- Renamed themes:
- "colorful" to "default" and "colorful_dark" to "default_dark"
- "default" to "monochrome" and "default_dark" to "monochrome_dark"
- "colorful_midnight_blue" to "qdarkstyle_midnight_blue"
- "qdarkstyle_midnight_blue" to "qdarkstyle_midnight_blue_monochrome"
- qdarkstyle is renamed from "Dark" to "Mine Shaft" in the UI
- default and monochrome themes all use the same qss stylesheet
- Remove the ability to select "default_dark" directly
- Default has better support for light and dark
- Controller and Keyboard applets icons and style adapt to dark mode
- Add "qdarkstyle_monochrome" theme
- Remove duplicated icon files
I've seen some comments stating that sharing pre-compiled packages
of yuzu is problematic for linux distributions due to some contents
having license of CC BY-ND 3.0
Better licensed sources of icons have been found for most cases,
see the changes to the .reuse/dep5 file for details.
Placeholders for connected/disconnected icons
At the time of writing I consider these icons to be placeholders,
hence three copies. colorful is grey, default is black, qdarkstyle is white
connected is gnome/16x16/network-idle.png with no changes
connected_notification is gnome/16x16/network-error.png with changes
disconnected is gnome/16x16/network-offline.png with changes
Looking at licenses: GNOME icon theme is distributed under the terms of either
GNU LGPL v.3 or Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license.
Debian appears to explicitly state they're licensing under
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
From a tarball at the following link suggests we can just attribute GNOME Project
When attributing the artwork, using "GNOME Project" is enough.
Please link to http://www.gnome.org where available.
CC-BY-SA-3.0.txt from https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode.txt
yuzu's default theme doesn't specify everything, which is fine for
windows, but in linux anything unspecified is set to the users theme.
Symptoms of this are that a linux user with a dark theme won't think
to change the theme to a dark theme when first using yuzu
Idea here is to try and support arbitrary themes on linux.
preliminary work on a "default_dark" theme, used only as overlay
for any themes that are measured to be dark mode.
Other work done:
FreeDesktop standard icon names:
plus -> list-add
delete refresh, we use view-refresh
remove duplicated icons for qdarkstyle_midnight_blue
referencing icon aliases in the qrc files is the way to go
Dynamic style changing doesn't appear to work with AppImage