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Update to bsnes v027r11? release.
Alright, new WIP posted, Windows binary included. I've added the auto-pause setting. I removed the formerly useless joypad selection comboboxes, as I want to stick those in the main menu when they are ready anyway. It defaults to auto-pause, so that discussion is moot now. Don't complain that three combo boxes are not natural compared to two checkboxes -- I don't care. There are only three possible states, and I like it the way it is. Thanks in advance. Nach, you have my humble thanks for your input today. This was definitely a lot easier than I thought it would be with your help. For those curious, here's how things look at the moment: [image] I also fixed up the CPU usage when paused. I tried to stress test as many things as possible (manual pause <> auto pause conflicts, statusbar update failures, toggling settings in real time, etc etc), but I may have overlooked something. Rigorous testing would be appreciated :) --- In other news, I completely rewrote the Makefile. It is now far more advanced, and will allow you to easily remove vai modules. Once removed, the dependencies on those modules will automatically be removed. The source still needs to be updated to auto-detect non- existent modules, but this is a step in the right direction. Take a look at some of my GNU make-fu: ifneq ($(findstring gcc,$(compiler)),) # GCC family flags = -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Ilib c = $(compiler) $(flags) cpp = $(subst cc,++,$(compiler)) $(flags) ifeq ($(platform),x) # X11 miu = miu.gtk vai = video.glx video.xv video.gtk audio.openal audio.oss audio.ao input.sdl input.x link += $(if $(findstring audio.directsound,$(vai)),$(call mklib,dsound)) link += $(if $(findstring audio.openal,$(vai)),$(call mklib,openal) $(call mklib,alut)) link += $(if $(findstring input.directinput,$(vai)),$(call mklib,dinput8) $(call mklib,dxguid)) link += $(if $(findstring input.sdl,$(vai)),`sdl-config --libs`) arch := $(patsubst %,$(call mkdef,%),$(arch)) objects := $(patsubst %,%.$(obj),$(objects)) compile = $(strip \ $(if $(filter %.c,$<), \ $(c) $(1) $(rule), \ $(if $(filter %.cpp,$<), \ $(cpp) $(1) $(rule) \ ) \ ) \ ) %.$(obj): $<; $(call compile) video.glx.$(obj) : ui/vai/video/video.glx.cpp ui/vai/video/* video.gtk.$(obj) : ui/vai/video/video.gtk.cpp ui/vai/video/* $(call compile,`pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0`) Hahahahahah :) [No archive available]
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