
1387 lines
70 KiB

using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
namespace BizHawk.MultiClient
public class Config
public Config()
public void ResolveDefaults()
//Path Settings ************************************/
public bool UseRecentForROMs = false;
public string LastRomPath = ".";
public PathEntryCollection PathEntries = new PathEntryCollection();
//BIOS Paths
public Dictionary<string, string> FirmwareUserSpecifications = new Dictionary<string, string>(); //key: sysid+firmwareId; value: absolute path
public string FFMpegPath = "%exe%/dll/ffmpeg.exe";
//N64 Config Settings
public string N64VidPlugin = "Rice";
public int N64VideoSizeX = 320;
public int N64VideoSizeY = 240;
public N64RicePluginSettings RicePlugin = new N64RicePluginSettings();
public N64GlidePluginSettings GlidePlugin = new N64GlidePluginSettings();
public N64Glide64mk2PluginSettings Glide64mk2Plugin = new N64Glide64mk2PluginSettings();
// General Client Settings
public int Input_Hotkey_OverrideOptions = 0;
public bool StackOSDMessages = true;
public int TargetZoomFactor = 2;
public int TargetDisplayFilter = 0;
public RecentFiles RecentRoms = new RecentFiles(8);
public bool PauseWhenMenuActivated = true;
public bool SaveWindowPosition = true;
public bool StartPaused = false;
public int MainWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored
public int MainWndy = -1;
public bool RunInBackground = true;
public bool AcceptBackgroundInput = false;
public bool SingleInstanceMode = false;
public bool AllowUD_LR = false;
public bool ShowContextMenu = true;
public bool EnableBackupMovies = true;
public bool HotkeyConfigAutoTab = true;
public bool InputConfigAutoTab = true;
public bool ShowLogWindow = false;
public bool BackupSavestates = true;
public bool BackupSaveram = true;
public bool AutoSavestates = false;
public bool SaveScreenshotWithStates = true;
public int AutofireOn = 1;
public int AutofireOff = 1;
public bool AutofireLagFrames = true;
public int SaveSlot = 0; //currently selected savestate slot
public bool AutoLoadLastSaveSlot = false;
public bool WIN32_CONSOLE = true;
public bool SkipLagFrame = false;
public string MovieExtension = "bkm";
public bool SupressAskSave = false;
public bool AVI_CaptureOSD = false;
public bool Screenshot_CaptureOSD = false;
public enum SaveStateTypeE { Default, Binary, Text };
public SaveStateTypeE SaveStateType = SaveStateTypeE.Default;
// Run-Control settings
public int FrameProgressDelayMs = 500; //how long until a frame advance hold turns into a frame progress?
public int FrameSkip = 4;
public int SpeedPercent = 100;
public int SpeedPercentAlternate = 400;
public bool ClockThrottle = true;
public bool AutoMinimizeSkipping = true;
public bool VSyncThrottle = false;
//Rewind settings
public bool Rewind_UseDelta = true;
public bool RewindEnabledSmall = true;
public bool RewindEnabledMedium = true;
public bool RewindEnabledLarge = false;
public int RewindFrequencySmall = 1;
public int RewindFrequencyMedium = 2;
public int RewindFrequencyLarge = 60;
public int Rewind_MediumStateSize = 262144; //256kb
public int Rewind_LargeStateSize = 1048576; //1mb
public int Rewind_BufferSize = 128; //in mb
public bool Rewind_OnDisk = false;
public bool Rewind_IsThreaded = false;
/// <summary>use vsync. if VSyncThrottle = false, this will try to use vsync without throttling to it</summary>
public bool VSync = false;
// Display options
public int MessagesColor = -1;
public int AlertMessageColor = -65536;
public int LastInputColor = -23296;
public int MovieInput = -8355712;
public bool DisplayFPS = false;
public int DispFPSx = 0;
public int DispFPSy = 0;
public int DispFPSanchor = 0; //0 = UL, 1 = UR, 2 = DL, 3 = DR
public bool DisplayFrameCounter = false;
public int DispFrameCx = 0;
public int DispFrameCy = 14;
public int DispFrameanchor = 0;
public bool DisplayLagCounter = false;
public int DispLagx = 0;
public int DispLagy = 42;
public int DispLaganchor = 0;
public bool DisplayInput = false;
public int DispInpx = 0;
public int DispInpy = 28;
public int DispInpanchor = 0;
public bool DisplayRerecordCount = false;
public int DispRecx = 0;
public int DispRecy = 56;
public int DispRecanchor = 0;
public int DispMultix = 0;
public int DispMultiy = 14;
public int DispMultianchor = 1;
public bool DisplayGDI = false;
public bool SuppressGui = false;
public bool DisplayStatusBar = true;
public int DispRamWatchx = 0;
public int DispRamWatchy = 70;
public bool DisplayRamWatch = false;
public bool ShowMenuInFullscreen = false;
public int DispMessagex = 3;
public int DispMessagey = 0;
public int DispMessageanchor = 2;
public int DispAutoholdx = 0;
public int DispAutoholdy = 0;
public int DispAutoholdanchor = 1;
public bool DispBlurry = false; // make display look ugly
// Sound options
public bool SoundEnabled = true;
public bool MuteFrameAdvance = true;
public int SoundVolume = 100; //Range 0-100
public bool SoundThrottle = false;
public string SoundDevice = "";
// Log Window
public bool LogWindowSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int LogWindowWndx = -1;
public int LogWindowWndy = -1;
public int LogWindowWidth = -1;
public int LogWindowHeight = -1;
// Lua Console
public RecentFiles RecentLua = new RecentFiles(8);
public RecentFiles RecentLuaSession = new RecentFiles(8);
public bool AutoLoadLuaConsole = false;
public bool LuaConsoleSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int LuaConsoleWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set
public int LuaConsoleWndy = -1;
public int LuaConsoleWidth = -1;
public int LuaConsoleHeight = -1;
public bool DisableLuaScriptsOnLoad = false;
// RamWatch Settings
public RecentFiles RecentWatches = new RecentFiles(8);
public bool RamWatchSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int RamWatchWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set
public int RamWatchWndy = -1;
public int RamWatchWidth = -1;
public int RamWatchHeight = -1;
public bool RamWatchShowChangeColumn = true;
public bool RamWatchShowPrevColumn = false;
public bool RamWatchShowDiffColumn = false;
public bool RamWatchShowDomainColumn = true;
public int RamWatchAddressWidth = -1;
public int RamWatchValueWidth = -1;
public int RamWatchPrevWidth = -1;
public int RamWatchChangeWidth = -1;
public int RamWatchDiffWidth = -1;
public int RamWatchNotesWidth = -1;
public int RamWatchDomainWidth = -1;
public int RamWatchAddressIndex = 0;
public int RamWatchValueIndex = 1;
public int RamWatchPrevIndex = 2;
public int RamWatchChangeIndex = 3;
public int RamWatchDiffIndex = 4;
public int RamWatchDomainIndex = 5;
public int RamWatchNotesIndex = 6;
public int RamWatchPrev_Type = 1;
// RamSearch Settings
public bool RamSearchSaveWindowPosition = true;
public RecentFiles RecentSearches = new RecentFiles(8);
public int RamSearchWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set
public int RamSearchWndy = -1;
public int RamSearchWidth = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored
public int RamSearchHeight = -1;
public int RamSearchPreviousAs = 0;
public bool RamSearchPreviewMode = true;
public bool AlwaysExcludeRamWatch = false;
public int RamSearchAddressWidth = -1;
public int RamSearchValueWidth = -1;
public int RamSearchPrevWidth = -1;
public int RamSearchChangesWidth = -1;
public int RamSearchAddressIndex = 0;
public int RamSearchValueIndex = 1;
public int RamSearchPrevIndex = 2;
public int RamSearchChangesIndex = 3;
public bool RamSearchFastMode = false;
// HexEditor Settings
public bool AutoLoadHexEditor = false;
public bool HexEditorSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int HexEditorWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set
public int HexEditorWndy = -1;
public int HexEditorWidth = -1;
public int HexEditorHeight = -1;
public bool HexEditorBigEndian = false;
public int HexEditorDataSize = 1;
//Hex Editor Colors
public Color HexBackgrndColor = Color.FromName("Control");
public Color HexForegrndColor = Color.FromName("ControlText");
public Color HexMenubarColor = Color.FromName("Control");
public Color HexFreezeColor = Color.LightBlue;
public Color HexHighlightColor = Color.Pink;
public Color HexHighlightFreezeColor = Color.Violet;
//Trace Logger Settings
public bool TraceLoggerAutoLoad = false;
public bool TraceLoggerSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int TraceLoggerMaxLines = 100000;
public int TraceLoggerWndx = -1;
public int TraceLoggerWndy = -1;
public int TraceLoggerWidth = -1;
public int TraceLoggerHeight = -1;
// Video dumping settings
public string VideoWriter = "";
public int JMDCompression = 3;
public int JMDThreads = 3;
public string FFmpegFormat = "";
public string FFmpegCustomCommand = "-c:a foo -c:v bar -f baz";
public string AVICodecToken = "";
public int GifWriterFrameskip = 3;
public int GifWriterDelay = -1;
// NESPPU Settings
public bool AutoLoadNESPPU = false;
public bool NESPPUSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int NESPPUWndx = -1;
public int NESPPUWndy = -1;
public int NESPPURefreshRate = 4;
// NESDebuger Settings
public bool AutoLoadNESDebugger = false;
public bool NESDebuggerSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int NESDebuggerWndx = -1;
public int NESDebuggerWndy = -1;
public int NESDebuggerWidth = -1;
public int NESDebuggerHeight = -1;
// NESNameTableViewer Settings
public bool AutoLoadNESNameTable = false;
public bool NESNameTableSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int NESNameTableWndx = -1;
public int NESNameTableWndy = -1;
public int NESNameTableRefreshRate = 4;
// NES Graphics settings
public bool NESAllowMoreThanEightSprites = false;
public bool NESClipLeftAndRight = false;
public bool NESAutoLoadPalette = true;
public bool NESDispBackground = true;
public bool NESDispSprites = true;
public int NESBackgroundColor = 0;
public string NESPaletteFile = "";
public int NTSC_NESTopLine = 8;
public int NTSC_NESBottomLine = 231;
public int PAL_NESTopLine = 8;
public int PAL_NESBottomLine = 231;
// gb gpu view settings
public bool AutoLoadGBGPUView = false;
public bool GBGPUViewSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int GBGPUViewWndx = -1;
public int GBGPUViewWndy = -1;
public Color GBGPUSpriteBack = Color.Lime;
// SNES Graphics Debugger Dialog Settings
public bool AutoLoadSNESGraphicsDebugger = false;
public bool SNESGraphicsDebuggerSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int SNESGraphicsDebuggerWndx = -1;
public int SNESGraphicsDebuggerWndy = -1;
public int SNESGraphicsDebuggerRefreshRate = 4;
public bool SNESGraphicsUseUserBackdropColor = false;
public int SNESGraphicsUserBackdropColor = -1;
public string SNESPalette = "BizHawk";
// SNES Graphics settings
//bsnes allows the layers to be enabled for each priority level.
//this may not be important for the bg (there are two priority levels)
//but it may be useful for OBJ, so we might want to control them separately
public bool SNES_ShowBG1_0 = true;
public bool SNES_ShowBG2_0 = true;
public bool SNES_ShowBG3_0 = true;
public bool SNES_ShowBG4_0 = true;
public bool SNES_ShowBG1_1 = true;
public bool SNES_ShowBG2_1 = true;
public bool SNES_ShowBG3_1 = true;
public bool SNES_ShowBG4_1 = true;
public bool SNES_ShowOBJ1 = true;
public bool SNES_ShowOBJ2 = true;
public bool SNES_ShowOBJ3 = true;
public bool SNES_ShowOBJ4 = true;
public bool SaturnUseGL = false;
public int SaturnDispFactor = 1;
public bool SaturnDispFree = false;
public int SaturnGLW = 640;
public int SaturnGLH = 480;
// PCE Graphics settings
public bool PCEDispBG1 = true;
public bool PCEDispOBJ1 = true;
public bool PCEDispBG2 = true;
public bool PCEDispOBJ2 = true;
// PCE BG Viewer settings
public bool PCEBGViewerSaveWIndowPosition = true;
public bool PCEBGViewerAutoload = false;
public int PCEBGViewerWndx = -1;
public int PCEBGViewerWndy = -1;
public int PCEBGViewerRefreshRate = 16;
// SMS Graphics settings
public bool SMSDispBG = true;
public bool SMSDispOBJ = true;
// Coleco Settings
public bool ColecoSkipBiosIntro = false;
//GB Debugger settings
public bool AutoloadGBDebugger = false;
public bool GBDebuggerSaveWindowPosition = true;
public bool GameBoySkipBIOS = true;
// Cheats Dialog
public bool Cheats_ValuesAsHex = true;
public bool CheatsSaveWindowPosition = true;
public bool DisableCheatsOnLoad = false;
public bool LoadCheatFileByGame = true;
public bool CheatsAutoSaveOnClose = true;
public RecentFiles RecentCheats = new RecentFiles(8);
public int CheatsWndx = -1;
public int CheatsWndy = -1;
public int CheatsWidth = -1;
public int CheatsHeight = -1;
public int CheatsNameWidth = -1;
public int CheatsAddressWidth = -1;
public int CheatsValueWidth = -1;
public int CheatsCompareWidth = -1;
public int CheatsDomainWidth = -1;
public int CheatsOnWidth = -1;
public int CheatsNameIndex = 0;
public int CheatsAddressIndex = 1;
public int CheatsValueIndex = 2;
public int CheatsCompareIndex = 3;
public int CheatsOnIndex = 4;
public int CheatsDomainIndex = 5;
// TAStudio Dialog
public bool TAStudioSaveWindowPosition = true;
public bool AutoloadTAStudio = false;
public int TASWndx = -1;
public int TASWndy = -1;
public int TASWidth = -1;
public int TASHeight = -1;
public bool TASUpdatePads = true;
// VirtualPad Dialog
public bool VirtualPadSaveWindowPosition = true;
public bool AutoloadVirtualPad = false;
public bool VirtualPadSticky = true;
public int VPadWndx = -1;
public int VPadWndy = -1;
public int VPadWidth = -1;
public int VPadHeight = -1;
// NES Game Genie Encoder/Decoder
public bool NESGGAutoload = false;
public bool NESGGSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int NESGGWndx = -1;
public int NESGGWndy = -1;
// SNES Game Genie Encoder/Decoder
public bool SNESGGAutoload = false;
public bool SNESGGSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int SNESGGWndx = -1;
public int SNESGGWndy = -1;
// GB/GG Game Genie Encoder/Decoder
public bool GBGGAutoload = false;
public bool GBGGSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int GBGGWndx = -1;
public int GBGGWndy = -1;
// GEN Game Genie Encoder/Decoder
public bool GENGGAutoload = false;
public bool GENGGSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int GENGGWndx = -1;
public int GENGGWndy = -1;
//Movie Settings
public RecentFiles RecentMovies = new RecentFiles(8);
public bool BindSavestatesToMovies = true;
public string DefaultAuthor = "default user";
public bool UseDefaultAuthor = true;
public bool DisplaySubtitles = true;
public bool VBAStyleMovieLoadState = false;
public bool MoviePlaybackPokeMode = false;
//Play Movie Dialog
public bool PlayMovie_IncludeSubdir = true;
public bool PlayMovie_ShowStateFiles = false;
public bool PlayMovie_MatchGameName = false;
public bool TI83autoloadKeyPad = true;
public bool TI83KeypadSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int TI83KeyPadWndx = -1;
public int TI83KeyPadWndy = -1;
public bool TI83ToolTips = true;
public BindingCollection HotkeyBindings = new BindingCollection();
//Analog Hotkey values
public int Analog_LargeChange = 10;
public int Analog_SmallChange = 1;
// NES Sound settings
public int NESSquare1 = 376;
public int NESSquare2 = 376;
public int NESTriangle = 426;
public int NESNoise = 247;
public int NESDMC = 167;
public const int NESSquare1Max = 376;
public const int NESSquare2Max = 376;
public const int NESTriangleMax = 426;
public const int NESNoiseMax = 247;
public const int NESDMCMax = 167;
public struct AnalogBind
/// <summary>the physical stick that we're bound to</summary>
public string Value;
/// <summary>sensitivity and flip</summary>
public float Mult;
/// <summary>portion of axis to ignore</summary>
public float Deadzone;
public AnalogBind(string Value, float Mult, float Deadzone)
this.Value = Value;
this.Mult = Mult;
this.Deadzone = Deadzone;
// [ControllerType][ButtonName] => Physical Bind
public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> AllTrollers = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();
public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> AllTrollersAutoFire = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();
public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, AnalogBind>> AllTrollersAnalog = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, AnalogBind>>();
// SMS / GameGear Settings
public bool SmsEnableFM = true;
public bool SmsAllowOverlock = false;
public bool SmsForceStereoSeparation = false;
public bool SmsSpriteLimit = false;
public bool GGShowClippedRegions = false;
public bool GGHighlightActiveDisplayRegion = false;
// PCEngine Settings
public bool PceSpriteLimit = false;
public bool PceEqualizeVolume = false;
public bool PceArcadeCardRewindHack = true;
// Genesis Settings
//Atari 2600 Settings
public bool Atari2600_BW = false;
public bool Atari2600_LeftDifficulty = true;
public bool Atari2600_RightDifficulty = true;
//Atari 7800 Settings
//NES settings
//SNES settings
public string SNESProfile = "Compatibility";
public bool SNESUseRingBuffer = true;
public bool SNESAlwaysDoubleSize = false;
//N64 settings
//TI 83 settings
//GB settings
public bool GB_ForceDMG = false;
public bool GB_GBACGB = false;
public bool GB_MulticartCompat = false;
public string GB_PaletteFile = "";
public bool GB_AsSGB = false;
public Emulation.Consoles.GB.GBColors.ColorType CGBColors = Emulation.Consoles.GB.GBColors.ColorType.gambatte;
//Dual Gb
//GBA settings
//Commodore 64 Settings
//GIF Animator Settings
public int GifAnimatorNumFrames;
public int GifAnimatorFrameSkip;
public int GifAnimatorSpeed;
public bool GifAnimatorReversable;
//LuaWriter Settings
public int LuaDefaultTextColor = -16777216;
public bool LuaDefaultTextBold = false;
public int LuaWriterBackColor = -1;
public int LuaKeyWordColor = -16776961;
public bool LuaKeyWordBold = false;
public int LuaCommentColor = -16744448;
public bool LuaCommentBold = false;
public int LuaStringColor = -8355712;
public bool LuaStringBold = false;
public int LuaSymbolColor = -16777216;
public bool LuaSymbolBold = false;
public int LuaLibraryColor = -16711681;
public bool LuaLibraryBold = false;
public int LuaDecimalColor = -23296;
public bool LuaDecimalBold = false;
public float LuaWriterFontSize = 11;
public string LuaWriterFont = "Courier New";
public float LuaWriterZoom = 1;
public bool LuaWriterStartEmpty = false;
//Atari 2600 Settings
public bool Atari2600_ShowBG = true;
public bool Atari2600_ShowPlayer1 = true;
public bool Atari2600_ShowPlayer2 = true;
public bool Atari2600_ShowMissle1 = true;
public bool Atari2600_ShowMissle2 = true;
public bool Atari2600_ShowBall = true;
public bool Atari2600_ShowPlayfield = true;
#region Sub-classes TODO - it is about time to port these to separate files
public class BindingCollection : IEnumerable<Binding>
public List<Binding> Bindings { get; private set; }
public BindingCollection()
Bindings = new List<Binding>();
public void Add(Binding b)
public IEnumerator<Binding> GetEnumerator()
return Bindings.GetEnumerator();
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
public Binding this[string index]
return Bindings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DisplayName == index) ?? new Binding();
public void ResolveWithDefaults()
//Add missing entries
foreach (Binding default_binding in DefaultValues)
var binding = Bindings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DisplayName == default_binding.DisplayName);
if (binding == null)
List<Binding> entriesToRemove = new List<Binding>();
//Remove entries that no longer exist in defaults
foreach (Binding entry in Bindings)
var binding = DefaultValues.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DisplayName == entry.DisplayName);
if (binding == null)
foreach (Binding entry in entriesToRemove)
public static List<Binding> DefaultValues
return new List<Binding>()
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Frame Advance", Bindings = "F", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "F", Ordinal = 0 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Rewind", Bindings = "Shift+R, X1 LeftShoulder", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "Shift+R, X1 LeftShoulder", Ordinal = 1 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Pause", Bindings = "Pause", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "Pause", Ordinal = 2 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Fast Forward", Bindings = "Tab, X1 RightShoulder", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "Tab, X1 RightShoulder", Ordinal = 3 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Turbo", Bindings = "Shift+Tab", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "Shift+Tab", Ordinal = 4 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Toggle Throttle", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 5 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Soft Reset", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 6 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Hard Reset", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 7 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Quick Load", Bindings = "P", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "P", Ordinal = 8 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Quick Save", Bindings = "I", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "I", Ordinal = 9 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Autohold", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 10 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Clear Autohold", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 11 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Screenshot", Bindings = "F12", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "F12", Ordinal = 12 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Full Screen", Bindings = "Alt+Return", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "Alt+Return", Ordinal = 13 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Open ROM", Bindings = "Ctrl+O", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "Ctrl+O", Ordinal = 14 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Close ROM", Bindings = "Ctrl+W", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "Ctrl+W", Ordinal = 15 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Display FPS", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 16 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Frame Counter", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 17 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Lag Counter", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 18 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Input Display", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 19 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Toggle BG Input", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 20 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Toggle Menu", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 21 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Volume Up", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 22 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Volume Down", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 23 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Record A/V", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 24 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Stop A/V", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 25 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Larger Window", Bindings = "Alt+UpArrow", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "Alt+UpArrow", Ordinal = 26 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Smaller Window", Bindings = "Alt+DownArrow", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "Alt+DownArrow", Ordinal = 27 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Increase Speed", Bindings = "Equals", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "Equals", Ordinal = 28 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Decrease Speed", Bindings = "Minus", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "Minus", Ordinal = 29 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Reboot Core", Bindings = "Ctrl+R", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "Ctrl+R", Ordinal = 30 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Autofire", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "General", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 31 },
//Save States
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Save State 0", Bindings = "Shift+F10", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "Shift+F10", Ordinal = 1 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Save State 1", Bindings = "Shift+F1", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "Shift+F1", Ordinal = 2 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Save State 2", Bindings = "Shift+F2", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "Shift+F2", Ordinal = 3 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Save State 3", Bindings = "Shift+F3", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "Shift+F3", Ordinal = 4 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Save State 4", Bindings = "Shift+F4", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "Shift+F4", Ordinal = 5 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Save State 5", Bindings = "Shift+F5", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "Shift+F5", Ordinal = 6 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Save State 6", Bindings = "Shift+F6", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "Shift+F6", Ordinal = 7 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Save State 7", Bindings = "Shift+F7", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "Shift+F7", Ordinal = 8 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Save State 8", Bindings = "Shift+F8", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "Shift+F8", Ordinal = 9 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Save State 9", Bindings = "Shift+F9", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "Shift+F9", Ordinal = 10 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Load State 0", Bindings = "F10", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "F10", Ordinal = 11 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Load State 1", Bindings = "F1", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "F1", Ordinal = 12 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Load State 2", Bindings = "F2", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "F2", Ordinal = 13 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Load State 3", Bindings = "F3", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "F3", Ordinal = 14 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Load State 4", Bindings = "F4", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "F4", Ordinal = 15 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Load State 5", Bindings = "F5", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "F5", Ordinal = 16 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Load State 6", Bindings = "F6", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "F6", Ordinal = 17 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Load State 7", Bindings = "F7", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "F7", Ordinal = 18 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Load State 8", Bindings = "F8", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "F8", Ordinal = 19 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Load State 9", Bindings = "F9", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "F9", Ordinal = 20 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Select State 0", Bindings = "D0", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "D0", Ordinal = 21 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Select State 1", Bindings = "D1", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "D1", Ordinal = 22 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Select State 2", Bindings = "D2", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "D2", Ordinal = 23 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Select State 3", Bindings = "D3", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "D3", Ordinal = 24 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Select State 4", Bindings = "D4", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "D4", Ordinal = 25 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Select State 5", Bindings = "D5", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "D5", Ordinal = 26 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Select State 6", Bindings = "D6", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "D6", Ordinal = 27 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Select State 7", Bindings = "D7", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "D7", Ordinal = 28 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Select State 8", Bindings = "D8", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "D8", Ordinal = 29 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Select State 9", Bindings = "D9", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "D9", Ordinal = 30 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Save Named State", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 31 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Load Named State", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 32 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Previous Slot", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 33 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Next Slot", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Save States", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 34 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Toggle read-only", Bindings = "Q", TabGroup = "Movie", DefaultBinding = "Q", Ordinal = 0 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Play Movie", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Movie", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 1 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Record Movie", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Movie", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 2 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Stop Movie", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Movie", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 3 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Play from beginning", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Movie", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 4 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Save Movie", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Movie", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 5 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Toggle MultiTrack", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Movie", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 6 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "MT Select All", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Movie", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 7 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "MT Select None", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Movie", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 8 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "MT Increment Player", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Movie", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 9 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "MT Decrement Player", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Movie", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 10 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Movie Poke", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Movie", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 11 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Scrub Input", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Movie", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 12 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Ram Watch", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Tools", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 0 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Ram Search", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Tools", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 1 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Ram Poke", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Tools", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 2 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Hex Editor", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Tools", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 3 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Trace Logger", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Tools", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 4 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Lua Console", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Tools", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 5 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Cheats", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Tools", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 6 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "TAStudio", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Tools", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 7 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "ToolBox", Bindings = "T", TabGroup = "Tools", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 8 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Virtual Pad", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Tools", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 9 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Toggle BG 1", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "SNES", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 0 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Toggle BG 2", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "SNES", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 1 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Toggle BG 3", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "SNES", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 2 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Toggle BG 4", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "SNES", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 3 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Toggle OBJ 1", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "SNES", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 4 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Toggle OBJ 2", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "SNES", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 5 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Toggle OBJ 3", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "SNES", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 6 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Toggle OBJ 4", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "SNES", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 7 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Y Up Small", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Analog", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 0 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Y Up Large", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Analog", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 1 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Y Down Small", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Analog", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 2 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "Y Down Large", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Analog", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 3 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "X Up Small", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Analog", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 4 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "X Up Large", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Analog", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 5 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "X Down Small", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Analog", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 6 },
new Binding() { DisplayName = "X Down Large", Bindings = "", TabGroup = "Analog", DefaultBinding = "", Ordinal = 7 },
public class Binding
//TODO: how about a delegate, that would be called by the mainform? Thereby putting all the action logic in one place
public string DisplayName;
public string Bindings;
public string DefaultBinding;
public string TabGroup;
public int Ordinal = 0;
public Binding() { }
public class PathEntryCollection : IEnumerable<PathEntry>
public List<PathEntry> Paths { get; private set; }
public PathEntryCollection()
Paths = new List<PathEntry>();
public void Add(PathEntry p)
public IEnumerator<PathEntry> GetEnumerator()
return Paths.GetEnumerator();
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
public PathEntry this[string system, string type]
return Paths.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HasSystem(system) && x.Type == type);
public void ResolveWithDefaults()
//Add missing entries
foreach (PathEntry defaultpath in DefaultValues)
var path = Paths.FirstOrDefault(x => x.System == defaultpath.System && x.Type == defaultpath.Type);
if (path == null)
List<PathEntry> entriesToRemove = new List<PathEntry>();
//Remove entries that no longer exist in defaults
foreach (PathEntry pathEntry in Paths)
var path = DefaultValues.FirstOrDefault(x => x.System == pathEntry.System && x.Type == pathEntry.Type);
if (path == null)
foreach (PathEntry entry in entriesToRemove)
//Add missing displaynames
var missingDisplayPaths = Paths.Where(x => x.SystemDisplayName == null).ToList();
foreach (PathEntry path in missingDisplayPaths)
path.SystemDisplayName = DefaultValues.FirstOrDefault(x => x.System == path.System).SystemDisplayName;
//Some frequently requested paths, made into a property for convenience
public string WatchPath { get { return Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Watch (.wch)"].Path; } }
public string MoviesPath { get { return Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Movies"].Path; } }
public string LuaPath { get { return Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Lua"].Path; } }
public string LogPath { get { return Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Debug Logs"].Path; } }
public string FirmwaresPath { get { return Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Firmware"].Path; } }
public string AVPath { get { return Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "A/V Dumps"].Path; } }
public string GlobalBase { get { return Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Base"].Path; } }
public static List<PathEntry> DefaultValues
return new List<PathEntry>()
new PathEntry() { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName="Global", Type = "Movies", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Movies"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName="Global", Type = "Movie backups", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Movies", "backup"), Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName="Global", Type = "Lua", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Lua"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName="Global", Type = "Watch (.wch)", Path = ".", Ordinal = 3 },
new PathEntry() { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName="Global", Type = "A/V Dumps", Path = ".", Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName="Global", Type = "Debug Logs", Path = ".", Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName="Global", Type = "Firmware", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Firmware"), Ordinal = 6 },
new PathEntry() { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName="Global", Type = "Base ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 6 },
new PathEntry() { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName="Global", Type = "Base", Path = ".", Ordinal = 6 },
new PathEntry() { System = "INTV", SystemDisplayName="Intellivision", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Intellivision"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "INTV", SystemDisplayName="Intellivision", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "INTV", SystemDisplayName="Intellivision", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "INTV", SystemDisplayName="Intellivision", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 },
new PathEntry() { System = "INTV", SystemDisplayName="Intellivision", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "INTV", SystemDisplayName="Intellivision", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "INTV", SystemDisplayName="Intellivision", Type = "Palettes", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Palettes"), Ordinal = 6 },
new PathEntry() { System = "NES", SystemDisplayName="NES", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "NES"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "NES", SystemDisplayName="NES", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "NES", SystemDisplayName="NES", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "NES", SystemDisplayName="NES", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 },
new PathEntry() { System = "NES", SystemDisplayName="NES", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "NES", SystemDisplayName="NES", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "NES", SystemDisplayName="NES", Type = "Palettes", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Palettes"), Ordinal = 6 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SNES_SGB", SystemDisplayName="SNES", Type = "Base", Path= Path.Combine(".", "SNES"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SNES_SGB", SystemDisplayName="SNES", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SNES_SGB", SystemDisplayName="SNES", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SNES_SGB", SystemDisplayName="SNES", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SNES_SGB", SystemDisplayName="SNES", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SNES_SGB", SystemDisplayName="SNES", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GBA", SystemDisplayName="GBA", Type = "Base", Path= Path.Combine(".", "GBA"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GBA", SystemDisplayName="GBA", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GBA", SystemDisplayName="GBA", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GBA", SystemDisplayName="GBA", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GBA", SystemDisplayName="GBA", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GBA", SystemDisplayName="GBA", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SMS", SystemDisplayName="SMS", Type = "Base", Path= Path.Combine(".", "SMS"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SMS", SystemDisplayName="SMS", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SMS", SystemDisplayName="SMS", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SMS", SystemDisplayName="SMS", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SMS", SystemDisplayName="SMS", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SMS", SystemDisplayName="SMS", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GG", SystemDisplayName="GG", Type = "Base", Path= Path.Combine(".", "Game Gear"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GG", SystemDisplayName="GG", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GG", SystemDisplayName="GG", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GG", SystemDisplayName="GG", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GG", SystemDisplayName="GG", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GG", SystemDisplayName="GG", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SG", SystemDisplayName="SG", Type = "Base", Path= Path.Combine(".", "SG-1000"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SG", SystemDisplayName="SG", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SG", SystemDisplayName="SG", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SG", SystemDisplayName="SG", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SG", SystemDisplayName="SG", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SG", SystemDisplayName="SG", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GEN", SystemDisplayName="Genesis", Type = "Base", Path= Path.Combine(".", "Genesis"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GEN", SystemDisplayName="Genesis", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GEN", SystemDisplayName="Genesis", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GEN", SystemDisplayName="Genesis", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GEN", SystemDisplayName="Genesis", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GEN", SystemDisplayName="Genesis", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "PCE_PCECD_SGX", SystemDisplayName="PC Engine", Type = "Base", Path= Path.Combine(".", "PC Engine"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "PCE_PCECD_SGX", SystemDisplayName="PC Engine", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "PCE_PCECD_SGX", SystemDisplayName="PC Engine", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "PCE_PCECD_SGX", SystemDisplayName="PC Engine", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 },
new PathEntry() { System = "PCE_PCECD_SGX", SystemDisplayName="PC Engine", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "PCE_PCECD_SGX", SystemDisplayName="PC Engine", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GB_GBC", SystemDisplayName="Gameboy", Type = "Base", Path= Path.Combine(".", "Gameboy"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GB_GBC", SystemDisplayName="Gameboy", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GB_GBC", SystemDisplayName="Gameboy", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GB_GBC", SystemDisplayName="Gameboy", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GB_GBC", SystemDisplayName="Gameboy", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GB_GBC", SystemDisplayName="Gameboy", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "GB_GBC", SystemDisplayName="Gameboy", Type = "Palettes", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Palettes"), Ordinal = 6 },
new PathEntry() { System = "DGB", SystemDisplayName="Dual Gameboy", Type = "Base", Path= Path.Combine(".", "Dual Gameboy"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "DGB", SystemDisplayName="Dual Gameboy", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "DGB", SystemDisplayName="Dual Gameboy", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "DGB", SystemDisplayName="Dual Gameboy", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 },
new PathEntry() { System = "DGB", SystemDisplayName="Dual Gameboy", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "DGB", SystemDisplayName="Dual Gameboy", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "DGB", SystemDisplayName="Dual Gameboy", Type = "Palettes", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Palettes"), Ordinal = 6 },
new PathEntry() { System = "TI83", SystemDisplayName="TI83", Type = "Base", Path= Path.Combine(".", "TI83"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "TI83", SystemDisplayName="TI83", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "TI83", SystemDisplayName="TI83", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "TI83", SystemDisplayName="TI83", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 },
new PathEntry() { System = "TI83", SystemDisplayName="TI83", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "TI83", SystemDisplayName="TI83", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "A26", SystemDisplayName="Atari 2600", Type = "Base", Path= Path.Combine(".", "Atari 2600"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "A26", SystemDisplayName="Atari 2600", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "A26", SystemDisplayName="Atari 2600", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "A26", SystemDisplayName="Atari 2600", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "A26", SystemDisplayName="Atari 2600", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "A78", SystemDisplayName="Atari 7800", Type = "Base", Path= Path.Combine(".", "Atari 7800"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "A78", SystemDisplayName="Atari 7800", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "A78", SystemDisplayName="Atari 7800", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "A78", SystemDisplayName="Atari 7800", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 },
new PathEntry() { System = "A78", SystemDisplayName="Atari 7800", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "A78", SystemDisplayName="Atari 7800", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "C64", SystemDisplayName="Commodore 64", Type = "Base", Path= Path.Combine(".", "C64"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "C64", SystemDisplayName="Commodore 64", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "C64", SystemDisplayName="Commodore 64", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "C64", SystemDisplayName="Commodore 64", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "C64", SystemDisplayName="Commodore 64", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "PSX", SystemDisplayName="Playstation", Type = "Base", Path= Path.Combine(".", "PSX"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "PSX", SystemDisplayName="Playstation", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "PSX", SystemDisplayName="Playstation", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "PSX", SystemDisplayName="Playstation", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 },
new PathEntry() { System = "PSX", SystemDisplayName="Playstation", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "PSX", SystemDisplayName="Playstation", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "Coleco", SystemDisplayName = "Coleco", Type = "Base", Path= Path.Combine(".", "Coleco"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "Coleco", SystemDisplayName = "Coleco", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "Coleco", SystemDisplayName = "Coleco", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "Coleco", SystemDisplayName = "Coleco", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "Coleco", SystemDisplayName = "Coleco", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "N64", SystemDisplayName = "N64", Type = "Base", Path= Path.Combine(".", "N64"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "N64", SystemDisplayName = "N64", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "N64", SystemDisplayName = "N64", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "N64", SystemDisplayName = "N64", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 },
new PathEntry() { System = "N64", SystemDisplayName = "N64", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "N64", SystemDisplayName = "N64", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SAT", SystemDisplayName = "Saturn", Type = "Base", Path= Path.Combine(".", "Saturn"), Ordinal = 0 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SAT", SystemDisplayName = "Saturn", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SAT", SystemDisplayName = "Saturn", Type = "Savestates", Path= Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SAT", SystemDisplayName = "Saturn", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SAT", SystemDisplayName = "Saturn", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 },
new PathEntry() { System = "SAT", SystemDisplayName = "Saturn", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 },
public class PathEntry
public string SystemDisplayName;
public string Type;
public string Path;
public string System;
public int Ordinal;
public PathEntry() { }
public bool HasSystem(string systemID)
string[] ids = System.Split('_');
return ids.Contains(systemID);
public interface iPluginSettings
PLUGINTYPE PluginType { get; }
Dictionary<string, object> GetPluginSettings();
public class N64RicePluginSettings : iPluginSettings
public PLUGINTYPE PluginType
get { return PLUGINTYPE.RICE; }
public void FillPerGameHacks(GameInfo game)
if (Global.Config.RicePlugin.UseDefaultHacks)
DisableTextureCRC = game.GetBool("RiceDisableTextureCRC", false);
DisableCulling = game.GetBool("RiceDisableCulling", false);
IncTexRectEdge = game.GetBool("RiceIncTexRectEdge", false);
ZHack = game.GetBool("RiceZHack", false);
TextureScaleHack = game.GetBool("RiceTextureScaleHack", false);
PrimaryDepthHack = game.GetBool("RicePrimaryDepthHack", false);
Texture1Hack = game.GetBool("RiceTexture1Hack", false);
FastLoadTile = game.GetBool("RiceFastLoadTile", false);
UseSmallerTexture = game.GetBool("RiceUseSmallerTexture", false);
VIWidth = game.GetInt("RiceVIWidth", -1);
VIHeight = game.GetInt("RiceVIHeight", -1);
UseCIWidthAndRatio = game.GetInt("RiceUseCIWidthAndRatio", 0);
FullTMEM = game.GetInt("RiceFullTMEM", 0);
TxtSizeMethod2 = game.GetBool("RiceTxtSizeMethod2", false);
EnableTxtLOD = game.GetBool("RiceEnableTxtLOD", false);
FastTextureCRC = game.GetInt("RiceFastTextureCRC", 0);
EmulateClear = game.GetBool("RiceEmulateClear", false);
ForceScreenClear = game.GetBool("RiceForceScreenClear", false);
AccurateTextureMappingHack = game.GetInt("RiceAccurateTextureMappingHack", 0);
NormalBlender = game.GetInt("RiceNormalBlender", 0);
DisableBlender = game.GetBool("RiceDisableBlender", false);
ForceDepthBuffer = game.GetBool("RiceForceDepthBuffer", false);
DisableObjBG = game.GetBool("RiceDisableObjBG", false);
FrameBufferOption = game.GetInt("RiceFrameBufferOption", 0);
RenderToTextureOption = game.GetInt("RiceRenderToTextureOption", 0);
ScreenUpdateSettingHack = game.GetInt("RiceScreenUpdateSettingHack", 0);
EnableHacksForGame = game.GetInt("RiceEnableHacksForGame", 0);
public Dictionary<string, object> GetPluginSettings()
//TODO: deal witn the game depedent settings
Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] members = Global.Config.RicePlugin.GetType().GetFields();
foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo member in members)
object field = Global.Config.RicePlugin.GetType().GetField(member.Name).GetValue(Global.Config.RicePlugin);
dictionary.Add(member.Name, field);
return dictionary;
public int FrameBufferSetting = 0;
public int FrameBufferWriteBackControl = 0;
public int RenderToTexture = 0;
public int ScreenUpdateSetting = 4;
public int Mipmapping = 2;
public int FogMethod = 0;
public int ForceTextureFilter = 0;
public int TextureEnhancement = 0;
public int TextureEnhancementControl = 0;
public int TextureQuality = 0;
public int OpenGLDepthBufferSetting = 16;
public int MultiSampling = 0;
public int ColorQuality = 0;
public int OpenGLRenderSetting = 0;
public int AnisotropicFiltering = 0;
public bool NormalAlphaBlender = false;
public bool FastTextureLoading = false;
public bool AccurateTextureMapping = true;
public bool InN64Resolution = false;
public bool SaveVRAM = false;
public bool DoubleSizeForSmallTxtrBuf = false;
public bool DefaultCombinerDisable = false;
public bool EnableHacks = true;
public bool WinFrameMode = false;
public bool FullTMEMEmulation = false;
public bool OpenGLVertexClipper = false;
public bool EnableSSE = true;
public bool EnableVertexShader = false;
public bool SkipFrame = false;
public bool TexRectOnly = false;
public bool SmallTextureOnly = false;
public bool LoadHiResCRCOnly = true;
public bool LoadHiResTextures = false;
public bool DumpTexturesToFiles = false;
public bool UseDefaultHacks = true;
public bool DisableTextureCRC = false;
public bool DisableCulling = false;
public bool IncTexRectEdge = false;
public bool ZHack = false;
public bool TextureScaleHack = false;
public bool PrimaryDepthHack = false;
public bool Texture1Hack = false;
public bool FastLoadTile = false;
public bool UseSmallerTexture = false;
public int VIWidth = -1;
public int VIHeight = -1;
public int UseCIWidthAndRatio = 0;
public int FullTMEM = 0;
public bool TxtSizeMethod2 = false;
public bool EnableTxtLOD = false;
public int FastTextureCRC = 0;
public bool EmulateClear = false;
public bool ForceScreenClear = false;
public int AccurateTextureMappingHack = 0;
public int NormalBlender = 0;
public bool DisableBlender = false;
public bool ForceDepthBuffer = false;
public bool DisableObjBG = false;
public int FrameBufferOption = 0;
public int RenderToTextureOption = 0;
public int ScreenUpdateSettingHack = 0;
public int EnableHacksForGame = 0;
public class N64GlidePluginSettings : iPluginSettings
public PLUGINTYPE PluginType
get { return PLUGINTYPE.GLIDE; }
public void FillPerGameHacks(GameInfo game)
if (Global.Config.GlidePlugin.UseDefaultHacks)
alt_tex_size = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_alt_tex_size", false);
buff_clear = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_buff_clear", true);
decrease_fillrect_edge = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_decrease_fillrect_edge", false);
detect_cpu_write = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_detect_cpu_write", false);
fb_clear = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_fb_clear", false);
fb_hires = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_fb_clear", true);
fb_read_alpha = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_fb_read_alpha", false);
fb_smart = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_fb_smart", false);
fillcolor_fix = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_fillcolor_fix", false);
fog = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_fog", true);
force_depth_compare = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_force_depth_compare", false);
force_microcheck = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_force_microcheck", false);
fb_hires_buf_clear = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_fb_hires_buf_clear", true);
fb_ignore_aux_copy = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_fb_ignore_aux_copy", false);
fb_ignore_previous = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_fb_ignore_previous", false);
increase_primdepth = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_increase_primdepth", false);
increase_texrect_edge = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_increase_texrect_edge", false);
fb_optimize_texrect = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_fb_optimize_texrect", true);
fb_optimize_write = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_fb_optimize_write", false);
PPL = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_PPL", false);
soft_depth_compare = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_soft_depth_compare", false);
use_sts1_only = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_use_sts1_only", false);
wrap_big_tex = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide_wrap_big_tex", false);
depth_bias = Global.Game.GetInt("Glide_depth_bias", 20);
filtering = Global.Game.GetInt("Glide_filtering", 1);
fix_tex_coord = Global.Game.GetInt("Glide_fix_tex_coord", 0);
lodmode = Global.Game.GetInt("Glide_lodmode", 0);
stipple_mode = Global.Game.GetInt("Glide_stipple_mode", 2);
stipple_pattern = Global.Game.GetInt("Glide_stipple_pattern", 1041204192);
swapmode = Global.Game.GetInt("Glide_swapmode", 1);
enable_hacks_for_game = Global.Game.GetInt("Glide_enable_hacks_for_game", 0);
public Dictionary<string, object> GetPluginSettings()
//TODO: deal witn the game depedent settings
Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] members = Global.Config.GlidePlugin.GetType().GetFields();
foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo member in members)
object field = Global.Config.GlidePlugin.GetType().GetField(member.Name).GetValue(Global.Config.GlidePlugin);
dictionary.Add(member.Name, field);
return dictionary;
public int wfmode = 1;
public bool wireframe = false;
public int card_id = 0;
public bool flame_corona = false;
public int ucode = 2;
public bool autodetect_ucode = true;
public bool motionblur = false;
public bool fb_read_always = false;
public bool unk_as_red = false;
public bool filter_cache = false;
public bool fast_crc = false;
public bool disable_auxbuf = false;
public bool fbo = false;
public bool noglsl = true;
public bool noditheredalpha = true;
public int tex_filter = 0;
public bool fb_render = false;
public bool wrap_big_tex = false;
public bool use_sts1_only = false;
public bool soft_depth_compare = false;
public bool PPL = false;
public bool fb_optimize_write = false;
public bool fb_optimize_texrect = true;
public bool increase_texrect_edge = false;
public bool increase_primdepth = false;
public bool fb_ignore_previous = false;
public bool fb_ignore_aux_copy = false;
public bool fb_hires_buf_clear = true;
public bool force_microcheck = false;
public bool force_depth_compare = false;
public bool fog = true;
public bool fillcolor_fix = false;
public bool fb_smart = false;
public bool fb_read_alpha = false;
public bool fb_get_info = false;
public bool fb_hires = true;
public bool fb_clear = false;
public bool detect_cpu_write = false;
public bool decrease_fillrect_edge = false;
public bool buff_clear = true;
public bool alt_tex_size = false;
public bool UseDefaultHacks = true;
public int enable_hacks_for_game = 0;
public int swapmode = 1;
public int stipple_pattern = 1041204192;
public int stipple_mode = 2;
public int scale_y = 100000;
public int scale_x = 100000;
public int offset_y = 0;
public int offset_x = 0;
public int lodmode = 0;
public int fix_tex_coord = 0;
public int filtering = 1;
public int depth_bias = 20;
public class N64Glide64mk2PluginSettings : iPluginSettings
public PLUGINTYPE PluginType
get { return PLUGINTYPE.GLIDE64MK2; }
public void FillPerGameHacks(GameInfo game)
if (Global.Config.Glide64mk2Plugin.UseDefaultHacks)
use_sts1_only = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_use_sts1_only", false);
optimize_texrect = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_optimize_texrect", true);
increase_texrect_edge = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_increase_texrect_edge", false);
ignore_aux_copy = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_ignore_aux_copy", false);
hires_buf_clear = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_hires_buf_clear", true);
force_microcheck = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_force_microcheck", false);
fog = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_fog", true);
fb_smart = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_fb_smart", false);
fb_read_alpha = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_fb_read_alpha", false);
fb_hires = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_fb_hires", true);
detect_cpu_write = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_detect_cpu_write", false);
decrease_fillrect_edge = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_decrease_fillrect_edge", false);
buff_clear = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_buff_clear", true);
alt_tex_size = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_alt_tex_size", true);
swapmode = Global.Game.GetInt("Glide64mk2_swapmode", 1);
stipple_pattern = Global.Game.GetInt("Glide64mk2_stipple_pattern", 1041204192);
stipple_mode = Global.Game.GetInt("Glide64mk2_stipple_mode", 2);
lodmode = Global.Game.GetInt("Glide64mk2_lodmode", 0);
filtering = Global.Game.GetInt("Glide64mk2_filtering", 0);
correct_viewport = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_correct_viewport", false);
force_calc_sphere = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_force_calc_sphere", false);
pal230 = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_pal230", false);
texture_correction = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_texture_correction", true);
n64_z_scale = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_n64_z_scale", false);
old_style_adither = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_old_style_adither", false);
zmode_compare_less = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_zmode_compare_less", false);
adjust_aspect = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_adjust_aspect", true);
clip_zmax = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_clip_zmax", true);
clip_zmin = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_clip_zmin", false);
force_quad3d = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_force_quad3d", false);
useless_is_useless = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_useless_is_useless", false);
fb_read_always = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_fb_read_always", false);
aspectmode = Global.Game.GetInt("Glide64mk2_aspectmode", 0);
fb_crc_mode = Global.Game.GetInt("Glide64mk2_fb_crc_mode", 1);
enable_hacks_for_game = Global.Game.GetInt("Glide64mk2_enable_hacks_for_game", 0);
read_back_to_screen = Global.Game.GetInt("Glide64mk2_read_back_to_screen", 0);
fast_crc = Global.Game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_fast_crc", true);
public Dictionary<string, object> GetPluginSettings()
//TODO: deal witn the game depedent settings
Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] members = Global.Config.Glide64mk2Plugin.GetType().GetFields();
foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo member in members)
object field = Global.Config.Glide64mk2Plugin.GetType().GetField(member.Name).GetValue(Global.Config.Glide64mk2Plugin);
dictionary.Add(member.Name, field);
return dictionary;
public bool wrpFBO = true;
public int card_id = 0;
public bool use_sts1_only = false;
public bool optimize_texrect = true;
public bool increase_texrect_edge = false;
public bool ignore_aux_copy = false;
public bool hires_buf_clear = true;
public bool force_microcheck = false;
public bool fog = true;
public bool fb_smart = false;
public bool fb_read_alpha = false;
public bool fb_hires = true;
public bool detect_cpu_write = false;
public bool decrease_fillrect_edge = false;
public bool buff_clear = true;
public bool alt_tex_size = false;
public int swapmode = 1;
public int stipple_pattern = 1041204192;
public int stipple_mode = 2;
public int lodmode = 0;
public int filtering = 0;
public bool wrpAnisotropic = false;
public bool correct_viewport = false;
public bool force_calc_sphere = false;
public bool pal230 = false;
public bool texture_correction = true;
public bool n64_z_scale = false;
public bool old_style_adither = false;
public bool zmode_compare_less = false;
public bool adjust_aspect = true;
public bool clip_zmax = true;
public bool clip_zmin = false;
public bool force_quad3d = false;
public bool useless_is_useless = false;
public bool fb_read_always = false;
public bool fb_get_info = false;
public bool fb_render = true;
public int aspectmode = 0;
public int fb_crc_mode = 1;
public bool fast_crc = true;
public bool UseDefaultHacks = true;
public int enable_hacks_for_game = 0;
public int read_back_to_screen = 0;