
470 lines
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using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Nintendo
//consult nestopia as well.
//the initial conditions for MMC1 games are known to be different. this may have to do with which MMC1 rev it is.
//but how do we know which revision a game is? i don't know which revision is on which board
//check UNIF for more information.. it may specify board and MMC1 rev independently because boards may have any MMC1 rev
//in that case, we need to capture MMC1 rev in the game database (maybe add a new `chip` parameter)
//TODO - this could be refactored to use more recent techniques (bank regs instead of nested if/then)
//Final Fantasy
//Mega Man 2
//Blaster Master
//Kid Icarus
//Zelda 2
//Castlevania 2
public class MMC1
NES.NESBoardBase board;
MMC1_SerialController scnt = new MMC1_SerialController();
public MMC1(NES.NESBoardBase board)
this.board = board;
scnt.WriteRegister = SerialWriteRegister;
scnt.Reset = SerialReset;
//collect data about whether this is required here:
//kid icarus requires it
//zelda doesnt; nor megaman2; nor blastermaster; nor metroid
//well, lets leave it.
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("chr_mode", ref chr_mode);
ser.Sync("prg_mode", ref prg_mode);
ser.Sync("prg_slot", ref prg_slot);
ser.Sync("chr_0", ref chr_0);
ser.Sync("chr_1", ref chr_1);
ser.Sync("wram_disable", ref wram_disable);
ser.Sync("prg", ref prg);
ser.SyncEnum("mirror", ref mirror);
public enum Rev
A, B1, B2, B3
//register 0:
public int chr_mode;
public int prg_mode;
public int prg_slot; //complicated
public NES.NESBoardBase.EMirrorType mirror;
static NES.NESBoardBase.EMirrorType[] _mirrorTypes = new NES.NESBoardBase.EMirrorType[] { NES.NESBoardBase.EMirrorType.OneScreenA, NES.NESBoardBase.EMirrorType.OneScreenB, NES.NESBoardBase.EMirrorType.Vertical, NES.NESBoardBase.EMirrorType.Horizontal };
//register 1,2:
int chr_0, chr_1;
//register 3:
int wram_disable;
int prg;
public class MMC1_SerialController
int shift_count, shift_val;
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("shift_count", ref shift_count);
ser.Sync("shift_val", ref shift_val);
public Action Reset;
public Action<int, int> WriteRegister;
public void Write(int addr, byte value)
int data = value & 1;
int reset = (value >> 7) & 1;
if (reset == 1)
shift_count = 0;
shift_val = 0;
if (Reset != null)
shift_val >>= 1;
shift_val |= (data << 4);
if (shift_count == 5)
WriteRegister(addr >> 13, shift_val);
shift_count = 0;
shift_val = 0;
void SerialReset()
prg_mode = 1;
prg_slot = 1;
void StandardReset()
prg_mode = 1;
prg_slot = 1;
chr_mode = 1;
mirror = NES.NESBoardBase.EMirrorType.Horizontal;
public void Write(int addr, byte value)
scnt.Write(addr, value);
void SerialWriteRegister(int addr, int value)
switch (addr)
case 0: //8000-9FFF
mirror = _mirrorTypes[value & 3];
prg_slot = ((value >> 2) & 1);
prg_mode = ((value >> 3) & 1);
chr_mode = ((value >> 4) & 1);
case 1: //A000-BFFF
chr_0 = value & 0x1F;
case 2: //C000-DFFF
chr_1 = value & 0x1F;
case 3: //E000-FFFF
prg = value & 0xF;
wram_disable = (value >> 4) & 1;
//board.NES.LogLine("mapping.. chr_mode={0}, chr={1},{2}", chr_mode, chr_0, chr_1);
//board.NES.LogLine("mapping.. prg_mode={0}, prg_slot{1}, prg={2}", prg_mode, prg_slot, prg);
public int Get_PRGBank(int addr)
int PRG_A14 = (addr >> 14) & 1;
if (prg_mode == 0)
if (PRG_A14 == 0)
return prg;
//"not tested very well yet! had to guess!
return prg + 1;
else if (prg_slot == 0)
if (PRG_A14 == 0)
return 0;
else return prg;
if (PRG_A14 == 0)
return prg;
else return 0xF;
public int Get_CHRBank_4K(int addr)
int CHR_A12 = (addr >> 12) & 1;
int CHR_A14 = (addr >> 14) & 1;
if (chr_mode == 0)
if (CHR_A12 == 0)
return chr_0;
else return chr_0 + 1;
else if (CHR_A12 == 0)
return chr_0;
else return chr_1;
public class SxROM : NES.NESBoardBase
protected int prg_mask, chr_mask;
protected int vram_mask, wram_mask;
protected MMC1 mmc1;
public override void WritePRG(int addr, byte value)
mmc1.Write(addr, value);
SetMirrorType(mmc1.mirror); //often redundant, but gets the job done
public override byte ReadPRG(int addr)
int bank = mmc1.Get_PRGBank(addr) & prg_mask;
addr = (bank << 14) | (addr & 0x3FFF);
return ROM[addr];
int Gen_CHR_Address(int addr)
int bank = mmc1.Get_CHRBank_4K(addr);
addr = ((bank & chr_mask) << 12) | (addr & 0x0FFF);
return addr;
public override byte ReadPPU(int addr)
if (addr < 0x2000)
if (Cart.vram_size != 0)
return VRAM[addr & vram_mask];
else return VROM[Gen_CHR_Address(addr)];
else return base.ReadPPU(addr);
public override void WritePPU(int addr, byte value)
if (addr < 0x2000)
if (Cart.vram_size != 0)
VRAM[addr & vram_mask] = value;
else base.WritePPU(addr, value);
public override byte ReadWRAM(int addr)
if (Cart.wram_size != 0)
return WRAM[addr & wram_mask];
else return 0xFF;
public override void WriteWRAM(int addr, byte value)
if (Cart.wram_size != 0)
WRAM[addr & wram_mask] = value;
public override void SyncState(Serializer ser)
public override bool Configure(NES.EDetectionOrigin origin)
switch (Cart.board_type)
case "MAPPER001":
case "NES-SAROM": //dragon warrior
AssertPrg(64); AssertChr(16, 32, 64); AssertVram(0); AssertWram(8);
case "NES-SBROM": //dance aerobics
AssertPrg(64); AssertChr(16, 32, 64); AssertVram(0); AssertWram(0);
case "NES-SCROM": //mechanized attack
case "NES-SC1ROM": //knight rider
AssertPrg(64); AssertChr(128); AssertVram(0); AssertWram(0);
case "NES-SEROM": //lolo
case "HVC-SEROM": //dr. mario
AssertPrg(32); AssertChr(16,32); AssertVram(0); AssertWram(0);
case "NES-SFROM": //bubble bobble
AssertPrg(128, 256); AssertChr(16, 32, 64); AssertVram(0); AssertWram(0);
case "NES-SGROM": //bionic commando
case "HVC-SGROM": //Ankoku Shinwa - Yamato Takeru Densetsu (J)
AssertPrg(128, 256); AssertChr(0); AssertVram(8); AssertWram(0);
case "NES-SHROM": //family feud
case "NES-SH1ROM": //airwolf
AssertPrg(32); AssertChr(128); AssertVram(0); AssertWram(0);
case "HVC-SIROM": //Igo: Kyuu Roban Taikyoku
AssertPrg(32); AssertChr(16); AssertVram(0); AssertWram(8);
case "NES-SJROM": //air fortress
AssertPrg(128, 256); AssertChr(16, 32, 64); AssertVram(0); AssertWram(8);
case "NES-SKROM": //zelda 2
case "HVC-SKROM": //ad&d dragons of flame (J)
AssertPrg(128, 256); AssertChr(128); AssertVram(0); AssertWram(8);
case "NES-SLROM": //castlevania 2
case "KONAMI-SLROM": //bayou billy
case "HVC-SLROM": //Adventures of Lolo 2 (J)
AssertPrg(128, 256); AssertChr(128); AssertVram(0); AssertWram(0);
case "NES-SL1ROM": //hoops
AssertPrg(64, 128, 256); AssertChr(128); AssertVram(0); AssertWram(0);
case "NES-SL2ROM": //blaster master
AssertPrg(128); AssertChr(128); AssertVram(0); AssertWram(0);
case "NES-SL3ROM": //goal!
AssertPrg(256); AssertChr(128); AssertVram(0); AssertWram(0);
case "NES-SLRROM": //tecmo bowl
AssertPrg(128); AssertChr(128); AssertVram(0); AssertWram(0);
case "HVC-SMROM": //Hokkaidou Rensa Satsujin: Okhotsu ni Shoyu
AssertPrg(256); AssertChr(0); AssertVram(8); AssertWram(0);
case "NES-SNROM": //dragon warrior 2
case "HVC-SNROM":
AssertPrg(128, 256); AssertChr(0); AssertVram(8); AssertWram(8);
case "SxROM-JUNK":
return false;
return true;
protected void BaseConfigure()
mmc1 = new MMC1(this);
prg_mask = (Cart.prg_size / 16) - 1;
vram_mask = (Cart.vram_size*1024) - 1;
wram_mask = (Cart.wram_size*1024) - 1;
chr_mask = (Cart.chr_size / 8 * 2) - 1;
} //class SxROM
class SoROM : SuROM
//this uses a CHR bit to select WRAM banks
//TODO - only the latter 8KB is supposed to be battery backed
public override bool Configure(NES.EDetectionOrigin origin)
switch (Cart.board_type)
case "NES-SOROM": //Nobunaga's Ambition
AssertPrg(128, 256); AssertChr(0); AssertVram(8); AssertWram(16);
default: return false;
return true;
int Map_WRAM(int addr)
//$A000-BFFF: [...R ...C]
// R = PRG-RAM page select
// C = CHR reg 0
//* BUT THIS IS WRONG ??? R IS ONE BIT LOWER !!!??? ?!? *
int chr_bank = mmc1.Get_CHRBank_4K(0);
int ofs = addr & ((8 * 1024) - 1);
int wram_bank_8k = (chr_bank >> 3) & 1;
return (wram_bank_8k << 13) | ofs;
public override void WriteWRAM(int addr, byte value)
base.WriteWRAM(Map_WRAM(addr), value);
public override byte ReadWRAM(int addr)
return base.ReadWRAM(Map_WRAM(addr));
class SXROM : SuROM
//SXROM's PRG behaves similar to SuROM (and so inherits from it)
//it also has some WRAM select bits like SoROM
public override bool Configure(NES.EDetectionOrigin origin)
switch (Cart.board_type)
case "HVC-SXROM": //final fantasy 1& 2
AssertPrg(128, 256, 512); AssertChr(0); AssertVram(8); AssertWram(32);
default: return false;
return true;
int Map_WRAM(int addr)
//$A000-BFFF: [...P RR..]
// P = PRG-ROM 256k block select (just like on SUROM)
// R = PRG-RAM page select (selects 8k @ $6000-7FFF, just like SOROM)
int chr_bank = mmc1.Get_CHRBank_4K(0);
int ofs = addr & ((8 * 1024) - 1);
int wram_bank_8k = (chr_bank >> 2) & 3;
return (wram_bank_8k << 13) | ofs;
public override void WriteWRAM(int addr, byte value)
base.WriteWRAM(Map_WRAM(addr), value);
public override byte ReadWRAM(int addr)
return base.ReadWRAM(Map_WRAM(addr));
class SuROM : SxROM
public override bool Configure(NES.EDetectionOrigin origin)
//SUROM uses CHR A16 to control the upper address line (PRG A18) of its 512KB PRG ROM.
switch (Cart.board_type)
case "NES-SUROM": //dragon warrior 4
case "HVC-SUROM":
AssertPrg(512); AssertChr(0); AssertVram(8); AssertWram(8);
default: return false;
return true;
public override byte ReadPRG(int addr)
int bank = mmc1.Get_PRGBank(addr);
int chr_bank = mmc1.Get_CHRBank_4K(0);
int bank_bit18 = chr_bank >> 4;
bank |= (bank_bit18 << 4);
bank &= prg_mask;
addr = (bank << 14) | (addr & 0x3FFF);
return ROM[addr];