Update to v082r21 release.

byuu says:

2-6% speed hit in SNES core for outputting 19-bit (rounded to 32-bit ...
sigh) video, so that luma non-linearity can eventually be emulated
Now using sinc audio resampler, massive speed hit of course to NES+GB
only, but it's required to get rid of aliasing (buzzing) present in
many, many games otherwise.
Fixed fast forward and none/blur select.
Finally fixed texture clearing for changing pixel shaders and video
Some realllly basic NES MMC3, extremely broken so don't bug me about it.
Other stuff, probably.
This commit is contained in:
Tim Allen 2011-09-24 19:51:08 +10:00
parent 979aa640af
commit 82a17ac0f5
33 changed files with 996 additions and 116 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
#ifndef NALL_DSP_HPP
#define NALL_DSP_HPP
#include <algorithm>
#ifdef __SSE__
#include <xmmintrin.h>
#include <nall/dsp/core.hpp>

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ struct DSP {
inline void setChannels(unsigned channels);
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ protected:
friend class ResampleCubic;
friend class ResampleAverage;
friend class ResampleHermite;
friend class ResampleSinc;
struct Settings {
unsigned channels;
@ -85,6 +87,7 @@ protected:
#include "resample/cubic.hpp"
#include "resample/hermite.hpp"
#include "resample/average.hpp"
#include "resample/sinc.hpp"
#include "settings.hpp"
void DSP::sample(signed channel[]) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
// If these types are changed to anything other than "float", you should comment out the SSE detection directives below
// so that the SSE code is not used.
typedef float resample_coeff_t; // note: sizeof(resample_coeff_t) must be == to a power of 2, and not larger than 16
typedef float resample_samp_t;
// ...but don't comment this single RESAMPLE_SSEREGPARM define out when disabling SSE.
#if defined(__SSE__)
#ifndef __x86_64__
#define RESAMPLE_SSEREGPARM __attribute__((sseregparm))
// TODO: altivec here
namespace ResampleUtility
inline void kaiser_window(double* io, int count, double beta);
inline void gen_sinc(double* out, int size, double cutoff, double kaiser);
inline void gen_sinc_os(double* out, int size, double cutoff, double kaiser);
inline void normalize(double* io, int size, double gain = 1.0);
inline void* make_aligned(void* ptr, unsigned boundary); // boundary must be a power of 2
class SincResampleHR
inline void Init(unsigned ratio_arg, double desired_bandwidth, double beta, double d);
inline void write(resample_samp_t sample) RESAMPLE_SSEREGPARM;
inline resample_samp_t read(void) RESAMPLE_SSEREGPARM;
inline bool output_avail(void);
inline resample_samp_t mac(const resample_samp_t *wave, const resample_coeff_t *coeff, unsigned count);
unsigned ratio;
unsigned num_convolutions;
resample_coeff_t *coeffs;
std::vector<unsigned char> coeffs_mem;
// second half of ringbuffer should be copy of first half.
resample_samp_t *rb;
std::vector<unsigned char> rb_mem;
signed rb_readpos;
signed rb_writepos;
signed rb_in;
signed rb_eff_size;
friend class SincResample;
class SincResample
inline SincResample(double input_rate, double output_rate, double desired_bandwidth, unsigned quality = QUALITY_HIGH);
inline void write(resample_samp_t sample) RESAMPLE_SSEREGPARM;
inline resample_samp_t read(void) RESAMPLE_SSEREGPARM;
inline bool output_avail(void);
inline void Init(double input_rate, double output_rate, double desired_bandwidth, double beta, double d, unsigned pn_nume, unsigned phases_min);
inline resample_samp_t mac(const resample_samp_t *wave, const resample_coeff_t *coeffs_a, const resample_coeff_t *coeffs_b, const double ffract, unsigned count) RESAMPLE_SSEREGPARM;
unsigned num_convolutions;
unsigned num_phases;
unsigned step_int;
double step_fract;
double input_pos_fract;
std::vector<resample_coeff_t *> coeffs; // Pointers into coeff_mem.
std::vector<unsigned char> coeff_mem;
std::vector<resample_samp_t> rb; // second half should be copy of first half.
signed rb_readpos;
signed rb_writepos;
signed rb_in;
bool hr_used;
SincResampleHR hr;
// Code:
//#include "resample.hpp"
#if 0
namespace bit
inline unsigned round(unsigned x) {
if((x & (x - 1)) == 0) return x;
while(x & (x - 1)) x &= x - 1;
return x << 1;
void SincResampleHR::Init(unsigned ratio_arg, double desired_bandwidth, double beta, double d)
const unsigned align_boundary = 16;
std::vector<double> coeffs_tmp;
double cutoff; // 1.0 = f/2
ratio = ratio_arg;
//num_convolutions = ((unsigned)ceil(d / ((1.0 - desired_bandwidth) / ratio)) + 1) &~ 1; // round up to be even
num_convolutions = ((unsigned)ceil(d / ((1.0 - desired_bandwidth) / ratio)) | 1);
cutoff = (1.0 / ratio) - (d / num_convolutions);
//printf("%d %d %.20f\n", ratio, num_convolutions, cutoff);
assert(num_convolutions > ratio);
// Generate windowed sinc of POWER
//ResampleUtility::gen_sinc(&coeffs_tmp[0], num_convolutions, cutoff, beta);
ResampleUtility::gen_sinc_os(&coeffs_tmp[0], num_convolutions, cutoff, beta);
ResampleUtility::normalize(&coeffs_tmp[0], num_convolutions);
// Copy from coeffs_tmp to coeffs~
// We multiply many coefficients at a time in the mac loop, so make sure the last few that don't really
// exist are allocated, zero'd mem.
coeffs_mem.resize(((num_convolutions + 7) &~ 7) * sizeof(resample_coeff_t) + (align_boundary - 1));
coeffs = (resample_coeff_t *)ResampleUtility::make_aligned(&coeffs_mem[0], align_boundary);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < num_convolutions; i++)
coeffs[i] = coeffs_tmp[i];
rb_eff_size = nall::bit::round(num_convolutions * 2) >> 1;
rb_readpos = 0;
rb_writepos = 0;
rb_in = 0;
rb_mem.resize(rb_eff_size * 2 * sizeof(resample_samp_t) + (align_boundary - 1));
rb = (resample_samp_t *)ResampleUtility::make_aligned(&rb_mem[0], align_boundary);
inline bool SincResampleHR::output_avail(void)
return(rb_in >= (signed)num_convolutions);
inline void SincResampleHR::write(resample_samp_t sample)
rb[rb_writepos] = sample;
rb[rb_writepos + rb_eff_size] = sample;
rb_writepos = (rb_writepos + 1) & (rb_eff_size - 1);
resample_samp_t SincResampleHR::mac(const resample_samp_t *wave, const resample_coeff_t *coeff, unsigned count)
__m128 accum_veca[2] = { _mm_set1_ps(0), _mm_set1_ps(0) };
resample_samp_t accum;
for(unsigned c = 0; c < count; c += 8)
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++)
__m128 co[2];
__m128 w[2];
co[i] = _mm_load_ps(&coeff[c + i * 4]);
w[i] = _mm_load_ps(&wave[c + i * 4]);
w[i] = _mm_mul_ps(w[i], co[i]);
accum_veca[i] = _mm_add_ps(w[i], accum_veca[i]);
__m128 accum_vec = _mm_add_ps(accum_veca[0], accum_veca[1]); //_mm_add_ps(_mm_add_ps(accum_veca[0], accum_veca[1]), _mm_add_ps(accum_veca[2], accum_veca[3]));
accum_vec = _mm_add_ps(accum_vec, _mm_shuffle_ps(accum_vec, accum_vec, (3 << 0) | (2 << 2) | (1 << 4) | (0 << 6)));
accum_vec = _mm_add_ps(accum_vec, _mm_shuffle_ps(accum_vec, accum_vec, (1 << 0) | (0 << 2) | (1 << 4) | (0 << 6)));
_mm_store_ss(&accum, accum_vec);
return accum;
resample_samp_t accum[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
for(unsigned c = 0; c < count; c+= 4)
accum[0] += wave[c + 0] * coeff[c + 0];
accum[1] += wave[c + 1] * coeff[c + 1];
accum[2] += wave[c + 2] * coeff[c + 2];
accum[3] += wave[c + 3] * coeff[c + 3];
return (accum[0] + accum[1]) + (accum[2] + accum[3]); // don't mess with parentheses(assuming compiler doesn't already, which it may...
resample_samp_t SincResampleHR::read(void)
resample_samp_t ret;
ret = mac(&rb[rb_readpos], &coeffs[0], num_convolutions);
rb_readpos = (rb_readpos + ratio) & (rb_eff_size - 1);
rb_in -= ratio;
return ret;
SincResample::SincResample(double input_rate, double output_rate, double desired_bandwidth, unsigned quality)
const struct
double beta;
double d;
unsigned pn_nume;
unsigned phases_min;
} qtab[5] =
{ 5.658, 3.62, 4096, 4 },
{ 6.764, 4.32, 8192, 4 },
{ 7.865, 5.0, 16384, 8 },
{ 8.960, 5.7, 32768, 16 },
{ 10.056, 6.4, 65536, 32 }
// Sanity checks
assert(ceil(input_rate) > 0);
assert(ceil(output_rate) > 0);
assert(ceil(input_rate / output_rate) <= 1024);
assert(ceil(output_rate / input_rate) <= 1024);
// The simplistic number-of-phases calculation code doesn't work well enough for when desired_bandwidth is close to 1.0 and when
// upsampling.
assert(desired_bandwidth >= 0.25 && desired_bandwidth < 0.96);
assert(quality >= 0 && quality <= 4);
hr_used = false;
#if 1
// Round down to the nearest multiple of 4(so wave buffer remains aligned)
// It also adjusts the effective intermediate sampling rate up slightly, so that the upper frequencies below f/2
// aren't overly attenuated so much. In the future, we might want to do an FFT or something to choose the intermediate rate more accurately
// to virtually eliminate over-attenuation.
unsigned ioratio_rd = (unsigned)floor(input_rate / (output_rate * (1.0 + (1.0 - desired_bandwidth) / 2) )) & ~3;
if(ioratio_rd >= 8)
hr.Init(ioratio_rd, desired_bandwidth, qtab[quality].beta, qtab[quality].d); //10.056, 6.4);
hr_used = true;
input_rate /= ioratio_rd;
Init(input_rate, output_rate, desired_bandwidth, qtab[quality].beta, qtab[quality].d, qtab[quality].pn_nume, qtab[quality].phases_min);
void SincResample::Init(double input_rate, double output_rate, double desired_bandwidth, double beta, double d, unsigned pn_nume, unsigned phases_min)
const unsigned max_mult_atatime = 8; // multiply "granularity". must be power of 2.
const unsigned max_mult_minus1 = (max_mult_atatime - 1);
const unsigned conv_alignment_bytes = 16; // must be power of 2
const double input_to_output_ratio = input_rate / output_rate;
const double output_to_input_ratio = output_rate / input_rate;
double cutoff; // 1.0 = input_rate / 2
std::vector<double> coeff_init_buffer;
// Round up num_convolutions to be even.
if(output_rate > input_rate)
num_convolutions = ((unsigned)ceil(d / (1.0 - desired_bandwidth)) + 1) & ~1;
num_convolutions = ((unsigned)ceil(d / (output_to_input_ratio * (1.0 - desired_bandwidth))) + 1) & ~1;
if(output_rate > input_rate) // Upsampling
cutoff = desired_bandwidth;
else // Downsampling
cutoff = output_to_input_ratio * desired_bandwidth;
// Round up to be even.
num_phases = (std::max<unsigned>(pn_nume / num_convolutions, phases_min) + 1) &~1;
// Adjust cutoff to account for the multiple phases.
cutoff = cutoff / num_phases;
assert((num_convolutions & 1) == 0);
assert((num_phases & 1) == 0);
// fprintf(stderr, "num_convolutions=%u, num_phases=%u, total expected coeff byte size=%lu\n", num_convolutions, num_phases,
// (long)((num_phases + 2) * ((num_convolutions + max_mult_minus1) & ~max_mult_minus1) * sizeof(float) + conv_alignment_bytes));
coeff_init_buffer.resize(num_phases * num_convolutions);
coeffs.resize(num_phases + 1 + 1);
coeff_mem.resize((num_phases + 1 + 1) * ((num_convolutions + max_mult_minus1) &~ max_mult_minus1) * sizeof(resample_coeff_t) + conv_alignment_bytes);
// Assign aligned pointers into coeff_mem
resample_coeff_t *base_ptr = (resample_coeff_t *)ResampleUtility::make_aligned(&coeff_mem[0], conv_alignment_bytes);
for(unsigned phase = 0; phase < (num_phases + 1 + 1); phase++)
coeffs[phase] = base_ptr + (((num_convolutions + max_mult_minus1) & ~max_mult_minus1) * phase);
ResampleUtility::gen_sinc(&coeff_init_buffer[0], num_phases * num_convolutions, cutoff, beta);
ResampleUtility::normalize(&coeff_init_buffer[0], num_phases * num_convolutions, num_phases);
// Reorder coefficients to allow for more efficient convolution.
for(int phase = -1; phase < ((int)num_phases + 1); phase++)
for(int conv = 0; conv < (int)num_convolutions; conv++)
double coeff;
if(phase == -1 && conv == 0)
coeff = 0;
else if(phase == (int)num_phases && conv == ((int)num_convolutions - 1))
coeff = 0;
coeff = coeff_init_buffer[conv * num_phases + phase];
coeffs[phase + 1][conv] = coeff;
// Free a bit of mem
step_int = floor(input_to_output_ratio);
step_fract = input_to_output_ratio - step_int;
input_pos_fract = 0;
// Do NOT use rb.size() later in the code, since it'll include the padding.
// We should only need one "max_mult_minus1" here, not two, since it won't matter if it over-reads(due to doing "max_mult_atatime" multiplications at a time
// rather than just 1, in which case this over-read wouldn't happen), from the first half into the duplicated half,
// since those corresponding coefficients will be zero anyway; this is just to handle the case of reading off the end of the duplicated half to
// prevent illegal memory accesses.
rb.resize(num_convolutions * 2 + max_mult_minus1);
rb_readpos = 0;
rb_writepos = 0;
rb_in = 0;
resample_samp_t SincResample::mac(const resample_samp_t *wave, const resample_coeff_t *coeffs_a, const resample_coeff_t *coeffs_b, const double ffract, unsigned count)
resample_samp_t accum = 0;
__m128 accum_vec_a[2] = { _mm_set1_ps(0), _mm_set1_ps(0) };
__m128 accum_vec_b[2] = { _mm_set1_ps(0), _mm_set1_ps(0) };
for(unsigned c = 0; c < count; c += 8) //8) //4)
__m128 coeff_a[2];
__m128 coeff_b[2];
__m128 w[2];
__m128 result_a[2], result_b[2];
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++)
coeff_a[i] = _mm_load_ps(&coeffs_a[c + (i * 4)]);
coeff_b[i] = _mm_load_ps(&coeffs_b[c + (i * 4)]);
w[i] = _mm_loadu_ps(&wave[c + (i * 4)]);
result_a[i] = _mm_mul_ps(coeff_a[i], w[i]);
result_b[i] = _mm_mul_ps(coeff_b[i], w[i]);
accum_vec_a[i] = _mm_add_ps(result_a[i], accum_vec_a[i]);
accum_vec_b[i] = _mm_add_ps(result_b[i], accum_vec_b[i]);
__m128 accum_vec, av_a, av_b;
__m128 mult_a_vec = _mm_set1_ps(1.0 - ffract);
__m128 mult_b_vec = _mm_set1_ps(ffract);
av_a = _mm_mul_ps(mult_a_vec, /*accum_vec_a[0]);*/ _mm_add_ps(accum_vec_a[0], accum_vec_a[1]));
av_b = _mm_mul_ps(mult_b_vec, /*accum_vec_b[0]);*/ _mm_add_ps(accum_vec_b[0], accum_vec_b[1]));
accum_vec = _mm_add_ps(av_a, av_b);
accum_vec = _mm_add_ps(accum_vec, _mm_shuffle_ps(accum_vec, accum_vec, (3 << 0) | (2 << 2) | (1 << 4) | (0 << 6)));
accum_vec = _mm_add_ps(accum_vec, _mm_shuffle_ps(accum_vec, accum_vec, (1 << 0) | (0 << 2) | (1 << 4) | (0 << 6)));
_mm_store_ss(&accum, accum_vec);
resample_coeff_t mult_a = 1.0 - ffract;
resample_coeff_t mult_b = ffract;
for(unsigned c = 0; c < count; c += 4)
accum += wave[c + 0] * (coeffs_a[c + 0] * mult_a + coeffs_b[c + 0] * mult_b);
accum += wave[c + 1] * (coeffs_a[c + 1] * mult_a + coeffs_b[c + 1] * mult_b);
accum += wave[c + 2] * (coeffs_a[c + 2] * mult_a + coeffs_b[c + 2] * mult_b);
accum += wave[c + 3] * (coeffs_a[c + 3] * mult_a + coeffs_b[c + 3] * mult_b);
return accum;
inline bool SincResample::output_avail(void)
return(rb_in >= (int)num_convolutions);
resample_samp_t SincResample::read(void)
double phase = input_pos_fract * num_phases - 0.5;
signed phase_int = (signed)floor(phase);
double phase_fract = phase - phase_int;
unsigned phase_a = num_phases - 1 - phase_int;
unsigned phase_b = phase_a - 1;
resample_samp_t ret;
ret = mac(&rb[rb_readpos], &coeffs[phase_a + 1][0], &coeffs[phase_b + 1][0], phase_fract, num_convolutions);
unsigned int_increment = step_int;
input_pos_fract += step_fract;
int_increment += floor(input_pos_fract);
input_pos_fract -= floor(input_pos_fract);
rb_readpos = (rb_readpos + int_increment) % num_convolutions;
rb_in -= int_increment;
return ret;
inline void SincResample::write(resample_samp_t sample)
sample = hr.read();
rb[rb_writepos + 0 * num_convolutions] = sample;
rb[rb_writepos + 1 * num_convolutions] = sample;
rb_writepos = (rb_writepos + 1) % num_convolutions;
void ResampleUtility::kaiser_window( double* io, int count, double beta)
int const accuracy = 24; //16; //12;
double* end = io + count;
double beta2 = beta * beta * (double) -0.25;
double to_fract = beta2 / ((double) count * count);
double i = 0;
double rescale = 0; // Doesn't need an initializer, to shut up gcc
for ( ; io < end; ++io, i += 1 )
double x = i * i * to_fract - beta2;
double u = x;
double k = x + 1;
double n = 2;
u *= x / (n * n);
n += 1;
k += u;
while ( k <= u * (1 << accuracy) );
if ( !i )
rescale = 1 / k; // otherwise values get large
*io *= k * rescale;
void ResampleUtility::gen_sinc(double* out, int size, double cutoff, double kaiser)
assert( size % 2 == 0 ); // size must be even
int const half_size = size / 2;
double* const mid = &out [half_size];
// Generate right half of sinc
for ( int i = 0; i < half_size; i++ )
double angle = (i * 2 + 1) * (M_PI / 2);
mid [i] = sin( angle * cutoff ) / angle;
kaiser_window( mid, half_size, kaiser );
// Mirror for left half
for ( int i = 0; i < half_size; i++ )
out [i] = mid [half_size - 1 - i];
void ResampleUtility::gen_sinc_os(double* out, int size, double cutoff, double kaiser)
assert( size % 2 == 1); // size must be odd
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(i == (size / 2))
out[i] = 2 * M_PI * (cutoff / 2); //0.078478; //1.0; //sin(2 * M_PI * (cutoff / 2) * (i - size / 2)) / (i - (size / 2));
out[i] = sin(2 * M_PI * (cutoff / 2) * (i - size / 2)) / (i - (size / 2));
// out[i] *= 0.3635819 - 0.4891775 * cos(2 * M_PI * i / (size - 1)) + 0.1365995 * cos(4 * M_PI * i / (size - 1)) - 0.0106411 * cos(6 * M_PI * i / (size - 1));
//0.42 - 0.5 * cos(2 * M_PI * i / (size - 1)) + 0.08 * cos(4 * M_PI * i / (size - 1));
// printf("%d %f\n", i, out[i]);
kaiser_window(&out[size / 2], size / 2 + 1, kaiser);
// Mirror for left half
for ( int i = 0; i < size / 2; i++ )
out [i] = out [size - 1 - i];
void ResampleUtility::normalize(double* io, int size, double gain)
double sum = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
sum += io [i];
double scale = gain / sum;
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
io [i] *= scale;
void* ResampleUtility::make_aligned(void* ptr, unsigned boundary)
unsigned char* null_ptr = (unsigned char *)NULL;
unsigned char* uc_ptr = (unsigned char *)ptr;
uc_ptr += (boundary - ((uc_ptr - null_ptr) & (boundary - 1))) & (boundary - 1);
//while((uc_ptr - null_ptr) & (boundary - 1))
// uc_ptr++;
//printf("%16llx %16llx\n", (unsigned long long)ptr, (unsigned long long)uc_ptr);
assert((uc_ptr - (unsigned char *)ptr) < boundary && (uc_ptr >= (unsigned char *)ptr));
return uc_ptr;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#include "lib/sinc.hpp"
struct ResampleSinc : Resampler {
inline void setFrequency();
inline void clear();
inline void sample();
inline ResampleSinc(DSP &dsp);
inline void remakeSinc();
SincResample *sinc_resampler[8];
void ResampleSinc::setFrequency() {
void ResampleSinc::clear() {
void ResampleSinc::sample() {
for(unsigned c = 0; c < dsp.settings.channels; c++) {
if(sinc_resampler[0]->output_avail()) {
do {
for(unsigned c = 0; c < dsp.settings.channels; c++) {
dsp.output.write(c) = sinc_resampler[c]->read();
} while(sinc_resampler[0]->output_avail());
ResampleSinc::ResampleSinc(DSP &dsp) : Resampler(dsp) {
for(unsigned n = 0; n < 8; n++) sinc_resampler[n] = 0;
void ResampleSinc::remakeSinc() {
assert(dsp.settings.channels < 8);
for(unsigned c = 0; c < dsp.settings.channels; c++) {
if(sinc_resampler[c]) delete sinc_resampler[c];
sinc_resampler[c] = new SincResample(dsp.settings.frequency, frequency, 0.85, SincResample::QUALITY_HIGH);

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ void DSP::setResampler(ResampleEngine engine) {
case ResampleEngine::Cubic: resampler = new ResampleCubic (*this); return;
case ResampleEngine::Hermite: resampler = new ResampleHermite(*this); return;
case ResampleEngine::Average: resampler = new ResampleAverage(*this); return;
case ResampleEngine::Sinc: resampler = new ResampleSinc (*this); return;

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ void Cartridge::load(const string &xml, const uint8_t *data, unsigned size) {
default : mapper = &Mapper::none; break;
case 1: mapper = &Mapper::mmc1; break;
case 3: mapper = &Mapper::cnrom; break;
case 4: mapper = &Mapper::mmc3; break;
case 7: mapper = &Mapper::aorom; break;
case 16: mapper = &Mapper::bandaiFCG; break;

View File

@ -21,6 +21,14 @@ namespace Mapper {
return base;
uint8& Mapper::prg_data(unsigned addr) {
return cartridge.prg_data[mirror(addr, cartridge.prg_size)];
uint8& Mapper::chr_data(unsigned addr) {
return cartridge.chr_data[mirror(addr, cartridge.chr_size)];
unsigned Mapper::ram_size() {
return 0u;
@ -34,6 +42,7 @@ namespace Mapper {
#include "bandai-fcg/bandai-fcg.cpp"
#include "cnrom/cnrom.cpp"
#include "mmc1/mmc1.cpp"
#include "mmc3/mmc3.cpp"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
namespace Mapper {
struct Mapper {
unsigned mirror(unsigned addr, unsigned size) const;
uint8& prg_data(unsigned addr);
uint8& chr_data(unsigned addr);
virtual uint8 prg_read(uint16 addr) = 0;
virtual void prg_write(uint16 addr, uint8 data) = 0;
@ -25,4 +27,5 @@ namespace Mapper {
#include "bandai-fcg/bandai-fcg.hpp"
#include "cnrom/cnrom.hpp"
#include "mmc1/mmc1.hpp"
#include "mmc3/mmc3.hpp"

bsnes/nes/mapper/mmc3/mmc3.cpp Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
MMC3 mmc3;
void MMC3::clock_irq_test(uint16 addr) {
if(!(last_chr_addr & 0x1000) && (addr & 0x1000)) {
if(irq_delay == 0) {
if(irq_counter == 0) {
irq_counter = irq_latch;
irq_line = irq_enable;
irq_delay = 5;
last_chr_addr = addr;
unsigned MMC3::prg_addr(uint16 addr) {
if((addr & 0xe000) == 0x8000) {
if((bank_select & 0x40) == 1) return (0x3e << 13) | (addr & 0x1fff);
return (prg_bank[0] << 13) | (addr & 0x1fff);
if((addr & 0xe000) == 0xa000) {
return (prg_bank[1] << 13) | (addr & 0x1fff);
if((addr & 0xe000) == 0xc000) {
if((bank_select & 0x40) == 0) return (0x3e << 13) | (addr & 0x1fff);
return (prg_bank[0] << 13) | (addr & 0x1fff);
if((addr & 0xe000) == 0xe000) {
return (0x3f << 13) | (addr & 0x1fff);
uint8 MMC3::prg_read(uint16 addr) {
if(irq_delay) irq_delay--;
if((addr & 0xe000) == 0x6000) { //$6000-7fff
if(prg_ram_enable) {
return prg_ram[addr & 0x1fff];
if(addr & 0x8000) { //$8000-ffff
return prg_data(prg_addr(addr));
return cpu.mdr();
void MMC3::prg_write(uint16 addr, uint8 data) {
if(irq_delay) irq_delay--;
if((addr & 0xe000) == 0x6000) { //$6000-7fff
if(prg_ram_enable && prg_ram_write_protect == false) {
prg_ram[addr & 0x1fff] = data;
switch(addr & 0xe001) {
case 0x8000:
bank_select = data & 0xc7;
case 0x8001:
switch(bank_select & 7) {
case 0: chr_bank[0] = data & ~1; break;
case 1: chr_bank[1] = data & ~1; break;
case 2: chr_bank[2] = data; break;
case 3: chr_bank[3] = data; break;
case 4: chr_bank[4] = data; break;
case 5: chr_bank[5] = data; break;
case 6: prg_bank[0] = data & 0x3f; break;
case 7: prg_bank[1] = data & 0x3f; break;
case 0xa000:
mirror_select = data & 0x01;
case 0xa001:
prg_ram_enable = data & 0x80;
prg_ram_write_protect = data & 0x40;
case 0xc000:
irq_latch = data;
case 0xc001:
irq_counter = 0;
case 0xe000:
irq_enable = false;
irq_line = 0;
case 0xe001:
irq_enable = true;
unsigned MMC3::chr_addr(uint16 addr) {
if((bank_select & 0x80) == 0) {
if(addr <= 0x07ff) return (chr_bank[0] << 10) | (addr & 0x07ff);
if(addr <= 0x0fff) return (chr_bank[1] << 10) | (addr & 0x07ff);
if(addr <= 0x13ff) return (chr_bank[2] << 10) | (addr & 0x03ff);
if(addr <= 0x17ff) return (chr_bank[3] << 10) | (addr & 0x03ff);
if(addr <= 0x1bff) return (chr_bank[4] << 10) | (addr & 0x03ff);
if(addr <= 0x1fff) return (chr_bank[5] << 10) | (addr & 0x03ff);
if((bank_select & 0x80) != 0) {
if(addr <= 0x03ff) return (chr_bank[2] << 10) | (addr & 0x03ff);
if(addr <= 0x07ff) return (chr_bank[3] << 10) | (addr & 0x03ff);
if(addr <= 0x0bff) return (chr_bank[4] << 10) | (addr & 0x03ff);
if(addr <= 0x0fff) return (chr_bank[5] << 10) | (addr & 0x03ff);
if(addr <= 0x17ff) return (chr_bank[0] << 10) | (addr & 0x07ff);
if(addr <= 0x1fff) return (chr_bank[1] << 10) | (addr & 0x07ff);
uint8 MMC3::chr_read(uint16 addr) {
return chr_data(chr_addr(addr));
void MMC3::chr_write(uint16 addr, uint8 data) {
last_chr_addr = addr;
if(cartridge.chr_ram == false) return;
chr_data(chr_addr(addr)) = data;
unsigned MMC3::ciram_addr(uint13 addr) {
clock_irq_test(0x2000 | addr);
if(mirror_select == 0) return ((addr & 0x0400) >> 0) | (addr & 0x03ff);
if(mirror_select == 1) return ((addr & 0x0800) >> 1) | (addr & 0x03ff);
uint8 MMC3::ciram_read(uint13 addr) {
clock_irq_test(0x2000 | addr);
return ppu.ciram_read(ciram_addr(addr));
void MMC3::ciram_write(uint13 addr, uint8 data) {
return ppu.ciram_write(ciram_addr(addr), data);
unsigned MMC3::ram_size() {
return 8192u;
uint8* MMC3::ram_data() {
return prg_ram;
void MMC3::power() {
void MMC3::reset() {
bank_select = 0;
prg_bank[0] = 0;
prg_bank[1] = 0;
chr_bank[0] = 0;
chr_bank[1] = 0;
chr_bank[2] = 0;
chr_bank[3] = 0;
chr_bank[4] = 0;
chr_bank[5] = 0;
mirror_select = 0;
prg_ram_enable = 1;
prg_ram_write_protect = 0;
irq_latch = 0x00;
irq_counter = 0x00;
irq_enable = false;
irq_delay = 0;
irq_line = 0;
void MMC3::serialize(serializer &s) {

bsnes/nes/mapper/mmc3/mmc3.hpp Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
struct MMC3 : Mapper {
uint8 prg_read(uint16 addr);
void prg_write(uint16 addr, uint8 data);
uint8 chr_read(uint16 addr);
void chr_write(uint16 addr, uint8 data);
uint8 ciram_read(uint13 addr);
void ciram_write(uint13 addr, uint8 data);
unsigned ram_size();
uint8* ram_data();
void power();
void reset();
void serialize(serializer&);
uint8 prg_ram[8192];
uint8 bank_select;
uint8 prg_bank[2];
uint8 chr_bank[6];
bool mirror_select;
bool prg_ram_enable;
bool prg_ram_write_protect;
uint8 irq_latch;
uint8 irq_counter;
bool irq_enable;
unsigned irq_delay;
bool irq_line;
uint16 last_chr_addr;
unsigned prg_addr(uint16 addr);
unsigned chr_addr(uint16 addr);
unsigned ciram_addr(uint13 addr);
void clock_irq_test(uint16 addr);
extern MMC3 mmc3;

View File

@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ public:
unsigned iwidth, iheight;
void resize(unsigned width, unsigned height) {
if(iwidth >= width && iheight >= height) return;
if(gltexture == 0) glGenTextures(1, &gltexture);
iwidth = max(width, iwidth );
iheight = max(height, iheight);

View File

@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ void PPU::power() {
void PPU::reset() {
create(Enter, system.cpu_frequency());
memset(surface, 0, 512 * 512 * sizeof(uint16));
memset(surface, 0, 512 * 512 * sizeof(uint32));
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ void PPU::set_frameskip(unsigned frameskip_) {
PPU::PPU() {
surface = new uint16[512 * 512];
surface = new uint32[512 * 512];
output = surface + 16 * 512;
@ -410,20 +410,6 @@ PPU::PPU() {
for(unsigned l = 0; l < 16; l++) {
for(unsigned r = 0; r < 32; r++) {
for(unsigned g = 0; g < 32; g++) {
for(unsigned b = 0; b < 32; b++) {
double luma = (double)l / 15.0;
unsigned ar = (luma * r + 0.5);
unsigned ag = (luma * g + 0.5);
unsigned ab = (luma * b + 0.5);
light_table[l][(r << 10) + (g << 5) + b] = (ab << 10) + (ag << 5) + ar;
layer_enabled[BG1][0] = true;
layer_enabled[BG1][1] = true;
layer_enabled[BG2][0] = true;

View File

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ public:
#include "mmio/mmio.hpp"
#include "render/render.hpp"
uint16 *surface;
uint16 *output;
uint32 *surface;
uint32 *output;
uint8 ppu1_version;
uint8 ppu2_version;
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ public:
alwaysinline bool overscan() const { return display.overscan; }
alwaysinline bool hires() const { return (regs.pseudo_hires || regs.bg_mode == 5 || regs.bg_mode == 6); }
uint16 light_table[16][32768];
uint16 mosaic_table[16][4096];
void render_line();

View File

@ -85,13 +85,12 @@ inline uint16 PPU::get_pixel_swap(uint32 x) {
inline void PPU::render_line_output() {
uint16 *ptr = (uint16*)output + (line * 1024) + ((interlace() && field()) ? 512 : 0);
uint16 *luma = light_table[regs.display_brightness];
uint16 curr, prev;
uint32 *ptr = (uint32*)output + (line * 1024) + ((interlace() && field()) ? 512 : 0);
uint32 curr, prev;
if(!regs.pseudo_hires && regs.bg_mode != 5 && regs.bg_mode != 6) {
for(unsigned x = 0; x < 256; x++) {
curr = luma[get_pixel_normal(x)];
curr = (regs.display_brightness << 15) | get_pixel_normal(x);
*ptr++ = curr;
} else {
@ -99,11 +98,11 @@ inline void PPU::render_line_output() {
//blending is disabled below, as this should be done via video filtering
//blending code is left for reference purposes
curr = luma[get_pixel_swap(x)];
curr = (regs.display_brightness << 15) | get_pixel_swap(x);
*ptr++ = curr; //(prev + curr - ((prev ^ curr) & 0x0421)) >> 1;
//prev = curr;
curr = luma[get_pixel_normal(x)];
curr = (regs.display_brightness << 15) | get_pixel_normal(x);
*ptr++ = curr; //(prev + curr - ((prev ^ curr) & 0x0421)) >> 1;
//prev = curr;

View File

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ void PPU::power() {
void PPU::reset() {
create(Enter, system.cpu_frequency());
memset(surface, 0, 512 * 512 * sizeof(uint16));
memset(surface, 0, 512 * 512 * sizeof(uint32));
display.interlace = false;
display.overscan = false;
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ bg3(*this, Background::ID::BG3),
bg4(*this, Background::ID::BG4),
screen(*this) {
surface = new uint16[512 * 512];
surface = new uint32[512 * 512];
output = surface + 16 * 512;
display.width = 256;
display.height = 224;

View File

@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ public:
uint16 *surface;
uint16 *output;
uint32 *surface;
uint32 *output;
#include "mmio/mmio.hpp"
#include "window/window.hpp"

View File

@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ void PPU::Screen::scanline() {
void PPU::Screen::render_black() {
uint16 *data = self.output + self.vcounter() * 1024;
uint32 *data = self.output + self.vcounter() * 1024;
if(self.interlace() && self.field()) data += 512;
memset(data, 0, self.display.width << 1);
memset(data, 0, self.display.width << 2);
uint16 PPU::Screen::get_pixel_main(unsigned x) {
@ -115,43 +115,25 @@ uint16 PPU::Screen::get_pixel_sub(unsigned x) {
void PPU::Screen::render() {
uint16 *data = self.output + self.vcounter() * 1024;
uint32 *data = self.output + self.vcounter() * 1024;
if(self.interlace() && self.field()) data += 512;
uint16 *light = light_table[self.regs.display_brightness];
if(!self.regs.pseudo_hires && self.regs.bgmode != 5 && self.regs.bgmode != 6) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
data[i] = light[get_pixel_main(i)];
data[i] = (self.regs.display_brightness << 15) | get_pixel_main(i);
} else {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
*data++ = light[get_pixel_sub(i)];
*data++ = light[get_pixel_main(i)];
*data++ = (self.regs.display_brightness << 15) | get_pixel_sub(i);
*data++ = (self.regs.display_brightness << 15) | get_pixel_main(i);
PPU::Screen::Screen(PPU &self) : self(self) {
light_table = new uint16*[16];
for(unsigned l = 0; l < 16; l++) {
light_table[l] = new uint16[32768];
for(unsigned r = 0; r < 32; r++) {
for(unsigned g = 0; g < 32; g++) {
for(unsigned b = 0; b < 32; b++) {
double luma = (double)l / 15.0;
unsigned ar = (luma * r + 0.5);
unsigned ag = (luma * g + 0.5);
unsigned ab = (luma * b + 0.5);
light_table[l][(r << 10) + (g << 5) + (b << 0)] = (ab << 10) + (ag << 5) + (ar << 0);
PPU::Screen::~Screen() {
for(unsigned l = 0; l < 16; l++) delete[] light_table[l];
delete[] light_table;
void PPU::Screen::Output::plot_main(unsigned x, unsigned color, unsigned priority, unsigned source) {

View File

@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ class Screen {
} output;
ColorWindow window;
uint16 **light_table;
alwaysinline unsigned get_palette(unsigned color);
unsigned get_direct_color(unsigned palette, unsigned tile);

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ void Audio::coprocessor_enable(bool state) {
void Audio::coprocessor_frequency(double input_frequency) {
dspaudio.setResamplerFrequency(system.apu_frequency() / 768.0);

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ namespace SNES {
Interface *interface = 0;
void Interface::videoRefresh(const uint16_t *data, bool hires, bool interlace, bool overscan) {
void Interface::videoRefresh(const uint32_t *data, bool hires, bool interlace, bool overscan) {
void Interface::audioSample(int16_t l_sample, int16_t r_sample) {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
class Interface {
virtual void videoRefresh(const uint16_t *data, bool hires, bool interlace, bool overscan);
virtual void videoRefresh(const uint32_t *data, bool hires, bool interlace, bool overscan);
virtual void audioSample(int16_t lsample, int16_t rsample);
virtual int16_t inputPoll(bool port, Input::Device device, unsigned index, unsigned id);

View File

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ void PPU::power() {
void PPU::reset() {
create(Enter, system.cpu_frequency());
memset(surface, 0, 512 * 512 * sizeof(uint16));
memset(surface, 0, 512 * 512 * sizeof(uint32));
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ bg4(*this, Background::ID::BG4),
screen(*this) {
surface = new uint16[512 * 512];
surface = new uint32[512 * 512];
output = surface + 16 * 512;

View File

@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ public:
uint16 *surface;
uint16 *output;
uint32 *surface;
uint32 *output;
uint8 ppu1_version;
uint8 ppu2_version;

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ void PPU::Screen::scanline() {
void PPU::Screen::run() {
if(ppu.vcounter() == 0) return;
uint16 color;
uint32 color;
if(self.regs.pseudo_hires == false && self.regs.bgmode != 5 && self.regs.bgmode != 6) {
color = get_pixel(0);
*output++ = color;
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ void PPU::Screen::run() {
uint16 PPU::Screen::get_pixel(bool swap) {
uint32 PPU::Screen::get_pixel(bool swap) {
if(ppu.regs.overscan == false && ppu.vcounter() >= 225) return 0x0000;
enum source_t { BG1, BG2, BG3, BG4, OAM, BACK };
@ -149,9 +149,8 @@ uint16 PPU::Screen::get_pixel(bool swap) {
output = light_table[self.regs.display_brightness][output];
if(self.regs.display_disable) output = 0x0000;
return output;
if(self.regs.display_disable) return 0;
return (self.regs.display_brightness << 15) | output;
uint16 PPU::Screen::addsub(unsigned x, unsigned y, bool halve) {
@ -206,19 +205,6 @@ void PPU::Screen::reset() {
PPU::Screen::Screen(PPU &self) : self(self) {
for(unsigned l = 0; l < 16; l++) {
for(unsigned r = 0; r < 32; r++) {
for(unsigned g = 0; g < 32; g++) {
for(unsigned b = 0; b < 32; b++) {
double luma = (double)l / 15.0;
unsigned ar = (luma * r + 0.5);
unsigned ag = (luma * g + 0.5);
unsigned ab = (luma * b + 0.5);
light_table[l][(b << 10) + (g << 5) + r] = (ab << 10) + (ag << 5) + ar;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
class Screen {
uint16 *output;
uint32 *output;
struct Regs {
bool addsub_mode;
@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ class Screen {
void run();
void reset();
uint16 light_table[16][32768];
uint16 get_pixel(bool swap);
uint32 get_pixel(bool swap);
uint16 addsub(unsigned x, unsigned y, bool halve);
uint16 get_color(unsigned palette);
uint16 get_direct_color(unsigned palette, unsigned tile);

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ const uint8_t Video::cursor[15 * 15] = {
void Video::draw_cursor(uint16_t color, int x, int y) {
uint16_t *data = (uint16_t*)ppu.output;
uint32_t *data = (uint32_t*)ppu.output;
if(ppu.interlace() && ppu.field()) data += 512;
for(int cy = 0; cy < 15; cy++) {
@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ void Video::draw_cursor(uint16_t color, int x, int y) {
if(vx < 0 || vx >= 256) continue; //do not draw offscreen
uint8_t pixel = cursor[cy * 15 + cx];
if(pixel == 0) continue;
uint16_t pixelcolor = (pixel == 1) ? 0 : color;
uint32_t pixelcolor = (15 << 15) | ((pixel == 1) ? 0 : color);
if(hires == false) {
*((uint16_t*)data + vy * 1024 + vx) = pixelcolor;
*((uint32_t*)data + vy * 1024 + vx) = pixelcolor;
} else {
*((uint16_t*)data + vy * 1024 + vx * 2 + 0) = pixelcolor;
*((uint16_t*)data + vy * 1024 + vx * 2 + 1) = pixelcolor;
*((uint32_t*)data + vy * 1024 + vx * 2 + 0) = pixelcolor;
*((uint32_t*)data + vy * 1024 + vx * 2 + 1) = pixelcolor;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
class Video {
struct Video {
bool hires;
unsigned line_width[240];

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ MainWindow *mainWindow = 0;
MainWindow::MainWindow() {
setGeometry({ 256, 256, 640, 480 });
setGeometry({ 256, 256, 626, 480 });
setBackgroundColor({ 0, 0, 0 });
windowManager->append(this, "MainWindow");

View File

@ -32,15 +32,12 @@ void HotkeyGeneral::inputEvent(int16_t scancode, int16_t value) {
if(scancode == turboMode.scancode) {
static bool Vsync, Async;
if(value) {
Vsync = any_cast<bool>(video.get(Video::Synchronize));
Async = any_cast<bool>(audio.get(Audio::Synchronize));
video.set(Video::Synchronize, false);
audio.set(Audio::Synchronize, false);
} else {
video.set(Video::Synchronize, Vsync);
audio.set(Audio::Synchronize, Async);
video.set(Video::Synchronize, config->video.synchronize);
audio.set(Audio::Synchronize, config->audio.synchronize);

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ bool InterfaceSNES::loadCartridge(const string &basename) {
interface->baseName = nall::basename(basename);
interface->slotName = { nall::basename(basename) };
string xml;
xml.readfile({ interface->baseName, ".xml" });
@ -36,8 +37,6 @@ bool InterfaceSNES::loadCartridge(const string &basename) {
SNES::Interface::loadCartridge({ xml, data, size });
delete[] data;
interface->slotName = { nall::basename(basename) };
return true;
@ -52,6 +51,7 @@ bool InterfaceSNES::loadSatellaviewSlottedCartridge(const string &basename, cons
interface->baseName = nall::basename(basename);
if(data[1]) interface->baseName.append("+", nall::basename(notdir(slotname)));
interface->slotName = { nall::basename(basename), nall::basename(slotname) };
string xml;
xml.readfile({ interface->baseName, ".xml" });
@ -61,8 +61,6 @@ bool InterfaceSNES::loadSatellaviewSlottedCartridge(const string &basename, cons
delete[] data[0];
if(data[1]) delete[] data[1];
interface->slotName = { nall::basename(basename), nall::basename(slotname) };
return true;
@ -77,6 +75,7 @@ bool InterfaceSNES::loadSatellaviewCartridge(const string &basename, const strin
interface->baseName = nall::basename(basename);
if(data[1]) interface->baseName.append("+", nall::basename(notdir(slotname)));
interface->slotName = { nall::basename(basename), nall::basename(slotname) };
string xml;
xml.readfile({ interface->baseName, ".xml" });
@ -86,8 +85,6 @@ bool InterfaceSNES::loadSatellaviewCartridge(const string &basename, const strin
delete[] data[0];
if(data[1]) delete[] data[1];
interface->slotName = { nall::basename(basename), nall::basename(slotname) };
return true;
@ -105,6 +102,7 @@ bool InterfaceSNES::loadSufamiTurboCartridge(const string &basename, const strin
if(data[1] && data[2]) interface->baseName = { nall::basename(slotAname), "+", nall::basename(notdir(slotBname)) };
else if(data[1]) interface->baseName = nall::basename(slotAname);
else if(data[2]) interface->baseName = nall::basename(slotBname);
interface->slotName = { nall::basename(basename), nall::basename(slotAname), nall::basename(slotBname) };
string xml;
xml.readfile({ interface->baseName, ".xml" });
@ -115,8 +113,6 @@ bool InterfaceSNES::loadSufamiTurboCartridge(const string &basename, const strin
if(data[1]) delete[] data[1];
if(data[2]) delete[] data[2];
interface->slotName = { nall::basename(basename), nall::basename(slotAname), nall::basename(slotBname) };
return true;
@ -131,6 +127,7 @@ bool InterfaceSNES::loadSuperGameBoyCartridge(const string &basename, const stri
interface->baseName = nall::basename(basename);
if(data[1]) interface->baseName = nall::basename(slotname);
interface->slotName = { nall::basename(basename), nall::basename(slotname) };
string xml;
xml.readfile({ interface->baseName, ".xml" });
@ -143,8 +140,6 @@ bool InterfaceSNES::loadSuperGameBoyCartridge(const string &basename, const stri
delete[] data[0];
if(data[1]) delete[] data[1];
interface->slotName = { nall::basename(basename), nall::basename(slotname) };
return true;
@ -198,7 +193,7 @@ bool InterfaceSNES::loadState(const string &filename) {
void InterfaceSNES::videoRefresh(const uint16_t *data, bool hires, bool interlace, bool overscan) {
void InterfaceSNES::videoRefresh(const uint32_t *data, bool hires, bool interlace, bool overscan) {
static uint16_t output[512 * 478];
unsigned width = 256 << hires;
@ -216,11 +211,10 @@ void InterfaceSNES::videoRefresh(const uint16_t *data, bool hires, bool interlac
for(unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++) {
const uint16_t *sp = data + y * pitch;
const uint32_t *sp = data + y * pitch;
uint16_t *dp = output + y * 512;
for(unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++) {
uint16_t color = *sp++;
*dp++ = ((color & 0x001f) << 10) | (color & 0x03e0) | ((color & 0x7c00) >> 10);
*dp++ = palette[*sp++];
@ -269,5 +263,23 @@ int16_t InterfaceSNES::inputPoll(bool port, SNES::Input::Device device, unsigned
string InterfaceSNES::path(SNES::Cartridge::Slot slot, const string &hint) {
return dir(interface->baseName);
static unsigned index[] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1 };
return { interface->slotName[index[(unsigned)slot]], hint };
InterfaceSNES::InterfaceSNES() {
//{llll bbbbb ggggg rrrrr} -> { rrrrr ggggg bbbbb }
for(unsigned l = 0; l < 16; l++) {
for(unsigned r = 0; r < 32; r++) {
for(unsigned g = 0; g < 32; g++) {
for(unsigned b = 0; b < 32; b++) {
double luma = (double)l / 15.0;
unsigned ar = (luma * r + 0.5);
unsigned ag = (luma * g + 0.5);
unsigned ab = (luma * b + 0.5);
palette[(l << 15) + (r << 10) + (g << 5) + (b << 0)] = (ab << 10) + (ag << 5) + (ar << 0);

View File

@ -14,9 +14,14 @@ struct InterfaceSNES : SNES::Interface {
bool saveState(const string &filename);
bool loadState(const string &filename);
void videoRefresh(const uint16_t *data, bool hires, bool interlace, bool overscan);
void videoRefresh(const uint32_t *data, bool hires, bool interlace, bool overscan);
void audioSample(int16_t lsample, int16_t rsample);
int16_t inputPoll(bool port, SNES::Input::Device device, unsigned index, unsigned id);
string path(SNES::Cartridge::Slot slot, const string &hint);
unsigned palette[16 * 32768];

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Application::Application(int argc, char **argv) {
inputManager = new InputManager;
utility = new Utility;
title = "bsnes v082.20";
title = "bsnes v082.21";
#if defined(PLATFORM_WIN)
normalFont = "Tahoma, 8";
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Application::Application(int argc, char **argv) {
dspaudio.setVolume(config->audio.mute == false ? 1.0 : 0.0);

View File

@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ void Utility::bindVideoFilter() {
void Utility::bindVideoShader() {
if(config->video.shader == "None") {
video.set(Video::Shader, (const char*)"");
video.set(Video::Filter, 0u);
video.set(Video::Shader, (const char*)"");
} else if(config->video.shader == "Blur") {
video.set(Video::Filter, 1u);
video.set(Video::Shader, (const char*)"");
video.set(Video::Filter, 1u);
} else {
string data;