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auto ARM::thumb_opcode(uint4 opcode, uint4 d, uint4 m) {
switch(opcode) {
case 0: r(d) = bit(r(d) & r(m)); break; //AND
case 1: r(d) = bit(r(d) ^ r(m)); break; //EOR
case 2: r(d) = bit(lsl(r(d), r(m))); break; //LSL
case 3: r(d) = bit(lsr(r(d), r(m))); break; //LSR
case 4: r(d) = bit(asr(r(d), r(m))); break; //ASR
case 5: r(d) = add(r(d), r(m), cpsr().c); break; //ADC
case 6: r(d) = sub(r(d), r(m), cpsr().c); break; //SBC
case 7: r(d) = bit(ror(r(d), r(m))); break; //ROR
case 8: bit(r(d) & r(m)); break; //TST
case 9: r(d) = sub(0, r(m), 1); break; //NEG
case 10: sub(r(d), r(m), 1); break; //CMP
case 11: add(r(d), r(m), 0); break; //CMN
case 12: r(d) = bit(r(d) | r(m)); break; //ORR
case 13: r(d) = mul(0, r(m), r(d)); break; //MUL
case 14: r(d) = bit(r(d) & ~r(m)); break; //BIC
case 15: r(d) = bit(~r(m)); break; //MVN
//(add,sub) rd,rn,rm
//0001 10om mmnn nddd
//o = opcode
//m = rm
//n = rn
//d = rd
auto ARM::thumb_op_adjust_register() {
uint1 opcode = instruction() >> 9;
uint3 m = instruction() >> 6;
uint3 n = instruction() >> 3;
uint3 d = instruction() >> 0;
switch(opcode) {
case 0: r(d) = add(r(n), r(m), 0); break;
case 1: r(d) = sub(r(n), r(m), 1); break;
//(add,sub) rd,rn,#immediate
//0001 11oi iinn nddd
//o = opcode
//i = immediate
//n = rn
//d = rd
auto ARM::thumb_op_adjust_immediate() {
uint1 opcode = instruction() >> 9;
uint3 immediate = instruction() >> 6;
uint3 n = instruction() >> 3;
uint3 d = instruction() >> 0;
switch(opcode) {
case 0: r(d) = add(r(n), immediate, 0); break;
case 1: r(d) = sub(r(n), immediate, 1); break;
//(lsl,lsr,asr) rd,rm,#immediate
//000o oiii iimm mddd
//o = opcode
//i = immediate
//m = rm
//d = rd
auto ARM::thumb_op_shift_immediate() {
uint2 opcode = instruction() >> 11;
uint5 immediate = instruction() >> 6;
uint3 m = instruction() >> 3;
uint3 d = instruction() >> 0;
switch(opcode) {
case 0: r(d) = bit(lsl(r(m), immediate)); break;
Update to v099r13 release. byuu says: Changelog: - GB core code cleanup completed - GBA core code cleanup completed - some more cleanup on missed processor/arm functions/variables - fixed FC loading icarus bug - "Load ROM File" icarus functionality restored - minor code unification efforts all around (not perfect yet) - MMIO->IO - mmio.cpp->io.cpp - read,write->readIO,writeIO It's been a very long work in progress ... starting all the way back with v094r09, but the major part of the higan code cleanup is now completed! Of course, it's very important to note that this is only for the basic style: - under_score functions and variables are now camelCase - return-type function-name() are now auto function-name() -> return-type - Natural<T>/Integer<T> replace (u)intT_n types where possible - signed/unsigned are now int/uint - most of the x==true,x==false tests changed to x,!x A lot of spot improvements to consistency, simplicity and quality have gone in along the way, of course. But we'll probably never fully finishing beautifying every last line of code in the entire codebase. Still, this is a really great start. Going forward, WIP diffs should start being smaller and of higher quality once again. I know the joke is, "until my coding style changes again", but ... this was way too stressful, way too time consuming, and way too risky. I'm too old and tired now for extreme upheavel like this again. The only major change I'm slowly mulling over would be renaming the using Natural<T>/Integer<T> = (u)intT; shorthand to something that isn't as easily confused with the (u)int_t types ... but we'll see. I'll definitely continue to change small things all the time, but for the larger picture, I need to just accept the style I have and live with it.
2016-06-29 11:10:28 +00:00
case 1: r(d) = bit(lsr(r(m), immediate == 0 ? 32u : (uint)immediate)); break;
case 2: r(d) = bit(asr(r(m), immediate == 0 ? 32u : (uint)immediate)); break;
//(mov,cmp,add,sub) (rd,rn),#immediate
//001o orrr iiii iiii
//o = opcode
//r = (rd,rn)
//i = immediate
auto ARM::thumb_op_immediate() {
uint2 opcode = instruction() >> 11;
uint3 d = instruction() >> 8;
uint8 immediate = instruction();
switch(opcode) {
case 0: r(d) = bit( immediate ); break;
case 1: sub(r(d), immediate, 1); break;
case 2: r(d) = add(r(d), immediate, 0); break;
case 3: r(d) = sub(r(d), immediate, 1); break;
//{opcode} rd,rm
//0100 00oo oomm mddd
//o = opcode
//m = rm
//d = rd
auto ARM::thumb_op_alu() {
uint4 opcode = instruction() >> 6;
uint3 m = instruction() >> 3;
uint3 d = instruction();
thumb_opcode(opcode, d, m);
//bx rm
//0100 0111 0mmm m---
//m = rm
auto ARM::thumb_op_branch_exchange() {
uint4 m = instruction() >> 3;
cpsr().t = r(m) & 1;
r(15) = r(m);
//{opcode} rd,rm
//0100 01oo DMmm mddd
//o = opcode
//M:m = rm
//D:d = rd
auto ARM::thumb_op_alu_hi() {
uint2 opcode = instruction() >> 8;
uint4 m = instruction() >> 3;
uint3 dl = instruction();
uint1 dh = instruction() >> 7;
uint4 d = (dh << 3) + (dl << 0);
switch(opcode) {
case 0: r(d) = r(d) + r(m); break; //ADD (does not modify flags)
case 1: sub(r(d), r(m), 1); break; //SUB
case 2: r(d) = r(m); break; //MOV (does not modify flags)
//ldr rd,[pc,#+/-offset]
//0100 1ddd oooo oooo
//d = rd
//o = offset
auto ARM::thumb_op_load_literal() {
uint3 d = instruction() >> 8;
uint8 displacement = instruction();
Update to v099r13 release. byuu says: Changelog: - GB core code cleanup completed - GBA core code cleanup completed - some more cleanup on missed processor/arm functions/variables - fixed FC loading icarus bug - "Load ROM File" icarus functionality restored - minor code unification efforts all around (not perfect yet) - MMIO->IO - mmio.cpp->io.cpp - read,write->readIO,writeIO It's been a very long work in progress ... starting all the way back with v094r09, but the major part of the higan code cleanup is now completed! Of course, it's very important to note that this is only for the basic style: - under_score functions and variables are now camelCase - return-type function-name() are now auto function-name() -> return-type - Natural<T>/Integer<T> replace (u)intT_n types where possible - signed/unsigned are now int/uint - most of the x==true,x==false tests changed to x,!x A lot of spot improvements to consistency, simplicity and quality have gone in along the way, of course. But we'll probably never fully finishing beautifying every last line of code in the entire codebase. Still, this is a really great start. Going forward, WIP diffs should start being smaller and of higher quality once again. I know the joke is, "until my coding style changes again", but ... this was way too stressful, way too time consuming, and way too risky. I'm too old and tired now for extreme upheavel like this again. The only major change I'm slowly mulling over would be renaming the using Natural<T>/Integer<T> = (u)intT; shorthand to something that isn't as easily confused with the (u)int_t types ... but we'll see. I'll definitely continue to change small things all the time, but for the larger picture, I need to just accept the style I have and live with it.
2016-06-29 11:10:28 +00:00
uint rm = (r(15) & ~3) + displacement * 4;
r(d) = load(Word | Nonsequential, rm);
//(ld(r,s),str){b,h} rd,[rn,rm]
//0101 ooom mmnn nddd
//o = opcode
//m = rm
//n = rn
//d = rd
auto ARM::thumb_op_move_register_offset() {
uint3 opcode = instruction() >> 9;
uint3 m = instruction() >> 6;
uint3 n = instruction() >> 3;
uint3 d = instruction() >> 0;
switch(opcode) {
case 0: store(Word | Nonsequential, r(n) + r(m), r(d)); break; //STR
case 1: store(Half | Nonsequential, r(n) + r(m), r(d)); break; //STRH
case 2: store(Byte | Nonsequential, r(n) + r(m), r(d)); break; //STRB
case 3: r(d) = load(Byte | Nonsequential | Signed, r(n) + r(m)); break; //LDSB
case 4: r(d) = load(Word | Nonsequential, r(n) + r(m)); break; //LDR
case 5: r(d) = load(Half | Nonsequential, r(n) + r(m)); break; //LDRH
case 6: r(d) = load(Byte | Nonsequential, r(n) + r(m)); break; //LDRB
case 7: r(d) = load(Half | Nonsequential | Signed, r(n) + r(m)); break; //LDSH
//(ldr,str) rd,[rn,#offset]
//0110 looo oonn nddd
//l = load
//o = offset
//n = rn
//d = rd
auto ARM::thumb_op_move_word_immediate() {
uint1 l = instruction() >> 11;
uint5 offset = instruction() >> 6;
uint3 n = instruction() >> 3;
uint3 d = instruction() >> 0;
if(l == 1) r(d) = load(Word | Nonsequential, r(n) + offset * 4);
if(l == 0) store(Word | Nonsequential, r(n) + offset * 4, r(d));
//(ldr,str)b rd,[rn,#offset]
//0111 looo oonn nddd
//l = load
//o = offset
//n = rn
//d = rd
auto ARM::thumb_op_move_byte_immediate() {
uint1 l = instruction() >> 11;
uint5 offset = instruction() >> 6;
uint3 n = instruction() >> 3;
uint3 d = instruction() >> 0;
if(l == 1) r(d) = load(Byte | Nonsequential, r(n) + offset);
if(l == 0) store(Byte | Nonsequential, r(n) + offset, r(d));
//(ldr,str)h rd,[rn,#offset]
//1000 looo oonn nddd
//l = load
//o = offset
//n = rn
//d = rd
auto ARM::thumb_op_move_half_immediate() {
uint1 l = instruction() >> 11;
uint5 offset = instruction() >> 6;
uint3 n = instruction() >> 3;
uint3 d = instruction() >> 0;
if(l == 1) r(d) = load(Half | Nonsequential, r(n) + offset * 2);
if(l == 0) store(Half | Nonsequential, r(n) + offset * 2, r(d));
//(ldr,str) rd,[sp,#immediate]
//1001 oddd iiii iiii
//l = load
//d = rd
//i = immediate
auto ARM::thumb_op_move_stack() {
uint1 l = instruction() >> 11;
uint3 d = instruction() >> 8;
uint8 immediate = instruction();
if(l == 1) r(d) = load(Word | Nonsequential, r(13) + immediate * 4);
if(l == 0) store(Word | Nonsequential, r(13) + immediate * 4, r(d));
//add rd,{pc,sp},#immediate
//1010 sddd iiii iiii
//s = sp (0 = pc)
//d = rd
//i = immediate
auto ARM::thumb_op_add_register_hi() {
uint1 sp = instruction() >> 11;
uint3 d = instruction() >> 8;
uint8 immediate = instruction();
if(sp == 0) r(d) = (r(15) & ~2) + immediate * 4;
if(sp == 1) r(d) = r(13) + immediate * 4;
//(add,sub) sp,#immediate
//1011 0000 oiii iiii
//o = opcode
//i = immediate
auto ARM::thumb_op_adjust_stack() {
uint1 opcode = instruction() >> 7;
uint7 immediate = instruction();
if(opcode == 0) r(13) += immediate * 4;
if(opcode == 1) r(13) -= immediate * 4;
//push {r...{,lr}}
//pop {r...{,pc}}
//1011 o10r llll llll
//o = opcode (0 = push, 1 = pop)
//r = push lr -or- pop pc
//l = register list
auto ARM::thumb_op_stack_multiple() {
uint1 l = instruction() >> 11;
uint1 branch = instruction() >> 8;
uint8 list = instruction();
uint32 sp = 0;
if(l == 1) sp = r(13);
if(l == 0) sp = r(13) - (bit::count(list) + branch) * 4;
Update to v099r13 release. byuu says: Changelog: - GB core code cleanup completed - GBA core code cleanup completed - some more cleanup on missed processor/arm functions/variables - fixed FC loading icarus bug - "Load ROM File" icarus functionality restored - minor code unification efforts all around (not perfect yet) - MMIO->IO - mmio.cpp->io.cpp - read,write->readIO,writeIO It's been a very long work in progress ... starting all the way back with v094r09, but the major part of the higan code cleanup is now completed! Of course, it's very important to note that this is only for the basic style: - under_score functions and variables are now camelCase - return-type function-name() are now auto function-name() -> return-type - Natural<T>/Integer<T> replace (u)intT_n types where possible - signed/unsigned are now int/uint - most of the x==true,x==false tests changed to x,!x A lot of spot improvements to consistency, simplicity and quality have gone in along the way, of course. But we'll probably never fully finishing beautifying every last line of code in the entire codebase. Still, this is a really great start. Going forward, WIP diffs should start being smaller and of higher quality once again. I know the joke is, "until my coding style changes again", but ... this was way too stressful, way too time consuming, and way too risky. I'm too old and tired now for extreme upheavel like this again. The only major change I'm slowly mulling over would be renaming the using Natural<T>/Integer<T> = (u)intT; shorthand to something that isn't as easily confused with the (u)int_t types ... but we'll see. I'll definitely continue to change small things all the time, but for the larger picture, I need to just accept the style I have and live with it.
2016-06-29 11:10:28 +00:00
uint sequential = Nonsequential;
for(uint m : range(8)) {
if(list & 1 << m) {
if(l == 1) r(m) = read(Word | sequential, sp); //POP
if(l == 0) write(Word | sequential, sp, r(m)); //PUSH
sp += 4;
sequential = Sequential;
if(branch) {
//note: ARMv5+ POP sets cpsr().t
if(l == 1) r(15) = read(Word | Nonsequential, sp); //POP
if(l == 0) write(Word | Nonsequential, sp, r(14)); //PUSH
sp += 4;
if(l == 1) {
r(13) += (bit::count(list) + branch) * 4;
} else {
pipeline.nonsequential = true;
r(13) -= (bit::count(list) + branch) * 4;
//(ldmia,stmia) rn!,{r...}
//1100 lnnn llll llll
//l = load (0 = save)
//n = rn
//l = register list
auto ARM::thumb_op_move_multiple() {
uint1 l = instruction() >> 11;
uint3 n = instruction() >> 8;
uint8 list = instruction();
uint32 rn = r(n); //rn may be in register list; so we must cache it
Update to v099r13 release. byuu says: Changelog: - GB core code cleanup completed - GBA core code cleanup completed - some more cleanup on missed processor/arm functions/variables - fixed FC loading icarus bug - "Load ROM File" icarus functionality restored - minor code unification efforts all around (not perfect yet) - MMIO->IO - mmio.cpp->io.cpp - read,write->readIO,writeIO It's been a very long work in progress ... starting all the way back with v094r09, but the major part of the higan code cleanup is now completed! Of course, it's very important to note that this is only for the basic style: - under_score functions and variables are now camelCase - return-type function-name() are now auto function-name() -> return-type - Natural<T>/Integer<T> replace (u)intT_n types where possible - signed/unsigned are now int/uint - most of the x==true,x==false tests changed to x,!x A lot of spot improvements to consistency, simplicity and quality have gone in along the way, of course. But we'll probably never fully finishing beautifying every last line of code in the entire codebase. Still, this is a really great start. Going forward, WIP diffs should start being smaller and of higher quality once again. I know the joke is, "until my coding style changes again", but ... this was way too stressful, way too time consuming, and way too risky. I'm too old and tired now for extreme upheavel like this again. The only major change I'm slowly mulling over would be renaming the using Natural<T>/Integer<T> = (u)intT; shorthand to something that isn't as easily confused with the (u)int_t types ... but we'll see. I'll definitely continue to change small things all the time, but for the larger picture, I need to just accept the style I have and live with it.
2016-06-29 11:10:28 +00:00
for(uint m : range(8)) {
if(list & 1 << m) {
if(l == 1) r(m) = read(Word | Nonsequential, rn); //LDMIA
if(l == 0) write(Word | Nonsequential, rn, r(m)); //STMIA
rn += 4;
if(l == 0 || (list & 1 << n) == 0) r(n) = rn; //update rn on save or when not in register list
if(l == 1) idle();
//swi #immediate
//1101 1111 iiii iiii
//i = immediate
auto ARM::thumb_op_software_interrupt() {
uint8 immediate = instruction();
vector(0x00000008, Processor::Mode::SVC);
//1101 cccc dddd dddd
//c = condition
//d = displacement
auto ARM::thumb_op_branch_conditional() {
uint4 flagcondition = instruction() >> 8;
int8 displacement = instruction();
if(condition(flagcondition) == false) return;
r(15) = r(15) + displacement * 2;
//b address
//1110 0ooo oooo oooo
//o = offset
auto ARM::thumb_op_branch_short() {
int11 displacement = instruction();
r(15) += displacement * 2;
//bl address
//1111 0ooo oooo oooo
//o = offset
auto ARM::thumb_op_branch_long_prefix() {
int11 offsethi = instruction();
r(14) = r(15) + ((offsethi * 2) << 11);
//bl address
//1111 1ooo oooo oooo
//o = offset
auto ARM::thumb_op_branch_long_suffix() {
uint11 offsetlo = instruction();
r(15) = r(14) + (offsetlo * 2);
r(14) = pipeline.decode.address | 1;