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* Xenia : Xbox 360 Emulator Research Project *
* Copyright 2014 Ben Vanik. All rights reserved. *
* Released under the BSD license - see LICENSE in the root for more details. *
#include "xenia/gpu/texture_info.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include "xenia/base/logging.h"
#include "xenia/base/math.h"
#include "third_party/xxhash/xxhash.h"
namespace xe {
namespace gpu {
using namespace xe::gpu::xenos;
bool TextureInfo::Prepare(const xe_gpu_texture_fetch_t& fetch,
TextureInfo* out_info) {
std::memset(out_info, 0, sizeof(TextureInfo));
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/cc308051(v=vs.85).aspx
// a2xx_sq_surfaceformat
auto& info = *out_info;
info.guest_address = fetch.address << 12;
info.dimension = static_cast<Dimension>(fetch.dimension);
info.width = info.height = info.depth = 0;
switch (info.dimension) {
case Dimension::k1D:
info.dimension = Dimension::k2D;
info.width = fetch.size_1d.width;
info.height = 1;
case Dimension::k2D:
info.width = fetch.size_2d.width;
info.height = fetch.size_2d.height;
case Dimension::k3D:
info.width = fetch.size_3d.width;
info.height = fetch.size_3d.height;
info.depth = fetch.size_3d.depth;
case Dimension::kCube:
info.width = fetch.size_stack.width;
info.height = fetch.size_stack.height;
info.depth = fetch.size_stack.depth;
info.texture_format = static_cast<TextureFormat>(fetch.format);
info.endianness = static_cast<Endian>(fetch.endianness);
info.is_tiled = fetch.tiled;
info.has_packed_mips = fetch.packed_mips;
info.input_length = 0; // Populated below.
if (info.format_info()->format == TextureFormat::kUnknown) {
XELOGE("Attempting to fetch from unsupported texture format %d",
return false;
// Must be called here when we know the format.
switch (info.dimension) {
case Dimension::k1D: {
} break;
case Dimension::k2D: {
info.CalculateTextureSizes2D(fetch.size_2d.width + 1,
fetch.size_2d.height + 1);
} break;
case Dimension::k3D: {
// TODO(benvanik): calculate size.
return false;
case Dimension::kCube: {
info.CalculateTextureSizesCube(fetch.size_stack.width + 1,
fetch.size_stack.height + 1,
fetch.size_stack.depth + 1);
} break;
return true;
bool TextureInfo::PrepareResolve(uint32_t physical_address,
TextureFormat texture_format, Endian endian,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
TextureInfo* out_info) {
std::memset(out_info, 0, sizeof(TextureInfo));
auto& info = *out_info;
info.guest_address = physical_address;
info.dimension = Dimension::k2D;
assert_true(width > 0);
assert_true(height > 0);
info.width = width - 1;
info.height = height - 1;
info.texture_format = texture_format;
info.endianness = endian;
info.is_tiled = true;
info.has_packed_mips = false;
info.input_length = 0;
if (info.format_info()->format == TextureFormat::kUnknown) {
assert_true("Unsupported texture format");
return false;
info.CalculateTextureSizes2D(width, height);
return true;
void TextureInfo::CalculateTextureSizes2D(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
size_2d.logical_width = width;
size_2d.logical_height = height;
// Here be dragons. The values here are used in texture_cache.cc to copy
// images and create GL textures. Changes here will impact that code.
// TODO(benvanik): generic texture copying utility.
auto format = format_info();
// w/h in blocks.
uint32_t block_width =
xe::round_up(size_2d.logical_width, format->block_width) /
uint32_t block_height =
xe::round_up(size_2d.logical_height, format->block_height) /
// Tiles are 32x32 blocks. The pitch of all textures must a multiple of tile
// dimensions.
uint32_t tile_width = xe::round_up(block_width, 32) / 32;
size_2d.block_width = tile_width * 32;
size_2d.block_height = block_height;
uint32_t bytes_per_block =
format->block_width * format->block_height * format->bits_per_pixel / 8;
uint32_t byte_pitch = size_2d.block_width * bytes_per_block;
uint32_t texel_width;
if (!is_tiled) {
// Each row must be a multiple of 256 in linear textures.
byte_pitch = xe::round_up(byte_pitch, 256);
texel_width = (byte_pitch / bytes_per_block) * format->block_width;
} else {
texel_width = size_2d.block_width * format->block_width;
size_2d.input_width = texel_width;
size_2d.input_height = size_2d.block_height * format->block_height;
size_2d.input_pitch = byte_pitch;
input_length = size_2d.input_pitch * size_2d.block_height;
void TextureInfo::CalculateTextureSizesCube(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
uint32_t depth) {
assert_true(depth == 6);
size_cube.logical_width = width;
size_cube.logical_height = height;
auto format = format_info();
// w/h in blocks must be a multiple of block size.
uint32_t block_width =
xe::round_up(size_cube.logical_width, format->block_width) /
uint32_t block_height =
xe::round_up(size_cube.logical_height, format->block_height) /
// Tiles are 32x32 blocks. All textures must be multiples of tile dimensions.
uint32_t tile_width = xe::round_up(block_width, 32) / 32;
uint32_t tile_height = xe::round_up(block_height, 32) / 32;
size_cube.block_width = tile_width * 32;
size_cube.block_height = tile_height * 32;
uint32_t bytes_per_block =
format->block_width * format->block_height * format->bits_per_pixel / 8;
uint32_t byte_pitch = size_cube.block_width * bytes_per_block;
uint32_t texel_width;
if (!is_tiled) {
// Each row must be a multiple of 256 in linear textures.
byte_pitch = xe::round_up(byte_pitch, 256);
texel_width = (byte_pitch / bytes_per_block) * format->block_width;
} else {
texel_width = size_cube.block_width * format->block_width;
size_cube.input_width = texel_width;
size_cube.input_height = size_cube.block_height * format->block_height;
size_cube.input_pitch = byte_pitch;
size_cube.input_face_length = size_cube.input_pitch * size_cube.block_height;
input_length = size_cube.input_face_length * 6;
bool TextureInfo::GetPackedTileOffset(const TextureInfo& texture_info,
uint32_t* out_offset_x,
uint32_t* out_offset_y) {
// Tile size is 32x32, and once textures go <=16 they are packed into a
// single tile together. The math here is insane. Most sourced
// from graph paper and looking at dds dumps.
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
// 0 +.4x4.+ +.....8x8.....+ +............16x16............+
// 1 +.4x4.+ +.....8x8.....+ +............16x16............+
// 2 +.4x4.+ +.....8x8.....+ +............16x16............+
// 3 +.4x4.+ +.....8x8.....+ +............16x16............+
// 4 x +.....8x8.....+ +............16x16............+
// 5 +.....8x8.....+ +............16x16............+
// 6 +.....8x8.....+ +............16x16............+
// 7 +.....8x8.....+ +............16x16............+
// 8 2x2 +............16x16............+
// 9 2x2 +............16x16............+
// 0 +............16x16............+
// ... .....
// This only works for square textures, or textures that are some non-pot
// <= square. As soon as the aspect ratio goes weird, the textures start to
// stretch across tiles.
// if (tile_aligned(w) > tile_aligned(h)) {
// // wider than tall, so packed horizontally
// } else if (tile_aligned(w) < tile_aligned(h)) {
// // taller than wide, so packed vertically
// } else {
// square
// }
// It's important to use logical sizes here, as the input sizes will be
// for the entire packed tile set, not the actual texture.
// The minimum dimension is what matters most: if either width or height
// is <= 16 this mode kicks in.
if (std::min(texture_info.size_2d.logical_width,
texture_info.size_2d.logical_height) > 16) {
// Too big, not packed.
*out_offset_x = 0;
*out_offset_y = 0;
return false;
if (xe::log2_ceil(texture_info.size_2d.logical_width) >
xe::log2_ceil(texture_info.size_2d.logical_height)) {
// Wider than tall. Laid out vertically.
*out_offset_x = 0;
*out_offset_y = 16;
} else {
// Taller than wide. Laid out horizontally.
*out_offset_x = 16;
*out_offset_y = 0;
*out_offset_x /= texture_info.format_info()->block_width;
*out_offset_y /= texture_info.format_info()->block_height;
return true;
// https://github.com/BinomialLLC/crunch/blob/ea9b8d8c00c8329791256adafa8cf11e4e7942a2/inc/crn_decomp.h#L4108
uint32_t TextureInfo::TiledOffset2DOuter(uint32_t y, uint32_t width,
uint32_t log_bpp) {
uint32_t macro = ((y >> 5) * (width >> 5)) << (log_bpp + 7);
uint32_t micro = ((y & 6) << 2) << log_bpp;
return macro + ((micro & ~15) << 1) + (micro & 15) +
((y & 8) << (3 + log_bpp)) + ((y & 1) << 4);
uint32_t TextureInfo::TiledOffset2DInner(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t bpp,
uint32_t base_offset) {
uint32_t macro = (x >> 5) << (bpp + 7);
uint32_t micro = (x & 7) << bpp;
uint32_t offset = base_offset + (macro + ((micro & ~15) << 1) + (micro & 15));
return ((offset & ~511) << 3) + ((offset & 448) << 2) + (offset & 63) +
((y & 16) << 7) + (((((y & 8) >> 2) + (x >> 3)) & 3) << 6);
uint64_t TextureInfo::hash() const {
return XXH64(this, sizeof(TextureInfo), 0);
} // namespace gpu
} // namespace xe