Update to v074r07 release.

byuu says:

Fullscreen works on all ports, but Qt is in general pretty wonky at the
moment. Don't really care right now.

F11 toggles fullscreen, there is no menu or status in fullscreen, and it
auto-scales to the highest even multiple that it can.
It copies all other settings (filter, shader, aspect correction, video
region, vsync, async) from your windowed mode settings.
You cannot enable the menu or status bars, because those are a major
pain in the ass to support with both GTK+ and Qt returning nonsense
Combine with each platform treating whether or not to handle menus
and/or statuses as part of the geometry or not, and it's a recipe for
It is pseudo-fullscreen for now, but if we have some spiffy code in the
future to set a true fullscreen that works on Linux (and hopefully OS
X), I'll add a true-FS option to ruby later.
This commit is contained in:
Tim Allen 2011-01-18 21:20:05 +11:00
parent 1a065bafb1
commit c833b69087
65 changed files with 53 additions and 7550 deletions

View File

@ -112,6 +112,17 @@ void Window::setFullscreen(bool fullscreen) {
gtk_widget_set_size_request(object->widget, -1, -1); gtk_widget_set_size_request(object->widget, -1, -1);
gtk_window_set_decorated(GTK_WINDOW(object->widget), true); gtk_window_set_decorated(GTK_WINDOW(object->widget), true);
gtk_window_unfullscreen(GTK_WINDOW(object->widget)); gtk_window_unfullscreen(GTK_WINDOW(object->widget));
//at this point, GTK+ has not updated window geometry
//this causes Window::geometry() calls to return incorrect info
//thus, wait until the geometry has changed before continuing
Geometry geom;
time_t startTime = time(0);
do {
Geometry geom = geometry();
if(startTime - time(0) > 3) break; //prevent application from freezing
} while(geom.x == 0 && geom.y == 0 && geom.width == gdk_screen_width() && geom.height == gdk_screen_height());
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
# Makefile
# author: byuu
# license: public domain
[A-Z] = A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[a-z] = a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
[0-9] = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[markup] = ` ~ ! @ \# $$ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ { ] } \ | ; : ' " , < . > / ?
[all] = $([A-Z]) $([a-z]) $([0-9]) $([markup])
[space] :=
[space] +=
# platform detection
ifeq ($(platform),)
uname := $(shell uname -a)
ifeq ($(uname),)
platform := win
delete = del $(subst /,\,$1)
else ifneq ($(findstring Darwin,$(uname)),)
platform := osx
delete = rm -f $1
platform := x
delete = rm -f $1
ifeq ($(compiler),)
ifeq ($(platform),win)
compiler := gcc
else ifeq ($(platform),osx)
compiler := gcc-mp-4.5
compiler := gcc-4.5
ifeq ($(prefix),)
prefix := /usr/local
# function rwildcard(directory, pattern)
rwildcard = \
$(strip \
$(filter $(if $2,$2,%), \
$(foreach f, \
$(wildcard $1*), \
$(eval t = $(call rwildcard,$f/)) \
$(if $t,$t,$f) \
) \
) \
# function strtr(source, from, to)
strtr = \
$(eval __temp := $1) \
$(strip \
$(foreach c, \
$(join $(addsuffix :,$2),$3), \
$(eval __temp := \
$(subst $(word 1,$(subst :, ,$c)),$(word 2,$(subst :, ,$c)),$(__temp)) \
) \
) \
$(__temp) \
# function strupper(source)
strupper = $(call strtr,$1,$([a-z]),$([A-Z]))
# function strlower(source)
strlower = $(call strtr,$1,$([A-Z]),$([a-z]))
# function strlen(source)
strlen = \
$(eval __temp := $(subst $([space]),_,$1)) \
$(words \
$(strip \
$(foreach c, \
$([all]), \
$(eval __temp := \
$(subst $c,$c ,$(__temp)) \
) \
) \
$(__temp) \
) \
# function streq(source)
streq = $(if $(filter-out xx,x$(subst $1,,$2)$(subst $2,,$1)x),,1)
# function strne(source)
strne = $(if $(filter-out xx,x$(subst $1,,$2)$(subst $2,,$1)x),1,)

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
#undef min
#undef max
namespace nall {
template<typename T, typename U> T min(const T &t, const U &u) {
return t < u ? t : u;
template<typename T, typename U> T max(const T &t, const U &u) {
return t > u ? t : u;

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
#ifndef NALL_ANY_HPP
#define NALL_ANY_HPP
#include <typeinfo>
#include <type_traits>
#include <nall/static.hpp>
namespace nall {
class any {
bool empty() const { return container; }
const std::type_info& type() const { return container ? container->type() : typeid(void); }
template<typename T> any& operator=(const T& value_) {
typedef typename static_if<
typename std::remove_extent<typename std::add_const<T>::type>::type*,
>::type auto_t;
if(type() == typeid(auto_t)) {
static_cast<holder<auto_t>*>(container)->value = (auto_t)value_;
} else {
if(container) delete container;
container = new holder<auto_t>((auto_t)value_);
return *this;
any() : container(0) {}
template<typename T> any(const T& value_) : container(0) { operator=(value_); }
struct placeholder {
virtual const std::type_info& type() const = 0;
} *container;
template<typename T> struct holder : placeholder {
T value;
const std::type_info& type() const { return typeid(T); }
holder(const T& value_) : value(value_) {}
template<typename T> friend T any_cast(any&);
template<typename T> friend T any_cast(const any&);
template<typename T> friend T* any_cast(any*);
template<typename T> friend const T* any_cast(const any*);
template<typename T> T any_cast(any &value) {
typedef typename std::remove_reference<T>::type nonref;
if(value.type() != typeid(nonref)) throw;
return static_cast<any::holder<nonref>*>(value.container)->value;
template<typename T> T any_cast(const any &value) {
typedef const typename std::remove_reference<T>::type nonref;
if(value.type() != typeid(nonref)) throw;
return static_cast<any::holder<nonref>*>(value.container)->value;
template<typename T> T* any_cast(any *value) {
if(!value || value->type() != typeid(T)) return 0;
return &static_cast<any::holder<T>*>(value->container)->value;
template<typename T> const T* any_cast(const any *value) {
if(!value || value->type() != typeid(T)) return 0;
return &static_cast<any::holder<T>*>(value->container)->value;

View File

@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <nall/algorithm.hpp>
#include <nall/bit.hpp>
#include <nall/concept.hpp>
#include <nall/foreach.hpp>
#include <nall/utility.hpp>
namespace nall {
//dynamic vector array
//neither constructor nor destructor is ever invoked;
//thus, this should only be used for POD objects.
template<typename T> class array {
T *pool;
unsigned poolsize, buffersize;
unsigned size() const { return buffersize; }
unsigned capacity() const { return poolsize; }
void reset() {
if(pool) free(pool);
pool = 0;
poolsize = 0;
buffersize = 0;
void reserve(unsigned newsize) {
if(newsize == poolsize) return;
pool = (T*)realloc(pool, newsize * sizeof(T));
poolsize = newsize;
buffersize = min(buffersize, newsize);
void resize(unsigned newsize) {
if(newsize > poolsize) reserve(bit::round(newsize)); //round reserve size up to power of 2
buffersize = newsize;
T* get(unsigned minsize = 0) {
if(minsize > buffersize) resize(minsize);
if(minsize > buffersize) throw "array[] out of bounds";
return pool;
void append(const T data) {
operator[](buffersize) = data;
template<typename U> void insert(unsigned index, const U list) {
unsigned listsize = container_size(list);
resize(buffersize + listsize);
memmove(pool + index + listsize, pool + index, (buffersize - index) * sizeof(T));
foreach(item, list) pool[index++] = item;
void insert(unsigned index, const T item) {
insert(index, array<T>{ item });
void remove(unsigned index, unsigned count = 1) {
for(unsigned i = index; count + i < buffersize; i++) {
pool[i] = pool[count + i];
if(count + index >= buffersize) resize(index); //every element >= index was removed
else resize(buffersize - count);
optional<unsigned> find(const T data) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < size(); i++) if(pool[i] == data) return { true, i };
return { false, 0 };
void clear() {
memset(pool, 0, buffersize * sizeof(T));
array() : pool(0), poolsize(0), buffersize(0) {
array(std::initializer_list<T> list) : pool(0), poolsize(0), buffersize(0) {
for(const T *p = list.begin(); p != list.end(); ++p) append(*p);
~array() {
array& operator=(const array &source) {
if(pool) free(pool);
buffersize = source.buffersize;
poolsize = source.poolsize;
pool = (T*)malloc(sizeof(T) * poolsize); //allocate entire pool size,
memcpy(pool, source.pool, sizeof(T) * buffersize); //... but only copy used pool objects
return *this;
array(const array &source) : pool(0), poolsize(0), buffersize(0) {
array& operator=(array &&source) {
if(pool) free(pool);
pool = source.pool;
poolsize = source.poolsize;
buffersize = source.buffersize;
source.pool = 0;
return *this;
array(array &&source) : pool(0), poolsize(0), buffersize(0) {
inline T& operator[](unsigned index) {
if(index >= buffersize) resize(index + 1);
if(index >= buffersize) throw "array[] out of bounds";
return pool[index];
inline const T& operator[](unsigned index) const {
if(index >= buffersize) throw "array[] out of bounds";
return pool[index];
template<typename T> struct has_size<array<T>> { enum { value = true }; };

View File

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
#ifndef NALL_BASE64_HPP
#define NALL_BASE64_HPP
#include <string.h>
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
namespace nall {
class base64 {
static bool encode(char *&output, const uint8_t* input, unsigned inlength) {
output = new char[inlength * 8 / 6 + 6]();
unsigned i = 0, o = 0;
while(i < inlength) {
switch(i % 3) {
case 0: {
output[o++] = enc(input[i] >> 2);
output[o] = enc((input[i] & 3) << 4);
} break;
case 1: {
uint8_t prev = dec(output[o]);
output[o++] = enc(prev + (input[i] >> 4));
output[o] = enc((input[i] & 15) << 2);
} break;
case 2: {
uint8_t prev = dec(output[o]);
output[o++] = enc(prev + (input[i] >> 6));
output[o++] = enc(input[i] & 63);
} break;
return true;
static bool decode(uint8_t *&output, unsigned &outlength, const char *input) {
unsigned inlength = strlen(input), infix = 0;
output = new uint8_t[inlength]();
unsigned i = 0, o = 0;
while(i < inlength) {
uint8_t x = dec(input[i]);
switch(i++ & 3) {
case 0: {
output[o] = x << 2;
} break;
case 1: {
output[o++] |= x >> 4;
output[o] = (x & 15) << 4;
} break;
case 2: {
output[o++] |= x >> 2;
output[o] = (x & 3) << 6;
} break;
case 3: {
output[o++] |= x;
} break;
outlength = o;
return true;
static char enc(uint8_t n) {
static char lookup_table[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_";
return lookup_table[n & 63];
static uint8_t dec(char n) {
if(n >= 'A' && n <= 'Z') return n - 'A';
if(n >= 'a' && n <= 'z') return n - 'a' + 26;
if(n >= '0' && n <= '9') return n - '0' + 52;
if(n == '-') return 62;
if(n == '_') return 63;
return 0;

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
#ifndef NALL_BIT_HPP
#define NALL_BIT_HPP
namespace nall {
template<int bits> inline unsigned uclamp(const unsigned x) {
enum { y = (1U << (bits - 1)) + ((1U << (bits - 1)) - 1) };
return y + ((x - y) & -(x < y)); //min(x, y);
template<int bits> inline unsigned uclip(const unsigned x) {
enum { m = (1U << (bits - 1)) + ((1U << (bits - 1)) - 1) };
return (x & m);
template<int bits> inline signed sclamp(const signed x) {
enum { b = 1U << (bits - 1), m = (1U << (bits - 1)) - 1 };
return (x > m) ? m : (x < -b) ? -b : x;
template<int bits> inline signed sclip(const signed x) {
enum { b = 1U << (bits - 1), m = (1U << bits) - 1 };
return ((x & m) ^ b) - b;
namespace bit {
//lowest(0b1110) == 0b0010
template<typename T> inline T lowest(const T x) {
return x & -x;
//clear_lowest(0b1110) == 0b1100
template<typename T> inline T clear_lowest(const T x) {
return x & (x - 1);
//set_lowest(0b0101) == 0b0111
template<typename T> inline T set_lowest(const T x) {
return x | (x + 1);
//round up to next highest single bit:
//round(15) == 16, round(16) == 16, round(17) == 32
inline unsigned round(unsigned x) {
if((x & (x - 1)) == 0) return x;
while(x & (x - 1)) x &= x - 1;
return x << 1;

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
#include <nall/static.hpp>
#include <nall/utility.hpp>
namespace nall {
//unsigned count() const;
template<typename T> struct has_count { enum { value = false }; };
//unsigned length() const;
template<typename T> struct has_length { enum { value = false }; };
//unsigned size() const;
template<typename T> struct has_size { enum { value = false }; };
template<typename T> unsigned container_size(const T& object, typename mp_enable_if<has_count<T>>::type = 0) {
return object.count();
template<typename T> unsigned container_size(const T& object, typename mp_enable_if<has_length<T>>::type = 0) {
return object.length();
template<typename T> unsigned container_size(const T& object, typename mp_enable_if<has_size<T>>::type = 0) {
return object.size();
template<typename T> unsigned container_size(const T& object, typename mp_enable_if<std::is_array<T>>::type = 0) {
return sizeof(T) / sizeof(typename std::remove_extent<T>::type);

View File

@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
#include <nall/file.hpp>
#include <nall/string.hpp>
#include <nall/vector.hpp>
namespace nall {
namespace configuration_traits {
template<typename T> struct is_boolean { enum { value = false }; };
template<> struct is_boolean<bool> { enum { value = true }; };
template<typename T> struct is_signed { enum { value = false }; };
template<> struct is_signed<signed> { enum { value = true }; };
template<typename T> struct is_unsigned { enum { value = false }; };
template<> struct is_unsigned<unsigned> { enum { value = true }; };
template<typename T> struct is_double { enum { value = false }; };
template<> struct is_double<double> { enum { value = true }; };
template<typename T> struct is_string { enum { value = false }; };
template<> struct is_string<string> { enum { value = true }; };
class configuration {
enum type_t { boolean_t, signed_t, unsigned_t, double_t, string_t, unknown_t };
struct item_t {
uintptr_t data;
string name;
string desc;
type_t type;
string get() const {
switch(type) {
case boolean_t: return string() << *(bool*)data;
case signed_t: return string() << *(signed*)data;
case unsigned_t: return string() << *(unsigned*)data;
case double_t: return string() << *(double*)data;
case string_t: return string() << "\"" << *(string*)data << "\"";
return "???";
void set(string s) {
switch(type) {
case boolean_t: *(bool*)data = (s == "true"); break;
case signed_t: *(signed*)data = integer(s); break;
case unsigned_t: *(unsigned*)data = decimal(s); break;
case double_t: *(double*)data = fp(s); break;
case string_t: s.trim("\""); *(string*)data = s; break;
linear_vector<item_t> list;
template<typename T>
void attach(T &data, const char *name, const char *desc = "") {
unsigned n = list.size();
list[n].data = (uintptr_t)&data;
list[n].name = name;
list[n].desc = desc;
if(configuration_traits::is_boolean<T>::value) list[n].type = boolean_t;
else if(configuration_traits::is_signed<T>::value) list[n].type = signed_t;
else if(configuration_traits::is_unsigned<T>::value) list[n].type = unsigned_t;
else if(configuration_traits::is_double<T>::value) list[n].type = double_t;
else if(configuration_traits::is_string<T>::value) list[n].type = string_t;
else list[n].type = unknown_t;
virtual bool load(const char *filename) {
string data;
if(data.readfile(filename) == true) {
data.replace("\r", "");
lstring line;
line.split("\n", data);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < line.size(); i++) {
if(auto position = qstrpos(line[i], "#")) line[i][position()] = 0;
if(!qstrpos(line[i], " = ")) continue;
lstring part;
part.qsplit(" = ", line[i]);
for(unsigned n = 0; n < list.size(); n++) {
if(part[0] == list[n].name) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
virtual bool save(const char *filename) const {
file fp;
if(fp.open(filename, file::mode::write)) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
string output;
output << list[i].name << " = " << list[i].get();
if(list[i].desc != "") output << " # " << list[i].desc;
output << "\r\n";
return true;
} else {
return false;

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
#ifndef NALL_CRC32_HPP
#define NALL_CRC32_HPP
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
namespace nall {
const uint32_t crc32_table[256] = {
0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba, 0x076dc419, 0x706af48f,
0xe963a535, 0x9e6495a3, 0x0edb8832, 0x79dcb8a4, 0xe0d5e91e, 0x97d2d988,
0x09b64c2b, 0x7eb17cbd, 0xe7b82d07, 0x90bf1d91, 0x1db71064, 0x6ab020f2,
0xf3b97148, 0x84be41de, 0x1adad47d, 0x6ddde4eb, 0xf4d4b551, 0x83d385c7,
0x136c9856, 0x646ba8c0, 0xfd62f97a, 0x8a65c9ec, 0x14015c4f, 0x63066cd9,
0xfa0f3d63, 0x8d080df5, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x4c69105e, 0xd56041e4, 0xa2677172,
0x3c03e4d1, 0x4b04d447, 0xd20d85fd, 0xa50ab56b, 0x35b5a8fa, 0x42b2986c,
0xdbbbc9d6, 0xacbcf940, 0x32d86ce3, 0x45df5c75, 0xdcd60dcf, 0xabd13d59,
0x26d930ac, 0x51de003a, 0xc8d75180, 0xbfd06116, 0x21b4f4b5, 0x56b3c423,
0xcfba9599, 0xb8bda50f, 0x2802b89e, 0x5f058808, 0xc60cd9b2, 0xb10be924,
0x2f6f7c87, 0x58684c11, 0xc1611dab, 0xb6662d3d, 0x76dc4190, 0x01db7106,
0x98d220bc, 0xefd5102a, 0x71b18589, 0x06b6b51f, 0x9fbfe4a5, 0xe8b8d433,
0x7807c9a2, 0x0f00f934, 0x9609a88e, 0xe10e9818, 0x7f6a0dbb, 0x086d3d2d,
0x91646c97, 0xe6635c01, 0x6b6b51f4, 0x1c6c6162, 0x856530d8, 0xf262004e,
0x6c0695ed, 0x1b01a57b, 0x8208f4c1, 0xf50fc457, 0x65b0d9c6, 0x12b7e950,
0x8bbeb8ea, 0xfcb9887c, 0x62dd1ddf, 0x15da2d49, 0x8cd37cf3, 0xfbd44c65,
0x4db26158, 0x3ab551ce, 0xa3bc0074, 0xd4bb30e2, 0x4adfa541, 0x3dd895d7,
0xa4d1c46d, 0xd3d6f4fb, 0x4369e96a, 0x346ed9fc, 0xad678846, 0xda60b8d0,
0x44042d73, 0x33031de5, 0xaa0a4c5f, 0xdd0d7cc9, 0x5005713c, 0x270241aa,
0xbe0b1010, 0xc90c2086, 0x5768b525, 0x206f85b3, 0xb966d409, 0xce61e49f,
0x5edef90e, 0x29d9c998, 0xb0d09822, 0xc7d7a8b4, 0x59b33d17, 0x2eb40d81,
0xb7bd5c3b, 0xc0ba6cad, 0xedb88320, 0x9abfb3b6, 0x03b6e20c, 0x74b1d29a,
0xead54739, 0x9dd277af, 0x04db2615, 0x73dc1683, 0xe3630b12, 0x94643b84,
0x0d6d6a3e, 0x7a6a5aa8, 0xe40ecf0b, 0x9309ff9d, 0x0a00ae27, 0x7d079eb1,
0xf00f9344, 0x8708a3d2, 0x1e01f268, 0x6906c2fe, 0xf762575d, 0x806567cb,
0x196c3671, 0x6e6b06e7, 0xfed41b76, 0x89d32be0, 0x10da7a5a, 0x67dd4acc,
0xf9b9df6f, 0x8ebeeff9, 0x17b7be43, 0x60b08ed5, 0xd6d6a3e8, 0xa1d1937e,
0x38d8c2c4, 0x4fdff252, 0xd1bb67f1, 0xa6bc5767, 0x3fb506dd, 0x48b2364b,
0xd80d2bda, 0xaf0a1b4c, 0x36034af6, 0x41047a60, 0xdf60efc3, 0xa867df55,
0x316e8eef, 0x4669be79, 0xcb61b38c, 0xbc66831a, 0x256fd2a0, 0x5268e236,
0xcc0c7795, 0xbb0b4703, 0x220216b9, 0x5505262f, 0xc5ba3bbe, 0xb2bd0b28,
0x2bb45a92, 0x5cb36a04, 0xc2d7ffa7, 0xb5d0cf31, 0x2cd99e8b, 0x5bdeae1d,
0x9b64c2b0, 0xec63f226, 0x756aa39c, 0x026d930a, 0x9c0906a9, 0xeb0e363f,
0x72076785, 0x05005713, 0x95bf4a82, 0xe2b87a14, 0x7bb12bae, 0x0cb61b38,
0x92d28e9b, 0xe5d5be0d, 0x7cdcefb7, 0x0bdbdf21, 0x86d3d2d4, 0xf1d4e242,
0x68ddb3f8, 0x1fda836e, 0x81be16cd, 0xf6b9265b, 0x6fb077e1, 0x18b74777,
0x88085ae6, 0xff0f6a70, 0x66063bca, 0x11010b5c, 0x8f659eff, 0xf862ae69,
0x616bffd3, 0x166ccf45, 0xa00ae278, 0xd70dd2ee, 0x4e048354, 0x3903b3c2,
0xa7672661, 0xd06016f7, 0x4969474d, 0x3e6e77db, 0xaed16a4a, 0xd9d65adc,
0x40df0b66, 0x37d83bf0, 0xa9bcae53, 0xdebb9ec5, 0x47b2cf7f, 0x30b5ffe9,
0xbdbdf21c, 0xcabac28a, 0x53b39330, 0x24b4a3a6, 0xbad03605, 0xcdd70693,
0x54de5729, 0x23d967bf, 0xb3667a2e, 0xc4614ab8, 0x5d681b02, 0x2a6f2b94,
0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b, 0x2d02ef8d
inline uint32_t crc32_adjust(uint32_t crc32, uint8_t input) {
return ((crc32 >> 8) & 0x00ffffff) ^ crc32_table[(crc32 ^ input) & 0xff];
inline uint32_t crc32_calculate(const uint8_t *data, unsigned length) {
uint32_t crc32 = ~0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) {
crc32 = crc32_adjust(crc32, data[i]);
return ~crc32;

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@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
/* Compiler detection */
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
/* Platform detection */
#if defined(_WIN32)
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#elif defined(linux) || defined(__sun__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
#define PLATFORM_X
/* Endian detection */
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__amd64__) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_AMD64)
#define ARCH_LSB
#elif defined(__powerpc__) || defined(_M_PPC) || defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
#define ARCH_MSB

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@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
#include <nall/array.hpp>
#include <nall/string.hpp>
#include <nall/utility.hpp>
namespace nall {
class dictionary {
string operator[](const char *input) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < index_input.size(); i++) {
if(index_input[i] == input) return index_output[i];
//no match, use input; remove input identifier, if one exists
if(strbegin(input, "{{")) {
if(auto pos = strpos(input, "}}")) {
string temp = substr(input, pos() + 2);
return temp;
return input;
bool import(const char *filename) {
string data;
if(data.readfile(filename) == false) return false;
data.ltrim<1>("\xef\xbb\xbf"); //remove UTF-8 marker, if it exists
data.replace("\r", "");
lstring line;
line.split("\n", data);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < line.size(); i++) {
lstring part;
//format: "Input" = "Output"
part.qsplit("=", line[i]);
if(part.size() != 2) continue;
//remove whitespace
//remove quotes
unsigned n = index_input.size();
index_input[n] = part[0];
index_output[n] = part[1];
return true;
void reset() {
~dictionary() {
dictionary& operator=(const dictionary&) = delete;
dictionary(const dictionary&) = delete;
lstring index_input;
lstring index_output;

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@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
#include <nall/foreach.hpp>
#include <nall/sort.hpp>
#include <nall/string.hpp>
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <nall/utf8.hpp>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
namespace nall {
struct directory {
static bool exists(const string &pathname);
static lstring folders(const string &pathname, const string &pattern = "*");
static lstring files(const string &pathname, const string &pattern = "*");
static lstring contents(const string &pathname, const string &pattern = "*");
#if defined(_WIN32)
inline bool directory::exists(const string &pathname) {
DWORD result = GetFileAttributes(utf16_t(pathname));
if(result == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) return false;
inline lstring directory::folders(const string &pathname, const string &pattern) {
lstring list;
string path = pathname;
path.transform("/", "\\");
if(!strend(path, "\\")) path.append("\\");
HANDLE handle;
handle = FindFirstFile(utf16_t(path), &data);
if(handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
if(wcscmp(data.cFileName, L".") && wcscmp(data.cFileName, L"..")) {
if(data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
string name = utf8_t(data.cFileName);
if(wildcard(name, pattern)) list.append(string(name, "/"));
while(FindNextFile(handle, &data) != false) {
if(wcscmp(data.cFileName, L".") && wcscmp(data.cFileName, L"..")) {
if(data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
string name = utf8_t(data.cFileName);
if(wildcard(name, pattern)) list.append(string(name, "/"));
if(list.size() > 0) sort(&list[0], list.size());
return list;
inline lstring directory::files(const string &pathname, const string &pattern) {
lstring list;
string path = pathname;
path.transform("/", "\\");
if(!strend(path, "\\")) path.append("\\");
HANDLE handle;
handle = FindFirstFile(utf16_t(path), &data);
if(handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
if((data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) {
string name = utf8_t(data.cFileName);
if(wildcard(name, pattern)) list.append(name);
while(FindNextFile(handle, &data) != false) {
if((data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) {
string name = utf8_t(data.cFileName);
if(wildcard(name, pattern)) list.append(name);
if(list.size() > 0) sort(&list[0], list.size());
return list;
inline lstring directory::contents(const string &pathname, const string &pattern) {
lstring folders = directory::folders(pathname); //pattern search of contents() should only filter files
lstring files = directory::files(pathname, pattern);
foreach(file, files) folders.append(file);
return folders;
inline bool directory::exists(const string &pathname) {
DIR *dp = opendir(pathname);
if(!dp) return false;
return true;
inline lstring directory::folders(const string &pathname, const string &pattern) {
lstring list;
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *ep;
dp = opendir(pathname);
if(dp) {
while(ep = readdir(dp)) {
if(!strcmp(ep->d_name, ".")) continue;
if(!strcmp(ep->d_name, "..")) continue;
if(ep->d_type & DT_DIR) {
if(wildcard(ep->d_name, pattern)) list.append(string(ep->d_name, "/"));
if(list.size() > 0) sort(&list[0], list.size());
return list;
inline lstring directory::files(const string &pathname, const string &pattern) {
lstring list;
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *ep;
dp = opendir(pathname);
if(dp) {
while(ep = readdir(dp)) {
if(!strcmp(ep->d_name, ".")) continue;
if(!strcmp(ep->d_name, "..")) continue;
if((ep->d_type & DT_DIR) == 0) {
if(wildcard(ep->d_name, pattern)) list.append(ep->d_name);
if(list.size() > 0) sort(&list[0], list.size());
return list;
inline lstring directory::contents(const string &pathname, const string &pattern) {
lstring folders = directory::folders(pathname); //pattern search of contents() should only filter files
lstring files = directory::files(pathname, pattern);
foreach(file, files) folders.append(file);
return folders;

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@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
#ifndef NALL_DL_HPP
#define NALL_DL_HPP
//dynamic linking support
#include <nall/detect.hpp>
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
#include <nall/string.hpp>
#include <nall/utility.hpp>
#if defined(PLATFORM_X) || defined(PLATFORM_OSX)
#include <dlfcn.h>
#elif defined(PLATFORM_WIN)
#include <windows.h>
#include <nall/utf8.hpp>
namespace nall {
struct library {
bool opened() const { return handle; }
bool open(const char*, const char* = "");
bool open_absolute(const char*);
void* sym(const char*);
void close();
library() : handle(0) {}
~library() { close(); }
library& operator=(const library&) = delete;
library(const library&) = delete;
uintptr_t handle;
#if defined(PLATFORM_X)
inline bool library::open(const char *name, const char *path) {
if(handle) close();
handle = (uintptr_t)dlopen(string(path, *path && !strend(path, "/") ? "/" : "", "lib", name, ".so"), RTLD_LAZY);
if(!handle) handle = (uintptr_t)dlopen(string("/usr/local/lib/lib", name, ".so"), RTLD_LAZY);
return handle;
inline bool library::open_absolute(const char *name) {
if(handle) close();
handle = (uintptr_t)dlopen(name, RTLD_LAZY);
return handle;
inline void* library::sym(const char *name) {
if(!handle) return 0;
return dlsym((void*)handle, name);
inline void library::close() {
if(!handle) return;
handle = 0;
#elif defined(PLATFORM_OSX)
inline bool library::open(const char *name, const char *path) {
if(handle) close();
handle = (uintptr_t)dlopen(string(path, *path && !strend(path, "/") ? "/" : "", "lib", name, ".dylib"), RTLD_LAZY);
if(!handle) handle = (uintptr_t)dlopen(string("/usr/local/lib/lib", name, ".dylib"), RTLD_LAZY);
return handle;
inline bool library::open_absolute(const char *name) {
if(handle) close();
handle = (uintptr_t)dlopen(name, RTLD_LAZY);
return handle;
inline void* library::sym(const char *name) {
if(!handle) return 0;
return dlsym((void*)handle, name);
inline void library::close() {
if(!handle) return;
handle = 0;
#elif defined(PLATFORM_WIN)
inline bool library::open(const char *name, const char *path) {
if(handle) close();
string filepath(path, *path && !strend(path, "/") && !strend(path, "\\") ? "\\" : "", name, ".dll");
handle = (uintptr_t)LoadLibraryW(utf16_t(filepath));
return handle;
inline bool library::open_absolute(const char *name) {
if(handle) close();
handle = (uintptr_t)LoadLibraryW(utf16_t(name));
return handle;
inline void* library::sym(const char *name) {
if(!handle) return 0;
return (void*)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)handle, name);
inline void library::close() {
if(!handle) return;
handle = 0;
inline bool library::open(const char*, const char*) { return false; }
inline void* library::sym(const char*) { return 0; }
inline void library::close() {}

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@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
#if !defined(ARCH_MSB)
//little-endian: uint8_t[] { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 } == 0x04030201
#define order_lsb2(a,b) a,b
#define order_lsb3(a,b,c) a,b,c
#define order_lsb4(a,b,c,d) a,b,c,d
#define order_lsb5(a,b,c,d,e) a,b,c,d,e
#define order_lsb6(a,b,c,d,e,f) a,b,c,d,e,f
#define order_lsb7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) a,b,c,d,e,f,g
#define order_lsb8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h
#define order_msb2(a,b) b,a
#define order_msb3(a,b,c) c,b,a
#define order_msb4(a,b,c,d) d,c,b,a
#define order_msb5(a,b,c,d,e) e,d,c,b,a
#define order_msb6(a,b,c,d,e,f) f,e,d,c,b,a
#define order_msb7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) g,f,e,d,c,b,a
#define order_msb8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) h,g,f,e,d,c,b,a
//big-endian: uint8_t[] { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 } == 0x01020304
#define order_lsb2(a,b) b,a
#define order_lsb3(a,b,c) c,b,a
#define order_lsb4(a,b,c,d) d,c,b,a
#define order_lsb5(a,b,c,d,e) e,d,c,b,a
#define order_lsb6(a,b,c,d,e,f) f,e,d,c,b,a
#define order_lsb7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) g,f,e,d,c,b,a
#define order_lsb8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) h,g,f,e,d,c,b,a
#define order_msb2(a,b) a,b
#define order_msb3(a,b,c) a,b,c
#define order_msb4(a,b,c,d) a,b,c,d
#define order_msb5(a,b,c,d,e) a,b,c,d,e
#define order_msb6(a,b,c,d,e,f) a,b,c,d,e,f
#define order_msb7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) a,b,c,d,e,f,g
#define order_msb8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h

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@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#if !defined(_WIN32)
#include <unistd.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
#include <nall/string.hpp>
#include <nall/utf8.hpp>
#include <nall/utility.hpp>
namespace nall {
inline FILE* fopen_utf8(const char *utf8_filename, const char *mode) {
#if !defined(_WIN32)
return fopen(utf8_filename, mode);
return _wfopen(utf16_t(utf8_filename), utf16_t(mode));
class file {
enum class mode : unsigned { read, write, readwrite, writeread };
enum class index : unsigned { absolute, relative };
uint8_t read() {
if(!fp) return 0xff; //file not open
if(file_mode == mode::write) return 0xff; //reads not permitted
if(file_offset >= file_size) return 0xff; //cannot read past end of file
return buffer[(file_offset++) & buffer_mask];
uintmax_t readl(unsigned length = 1) {
uintmax_t data = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
data |= (uintmax_t)read() << (i << 3);
return data;
uintmax_t readm(unsigned length = 1) {
uintmax_t data = 0;
while(length--) {
data <<= 8;
data |= read();
return data;
void read(uint8_t *buffer, unsigned length) {
while(length--) *buffer++ = read();
void write(uint8_t data) {
if(!fp) return; //file not open
if(file_mode == mode::read) return; //writes not permitted
buffer[(file_offset++) & buffer_mask] = data;
buffer_dirty = true;
if(file_offset > file_size) file_size = file_offset;
void writel(uintmax_t data, unsigned length = 1) {
while(length--) {
data >>= 8;
void writem(uintmax_t data, unsigned length = 1) {
for(int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
write(data >> (i << 3));
void write(const uint8_t *buffer, unsigned length) {
while(length--) write(*buffer++);
template<typename... Args> void print(Args... args) {
string data(args...);
const char *p = data;
while(*p) write(*p++);
void flush() {
void seek(int offset, index index_ = index::absolute) {
if(!fp) return; //file not open
uintmax_t req_offset = file_offset;
switch(index_) {
case index::absolute: req_offset = offset; break;
case index::relative: req_offset += offset; break;
if(req_offset < 0) req_offset = 0; //cannot seek before start of file
if(req_offset > file_size) {
if(file_mode == mode::read) { //cannot seek past end of file
req_offset = file_size;
} else { //pad file to requested location
file_offset = file_size;
while(file_size < req_offset) write(0x00);
file_offset = req_offset;
int offset() {
if(!fp) return -1; //file not open
return file_offset;
int size() {
if(!fp) return -1; //file not open
return file_size;
bool truncate(unsigned size) {
if(!fp) return false; //file not open
#if !defined(_WIN32)
return ftruncate(fileno(fp), size) == 0;
return _chsize(fileno(fp), size) == 0;
bool end() {
if(!fp) return true; //file not open
return file_offset >= file_size;
static bool exists(const char *fn) {
#if !defined(_WIN32)
FILE *fp = fopen(fn, "rb");
FILE *fp = _wfopen(utf16_t(fn), L"rb");
if(fp) {
return true;
return false;
static unsigned size(const char *fn) {
#if !defined(_WIN32)
FILE *fp = fopen(fn, "rb");
FILE *fp = _wfopen(utf16_t(fn), L"rb");
unsigned filesize = 0;
if(fp) {
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
filesize = ftell(fp);
return filesize;
bool open() {
return fp;
bool open(const char *fn, mode mode_) {
if(fp) return false;
switch(file_mode = mode_) {
#if !defined(_WIN32)
case mode::read: fp = fopen(fn, "rb"); break;
case mode::write: fp = fopen(fn, "wb+"); break; //need read permission for buffering
case mode::readwrite: fp = fopen(fn, "rb+"); break;
case mode::writeread: fp = fopen(fn, "wb+"); break;
case mode::read: fp = _wfopen(utf16_t(fn), L"rb"); break;
case mode::write: fp = _wfopen(utf16_t(fn), L"wb+"); break;
case mode::readwrite: fp = _wfopen(utf16_t(fn), L"rb+"); break;
case mode::writeread: fp = _wfopen(utf16_t(fn), L"wb+"); break;
if(!fp) return false;
buffer_offset = -1; //invalidate buffer
file_offset = 0;
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
file_size = ftell(fp);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
return true;
void close() {
if(!fp) return;
fp = 0;
file() {
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof buffer);
buffer_offset = -1;
buffer_dirty = false;
fp = 0;
file_offset = 0;
file_size = 0;
file_mode = mode::read;
~file() {
file& operator=(const file&) = delete;
file(const file&) = delete;
enum { buffer_size = 1 << 12, buffer_mask = buffer_size - 1 };
char buffer[buffer_size];
int buffer_offset;
bool buffer_dirty;
FILE *fp;
unsigned file_offset;
unsigned file_size;
mode file_mode;
void buffer_sync() {
if(!fp) return; //file not open
if(buffer_offset != (file_offset & ~buffer_mask)) {
buffer_offset = file_offset & ~buffer_mask;
fseek(fp, buffer_offset, SEEK_SET);
unsigned length = (buffer_offset + buffer_size) <= file_size ? buffer_size : (file_size & buffer_mask);
if(length) unsigned unused = fread(buffer, 1, length, fp);
void buffer_flush() {
if(!fp) return; //file not open
if(file_mode == mode::read) return; //buffer cannot be written to
if(buffer_offset < 0) return; //buffer unused
if(buffer_dirty == false) return; //buffer unmodified since read
fseek(fp, buffer_offset, SEEK_SET);
unsigned length = (buffer_offset + buffer_size) <= file_size ? buffer_size : (file_size & buffer_mask);
if(length) unsigned unused = fwrite(buffer, 1, length, fp);
buffer_offset = -1; //invalidate buffer
buffer_dirty = false;

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@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
#include <nall/utf8.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <windows.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
namespace nall {
class filemap {
enum class mode : unsigned { read, write, readwrite, writeread };
bool opened() const { return p_opened(); }
bool open(const char *filename, mode mode_) { return p_open(filename, mode_); }
void close() { return p_close(); }
unsigned size() const { return p_size; }
uint8_t* data() { return p_handle; }
const uint8_t* data() const { return p_handle; }
filemap() : p_size(0), p_handle(0) { p_ctor(); }
filemap(const char *filename, mode mode_) : p_size(0), p_handle(0) { p_ctor(); p_open(filename, mode_); }
~filemap() { p_dtor(); }
unsigned p_size;
uint8_t *p_handle;
#if defined(_WIN32)
HANDLE p_filehandle, p_maphandle;
bool p_opened() const {
return p_handle;
bool p_open(const char *filename, mode mode_) {
int desired_access, creation_disposition, flprotect, map_access;
switch(mode_) {
default: return false;
case mode::read:
desired_access = GENERIC_READ;
creation_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING;
flprotect = PAGE_READONLY;
map_access = FILE_MAP_READ;
case mode::write:
//write access requires read access
desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE;
creation_disposition = CREATE_ALWAYS;
flprotect = PAGE_READWRITE;
map_access = FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS;
case mode::readwrite:
desired_access = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE;
creation_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING;
flprotect = PAGE_READWRITE;
map_access = FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS;
case mode::writeread:
desired_access = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE;
creation_disposition = CREATE_NEW;
flprotect = PAGE_READWRITE;
map_access = FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS;
p_filehandle = CreateFileW(utf16_t(filename), desired_access, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL,
creation_disposition, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
if(p_filehandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false;
p_size = GetFileSize(p_filehandle, NULL);
p_maphandle = CreateFileMapping(p_filehandle, NULL, flprotect, 0, p_size, NULL);
if(p_maphandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
p_filehandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
return false;
p_handle = (uint8_t*)MapViewOfFile(p_maphandle, map_access, 0, 0, p_size);
return p_handle;
void p_close() {
if(p_handle) {
p_handle = 0;
if(p_maphandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
if(p_filehandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
p_filehandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
void p_ctor() {
p_filehandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
void p_dtor() {
int p_fd;
bool p_opened() const {
return p_handle;
bool p_open(const char *filename, mode mode_) {
int open_flags, mmap_flags;
switch(mode_) {
default: return false;
case mode::read:
open_flags = O_RDONLY;
mmap_flags = PROT_READ;
case mode::write:
open_flags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT; //mmap() requires read access
mmap_flags = PROT_WRITE;
case mode::readwrite:
open_flags = O_RDWR;
mmap_flags = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE;
case mode::writeread:
open_flags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
mmap_flags = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE;
p_fd = ::open(filename, open_flags, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP);
if(p_fd < 0) return false;
struct stat p_stat;
fstat(p_fd, &p_stat);
p_size = p_stat.st_size;
p_handle = (uint8_t*)mmap(0, p_size, mmap_flags, MAP_SHARED, p_fd, 0);
if(p_handle == MAP_FAILED) {
p_handle = 0;
p_fd = -1;
return false;
return p_handle;
void p_close() {
if(p_handle) {
munmap(p_handle, p_size);
p_handle = 0;
if(p_fd >= 0) {
p_fd = -1;
void p_ctor() {
p_fd = -1;
void p_dtor() {

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
#include <type_traits>
#include <nall/concept.hpp>
#undef foreach
#define foreach(iter, object) \
for(unsigned foreach_counter = 0, foreach_limit = container_size(object), foreach_once = 0, foreach_broken = 0; foreach_counter < foreach_limit && foreach_broken == 0; foreach_counter++, foreach_once = 0) \
for(auto &iter = object[foreach_counter]; foreach_once == 0 && (foreach_broken = 1); foreach_once++, foreach_broken = 0)

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@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
template<typename T> class function;
template<typename R, typename... P> class function<R (P...)> {
struct container {
virtual R operator()(P... p) const = 0;
virtual container* copy() const = 0;
virtual ~container() {}
} *callback;
struct global : container {
R (*function)(P...);
R operator()(P... p) const { return function(std::forward<P>(p)...); }
container* copy() const { return new global(function); }
global(R (*function)(P...)) : function(function) {}
template<typename C> struct member : container {
R (C::*function)(P...);
C *object;
R operator()(P... p) const { return (object->*function)(std::forward<P>(p)...); }
container* copy() const { return new member(function, object); }
member(R (C::*function)(P...), C *object) : function(function), object(object) {}
template<typename L> struct lambda : container {
mutable L object;
R operator()(P... p) const { return object(std::forward<P>(p)...); }
container* copy() const { return new lambda(object); }
lambda(const L& object) : object(object) {}
operator bool() const { return callback; }
R operator()(P... p) const { return (*callback)(std::forward<P>(p)...); }
void reset() { if(callback) { delete callback; callback = 0; } }
function& operator=(const function &source) {
if(this != &source) {
if(callback) { delete callback; callback = 0; }
if(source.callback) callback = source.callback->copy();
return *this;
function(const function &source) : callback(0) { operator=(source); }
function() : callback(0) {}
function(void *function) : callback(0) { if(function) callback = new global((R (*)(P...))function); }
function(R (*function)(P...)) { callback = new global(function); }
template<typename C> function(R (C::*function)(P...), C *object) { callback = new member<C>(function, object); }
template<typename C> function(R (C::*function)(P...) const, C *object) { callback = new member<C>((R (C::*)(P...))function, object); }
template<typename L> function(const L& object) { callback = new lambda<L>(object); }
~function() { if(callback) delete callback; }

View File

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
class GameBoyCartridge {
string xml;
inline GameBoyCartridge(const uint8_t *data, unsigned size);
struct Information {
string mapper;
bool ram;
bool battery;
bool rtc;
bool rumble;
unsigned romsize;
unsigned ramsize;
} info;
GameBoyCartridge::GameBoyCartridge(const uint8_t *romdata, unsigned romsize) {
xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
if(romsize < 0x4000) return;
info.mapper = "unknown";
info.ram = false;
info.battery = false;
info.rtc = false;
info.rumble = false;
info.romsize = 0;
info.ramsize = 0;
switch(romdata[0x0147]) {
case 0x00: info.mapper = "none"; break;
case 0x01: info.mapper = "MBC1"; break;
case 0x02: info.mapper = "MBC1"; info.ram = true; break;
case 0x03: info.mapper = "MBC1"; info.ram = true; info.battery = true; break;
case 0x05: info.mapper = "MBC2"; info.ram = true; break;
case 0x06: info.mapper = "MBC2"; info.ram = true; info.battery = true; break;
case 0x08: info.mapper = "none"; info.ram = true; break;
case 0x09: info.mapper = "MBC0"; info.ram = true; info.battery = true; break;
case 0x0b: info.mapper = "MMM01"; break;
case 0x0c: info.mapper = "MMM01"; info.ram = true; break;
case 0x0d: info.mapper = "MMM01"; info.ram = true; info.battery = true; break;
case 0x0f: info.mapper = "MBC3"; info.rtc = true; info.battery = true; break;
case 0x10: info.mapper = "MBC3"; info.rtc = true; info.ram = true; info.battery = true; break;
case 0x11: info.mapper = "MBC3"; break;
case 0x12: info.mapper = "MBC3"; info.ram = true; break;
case 0x13: info.mapper = "MBC3"; info.ram = true; info.battery = true; break;
case 0x19: info.mapper = "MBC5"; break;
case 0x1a: info.mapper = "MBC5"; info.ram = true; break;
case 0x1b: info.mapper = "MBC5"; info.ram = true; info.battery = true; break;
case 0x1c: info.mapper = "MBC5"; info.rumble = true; break;
case 0x1d: info.mapper = "MBC5"; info.rumble = true; info.ram = true; break;
case 0x1e: info.mapper = "MBC5"; info.rumble = true; info.ram = true; info.battery = true; break;
case 0xfc: break; //Pocket Camera
case 0xfd: break; //Bandai TAMA5
case 0xfe: info.mapper = "HuC3"; break;
case 0xff: info.mapper = "HuC1"; info.ram = true; info.battery = true; break;
switch(romdata[0x0148]) { default:
case 0x00: info.romsize = 2 * 16 * 1024; break;
case 0x01: info.romsize = 4 * 16 * 1024; break;
case 0x02: info.romsize = 8 * 16 * 1024; break;
case 0x03: info.romsize = 16 * 16 * 1024; break;
case 0x04: info.romsize = 32 * 16 * 1024; break;
case 0x05: info.romsize = 64 * 16 * 1024; break;
case 0x06: info.romsize = 128 * 16 * 1024; break;
case 0x07: info.romsize = 256 * 16 * 1024; break;
case 0x52: info.romsize = 72 * 16 * 1024; break;
case 0x53: info.romsize = 80 * 16 * 1024; break;
case 0x54: info.romsize = 96 * 16 * 1024; break;
switch(romdata[0x0149]) { default:
case 0x00: info.ramsize = 0 * 1024; break;
case 0x01: info.ramsize = 2 * 1024; break;
case 0x02: info.ramsize = 8 * 1024; break;
case 0x03: info.ramsize = 32 * 1024; break;
if(info.mapper == "MBC2") info.ramsize = 512; //512 x 4-bit
xml << "<cartridge mapper='" << info.mapper << "'";
if(info.rtc) xml << " rtc='true'";
if(info.rumble) xml << " rumble='true'";
xml << ">\n";
xml << " <rom size='" << hex(romsize) << "'/>\n"; //TODO: trust/check info.romsize?
if(info.ramsize > 0)
xml << " <ram size='" << hex(info.ramsize) << "' battery='" << info.battery << "'/>\n";
xml << "</cartridge>\n";
xml.transform("'", "\"");

View File

@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
#include <nall/string.hpp>
namespace nall {
struct Keyboard;
Keyboard& keyboard(unsigned = 0);
static const char KeyboardScancodeName[][64] = {
"Escape", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", "F11", "F12",
"PrintScreen", "ScrollLock", "Pause", "Tilde",
"Num1", "Num2", "Num3", "Num4", "Num5", "Num6", "Num7", "Num8", "Num9", "Num0",
"Dash", "Equal", "Backspace",
"Insert", "Delete", "Home", "End", "PageUp", "PageDown",
"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M",
"N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",
"LeftBracket", "RightBracket", "Backslash", "Semicolon", "Apostrophe", "Comma", "Period", "Slash",
"Keypad1", "Keypad2", "Keypad3", "Keypad4", "Keypad5", "Keypad6", "Keypad7", "Keypad8", "Keypad9", "Keypad0",
"Point", "Enter", "Add", "Subtract", "Multiply", "Divide",
"NumLock", "CapsLock",
"Up", "Down", "Left", "Right",
"Tab", "Return", "Spacebar", "Menu",
"Shift", "Control", "Alt", "Super",
struct Keyboard {
const unsigned ID;
enum { Base = 1 };
enum { Count = 8, Size = 128 };
enum Scancode {
Escape, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12,
PrintScreen, ScrollLock, Pause, Tilde,
Num1, Num2, Num3, Num4, Num5, Num6, Num7, Num8, Num9, Num0,
Dash, Equal, Backspace,
Insert, Delete, Home, End, PageUp, PageDown,
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M,
N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,
LeftBracket, RightBracket, Backslash, Semicolon, Apostrophe, Comma, Period, Slash,
Keypad1, Keypad2, Keypad3, Keypad4, Keypad5, Keypad6, Keypad7, Keypad8, Keypad9, Keypad0,
Point, Enter, Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide,
NumLock, CapsLock,
Up, Down, Left, Right,
Tab, Return, Spacebar, Menu,
Shift, Control, Alt, Super,
static signed numberDecode(uint16_t scancode) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(keyboard(i).belongsTo(scancode)) return i;
return -1;
static signed keyDecode(uint16_t scancode) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(keyboard(i).isKey(scancode)) return scancode - keyboard(i).key(Escape);
return -1;
static signed modifierDecode(uint16_t scancode) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(keyboard(i).isModifier(scancode)) return scancode - keyboard(i).key(Shift);
return -1;
static bool isAnyKey(uint16_t scancode) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(keyboard(i).isKey(scancode)) return true;
return false;
static bool isAnyModifier(uint16_t scancode) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(keyboard(i).isModifier(scancode)) return true;
return false;
static uint16_t decode(const char *name) {
string s(name);
if(!strbegin(name, "KB")) return 0;
unsigned id = decimal(s);
auto pos = strpos(s, "::");
if(!pos) return 0;
s = substr(s, pos() + 2);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Limit; i++) {
if(s == KeyboardScancodeName[i]) return Base + Size * id + i;
return 0;
string encode(uint16_t code) const {
unsigned index = 0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(code >= Base + Size * i && code < Base + Size * (i + 1)) {
index = code - (Base + Size * i);
return string() << "KB" << ID << "::" << KeyboardScancodeName[index];
uint16_t operator[](Scancode code) const { return Base + ID * Size + code; }
uint16_t key(unsigned id) const { return Base + Size * ID + id; }
bool isKey(unsigned id) const { return id >= key(Escape) && id <= key(Menu); }
bool isModifier(unsigned id) const { return id >= key(Shift) && id <= key(Super); }
bool belongsTo(uint16_t scancode) const { return isKey(scancode) || isModifier(scancode); }
Keyboard(unsigned ID_) : ID(ID_) {}
inline Keyboard& keyboard(unsigned id) {
static Keyboard kb0(0), kb1(1), kb2(2), kb3(3), kb4(4), kb5(5), kb6(6), kb7(7);
switch(id) { default:
case 0: return kb0; case 1: return kb1; case 2: return kb2; case 3: return kb3;
case 4: return kb4; case 5: return kb5; case 6: return kb6; case 7: return kb7;
static const char MouseScancodeName[][64] = {
"Xaxis", "Yaxis", "Zaxis",
"Button0", "Button1", "Button2", "Button3", "Button4", "Button5", "Button6", "Button7",
struct Mouse;
Mouse& mouse(unsigned = 0);
struct Mouse {
const unsigned ID;
enum { Base = Keyboard::Base + Keyboard::Size * Keyboard::Count };
enum { Count = 8, Size = 16 };
enum { Axes = 3, Buttons = 8 };
enum Scancode {
Xaxis, Yaxis, Zaxis,
Button0, Button1, Button2, Button3, Button4, Button5, Button6, Button7,
static signed numberDecode(uint16_t scancode) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(mouse(i).belongsTo(scancode)) return i;
return -1;
static signed axisDecode(uint16_t scancode) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(mouse(i).isAxis(scancode)) return scancode - mouse(i).axis(0);
return -1;
static signed buttonDecode(uint16_t scancode) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(mouse(i).isButton(scancode)) return scancode - mouse(i).button(0);
return -1;
static bool isAnyAxis(uint16_t scancode) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(mouse(i).isAxis(scancode)) return true;
return false;
static bool isAnyButton(uint16_t scancode) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(mouse(i).isButton(scancode)) return true;
return false;
static uint16_t decode(const char *name) {
string s(name);
if(!strbegin(name, "MS")) return 0;
unsigned id = decimal(s);
auto pos = strpos(s, "::");
if(!pos) return 0;
s = substr(s, pos() + 2);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Limit; i++) {
if(s == MouseScancodeName[i]) return Base + Size * id + i;
return 0;
string encode(uint16_t code) const {
unsigned index = 0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(code >= Base + Size * i && code < Base + Size * (i + 1)) {
index = code - (Base + Size * i);
return string() << "MS" << ID << "::" << MouseScancodeName[index];
uint16_t operator[](Scancode code) const { return Base + ID * Size + code; }
uint16_t axis(unsigned id) const { return Base + Size * ID + Xaxis + id; }
uint16_t button(unsigned id) const { return Base + Size * ID + Button0 + id; }
bool isAxis(unsigned id) const { return id >= axis(0) && id <= axis(2); }
bool isButton(unsigned id) const { return id >= button(0) && id <= button(7); }
bool belongsTo(uint16_t scancode) const { return isAxis(scancode) || isButton(scancode); }
Mouse(unsigned ID_) : ID(ID_) {}
inline Mouse& mouse(unsigned id) {
static Mouse ms0(0), ms1(1), ms2(2), ms3(3), ms4(4), ms5(5), ms6(6), ms7(7);
switch(id) { default:
case 0: return ms0; case 1: return ms1; case 2: return ms2; case 3: return ms3;
case 4: return ms4; case 5: return ms5; case 6: return ms6; case 7: return ms7;
static const char JoypadScancodeName[][64] = {
"Hat0", "Hat1", "Hat2", "Hat3", "Hat4", "Hat5", "Hat6", "Hat7",
"Axis0", "Axis1", "Axis2", "Axis3", "Axis4", "Axis5", "Axis6", "Axis7",
"Axis8", "Axis9", "Axis10", "Axis11", "Axis12", "Axis13", "Axis14", "Axis15",
"Button0", "Button1", "Button2", "Button3", "Button4", "Button5", "Button6", "Button7",
"Button8", "Button9", "Button10", "Button11", "Button12", "Button13", "Button14", "Button15",
"Button16", "Button17", "Button18", "Button19", "Button20", "Button21", "Button22", "Button23",
"Button24", "Button25", "Button26", "Button27", "Button28", "Button29", "Button30", "Button31",
struct Joypad;
Joypad& joypad(unsigned = 0);
struct Joypad {
const unsigned ID;
enum { Base = Mouse::Base + Mouse::Size * Mouse::Count };
enum { Count = 8, Size = 64 };
enum { Hats = 8, Axes = 16, Buttons = 32 };
enum Scancode {
Hat0, Hat1, Hat2, Hat3, Hat4, Hat5, Hat6, Hat7,
Axis0, Axis1, Axis2, Axis3, Axis4, Axis5, Axis6, Axis7,
Axis8, Axis9, Axis10, Axis11, Axis12, Axis13, Axis14, Axis15,
Button0, Button1, Button2, Button3, Button4, Button5, Button6, Button7,
Button8, Button9, Button10, Button11, Button12, Button13, Button14, Button15,
Button16, Button17, Button18, Button19, Button20, Button21, Button22, Button23,
Button24, Button25, Button26, Button27, Button28, Button29, Button30, Button31,
enum Hat { HatCenter = 0, HatUp = 1, HatRight = 2, HatDown = 4, HatLeft = 8 };
static signed numberDecode(uint16_t scancode) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(joypad(i).belongsTo(scancode)) return i;
return -1;
static signed hatDecode(uint16_t scancode) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(joypad(i).isHat(scancode)) return scancode - joypad(i).hat(0);
return -1;
static signed axisDecode(uint16_t scancode) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(joypad(i).isAxis(scancode)) return scancode - joypad(i).axis(0);
return -1;
static signed buttonDecode(uint16_t scancode) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(joypad(i).isButton(scancode)) return scancode - joypad(i).button(0);
return -1;
static bool isAnyHat(uint16_t scancode) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(joypad(i).isHat(scancode)) return true;
return false;
static bool isAnyAxis(uint16_t scancode) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(joypad(i).isAxis(scancode)) return true;
return false;
static bool isAnyButton(uint16_t scancode) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(joypad(i).isButton(scancode)) return true;
return false;
static uint16_t decode(const char *name) {
string s(name);
if(!strbegin(name, "JP")) return 0;
unsigned id = decimal(s);
auto pos = strpos(s, "::");
if(!pos) return 0;
s = substr(s, pos() + 2);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Limit; i++) {
if(s == JoypadScancodeName[i]) return Base + Size * id + i;
return 0;
string encode(uint16_t code) const {
unsigned index = 0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if(code >= Base + Size * i && code < Base + Size * (i + 1)) {
index = code - (Base + Size * i);
return string() << "JP" << ID << "::" << JoypadScancodeName[index];
uint16_t operator[](Scancode code) const { return Base + ID * Size + code; }
uint16_t hat(unsigned id) const { return Base + Size * ID + Hat0 + id; }
uint16_t axis(unsigned id) const { return Base + Size * ID + Axis0 + id; }
uint16_t button(unsigned id) const { return Base + Size * ID + Button0 + id; }
bool isHat(unsigned id) const { return id >= hat(0) && id <= hat(7); }
bool isAxis(unsigned id) const { return id >= axis(0) && id <= axis(15); }
bool isButton(unsigned id) const { return id >= button(0) && id <= button(31); }
bool belongsTo(uint16_t scancode) const { return isHat(scancode) || isAxis(scancode) || isButton(scancode); }
Joypad(unsigned ID_) : ID(ID_) {}
inline Joypad& joypad(unsigned id) {
static Joypad jp0(0), jp1(1), jp2(2), jp3(3), jp4(4), jp5(5), jp6(6), jp7(7);
switch(id) { default:
case 0: return jp0; case 1: return jp1; case 2: return jp2; case 3: return jp3;
case 4: return jp4; case 5: return jp5; case 6: return jp6; case 7: return jp7;
struct Scancode {
enum { None = 0, Limit = Joypad::Base + Joypad::Size * Joypad::Count };
static uint16_t decode(const char *name) {
uint16_t code;
code = Keyboard::decode(name);
if(code) return code;
code = Mouse::decode(name);
if(code) return code;
code = Joypad::decode(name);
if(code) return code;
return None;
static string encode(uint16_t code) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Keyboard::Count; i++) {
if(keyboard(i).belongsTo(code)) return keyboard(i).encode(code);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Mouse::Count; i++) {
if(mouse(i).belongsTo(code)) return mouse(i).encode(code);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Joypad::Count; i++) {
if(joypad(i).belongsTo(code)) return joypad(i).encode(code);
return "None";

View File

@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
#include <nall/array.hpp>
#include <nall/new.hpp>
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
namespace nall {
class lzss {
static bool encode(uint8_t *&output, unsigned &outlength, const uint8_t *input, unsigned inlength) {
output = new(zeromemory) uint8_t[inlength * 9 / 8 + 9];
unsigned i = 0, o = 0;
while(i < inlength) {
unsigned flagoffset = o++;
uint8_t flag = 0x00;
for(unsigned b = 0; b < 8 && i < inlength; b++) {
unsigned longest = 0, pointer;
for(unsigned index = 1; index < 4096; index++) {
unsigned count = 0;
while(true) {
if(count >= 15 + 3) break; //verify pattern match is not longer than max length
if(i + count >= inlength) break; //verify pattern match does not read past end of input
if(i + count < index) break; //verify read is not before start of input
if(input[i + count] != input[i + count - index]) break; //verify pattern still matches
if(count > longest) {
longest = count;
pointer = index;
if(longest < 3) output[o++] = input[i++];
else {
flag |= 1 << b;
uint16_t x = ((longest - 3) << 12) + pointer;
output[o++] = x;
output[o++] = x >> 8;
i += longest;
output[flagoffset] = flag;
outlength = o;
return true;
static bool decode(uint8_t *&output, const uint8_t *input, unsigned length) {
output = new(zeromemory) uint8_t[length];
unsigned i = 0, o = 0;
while(o < length) {
uint8_t flag = input[i++];
for(unsigned b = 0; b < 8 && o < length; b++) {
if(!(flag & (1 << b))) output[o++] = input[i++];
else {
uint16_t offset = input[i++];
offset += input[i++] << 8;
uint16_t lookuplength = (offset >> 12) + 3;
offset &= 4095;
for(unsigned index = 0; index < lookuplength && o + index < length; index++) {
output[o + index] = output[o + index - offset];
o += lookuplength;
return true;

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
#include <nall/serializer.hpp>
namespace nall {
template<typename T, int size> class modulo_array {
inline T operator[](int index) const {
return buffer[size + index];
inline T read(int index) const {
return buffer[size + index];
inline void write(unsigned index, const T value) {
buffer[index] =
buffer[index + size] =
buffer[index + size + size] = value;
void serialize(serializer &s) {
s.array(buffer, size * 3);
modulo_array() {
buffer = new T[size * 3]();
~modulo_array() {
delete[] buffer;
T *buffer;

View File

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
#include <nall/utf8.hpp>
//standard platform headers
#include <limits>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <io.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#undef interface
#define dllexport __declspec(dllexport)
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#define dllexport
//warning supression
//Visual C++
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
//disable libc "deprecation" warnings
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
//POSIX compliance
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define va_copy(dest, src) ((dest) = (src))
#if defined(_WIN32)
#define getcwd _getcwd
#define ftruncate _chsize
#define putenv _putenv
#define mkdir(n, m) _wmkdir(nall::utf16_t(n))
#define rmdir _rmdir
#define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
#define usleep(n) Sleep(n / 1000)
//inline expansion
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#define noinline __attribute__((noinline))
#define inline inline
#define alwaysinline inline __attribute__((always_inline))
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define noinline __declspec(noinline)
#define inline inline
#define alwaysinline inline __forceinline
#define noinline
#define inline inline
#define alwaysinline inline
//file system functionality
#if defined(_WIN32)
inline char* realpath(const char *filename, char *resolvedname) {
wchar_t fn[_MAX_PATH] = L"";
_wfullpath(fn, nall::utf16_t(filename), _MAX_PATH);
strcpy(resolvedname, nall::utf8_t(fn));
return resolvedname;
inline char* userpath(char *path) {
wchar_t fp[_MAX_PATH] = L"";
strcpy(path, nall::utf8_t(fp));
return path;
inline char* getcwd(char *path) {
wchar_t fp[_MAX_PATH] = L"";
_wgetcwd(fp, _MAX_PATH);
strcpy(path, nall::utf8_t(fp));
return path;
//realpath() already exists
inline char* userpath(char *path) {
*path = 0;
struct passwd *userinfo = getpwuid(getuid());
if(userinfo) strcpy(path, userinfo->pw_dir);
return path;
inline char *getcwd(char *path) {
return getcwd(path, PATH_MAX);

View File

@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
#include <limits>
#include <nall/function.hpp>
#include <nall/serializer.hpp>
#include <nall/utility.hpp>
namespace nall {
template<typename type_t> void priority_queue_nocallback(type_t) {}
//priority queue implementation using binary min-heap array;
//does not require normalize() function.
//O(1) find (tick)
//O(log n) insert (enqueue)
//O(log n) remove (dequeue)
template<typename type_t> class priority_queue {
inline void tick(unsigned ticks) {
basecounter += ticks;
while(heapsize && gte(basecounter, heap[0].counter)) callback(dequeue());
//counter is relative to current time (eg enqueue(64, ...) fires in 64 ticks);
//counter cannot exceed std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() >> 1.
void enqueue(unsigned counter, type_t event) {
unsigned child = heapsize++;
counter += basecounter;
while(child) {
unsigned parent = (child - 1) >> 1;
if(gte(counter, heap[parent].counter)) break;
heap[child].counter = heap[parent].counter;
heap[child].event = heap[parent].event;
child = parent;
heap[child].counter = counter;
heap[child].event = event;
type_t dequeue() {
type_t event(heap[0].event);
unsigned parent = 0;
unsigned counter = heap[--heapsize].counter;
while(true) {
unsigned child = (parent << 1) + 1;
if(child >= heapsize) break;
if(child + 1 < heapsize && gte(heap[child].counter, heap[child + 1].counter)) child++;
if(gte(heap[child].counter, counter)) break;
heap[parent].counter = heap[child].counter;
heap[parent].event = heap[child].event;
parent = child;
heap[parent].counter = counter;
heap[parent].event = heap[heapsize].event;
return event;
void reset() {
basecounter = 0;
heapsize = 0;
void serialize(serializer &s) {
for(unsigned n = 0; n < heapcapacity; n++) {
priority_queue(unsigned size, function<void (type_t)> callback_ = &priority_queue_nocallback<type_t>)
: callback(callback_) {
heap = new heap_t[size];
heapcapacity = size;
~priority_queue() {
delete[] heap;
priority_queue& operator=(const priority_queue&) = delete;
priority_queue(const priority_queue&) = delete;
function<void (type_t)> callback;
unsigned basecounter;
unsigned heapsize;
unsigned heapcapacity;
struct heap_t {
unsigned counter;
type_t event;
} *heap;
//return true if x is greater than or equal to y
inline bool gte(unsigned x, unsigned y) {
return x - y < (std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() >> 1);

View File

@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
//nall::property implements ownership semantics into container classes
//example: property<owner>::readonly<type> implies that only owner has full
//access to type; and all other code has readonly access.
//this code relies on extended friend semantics from C++0x to work, as it
//declares a friend class via a template paramter. it also exploits a bug in
//G++ 4.x to work even in C++98 mode.
//if compiling elsewhere, simply remove the friend class and private semantics
//property can be used either of two ways:
//struct foo {
// property<foo>::readonly<bool> x;
// property<foo>::readwrite<int> y;
//struct foo : property<foo> {
// readonly<bool> x;
// readwrite<int> y;
//return types are const T& (byref) instead fo T (byval) to avoid major speed
//penalties for objects with expensive copy constructors
//operator-> provides access to underlying object type:
//readonly<Object> foo;
//... will call Object::bar();
//operator='s reference is constant so as to avoid leaking a reference handle
//that could bypass access restrictions
//both constant and non-constant operators are provided, though it may be
//necessary to cast first, for instance:
//struct foo : property<foo> { readonly<int> bar; } object;
//int main() { int value = const_cast<const foo&>(object); }
//writeonly is useful for objects that have non-const reads, but const writes.
//however, to avoid leaking handles, the interface is very restricted. the only
//way to write is via operator=, which requires conversion via eg copy
//constructor. example:
//struct foo {
// foo(bool value) { ... }
//writeonly<foo> bar;
//bar = true;
namespace nall {
template<typename C> struct property {
template<typename T> struct traits { typedef T type; };
template<typename T> struct readonly {
const T* operator->() const { return &value; }
const T& operator()() const { return value; }
operator const T&() const { return value; }
T* operator->() { return &value; }
operator T&() { return value; }
const T& operator=(const T& value_) { return value = value_; }
T value;
friend class traits<C>::type;
template<typename T> struct writeonly {
void operator=(const T& value_) { value = value_; }
const T* operator->() const { return &value; }
const T& operator()() const { return value; }
operator const T&() const { return value; }
T* operator->() { return &value; }
operator T&() { return value; }
T value;
friend class traits<C>::type;
template<typename T> struct readwrite {
const T* operator->() const { return &value; }
const T& operator()() const { return value; }
operator const T&() const { return value; }
T* operator->() { return &value; }
operator T&() { return value; }
const T& operator=(const T& value_) { return value = value_; }
T value;

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
//pseudo-random number generator
inline unsigned prng() {
static unsigned n = 0;
return n = (n >> 1) ^ (((n & 1) - 1) & 0xedb88320);
struct random_cyclic {
unsigned seed;
inline unsigned operator()() {
return seed = (seed >> 1) ^ (((seed & 1) - 1) & 0xedb88320);
random_cyclic() : seed(0) {}

View File

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
namespace nall {
class serial {
//-1 on error, otherwise return bytes read
int read(uint8_t *data, unsigned length) {
if(port_open == false) return -1;
return ::read(port, (void*)data, length);
//-1 on error, otherwise return bytes written
int write(const uint8_t *data, unsigned length) {
if(port_open == false) return -1;
return ::write(port, (void*)data, length);
bool open(const char *portname, unsigned rate, bool flowcontrol) {
port = ::open(portname, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY | O_NONBLOCK);
if(port == -1) return false;
if(ioctl(port, TIOCEXCL) == -1) { close(); return false; }
if(fcntl(port, F_SETFL, 0) == -1) { close(); return false; }
if(tcgetattr(port, &original_attr) == -1) { close(); return false; }
termios attr = original_attr;
cfsetspeed(&attr, rate);
attr.c_lflag &=~ (ECHO | ECHONL | ISIG | ICANON | IEXTEN);
attr.c_iflag |= (IGNBRK | IGNPAR);
attr.c_oflag &=~ (OPOST);
attr.c_cflag &=~ (CSIZE | CSTOPB | PARENB | CLOCAL);
attr.c_cflag |= (CS8 | CREAD);
if(flowcontrol == false) {
attr.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;
} else {
attr.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS;
attr.c_cc[VTIME] = attr.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
if(tcsetattr(port, TCSANOW, &attr) == -1) { close(); return false; }
return port_open = true;
void close() {
if(port != -1) {
if(port_open == true) {
tcsetattr(port, TCSANOW, &original_attr);
port_open = false;
port = -1;
serial() {
port = -1;
port_open = false;
~serial() {
int port;
bool port_open;
termios original_attr;

View File

@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
#include <nall/utility.hpp>
namespace nall {
//serializer: a class designed to save and restore the state of classes.
//- data() will be portable in size (it is not necessary to specify type sizes.)
//- data() will be portable in endianness (always stored internally as little-endian.)
//- one serialize function can both save and restore class states.
//- only plain-old-data can be stored. complex classes must provide serialize(serializer&);
//- floating-point usage is not portable across platforms
class serializer {
enum mode_t { Load, Save, Size };
mode_t mode() const {
return imode;
const uint8_t* data() const {
return idata;
unsigned size() const {
return isize;
unsigned capacity() const {
return icapacity;
template<typename T> void floatingpoint(T &value) {
enum { size = sizeof(T) };
//this is rather dangerous, and not cross-platform safe;
//but there is no standardized way to export FP-values
uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*)&value;
if(imode == Save) {
for(unsigned n = 0; n < size; n++) idata[isize++] = p[n];
} else if(imode == Load) {
for(unsigned n = 0; n < size; n++) p[n] = idata[isize++];
} else {
isize += size;
template<typename T> void integer(T &value) {
enum { size = std::is_same<bool, T>::value ? 1 : sizeof(T) };
if(imode == Save) {
for(unsigned n = 0; n < size; n++) idata[isize++] = value >> (n << 3);
} else if(imode == Load) {
value = 0;
for(unsigned n = 0; n < size; n++) value |= idata[isize++] << (n << 3);
} else if(imode == Size) {
isize += size;
template<typename T> void array(T &array) {
enum { size = sizeof(T) / sizeof(typename std::remove_extent<T>::type) };
for(unsigned n = 0; n < size; n++) integer(array[n]);
template<typename T> void array(T array, unsigned size) {
for(unsigned n = 0; n < size; n++) integer(array[n]);
serializer& operator=(const serializer &s) {
if(idata) delete[] idata;
imode = s.imode;
idata = new uint8_t[s.icapacity];
isize = s.isize;
icapacity = s.icapacity;
memcpy(idata, s.idata, s.icapacity);
return *this;
serializer(const serializer &s) : idata(0) {
serializer& operator=(serializer &&s) {
if(idata) delete[] idata;
imode = s.imode;
idata = s.idata;
isize = s.isize;
icapacity = s.icapacity;
s.idata = 0;
return *this;
serializer(serializer &&s) {
serializer() {
imode = Size;
idata = 0;
isize = 0;
icapacity = 0;
serializer(unsigned capacity) {
imode = Save;
idata = new uint8_t[capacity]();
isize = 0;
icapacity = capacity;
serializer(const uint8_t *data, unsigned capacity) {
imode = Load;
idata = new uint8_t[capacity];
isize = 0;
icapacity = capacity;
memcpy(idata, data, capacity);
~serializer() {
if(idata) delete[] idata;
mode_t imode;
uint8_t *idata;
unsigned isize;
unsigned icapacity;

View File

@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
#ifndef NALL_SHA256_HPP
#define NALL_SHA256_HPP
//author: vladitx
namespace nall {
#define PTR(t, a) ((t*)(a))
#define SWAP32(x) ((uint32_t)( \
(((uint32_t)(x) & 0x000000ff) << 24) | \
(((uint32_t)(x) & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | \
(((uint32_t)(x) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | \
(((uint32_t)(x) & 0xff000000) >> 24) \
#define ST32(a, d) *PTR(uint32_t, a) = (d)
#define ST32BE(a, d) ST32(a, SWAP32(d))
#define LD32(a) *PTR(uint32_t, a)
#define LD32BE(a) SWAP32(LD32(a))
#define LSL32(x, n) ((uint32_t)(x) << (n))
#define LSR32(x, n) ((uint32_t)(x) >> (n))
#define ROR32(x, n) (LSR32(x, n) | LSL32(x, 32 - (n)))
//first 32 bits of the fractional parts of the square roots of the first 8 primes 2..19
static const uint32_t T_H[8] = {
0x6a09e667, 0xbb67ae85, 0x3c6ef372, 0xa54ff53a, 0x510e527f, 0x9b05688c, 0x1f83d9ab, 0x5be0cd19,
//first 32 bits of the fractional parts of the cube roots of the first 64 primes 2..311
static const uint32_t T_K[64] = {
0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5,
0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3, 0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174,
0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc, 0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da,
0x983e5152, 0xa831c66d, 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7, 0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147, 0x06ca6351, 0x14292967,
0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x53380d13, 0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, 0x92722c85,
0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3, 0xd192e819, 0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070,
0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08, 0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5, 0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x682e6ff3,
0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208, 0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2,
struct sha256_ctx {
uint8_t in[64];
unsigned inlen;
uint32_t w[64];
uint32_t h[8];
uint64_t len;
void sha256_init(sha256_ctx *p) {
memset(p, 0, sizeof(sha256_ctx));
memcpy(p->h, T_H, sizeof(T_H));
static void sha256_block(sha256_ctx *p) {
unsigned i;
uint32_t s0, s1;
uint32_t a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
uint32_t t1, t2, maj, ch;
for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) p->w[i] = LD32BE(p->in + i * 4);
for(i = 16; i < 64; i++) {
s0 = ROR32(p->w[i - 15], 7) ^ ROR32(p->w[i - 15], 18) ^ LSR32(p->w[i - 15], 3);
s1 = ROR32(p->w[i - 2], 17) ^ ROR32(p->w[i - 2], 19) ^ LSR32(p->w[i - 2], 10);
p->w[i] = p->w[i - 16] + s0 + p->w[i - 7] + s1;
a = p->h[0]; b = p->h[1]; c = p->h[2]; d = p->h[3];
e = p->h[4]; f = p->h[5]; g = p->h[6]; h = p->h[7];
for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
s0 = ROR32(a, 2) ^ ROR32(a, 13) ^ ROR32(a, 22);
maj = (a & b) ^ (a & c) ^ (b & c);
t2 = s0 + maj;
s1 = ROR32(e, 6) ^ ROR32(e, 11) ^ ROR32(e, 25);
ch = (e & f) ^ (~e & g);
t1 = h + s1 + ch + T_K[i] + p->w[i];
h = g; g = f; f = e; e = d + t1;
d = c; c = b; b = a; a = t1 + t2;
p->h[0] += a; p->h[1] += b; p->h[2] += c; p->h[3] += d;
p->h[4] += e; p->h[5] += f; p->h[6] += g; p->h[7] += h;
//next block
p->inlen = 0;
void sha256_chunk(sha256_ctx *p, const uint8_t *s, unsigned len) {
unsigned l;
p->len += len;
while(len) {
l = 64 - p->inlen;
l = (len < l) ? len : l;
memcpy(p->in + p->inlen, s, l);
s += l;
p->inlen += l;
len -= l;
if(p->inlen == 64) sha256_block(p);
void sha256_final(sha256_ctx *p) {
uint64_t len;
p->in[p->inlen++] = 0x80;
if(p->inlen > 56) {
memset(p->in + p->inlen, 0, 64 - p->inlen);
memset(p->in + p->inlen, 0, 56 - p->inlen);
len = p->len << 3;
ST32BE(p->in + 56, len >> 32);
ST32BE(p->in + 60, len);
void sha256_hash(sha256_ctx *p, uint8_t *s) {
uint32_t *t = (uint32_t*)s;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i++) ST32BE(t++, p->h[i]);
#undef PTR
#undef SWAP32
#undef ST32
#undef ST32BE
#undef LD32
#undef LD32BE
#undef LSL32
#undef LSR32
#undef ROR32

View File

@ -1,875 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
class SNESCartridge {
string xmlMemoryMap;
inline SNESCartridge(const uint8_t *data, unsigned size);
inline void read_header(const uint8_t *data, unsigned size);
inline unsigned find_header(const uint8_t *data, unsigned size);
inline unsigned score_header(const uint8_t *data, unsigned size, unsigned addr);
inline unsigned gameboy_ram_size(const uint8_t *data, unsigned size);
inline bool gameboy_has_rtc(const uint8_t *data, unsigned size);
enum HeaderField {
CartName = 0x00,
Mapper = 0x15,
RomType = 0x16,
RomSize = 0x17,
RamSize = 0x18,
CartRegion = 0x19,
Company = 0x1a,
Version = 0x1b,
Complement = 0x1c, //inverse checksum
Checksum = 0x1e,
ResetVector = 0x3c,
enum Mode {
enum Type {
enum Region {
enum MemoryMapper {
enum DSP1MemoryMapper {
bool loaded; //is a base cartridge inserted?
unsigned crc32; //crc32 of all cartridges (base+slot(s))
unsigned rom_size;
unsigned ram_size;
Mode mode;
Type type;
Region region;
MemoryMapper mapper;
DSP1MemoryMapper dsp1_mapper;
bool has_bsx_slot;
bool has_superfx;
bool has_sa1;
bool has_srtc;
bool has_sdd1;
bool has_spc7110;
bool has_spc7110rtc;
bool has_cx4;
bool has_dsp1;
bool has_dsp2;
bool has_dsp3;
bool has_dsp4;
bool has_obc1;
bool has_st010;
bool has_st011;
bool has_st018;
SNESCartridge::SNESCartridge(const uint8_t *data, unsigned size) {
read_header(data, size);
string xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n";
if(type == TypeBsx) {
xml << "<cartridge/>";
xmlMemoryMap = xml.transform("'", "\"");
if(type == TypeSufamiTurbo) {
xml << "<cartridge/>";
xmlMemoryMap = xml.transform("'", "\"");
if(type == TypeGameBoy) {
xml << "<cartridge rtc='" << gameboy_has_rtc(data, size) << "'>\n";
if(gameboy_ram_size(data, size) > 0) {
xml << " <ram size='" << hex(gameboy_ram_size(data, size)) << "'/>\n";
xml << "</cartridge>\n";
xmlMemoryMap = xml.transform("'", "\"");
xml << "<cartridge";
if(region == NTSC) {
xml << " region='NTSC'";
} else {
xml << " region='PAL'";
xml << ">\n";
if(type == TypeSuperGameBoy1Bios) {
xml << " <rom>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='00-7f:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='80-ff:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </rom>\n";
xml << " <icd2 revision='1'>\n";
xml << " <map address='00-3f:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='80-bf:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " </icd2>\n";
} else if(type == TypeSuperGameBoy2Bios) {
xml << " <rom>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='00-7f:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='80-ff:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </rom>\n";
xml << " <icd2 revision='2'>\n";
xml << " <map address='00-3f:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='80-bf:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " </icd2>\n";
} else if(has_spc7110) {
xml << " <rom>\n";
xml << " <map mode='shadow' address='00-0f:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='shadow' address='80-bf:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='c0-cf:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </rom>\n";
xml << " <spc7110>\n";
xml << " <mcu>\n";
xml << " <map address='d0-ff:0000-ffff' offset='100000' size='" << hex(size - 0x100000) << "'/>\n";
xml << " </mcu>\n";
xml << " <ram size='" << hex(ram_size) << "'>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='00:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='30:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " </ram>\n";
xml << " <mmio>\n";
xml << " <map address='00-3f:4800-483f'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='80-bf:4800-483f'/>\n";
xml << " </mmio>\n";
if(has_spc7110rtc) {
xml << " <rtc>\n";
xml << " <map address='00-3f:4840-4842'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='80-bf:4840-4842'/>\n";
xml << " </rtc>\n";
xml << " <dcu>\n";
xml << " <map address='50:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </dcu>\n";
xml << " </spc7110>\n";
} else if(mapper == LoROM) {
xml << " <rom>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='00-7f:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='80-ff:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </rom>\n";
if(ram_size > 0) {
xml << " <ram size='" << hex(ram_size) << "'>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='20-3f:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='a0-bf:6000-7fff'/>\n";
if((rom_size > 0x200000) || (ram_size > 32 * 1024)) {
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='70-7f:0000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='f0-ff:0000-7fff'/>\n";
} else {
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='70-7f:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='f0-ff:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </ram>\n";
} else if(mapper == HiROM) {
xml << " <rom>\n";
xml << " <map mode='shadow' address='00-3f:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='40-7f:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='shadow' address='80-bf:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='c0-ff:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </rom>\n";
if(ram_size > 0) {
xml << " <ram size='" << hex(ram_size) << "'>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='20-3f:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='a0-bf:6000-7fff'/>\n";
if((rom_size > 0x200000) || (ram_size > 32 * 1024)) {
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='70-7f:0000-7fff'/>\n";
} else {
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='70-7f:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </ram>\n";
} else if(mapper == ExLoROM) {
xml << " <rom>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='00-3f:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='40-7f:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='80-bf:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </rom>\n";
if(ram_size > 0) {
xml << " <ram size='" << hex(ram_size) << "'>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='20-3f:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='a0-bf:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='70-7f:0000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " </ram>\n";
} else if(mapper == ExHiROM) {
xml << " <rom>\n";
xml << " <map mode='shadow' address='00-3f:8000-ffff' offset='400000'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='40-7f:0000-ffff' offset='400000'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='shadow' address='80-bf:8000-ffff' offset='000000'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='c0-ff:0000-ffff' offset='000000'/>\n";
xml << " </rom>\n";
if(ram_size > 0) {
xml << " <ram size='" << hex(ram_size) << "'>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='20-3f:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='a0-bf:6000-7fff'/>\n";
if((rom_size > 0x200000) || (ram_size > 32 * 1024)) {
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='70-7f:0000-7fff'/>\n";
} else {
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='70-7f:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </ram>\n";
} else if(mapper == SuperFXROM) {
xml << " <superfx revision='2'>\n";
xml << " <rom>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='00-3f:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='40-5f:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='80-bf:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='c0-df:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </rom>\n";
xml << " <ram size='" << hex(ram_size) << "'>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='00-3f:6000-7fff' size='2000'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='60-7f:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='80-bf:6000-7fff' size='2000'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='e0-ff:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </ram>\n";
xml << " <mmio>\n";
xml << " <map address='00-3f:3000-32ff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='80-bf:3000-32ff'/>\n";
xml << " </mmio>\n";
xml << " </superfx>\n";
} else if(mapper == SA1ROM) {
xml << " <sa1>\n";
xml << " <mcu>\n";
xml << " <rom>\n";
xml << " <map mode='direct' address='00-3f:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='direct' address='80-bf:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='direct' address='c0-ff:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </rom>\n";
xml << " <ram>\n";
xml << " <map mode='direct' address='00-3f:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='direct' address='80-bf:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " </ram>\n";
xml << " </mcu>\n";
xml << " <iram size='800'>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='00-3f:3000-37ff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='80-bf:3000-37ff'/>\n";
xml << " </iram>\n";
xml << " <bwram size='" << hex(ram_size) << "'>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='40-4f:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </bwram>\n";
xml << " <mmio>\n";
xml << " <map address='00-3f:2200-23ff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='80-bf:2200-23ff'/>\n";
xml << " </mmio>\n";
xml << " </sa1>\n";
} else if(mapper == BSCLoROM) {
xml << " <rom>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='00-1f:8000-ffff' offset='000000'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='20-3f:8000-ffff' offset='100000'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='80-9f:8000-ffff' offset='200000'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='a0-bf:8000-ffff' offset='100000'/>\n";
xml << " </rom>\n";
xml << " <ram size='" << hex(ram_size) << "'>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='70-7f:0000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='f0-ff:0000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " </ram>\n";
xml << " <bsx>\n";
xml << " <slot>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='c0-ef:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </slot>\n";
xml << " </bsx>\n";
} else if(mapper == BSCHiROM) {
xml << " <rom>\n";
xml << " <map mode='shadow' address='00-1f:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='40-5f:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='shadow' address='80-9f:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='c0-df:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </rom>\n";
xml << " <ram size='" << hex(ram_size) << "'>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='20-3f:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='a0-bf:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " </ram>\n";
xml << " <bsx>\n";
xml << " <slot>\n";
xml << " <map mode='shadow' address='20-3f:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='60-7f:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='shadow' address='a0-bf:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='e0-ff:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </slot>\n";
xml << " </bsx>\n";
} else if(mapper == BSXROM) {
xml << " <rom>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='00-3f:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='80-bf:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </rom>\n";
xml << " <bsx>\n";
xml << " <mmio>\n";
xml << " <map address='00-3f:5000-5fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='80-bf:5000-5fff'/>\n";
xml << " </mmio>\n";
xml << " </bsx>\n";
} else if(mapper == STROM) {
xml << " <rom>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='00-1f:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='80-9f:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </rom>\n";
xml << " <sufamiturbo>\n";
xml << " <slot id='A'>\n";
xml << " <rom>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='20-3f:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='a0-bf:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </rom>\n";
xml << " <ram>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='60-63:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='e0-e3:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </ram>\n";
xml << " </slot>\n";
xml << " <slot id='B'>\n";
xml << " <rom>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='40-5f:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='c0-df:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </rom>\n";
xml << " <ram>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='70-73:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='f0-f3:8000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </ram>\n";
xml << " </slot>\n";
xml << " </sufamiturbo>\n";
if(has_srtc) {
xml << " <srtc>\n";
xml << " <map address='00-3f:2800-2801'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='80-bf:2800-2801'/>\n";
xml << " </srtc>\n";
if(has_sdd1) {
xml << " <sdd1>\n";
xml << " <mcu>\n";
xml << " <map address='c0-ff:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </mcu>\n";
xml << " <mmio>\n";
xml << " <map address='00-3f:4800-4807'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='80-bf:4800-4807'/>\n";
xml << " </mmio>\n";
xml << " </sdd1>\n";
if(has_cx4) {
xml << " <cx4>\n";
xml << " <map address='00-3f:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='80-bf:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " </cx4>\n";
if(has_dsp1) {
xml << " <necdsp revision='upd7725' frequency='8000000' program='dsp1b.bin' sha256='4d42db0f36faef263d6b93f508e8c1c4ae8fc2605fd35e3390ecc02905cd420c'>\n";
if(dsp1_mapper == DSP1LoROM1MB) {
xml << " <dr>\n";
xml << " <map address='20-3f:8000-bfff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='a0-bf:8000-bfff'/>\n";
xml << " </dr>\n";
xml << " <sr>\n";
xml << " <map address='20-3f:c000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='a0-bf:c000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </sr>\n";
} else if(dsp1_mapper == DSP1LoROM2MB) {
xml << " <dr>\n";
xml << " <map address='60-6f:0000-3fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='e0-ef:0000-3fff'/>\n";
xml << " </dr>\n";
xml << " <sr>\n";
xml << " <map address='60-6f:4000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='e0-ef:4000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " </sr>\n";
} else if(dsp1_mapper == DSP1HiROM) {
xml << " <dr>\n";
xml << " <map address='00-1f:6000-6fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='80-9f:6000-6fff'/>\n";
xml << " </dr>\n";
xml << " <sr>\n";
xml << " <map address='00-1f:7000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='80-9f:7000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " </sr>\n";
xml << " </necdsp>\n";
if(has_dsp2) {
xml << " <necdsp revision='upd7725' frequency='8000000' program='dsp2.bin' sha256='5efbdf96ed0652790855225964f3e90e6a4d466cfa64df25b110933c6cf94ea1'>\n";
xml << " <dr>\n";
xml << " <map address='20-3f:8000-bfff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='a0-bf:8000-bfff'/>\n";
xml << " </dr>\n";
xml << " <sr>\n";
xml << " <map address='20-3f:c000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='a0-bf:c000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </sr>\n";
xml << " </necdsp>\n";
if(has_dsp3) {
xml << " <necdsp revision='upd7725' frequency='8000000' program='dsp3.bin' sha256='2e635f72e4d4681148bc35429421c9b946e4f407590e74e31b93b8987b63ba90'>\n";
xml << " <dr>\n";
xml << " <map address='20-3f:8000-bfff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='a0-bf:8000-bfff'/>\n";
xml << " </dr>\n";
xml << " <sr>\n";
xml << " <map address='20-3f:c000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='a0-bf:c000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </sr>\n";
xml << " </necdsp>\n";
if(has_dsp4) {
xml << " <necdsp revision='upd7725' frequency='8000000' program='dsp4.bin' sha256='63ede17322541c191ed1fdf683872554a0a57306496afc43c59de7c01a6e764a'>\n";
xml << " <dr>\n";
xml << " <map address='30-3f:8000-bfff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='b0-bf:8000-bfff'/>\n";
xml << " </dr>\n";
xml << " <sr>\n";
xml << " <map address='30-3f:c000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='b0-bf:c000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </sr>\n";
xml << " </necdsp>\n";
if(has_obc1) {
xml << " <obc1>\n";
xml << " <map address='00-3f:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='80-bf:6000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " </obc1>\n";
if(has_st010) {
xml << " <necdsp revision='upd96050' frequency='10000000' program='st0010.bin' sha256='55c697e864562445621cdf8a7bf6e84ae91361e393d382a3704e9aa55559041e'>\n";
xml << " <dr>\n";
xml << " <map address='60:0000'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='e0:0000'/>\n";
xml << " </dr>\n";
xml << " <sr>\n";
xml << " <map address='60:0001'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='e0:0001'/>\n";
xml << " </sr>\n";
xml << " <dp>\n";
xml << " <map address='68-6f:0000-0fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='e8-ef:0000-0fff'/>\n";
xml << " </dp>\n";
xml << " </necdsp>\n";
if(has_st011) {
xml << " <necdsp revision='upd96050' frequency='15000000' program='st0011.bin' sha256='651b82a1e26c4fa8dd549e91e7f923012ed2ca54c1d9fd858655ab30679c2f0e'>\n";
xml << " <dr>\n";
xml << " <map address='60:0000'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='e0:0000'/>\n";
xml << " </dr>\n";
xml << " <sr>\n";
xml << " <map address='60:0001'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='e0:0001'/>\n";
xml << " </sr>\n";
xml << " <dp>\n";
xml << " <map address='68-6f:0000-0fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='e8-ef:0000-0fff'/>\n";
xml << " </dp>\n";
xml << " </necdsp>\n";
if(has_st018) {
xml << " <setarisc program='ST-0018'>\n";
xml << " <map address='00-3f:3800-38ff'/>\n";
xml << " <map address='80-bf:3800-38ff'/>\n";
xml << " </setarisc>\n";
xml << "</cartridge>\n";
xmlMemoryMap = xml.transform("'", "\"");
void SNESCartridge::read_header(const uint8_t *data, unsigned size) {
type = TypeUnknown;
mapper = LoROM;
dsp1_mapper = DSP1Unmapped;
region = NTSC;
rom_size = size;
ram_size = 0;
has_bsx_slot = false;
has_superfx = false;
has_sa1 = false;
has_srtc = false;
has_sdd1 = false;
has_spc7110 = false;
has_spc7110rtc = false;
has_cx4 = false;
has_dsp1 = false;
has_dsp2 = false;
has_dsp3 = false;
has_dsp4 = false;
has_obc1 = false;
has_st010 = false;
has_st011 = false;
has_st018 = false;
//detect Game Boy carts
if(size >= 0x0140) {
if(data[0x0104] == 0xce && data[0x0105] == 0xed && data[0x0106] == 0x66 && data[0x0107] == 0x66
&& data[0x0108] == 0xcc && data[0x0109] == 0x0d && data[0x010a] == 0x00 && data[0x010b] == 0x0b) {
type = TypeGameBoy;
if(size < 32768) {
type = TypeUnknown;
const unsigned index = find_header(data, size);
const uint8_t mapperid = data[index + Mapper];
const uint8_t rom_type = data[index + RomType];
const uint8_t rom_size = data[index + RomSize];
const uint8_t company = data[index + Company];
const uint8_t regionid = data[index + CartRegion] & 0x7f;
ram_size = 1024 << (data[index + RamSize] & 7);
if(ram_size == 1024) ram_size = 0; //no RAM present
//0, 1, 13 = NTSC; 2 - 12 = PAL
region = (regionid <= 1 || regionid >= 13) ? NTSC : PAL;
//detect BS-X flash carts
if(data[index + 0x13] == 0x00 || data[index + 0x13] == 0xff) {
if(data[index + 0x14] == 0x00) {
const uint8_t n15 = data[index + 0x15];
if(n15 == 0x00 || n15 == 0x80 || n15 == 0x84 || n15 == 0x9c || n15 == 0xbc || n15 == 0xfc) {
if(data[index + 0x1a] == 0x33 || data[index + 0x1a] == 0xff) {
type = TypeBsx;
mapper = BSXROM;
region = NTSC; //BS-X only released in Japan
//detect Sufami Turbo carts
if(!memcmp(data, "BANDAI SFC-ADX", 14)) {
if(!memcmp(data + 16, "SFC-ADX BACKUP", 14)) {
type = TypeSufamiTurboBios;
} else {
type = TypeSufamiTurbo;
mapper = STROM;
region = NTSC; //Sufami Turbo only released in Japan
return; //RAM size handled outside this routine
//detect Super Game Boy BIOS
if(!memcmp(data + index, "Super GAMEBOY2", 14)) {
type = TypeSuperGameBoy2Bios;
if(!memcmp(data + index, "Super GAMEBOY", 13)) {
type = TypeSuperGameBoy1Bios;
//detect standard carts
//detect presence of BS-X flash cartridge connector (reads extended header information)
if(data[index - 14] == 'Z') {
if(data[index - 11] == 'J') {
uint8_t n13 = data[index - 13];
if((n13 >= 'A' && n13 <= 'Z') || (n13 >= '0' && n13 <= '9')) {
if(company == 0x33 || (data[index - 10] == 0x00 && data[index - 4] == 0x00)) {
has_bsx_slot = true;
if(has_bsx_slot) {
if(!memcmp(data + index, "Satellaview BS-X ", 21)) {
//BS-X base cart
type = TypeBsxBios;
mapper = BSXROM;
region = NTSC; //BS-X only released in Japan
return; //RAM size handled internally by load_cart_bsx() -> BSXCart class
} else {
type = TypeBsxSlotted;
mapper = (index == 0x7fc0 ? BSCLoROM : BSCHiROM);
region = NTSC; //BS-X slotted cartridges only released in Japan
} else {
//standard cart
type = TypeNormal;
if(index == 0x7fc0 && size >= 0x401000) {
mapper = ExLoROM;
} else if(index == 0x7fc0 && mapperid == 0x32) {
mapper = ExLoROM;
} else if(index == 0x7fc0) {
mapper = LoROM;
} else if(index == 0xffc0) {
mapper = HiROM;
} else { //index == 0x40ffc0
mapper = ExHiROM;
if(mapperid == 0x20 && (rom_type == 0x13 || rom_type == 0x14 || rom_type == 0x15 || rom_type == 0x1a)) {
has_superfx = true;
mapper = SuperFXROM;
ram_size = 1024 << (data[index - 3] & 7);
if(ram_size == 1024) ram_size = 0;
if(mapperid == 0x23 && (rom_type == 0x32 || rom_type == 0x34 || rom_type == 0x35)) {
has_sa1 = true;
mapper = SA1ROM;
if(mapperid == 0x35 && rom_type == 0x55) {
has_srtc = true;
if(mapperid == 0x32 && (rom_type == 0x43 || rom_type == 0x45)) {
has_sdd1 = true;
if(mapperid == 0x3a && (rom_type == 0xf5 || rom_type == 0xf9)) {
has_spc7110 = true;
has_spc7110rtc = (rom_type == 0xf9);
mapper = SPC7110ROM;
if(mapperid == 0x20 && rom_type == 0xf3) {
has_cx4 = true;
if((mapperid == 0x20 || mapperid == 0x21) && rom_type == 0x03) {
has_dsp1 = true;
if(mapperid == 0x30 && rom_type == 0x05 && company != 0xb2) {
has_dsp1 = true;
if(mapperid == 0x31 && (rom_type == 0x03 || rom_type == 0x05)) {
has_dsp1 = true;
if(has_dsp1 == true) {
if((mapperid & 0x2f) == 0x20 && size <= 0x100000) {
dsp1_mapper = DSP1LoROM1MB;
} else if((mapperid & 0x2f) == 0x20) {
dsp1_mapper = DSP1LoROM2MB;
} else if((mapperid & 0x2f) == 0x21) {
dsp1_mapper = DSP1HiROM;
if(mapperid == 0x20 && rom_type == 0x05) {
has_dsp2 = true;
if(mapperid == 0x30 && rom_type == 0x05 && company == 0xb2) {
has_dsp3 = true;
if(mapperid == 0x30 && rom_type == 0x03) {
has_dsp4 = true;
if(mapperid == 0x30 && rom_type == 0x25) {
has_obc1 = true;
if(mapperid == 0x30 && rom_type == 0xf6 && rom_size >= 10) {
has_st010 = true;
if(mapperid == 0x30 && rom_type == 0xf6 && rom_size < 10) {
has_st011 = true;
if(mapperid == 0x30 && rom_type == 0xf5) {
has_st018 = true;
unsigned SNESCartridge::find_header(const uint8_t *data, unsigned size) {
unsigned score_lo = score_header(data, size, 0x007fc0);
unsigned score_hi = score_header(data, size, 0x00ffc0);
unsigned score_ex = score_header(data, size, 0x40ffc0);
if(score_ex) score_ex += 4; //favor ExHiROM on images > 32mbits
if(score_lo >= score_hi && score_lo >= score_ex) {
return 0x007fc0;
} else if(score_hi >= score_ex) {
return 0x00ffc0;
} else {
return 0x40ffc0;
unsigned SNESCartridge::score_header(const uint8_t *data, unsigned size, unsigned addr) {
if(size < addr + 64) return 0; //image too small to contain header at this location?
int score = 0;
uint16_t resetvector = data[addr + ResetVector] | (data[addr + ResetVector + 1] << 8);
uint16_t checksum = data[addr + Checksum ] | (data[addr + Checksum + 1] << 8);
uint16_t complement = data[addr + Complement ] | (data[addr + Complement + 1] << 8);
uint8_t resetop = data[(addr & ~0x7fff) | (resetvector & 0x7fff)]; //first opcode executed upon reset
uint8_t mapper = data[addr + Mapper] & ~0x10; //mask off irrelevent FastROM-capable bit
//$00:[000-7fff] contains uninitialized RAM and MMIO.
//reset vector must point to ROM at $00:[8000-ffff] to be considered valid.
if(resetvector < 0x8000) return 0;
//some images duplicate the header in multiple locations, and others have completely
//invalid header information that cannot be relied upon.
//below code will analyze the first opcode executed at the specified reset vector to
//determine the probability that this is the correct header.
//most likely opcodes
if(resetop == 0x78 //sei
|| resetop == 0x18 //clc (clc; xce)
|| resetop == 0x38 //sec (sec; xce)
|| resetop == 0x9c //stz $nnnn (stz $4200)
|| resetop == 0x4c //jmp $nnnn
|| resetop == 0x5c //jml $nnnnnn
) score += 8;
//plausible opcodes
if(resetop == 0xc2 //rep #$nn
|| resetop == 0xe2 //sep #$nn
|| resetop == 0xad //lda $nnnn
|| resetop == 0xae //ldx $nnnn
|| resetop == 0xac //ldy $nnnn
|| resetop == 0xaf //lda $nnnnnn
|| resetop == 0xa9 //lda #$nn
|| resetop == 0xa2 //ldx #$nn
|| resetop == 0xa0 //ldy #$nn
|| resetop == 0x20 //jsr $nnnn
|| resetop == 0x22 //jsl $nnnnnn
) score += 4;
//implausible opcodes
if(resetop == 0x40 //rti
|| resetop == 0x60 //rts
|| resetop == 0x6b //rtl
|| resetop == 0xcd //cmp $nnnn
|| resetop == 0xec //cpx $nnnn
|| resetop == 0xcc //cpy $nnnn
) score -= 4;
//least likely opcodes
if(resetop == 0x00 //brk #$nn
|| resetop == 0x02 //cop #$nn
|| resetop == 0xdb //stp
|| resetop == 0x42 //wdm
|| resetop == 0xff //sbc $nnnnnn,x
) score -= 8;
//at times, both the header and reset vector's first opcode will match ...
//fallback and rely on info validity in these cases to determine more likely header.
//a valid checksum is the biggest indicator of a valid header.
if((checksum + complement) == 0xffff && (checksum != 0) && (complement != 0)) score += 4;
if(addr == 0x007fc0 && mapper == 0x20) score += 2; //0x20 is usually LoROM
if(addr == 0x00ffc0 && mapper == 0x21) score += 2; //0x21 is usually HiROM
if(addr == 0x007fc0 && mapper == 0x22) score += 2; //0x22 is usually ExLoROM
if(addr == 0x40ffc0 && mapper == 0x25) score += 2; //0x25 is usually ExHiROM
if(data[addr + Company] == 0x33) score += 2; //0x33 indicates extended header
if(data[addr + RomType] < 0x08) score++;
if(data[addr + RomSize] < 0x10) score++;
if(data[addr + RamSize] < 0x08) score++;
if(data[addr + CartRegion] < 14) score++;
if(score < 0) score = 0;
return score;
unsigned SNESCartridge::gameboy_ram_size(const uint8_t *data, unsigned size) {
if(size < 512) return 0;
switch(data[0x0149]) {
case 0x00: return 0 * 1024;
case 0x01: return 8 * 1024;
case 0x02: return 8 * 1024;
case 0x03: return 32 * 1024;
case 0x04: return 128 * 1024;
case 0x05: return 128 * 1024;
default: return 128 * 1024;
bool SNESCartridge::gameboy_has_rtc(const uint8_t *data, unsigned size) {
if(size < 512) return false;
if(data[0x0147] == 0x0f ||data[0x0147] == 0x10) return true;
return false;

View File

@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
struct SNESCPU {
enum : unsigned {
Implied, //
Constant, //#$00
AccumConstant, //#$00
IndexConstant, //#$00
Direct, //$00
DirectX, //$00,x
DirectY, //$00,y
IDirect, //($00)
IDirectX, //($00,x)
IDirectY, //($00),y
ILDirect, //[$00]
ILDirectY, //[$00],y
Address, //$0000
AddressX, //$0000,x
AddressY, //$0000,y
IAddressX, //($0000,x)
ILAddress, //[$0000]
PAddress, //PBR:$0000
PIAddress, //PBR:($0000)
Long, //$000000
LongX, //$000000,x
Stack, //$00,s
IStackY, //($00,s),y
BlockMove, //$00,$00
RelativeShort, //+/- $00
RelativeLong, //+/- $0000
struct OpcodeInfo {
char name[4];
unsigned mode;
static const OpcodeInfo opcodeInfo[256];
static unsigned getOpcodeLength(bool accum, bool index, uint8_t opcode);
static string disassemble(unsigned pc, bool accum, bool index, uint8_t opcode, uint8_t pl, uint8_t ph, uint8_t pb);
const SNESCPU::OpcodeInfo SNESCPU::opcodeInfo[256] = {
//0x00 - 0x0f
{ "brk", Constant },
{ "ora", IDirectX },
{ "cop", Constant },
{ "ora", Stack },
{ "tsb", Direct },
{ "ora", Direct },
{ "asl", Direct },
{ "ora", ILDirect },
{ "php", Implied },
{ "ora", AccumConstant },
{ "asl", Implied },
{ "phd", Implied },
{ "tsb", Address },
{ "ora", Address },
{ "asl", Address },
{ "ora", Long },
//0x10 - 0x1f
{ "bpl", RelativeShort },
{ "ora", IDirectY },
{ "ora", IDirect },
{ "ora", IStackY },
{ "trb", Direct },
{ "ora", DirectX },
{ "asl", DirectX },
{ "ora", ILDirectY },
{ "clc", Implied },
{ "ora", AddressY },
{ "inc", Implied },
{ "tcs", Implied },
{ "trb", Address },
{ "ora", AddressX },
{ "asl", AddressX },
{ "ora", LongX },
//0x20 - 0x2f
{ "jsr", Address },
{ "and", IDirectX },
{ "jsl", Long },
{ "and", Stack },
{ "bit", Direct },
{ "and", Direct },
{ "rol", Direct },
{ "and", ILDirect },
{ "plp", Implied },
{ "and", AccumConstant },
{ "rol", Implied },
{ "pld", Implied },
{ "bit", Address },
{ "and", Address },
{ "rol", Address },
{ "and", Long },
//0x30 - 0x3f
{ "bmi", RelativeShort },
{ "and", IDirectY },
{ "and", IDirect },
{ "and", IStackY },
{ "bit", DirectX },
{ "and", DirectX },
{ "rol", DirectX },
{ "and", ILDirectY },
{ "sec", Implied },
{ "and", AddressY },
{ "dec", Implied },
{ "tsc", Implied },
{ "bit", AddressX },
{ "and", AddressX },
{ "rol", AddressX },
{ "and", LongX },
//0x40 - 0x4f
{ "rti", Implied },
{ "eor", IDirectX },
{ "wdm", Constant },
{ "eor", Stack },
{ "mvp", BlockMove },
{ "eor", Direct },
{ "lsr", Direct },
{ "eor", ILDirect },
{ "pha", Implied },
{ "eor", AccumConstant },
{ "lsr", Implied },
{ "phk", Implied },
{ "jmp", PAddress },
{ "eor", Address },
{ "lsr", Address },
{ "eor", Long },
//0x50 - 0x5f
{ "bvc", RelativeShort },
{ "eor", IDirectY },
{ "eor", IDirect },
{ "eor", IStackY },
{ "mvn", BlockMove },
{ "eor", DirectX },
{ "lsr", DirectX },
{ "eor", ILDirectY },
{ "cli", Implied },
{ "eor", AddressY },
{ "phy", Implied },
{ "tcd", Implied },
{ "jml", Long },
{ "eor", AddressX },
{ "lsr", AddressX },
{ "eor", LongX },
//0x60 - 0x6f
{ "rts", Implied },
{ "adc", IDirectX },
{ "per", Address },
{ "adc", Stack },
{ "stz", Direct },
{ "adc", Direct },
{ "ror", Direct },
{ "adc", ILDirect },
{ "pla", Implied },
{ "adc", AccumConstant },
{ "ror", Implied },
{ "rtl", Implied },
{ "jmp", PIAddress },
{ "adc", Address },
{ "ror", Address },
{ "adc", Long },
//0x70 - 0x7f
{ "bvs", RelativeShort },
{ "adc", IDirectY },
{ "adc", IDirect },
{ "adc", IStackY },
{ "stz", DirectX },
{ "adc", DirectX },
{ "ror", DirectX },
{ "adc", ILDirectY },
{ "sei", Implied },
{ "adc", AddressY },
{ "ply", Implied },
{ "tdc", Implied },
{ "jmp", IAddressX },
{ "adc", AddressX },
{ "ror", AddressX },
{ "adc", LongX },
//0x80 - 0x8f
{ "bra", RelativeShort },
{ "sta", IDirectX },
{ "brl", RelativeLong },
{ "sta", Stack },
{ "sty", Direct },
{ "sta", Direct },
{ "stx", Direct },
{ "sta", ILDirect },
{ "dey", Implied },
{ "bit", AccumConstant },
{ "txa", Implied },
{ "phb", Implied },
{ "sty", Address },
{ "sta", Address },
{ "stx", Address },
{ "sta", Long },
//0x90 - 0x9f
{ "bcc", RelativeShort },
{ "sta", IDirectY },
{ "sta", IDirect },
{ "sta", IStackY },
{ "sty", DirectX },
{ "sta", DirectX },
{ "stx", DirectY },
{ "sta", ILDirectY },
{ "tya", Implied },
{ "sta", AddressY },
{ "txs", Implied },
{ "txy", Implied },
{ "stz", Address },
{ "sta", AddressX },
{ "stz", AddressX },
{ "sta", LongX },
//0xa0 - 0xaf
{ "ldy", IndexConstant },
{ "lda", IDirectX },
{ "ldx", IndexConstant },
{ "lda", Stack },
{ "ldy", Direct },
{ "lda", Direct },
{ "ldx", Direct },
{ "lda", ILDirect },
{ "tay", Implied },
{ "lda", AccumConstant },
{ "tax", Implied },
{ "plb", Implied },
{ "ldy", Address },
{ "lda", Address },
{ "ldx", Address },
{ "lda", Long },
//0xb0 - 0xbf
{ "bcs", RelativeShort },
{ "lda", IDirectY },
{ "lda", IDirect },
{ "lda", IStackY },
{ "ldy", DirectX },
{ "lda", DirectX },
{ "ldx", DirectY },
{ "lda", ILDirectY },
{ "clv", Implied },
{ "lda", AddressY },
{ "tsx", Implied },
{ "tyx", Implied },
{ "ldy", AddressX },
{ "lda", AddressX },
{ "ldx", AddressY },
{ "lda", LongX },
//0xc0 - 0xcf
{ "cpy", IndexConstant },
{ "cmp", IDirectX },
{ "rep", Constant },
{ "cmp", Stack },
{ "cpy", Direct },
{ "cmp", Direct },
{ "dec", Direct },
{ "cmp", ILDirect },
{ "iny", Implied },
{ "cmp", AccumConstant },
{ "dex", Implied },
{ "wai", Implied },
{ "cpy", Address },
{ "cmp", Address },
{ "dec", Address },
{ "cmp", Long },
//0xd0 - 0xdf
{ "bne", RelativeShort },
{ "cmp", IDirectY },
{ "cmp", IDirect },
{ "cmp", IStackY },
{ "pei", IDirect },
{ "cmp", DirectX },
{ "dec", DirectX },
{ "cmp", ILDirectY },
{ "cld", Implied },
{ "cmp", AddressY },
{ "phx", Implied },
{ "stp", Implied },
{ "jmp", ILAddress },
{ "cmp", AddressX },
{ "dec", AddressX },
{ "cmp", LongX },
//0xe0 - 0xef
{ "cpx", IndexConstant },
{ "sbc", IDirectX },
{ "sep", Constant },
{ "sbc", Stack },
{ "cpx", Direct },
{ "sbc", Direct },
{ "inc", Direct },
{ "sbc", ILDirect },
{ "inx", Implied },
{ "sbc", AccumConstant },
{ "nop", Implied },
{ "xba", Implied },
{ "cpx", Address },
{ "sbc", Address },
{ "inc", Address },
{ "sbc", Long },
//0xf0 - 0xff
{ "beq", RelativeShort },
{ "sbc", IDirectY },
{ "sbc", IDirect },
{ "sbc", IStackY },
{ "pea", Address },
{ "sbc", DirectX },
{ "inc", DirectX },
{ "sbc", ILDirectY },
{ "sed", Implied },
{ "sbc", AddressY },
{ "plx", Implied },
{ "xce", Implied },
{ "jsr", IAddressX },
{ "sbc", AddressX },
{ "inc", AddressX },
{ "sbc", LongX },
inline unsigned SNESCPU::getOpcodeLength(bool accum, bool index, uint8_t opcode) {
switch(opcodeInfo[opcode].mode) { default:
case Implied: return 1;
case Constant: return 2;
case AccumConstant: return 3 - accum;
case IndexConstant: return 3 - index;
case Direct: return 2;
case DirectX: return 2;
case DirectY: return 2;
case IDirect: return 2;
case IDirectX: return 2;
case IDirectY: return 2;
case ILDirect: return 2;
case ILDirectY: return 2;
case Address: return 3;
case AddressX: return 3;
case AddressY: return 3;
case IAddressX: return 3;
case ILAddress: return 3;
case PAddress: return 3;
case PIAddress: return 3;
case Long: return 4;
case LongX: return 4;
case Stack: return 2;
case IStackY: return 2;
case BlockMove: return 3;
case RelativeShort: return 2;
case RelativeLong: return 3;
inline string SNESCPU::disassemble(unsigned pc, bool accum, bool index, uint8_t opcode, uint8_t pl, uint8_t ph, uint8_t pb) {
string name = opcodeInfo[opcode].name;
unsigned mode = opcodeInfo[opcode].mode;
if(mode == Implied) return name;
if(mode == Constant) return { name, " #$", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == AccumConstant) return { name, " #$", accum ? "" : hex<2>(ph), hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == IndexConstant) return { name, " #$", index ? "" : hex<2>(ph), hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == Direct) return { name, " $", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == DirectX) return { name, " $", hex<2>(pl), ",x" };
if(mode == DirectY) return { name, " $", hex<2>(pl), ",y" };
if(mode == IDirect) return { name, " ($", hex<2>(pl), ")" };
if(mode == IDirectX) return { name, " ($", hex<2>(pl), ",x)" };
if(mode == IDirectY) return { name, " ($", hex<2>(pl), "),y" };
if(mode == ILDirect) return { name, " [$", hex<2>(pl), "]" };
if(mode == ILDirectY) return { name, " [$", hex<2>(pl), "],y" };
if(mode == Address) return { name, " $", hex<2>(ph), hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == AddressX) return { name, " $", hex<2>(ph), hex<2>(pl), ",x" };
if(mode == AddressY) return { name, " $", hex<2>(ph), hex<2>(pl), ",y" };
if(mode == IAddressX) return { name, " ($", hex<2>(ph), hex<2>(pl), ",x)" };
if(mode == ILAddress) return { name, " [$", hex<2>(ph), hex<2>(pl), "]" };
if(mode == PAddress) return { name, " $", hex<2>(ph), hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == PIAddress) return { name, " ($", hex<2>(ph), hex<2>(pl), ")" };
if(mode == Long) return { name, " $", hex<2>(pb), hex<2>(ph), hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == LongX) return { name, " $", hex<2>(pb), hex<2>(ph), hex<2>(pl), ",x" };
if(mode == Stack) return { name, " $", hex<2>(pl), ",s" };
if(mode == IStackY) return { name, " ($", hex<2>(pl), ",s),y" };
if(mode == BlockMove) return { name, " $", hex<2>(ph), ",$", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == RelativeShort) {
unsigned addr = (pc + 2) + (int8_t)(pl << 0);
return { name, " $", hex<4>(addr) };
if(mode == RelativeLong) {
unsigned addr = (pc + 3) + (int16_t)((ph << 8) + (pl << 0));
return { name, " $", hex<4>(addr) };
return "";

View File

@ -1,639 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
struct SNESSMP {
enum : unsigned {
Implied, //
TVector, //0
Direct, //$00
DirectRelative, //$00,+/-$00
ADirect, //a,$00
AAbsolute, //a,$0000
AIX, //a,(x)
AIDirectX, //a,($00+x)
AConstant, //a,#$00
DirectDirect, //$00,$00
CAbsoluteBit, //c,$0000:0
Absolute, //$0000
P, //p
AbsoluteA, //$0000,a
Relative, //+/-$00
ADirectX, //a,$00+x
AAbsoluteX, //a,$0000+x
AAbsoluteY, //a,$0000+y
AIDirectY, //a,($00)+y
DirectConstant, //$00,#$00
IXIY, //(x),(y)
DirectX, //$00+x
A, //a
X, //x
XAbsolute, //x,$0000
IAbsoluteX, //($0000+x)
CNAbsoluteBit, //c,!$0000:0
XDirect, //x,$00
PVector, //$ff00
YaDirect, //ya,$00
XA, //x,a
YAbsolute, //y,$0000
Y, //y
AX, //a,x
YDirect, //y,$00
YConstant, //y,#$00
XSp, //x,sp
YaX, //ya,x
IXPA, //(x)+,a
SpX, //sp,x
AIXP, //a,(x)+
DirectA, //$00,a
IXA, //(x),a
IDirectXA, //($00+x),a
XConstant, //x,#$00
AbsoluteX, //$0000,x
AbsoluteBitC, //$0000:0,c
DirectY, //$00,y
AbsoluteY, //$0000,y
Ya, //ya
DirectXA, //$00+x,a
AbsoluteXA, //$0000+x,a
AbsoluteYA, //$0000+y,a
IDirectYA, //($00)+y,a
DirectYX, //$00+y,x
DirectYa, //$00,ya
DirectXY, //$00+x,y
AY, //a,y
DirectXRelative, //$00+x,+/-$00
XDirectY, //x,$00+y
YDirectX, //y,$00+x
YA, //y,a
YRelative, //y,+/-$00
struct OpcodeInfo {
char name[6];
unsigned mode;
static const OpcodeInfo opcodeInfo[256];
static unsigned getOpcodeLength(uint8_t opcode);
static string disassemble(uint16_t pc, uint8_t opcode, uint8_t pl, uint8_t ph);
static string disassemble(uint16_t pc, bool p, uint8_t opcode, uint8_t pl, uint8_t ph);
const SNESSMP::OpcodeInfo SNESSMP::opcodeInfo[256] = {
//0x00 - 0x0f
{ "nop ", Implied },
{ "tcall", TVector },
{ "set0 ", Direct },
{ "bbs0 ", DirectRelative },
{ "or ", ADirect },
{ "or ", AAbsolute },
{ "or ", AIX },
{ "or ", AIDirectX },
{ "or ", AConstant },
{ "or ", DirectDirect },
{ "or1 ", CAbsoluteBit },
{ "asl ", Direct },
{ "asl ", Absolute },
{ "push ", P },
{ "tset ", AbsoluteA },
{ "brk ", Implied },
//0x10 - 0x1f
{ "bpl ", Relative },
{ "tcall", TVector },
{ "clr0 ", Direct },
{ "bbc0 ", DirectRelative },
{ "or ", ADirectX },
{ "or ", AAbsoluteX },
{ "or ", AAbsoluteY },
{ "or ", AIDirectY },
{ "or ", DirectConstant },
{ "or ", IXIY },
{ "decw ", Direct },
{ "asl ", DirectX },
{ "asl ", A },
{ "dec ", X },
{ "cmp ", XAbsolute },
{ "jmp ", IAbsoluteX },
//0x20 - 0x2f
{ "clrp ", Implied },
{ "tcall", TVector },
{ "set1 ", Direct },
{ "bbs1 ", DirectRelative },
{ "and ", ADirect },
{ "and ", AAbsolute },
{ "and ", AIX },
{ "and ", AIDirectX },
{ "and ", AConstant },
{ "and ", DirectDirect },
{ "or1 ", CNAbsoluteBit },
{ "rol ", Direct },
{ "rol ", Absolute },
{ "push ", A },
{ "cbne ", DirectRelative },
{ "bra ", Relative },
//0x30 - 0x3f
{ "bmi ", Relative },
{ "tcall", TVector },
{ "clr1 ", Direct },
{ "bbc1 ", DirectRelative },
{ "and ", ADirectX },
{ "and ", AAbsoluteX },
{ "and ", AAbsoluteY },
{ "and ", AIDirectY },
{ "and ", DirectConstant },
{ "and ", IXIY },
{ "incw ", Direct },
{ "rol ", DirectX },
{ "rol ", A },
{ "inc ", X },
{ "cmp ", XDirect },
{ "call ", Absolute },
//0x40 - 0x4f
{ "setp ", Implied },
{ "tcall", TVector },
{ "set2 ", Direct },
{ "bbs2 ", DirectRelative },
{ "eor ", ADirect },
{ "eor ", AAbsolute },
{ "eor ", AIX },
{ "eor ", AIDirectX },
{ "eor ", AConstant },
{ "eor ", DirectDirect },
{ "and1 ", CAbsoluteBit },
{ "lsr ", Direct },
{ "lsr ", Absolute },
{ "push ", X },
{ "tclr ", AbsoluteA },
{ "pcall", PVector },
//0x50 - 0x5f
{ "bvc ", Relative },
{ "tcall", TVector },
{ "clr2 ", Direct },
{ "bbc2 ", DirectRelative },
{ "eor ", ADirectX },
{ "eor ", AAbsoluteX },
{ "eor ", AAbsoluteY },
{ "eor ", AIDirectY },
{ "eor ", DirectConstant },
{ "eor ", IXIY },
{ "cmpw ", YaDirect },
{ "lsr ", DirectX },
{ "lsr ", A },
{ "mov ", XA },
{ "cmp ", YAbsolute },
{ "jmp ", Absolute },
//0x60 - 0x6f
{ "clrc ", Implied },
{ "tcall", TVector },
{ "set3 ", Direct },
{ "bbs3 ", DirectRelative },
{ "cmp ", ADirect },
{ "cmp ", AAbsolute },
{ "cmp ", AIX },
{ "cmp ", AIDirectX },
{ "cmp ", AConstant },
{ "cmp ", DirectDirect },
{ "and1 ", CNAbsoluteBit },
{ "ror ", Direct },
{ "ror ", Absolute },
{ "push ", Y },
{ "dbnz ", DirectRelative },
{ "ret ", Implied },
//0x70 - 0x7f
{ "bvs ", Relative },
{ "tcall", TVector },
{ "clr3 ", Direct },
{ "bbc3 ", DirectRelative },
{ "cmp ", ADirectX },
{ "cmp ", AAbsoluteX },
{ "cmp ", AAbsoluteY },
{ "cmp ", AIDirectY },
{ "cmp ", DirectConstant },
{ "cmp ", IXIY },
{ "addw ", YaDirect },
{ "ror ", DirectX },
{ "ror ", A },
{ "mov ", AX },
{ "cmp ", YDirect },
{ "reti ", Implied },
//0x80 - 0x8f
{ "setc ", Implied },
{ "tcall", TVector },
{ "set4 ", Direct },
{ "bbs4 ", DirectRelative },
{ "adc ", ADirect },
{ "adc ", AAbsolute },
{ "adc ", AIX },
{ "adc ", AIDirectX },
{ "adc ", AConstant },
{ "adc ", DirectDirect },
{ "eor1 ", CAbsoluteBit },
{ "dec ", Direct },
{ "dec ", Absolute },
{ "mov ", YConstant },
{ "pop ", P },
{ "mov ", DirectConstant },
//0x90 - 0x9f
{ "bcc ", Relative },
{ "tcall", TVector },
{ "clr4 ", Direct },
{ "bbc4 ", DirectRelative },
{ "adc ", ADirectX },
{ "adc ", AAbsoluteX },
{ "adc ", AAbsoluteY },
{ "adc ", AIDirectY },
{ "adc ", DirectRelative },
{ "adc ", IXIY },
{ "subw ", YaDirect },
{ "dec ", DirectX },
{ "dec ", A },
{ "mov ", XSp },
{ "div ", YaX },
{ "xcn ", A },
//0xa0 - 0xaf
{ "ei ", Implied },
{ "tcall", TVector },
{ "set5 ", Direct },
{ "bbs5 ", DirectRelative },
{ "sbc ", ADirect },
{ "sbc ", AAbsolute },
{ "sbc ", AIX },
{ "sbc ", AIDirectX },
{ "sbc ", AConstant },
{ "sbc ", DirectDirect },
{ "mov1 ", CAbsoluteBit },
{ "inc ", Direct },
{ "inc ", Absolute },
{ "cmp ", YConstant },
{ "pop ", A },
{ "mov ", IXPA },
//0xb0 - 0xbf
{ "bcs ", Relative },
{ "tcall", TVector },
{ "clr5 ", Direct },
{ "bbc5 ", DirectRelative },
{ "sbc ", ADirectX },
{ "sbc ", AAbsoluteX },
{ "sbc ", AAbsoluteY },
{ "sbc ", AIDirectY },
{ "sbc ", DirectConstant },
{ "sbc ", IXIY },
{ "movw ", YaDirect },
{ "inc ", DirectX },
{ "inc ", A },
{ "mov ", SpX },
{ "das ", A },
{ "mov ", AIXP },
//0xc0 - 0xcf
{ "di ", Implied },
{ "tcall", TVector },
{ "set6 ", Direct },
{ "bbs6 ", DirectRelative },
{ "mov ", DirectA },
{ "mov ", AbsoluteA },
{ "mov ", IXA },
{ "mov ", IDirectXA },
{ "cmp ", XConstant },
{ "mov ", AbsoluteX },
{ "mov1 ", AbsoluteBitC },
{ "mov ", DirectY },
{ "mov ", AbsoluteY },
{ "mov ", XConstant },
{ "pop ", X },
{ "mul ", Ya },
//0xd0 - 0xdf
{ "bne ", Relative },
{ "tcall", TVector },
{ "clr6 ", Relative },
{ "bbc6 ", DirectRelative },
{ "mov ", DirectXA },
{ "mov ", AbsoluteXA },
{ "mov ", AbsoluteYA },
{ "mov ", IDirectYA },
{ "mov ", DirectX },
{ "mov ", DirectYX },
{ "movw ", DirectYa },
{ "mov ", DirectXY },
{ "dec ", Y },
{ "mov ", AY },
{ "cbne ", DirectXRelative },
{ "daa ", A },
//0xe0 - 0xef
{ "clrv ", Implied },
{ "tcall", TVector },
{ "set7 ", Direct },
{ "bbs7 ", DirectRelative },
{ "mov ", ADirect },
{ "mov ", AAbsolute },
{ "mov ", AIX },
{ "mov ", AIDirectX },
{ "mov ", AConstant },
{ "mov ", XAbsolute },
{ "not1 ", CAbsoluteBit },
{ "mov ", YDirect },
{ "mov ", YAbsolute },
{ "notc ", Implied },
{ "pop ", Y },
{ "sleep", Implied },
//0xf0 - 0xff
{ "beq ", Relative },
{ "tcall", TVector },
{ "clr7 ", Direct },
{ "bbc7 ", DirectRelative },
{ "mov ", ADirectX },
{ "mov ", AAbsoluteX },
{ "mov ", AAbsoluteY },
{ "mov ", AIDirectY },
{ "mov ", XDirect },
{ "mov ", XDirectY },
{ "mov ", DirectDirect },
{ "mov ", YDirectX },
{ "inc ", Y },
{ "mov ", YA },
{ "dbz ", YRelative },
{ "stop ", Implied },
inline unsigned SNESSMP::getOpcodeLength(uint8_t opcode) {
switch(opcodeInfo[opcode].mode) { default:
case Implied: return 1; //
case TVector: return 1; //0
case Direct: return 2; //$00
case DirectRelative: return 3; //$00,+/-$00
case ADirect: return 2; //a,$00
case AAbsolute: return 3; //a,$0000
case AIX: return 1; //a,(x)
case AIDirectX: return 2; //a,($00+x)
case AConstant: return 2; //a,#$00
case DirectDirect: return 3; //$00,$00
case CAbsoluteBit: return 3; //c,$0000:0
case Absolute: return 3; //$0000
case P: return 1; //p
case AbsoluteA: return 3; //$0000,a
case Relative: return 2; //+/-$00
case ADirectX: return 2; //a,$00+x
case AAbsoluteX: return 3; //a,$0000+x
case AAbsoluteY: return 3; //a,$0000+y
case AIDirectY: return 2; //a,($00)+y
case DirectConstant: return 3; //$00,#$00
case IXIY: return 1; //(x),(y)
case DirectX: return 2; //$00+x
case A: return 1; //a
case X: return 1; //x
case XAbsolute: return 3; //x,$0000
case IAbsoluteX: return 3; //($0000+x)
case CNAbsoluteBit: return 3; //c,!$0000:0
case XDirect: return 2; //x,$00
case PVector: return 2; //$ff00
case YaDirect: return 2; //ya,$00
case XA: return 1; //x,a
case YAbsolute: return 3; //y,$0000
case Y: return 1; //y
case AX: return 1; //a,x
case YDirect: return 2; //y,$00
case YConstant: return 2; //y,#$00
case XSp: return 1; //x,sp
case YaX: return 1; //ya,x
case IXPA: return 1; //(x)+,a
case SpX: return 1; //sp,x
case AIXP: return 1; //a,(x)+
case DirectA: return 2; //$00,a
case IXA: return 1; //(x),a
case IDirectXA: return 2; //($00+x),a
case XConstant: return 2; //x,#$00
case AbsoluteX: return 3; //$0000,x
case AbsoluteBitC: return 3; //$0000:0,c
case DirectY: return 2; //$00,y
case AbsoluteY: return 3; //$0000,y
case Ya: return 1; //ya
case DirectXA: return 2; //$00+x,a
case AbsoluteXA: return 3; //$0000+x,a
case AbsoluteYA: return 3; //$0000+y,a
case IDirectYA: return 2; //($00)+y,a
case DirectYX: return 2; //$00+y,x
case DirectYa: return 2; //$00,ya
case DirectXY: return 2; //$00+x,y
case AY: return 1; //a,y
case DirectXRelative: return 3; //$00+x,+/-$00
case XDirectY: return 2; //x,$00+y
case YDirectX: return 2; //y,$00+x
case YA: return 1; //y,a
case YRelative: return 2; //y,+/-$00
inline string SNESSMP::disassemble(uint16_t pc, uint8_t opcode, uint8_t pl, uint8_t ph) {
string name = opcodeInfo[opcode].name;
unsigned mode = opcodeInfo[opcode].mode;
unsigned pa = (ph << 8) + pl;
if(mode == Implied) return name;
if(mode == TVector) return { name, " ", opcode >> 4 };
if(mode == Direct) return { name, " $", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == DirectRelative) return { name, " $", hex<2>(pl), ",$", hex<4>(pc + 3 + (int8_t)ph) };
if(mode == ADirect) return { name, " a,$", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == AAbsolute) return { name, " a,$", hex<4>(pa) };
if(mode == AIX) return { name, "a,(x)" };
if(mode == AIDirectX) return { name, " a,($", hex<2>(pl), "+x)" };
if(mode == AConstant) return { name, " a,#$", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == DirectDirect) return { name, " $", hex<2>(ph), ",$", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == CAbsoluteBit) return { name, " c,$", hex<4>(pa & 0x1fff), ":", pa >> 13 };
if(mode == Absolute) return { name, " $", hex<4>(pa) };
if(mode == P) return { name, " p" };
if(mode == AbsoluteA) return { name, " $", hex<4>(pa), ",a" };
if(mode == Relative) return { name, " $", hex<4>(pc + 2 + (int8_t)pl) };
if(mode == ADirectX) return { name, " a,$", hex<2>(pl), "+x" };
if(mode == AAbsoluteX) return { name, " a,$", hex<4>(pa), "+x" };
if(mode == AAbsoluteY) return { name, " a,$", hex<4>(pa), "+y" };
if(mode == AIDirectY) return { name, " a,($", hex<2>(pl), ")+y" };
if(mode == DirectConstant) return { name, " $", hex<2>(ph), ",#$", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == IXIY) return { name, " (x),(y)" };
if(mode == DirectX) return { name, " $", hex<2>(pl), "+x" };
if(mode == A) return { name, " a" };
if(mode == X) return { name, " x" };
if(mode == XAbsolute) return { name, " x,$", hex<4>(pa) };
if(mode == IAbsoluteX) return { name, " ($", hex<4>(pa), "+x)" };
if(mode == CNAbsoluteBit) return { name, " c,!$", hex<4>(pa & 0x1fff), ":", pa >> 13 };
if(mode == XDirect) return { name, " x,$", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == PVector) return { name, " $ff", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == YaDirect) return { name, " ya,$", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == XA) return { name, " x,a" };
if(mode == YAbsolute) return { name, " y,$", hex<4>(pa) };
if(mode == Y) return { name, " y" };
if(mode == AX) return { name, " a,x" };
if(mode == YDirect) return { name, " y,$", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == YConstant) return { name, " y,#$", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == XSp) return { name, " x,sp" };
if(mode == YaX) return { name, " ya,x" };
if(mode == IXPA) return { name, " (x)+,a" };
if(mode == SpX) return { name, " sp,x" };
if(mode == AIXP) return { name, " a,(x)+" };
if(mode == DirectA) return { name, " $", hex<2>(pl), ",a" };
if(mode == IXA) return { name, " (x),a" };
if(mode == IDirectXA) return { name, " ($", hex<2>(pl), "+x),a" };
if(mode == XConstant) return { name, " x,#$", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == AbsoluteX) return { name, " $", hex<4>(pa), ",x" };
if(mode == AbsoluteBitC) return { name, " $", hex<4>(pa & 0x1fff), ":", pa >> 13, ",c" };
if(mode == DirectY) return { name, " $", hex<2>(pl), ",y" };
if(mode == AbsoluteY) return { name, " $", hex<4>(pa), ",y" };
if(mode == Ya) return { name, " ya" };
if(mode == DirectXA) return { name, " $", hex<2>(pl), "+x,a" };
if(mode == AbsoluteXA) return { name, " $", hex<4>(pa), "+x,a" };
if(mode == AbsoluteYA) return { name, " $", hex<4>(pa), "+y,a" };
if(mode == IDirectYA) return { name, " ($", hex<2>(pl), ")+y,a" };
if(mode == DirectYX) return { name, " $", hex<2>(pl), "+y,x" };
if(mode == DirectYa) return { name, " $", hex<2>(pl), ",ya" };
if(mode == DirectXY) return { name, " $", hex<2>(pl), "+x,y" };
if(mode == AY) return { name, " a,y" };
if(mode == DirectXRelative) return { name, " $", hex<2>(pl), ",$", hex<4>(pc + 3 + (int8_t)ph) };
if(mode == XDirectY) return { name, " x,$", hex<2>(pl), "+y" };
if(mode == YDirectX) return { name, " y,$", hex<2>(pl), "+x" };
if(mode == YA) return { name, " y,a" };
if(mode == YRelative) return { name, " y,$", hex<4>(pc + 2 + (int8_t)pl) };
return "";
inline string SNESSMP::disassemble(uint16_t pc, bool p, uint8_t opcode, uint8_t pl, uint8_t ph) {
string name = opcodeInfo[opcode].name;
unsigned mode = opcodeInfo[opcode].mode;
unsigned pdl = (p << 8) + pl;
unsigned pdh = (p << 8) + ph;
unsigned pa = (ph << 8) + pl;
if(mode == Implied) return name;
if(mode == TVector) return { name, " ", opcode >> 4 };
if(mode == Direct) return { name, " $", hex<3>(pdl) };
if(mode == DirectRelative) return { name, " $", hex<3>(pdl), ",$", hex<4>(pc + 3 + (int8_t)ph) };
if(mode == ADirect) return { name, " a,$", hex<3>(pdl) };
if(mode == AAbsolute) return { name, " a,$", hex<4>(pa) };
if(mode == AIX) return { name, "a,(x)" };
if(mode == AIDirectX) return { name, " a,($", hex<3>(pdl), "+x)" };
if(mode == AConstant) return { name, " a,#$", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == DirectDirect) return { name, " $", hex<3>(pdh), ",$", hex<3>(pdl) };
if(mode == CAbsoluteBit) return { name, " c,$", hex<4>(pa & 0x1fff), ":", pa >> 13 };
if(mode == Absolute) return { name, " $", hex<4>(pa) };
if(mode == P) return { name, " p" };
if(mode == AbsoluteA) return { name, " $", hex<4>(pa), ",a" };
if(mode == Relative) return { name, " $", hex<4>(pc + 2 + (int8_t)pl) };
if(mode == ADirectX) return { name, " a,$", hex<3>(pdl), "+x" };
if(mode == AAbsoluteX) return { name, " a,$", hex<4>(pa), "+x" };
if(mode == AAbsoluteY) return { name, " a,$", hex<4>(pa), "+y" };
if(mode == AIDirectY) return { name, " a,($", hex<3>(pdl), ")+y" };
if(mode == DirectConstant) return { name, " $", hex<3>(pdh), ",#$", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == IXIY) return { name, " (x),(y)" };
if(mode == DirectX) return { name, " $", hex<3>(pdl), "+x" };
if(mode == A) return { name, " a" };
if(mode == X) return { name, " x" };
if(mode == XAbsolute) return { name, " x,$", hex<4>(pa) };
if(mode == IAbsoluteX) return { name, " ($", hex<4>(pa), "+x)" };
if(mode == CNAbsoluteBit) return { name, " c,!$", hex<4>(pa & 0x1fff), ":", pa >> 13 };
if(mode == XDirect) return { name, " x,$", hex<3>(pdl) };
if(mode == PVector) return { name, " $ff", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == YaDirect) return { name, " ya,$", hex<3>(pdl) };
if(mode == XA) return { name, " x,a" };
if(mode == YAbsolute) return { name, " y,$", hex<4>(pa) };
if(mode == Y) return { name, " y" };
if(mode == AX) return { name, " a,x" };
if(mode == YDirect) return { name, " y,$", hex<3>(pdl) };
if(mode == YConstant) return { name, " y,#$", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == XSp) return { name, " x,sp" };
if(mode == YaX) return { name, " ya,x" };
if(mode == IXPA) return { name, " (x)+,a" };
if(mode == SpX) return { name, " sp,x" };
if(mode == AIXP) return { name, " a,(x)+" };
if(mode == DirectA) return { name, " $", hex<3>(pdl), ",a" };
if(mode == IXA) return { name, " (x),a" };
if(mode == IDirectXA) return { name, " ($", hex<3>(pdl), "+x),a" };
if(mode == XConstant) return { name, " x,#$", hex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == AbsoluteX) return { name, " $", hex<4>(pa), ",x" };
if(mode == AbsoluteBitC) return { name, " $", hex<4>(pa & 0x1fff), ":", pa >> 13, ",c" };
if(mode == DirectY) return { name, " $", hex<3>(pdl), ",y" };
if(mode == AbsoluteY) return { name, " $", hex<4>(pa), ",y" };
if(mode == Ya) return { name, " ya" };
if(mode == DirectXA) return { name, " $", hex<3>(pdl), "+x,a" };
if(mode == AbsoluteXA) return { name, " $", hex<4>(pa), "+x,a" };
if(mode == AbsoluteYA) return { name, " $", hex<4>(pa), "+y,a" };
if(mode == IDirectYA) return { name, " ($", hex<3>(pdl), ")+y,a" };
if(mode == DirectYX) return { name, " $", hex<3>(pdl), "+y,x" };
if(mode == DirectYa) return { name, " $", hex<3>(pdl), ",ya" };
if(mode == DirectXY) return { name, " $", hex<3>(pdl), "+x,y" };
if(mode == AY) return { name, " a,y" };
if(mode == DirectXRelative) return { name, " $", hex<3>(pdl), ",$", hex<4>(pc + 3 + (int8_t)ph) };
if(mode == XDirectY) return { name, " x,$", hex<3>(pdl), "+y" };
if(mode == YDirectX) return { name, " y,$", hex<3>(pdl), "+x" };
if(mode == YA) return { name, " y,a" };
if(mode == YRelative) return { name, " y,$", hex<4>(pc + 2 + (int8_t)pl) };
return "";

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
#include <nall/utility.hpp>
//class: merge sort
//average: O(n log n)
//worst: O(n log n)
//memory: O(n)
//stack: O(log n)
//stable?: yes
//there are two primary reasons for choosing merge sort
//over the (usually) faster quick sort*:
//1: it is a stable sort.
//2: it lacks O(n^2) worst-case overhead.
//(* which is also O(n log n) in the average case.)
namespace nall {
template<typename T>
void sort(T list[], unsigned length) {
if(length <= 1) return; //nothing to sort
//use insertion sort to quickly sort smaller blocks
if(length < 64) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) {
unsigned min = i;
for(unsigned j = i + 1; j < length; j++) {
if(list[j] < list[min]) min = j;
if(min != i) swap(list[i], list[min]);
//split list in half and recursively sort both
unsigned middle = length / 2;
sort(list, middle);
sort(list + middle, length - middle);
//left and right are sorted here; perform merge sort
T *buffer = new T[length];
unsigned offset = 0;
unsigned left = 0;
unsigned right = middle;
while(left < middle && right < length) {
if(list[left] < list[right]) {
buffer[offset++] = list[left++];
} else {
buffer[offset++] = list[right++];
while(left < middle) buffer[offset++] = list[left++];
while(right < length) buffer[offset++] = list[right++];
for(unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) list[i] = buffer[i];
delete[] buffer;

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
template<bool C, typename T, typename F> struct static_if { typedef T type; };
template<typename T, typename F> struct static_if<false, T, F> { typedef F type; };
template<typename C, typename T, typename F> struct mp_static_if { typedef typename static_if<C::type, T, F>::type type; };
template<bool A, bool B> struct static_and { enum { value = false }; };
template<> struct static_and<true, true> { enum { value = true }; };
template<typename A, typename B> struct mp_static_and { enum { value = static_and<A::value, B::value>::value }; };
template<bool A, bool B> struct static_or { enum { value = false }; };
template<> struct static_or<false, true> { enum { value = true }; };
template<> struct static_or<true, false> { enum { value = true }; };
template<> struct static_or<true, true> { enum { value = true }; };
template<typename A, typename B> struct mp_static_or { enum { value = static_or<A::value, B::value>::value }; };

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
#include <nall/static.hpp>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
typedef signed char int8_t;
typedef signed short int16_t;
typedef signed int int32_t;
typedef signed long long int64_t;
typedef int64_t intmax_t;
#if defined(_WIN64)
typedef int64_t intptr_t;
typedef int32_t intptr_t;
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
typedef uint64_t uintmax_t;
#if defined(_WIN64)
typedef uint64_t uintptr_t;
typedef uint32_t uintptr_t;
#include <stdint.h>
namespace nall {
static_assert(sizeof(int8_t) == 1, "int8_t is not of the correct size" );
static_assert(sizeof(int16_t) == 2, "int16_t is not of the correct size");
static_assert(sizeof(int32_t) == 4, "int32_t is not of the correct size");
static_assert(sizeof(int64_t) == 8, "int64_t is not of the correct size");
static_assert(sizeof(uint8_t) == 1, "int8_t is not of the correct size" );
static_assert(sizeof(uint16_t) == 2, "int16_t is not of the correct size");
static_assert(sizeof(uint32_t) == 4, "int32_t is not of the correct size");
static_assert(sizeof(uint64_t) == 8, "int64_t is not of the correct size");

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
#include <initializer_list>
#include <nall/platform.hpp>
#include <nall/utility.hpp>
#include <nall/string/base.hpp>
#include <nall/string/bsv.hpp>
#include <nall/string/core.hpp>
#include <nall/string/cast.hpp>
#include <nall/string/compare.hpp>
#include <nall/string/convert.hpp>
#include <nall/string/filename.hpp>
#include <nall/string/math.hpp>
#include <nall/string/platform.hpp>
#include <nall/string/strl.hpp>
#include <nall/string/strpos.hpp>
#include <nall/string/trim.hpp>
#include <nall/string/replace.hpp>
#include <nall/string/split.hpp>
#include <nall/string/utility.hpp>
#include <nall/string/variadic.hpp>
#include <nall/string/wrapper.hpp>
#include <nall/string/xml.hpp>
namespace nall {
template<> struct has_length<string> { enum { value = true }; };
template<> struct has_size<lstring> { enum { value = true }; };

View File

@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <nall/concept.hpp>
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
#include <nall/utf8.hpp>
#include <nall/vector.hpp>
namespace nall {
class string;
template<typename T> inline string to_string(T);
class string {
inline void reserve(unsigned);
inline string& assign(const char*);
inline string& append(const char*);
inline string& append(bool);
inline string& append(signed int value);
inline string& append(unsigned int value);
inline string& append(double value);
inline bool readfile(const char*);
inline string& replace (const char*, const char*);
inline string& qreplace(const char*, const char*);
inline unsigned length() const;
inline bool equals(const char*) const;
inline bool iequals(const char*) const;
inline bool wildcard(const char*) const;
inline bool iwildcard(const char*) const;
inline bool beginswith(const char*) const;
inline bool ibeginswith(const char*) const;
inline bool endswith(const char*) const;
inline bool iendswith(const char*) const;
inline string& lower();
inline string& upper();
inline string& transform(const char *before, const char *after);
template<unsigned limit = 0> inline string& ltrim(const char *key = " ");
template<unsigned limit = 0> inline string& rtrim(const char *key = " ");
template<unsigned limit = 0> inline string& trim (const char *key = " ");
inline optional<unsigned> position(const char *key) const;
inline optional<unsigned> qposition(const char *key) const;
template<typename T> inline string& operator= (T value);
template<typename T> inline string& operator<<(T value);
inline operator const char*() const;
inline char* operator()();
inline char& operator[](int);
inline bool operator==(const char*) const;
inline bool operator!=(const char*) const;
inline bool operator< (const char*) const;
inline bool operator<=(const char*) const;
inline bool operator> (const char*) const;
inline bool operator>=(const char*) const;
inline string& operator=(const string&);
inline string& operator=(string&&);
template<typename... Args> inline string(Args&&... args);
inline string(const string&);
inline string(string&&);
inline ~string();
char *data;
unsigned size;
#if defined(QSTRING_H)
inline operator QString() const;
class lstring : public linear_vector<string> {
template<typename T> inline lstring& operator<<(T value);
inline optional<unsigned> find(const char*) const;
template<unsigned limit = 0> inline void split (const char*, const char*);
template<unsigned limit = 0> inline void qsplit(const char*, const char*);
inline char chrlower(char c);
inline char chrupper(char c);
inline int stricmp(const char *str1, const char *str2);
inline bool wildcard(const char *str, const char *pattern);
inline bool iwildcard(const char *str, const char *pattern);
inline bool strbegin (const char *str, const char *key);
inline bool stribegin(const char *str, const char *key);
inline bool strend (const char *str, const char *key);
inline bool striend(const char *str, const char *key);
inline char* strlower(char *str);
inline char* strupper(char *str);
inline char* strtr(char *dest, const char *before, const char *after);
inline uintmax_t hex (const char *str);
inline intmax_t integer(const char *str);
inline uintmax_t decimal(const char *str);
inline uintmax_t binary (const char *str);
inline double fp (const char *str);
inline bool strint (const char *str, int &result);
inline bool strmath(const char *str, int &result);
inline string realpath(const char *name);
inline string userpath();
inline string currentpath();
inline unsigned strlcpy(char *dest, const char *src, unsigned length);
inline unsigned strlcat(char *dest, const char *src, unsigned length);
inline optional<unsigned> strpos(const char *str, const char *key);
inline optional<unsigned> qstrpos(const char *str, const char *key);
template<unsigned limit = 0> inline char* ltrim(char *str, const char *key = " ");
template<unsigned limit = 0> inline char* rtrim(char *str, const char *key = " ");
template<unsigned limit = 0> inline char* trim (char *str, const char *key = " ");
inline unsigned strlcpy(string &dest, const char *src, unsigned length);
inline unsigned strlcat(string &dest, const char *src, unsigned length);
inline string substr(const char *src, unsigned start = 0, unsigned length = 0);
template<unsigned length = 0, char padding = '0'> inline string hex(uintmax_t value);
template<unsigned length = 0, char padding = '0'> inline string integer(intmax_t value);
template<unsigned length = 0, char padding = '0'> inline string decimal(uintmax_t value);
template<unsigned length = 0, char padding = '0'> inline string binary(uintmax_t value);
inline unsigned fp(char *str, double value);
inline string fp(double value);
template<typename... Args> inline void print(Args&&... args);

View File

@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
//BSV parser
//version 0.01
namespace nall {
inline string bsv_decode(const char *input) {
string output;
unsigned offset = 0;
while(*input) {
//illegal characters
if(*input == '}' ) return "";
if(*input == '\r') return "";
if(*input == '\n') return "";
//normal characters
if(*input != '{') { output[offset++] = *input++; continue; }
if(strbegin(input, "{lf}")) { output[offset++] = '\n'; input += 4; continue; }
if(strbegin(input, "{lb}")) { output[offset++] = '{'; input += 4; continue; }
if(strbegin(input, "{rb}")) { output[offset++] = '}'; input += 4; continue; }
//illegal entities
return "";
output[offset] = 0;
return output;
inline string bsv_encode(const char *input) {
string output;
unsigned offset = 0;
while(*input) {
//illegal characters
if(*input == '\r') return "";
if(*input == '\n') {
output[offset++] = '{';
output[offset++] = 'l';
output[offset++] = 'f';
output[offset++] = '}';
if(*input == '{') {
output[offset++] = '{';
output[offset++] = 'l';
output[offset++] = 'b';
output[offset++] = '}';
if(*input == '}') {
output[offset++] = '{';
output[offset++] = 'r';
output[offset++] = 'b';
output[offset++] = '}';
output[offset++] = *input++;
output[offset] = 0;
return output;

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
//this is needed, as C++0x does not support explicit template specialization inside classes
template<> inline string to_string<bool> (bool v) { return v ? "true" : "false"; }
template<> inline string to_string<signed int> (signed int v) { return integer(v); }
template<> inline string to_string<unsigned int> (unsigned int v) { return decimal(v); }
template<> inline string to_string<double> (double v) { return fp(v); }
template<> inline string to_string<char*> (char *v) { return v; }
template<> inline string to_string<const char*> (const char *v) { return v; }
template<> inline string to_string<string> (string v) { return v; }
template<> inline string to_string<const string&>(const string &v) { return v; }
template<typename T> string& string::operator= (T value) { return assign(to_string<T>(value)); }
template<typename T> string& string::operator<<(T value) { return append(to_string<T>(value)); }
template<typename T> lstring& lstring::operator<<(T value) {
return *this;
#if defined(QSTRING_H)
template<> inline string to_string<QString>(QString v) { return v.toUtf8().constData(); }
template<> inline string to_string<const QString&>(const QString &v) { return v.toUtf8().constData(); }
string::operator QString() const { return QString::fromUtf8(*this); }

View File

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
char chrlower(char c) {
return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ? c + ('a' - 'A') : c;
char chrupper(char c) {
return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ? c - ('a' - 'A') : c;
int stricmp(const char *str1, const char *str2) {
while(*str1) {
if(chrlower(*str1) != chrlower(*str2)) break;
str1++, str2++;
return (int)chrlower(*str1) - (int)chrlower(*str2);
bool wildcard(const char *s, const char *p) {
const char *cp = 0, *mp = 0;
while(*s && *p != '*') {
if(*p != '?' && *s != *p) return false;
p++, s++;
while(*s) {
if(*p == '*') {
if(!*++p) return true;
mp = p, cp = s + 1;
} else if(*p == '?' || *p == *s) {
p++, s++;
} else {
p = mp, s = cp++;
while(*p == '*') p++;
return !*p;
bool iwildcard(const char *s, const char *p) {
const char *cp = 0, *mp = 0;
while(*s && *p != '*') {
if(*p != '?' && chrlower(*s) != chrlower(*p)) return false;
p++, s++;
while(*s) {
if(*p == '*') {
if(!*++p) return true;
mp = p, cp = s + 1;
} else if(*p == '?' || chrlower(*p) == chrlower(*s)) {
p++, s++;
} else {
p = mp, s = cp++;
while(*p == '*') p++;
return !*p;
bool strbegin(const char *str, const char *key) {
int i, ssl = strlen(str), ksl = strlen(key);
if(ksl > ssl) return false;
return (!memcmp(str, key, ksl));
bool stribegin(const char *str, const char *key) {
int ssl = strlen(str), ksl = strlen(key);
if(ksl > ssl) return false;
for(int i = 0; i < ksl; i++) {
if(str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'Z') {
if(str[i] != key[i] && str[i]+0x20 != key[i])return false;
} else if(str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'z') {
if(str[i] != key[i] && str[i]-0x20 != key[i])return false;
} else {
if(str[i] != key[i])return false;
return true;
bool strend(const char *str, const char *key) {
int ssl = strlen(str), ksl = strlen(key);
if(ksl > ssl) return false;
return (!memcmp(str + ssl - ksl, key, ksl));
bool striend(const char *str, const char *key) {
int ssl = strlen(str), ksl = strlen(key);
if(ksl > ssl) return false;
for(int i = ssl - ksl, z = 0; i < ssl; i++, z++) {
if(str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'Z') {
if(str[i] != key[z] && str[i]+0x20 != key[z])return false;
} else if(str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'z') {
if(str[i] != key[z] && str[i]-0x20 != key[z])return false;
} else {
if(str[i] != key[z])return false;
return true;

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@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
char* strlower(char *str) {
if(!str) return 0;
int i = 0;
while(str[i]) {
str[i] = chrlower(str[i]);
return str;
char* strupper(char *str) {
if(!str) return 0;
int i = 0;
while(str[i]) {
str[i] = chrupper(str[i]);
return str;
char* strtr(char *dest, const char *before, const char *after) {
if(!dest || !before || !after) return dest;
int sl = strlen(dest), bsl = strlen(before), asl = strlen(after);
if(bsl != asl || bsl == 0) return dest; //patterns must be the same length for 1:1 replace
for(unsigned i = 0; i < sl; i++) {
for(unsigned l = 0; l < bsl; l++) {
if(dest[i] == before[l]) {
dest[i] = after[l];
return dest;
uintmax_t hex(const char *str) {
if(!str) return 0;
uintmax_t result = 0;
//skip hex identifiers 0x and $, if present
if(*str == '0' && (*(str + 1) == 'X' || *(str + 1) == 'x')) str += 2;
else if(*str == '$') str++;
while(*str) {
uint8_t x = *str++;
if(x >= '0' && x <= '9') x -= '0';
else if(x >= 'A' && x <= 'F') x -= 'A' - 10;
else if(x >= 'a' && x <= 'f') x -= 'a' - 10;
else break; //stop at first invalid character
result = result * 16 + x;
return result;
intmax_t integer(const char *str) {
if(!str) return 0;
intmax_t result = 0;
bool negate = false;
//check for negation
if(*str == '-') {
negate = true;
while(*str) {
uint8_t x = *str++;
if(x >= '0' && x <= '9') x -= '0';
else break; //stop at first invalid character
result = result * 10 + x;
return !negate ? result : -result;
uintmax_t decimal(const char *str) {
if(!str) return 0;
uintmax_t result = 0;
while(*str) {
uint8_t x = *str++;
if(x >= '0' && x <= '9') x -= '0';
else break; //stop at first invalid character
result = result * 10 + x;
return result;
uintmax_t binary(const char *str) {
if(!str) return 0;
uintmax_t result = 0;
//skip bin identifiers 0b and %, if present
if(*str == '0' && (*(str + 1) == 'B' || *(str + 1) == 'b')) str += 2;
else if(*str == '%') str++;
while(*str) {
uint8_t x = *str++;
if(x == '0' || x == '1') x -= '0';
else break; //stop at first invalid character
result = result * 2 + x;
return result;
double fp(const char *str) {
if(!str) return 0.0;
bool negate = false;
//check for negation
if(*str == '-') {
negate = true;
intmax_t result_integral = 0;
while(*str) {
uint8_t x = *str++;
if(x >= '0' && x <= '9') x -= '0';
else if(x == '.' || x == ',') break; //break loop and read fractional part
else return (double)result_integral; //invalid value, assume no fractional part
result_integral = result_integral * 10 + x;
intmax_t result_fractional = 0;
while(*str) {
uint8_t x = *str++;
if(x >= '0' && x <= '9') x -= '0';
else break; //stop at first invalid character
result_fractional = result_fractional * 10 + x;
//calculate fractional portion
double result = (double)result_fractional;
while((uintmax_t)result > 0) result /= 10.0;
result += (double)result_integral;
return !negate ? result : -result;

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@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
void string::reserve(unsigned size_) {
if(size_ > size) {
size = size_;
data = (char*)realloc(data, size + 1);
data[size] = 0;
string& string::assign(const char *s) {
unsigned length = strlen(s);
strcpy(data, s);
return *this;
string& string::append(const char *s) {
unsigned length = strlen(data) + strlen(s);
strcat(data, s);
return *this;
string& string::append(bool value) { append(value ? "true" : "false"); return *this; }
string& string::append(signed int value) { append(integer(value)); return *this; }
string& string::append(unsigned int value) { append(decimal(value)); return *this; }
string& string::append(double value) { append(fp(value)); return *this; }
string::operator const char*() const {
return data;
char* string::operator()() {
return data;
char& string::operator[](int index) {
return data[index];
bool string::operator==(const char *str) const { return strcmp(data, str) == 0; }
bool string::operator!=(const char *str) const { return strcmp(data, str) != 0; }
bool string::operator< (const char *str) const { return strcmp(data, str) < 0; }
bool string::operator<=(const char *str) const { return strcmp(data, str) <= 0; }
bool string::operator> (const char *str) const { return strcmp(data, str) > 0; }
bool string::operator>=(const char *str) const { return strcmp(data, str) >= 0; }
string& string::operator=(const string &value) {
return *this;
string& string::operator=(string &&source) {
if(data) free(data);
size = source.size;
data = source.data;
source.data = 0;
source.size = 0;
return *this;
static void istring(string &output) {
template<typename T, typename... Args>
static void istring(string &output, const T &value, Args&&... args) {
istring(output, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<typename... Args> string::string(Args&&... args) {
size = 64;
data = (char*)malloc(size + 1);
*data = 0;
istring(*this, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
string::string(const string &value) {
size = strlen(value);
data = strdup(value);
string::string(string &&source) {
size = source.size;
data = source.data;
source.data = 0;
string::~string() {
if(data) free(data);
bool string::readfile(const char *filename) {
#if !defined(_WIN32)
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
FILE *fp = _wfopen(utf16_t(filename), L"rb");
if(!fp) return false;
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
unsigned size = ftell(fp);
char *fdata = new char[size + 1];
unsigned unused = fread(fdata, 1, size, fp);
fdata[size] = 0;
delete[] fdata;
return true;
optional<unsigned> lstring::find(const char *key) const {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
if(operator[](i) == key) return { true, i };
return { false, 0 };
inline lstring::lstring() {
inline lstring::lstring(std::initializer_list<string> list) {
for(const string *s = list.begin(); s != list.end(); ++s) {

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@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
// "foo/bar.c" -> "foo/"
// "foo/" -> "foo/"
// "bar.c" -> "./"
inline string dir(char const *name) {
string result = name;
for(signed i = strlen(result); i >= 0; i--) {
if(result[i] == '/' || result[i] == '\\') {
result[i + 1] = 0;
if(i == 0) result = "./";
return result;
// "foo/bar.c" -> "bar.c"
inline string notdir(char const *name) {
for(signed i = strlen(name); i >= 0; i--) {
if(name[i] == '/' || name[i] == '\\') {
name += i + 1;
string result = name;
return result;
// "foo/bar.c" -> "foo/bar"
inline string basename(char const *name) {
string result = name;
for(signed i = strlen(result); i >= 0; i--) {
if(result[i] == '/' || result[i] == '\\') {
//file has no extension
if(result[i] == '.') {
result[i] = 0;
return result;
// "foo/bar.c" -> "c"
inline string extension(char const *name) {
for(signed i = strlen(name); i >= 0; i--) {
if(name[i] == '.') {
name += i + 1;
string result = name;
return result;

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@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
static int eval_integer(const char *&s) {
if(!*s) throw "unrecognized_integer";
int value = 0, x = *s, y = *(s + 1);
if(x == '0' && (y == 'X' || y == 'x')) {
s += 2;
while(true) {
if(*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') { value = value * 16 + (*s++ - '0'); continue; }
if(*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'F') { value = value * 16 + (*s++ - 'A' + 10); continue; }
if(*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'f') { value = value * 16 + (*s++ - 'a' + 10); continue; }
return value;
if(x == '0' && (y == 'B' || y == 'b')) {
s += 2;
while(true) {
if(*s == '0' || *s == '1') { value = value * 2 + (*s++ - '0'); continue; }
return value;
//octal (or decimal '0')
if(x == '0') {
s += 1;
while(true) {
if(*s >= '0' && *s <= '7') { value = value * 8 + (*s++ - '0'); continue; }
return value;
if(x >= '0' && x <= '9') {
while(true) {
if(*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') { value = value * 10 + (*s++ - '0'); continue; }
return value;
if(x == '\'' && y != '\'') {
s += 1;
while(true) {
value = value * 256 + *s++;
if(*s == '\'') { s += 1; return value; }
if(!*s) throw "mismatched_char";
throw "unrecognized_integer";
static int eval(const char *&s, int depth = 0) {
while(*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') s++; //trim whitespace
if(!*s) throw "unrecognized_token";
int value = 0, x = *s, y = *(s + 1);
if(*s == '(') {
value = eval(++s, 1);
if(*s++ != ')') throw "mismatched_group";
else if(x == '!') value = !eval(++s, 13);
else if(x == '~') value = ~eval(++s, 13);
else if(x == '+') value = +eval(++s, 13);
else if(x == '-') value = -eval(++s, 13);
else if((x >= '0' && x <= '9') || x == '\'') value = eval_integer(s);
else throw "unrecognized_token";
while(true) {
while(*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') s++; //trim whitespace
if(!*s) break;
x = *s, y = *(s + 1);
if(depth >= 13) break;
if(x == '*') { value *= eval(++s, 13); continue; }
if(x == '/') { value /= eval(++s, 13); continue; }
if(x == '%') { value %= eval(++s, 13); continue; }
if(depth >= 12) break;
if(x == '+') { value += eval(++s, 12); continue; }
if(x == '-') { value -= eval(++s, 12); continue; }
if(depth >= 11) break;
if(x == '<' && y == '<') { value <<= eval(++++s, 11); continue; }
if(x == '>' && y == '>') { value >>= eval(++++s, 11); continue; }
if(depth >= 10) break;
if(x == '<' && y == '=') { value = value <= eval(++++s, 10); continue; }
if(x == '>' && y == '=') { value = value >= eval(++++s, 10); continue; }
if(x == '<') { value = value < eval(++s, 10); continue; }
if(x == '>') { value = value > eval(++s, 10); continue; }
if(depth >= 9) break;
if(x == '=' && y == '=') { value = value == eval(++++s, 9); continue; }
if(x == '!' && y == '=') { value = value != eval(++++s, 9); continue; }
if(depth >= 8) break;
if(x == '&' && y != '&') { value = value & eval(++s, 8); continue; }
if(depth >= 7) break;
if(x == '^' && y != '^') { value = value ^ eval(++s, 7); continue; }
if(depth >= 6) break;
if(x == '|' && y != '|') { value = value | eval(++s, 6); continue; }
if(depth >= 5) break;
if(x == '&' && y == '&') { value = eval(++++s, 5) && value; continue; }
if(depth >= 4) break;
if(x == '^' && y == '^') { value = (!eval(++++s, 4) != !value); continue; }
if(depth >= 3) break;
if(x == '|' && y == '|') { value = eval(++++s, 3) || value; continue; }
if(x == '?') {
int lhs = eval(++s, 2);
if(*s != ':') throw "mismatched_ternary";
int rhs = eval(++s, 2);
value = value ? lhs : rhs;
if(depth >= 2) break;
if(depth > 0 && x == ')') break;
throw "unrecognized_token";
return value;
bool strint(const char *s, int &result) {
try {
result = eval_integer(s);
return true;
} catch(const char*) {
result = 0;
return false;
bool strmath(const char *s, int &result) {
try {
result = eval(s);
return true;
} catch(const char*) {
result = 0;
return false;

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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
string realpath(const char *name) {
char path[PATH_MAX];
if(::realpath(name, path)) {
string result(path);
result.transform("\\", "/");
if(result.endswith("/") == false) result.append("/");
return result;
return "";
string userpath() {
char path[PATH_MAX];
if(::userpath(path)) {
string result(path);
result.transform("\\", "/");
if(result.endswith("/") == false) result.append("/");
return result;
return "";
string currentpath() {
char path[PATH_MAX];
if(::getcwd(path)) {
string result(path);
result.transform("\\", "/");
if(result.endswith("/") == false) result.append("/");
return result;
return "";

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@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
string& string::replace(const char *key, const char *token) {
int i, z, ksl = strlen(key), tsl = strlen(token), ssl = length();
unsigned int replace_count = 0, size = ssl;
char *buffer;
if(ksl <= ssl) {
if(tsl > ksl) { //the new string may be longer than the old string...
for(i = 0; i <= ssl - ksl;) { //so let's find out how big of a string we'll need...
if(!memcmp(data + i, key, ksl)) {
i += ksl;
} else i++;
size = ssl + ((tsl - ksl) * replace_count);
buffer = new char[size + 1];
for(i = z = 0; i < ssl;) {
if(i <= ssl - ksl) {
if(!memcmp(data + i, key, ksl)) {
memcpy(buffer + z, token, tsl);
z += tsl;
i += ksl;
} else buffer[z++] = data[i++];
} else buffer[z++] = data[i++];
buffer[z] = 0;
delete[] buffer;
return *this;
string& string::qreplace(const char *key, const char *token) {
int i, l, z, ksl = strlen(key), tsl = strlen(token), ssl = length();
unsigned int replace_count = 0, size = ssl;
uint8_t x;
char *buffer;
if(ksl <= ssl) {
if(tsl > ksl) {
for(i = 0; i <= ssl - ksl;) {
x = data[i];
if(x == '\"' || x == '\'') {
l = i;
while(data[i++] != x) {
if(i == ssl) {
i = l;
if(!memcmp(data + i, key, ksl)) {
i += ksl;
} else i++;
size = ssl + ((tsl - ksl) * replace_count);
buffer = new char[size + 1];
for(i = z = 0; i < ssl;) {
x = data[i];
if(x == '\"' || x == '\'') {
l = i++;
while(data[i] != x && i < ssl)i++;
if(i >= ssl)i = l;
else {
memcpy(buffer + z, data + l, i - l);
z += i - l;
if(i <= ssl - ksl) {
if(!memcmp(data + i, key, ksl)) {
memcpy(buffer + z, token, tsl);
z += tsl;
i += ksl;
} else buffer[z++] = data[i++];
} else buffer[z++] = data[i++];
buffer[z] = 0;
delete[] buffer;
return *this;

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@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
template<unsigned Limit> void lstring::split(const char *key, const char *src) {
unsigned limit = Limit;
int ssl = strlen(src), ksl = strlen(key);
int lp = 0, split_count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i <= ssl - ksl;) {
if(!memcmp(src + i, key, ksl)) {
strlcpy(operator[](split_count++), src + lp, i - lp + 1);
i += ksl;
lp = i;
if(!--limit) break;
} else i++;
operator[](split_count++) = src + lp;
template<unsigned Limit> void lstring::qsplit(const char *key, const char *src) {
unsigned limit = Limit;
int ssl = strlen(src), ksl = strlen(key);
int lp = 0, split_count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i <= ssl - ksl;) {
uint8_t x = src[i];
if(x == '\"' || x == '\'') {
int z = i++; //skip opening quote
while(i < ssl && src[i] != x) i++;
if(i >= ssl) i = z; //failed match, rewind i
else {
i++; //skip closing quote
continue; //restart in case next char is also a quote
if(!memcmp(src + i, key, ksl)) {
strlcpy(operator[](split_count++), src + lp, i - lp + 1);
i += ksl;
lp = i;
if(!--limit) break;
} else i++;
operator[](split_count++) = src + lp;

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@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
//strlcpy, strlcat based on OpenBSD implementation by Todd C. Miller
//return = strlen(src)
unsigned strlcpy(char *dest, const char *src, unsigned length) {
char *d = dest;
const char *s = src;
unsigned n = length;
if(n) {
while(--n && (*d++ = *s++)); //copy as many bytes as possible, or until null terminator reached
if(!n) {
if(length) *d = 0;
while(*s++); //traverse rest of s, so that s - src == strlen(src)
return (s - src - 1); //return length of copied string, sans null terminator
//return = strlen(src) + min(length, strlen(dest))
unsigned strlcat(char *dest, const char *src, unsigned length) {
char *d = dest;
const char *s = src;
unsigned n = length;
while(n-- && *d) d++; //find end of dest
unsigned dlength = d - dest;
n = length - dlength; //subtract length of dest from maximum string length
if(!n) return dlength + strlen(s);
while(*s) {
if(n != 1) {
*d++ = *s;
*d = 0;
return dlength + (s - src); //return length of resulting string, sans null terminator

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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
//usage example:
//if(auto pos = strpos(str, key)) print(pos(), "\n");
//prints position of key within str, only if it is found
namespace nall {
optional<unsigned> strpos(const char *str, const char *key) {
unsigned ssl = strlen(str), ksl = strlen(key);
if(ksl > ssl) return { false, 0 };
for(unsigned i = 0; i <= ssl - ksl; i++) {
if(!memcmp(str + i, key, ksl)) return { true, i };
return { false, 0 };
optional<unsigned> qstrpos(const char *str, const char *key) {
unsigned ssl = strlen(str), ksl = strlen(key);
if(ksl > ssl) return { false, 0 };
for(unsigned i = 0; i <= ssl - ksl;) {
uint8_t x = str[i];
if(x == '\"' || x == '\'') {
uint8_t z = i++;
while(str[i] != x && i < ssl) i++;
if(i >= ssl) i = z;
if(!memcmp(str + i, key, ksl)) return { true, i };
return { false, 0 };

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@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
//limit defaults to zero, which will underflow on first compare; equivalent to no limit
template<unsigned Limit> char* ltrim(char *str, const char *key) {
unsigned limit = Limit;
if(!key || !*key) return str;
while(strbegin(str, key)) {
char *dest = str, *src = str + strlen(key);
while(true) {
*dest = *src++;
if(!*dest) break;
if(--limit == 0) break;
return str;
template<unsigned Limit> char* rtrim(char *str, const char *key) {
unsigned limit = Limit;
if(!key || !*key) return str;
while(strend(str, key)) {
str[strlen(str) - strlen(key)] = 0;
if(--limit == 0) break;
return str;
template<unsigned limit> char* trim(char *str, const char *key) {
return ltrim<limit>(rtrim<limit>(str, key), key);

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@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
unsigned strlcpy(string &dest, const char *src, unsigned length) {
return strlcpy(dest(), src, length);
unsigned strlcat(string &dest, const char *src, unsigned length) {
return strlcat(dest(), src, length);
string substr(const char *src, unsigned start, unsigned length) {
string dest;
if(length == 0) {
//copy entire string
dest = src + start;
} else {
//copy partial string
strlcpy(dest, src + start, length + 1);
return dest;
/* arithmetic <> string */
template<unsigned length, char padding> string hex(uintmax_t value) {
string output;
unsigned offset = 0;
//render string backwards, as we do not know its length yet
do {
unsigned n = value & 15;
output[offset++] = n < 10 ? '0' + n : 'a' + n - 10;
value >>= 4;
} while(value);
while(offset < length) output[offset++] = padding;
output[offset--] = 0;
//reverse the string in-place
for(unsigned i = 0; i < (offset + 1) >> 1; i++) {
char temp = output[i];
output[i] = output[offset - i];
output[offset - i] = temp;
return output;
template<unsigned length, char padding> string integer(intmax_t value) {
string output;
unsigned offset = 0;
bool negative = value < 0;
if(negative) value = abs(value);
do {
unsigned n = value % 10;
output[offset++] = '0' + n;
value /= 10;
} while(value);
while(offset < length) output[offset++] = padding;
if(negative) output[offset++] = '-';
output[offset--] = 0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < (offset + 1) >> 1; i++) {
char temp = output[i];
output[i] = output[offset - i];
output[offset - i] = temp;
return output;
template<unsigned length, char padding> string decimal(uintmax_t value) {
string output;
unsigned offset = 0;
do {
unsigned n = value % 10;
output[offset++] = '0' + n;
value /= 10;
} while(value);
while(offset < length) output[offset++] = padding;
output[offset--] = 0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < (offset + 1) >> 1; i++) {
char temp = output[i];
output[i] = output[offset - i];
output[offset - i] = temp;
return output;
template<unsigned length, char padding> string binary(uintmax_t value) {
string output;
unsigned offset = 0;
do {
unsigned n = value & 1;
output[offset++] = '0' + n;
value >>= 1;
} while(value);
while(offset < length) output[offset++] = padding;
output[offset--] = 0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < (offset + 1) >> 1; i++) {
char temp = output[i];
output[i] = output[offset - i];
output[offset - i] = temp;
return output;
//using sprintf is certainly not the most ideal method to convert
//a double to a string ... but attempting to parse a double by
//hand, digit-by-digit, results in subtle rounding errors.
unsigned fp(char *str, double value) {
char buffer[256];
sprintf(buffer, "%f", value);
//remove excess 0's in fraction (2.500000 -> 2.5)
for(char *p = buffer; *p; p++) {
if(*p == '.') {
char *p = buffer + strlen(buffer) - 1;
while(*p == '0') {
if(*(p - 1) != '.') *p = 0; //... but not for eg 1.0 -> 1.
unsigned length = strlen(buffer);
if(str) strcpy(str, buffer);
return length + 1;
string fp(double value) {
string temp;
temp.reserve(fp(0, value));
fp(temp(), value);
return temp;

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
template<typename... Args> inline void print(Args&&... args) {
printf("%s", (const char*)string(std::forward<Args>(args)...));

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
namespace nall {
unsigned string::length() const { return strlen(data); }
bool string::equals(const char *str) const { return !strcmp(data, str); }
bool string::iequals(const char *str) const { return !stricmp(data, str); }
bool string::wildcard(const char *str) const { return nall::wildcard(data, str); }
bool string::iwildcard(const char *str) const { return nall::iwildcard(data, str); }
bool string::beginswith(const char *str) const { return strbegin(data, str); }
bool string::ibeginswith(const char *str) const { return stribegin(data, str); }
bool string::endswith(const char *str) const { return strend(data, str); }
bool string::iendswith(const char *str) const { return striend(data, str); }
string& string::lower() { nall::strlower(data); return *this; }
string& string::upper() { nall::strupper(data); return *this; }
string& string::transform(const char *before, const char *after) { nall::strtr(data, before, after); return *this; }
template<unsigned limit> string& string::ltrim(const char *key) { nall::ltrim<limit>(data, key); return *this; }
template<unsigned limit> string& string::rtrim(const char *key) { nall::rtrim<limit>(data, key); return *this; }
template<unsigned limit> string& string::trim (const char *key) { nall::trim <limit>(data, key); return *this; }
optional<unsigned> string::position(const char *key) const { return strpos(data, key); }
optional<unsigned> string::qposition(const char *key) const { return qstrpos(data, key); }

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@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
//XML subset parser
//version 0.05
namespace nall {
struct xml_attribute {
string name;
string content;
virtual string parse() const;
struct xml_element : xml_attribute {
string parse() const;
linear_vector<xml_attribute> attribute;
linear_vector<xml_element> element;
void parse_doctype(const char *&data);
bool parse_head(string data);
bool parse_body(const char *&data);
friend xml_element xml_parse(const char *data);
inline string xml_attribute::parse() const {
string data;
unsigned offset = 0;
const char *source = content;
while(*source) {
if(*source == '&') {
if(strbegin(source, "&lt;")) { data[offset++] = '<'; source += 4; continue; }
if(strbegin(source, "&gt;")) { data[offset++] = '>'; source += 4; continue; }
if(strbegin(source, "&amp;")) { data[offset++] = '&'; source += 5; continue; }
if(strbegin(source, "&apos;")) { data[offset++] = '\''; source += 6; continue; }
if(strbegin(source, "&quot;")) { data[offset++] = '"'; source += 6; continue; }
//reject illegal characters
if(*source == '&') return "";
if(*source == '<') return "";
if(*source == '>') return "";
data[offset++] = *source++;
data[offset] = 0;
return data;
inline string xml_element::parse() const {
string data;
unsigned offset = 0;
const char *source = content;
while(*source) {
if(*source == '&') {
if(strbegin(source, "&lt;")) { data[offset++] = '<'; source += 4; continue; }
if(strbegin(source, "&gt;")) { data[offset++] = '>'; source += 4; continue; }
if(strbegin(source, "&amp;")) { data[offset++] = '&'; source += 5; continue; }
if(strbegin(source, "&apos;")) { data[offset++] = '\''; source += 6; continue; }
if(strbegin(source, "&quot;")) { data[offset++] = '"'; source += 6; continue; }
if(strbegin(source, "<!--")) {
if(auto pos = strpos(source, "-->")) {
source += pos() + 3;
} else {
return "";
if(strbegin(source, "<![CDATA[")) {
if(auto pos = strpos(source, "]]>")) {
if(pos() - 9 > 0) {
string cdata = substr(source, 9, pos() - 9);
data << cdata;
offset += strlen(cdata);
source += 9 + offset + 3;
} else {
return "";
//reject illegal characters
if(*source == '&') return "";
if(*source == '<') return "";
if(*source == '>') return "";
data[offset++] = *source++;
data[offset] = 0;
return data;
inline void xml_element::parse_doctype(const char *&data) {
name = "!DOCTYPE";
const char *content_begin = data;
signed counter = 0;
while(*data) {
char value = *data++;
if(value == '<') counter++;
if(value == '>') counter--;
if(counter < 0) {
content = substr(content_begin, 0, data - content_begin - 1);
throw "...";
inline bool xml_element::parse_head(string data) {
data.qreplace("\t", " ");
data.qreplace("\r", " ");
data.qreplace("\n", " ");
while(qstrpos(data, " ")) data.qreplace(" ", " ");
data.qreplace(" =", "=");
data.qreplace("= ", "=");
lstring part;
part.qsplit(" ", data);
name = part[0];
if(name == "") throw "...";
for(unsigned i = 1; i < part.size(); i++) {
lstring side;
side.qsplit("=", part[i]);
if(side.size() != 2) throw "...";
xml_attribute attr;
attr.name = side[0];
attr.content = side[1];
if(strbegin(attr.content, "\"") && strend(attr.content, "\"")) attr.content.trim<1>("\"");
else if(strbegin(attr.content, "'") && strend(attr.content, "'")) attr.content.trim<1>("'");
else throw "...";
inline bool xml_element::parse_body(const char *&data) {
while(true) {
if(!*data) return false;
if(*data++ != '<') continue;
if(*data == '/') return false;
if(strbegin(data, "!DOCTYPE") == true) {
return true;
if(strbegin(data, "!--")) {
if(auto offset = strpos(data, "-->")) {
data += offset() + 3;
} else {
throw "...";
if(strbegin(data, "![CDATA[")) {
if(auto offset = strpos(data, "]]>")) {
data += offset() + 3;
} else {
throw "...";
auto offset = strpos(data, ">");
if(!offset) throw "...";
string tag = substr(data, 0, offset());
data += offset() + 1;
const char *content_begin = data;
bool self_terminating = false;
if(strend(tag, "?") == true) {
self_terminating = true;
} else if(strend(tag, "/") == true) {
self_terminating = true;
if(self_terminating) return true;
while(*data) {
unsigned index = element.size();
xml_element node;
if(node.parse_body(data) == false) {
if(*data == '/') {
signed length = data - content_begin - 1;
if(length > 0) content = substr(content_begin, 0, length);
auto offset = strpos(data, ">");
if(!offset) throw "...";
tag = substr(data, 0, offset());
data += offset() + 1;
tag.replace("\t", " ");
tag.replace("\r", " ");
tag.replace("\n", " ");
while(strpos(tag, " ")) tag.replace(" ", " ");
if(name != tag) throw "...";
return true;
} else {
//ensure there is only one root element
inline bool xml_validate(xml_element &document) {
unsigned root_counter = 0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < document.element.size(); i++) {
string &name = document.element[i].name;
if(strbegin(name, "?")) continue;
if(strbegin(name, "!")) continue;
if(++root_counter > 1) return false;
return true;
inline xml_element xml_parse(const char *data) {
xml_element self;
try {
while(*data) {
xml_element node;
if(node.parse_body(data) == false) {
} else {
if(xml_validate(self) == false) throw "...";
return self;
} catch(const char*) {
xml_element empty;
return empty;

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@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
#ifndef NALL_UPS_HPP
#define NALL_UPS_HPP
#include <nall/crc32.hpp>
#include <nall/file.hpp>
#include <nall/function.hpp>
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
namespace nall {
struct ups {
enum class result : unsigned {
function<void (unsigned offset, unsigned length)> progress;
result create(
const uint8_t *sourcedata, unsigned sourcelength,
const uint8_t *targetdata, unsigned targetlength,
const char *patchfilename
) {
source_data = (uint8_t*)sourcedata, target_data = (uint8_t*)targetdata;
source_length = sourcelength, target_length = targetlength;
source_offset = target_offset = 0;
source_checksum = target_checksum = patch_checksum = ~0;
if(patch_file.open(patchfilename, file::mode::write) == false) return result::patch_unwritable;
unsigned output_length = source_length > target_length ? source_length : target_length;
unsigned relative = 0;
for(unsigned offset = 0; offset < output_length;) {
uint8_t x = source_read();
uint8_t y = target_read();
if(x == y) {
encode(offset++ - relative);
patch_write(x ^ y);
while(true) {
if(offset >= output_length) {
x = source_read();
y = target_read();
patch_write(x ^ y);
if(x == y) break;
relative = offset;
source_checksum = ~source_checksum;
target_checksum = ~target_checksum;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++) patch_write(source_checksum >> (i * 8));
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++) patch_write(target_checksum >> (i * 8));
uint32_t patch_result_checksum = ~patch_checksum;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++) patch_write(patch_result_checksum >> (i * 8));
return result::success;
result apply(
const uint8_t *patchdata, unsigned patchlength,
const uint8_t *sourcedata, unsigned sourcelength,
uint8_t *targetdata, unsigned &targetlength
) {
patch_data = (uint8_t*)patchdata, source_data = (uint8_t*)sourcedata, target_data = targetdata;
patch_length = patchlength, source_length = sourcelength, target_length = targetlength;
patch_offset = source_offset = target_offset = 0;
patch_checksum = source_checksum = target_checksum = ~0;
if(patch_length < 18) return result::patch_invalid;
if(patch_read() != 'U') return result::patch_invalid;
if(patch_read() != 'P') return result::patch_invalid;
if(patch_read() != 'S') return result::patch_invalid;
if(patch_read() != '1') return result::patch_invalid;
unsigned source_read_length = decode();
unsigned target_read_length = decode();
if(source_length != source_read_length && source_length != target_read_length) return result::source_invalid;
targetlength = (source_length == source_read_length ? target_read_length : source_read_length);
if(target_length < targetlength) return result::target_too_small;
target_length = targetlength;
while(patch_offset < patch_length - 12) {
unsigned length = decode();
while(length--) target_write(source_read());
while(true) {
uint8_t patch_xor = patch_read();
target_write(patch_xor ^ source_read());
if(patch_xor == 0) break;
while(source_offset < source_length) target_write(source_read());
while(target_offset < target_length) target_write(source_read());
uint32_t patch_read_checksum = 0, source_read_checksum = 0, target_read_checksum = 0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++) source_read_checksum |= patch_read() << (i * 8);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++) target_read_checksum |= patch_read() << (i * 8);
uint32_t patch_result_checksum = ~patch_checksum;
source_checksum = ~source_checksum;
target_checksum = ~target_checksum;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++) patch_read_checksum |= patch_read() << (i * 8);
if(patch_result_checksum != patch_read_checksum) return result::patch_invalid;
if(source_checksum == source_read_checksum && source_length == source_read_length) {
if(target_checksum == target_read_checksum && target_length == target_read_length) return result::success;
return result::target_invalid;
} else if(source_checksum == target_read_checksum && source_length == target_read_length) {
if(target_checksum == source_read_checksum && target_length == source_read_length) return result::success;
return result::target_invalid;
} else {
return result::source_invalid;
uint8_t *patch_data, *source_data, *target_data;
unsigned patch_length, source_length, target_length;
unsigned patch_offset, source_offset, target_offset;
unsigned patch_checksum, source_checksum, target_checksum;
file patch_file;
uint8_t patch_read() {
if(patch_offset < patch_length) {
uint8_t n = patch_data[patch_offset++];
patch_checksum = crc32_adjust(patch_checksum, n);
return n;
return 0x00;
uint8_t source_read() {
if(source_offset < source_length) {
uint8_t n = source_data[source_offset++];
source_checksum = crc32_adjust(source_checksum, n);
return n;
return 0x00;
uint8_t target_read() {
uint8_t result = 0x00;
if(target_offset < target_length) {
result = target_data[target_offset];
target_checksum = crc32_adjust(target_checksum, result);
if(((target_offset++ & 255) == 0) && progress) {
progress(target_offset, source_length > target_length ? source_length : target_length);
return result;
void patch_write(uint8_t n) {
patch_checksum = crc32_adjust(patch_checksum, n);
void target_write(uint8_t n) {
if(target_offset < target_length) {
target_data[target_offset] = n;
target_checksum = crc32_adjust(target_checksum, n);
if(((target_offset++ & 255) == 0) && progress) {
progress(target_offset, source_length > target_length ? source_length : target_length);
void encode(uint64_t offset) {
while(true) {
uint64_t x = offset & 0x7f;
offset >>= 7;
if(offset == 0) {
patch_write(0x80 | x);
uint64_t decode() {
uint64_t offset = 0, shift = 1;
while(true) {
uint8_t x = patch_read();
offset += (x & 0x7f) * shift;
if(x & 0x80) break;
shift <<= 7;
offset += shift;
return offset;

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@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
#ifndef NALL_UTF8_HPP
#define NALL_UTF8_HPP
//UTF-8 <> UTF-16 conversion
//used only for Win32; Linux, etc use UTF-8 internally
#if defined(_WIN32)
#undef UNICODE
#undef _WIN32_WINNT
#define UNICODE
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501
#define NOMINMAX
#include <windows.h>
#undef interface
namespace nall {
//UTF-8 to UTF-16
class utf16_t {
operator wchar_t*() {
return buffer;
operator const wchar_t*() const {
return buffer;
utf16_t(const char *s = "") {
if(!s) s = "";
unsigned length = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, s, -1, 0, 0);
buffer = new wchar_t[length + 1]();
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, s, -1, buffer, length);
~utf16_t() {
delete[] buffer;
wchar_t *buffer;
//UTF-16 to UTF-8
class utf8_t {
operator char*() {
return buffer;
operator const char*() const {
return buffer;
utf8_t(const wchar_t *s = L"") {
if(!s) s = L"";
unsigned length = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, s, -1, 0, 0, (const char*)0, (BOOL*)0);
buffer = new char[length + 1]();
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, s, -1, buffer, length, (const char*)0, (BOOL*)0);
~utf8_t() {
delete[] buffer;
utf8_t(const utf8_t&) = delete;
utf8_t& operator=(const utf8_t&) = delete;
char *buffer;
inline void utf8_args(int &argc, char **&argv) {
wchar_t **wargv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &argc);
argv = new char*[argc];
for(unsigned i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
argv[i] = new char[_MAX_PATH];
strcpy(argv[i], nall::utf8_t(wargv[i]));
#endif //if defined(_WIN32)

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@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace nall {
template<bool C, typename T = bool> struct enable_if { typedef T type; };
template<typename T> struct enable_if<false, T> {};
template<typename C, typename T = bool> struct mp_enable_if : enable_if<C::value, T> {};
template<typename T> inline void swap(T &x, T &y) {
T temp(std::move(x));
x = std::move(y);
y = std::move(temp);
template<typename T> struct base_from_member {
T value;
base_from_member(T value_) : value(value_) {}
template<typename T> class optional {
bool valid;
T value;
inline operator bool() const { return valid; }
inline const T& operator()() const { if(!valid) throw; return value; }
inline optional(bool valid, const T &value) : valid(valid), value(value) {}
template<typename T> inline T* allocate(unsigned size, const T &value) {
T *array = new T[size];
for(unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) array[i] = value;
return array;

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@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
#include <type_traits>
#include <nall/bit.hpp>
#include <nall/static.hpp>
namespace nall {
template<unsigned bits> class uint_t {
unsigned data;
inline operator unsigned() const { return data; }
inline unsigned operator ++(int) { unsigned r = data; data = uclip<bits>(data + 1); return r; }
inline unsigned operator --(int) { unsigned r = data; data = uclip<bits>(data - 1); return r; }
inline unsigned operator ++() { return data = uclip<bits>(data + 1); }
inline unsigned operator --() { return data = uclip<bits>(data - 1); }
inline unsigned operator =(const unsigned i) { return data = uclip<bits>(i); }
inline unsigned operator |=(const unsigned i) { return data = uclip<bits>(data | i); }
inline unsigned operator ^=(const unsigned i) { return data = uclip<bits>(data ^ i); }
inline unsigned operator &=(const unsigned i) { return data = uclip<bits>(data & i); }
inline unsigned operator<<=(const unsigned i) { return data = uclip<bits>(data << i); }
inline unsigned operator>>=(const unsigned i) { return data = uclip<bits>(data >> i); }
inline unsigned operator +=(const unsigned i) { return data = uclip<bits>(data + i); }
inline unsigned operator -=(const unsigned i) { return data = uclip<bits>(data - i); }
inline unsigned operator *=(const unsigned i) { return data = uclip<bits>(data * i); }
inline unsigned operator /=(const unsigned i) { return data = uclip<bits>(data / i); }
inline unsigned operator %=(const unsigned i) { return data = uclip<bits>(data % i); }
inline uint_t() : data(0) {}
inline uint_t(const unsigned i) : data(uclip<bits>(i)) {}
template<unsigned bits> class int_t {
signed data;
inline operator signed() const { return data; }
inline signed operator ++(int) { signed r = data; data = sclip<bits>(data + 1); return r; }
inline signed operator --(int) { signed r = data; data = sclip<bits>(data - 1); return r; }
inline signed operator ++() { return data = sclip<bits>(data + 1); }
inline signed operator --() { return data = sclip<bits>(data - 1); }
inline signed operator =(const signed i) { return data = sclip<bits>(i); }
inline signed operator |=(const signed i) { return data = sclip<bits>(data | i); }
inline signed operator ^=(const signed i) { return data = sclip<bits>(data ^ i); }
inline signed operator &=(const signed i) { return data = sclip<bits>(data & i); }
inline signed operator<<=(const signed i) { return data = sclip<bits>(data << i); }
inline signed operator>>=(const signed i) { return data = sclip<bits>(data >> i); }
inline signed operator +=(const signed i) { return data = sclip<bits>(data + i); }
inline signed operator -=(const signed i) { return data = sclip<bits>(data - i); }
inline signed operator *=(const signed i) { return data = sclip<bits>(data * i); }
inline signed operator /=(const signed i) { return data = sclip<bits>(data / i); }
inline signed operator %=(const signed i) { return data = sclip<bits>(data % i); }
inline int_t() : data(0) {}
inline int_t(const signed i) : data(sclip<bits>(i)) {}
class varuint_t {
unsigned data;
unsigned mask;
inline operator unsigned() const { return data; }
inline unsigned operator ++(int) { unsigned r = data; data = (data + 1) & mask; return r; }
inline unsigned operator --(int) { unsigned r = data; data = (data - 1) & mask; return r; }
inline unsigned operator ++() { return data = (data + 1) & mask; }
inline unsigned operator --() { return data = (data - 1) & mask; }
inline unsigned operator =(const unsigned i) { return data = (i) & mask; }
inline unsigned operator |=(const unsigned i) { return data = (data | i) & mask; }
inline unsigned operator ^=(const unsigned i) { return data = (data ^ i) & mask; }
inline unsigned operator &=(const unsigned i) { return data = (data & i) & mask; }
inline unsigned operator<<=(const unsigned i) { return data = (data << i) & mask; }
inline unsigned operator>>=(const unsigned i) { return data = (data >> i) & mask; }
inline unsigned operator +=(const unsigned i) { return data = (data + i) & mask; }
inline unsigned operator -=(const unsigned i) { return data = (data - i) & mask; }
inline unsigned operator *=(const unsigned i) { return data = (data * i) & mask; }
inline unsigned operator /=(const unsigned i) { return data = (data / i) & mask; }
inline unsigned operator %=(const unsigned i) { return data = (data % i) & mask; }
inline void bits(unsigned bits) { mask = (1U << (bits - 1)) + ((1U << (bits - 1)) - 1); data &= mask; }
inline varuint_t() : data(0), mask(~0U) {}
inline varuint_t(const unsigned i) : data(i), mask(~0U) {}
class varuintmax_t {
uintmax_t data;
uintmax_t mask;
inline operator uintmax_t() const { return data; }
inline uintmax_t operator ++(int) { uintmax_t r = data; data = (data + 1) & mask; return r; }
inline uintmax_t operator --(int) { uintmax_t r = data; data = (data - 1) & mask; return r; }
inline uintmax_t operator ++() { return data = (data + 1) & mask; }
inline uintmax_t operator --() { return data = (data - 1) & mask; }
inline uintmax_t operator =(const uintmax_t i) { return data = (i) & mask; }
inline uintmax_t operator |=(const uintmax_t i) { return data = (data | i) & mask; }
inline uintmax_t operator ^=(const uintmax_t i) { return data = (data ^ i) & mask; }
inline uintmax_t operator &=(const uintmax_t i) { return data = (data & i) & mask; }
inline uintmax_t operator<<=(const uintmax_t i) { return data = (data << i) & mask; }
inline uintmax_t operator>>=(const uintmax_t i) { return data = (data >> i) & mask; }
inline uintmax_t operator +=(const uintmax_t i) { return data = (data + i) & mask; }
inline uintmax_t operator -=(const uintmax_t i) { return data = (data - i) & mask; }
inline uintmax_t operator *=(const uintmax_t i) { return data = (data * i) & mask; }
inline uintmax_t operator /=(const uintmax_t i) { return data = (data / i) & mask; }
inline uintmax_t operator %=(const uintmax_t i) { return data = (data % i) & mask; }
inline void bits(unsigned bits) { mask = (1ULL << (bits - 1)) + ((1ULL << (bits - 1)) - 1); data &= mask; }
inline varuintmax_t() : data(0), mask(~0ULL) {}
inline varuintmax_t(const uintmax_t i) : data(i), mask(~0ULL) {}

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@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
#include <initializer_list>
#include <new>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <nall/algorithm.hpp>
#include <nall/bit.hpp>
#include <nall/concept.hpp>
#include <nall/foreach.hpp>
#include <nall/utility.hpp>
namespace nall {
//memory: O(capacity * 2)
//linear_vector uses placement new + manual destructor calls to create a
//contiguous block of memory for all objects. accessing individual elements
//is fast, though resizing the array incurs significant overhead.
//reserve() overhead is reduced from quadratic time to amortized constant time
//by resizing twice as much as requested.
//if objects hold memory address references to themselves (introspection), a
//valid copy constructor will be needed to keep pointers valid.
template<typename T> class linear_vector {
T *pool;
unsigned poolsize, objectsize;
unsigned size() const { return objectsize; }
unsigned capacity() const { return poolsize; }
void reset() {
if(pool) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < objectsize; i++) pool[i].~T();
pool = 0;
poolsize = 0;
objectsize = 0;
void reserve(unsigned newsize) {
newsize = bit::round(newsize); //round to nearest power of two (for amortized growth)
T *poolcopy = (T*)calloc(newsize, sizeof(T));
for(unsigned i = 0; i < min(objectsize, newsize); i++) new(poolcopy + i) T(pool[i]);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < objectsize; i++) pool[i].~T();
pool = poolcopy;
poolsize = newsize;
objectsize = min(objectsize, newsize);
void resize(unsigned newsize) {
if(newsize > poolsize) reserve(newsize);
if(newsize < objectsize) {
//vector is shrinking; destroy excess objects
for(unsigned i = newsize; i < objectsize; i++) pool[i].~T();
} else if(newsize > objectsize) {
//vector is expanding; allocate new objects
for(unsigned i = objectsize; i < newsize; i++) new(pool + i) T;
objectsize = newsize;
void append(const T data) {
if(objectsize + 1 > poolsize) reserve(objectsize + 1);
new(pool + objectsize++) T(data);
template<typename U> void insert(unsigned index, const U list) {
linear_vector<T> merged;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < index; i++) merged.append(pool[i]);
foreach(item, list) merged.append(item);
for(unsigned i = index; i < objectsize; i++) merged.append(pool[i]);
void insert(unsigned index, const T item) {
insert(index, linear_vector<T>{ item });
void remove(unsigned index, unsigned count = 1) {
for(unsigned i = index; count + i < objectsize; i++) {
pool[i] = pool[count + i];
if(count + index >= objectsize) resize(index); //every element >= index was removed
else resize(objectsize - count);
inline T& operator[](unsigned index) {
if(index >= objectsize) resize(index + 1);
return pool[index];
inline const T& operator[](unsigned index) const {
if(index >= objectsize) throw "vector[] out of bounds";
return pool[index];
inline linear_vector<T>& operator=(const linear_vector<T> &source) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < source.size(); i++) operator[](i) = source.operator[](i);
return *this;
linear_vector(const linear_vector<T> &source) : pool(0), poolsize(0), objectsize(0) {
inline linear_vector<T>& operator=(linear_vector<T> &&source) {
pool = source.pool;
poolsize = source.poolsize;
objectsize = source.objectsize;
source.pool = 0;
return *this;
linear_vector(linear_vector<T> &&source) : pool(0), poolsize(0), objectsize(0) {
linear_vector() : pool(0), poolsize(0), objectsize(0) {
linear_vector(std::initializer_list<T> list) : pool(0), poolsize(0), objectsize(0) {
for(const T *p = list.begin(); p != list.end(); ++p) append(*p);
~linear_vector() {
//memory: O(1)
//pointer_vector keeps an array of pointers to each vector object. this adds
//significant overhead to individual accesses, but allows for optimal memory
//by guaranteeing that the base memory address of each objects never changes,
//this avoids the need for an object to have a valid copy constructor.
template<typename T> class pointer_vector {
T **pool;
unsigned poolsize, objectsize;
unsigned size() const { return objectsize; }
unsigned capacity() const { return poolsize; }
void reset() {
if(pool) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < objectsize; i++) { if(pool[i]) delete pool[i]; }
pool = 0;
poolsize = 0;
objectsize = 0;
void reserve(unsigned newsize) {
newsize = bit::round(newsize); //round to nearest power of two (for amortized growth)
for(unsigned i = newsize; i < objectsize; i++) {
if(pool[i]) { delete pool[i]; pool[i] = 0; }
pool = (T**)realloc(pool, newsize * sizeof(T*));
for(unsigned i = poolsize; i < newsize; i++) pool[i] = 0;
poolsize = newsize;
objectsize = min(objectsize, newsize);
void resize(unsigned newsize) {
if(newsize > poolsize) reserve(newsize);
for(unsigned i = newsize; i < objectsize; i++) {
if(pool[i]) { delete pool[i]; pool[i] = 0; }
objectsize = newsize;
void append(const T data) {
if(objectsize + 1 > poolsize) reserve(objectsize + 1);
pool[objectsize++] = new T(data);
template<typename U> void insert(unsigned index, const U list) {
pointer_vector<T> merged;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < index; i++) merged.append(*pool[i]);
foreach(item, list) merged.append(item);
for(unsigned i = index; i < objectsize; i++) merged.append(*pool[i]);
void insert(unsigned index, const T item) {
insert(index, pointer_vector<T>{ item });
void remove(unsigned index, unsigned count = 1) {
for(unsigned i = index; count + i < objectsize; i++) {
*pool[i] = *pool[count + i];
if(count + index >= objectsize) resize(index); //every element >= index was removed
else resize(objectsize - count);
inline T& operator[](unsigned index) {
if(index >= objectsize) resize(index + 1);
if(!pool[index]) pool[index] = new T;
return *pool[index];
inline const T& operator[](unsigned index) const {
if(index >= objectsize || !pool[index]) throw "vector[] out of bounds";
return *pool[index];
inline pointer_vector<T>& operator=(const pointer_vector<T> &source) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < source.size(); i++) operator[](i) = source.operator[](i);
return *this;
pointer_vector(const pointer_vector<T> &source) : pool(0), poolsize(0), objectsize(0) {
inline pointer_vector<T>& operator=(pointer_vector<T> &&source) {
pool = source.pool;
poolsize = source.poolsize;
objectsize = source.objectsize;
source.pool = 0;
return *this;
pointer_vector(pointer_vector<T> &&source) : pool(0), poolsize(0), objectsize(0) {
pointer_vector() : pool(0), poolsize(0), objectsize(0) {
pointer_vector(std::initializer_list<T> list) : pool(0), poolsize(0), objectsize(0) {
for(const T *p = list.begin(); p != list.end(); ++p) append(*p);
~pointer_vector() {
template<typename T> struct has_size<linear_vector<T>> { enum { value = true }; };
template<typename T> struct has_size<pointer_vector<T>> { enum { value = true }; };

View File

@ -140,6 +140,8 @@ struct Window : Widget {
void setMenuVisible(bool visible = true); void setMenuVisible(bool visible = true);
void setStatusVisible(bool visible = true); void setStatusVisible(bool visible = true);
bool focused(); bool focused();
bool fullscreen();
void setFullscreen(bool fullscreen = true);
Window(); Window();
//private: //private:
struct Data; struct Data;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/**************************************************************************** /****************************************************************************
** Meta object code from reading C++ file 'qt.moc.hpp' ** Meta object code from reading C++ file 'qt.moc.hpp'
** **
** Created: Mon Nov 1 06:26:59 2010 ** Created: Tue Jan 18 03:30:57 2011
** by: The Qt Meta Object Compiler version 62 (Qt 4.6.2) ** by: The Qt Meta Object Compiler version 62 (Qt 4.6.2)
** **
** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! ** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ void Window::create(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned width, unsigned height, con
window->move(x, y); window->move(x, y);
window->layout = new QVBoxLayout(window); window->layout = new QVBoxLayout(window);
window->layout->setMargin(0); window->layout->setMargin(0);
window->layout->setSpacing(0); window->layout->setSpacing(0);
window->layout->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetFixedSize); window->layout->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetFixedSize);
@ -70,6 +71,28 @@ bool Window::focused() {
return window->isActiveWindow() && !window->isMinimized(); return window->isActiveWindow() && !window->isMinimized();
} }
bool Window::fullscreen() {
return window->isFullScreen();
void Window::setFullscreen(bool fullscreen) {
if(fullscreen == false) {
} else {
//Qt returns negative coordinates for x,y immediately after setFullscreen(false)
//wait for Qt to return sane values, or until timeout occurs
Geometry geom;
time_t startTime = time(0);
do {
geom = geometry();
if(startTime - time(0) > 3) break;
} while((signed)geom.x < 0 || (signed)geom.y < 0);
Window::Window() { Window::Window() {
window = new Window::Data(*this); window = new Window::Data(*this);
window->defaultFont = 0; window->defaultFont = 0;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
namespace SNES { namespace SNES {
namespace Info { namespace Info {
static const char Name[] = "bsnes"; static const char Name[] = "bsnes";
static const char Version[] = "074.06"; static const char Version[] = "074.07";
static const unsigned SerializerVersion = 17; static const unsigned SerializerVersion = 17;
} }
} }

View File

@ -76,7 +76,22 @@ void Utility::setScale(unsigned scale) {
} }
void Utility::setFullscreen(bool fullscreen) { void Utility::setFullscreen(bool fullscreen) {
mainWindow.setFullscreen(fullscreen); mainWindow.setFullscreen(fullscreen);
if(fullscreen == false) {
} else {
unsigned baseHeight = config.video.region == 0 ? 224 : 239;
unsigned heightScale = OS::desktopHeight() / baseHeight;
unsigned height = baseHeight * heightScale;
unsigned width = min(OS::desktopWidth(), (unsigned)(256.0 / baseHeight * height));
(OS::desktopWidth() - width) / 2,
(OS::desktopHeight() - height) / 2,
width, height
} }
void Utility::setFilter() { void Utility::setFilter() {