- IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState_MultiSampleMode and
IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState_MultiSampleRenderTargetMode OOVPAs.
- D3D_CommonSetRenderTarget XRef OOVPA, reuse
EmuIDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderTarget from 4627.
- EmuIDirect3DDevice8_IsFencePending stub
- Moved back IDirect3DDevice8_InsertFence from XDK 5558
- D3D::SetFence and IDirect3DDevice8_IsFencePending 5233 OOVPAs
- Don't register stencil surface in Futurama for now
Move IDirectSoundBuffer8_SetRolloffCurve back to XDK 5233 from 5558 with minor
adjustments and renamed XRefs.
- Stubs for new functions EmuIDirectSound8_EnableHeadphones,
EmuIDirectSound8_SynchPlayback and EmuIDirectSoundBuffer8_SetMode
- Ignore unknown formats in EmuCDirectSoundStream_AddRef for now
Accept rewind flag (X_DSBPLAY_FROMSTART 0x02) in EmuIDirectSoundBuffer8_Play(...).
Convert Xbox D3DFMT 0x10 (linear) to D3DFMT_A1R5G5B5.
- NtQueryVirtualMemory to support Xapi VirtualQuery
- NtCreateSemaphore/NtReleaseSemaphore to support Xapi semaphores
- MmCreateKernelStack/MmDeleteKernelStack to support Xapi fibers
Added D3DFormat and D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE conversions.
- Convert PC D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4 to 0x1D (linear)
- Convert Xbox D3DFMT 0x19 (swizzled) to D3DFMT_A8
- Convert Xbox D3DFMT 0x27 (swizzled) to D3DFMT_L6V5U5
- Convert Xbox D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE 10 (max) to D3DTS_TEXTURE7 + 1 (experimental)
Print properly terminated XTL name in debug output.
Fixed compile errors and warnings in VC++ 9.0.
- Use /FR option instead of the deprecated /Fr
- Ignore CRT deprectaion warnings
- ISO conformant names for POSIX functions
- VertexPatcher::DumpCache() visibility
- Don't include winsock2.h in EmuXOnline.h
- NTSTATUS ambiguities in EmuKrnl.cpp
- Redundant namespaces in EmuWSAStartup(...) and EmuAllocateLDT(...)
- Removed afxres.h (MFC) dependency in resource files
Bumped blob versions.
- VC++ 9.0 libjpeg.lib (imported from OgreDependencies VC9 Eihort 20080203)
- UPX version 3.03