
434 lines
13 KiB

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common.IEmulatorExtensions;
using BizHawk.Client.Common;
using BizHawk.Client.Common.InputAdapterExtensions;
namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
/// <summary>
/// This is an old abstracted rendering class that the OSD system is using to get its work done.
/// We should probably just use a GuiRenderer (it was designed to do that) although wrapping it with
/// more information for OSDRendering could be helpful I suppose
/// </summary>
public interface IBlitter
IBlitterFont GetFontType(string fontType);
void DrawString(string s, IBlitterFont font, Color color, float x, float y);
SizeF MeasureString(string s, IBlitterFont font);
Rectangle ClipBounds { get; set; }
class UIMessage
public string Message;
public DateTime ExpireAt;
class UIDisplay
public string Message;
public int X;
public int Y;
public int Anchor;
public Color ForeColor;
public Color BackGround;
public class OSDManager
public string Fps { get; set; }
public IBlitterFont MessageFont;
public void Begin(IBlitter blitter)
MessageFont = blitter.GetFontType(nameof(MessageFont));
public Color FixedMessagesColor => Color.FromArgb(Global.Config.MessagesColor);
public Color FixedAlertMessageColor => Color.FromArgb(Global.Config.AlertMessageColor);
private float GetX(IBlitter g, int x, int anchor, string message)
var size = g.MeasureString(message, MessageFont);
switch (anchor)
case 0: //Top Left
case 2: //Bottom Left
return x;
case 1: //Top Right
case 3: //Bottom Right
return g.ClipBounds.Width - x - size.Width;
private float GetY(IBlitter g, int y, int anchor, string message)
var size = g.MeasureString(message, MessageFont);
switch (anchor)
case 0: //Top Left
case 1: //Top Right
return y;
case 2: //Bottom Left
case 3: //Bottom Right
return g.ClipBounds.Height - y - size.Height;
private string MakeFrameCounter()
if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsFinished)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
.Append(" (Finished)");
return sb.ToString();
if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsPlaying)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
return sb.ToString();
if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsRecording)
return Global.Emulator.Frame.ToString();
return Global.Emulator.Frame.ToString();
private readonly List<UIMessage> _messages = new List<UIMessage>(5);
private readonly List<UIDisplay> _guiTextList = new List<UIDisplay>();
public void AddMessage(string message)
_messages.Add(new UIMessage { Message = message, ExpireAt = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2) });
public void AddGuiText(string message, int x, int y, Color backGround, Color foreColor, int anchor)
_guiTextList.Add(new UIDisplay
Message = message,
X = x,
Y = y,
BackGround = backGround,
ForeColor = foreColor,
Anchor = anchor
public void ClearGuiText()
public void DrawMessages(IBlitter g)
if (!Global.Config.DisplayMessages)
_messages.RemoveAll(m => DateTime.Now > m.ExpireAt);
int line = 1;
if (Global.Config.StackOSDMessages)
for (int i = _messages.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--, line++)
float x = GetX(g, Global.Config.DispMessagex, Global.Config.DispMessageanchor, _messages[i].Message);
float y = GetY(g, Global.Config.DispMessagey, Global.Config.DispMessageanchor, _messages[i].Message);
if (Global.Config.DispMessageanchor < 2)
y += (line - 1) * 18;
y -= (line - 1) * 18;
g.DrawString(_messages[i].Message, MessageFont, FixedMessagesColor, x, y);
if (_messages.Any())
int i = _messages.Count - 1;
float x = GetX(g, Global.Config.DispMessagex, Global.Config.DispMessageanchor, _messages[i].Message);
float y = GetY(g, Global.Config.DispMessagey, Global.Config.DispMessageanchor, _messages[i].Message);
if (Global.Config.DispMessageanchor < 2)
y += (line - 1) * 18;
y -= (line - 1) * 18;
g.DrawString(_messages[i].Message, MessageFont, FixedMessagesColor, x, y);
foreach (var text in _guiTextList)
float posX = GetX(g, text.X, text.Anchor, text.Message);
float posY = GetY(g, text.Y, text.Anchor, text.Message);
g.DrawString(text.Message, MessageFont, text.ForeColor, posX, posY);
catch (Exception)
public string InputStrMovie()
var lg = Global.MovieSession.LogGeneratorInstance();
return lg.GenerateInputDisplay();
public string InputStrImmediate()
var lg = Global.MovieSession.LogGeneratorInstance();
return lg.GenerateInputDisplay();
public string InputPrevious()
if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive && !Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsFinished)
var lg = Global.MovieSession.LogGeneratorInstance();
var state = Global.MovieSession.Movie.GetInputState(Global.Emulator.Frame - 1);
if (state != null)
return lg.GenerateInputDisplay();
return "";
public string InputStrOrAll()
var m = (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive &&
!Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsFinished &&
Global.Emulator.Frame > 0) ?
Global.MovieSession.Movie.GetInputState(Global.Emulator.Frame - 1) :
var lg = Global.MovieSession.LogGeneratorInstance();
return lg.GenerateInputDisplay();
private string MakeStringFor(IController controller)
var lg = Global.MovieSession.LogGeneratorInstance();
return lg.GenerateInputDisplay();
public string MakeIntersectImmediatePrevious()
if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive)
var m = Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive && !Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsFinished ?
Global.MovieSession.Movie.GetInputState(Global.Emulator.Frame - 1) :
var lg = Global.MovieSession.LogGeneratorInstance();
return lg.GenerateInputDisplay();
return "";
public string MakeRerecordCount()
return Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive
? Global.MovieSession.Movie.Rerecords.ToString()
: "";
private void DrawOsdMessage(IBlitter g, string message, Color color, float x, float y)
g.DrawString(message, MessageFont, color, x, y);
/// <summary>
/// Display all screen info objects like fps, frame counter, lag counter, and input display
/// </summary>
public void DrawScreenInfo(IBlitter g)
if (Global.Config.DisplayFrameCounter && !Global.Game.IsNullInstance())
string message = MakeFrameCounter();
float x = GetX(g, Global.Config.DispFrameCx, Global.Config.DispFrameanchor, message);
float y = GetY(g, Global.Config.DispFrameCy, Global.Config.DispFrameanchor, message);
DrawOsdMessage(g, message, Color.FromArgb(Global.Config.MessagesColor), x, y);
if (GlobalWin.MainForm.IsLagFrame)
DrawOsdMessage(g, Global.Emulator.Frame.ToString(), FixedAlertMessageColor, x, y);
if (Global.Config.DisplayInput && !Global.Game.IsNullInstance())
if ((Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsPlaying && !Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsFinished)
|| (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsFinished && Global.Emulator.Frame == Global.MovieSession.Movie.InputLogLength)) // Account for the last frame of the movie, the movie state is immediately "Finished" here but we still want to show the input
var input = InputStrMovie();
var x = GetX(g, Global.Config.DispInpx, Global.Config.DispInpanchor, input);
var y = GetY(g, Global.Config.DispInpy, Global.Config.DispInpanchor, input);
Color c = Color.FromArgb(Global.Config.MovieInput);
g.DrawString(input, MessageFont, c, x, y);
else // TODO: message config -- allow setting of "previous", "mixed", and "auto"
var previousColor = Color.Orange;
Color immediateColor = Color.FromArgb(Global.Config.MessagesColor);
var autoColor = Color.Pink;
var changedColor = Color.PeachPuff;
//we need some kind of string for calculating position when right-anchoring, of something like that
var bgStr = InputStrOrAll();
var x = GetX(g, Global.Config.DispInpx, Global.Config.DispInpanchor, bgStr);
var y = GetY(g, Global.Config.DispInpy, Global.Config.DispInpanchor, bgStr);
// now, we're going to render these repeatedly, with higher-priority things overriding
// first display previous frame's input.
// note: that's only available in case we're working on a movie
var previousStr = InputPrevious();
g.DrawString(previousStr, MessageFont, previousColor, x, y);
// next, draw the immediate input.
// that is, whatever is being held down interactively right this moment even if the game is paused
// this includes things held down due to autohold or autofire
// I know, this is all really confusing
var immediate = InputStrImmediate();
g.DrawString(immediate, MessageFont, immediateColor, x, y);
// next draw anything that's pressed because it's sticky.
// this applies to autofire and autohold both. somehow. I don't understand it.
// basically we're tinting whatever is pressed because it's sticky specially
// in order to achieve this we want to avoid drawing anything pink that isn't actually held down right now
// so we make an AND adapter and combine it using immediate & sticky
var autoString = MakeStringFor(Global.StickyXORAdapter.Source.Xor(Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter).And(Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter));
g.DrawString(autoString, MessageFont, autoColor, x, y);
//recolor everything that's changed from the previous input
var immediateOverlay = MakeIntersectImmediatePrevious();
g.DrawString(immediateOverlay, MessageFont, changedColor, x, y);
if (Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.IsActive)
float x = GetX(g, Global.Config.DispMultix, Global.Config.DispMultianchor, Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.Status);
float y = GetY(g, Global.Config.DispMultiy, Global.Config.DispMultianchor, Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.Status);
DrawOsdMessage(g, Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.Status, FixedMessagesColor, x, y);
if (Global.Config.DisplayFPS && Fps != null)
float x = GetX(g, Global.Config.DispFPSx, Global.Config.DispFPSanchor, Fps);
float y = GetY(g, Global.Config.DispFPSy, Global.Config.DispFPSanchor, Fps);
DrawOsdMessage(g, Fps, FixedMessagesColor, x, y);
if (Global.Config.DisplayLagCounter && Global.Emulator.CanPollInput())
var counter = Global.Emulator.AsInputPollable().LagCount.ToString();
var x = GetX(g, Global.Config.DispLagx, Global.Config.DispLaganchor, counter);
var y = GetY(g, Global.Config.DispLagy, Global.Config.DispLaganchor, counter);
DrawOsdMessage(g, counter, FixedAlertMessageColor, x, y);
if (Global.Config.DisplayRerecordCount)
string rerecordCount = MakeRerecordCount();
float x = GetX(g, Global.Config.DispRecx, Global.Config.DispRecanchor, rerecordCount);
float y = GetY(g, Global.Config.DispRecy, Global.Config.DispRecanchor, rerecordCount);
DrawOsdMessage(g, rerecordCount, FixedMessagesColor, x, y);
if (Global.ClientControls["Autohold"] || Global.ClientControls["Autofire"])
var sb = new StringBuilder("Held: ");
foreach (string sticky in Global.StickyXORAdapter.CurrentStickies)
sb.Append(sticky).Append(' ');
foreach (string autoSticky in Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter.CurrentStickies)
.Append(' ');
var message = sb.ToString();
GetX(g, Global.Config.DispAutoholdx, Global.Config.DispAutoholdanchor, message),
GetY(g, Global.Config.DispAutoholdy, Global.Config.DispAutoholdanchor, message));
if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive && Global.Config.DisplaySubtitles)
var subList = Global.MovieSession.Movie.Subtitles.GetSubtitles(Global.Emulator.Frame);
foreach (var sub in subList)
DrawOsdMessage(g, sub.Message, Color.FromArgb((int)sub.Color), sub.X, sub.Y);