2017-10-25 16:06:16 +00:00
using System ;
using System.Text ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.DiscSystem
/// <summary>
/// Parsing Alcohol 120% files
/// Info taken from:
/// * http://forum.redump.org/post/41803/#p41803
/// * Libmirage image-mds parser - https://sourceforge.net/projects/cdemu/files/libmirage/
/// * DiscImageChef - https://github.com/claunia/DiscImageChef/blob/master/DiscImageChef.DiscImages/Alcohol120.cs
/// </summary>
public class MDS_Format
/// <summary>
/// A loose representation of an Alcohol 120 .mds file (with a few extras)
/// </summary>
public class AFile
/// <summary>
/// Full path to the MDS file
/// </summary>
public string MDSPath ;
/// <summary>
/// MDS Header
/// </summary>
public AHeader Header = new AHeader ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// List of MDS session blocks
/// </summary>
public List < ASession > Sessions = new List < ASession > ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// List of track blocks
/// </summary>
public List < ATrack > Tracks = new List < ATrack > ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Current parsed session objects
/// </summary>
public List < Session > ParsedSession = new List < Session > ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Calculated MDS TOC entries (still to be parsed into BizHawk)
/// </summary>
public List < ATOCEntry > TOCEntries = new List < ATOCEntry > ( ) ;
public class AHeader
/// <summary>
/// Standard alcohol 120% signature - usually "MEDIA DESCRIPTOR"
/// </summary>
public string Signature ; // 16 bytes
/// <summary>
/// Alcohol version?
/// </summary>
public byte [ ] Version ; // 2 bytes
/// <summary>
/// The medium type
/// * 0x00 - CD
/// * 0x01 - CD-R
/// * 0x02 - CD-RW
/// * 0x10 - DVD
/// * 0x12 - DVD-R
/// </summary>
public int Medium ;
/// <summary>
/// Number of sessions
/// </summary>
public int SessionCount ;
/// <summary>
/// Burst Cutting Area length
/// </summary>
public int BCALength ;
/// <summary>
/// Burst Cutting Area data offset
/// </summary>
public Int64 BCAOffset ;
/// <summary>
/// Offset to disc (DVD?) structures
/// </summary>
public Int64 StructureOffset ;
/// <summary>
/// Offset to the first session block
/// </summary>
public Int64 SessionOffset ;
/// <summary>
/// Data Position Measurement offset
/// </summary>
public Int64 DPMOffset ;
/// <summary>
/// Parse mds stream for the header
/// </summary>
public AHeader Parse ( Stream stream )
EndianBitConverter bc = EndianBitConverter . CreateForLittleEndian ( ) ;
EndianBitConverter bcBig = EndianBitConverter . CreateForBigEndian ( ) ;
byte [ ] header = new byte [ 88 ] ;
stream . Read ( header , 0 , 88 ) ;
this . Signature = Encoding . ASCII . GetString ( header . Take ( 16 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
this . Version = header . Skip ( 16 ) . Take ( 2 ) . ToArray ( ) ;
this . Medium = bc . ToInt16 ( header . Skip ( 18 ) . Take ( 2 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
this . SessionCount = bc . ToInt16 ( header . Skip ( 20 ) . Take ( 2 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
this . BCALength = bc . ToInt16 ( header . Skip ( 26 ) . Take ( 2 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
this . BCAOffset = bc . ToInt32 ( header . Skip ( 36 ) . Take ( 4 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
this . StructureOffset = bc . ToInt32 ( header . Skip ( 64 ) . Take ( 4 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
this . SessionOffset = bc . ToInt32 ( header . Skip ( 80 ) . Take ( 4 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
this . DPMOffset = bc . ToInt32 ( header . Skip ( 84 ) . Take ( 4 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
return this ;
/// <summary>
/// MDS session block representation
/// </summary>
public class ASession
public int SessionStart ; /* Session's start address */
public int SessionEnd ; /* Session's end address */
public int SessionNumber ; /* Session number */
public byte AllBlocks ; /* Number of all data blocks. */
public byte NonTrackBlocks ; /* Number of lead-in data blocks */
public int FirstTrack ; /* First track in session */
public int LastTrack ; /* Last track in session */
public Int64 TrackOffset ; /* Offset of lead-in+regular track data blocks. */
/// <summary>
/// Representation of an MDS track block
/// For convenience (and extra confusion) this also holds the track extrablock, filename(footer) block infos
/// as well as the calculated image filepath as specified in the MDS file
/// </summary>
public class ATrack
/// <summary>
/// The specified data mode
/// 0x00 - None (no data)
/// 0x02 - DVD
/// 0xA9 - Audio
/// 0xAA - Mode1
/// 0xAB - Mode2
/// 0xAC - Mode2 Form1
/// 0xAD - Mode2 Form2
/// </summary>
public byte Mode ; /* Track mode */
/// <summary>
/// Subchannel mode for the track (0x00 = None, 0x08 = Interleaved)
/// </summary>
public byte SubMode ; /* Subchannel mode */
/ * These are the fields from Sub - channel Q information , which are
also returned in full TOC by READ TOC / PMA / ATIP command * /
public int ADR_Control ; /* Adr/Ctl */
public int TrackNo ; /* Track number field */
public int Point ; /* Point field (= track number for track entries) */
public int AMin ; /* Min */
public int ASec ; /* Sec */
public int AFrame ; /* Frame */
public int Zero ; /* Zero */
public int PMin ; /* PMin */
public int PSec ; /* PSec */
public int PFrame ; /* PFrame */
public Int64 ExtraOffset ; /* Start offset of this track's extra block. */
public int SectorSize ; /* Sector size. */
public Int64 PLBA ; /* Track start sector (PLBA). */
public ulong StartOffset ; /* Track start offset (from beginning of MDS file) */
public Int64 Files ; /* Number of filenames for this track */
public Int64 FooterOffset ; /* Start offset of footer (from beginning of MDS file) */
/// <summary>
/// Track extra block
/// </summary>
public ATrackExtra ExtraBlock = new ATrackExtra ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// List of footer(filename) blocks for this track
/// </summary>
public List < AFooter > FooterBlocks = new List < AFooter > ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// List of the calculated full paths to this track's image file
/// The MDS file itself may contain a filename, or just an *.extension
/// </summary>
public List < string > ImageFileNamePaths = new List < string > ( ) ;
public int BlobIndex ;
/// <summary>
/// Extra track block
/// </summary>
public class ATrackExtra
public Int64 Pregap ; /* Number of sectors in pregap. */
public Int64 Sectors ; /* Number of sectors in track. */
/// <summary>
/// Footer (filename) block - potentially one for every track
/// </summary>
public class AFooter
public Int64 FilenameOffset ; /* Start offset of image filename string (from beginning of mds file) */
public Int64 WideChar ; /* Seems to be set to 1 if widechar filename is used */
/// <summary>
/// Represents a parsed MDS TOC entry
/// </summary>
public class ATOCEntry
public ATOCEntry ( int entryNum )
EntryNum = entryNum ;
/// <summary>
/// these should be 0-indexed
/// </summary>
public int EntryNum ;
/// <summary>
/// 1-indexed - the session that this entry belongs to
/// </summary>
public int Session ;
2019-05-29 11:04:12 +00:00
// /// <summary>
// /// this seems just to be the LBA corresponding to AMIN:ASEC:AFRAME (give or take 150). It's not stored on the disc, and it's redundant.
// /// </summary>
// public int ALBA;
2017-10-25 16:06:16 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// this seems just to be the LBA corresponding to PMIN:PSEC:PFRAME (give or take 150).
/// </summary>
public int PLBA ;
//these correspond pretty directly to values in the Q subchannel fields
//NOTE: they're specified as absolute MSF. That means, they're 2 seconds off from what they should be when viewed as final TOC values
public int ADR_Control ;
public int TrackNo ;
public int Point ;
public int AMin ;
public int ASec ;
public int AFrame ;
public int Zero ;
public int PMin ;
public int PSec ;
public int PFrame ;
public int SectorSize ;
public long TrackOffset ;
/// <summary>
/// List of the calculated full paths to this track's image file
/// The MDS file itself may contain a filename, or just an *.extension
/// </summary>
public List < string > ImageFileNamePaths = new List < string > ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Track extra block
/// </summary>
public ATrackExtra ExtraBlock = new ATrackExtra ( ) ;
public int BlobIndex ;
public AFile Parse ( Stream stream )
EndianBitConverter bc = EndianBitConverter . CreateForLittleEndian ( ) ;
EndianBitConverter bcBig = EndianBitConverter . CreateForBigEndian ( ) ;
bool isDvd = false ;
AFile aFile = new AFile ( ) ;
aFile . MDSPath = ( stream as FileStream ) . Name ;
stream . Seek ( 0 , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
// check whether the header in the mds file is long enough
if ( stream . Length < 88 ) throw new MDSParseException ( "Malformed MDS format: The descriptor file does not appear to be long enough." ) ;
// parse header
aFile . Header = aFile . Header . Parse ( stream ) ;
2017-10-26 16:19:47 +00:00
// check version to make sure this is only v1.x
// currently NO support for version 2.x
if ( aFile . Header . Version [ 0 ] > 1 )
2019-03-20 05:24:33 +00:00
throw new MDSParseException ( $"MDS Parse Error: Only MDS version 1.x is supported!\nDetected version: {aFile.Header.Version[0]}.{aFile.Header.Version[1]}" ) ;
2017-10-26 16:19:47 +00:00
2017-10-25 16:06:16 +00:00
// parse sessions
Dictionary < int , ASession > aSessions = new Dictionary < int , ASession > ( ) ;
stream . Seek ( aFile . Header . SessionOffset , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
for ( int se = 0 ; se < aFile . Header . SessionCount ; se + + )
byte [ ] sessionHeader = new byte [ 24 ] ;
stream . Read ( sessionHeader , 0 , 24 ) ;
ASession session = new ASession ( ) ;
session . SessionStart = bc . ToInt32 ( sessionHeader . Take ( 4 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
session . SessionEnd = bc . ToInt32 ( sessionHeader . Skip ( 4 ) . Take ( 4 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
session . SessionNumber = bc . ToInt16 ( sessionHeader . Skip ( 8 ) . Take ( 2 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
session . AllBlocks = sessionHeader [ 10 ] ;
session . NonTrackBlocks = sessionHeader [ 11 ] ;
session . FirstTrack = bc . ToInt16 ( sessionHeader . Skip ( 12 ) . Take ( 2 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
session . LastTrack = bc . ToInt16 ( sessionHeader . Skip ( 14 ) . Take ( 2 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
session . TrackOffset = bc . ToInt32 ( sessionHeader . Skip ( 20 ) . Take ( 4 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
aSessions . Add ( session . SessionNumber , session ) ;
long footerOffset = 0 ;
// parse track blocks
Dictionary < int , ATrack > aTracks = new Dictionary < int , ATrack > ( ) ;
// iterate through each session block
foreach ( ASession session in aSessions . Values )
stream . Seek ( session . TrackOffset , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
//Dictionary<int, ATrack> sessionToc = new Dictionary<int, ATrack>();
// iterate through every block specified in each session
for ( int bl = 0 ; bl < session . AllBlocks ; bl + + )
byte [ ] trackHeader ;
ATrack track = new ATrack ( ) ;
trackHeader = new byte [ 80 ] ;
stream . Read ( trackHeader , 0 , 80 ) ;
track . Mode = trackHeader [ 0 ] ;
track . SubMode = trackHeader [ 1 ] ;
track . ADR_Control = trackHeader [ 2 ] ;
track . TrackNo = trackHeader [ 3 ] ;
track . Point = trackHeader [ 4 ] ;
track . AMin = trackHeader [ 5 ] ;
track . ASec = trackHeader [ 6 ] ;
track . AFrame = trackHeader [ 7 ] ;
track . Zero = trackHeader [ 8 ] ;
track . PMin = trackHeader [ 9 ] ;
track . PSec = trackHeader [ 10 ] ;
track . PFrame = trackHeader [ 11 ] ;
track . ExtraOffset = bc . ToInt32 ( trackHeader . Skip ( 12 ) . Take ( 4 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
track . SectorSize = bc . ToInt16 ( trackHeader . Skip ( 16 ) . Take ( 2 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
track . PLBA = bc . ToInt32 ( trackHeader . Skip ( 36 ) . Take ( 4 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
track . StartOffset = BitConverter . ToUInt64 ( trackHeader . Skip ( 40 ) . Take ( 8 ) . ToArray ( ) , 0 ) ;
track . Files = bc . ToInt32 ( trackHeader . Skip ( 48 ) . Take ( 4 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
track . FooterOffset = bc . ToInt32 ( trackHeader . Skip ( 52 ) . Take ( 4 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
if ( track . Mode = = 0x02 )
isDvd = true ;
throw new MDSParseException ( "DVD Detected. Not currently supported!" ) ;
// check for track extra block - this can probably be handled in a separate loop,
// but I'll just store the current stream position then seek forward to the extra block for this track
Int64 currPos = stream . Position ;
// Only CDs have extra blocks - for DVDs ExtraOffset = track length
if ( track . ExtraOffset > 0 & & ! isDvd )
byte [ ] extHeader = new byte [ 8 ] ;
stream . Seek ( track . ExtraOffset , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
stream . Read ( extHeader , 0 , 8 ) ;
track . ExtraBlock . Pregap = bc . ToInt32 ( extHeader . Take ( 4 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
track . ExtraBlock . Sectors = bc . ToInt32 ( extHeader . Skip ( 4 ) . Take ( 4 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
stream . Seek ( currPos , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
else if ( isDvd = = true )
track . ExtraBlock . Sectors = track . ExtraOffset ;
// read the footer/filename block for this track
currPos = stream . Position ;
long numOfFilenames = track . Files ;
for ( long fi = 1 ; fi < = numOfFilenames ; fi + + )
// skip leadin/out info tracks
if ( track . FooterOffset = = 0 )
continue ;
byte [ ] foot = new byte [ 16 ] ;
stream . Seek ( track . FooterOffset , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
stream . Read ( foot , 0 , 16 ) ;
AFooter f = new AFooter ( ) ;
f . FilenameOffset = bc . ToInt32 ( foot . Take ( 4 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
f . WideChar = bc . ToInt32 ( foot . Skip ( 4 ) . Take ( 4 ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
track . FooterBlocks . Add ( f ) ;
track . FooterBlocks = track . FooterBlocks . Distinct ( ) . ToList ( ) ;
// parse the filename string
string fileName = "*.mdf" ;
if ( f . FilenameOffset > 0 )
// filename offset is present
stream . Seek ( f . FilenameOffset , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
byte [ ] fname ;
if ( numOfFilenames = = 1 )
if ( aFile . Header . DPMOffset = = 0 )
// filename is in the remaining space to EOF
fname = new byte [ stream . Length - stream . Position ] ;
// filename is in the remaining space to EOF + dpm offset
fname = new byte [ aFile . Header . DPMOffset - stream . Position ] ;
// looks like each filename string is 6 bytes with a trailing \0
fname = new byte [ 6 ] ;
// read the filename
stream . Read ( fname , 0 , fname . Length ) ;
// if widechar is 1 filename is stored using 16-bit, otherwise 8-bit is used
if ( f . WideChar = = 1 )
fileName = Encoding . Unicode . GetString ( fname ) . TrimEnd ( '\0' ) ;
fileName = Encoding . Default . GetString ( fname ) . TrimEnd ( '\0' ) ;
// assume an MDF file with the same name as the MDS
string dir = Path . GetDirectoryName ( aFile . MDSPath ) ;
if ( f . FilenameOffset = = 0 | |
string . Compare ( fileName , "*.mdf" , StringComparison . InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) = = 0 )
2019-03-20 05:24:33 +00:00
fileName = $@"{dir}\{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(aFile.MDSPath)}.mdf" ;
2017-10-25 16:06:16 +00:00
2019-03-20 05:24:33 +00:00
fileName = $@"{dir}\{fileName}" ;
2017-10-25 16:06:16 +00:00
track . ImageFileNamePaths . Add ( fileName ) ;
track . ImageFileNamePaths = track . ImageFileNamePaths . Distinct ( ) . ToList ( ) ;
stream . Position = currPos ;
aTracks . Add ( track . Point , track ) ;
aFile . Tracks . Add ( track ) ;
if ( footerOffset = = 0 )
footerOffset = track . FooterOffset ;
// build custom session object
aFile . ParsedSession = new List < Session > ( ) ;
foreach ( var s in aSessions . Values )
Session session = new Session ( ) ;
ATrack startTrack ;
ATrack endTrack ;
if ( ! aTracks . TryGetValue ( s . FirstTrack , out startTrack ) )
break ;
if ( ! aTracks . TryGetValue ( s . LastTrack , out endTrack ) )
break ;
session . StartSector = startTrack . PLBA ;
session . StartTrack = s . FirstTrack ;
session . SessionSequence = s . SessionNumber ;
session . EndSector = endTrack . PLBA + endTrack . ExtraBlock . Sectors - 1 ;
session . EndTrack = s . LastTrack ;
aFile . ParsedSession . Add ( session ) ;
2019-02-24 05:39:01 +00:00
// now build the TOC object
foreach ( var se in aFile . ParsedSession )
foreach ( var t in aTracks . Values
. Where ( a = > se . StartTrack < = a . TrackNo & & a . TrackNo < = se . EndTrack )
. OrderBy ( a = > a . TrackNo ) )
aFile . TOCEntries . Add ( new ATOCEntry ( t . Point )
ADR_Control = t . ADR_Control ,
AFrame = t . AFrame ,
AMin = t . AMin ,
ASec = t . ASec ,
BlobIndex = t . BlobIndex ,
EntryNum = t . TrackNo ,
ExtraBlock = t . ExtraBlock ,
ImageFileNamePaths = t . ImageFileNamePaths ,
PFrame = t . PFrame ,
PLBA = Convert . ToInt32 ( t . PLBA ) ,
PMin = t . PMin ,
Point = t . Point ,
PSec = t . PSec ,
SectorSize = t . SectorSize ,
Session = se . SessionSequence ,
TrackOffset = Convert . ToInt64 ( t . StartOffset ) ,
Zero = t . Zero
} ) ;
2017-10-25 16:06:16 +00:00
return aFile ;
/// <summary>
/// Custom session object
/// </summary>
public class Session
public long StartSector ;
public int StartTrack ;
public int SessionSequence ;
public long EndSector ;
public int EndTrack ;
public class MDSParseException : Exception
public MDSParseException ( string message ) : base ( message ) { }
public class LoadResults
public List < RawTOCEntry > RawTOCEntries ;
public AFile ParsedMDSFile ;
public bool Valid ;
public Exception FailureException ;
public string MdsPath ;
public static LoadResults LoadMDSPath ( string path )
LoadResults ret = new LoadResults ( ) ;
ret . MdsPath = path ;
//ret.MdfPath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".mdf");
if ( ! File . Exists ( path ) ) throw new MDSParseException ( "Malformed MDS format: nonexistent MDS file!" ) ;
AFile mdsf ;
using ( var infMDS = new FileStream ( path , FileMode . Open , FileAccess . Read , FileShare . Read ) )
mdsf = new MDS_Format ( ) . Parse ( infMDS ) ;
ret . ParsedMDSFile = mdsf ;
ret . Valid = true ;
catch ( MDSParseException ex )
ret . FailureException = ex ;
return ret ;
Dictionary < int , IBlob > MountBlobs ( AFile mdsf , Disc disc )
Dictionary < int , IBlob > BlobIndex = new Dictionary < int , IBlob > ( ) ;
int count = 0 ;
foreach ( var track in mdsf . Tracks )
foreach ( var file in track . ImageFileNamePaths . Distinct ( ) )
if ( ! File . Exists ( file ) )
2019-03-20 05:24:33 +00:00
throw new MDSParseException ( $"Malformed MDS format: nonexistent image file: {file}" ) ;
2017-10-25 16:06:16 +00:00
IBlob mdfBlob = null ;
long mdfLen = - 1 ;
//mount the file
if ( mdfBlob = = null )
var mdfFile = new Disc . Blob_RawFile ( ) { PhysicalPath = file } ;
mdfLen = mdfFile . Length ;
mdfBlob = mdfFile ;
bool dupe = false ;
foreach ( var re in disc . DisposableResources )
if ( re . ToString ( ) = = mdfBlob . ToString ( ) )
dupe = true ;
if ( ! dupe )
// wrap in zeropadadapter
disc . DisposableResources . Add ( mdfBlob ) ;
2019-02-27 05:33:27 +00:00
BlobIndex [ count + + ] = mdfBlob ;
2017-10-25 16:06:16 +00:00
return BlobIndex ;
RawTOCEntry EmitRawTOCEntry ( ATOCEntry entry )
BCD2 tno , ino ;
//this should actually be zero. im not sure if this is stored as BCD2 or not
tno = BCD2 . FromDecimal ( entry . TrackNo ) ;
//these are special values.. I think, taken from this:
//the CCD will contain Points as decimal values except for these specially converted decimal values which should stay as BCD.
//Why couldn't they all be BCD? I don't know. I guess because BCD is inconvenient, but only A0 and friends have special meaning. It's confusing.
ino = BCD2 . FromDecimal ( entry . Point ) ;
if ( entry . Point = = 0xA0 ) ino . BCDValue = 0xA0 ;
else if ( entry . Point = = 0xA1 ) ino . BCDValue = 0xA1 ;
else if ( entry . Point = = 0xA2 ) ino . BCDValue = 0xA2 ;
// get ADR & Control from ADR_Control byte
byte adrc = Convert . ToByte ( entry . ADR_Control ) ;
var Control = adrc & 0x0F ;
var ADR = adrc > > 4 ;
var q = new SubchannelQ
q_status = SubchannelQ . ComputeStatus ( ADR , ( EControlQ ) ( Control & 0xF ) ) ,
q_tno = tno ,
q_index = ino ,
min = BCD2 . FromDecimal ( entry . AMin ) ,
sec = BCD2 . FromDecimal ( entry . ASec ) ,
frame = BCD2 . FromDecimal ( entry . AFrame ) ,
zero = ( byte ) entry . Zero ,
ap_min = BCD2 . FromDecimal ( entry . PMin ) ,
ap_sec = BCD2 . FromDecimal ( entry . PSec ) ,
ap_frame = BCD2 . FromDecimal ( entry . PFrame ) ,
q_crc = 0 , //meaningless
} ;
return new RawTOCEntry { QData = q } ;
/// <summary>
/// Loads a MDS at the specified path to a Disc object
/// </summary>
public Disc LoadMDSToDisc ( string mdsPath , DiscMountPolicy IN_DiscMountPolicy )
var loadResults = LoadMDSPath ( mdsPath ) ;
if ( ! loadResults . Valid )
throw loadResults . FailureException ;
Disc disc = new Disc ( ) ;
// load all blobs
Dictionary < int , IBlob > BlobIndex = MountBlobs ( loadResults . ParsedMDSFile , disc ) ;
var mdsf = loadResults . ParsedMDSFile ;
//generate DiscTOCRaw items from the ones specified in the MDS file
disc . RawTOCEntries = new List < RawTOCEntry > ( ) ;
foreach ( var entry in mdsf . TOCEntries )
disc . RawTOCEntries . Add ( EmitRawTOCEntry ( entry ) ) ;
//analyze the RAWTocEntries to figure out what type of track track 1 is
var tocSynth = new Synthesize_DiscTOC_From_RawTOCEntries_Job ( ) { Entries = disc . RawTOCEntries } ;
tocSynth . Run ( ) ;
// now build the sectors
int currBlobIndex = 0 ;
foreach ( var session in mdsf . ParsedSession )
for ( int i = session . StartTrack ; i < = session . EndTrack ; i + + )
int relMSF = - 1 ;
var track = mdsf . TOCEntries . Where ( t = > t . Point = = i ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
if ( track = = null )
break ;
// ignore the info entries
if ( track . Point = = 0xA0 | |
track . Point = = 0xA1 | |
track . Point = = 0xA2 )
continue ;
// get the blob(s) for this track
// its probably a safe assumption that there will be only one blob per track,
// but i'm still not 100% sure on this
var tr = ( from a in mdsf . TOCEntries
where a . Point = = i
select a ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
if ( tr = = null )
throw new MDSParseException ( "BLOB Error!" ) ;
List < string > blobstrings = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( var t in tr . ImageFileNamePaths )
if ( ! blobstrings . Contains ( t ) )
blobstrings . Add ( t ) ;
var tBlobs = ( from a in tr . ImageFileNamePaths
select a ) . ToList ( ) ;
if ( tBlobs . Count < 1 )
throw new MDSParseException ( "BLOB Error!" ) ;
// is the currBlob valid for this track, or do we need to increment?
string bString = tBlobs . First ( ) ;
IBlob mdfBlob = null ;
// check for track pregap and create if neccessary
// this is specified in the track extras block
if ( track . ExtraBlock . Pregap > 0 )
CUE . CueTrackType pregapTrackType = CUE . CueTrackType . Audio ;
if ( tocSynth . Result . TOCItems [ 1 ] . IsData )
if ( tocSynth . Result . Session1Format = = SessionFormat . Type20_CDXA )
pregapTrackType = CUE . CueTrackType . Mode2_2352 ;
else if ( tocSynth . Result . Session1Format = = SessionFormat . Type10_CDI )
pregapTrackType = CUE . CueTrackType . CDI_2352 ;
else if ( tocSynth . Result . Session1Format = = SessionFormat . Type00_CDROM_CDDA )
pregapTrackType = CUE . CueTrackType . Mode1_2352 ;
for ( int pre = 0 ; pre < track . ExtraBlock . Pregap ; pre + + )
relMSF + + ;
var ss_gap = new CUE . SS_Gap ( )
Policy = IN_DiscMountPolicy ,
TrackType = pregapTrackType
} ;
disc . _Sectors . Add ( ss_gap ) ;
int qRelMSF = pre - Convert . ToInt32 ( track . ExtraBlock . Pregap ) ;
//tweak relMSF due to ambiguity/contradiction in yellowbook docs
if ( ! IN_DiscMountPolicy . CUE_PregapContradictionModeA )
qRelMSF + + ;
//setup subQ
byte ADR = 1 ; //absent some kind of policy for how to set it, this is a safe assumption:
ss_gap . sq . SetStatus ( ADR , tocSynth . Result . TOCItems [ 1 ] . Control ) ;
ss_gap . sq . q_tno = BCD2 . FromDecimal ( 1 ) ;
ss_gap . sq . q_index = BCD2 . FromDecimal ( 0 ) ;
ss_gap . sq . AP_Timestamp = pre ;
ss_gap . sq . Timestamp = qRelMSF ;
//setup subP
ss_gap . Pause = true ;
// pregap processing completed
// create track sectors
long currBlobOffset = track . TrackOffset ;
for ( long sector = session . StartSector ; sector < = session . EndSector ; sector + + )
CUE . SS_Base sBase = null ;
// get the current blob from the BlobIndex
Disc . Blob_RawFile currBlob = BlobIndex [ currBlobIndex ] as Disc . Blob_RawFile ;
long currBlobLength = currBlob . Length ;
long currBlobPosition = sector ;
if ( currBlobPosition = = currBlobLength )
currBlobIndex + + ;
mdfBlob = disc . DisposableResources [ currBlobIndex ] as Disc . Blob_RawFile ;
2019-01-25 15:45:15 +00:00
//int userSector = 2048;
2017-10-25 16:06:16 +00:00
switch ( track . SectorSize )
case 2448 :
sBase = new CUE . SS_2352 ( )
Policy = IN_DiscMountPolicy
} ;
2019-01-25 15:45:15 +00:00
//userSector = 2352;
2017-10-25 16:06:16 +00:00
break ;
case 2048 :
default :
sBase = new CUE . SS_Mode1_2048 ( )
Policy = IN_DiscMountPolicy
} ;
2019-01-25 15:45:15 +00:00
//userSector = 2048;
2017-10-25 16:06:16 +00:00
break ;
2019-03-20 05:24:33 +00:00
//throw new Exception($"Not supported: Sector Size {track.SectorSize}");
2017-10-25 16:06:16 +00:00
// configure blob
sBase . Blob = mdfBlob ;
sBase . BlobOffset = currBlobOffset ;
currBlobOffset + = track . SectorSize ; // userSector;
// add subchannel data
relMSF + + ;
BCD2 tno , ino ;
//this should actually be zero. im not sure if this is stored as BCD2 or not
tno = BCD2 . FromDecimal ( track . TrackNo ) ;
//these are special values.. I think, taken from this:
//the CCD will contain Points as decimal values except for these specially converted decimal values which should stay as BCD.
//Why couldn't they all be BCD? I don't know. I guess because BCD is inconvenient, but only A0 and friends have special meaning. It's confusing.
ino = BCD2 . FromDecimal ( track . Point ) ;
if ( track . Point = = 0xA0 ) ino . BCDValue = 0xA0 ;
else if ( track . Point = = 0xA1 ) ino . BCDValue = 0xA1 ;
else if ( track . Point = = 0xA2 ) ino . BCDValue = 0xA2 ;
// get ADR & Control from ADR_Control byte
byte adrc = Convert . ToByte ( track . ADR_Control ) ;
var Control = adrc & 0x0F ;
var ADR = adrc > > 4 ;
var q = new SubchannelQ
q_status = SubchannelQ . ComputeStatus ( ADR , ( EControlQ ) ( Control & 0xF ) ) ,
q_tno = BCD2 . FromDecimal ( track . Point ) ,
q_index = ino ,
AP_Timestamp = disc . _Sectors . Count ,
Timestamp = relMSF - Convert . ToInt32 ( track . ExtraBlock . Pregap )
} ;
sBase . sq = q ;
disc . _Sectors . Add ( sBase ) ;
return disc ;
} //class MDS_Format