Update to bsnes v026r01? release.

Alright, it's been a full month now since the last private WIP.

 I have Direct3D, DirectSound and DirectInput all working on the
Windows port now; and Xv, GTK+ Video, libao and XInput working on the
Linux port, so now's a good time for a beta.

             Note that countless things are broken, still.
             - D3D still blurring image, haven't looked at it yet
 - Cheat code list never populates when loading ROM, probably doesn't
save either (I probably removed that code when rewriting cart/ and
memory/ a while back)
             - Windows always appear at 0,0 instead of centered
 - miu doesn't emit WM_ENTERMENULOOP, meaning audio cycles when going
into the menu. I wish there were a way to make it pre-emptive like
GTK+ without needing multiple threads ...
 - Input capture window doesn't actually read anything. I actually can
get this working now, I just don't like the hacky way I did it before.
             - miu doesn't send Key events, so no F11 / esc shortcut
 - miu/Win is still missing some event messages, so some controls may
appear unresponsive. miu/Linux should be complete.
             - miu/Win may still send duplicate messages in some
cases, like that old log audio option bug was doing
             - miu lacks an on_show event, so the config window can't
set focus to the listbox on show just yet

             Any bugs outside of this that seem serious, please tell
me about. Otherwise, I'm working on the rest still :/

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This commit is contained in:
byuu 2007-12-16 10:08:00 +00:00
parent 95547f4ff8
commit f6732133e7

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