; so, there's just zero explanation anywhere for B vs V status flag
; really, I checked https://github.com/TASEmulators/BizHawk/commits/c8727ae01fc051429a59c4b91189ef479d578be7?after=c8727ae01fc051429a59c4b91189ef479d578be7+34&branch=c8727ae01fc051429a59c4b91189ef479d578be7&path%5B%5D=BizHawk.MultiClient&path%5B%5D=output&path%5B%5D=gamedb.txt&qualified_name=c8727ae01fc051429a59c4b91189ef479d578be7
; (if link dies, it's last page of history for `/BizHawk.MultiClient/output/gamedb.txt`)
; and it's not a borrowed convention from no-intro or bootgod either as far as I can tell
; based only on the unstructured comments in the inital upload (054ad76ac), I'm guessing B = bad and V = very bad --yoshi