window, uint x, uint y);
void move(FormControl &formcontrol, uint x, uint y);
void menu_show(bool = true);
void menu_hide();
bool menu_visible();
function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_close;
function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_block;
function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_keydown;
function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_keyup;
class Menubar {
void show(bool = true);
void hide();
bool visible();
pWindow &p;
} menu;
class Statusbar {
void set_text(const char *text = "");
void show(bool = true);
void hide();
bool visible();
pWindow &p;
} status;
nall::function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_close;
nall::function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_block;
nall::function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_keydown;
nall::function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_keyup;
pWindow &p;
class MenuControl : public base_from_member<pMenuControl&>, public Widget {
class MenuControl : public nall::base_from_member<pMenuControl&>, public Widget {
void enable(bool = true);
void disable();
@ -225,7 +245,7 @@ private:
pMenuControl &p;
class MenuGroup : public base_from_member<pMenuGroup&>, public MenuControl {
class MenuGroup : public nall::base_from_member<pMenuGroup&>, public MenuControl {
MenuGroup& create(const char *text);
void attach(MenuControl &menucontrol);
@ -236,19 +256,19 @@ private:
pMenuGroup &p;
class MenuItem : public base_from_member<pMenuItem&>, public MenuControl {
class MenuItem : public nall::base_from_member<pMenuItem&>, public MenuControl {
MenuItem& create(const char *text);
function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_tick;
nall::function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_tick;
pMenuItem &p;
class MenuCheckItem : public base_from_member<pMenuCheckItem&>, public MenuControl {
class MenuCheckItem : public nall::base_from_member<pMenuCheckItem&>, public MenuControl {
MenuCheckItem& create(const char *text);
void check(bool = true);
@ -256,28 +276,28 @@ public:
bool checked();
function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_tick;
nall::function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_tick;
pMenuCheckItem &p;
class MenuRadioItem : public base_from_member<pMenuRadioItem&>, public MenuControl {
class MenuRadioItem : public nall::base_from_member<pMenuRadioItem&>, public MenuControl {
MenuRadioItem& create(MenuRadioItemGroup &group, const char *text);
void check();
bool checked();
function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_tick;
nall::function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_tick;
pMenuRadioItem &p;
class MenuSeparator : public base_from_member<pMenuSeparator&>, public MenuControl {
class MenuSeparator : public nall::base_from_member<pMenuSeparator&>, public MenuControl {
MenuSeparator& create();
@ -287,7 +307,7 @@ private:
pMenuSeparator &p;
class FormControl : private base_from_member<pFormControl&>, public Widget {
class FormControl : private nall::base_from_member<pFormControl&>, public Widget {
void resize(uint width, uint height);
void focus();
@ -306,7 +326,7 @@ private:
pFormControl &p;
class Frame : private base_from_member<pFrame&>, public FormControl {
class Frame : private nall::base_from_member<pFrame&>, public FormControl {
void create(uint style, uint width, uint height, const char *text = "");
void set_text(const char *text = "");
@ -318,11 +338,11 @@ private:
pFrame &p;
class Canvas : private base_from_member<pCanvas&>, public FormControl {
class Canvas : private nall::base_from_member<pCanvas&>, public FormControl {
void create(uint style, uint width, uint height);
void redraw();
uint32* buffer();
uint32_t* buffer();
@ -331,7 +351,7 @@ private:
pCanvas &p;
class Label : private base_from_member<pLabel&>, public FormControl {
class Label : private nall::base_from_member<pLabel&>, public FormControl {
void create(uint style, uint width, uint height, const char *text = "");
void set_text(const char *text = "");
@ -343,12 +363,12 @@ private:
pLabel &p;
class Button : private base_from_member<pButton&>, public FormControl {
class Button : private nall::base_from_member<pButton&>, public FormControl {
void create(uint style, uint width, uint height, const char *text = "");
void set_text(const char *text = "");
function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_tick;
nall::function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_tick;
@ -357,7 +377,7 @@ private:
pButton &p;
class Checkbox : private base_from_member<pCheckbox&>, public FormControl {
class Checkbox : private nall::base_from_member<pCheckbox&>, public FormControl {
void create(uint style, uint width, uint height, const char *text = "");
void set_text(const char *text = "");
@ -365,7 +385,7 @@ public:
void uncheck();
bool checked();
function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_tick;
nall::function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_tick;
@ -374,14 +394,14 @@ private:
pCheckbox &p;
class Radiobox : private base_from_member<pRadiobox&>, public FormControl {
class Radiobox : private nall::base_from_member<pRadiobox&>, public FormControl {
void create(RadioboxGroup &group, uint style, uint width, uint height, const char *text = "");
void set_text(const char *text = "");
void check();
bool checked();
function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_tick;
nall::function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_tick;
@ -390,7 +410,7 @@ private:
pRadiobox &p;
class Editbox : private base_from_member<pEditbox&>, public FormControl {
class Editbox : private nall::base_from_member<pEditbox&>, public FormControl {
enum Style {
Multiline = 1 << 1,
@ -416,7 +436,7 @@ private:
pEditbox &p;
class Listbox : private base_from_member<pListbox&>, public FormControl {
class Listbox : private nall::base_from_member<pListbox&>, public FormControl {
enum Style {
Header = 1 << 1,
@ -439,8 +459,8 @@ public:
void set_selection(int index);
void reset();
function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_change;
function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_activate;
nall::function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_change;
nall::function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_activate;
@ -449,7 +469,7 @@ private:
pListbox &p;
class Combobox : private base_from_member<pCombobox&>, public FormControl {
class Combobox : private nall::base_from_member<pCombobox&>, public FormControl {
void create(uint style, uint width, uint height, const char *text = "");
void add_item(const char *text);
@ -457,7 +477,7 @@ public:
void set_selection(int index);
void reset();
function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_change;
nall::function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_change;
@ -466,7 +486,7 @@ private:
pCombobox &p;
class Progressbar : private base_from_member<pProgressbar&>, public FormControl {
class Progressbar : private nall::base_from_member<pProgressbar&>, public FormControl {
void create(uint style, uint width, uint height);
uint get_progress();
@ -479,7 +499,7 @@ private:
pProgressbar &p;
class Slider : private base_from_member<pSlider&>, public FormControl {
class Slider : private nall::base_from_member<pSlider&>, public FormControl {
enum Style {
Horizontal = 0,
@ -490,7 +510,7 @@ public:
uint get_position();
void set_position(uint position);
function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_change;
nall::function<uintptr_t (Event)> on_change;
@ -501,6 +521,6 @@ private:
#undef pFriends
} //namespace ns_miu
} //namespace libhiro
#endif //ifndef MIU_H
#endif //ifndef HIRO_H
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
void miu_pbutton_tick(pButton *p) {
void hiro_pbutton_tick(pButton *p) {
if(p->self.on_tick) p->self.on_tick(Event(Event::Tick, 0, &p->self));
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ void pButton::create(uint style, uint width, uint height, const char *text) {
button = gtk_button_new_with_label(text ? text : "");
gtk_widget_set_size_request(button, width, height);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(button), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(miu_pbutton_tick), (gpointer)this);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(button), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(hiro_pbutton_tick), (gpointer)this);
void pButton::set_text(const char *text) {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ public:
/* internal */
/* internal */
GtkWidget *button;
GtkWidget* gtk_handle();
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
void miu_pcanvas_expose(pCanvas *p) {
uint32 *f = p->fbuffer;
uint32 *r = p->rbuffer;
void hiro_pcanvas_expose(pCanvas *p) {
uint32_t *f = p->fbuffer;
uint32_t *r = p->rbuffer;
for(uint y = p->canvas->allocation.height; y; y--) {
for(uint x = p->canvas->allocation.width; x; x--) {
uint32 p = *f++;
uint32_t p = *f++;
*r++ = ((p << 16) & 0xff0000) + (p & 0x00ff00) + ((p >> 16) & 0x0000ff);
@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ uint32 *r = p->rbuffer;
void pCanvas::create(uint style, uint width, uint height) {
canvas = gtk_drawing_area_new();
resize(width, height);
GdkColor color;
GdkColor color;
color.pixel = color.red = color.green = color.blue = 0;
gtk_widget_modify_bg(canvas, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
gtk_widget_set_double_buffered(canvas, false);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(canvas), "expose_event", G_CALLBACK(miu_pcanvas_expose), (gpointer)this);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(canvas), "expose_event", G_CALLBACK(hiro_pcanvas_expose), (gpointer)this);
void pCanvas::redraw() {
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ GdkRectangle rect;
gdk_window_invalidate_rect(canvas->window, &rect, true);
uint32* pCanvas::buffer() {
uint32_t* pCanvas::buffer() {
return fbuffer;
@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ pCanvas::pCanvas(Canvas &self_) : pFormControl(self_), self(self_) {
pCanvas::~pCanvas() {
if(fbuffer) free(fbuffer);
if(rbuffer) free(rbuffer);
/* internal */
void pCanvas::resize(uint width, uint height) {
if(fbuffer) free(fbuffer);
if(rbuffer) free(rbuffer);
bpitch = width * sizeof(uint32);
fbuffer = (uint32*)malloc(bpitch * height);
rbuffer = (uint32*)malloc(bpitch * height);
bpitch = width * sizeof(uint32_t);
fbuffer = (uint32_t*)malloc(bpitch * height);
rbuffer = (uint32_t*)malloc(bpitch * height);
memset(fbuffer, 0, bpitch * height);
memset(rbuffer, 0, bpitch * height);
@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ class pCanvas : public pFormControl {
void create(uint style, uint width, uint height);
void redraw();
uint32* buffer();
uint32_t* buffer();
Canvas &self;
/* internal */
/* internal */
GtkWidget *canvas;
//GTK+ RGB drawing function draws in xBGR format, so two buffers are needed ...
uint32 *fbuffer; //one for the xRGB image
uint32 *rbuffer; //one for the xBGR image
//GTK+ RGB drawing function draws in xBGR format, so two buffers are needed ...
uint32_t *fbuffer; //one for the xRGB image
uint32_t *rbuffer; //one for the xBGR image
uint bpitch;
void resize(uint width, uint height);
GtkWidget* gtk_handle();
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
void miu_pcheckbox_tick(pCheckbox *p) {
void hiro_pcheckbox_tick(pCheckbox *p) {
if(p->self.on_tick) p->self.on_tick(Event(Event::Tick, p->checked(), &p->self));
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ void pCheckbox::create(uint style, uint width, uint height, const char *text) {
checkbox = gtk_check_button_new_with_label(text ? text : "");
gtk_widget_set_size_request(checkbox, width, height);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(checkbox), "toggled", G_CALLBACK(miu_pcheckbox_tick), (gpointer)this);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(checkbox), "toggled", G_CALLBACK(hiro_pcheckbox_tick), (gpointer)this);
void pCheckbox::set_text(const char *text) {
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ public:
Checkbox &self;
/* internal */
/* internal */
GtkWidget *checkbox;
GtkWidget* gtk_handle();
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
void miu_pcombobox_change(pCombobox *p) {
void hiro_pcombobox_change(pCombobox *p) {
if(p->self.on_change) p->self.on_change(Event(Event::Change, p->get_selection(), &p->self));
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ void pCombobox::create(uint style, uint width, uint height, const char *text) {
gtk_widget_set_size_request(combobox, width, height);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(combobox), "changed", G_CALLBACK(miu_pcombobox_change), (gpointer)this);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(combobox), "changed", G_CALLBACK(hiro_pcombobox_change), (gpointer)this);
void pCombobox::add_item(const char *text) {
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ public:
Combobox &self;
/* internal */
/* internal */
GtkWidget *combobox;
uint counter;
GtkWidget* gtk_handle();
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ public:
/* internal */
/* internal */
GtkWidget *scrollbox;
GtkWidget *editbox;
GtkTextBuffer *buffer;
@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ public:
FormControl &self;
/* internal */
/* internal */
virtual GtkWidget* gtk_handle();
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ public:
/* internal */
/* internal */
GtkWidget *frame;
GtkWidget* gtk_handle();
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
#include "hiro.h"
#include <nall/algorithm.hpp>
using nall::min;
using nall::max;
namespace libhiro {
#include "keymap.cpp"
#include "widget.cpp"
#include "window.cpp"
#include "menucontrol.cpp"
#include "menugroup.cpp"
#include "menuitem.cpp"
#include "menucheckitem.cpp"
#include "menuradioitem.cpp"
#include "menuseparator.cpp"
#include "formcontrol.cpp"
#include "frame.cpp"
#include "canvas.cpp"
#include "label.cpp"
#include "button.cpp"
#include "checkbox.cpp"
#include "radiobox.cpp"
#include "editbox.cpp"
#include "listbox.cpp"
#include "combobox.cpp"
#include "progressbar.cpp"
#include "slider.cpp"
void pHiro::init() {
//simulate passing argc, argv to gtk_init()
int argc = 1;
char **argv;
argv = (char**)malloc(1 * sizeof(char*));
argv[0] = (char*)malloc(64 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(argv[0], "./hiro");
gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
void pHiro::term() {
bool pHiro::run() {
return pending();
bool pHiro::pending() {
return gtk_events_pending();
bool pHiro::file_load(Window *focus, char *filename, const char *filter, const char *path) {
if(!filename) return false;
strcpy(filename, "");
GtkWidget *dialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new("Load File",
focus ? GTK_WINDOW(focus->p.gtk_handle()) : (GtkWindow*)0,
(const gchar*)0);
if(path && *path) gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), path);
if(gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) {
char *fn = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog));
strcpy(filename, fn);
return strcmp(filename, ""); //return true if filename exists
bool pHiro::file_save(Window *focus, char *filename, const char *filter, const char *path) {
if(!filename) return false;
strcpy(filename, "");
GtkWidget *dialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new("Save File",
focus ? GTK_WINDOW(focus->p.gtk_handle()) : (GtkWindow*)0,
(const gchar*)0);
if(path && *path) gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), path);
gtk_file_chooser_set_do_overwrite_confirmation(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), TRUE);
if(gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) {
char *fn = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog));
strcpy(filename, fn);
return strcmp(filename, ""); //return true if filename exists
uint pHiro::screen_width() {
return gdk_screen_width();
uint pHiro::screen_height() {
return gdk_screen_height();
pHiro& pHiro::handle() {
return hiro().p;
pHiro::pHiro(Hiro &self_) : self(self_) {
pHiro& phiro() {
return pHiro::handle();
} //namespace libhiro
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#ifndef HIRO_GTK_H
#define HIRO_GTK_H
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
namespace libhiro {
#include "widget.h"
#include "window.h"
#include "menucontrol.h"
#include "menugroup.h"
#include "menuitem.h"
#include "menucheckitem.h"
#include "menuradioitem.h"
#include "menuseparator.h"
#include "formcontrol.h"
#include "frame.h"
#include "canvas.h"
#include "label.h"
#include "button.h"
#include "checkbox.h"
#include "radiobox.h"
#include "editbox.h"
#include "listbox.h"
#include "combobox.h"
#include "progressbar.h"
#include "slider.h"
class pHiro {
Hiro &self;
void init();
void term();
bool run();
bool pending();
bool file_load(Window *focus, char *filename, const char *filter, const char *path);
bool file_save(Window *focus, char *filename, const char *filter, const char *path);
uint screen_width();
uint screen_height();
static pHiro& handle();
/* internal */
uint16_t translate_key(uint key);
pHiro& phiro();
} //namespace libhiro
#endif //ifndef HIRO_GTK_H
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
uint16_t pHiro::translate_key(uint key) {
switch(key) {
case GDK_Escape: return keyboard::escape;
case GDK_F1: return keyboard::f1;
case GDK_F2: return keyboard::f2;
case GDK_F3: return keyboard::f3;
case GDK_F4: return keyboard::f4;
case GDK_F5: return keyboard::f5;
case GDK_F6: return keyboard::f6;
case GDK_F7: return keyboard::f7;
case GDK_F8: return keyboard::f8;
case GDK_F9: return keyboard::f9;
case GDK_F10: return keyboard::f10;
case GDK_F11: return keyboard::f11;
case GDK_F12: return keyboard::f12;
case GDK_Print: return keyboard::print_screen;
case GDK_Sys_Req: return keyboard::print_screen;
case GDK_Scroll_Lock: return keyboard::scroll_lock;
case GDK_Pause: return keyboard::pause;
case GDK_Break: return keyboard::pause;
case GDK_grave: return keyboard::tilde;
case GDK_asciitilde: return keyboard::tilde;
case GDK_1: return keyboard::num_1;
case GDK_2: return keyboard::num_2;
case GDK_3: return keyboard::num_3;
case GDK_4: return keyboard::num_4;
case GDK_5: return keyboard::num_5;
case GDK_6: return keyboard::num_6;
case GDK_7: return keyboard::num_7;
case GDK_8: return keyboard::num_8;
case GDK_9: return keyboard::num_9;
case GDK_0: return keyboard::num_0;
case GDK_exclam: return keyboard::num_1;
case GDK_at: return keyboard::num_2;
case GDK_numbersign: return keyboard::num_3;
case GDK_dollar: return keyboard::num_4;
case GDK_percent: return keyboard::num_5;
case GDK_asciicircum: return keyboard::num_6;
case GDK_ampersand: return keyboard::num_7;
case GDK_asterisk: return keyboard::num_8;
case GDK_parenleft: return keyboard::num_9;
case GDK_parenright: return keyboard::num_0;
case GDK_minus: return keyboard::dash;
case GDK_underscore: return keyboard::dash;
case GDK_equal: return keyboard::equal;
case GDK_plus: return keyboard::equal;
case GDK_BackSpace: return keyboard::backspace;
case GDK_Insert: return keyboard::insert;
case GDK_Delete: return keyboard::delete_;
case GDK_Home: return keyboard::home;
case GDK_End: return keyboard::end;
case GDK_Page_Up: return keyboard::page_up;
case GDK_Page_Down: return keyboard::page_down;
case GDK_a: return keyboard::a;
case GDK_b: return keyboard::b;
case GDK_c: return keyboard::c;
case GDK_d: return keyboard::d;
case GDK_e: return keyboard::e;
case GDK_f: return keyboard::f;
case GDK_g: return keyboard::g;
case GDK_h: return keyboard::h;
case GDK_i: return keyboard::i;
case GDK_j: return keyboard::j;
case GDK_k: return keyboard::k;
case GDK_l: return keyboard::l;
case GDK_m: return keyboard::m;
case GDK_n: return keyboard::n;
case GDK_o: return keyboard::o;
case GDK_p: return keyboard::p;
case GDK_q: return keyboard::q;
case GDK_r: return keyboard::r;
case GDK_s: return keyboard::s;
case GDK_t: return keyboard::t;
case GDK_u: return keyboard::u;
case GDK_v: return keyboard::v;
case GDK_w: return keyboard::w;
case GDK_x: return keyboard::x;
case GDK_y: return keyboard::y;
case GDK_z: return keyboard::z;
case GDK_A: return keyboard::a;
case GDK_B: return keyboard::b;
case GDK_C: return keyboard::c;
case GDK_D: return keyboard::d;
case GDK_E: return keyboard::e;
case GDK_F: return keyboard::f;
case GDK_G: return keyboard::g;
case GDK_H: return keyboard::h;
case GDK_I: return keyboard::i;
case GDK_J: return keyboard::j;
case GDK_K: return keyboard::k;
case GDK_L: return keyboard::l;
case GDK_M: return keyboard::m;
case GDK_N: return keyboard::n;
case GDK_O: return keyboard::o;
case GDK_P: return keyboard::p;
case GDK_Q: return keyboard::q;
case GDK_R: return keyboard::r;
case GDK_S: return keyboard::s;
case GDK_T: return keyboard::t;
case GDK_U: return keyboard::u;
case GDK_V: return keyboard::v;
case GDK_W: return keyboard::w;
case GDK_X: return keyboard::x;
case GDK_Y: return keyboard::y;
case GDK_Z: return keyboard::z;
case GDK_bracketleft: return keyboard::lbracket;
case GDK_bracketright: return keyboard::rbracket;
case GDK_backslash: return keyboard::backslash;
case GDK_semicolon: return keyboard::semicolon;
case GDK_apostrophe: return keyboard::apostrophe;
case GDK_comma: return keyboard::comma;
case GDK_period: return keyboard::period;
case GDK_slash: return keyboard::slash;
case GDK_braceleft: return keyboard::lbracket;
case GDK_braceright: return keyboard::rbracket;
case GDK_bar: return keyboard::backslash;
case GDK_colon: return keyboard::semicolon;
case GDK_quotedbl: return keyboard::apostrophe;
case GDK_less: return keyboard::comma;
case GDK_greater: return keyboard::period;
case GDK_question: return keyboard::slash;
case GDK_KP_1: return keyboard::pad_1;
case GDK_KP_2: return keyboard::pad_2;
case GDK_KP_3: return keyboard::pad_3;
case GDK_KP_4: return keyboard::pad_4;
case GDK_KP_5: return keyboard::pad_5;
case GDK_KP_6: return keyboard::pad_6;
case GDK_KP_7: return keyboard::pad_7;
case GDK_KP_8: return keyboard::pad_8;
case GDK_KP_9: return keyboard::pad_9;
case GDK_KP_0: return keyboard::pad_0;
case GDK_KP_Decimal: return keyboard::point;
case GDK_KP_End: return keyboard::pad_1;
case GDK_KP_Down: return keyboard::pad_2;
case GDK_KP_Page_Down: return keyboard::pad_3;
case GDK_KP_Left: return keyboard::pad_4;
case GDK_KP_Begin: return keyboard::pad_5;
case GDK_KP_Right: return keyboard::pad_6;
case GDK_KP_Home: return keyboard::pad_7;
case GDK_KP_Up: return keyboard::pad_8;
case GDK_KP_Page_Up: return keyboard::pad_9;
case GDK_KP_Insert: return keyboard::pad_0;
case GDK_KP_Delete: return keyboard::point;
case GDK_KP_Add: return keyboard::add;
case GDK_KP_Subtract: return keyboard::subtract;
case GDK_KP_Multiply: return keyboard::multiply;
case GDK_KP_Divide: return keyboard::divide;
case GDK_KP_Enter: return keyboard::enter;
case GDK_Num_Lock: return keyboard::num_lock;
case GDK_Caps_Lock: return keyboard::caps_lock;
case GDK_Up: return keyboard::up;
case GDK_Down: return keyboard::down;
case GDK_Left: return keyboard::left;
case GDK_Right: return keyboard::right;
case GDK_Tab: return keyboard::tab;
case GDK_Return: return keyboard::return_;
case GDK_space: return keyboard::spacebar;
case GDK_Control_L: return keyboard::lctrl;
case GDK_Control_R: return keyboard::rctrl;
case GDK_Alt_L: return keyboard::lalt;
case GDK_Alt_R: return keyboard::ralt;
case GDK_Shift_L: return keyboard::lshift;
case GDK_Shift_R: return keyboard::rshift;
case GDK_Super_L: return keyboard::lsuper;
case GDK_Super_R: return keyboard::rsuper;
case GDK_Menu: return keyboard::menu;
return keyboard::none;
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ public:
/* internal */
/* internal */
GtkWidget *label;
GtkWidget* gtk_handle();
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
void miu_plistbox_change(pListbox *p) {
void hiro_plistbox_change(pListbox *p) {
if(p->listbox_selection == p->get_selection()) return;
if(p->self.on_change) p->self.on_change(Event(Event::Change, p->listbox_selection = p->get_selection(), &p->self));
void miu_plistbox_activate(pListbox *p) {
void hiro_plistbox_activate(pListbox *p) {
if(p->self.on_activate) p->self.on_activate(Event(Event::Activate, p->listbox_selection = p->get_selection(), &p->self));
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ lstring list;
GType *v = (GType*)malloc(count(list) * sizeof(GType));
for(uint i = 0; i < count(list); i++) v[i] = G_TYPE_STRING;
store = gtk_list_store_newv(count(list), v);
listbox = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model(GTK_TREE_MODEL(store));
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(scrollbox), listbox);
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ GType *v = (GType*)malloc(count(list) * sizeof(GType));
gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint(GTK_TREE_VIEW(listbox), count(list) >= 2 ? true : false);
for(uint i = 0; i < count(list); i++) {
renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new();
column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes(list[i], renderer, "text", i, 0);
column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes(list[i], renderer, "text", i, (void*)0);
column_list[column_list.size()] = column;
gtk_tree_view_append_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(listbox), column);
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ GType *v = (GType*)malloc(count(list) * sizeof(GType));
gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible(GTK_TREE_VIEW(listbox), header);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(listbox), "cursor-changed", G_CALLBACK(miu_plistbox_change), (gpointer)this);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(listbox), "row-activated", G_CALLBACK(miu_plistbox_activate), (gpointer)this);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(listbox), "cursor-changed", G_CALLBACK(hiro_plistbox_change), (gpointer)this);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(listbox), "row-activated", G_CALLBACK(hiro_plistbox_activate), (gpointer)this);
void pListbox::autosize_columns() {
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ public:
Listbox &self;
/* internal */
/* internal */
GtkWidget *scrollbox;
GtkWidget *listbox;
GtkListStore *store;
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
void miu_pmenucheckitem_tick(pMenuCheckItem *p) {
void hiro_pmenucheckitem_tick(pMenuCheckItem *p) {
if(p->self.on_tick) p->self.on_tick(Event(Event::Tick, p->checked(), &p->self));
void pMenuCheckItem::create(const char *text) {
item = gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_label(text ? text : "?");
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(item), "toggled", G_CALLBACK(miu_pmenucheckitem_tick), (gpointer)this);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(item), "toggled", G_CALLBACK(hiro_pmenucheckitem_tick), (gpointer)this);
void pMenuCheckItem::check(bool state) {
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ public:
MenuCheckItem &self;
/* internal */
/* internal */
GtkWidget *item;
GtkWidget* gtk_handle();
@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ public:
MenuControl &self;
/* internal */
/* internal */
virtual GtkWidget* gtk_handle();
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ public:
/* internal */
/* internal */
GtkWidget *group;
GtkWidget *item;
GtkWidget* gtk_handle();
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
void miu_pmenuitem_tick(pMenuItem *p) {
void hiro_pmenuitem_tick(pMenuItem *p) {
if(p->self.on_tick) p->self.on_tick(Event(Event::Tick, 0, &p->self));
void pMenuItem::create(const char *text) {
item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(text ? text : "");
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(item), "activate", G_CALLBACK(miu_pmenuitem_tick), (gpointer)this);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(item), "activate", G_CALLBACK(hiro_pmenuitem_tick), (gpointer)this);
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ public:
MenuItem &self;
/* internal */
/* internal */
GtkWidget *item;
GtkWidget* gtk_handle();
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
void miu_pmenuradioitem_tick(pMenuRadioItem *p) {
void hiro_pmenuradioitem_tick(pMenuRadioItem *p) {
//GTK+ sends two messages: one for the activated radio item,
//and one for the deactivated radio item. ignore the latter.
if(p->checked() && p->self.on_tick) p->self.on_tick(Event(Event::Tick, 0, &p->self));
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ void pMenuRadioItem::create(MenuRadioItemGroup &group, const char *text) {
item = gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_label_from_widget(GTK_RADIO_MENU_ITEM(group[0]->p.gtk_handle()), text ? text : "");
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(item), "toggled", G_CALLBACK(miu_pmenuradioitem_tick), (gpointer)this);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(item), "toggled", G_CALLBACK(hiro_pmenuradioitem_tick), (gpointer)this);
void pMenuRadioItem::check() {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ public:
MenuRadioItem &self;
/* internal */
/* internal */
GtkWidget *item;
GtkWidget* gtk_handle();
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ public:
/* internal */
/* internal */
GtkWidget *item;
GtkWidget* gtk_handle();
@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ void pProgressbar::create(uint style, uint width, uint height) {
uint pProgressbar::get_progress() {
uint progress = (uint)(gtk_progress_bar_get_fraction(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(progressbar)) * 100.0);
return max(0, min(progress, 100));
return max(0U, min(progress, 100U));
void pProgressbar::set_progress(uint progress) {
progress = max(0, min(progress, 100));
progress = max(0U, min(progress, 100U));
gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(progressbar), (double)progress / 100.0);
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ public:
/* internal */
/* internal */
GtkWidget *progressbar;
GtkWidget* gtk_handle();
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
void miu_pradiobox_tick(pRadiobox *p) {
void hiro_pradiobox_tick(pRadiobox *p) {
//GTK+ sends two messages: one for the activated radiobox,
//and one for the deactivated radiobox. ignore the latter.
if(p->checked() && p->self.on_tick) p->self.on_tick(Event(Event::Tick, 0, &p->self));
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ void pRadiobox::create(RadioboxGroup &group, uint style, uint width, uint height
gtk_widget_set_size_request(radiobox, width, height);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(radiobox), "toggled", G_CALLBACK(miu_pradiobox_tick), (gpointer)this);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(radiobox), "toggled", G_CALLBACK(hiro_pradiobox_tick), (gpointer)this);
void pRadiobox::set_text(const char *text) {
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ public:
Radiobox &self;
/* internal */
/* internal */
GtkWidget *radiobox;
GtkWidget* gtk_handle();
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
void miu_pslider_change(pSlider *p) {
void hiro_pslider_change(pSlider *p) {
if(p->slider_position == p->get_position()) return;
if(p->self.on_change) p->self.on_change(Event(Event::Change, p->slider_position = p->get_position(), &p->self));
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ void pSlider::create(uint style, uint width, uint height, uint length) {
gtk_scale_set_draw_value(GTK_SCALE(slider), FALSE);
gtk_widget_set_size_request(slider, width, height);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(slider), "value-changed", G_CALLBACK(miu_pslider_change), (gpointer)this);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(slider), "value-changed", G_CALLBACK(hiro_pslider_change), (gpointer)this);
uint pSlider::get_position() {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ public:
Slider &self;
/* internal */
/* internal */
GtkWidget *slider;
uint slider_position;
GtkWidget* gtk_handle();
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ bool pWidget::visible() {
uintptr_t pWidget::handle() {
return GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW(gtk_handle()->window);
return GDK_WINDOW_XID(gtk_handle()->window);
pWidget::pWidget(Widget &self_) : self(self_) {
@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ public:
Widget &self;
/* internal */
/* internal */
virtual GtkWidget* gtk_handle();
@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
gint hiro_pwindow_close(pWindow *p) {
uintptr_t r = p->self.on_close ? p->self.on_close(Event(Event::Close, 0, &p->self)) : true;
return !bool(r);
gint hiro_pwindow_keydown(GtkWidget *w, GdkEventKey *key, pWindow *p) {
if(p && p->self.on_keydown) p->self.on_keydown(Event(Event::KeyDown, phiro().translate_key(key->keyval), &p->self));
return FALSE;
gint hiro_pwindow_keyup(GtkWidget *w, GdkEventKey *key, pWindow *p) {
if(p && p->self.on_keyup) p->self.on_keyup(Event(Event::KeyUp, phiro().translate_key(key->keyval), &p->self));
return FALSE;
void pWindow::create(uint style, uint width, uint height, const char *text) {
window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(window), text ? text : "");
gtk_window_set_resizable(GTK_WINDOW(window), false);
if(style & Window::AutoCenter) gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(window), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER_ALWAYS);
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(window), "delete_event", G_CALLBACK(hiro_pwindow_close), (gpointer)this);
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(window), "key_press_event", G_CALLBACK(hiro_pwindow_keydown), (gpointer)this);
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(window), "key_release_event", G_CALLBACK(hiro_pwindow_keyup), (gpointer)this);
menucontainer = gtk_vbox_new(false, 0);
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), menucontainer);
menubar = gtk_menu_bar_new();
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(menucontainer), menubar, false, false, 0);
formcontainer = gtk_fixed_new();
gtk_widget_set_size_request(formcontainer, width, height);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(menucontainer), formcontainer, true, true, 0);
//GTK+ statusbar background can be transparent, depending upon GTK+ theme
//therefore, pack statusbar inside an event box, which always has a background
//this allows pWindow::set_background_color() to change the window color,
//without affecting the statusbar color
statuscontainer = gtk_event_box_new();
statusbar = gtk_statusbar_new();
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(statuscontainer), statusbar);
gtk_statusbar_set_has_resize_grip(GTK_STATUSBAR(statusbar), false);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(menucontainer), statuscontainer, false, false, 0);
state.is_fullscreen = false;
state.width = width;
state.height = height;
void pWindow::close() {
void pWindow::move(uint x, uint y) {
gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(window), GTK_WIN_POS_NONE);
gtk_window_move(GTK_WINDOW(window), x, y);
void pWindow::resize(uint width, uint height) {
gtk_widget_set_size_request(formcontainer, width, height);
state.width = width;
state.height = height;
void pWindow::focus() {
bool pWindow::focused() {
return gtk_window_is_active(GTK_WINDOW(window));
//gtk_window_(un/)fullscreen() alone does not work well on certain WMs, such as Openbox.
//sometimes, the window will not resize (but will move to the top left.)
//sometimes, the window decorations will not disappear.
//therefore, to be safe, perform some manual window adjustments as well
void pWindow::fullscreen() {
if(state.is_fullscreen == true) return;
state.is_fullscreen = true;
gtk_window_set_decorated(GTK_WINDOW(window), false);
gtk_widget_set_size_request(window, gdk_screen_width(), gdk_screen_height());
//note that the size of the window is bound to be at least the size of the formcontainer.
//this is why the window size is set to -1, -1 below, so that it becomes the minimum
//needed to display all of the formcontainer.
void pWindow::unfullscreen() {
if(state.is_fullscreen == false) return;
state.is_fullscreen = false;
gtk_widget_set_size_request(formcontainer, state.width, state.height);
gtk_widget_set_size_request(window, -1, -1);
gtk_window_set_decorated(GTK_WINDOW(window), true);
//gtk_widget_size_request() on a window immediately after gtk_window_(un/)fullscreen()
//is unreliable, as it will usually report the previous window size.
//therefore, calculate it manually by using state information.
uint pWindow::get_width() {
if(state.is_fullscreen == false) return state.width;
return gdk_screen_width();
uint pWindow::get_height() {
if(state.is_fullscreen == false) return state.height;
uint height = gdk_screen_height();
//do not include menubar height in client area height
if(menu.visible()) {
GtkRequisition req;
gtk_widget_size_request(menubar, &req);
height -= req.height;
//do not include statusbar height in client area height
if(status.visible()) {
GtkRequisition req;
gtk_widget_size_request(statusbar, &req);
height -= req.height;
return height;
void pWindow::set_background_color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
GdkColor color;
color.pixel = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
color.red = (r << 8) | r;
color.green = (g << 8) | g;
color.blue = (b << 8) | b;
gtk_widget_modify_bg(window, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
void pWindow::set_text(const char *text) {
gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(window), text ? text : "");
void pWindow::attach(Window &window, uint x, uint y) {
window.p.owner = this;
//GTK+ does not support attaching a window to another window,
//so instead reparent the container from the child window to
//the parent window, and reposition the child window's container
gtk_widget_reparent(window.p.formcontainer, formcontainer);
gtk_fixed_move(GTK_FIXED(formcontainer), window.p.formcontainer, x, y);
void pWindow::attach(MenuGroup &menugroup) {
gtk_menu_bar_append(menubar, menugroup.p.item);
void pWindow::attach(FormControl &formcontrol, uint x, uint y) {
gtk_fixed_put(GTK_FIXED(formcontainer), formcontrol.p.gtk_handle(), x, y);
void pWindow::move(Window &window, uint x, uint y) {
gtk_fixed_move(GTK_FIXED(formcontainer), window.p.gtk_handle(), x, y);
void pWindow::move(FormControl &formcontrol, uint x, uint y) {
gtk_fixed_move(GTK_FIXED(formcontainer), formcontrol.p.gtk_handle(), x, y);
/* pWindow -> Menubar */
void pWindow::Menubar::show(bool state) {
void pWindow::Menubar::hide() {
bool pWindow::Menubar::visible() {
return p.menu_visible();
pWindow::Menubar::Menubar(pWindow &p_) : p(p_) {
/* pWindow -> Statusbar */
void pWindow::Statusbar::set_text(const char *text) {
void pWindow::Statusbar::show(bool state) {
void pWindow::Statusbar::hide() {
bool pWindow::Statusbar::visible() {
return p.status_visible();
pWindow::Statusbar::Statusbar(pWindow &p_) : p(p_) {
pWindow::pWindow(Window &self_) : pWidget(self_), self(self_), menu(*this), status(*this) {
owner = 0;
window = 0;
menubar = 0;
statusbar = 0;
menucontainer = 0;
formcontainer = 0;
statuscontainer = 0;
state.is_fullscreen = false;
state.width = 0;
state.height = 0;
/* internal */
GtkWidget* pWindow::gtk_handle() {
return owner ? formcontainer : window;
void pWindow::menu_show(bool state) {
state ? gtk_widget_show(menubar) : gtk_widget_hide(menubar);
void pWindow::menu_hide() {
bool pWindow::menu_visible() {
return GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE(menubar);
void pWindow::status_set_text(const char *text) {
gtk_statusbar_pop(GTK_STATUSBAR(statusbar), 1);
gtk_statusbar_push(GTK_STATUSBAR(statusbar), 1, text ? text : "");
void pWindow::status_show(bool state) {
state ? gtk_widget_show(statusbar) : gtk_widget_hide(statusbar);
void pWindow::status_hide() {
bool pWindow::status_visible() {
return GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE(statusbar);
@ -8,25 +8,61 @@ public:
bool focused();
void fullscreen();
void unfullscreen();
void set_background_color(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b);
uint get_width();
uint get_height();
void set_background_color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
void set_text(const char *text = "");
void attach(Window &window, uint x, uint y);
void attach(MenuGroup &menugroup);
void attach(FormControl &formcontrol, uint x, uint y);
void move(Window &window, uint x, uint y);
void move(FormControl &formcontrol, uint x, uint y);
void menu_show(bool state = true);
void menu_hide();
bool menu_visible();
class Statusbar {
void set_text(const char *text = "");
void show(bool = true);
void hide();
bool visible();
pWindow &p;
} status;
class Menubar {
void show(bool = true);
void hide();
bool visible();
pWindow &p;
} menu;
Window &self;
/* internal */
/* internal */
pWindow *owner; //0 = no owner (default)
GtkWidget *window;
GtkWidget *menubar;
GtkWidget *statusbar;
GtkWidget *menucontainer;
GtkWidget *formcontainer;
GtkWidget *statuscontainer;
GtkWidget* gtk_handle();
struct {
bool is_fullscreen;
uint width;
uint height;
} state;
void menu_show(bool = true);
void menu_hide();
bool menu_visible();
void status_set_text(const char *text = "");
void status_show(bool = true);
void status_hide();
bool status_visible();
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
void pButton::create(uint style, uint width, uint height, const char *text) {
hwnd = CreateWindow("BUTTON", text ? text : "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,
0, 0, width, height,
miu().p.default_hwnd, (HMENU)instance, GetModuleHandle(0), 0);
phiro().default_hwnd, (HMENU)instance, GetModuleHandle(0), 0);
SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)this);
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)miu().p.default_font, 0);
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)phiro().default_font, 0);
void pButton::set_text(const char *text) {
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
void pCanvas::create(uint style, uint width, uint height) {
hwnd = CreateWindow("miu_window", "", WS_CHILD,
hwnd = CreateWindow("hiro_window", "", WS_CHILD,
0, 0, width, height,
miu().p.default_hwnd, (HMENU)instance, GetModuleHandle(0), 0);
phiro().default_hwnd, (HMENU)instance, GetModuleHandle(0), 0);
SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)this);
resize(width, height);
ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_NORMAL);
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ void pCanvas::create(uint style, uint width, uint height) {
void pCanvas::redraw() {
uint32* pCanvas::buffer() {
uint32_t* pCanvas::buffer() {
return ibuffer;
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ pCanvas::pCanvas(Canvas &self_) : pFormControl(self_), self(self_) {
pCanvas::~pCanvas() {
if(ibuffer) free(ibuffer);
/* internal */
@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ PAINTSTRUCT ps;
void pCanvas::resize(uint width, uint height) {
if(ibuffer) free(ibuffer);
ipitch = width * sizeof(uint32);
ipitch = width * sizeof(uint32_t);
iwidth = width;
iheight = height;
ibuffer = (uint32*)malloc(ipitch * height);
ibuffer = (uint32_t*)malloc(ipitch * height);
memset(ibuffer, 0, ipitch * height);
bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ class pCanvas : public pFormControl {
void create(uint style, uint width, uint height);
void redraw();
uint32* buffer();
uint32_t* buffer();
Canvas &self;
/* internal */
/* internal */
uint32 *ibuffer;
uint32_t *ibuffer;
uint ipitch, iwidth, iheight;
void blit();
void resize(uint width, uint height);
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
void pCheckbox::create(uint style, uint width, uint height, const char *text) {
hwnd = CreateWindow("BUTTON", text ? text : "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_CHECKBOX,
0, 0, width, height,
miu().p.default_hwnd, (HMENU)instance, GetModuleHandle(0), 0);
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)miu().p.default_font, 0);
phiro().default_hwnd, (HMENU)instance, GetModuleHandle(0), 0);
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)phiro().default_font, 0);
void pCheckbox::set_text(const char *text) {
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ void pCombobox::create(uint style, uint width, uint height, const char *text) {
hwnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "COMBOBOX", "",
0, 0, width, 200,
miu().p.default_hwnd, (HMENU)instance, GetModuleHandle(0), 0);
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)miu().p.default_font, 0);
phiro().default_hwnd, (HMENU)instance, GetModuleHandle(0), 0);
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)phiro().default_font, 0);
void pCombobox::add_item(const char *text) {
@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ public:
/* internal */
/* internal */
int combobox_selection;
@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
void pEditbox::create(uint style, uint width, uint height, const char *text) {
bool multiline = style & Editbox::Multiline;
bool readonly = style & Editbox::Readonly;
uint vscroll = (style & Editbox::VerticalScrollAlways) ? WS_VSCROLL :
(style & Editbox::VerticalScrollNever) ? 0 :
uint hscroll = (style & Editbox::HorizontalScrollAlways) ? WS_HSCROLL :
(style & Editbox::HorizontalScrollNever) ? 0 :
bool multiline = style & Editbox::Multiline;
bool readonly = style & Editbox::Readonly;
uint vscroll = (style & Editbox::VerticalScrollAlways) ? WS_VSCROLL :
(style & Editbox::VerticalScrollNever) ? 0 :
uint hscroll = (style & Editbox::HorizontalScrollAlways) ? WS_HSCROLL :
(style & Editbox::HorizontalScrollNever) ? 0 :
hwnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "EDIT", "",
WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | vscroll | hscroll |
(multiline == true ? ES_MULTILINE : 0) |
(readonly == true ? ES_READONLY : 0),
0, 0, width, height,
miu().p.default_hwnd, (HMENU)instance, GetModuleHandle(0), 0);
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)miu().p.default_font, 0);
phiro().default_hwnd, (HMENU)instance, GetModuleHandle(0), 0);
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)phiro().default_font, 0);
void pEditbox::set_text(const char *text) {
string temp = text ? text : "";
string temp = text ? text : "";
replace(temp, "\r", "");
replace(temp, "\n", "\r\n");
SetWindowText(hwnd, temp);
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ string temp = text ? text : "";
uint pEditbox::get_text(char *text, uint length) {
GetWindowText(hwnd, text, length);
string temp = text;
string temp = text;
replace(temp, "\r", "");
strcpy(text, temp);
return strlen(text);
@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ public:
FormControl &self;
/* internal */
/* internal */
HWND hwnd;
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
void pFrame::create(uint style, uint width, uint height, const char *text) {
hwnd = CreateWindow("BUTTON", text ? text : "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_GROUPBOX,
0, 0, width, height,
miu().p.default_hwnd, (HMENU)instance, GetModuleHandle(0), 0);
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)miu().p.default_font, 0);
phiro().default_hwnd, (HMENU)instance, GetModuleHandle(0), 0);
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)phiro().default_font, 0);
void pFrame::set_text(const char *text) {
@ -1,33 +1,36 @@
#include "miu.win.h"
#include "../miu.cpp"
#include "hiro.h"
namespace ns_miu {
#include <nall/algorithm.hpp>
using nall::min;
using nall::max;
long __stdcall pmiu_wndproc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM);
namespace libhiro {
#include "miu.win.keymap.cpp"
#include "miu.win.widget.cpp"
#include "miu.win.window.cpp"
#include "miu.win.menucontrol.cpp"
#include "miu.win.menugroup.cpp"
#include "miu.win.menuitem.cpp"
#include "miu.win.menucheckitem.cpp"
#include "miu.win.menuradioitem.cpp"
#include "miu.win.menuseparator.cpp"
#include "miu.win.formcontrol.cpp"
#include "miu.win.frame.cpp"
#include "miu.win.canvas.cpp"
#include "miu.win.label.cpp"
#include "miu.win.button.cpp"
#include "miu.win.checkbox.cpp"
#include "miu.win.radiobox.cpp"
#include "miu.win.editbox.cpp"
#include "miu.win.listbox.cpp"
#include "miu.win.combobox.cpp"
#include "miu.win.progressbar.cpp"
#include "miu.win.slider.cpp"
void pMiu::init() {
#include "keymap.cpp"
#include "widget.cpp"
#include "window.cpp"
#include "menucontrol.cpp"
#include "menugroup.cpp"
#include "menuitem.cpp"
#include "menucheckitem.cpp"
#include "menuradioitem.cpp"
#include "menuseparator.cpp"
#include "formcontrol.cpp"
#include "frame.cpp"
#include "canvas.cpp"
#include "label.cpp"
#include "button.cpp"
#include "checkbox.cpp"
#include "radiobox.cpp"
#include "editbox.cpp"
#include "listbox.cpp"
#include "combobox.cpp"
#include "progressbar.cpp"
#include "slider.cpp"
void pHiro::init() {
wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
@ -35,23 +38,23 @@ WNDCLASS wc;
wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW);
wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION);
wc.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(0);
wc.lpfnWndProc = pmiu_wndproc;
wc.lpszClassName = "miu_window";
wc.lpfnWndProc = phiro_wndproc;
wc.lpszClassName = "hiro_window";
wc.lpszMenuName = 0;
default_hwnd = CreateWindow("miu_window", "", WS_POPUP, 0, 0, 640, 480, 0, 0, GetModuleHandle(0), 0);
default_hwnd = CreateWindow("hiro_window", "", WS_POPUP, 0, 0, 640, 480, 0, 0, GetModuleHandle(0), 0);
default_font = create_font("Tahoma", 9);
black_brush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0, 0, 0));
void pMiu::term() {
void pHiro::term() {
bool pMiu::run() {
bool pHiro::run() {
MSG msg;
if(PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) {
@ -60,12 +63,12 @@ MSG msg;
return pending();
bool pMiu::pending() {
bool pHiro::pending() {
MSG msg;
return PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE);
bool pMiu::file_load(Window *focus, char *filename, const char *filter, const char *path) {
bool pHiro::file_load(Window *focus, char *filename, const char *filter, const char *path) {
string dir, f;
strcpy(dir, path ? path : "");
replace(dir, "/", "\\");
@ -106,7 +109,7 @@ OPENFILENAME ofn;
return GetOpenFileName(&ofn);
bool pMiu::file_save(Window *focus, char *filename, const char *filter, const char *path) {
bool pHiro::file_save(Window *focus, char *filename, const char *filter, const char *path) {
string dir, f;
strcpy(dir, path ? path : "");
replace(dir, "/", "\\");
@ -147,37 +150,37 @@ OPENFILENAME ofn;
return GetSaveFileName(&ofn);
uint pMiu::screen_width() {
uint pHiro::screen_width() {
return GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
uint pMiu::screen_height() {
uint pHiro::screen_height() {
return GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
pMiu& pMiu::handle() {
return miu().p;
pHiro& pHiro::handle() {
return hiro().p;
pMiu::pMiu(Miu &self_) : self(self_) {
pHiro::pHiro(Hiro &self_) : self(self_) {
pMiu& pmiu() {
return pMiu::handle();
pHiro& phiro() {
return pHiro::handle();
/* internal */
HFONT pMiu::create_font(const char *name, uint size) {
HDC hdc = GetDC(0);
HFONT font = CreateFont(-MulDiv(size, GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY), 72),
HFONT pHiro::create_font(const char *name, uint size) {
HDC hdc = GetDC(0);
HFONT font = CreateFont(-MulDiv(size, GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY), 72),
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, name);
ReleaseDC(0, hdc);
return font;
Widget* pMiu::get_widget(uint instance) {
Widget *widget = 0;
Widget* pHiro::get_widget(uint instance) {
Widget *widget = 0;
for(uint i = 0; i < widget_list.size(); i++) {
if(widget_list[i]->p.instance != instance) continue;
widget = widget_list[i];
@ -186,14 +189,29 @@ Widget *widget = 0;
return widget;
long __stdcall pmiu_wndproc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) {
return pmiu().wndproc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam);
LRESULT CALLBACK phiro_wndproc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) {
return phiro().wndproc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam);
long pMiu::wndproc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) {
pWidget *p = (pWidget*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
LRESULT pHiro::wndproc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) {
pWidget *p = (pWidget*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
switch(msg) {
switch(wparam) {
//TODO: write hiro API to allow this to be toggled.
//for now, screensaver and monitorpower events are disabled always.
return FALSE;
} break;
case WM_SIZE: {
if(!p || p->self.type != Widget::WindowType) break;
SendMessage(((pWindow*)p)->hstatus, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); //the control itself auto-sizes after receiving WM_SIZE
} break;
case WM_CLOSE: {
if(!p || p->self.type != Widget::WindowType) break;
Window &w = ((pWindow*)p)->self;
@ -223,7 +241,7 @@ pWidget *p = (pWidget*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
if(!p) break;
HBRUSH brush = 0;
if(p->self.type == Widget::WindowType) brush = ((pWindow*)p)->background;
if(p->self.type == Widget::CanvasType) brush = pmiu().black_brush;
if(p->self.type == Widget::CanvasType) brush = phiro().black_brush;
if(!brush) break;
RECT rc;
GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc);
@ -315,4 +333,4 @@ pWidget *p = (pWidget*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam);
} //namespace ns_miu
} //namespace libhiro
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
#ifndef HIRO_WIN_H
#define HIRO_WIN_H
#undef WINVER
#undef _WIN32_WINNT
#undef _WIN32_IE
#define WINVER 0x0501
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501
#define _WIN32_IE 0x0600
#define NOMINMAX
#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
namespace libhiro {
#include "widget.h"
#include "window.h"
#include "menucontrol.h"
#include "menugroup.h"
#include "menuitem.h"
#include "menucheckitem.h"
#include "menuradioitem.h"
#include "menuseparator.h"
#include "formcontrol.h"
#include "frame.h"
#include "canvas.h"
#include "label.h"
#include "button.h"
#include "checkbox.h"
#include "radiobox.h"
#include "editbox.h"
#include "listbox.h"
#include "combobox.h"
#include "progressbar.h"
#include "slider.h"
class pHiro {
Hiro &self;
void init();
void term();
bool run();
bool pending();
bool file_load(Window *focus, char *filename, const char *filter, const char *path);
bool file_save(Window *focus, char *filename, const char *filter, const char *path);
uint screen_width();
uint screen_height();
static pHiro& handle();
/* internal */
HWND default_hwnd; //default parent window for all windowless controls
HFONT default_font; //default font for all controls
HBRUSH black_brush; //used for Canvas background
HFONT create_font(const char *name, uint size);
array<Widget*> widget_list;
Widget* get_widget(uint instance);
uint16_t translate_key(uint key);
pHiro& phiro();
} //namsepace libhiro
#endif //ifndef HIRO_WIN_H
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
uint16_t pHiro::translate_key(uint key) {
switch(key) {
case VK_ESCAPE: return keyboard::escape;
case VK_F1: return keyboard::f1;
case VK_F2: return keyboard::f2;
case VK_F3: return keyboard::f3;
case VK_F4: return keyboard::f4;
case VK_F5: return keyboard::f5;
case VK_F6: return keyboard::f6;
case VK_F7: return keyboard::f7;
case VK_F8: return keyboard::f8;
case VK_F9: return keyboard::f9;
case VK_F10: return keyboard::f10;
case VK_F11: return keyboard::f11;
case VK_F12: return keyboard::f12;
case VK_TAB: return keyboard::tab;
case VK_RETURN: return keyboard::return_;
case VK_SPACE: return keyboard::spacebar;
case '0': return keyboard::num_0;
case '1': return keyboard::num_1;
case '2': return keyboard::num_2;
case '3': return keyboard::num_3;
case '4': return keyboard::num_4;
case '5': return keyboard::num_5;
case '6': return keyboard::num_6;
case '7': return keyboard::num_7;
case '8': return keyboard::num_8;
case '9': return keyboard::num_9;
case 'A': return keyboard::a;
case 'B': return keyboard::b;
case 'C': return keyboard::c;
case 'D': return keyboard::d;
case 'E': return keyboard::e;
case 'F': return keyboard::f;
case 'G': return keyboard::g;
case 'H': return keyboard::h;
case 'I': return keyboard::i;
case 'J': return keyboard::j;
case 'K': return keyboard::k;
case 'L': return keyboard::l;
case 'M': return keyboard::m;
case 'N': return keyboard::n;
case 'O': return keyboard::o;
case 'P': return keyboard::p;
case 'Q': return keyboard::q;
case 'R': return keyboard::r;
case 'S': return keyboard::s;
case 'T': return keyboard::t;
case 'U': return keyboard::u;
case 'V': return keyboard::v;
case 'W': return keyboard::w;
case 'X': return keyboard::x;
case 'Y': return keyboard::y;
case 'Z': return keyboard::z;
case VK_UP: return keyboard::up;
case VK_DOWN: return keyboard::down;
case VK_LEFT: return keyboard::left;
case VK_RIGHT: return keyboard::right;
return keyboard::none;
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
void pLabel::create(uint style, uint width, uint height, const char *text) {
hwnd = CreateWindow("STATIC", text ? text : "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,
0, 0, width, height,
miu().p.default_hwnd, (HMENU)instance, GetModuleHandle(0), 0);
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)miu().p.default_font, 0);
phiro().default_hwnd, (HMENU)instance, GetModuleHandle(0), 0);
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)phiro().default_font, 0);
void pLabel::set_text(const char *text) {
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in New Issue