
159 lines
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// File: crn_freeimage_image_utils.h
// See Copyright Notice and license at the end of inc/crnlib.h
// Note: This header file requires FreeImage/FreeImagePlus.
#include "crn_image_utils.h"
#include "freeImagePlus.h"
namespace crnlib
namespace freeimage_image_utils
inline bool load_from_file(image_u8& dest, const wchar_t* pFilename, int fi_flag)
fipImage src_image;
if (!src_image.loadU(pFilename, fi_flag))
return false;
const uint orig_bits_per_pixel = src_image.getBitsPerPixel();
const FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_TYPE orig_color_type = src_image.getColorType();
if (!src_image.convertTo32Bits())
return false;
if (src_image.getBitsPerPixel() != 32)
return false;
uint width = src_image.getWidth();
uint height = src_image.getHeight();
dest.resize(src_image.getWidth(), src_image.getHeight(), src_image.getWidth());
color_quad_u8* pDst = dest.get_ptr();
bool grayscale = true;
bool has_alpha = false;
for (uint y = 0; y < height; y++)
const BYTE* pSrc = src_image.getScanLine((WORD)(height - 1 - y));
color_quad_u8* pD = pDst;
for (uint x = width; x; x--)
color_quad_u8 c;
c.r = pSrc[FI_RGBA_RED];
c.g = pSrc[FI_RGBA_GREEN];
c.b = pSrc[FI_RGBA_BLUE];
c.a = pSrc[FI_RGBA_ALPHA];
if (!c.is_grayscale())
grayscale = false;
has_alpha |= (c.a < 255);
pSrc += 4;
*pD++ = c;
pDst += width;
if (grayscale)
dest.set_component_valid(3, has_alpha || (orig_color_type == FIC_RGBALPHA) || (orig_bits_per_pixel == 32));
return true;
const int cSaveLuma = -1;
inline bool save_to_grayscale_file(const wchar_t* pFilename, const image_u8& src, int component, int fi_flag)
fipImage dst_image(FIT_BITMAP, (WORD)src.get_width(), (WORD)src.get_height(), 8);
RGBQUAD* p = dst_image.getPalette();
for (uint i = 0; i < dst_image.getPaletteSize(); i++)
p[i].rgbRed = (BYTE)i;
p[i].rgbGreen = (BYTE)i;
p[i].rgbBlue = (BYTE)i;
p[i].rgbReserved = 255;
for (uint y = 0; y < src.get_height(); y++)
const color_quad_u8* pSrc = src.get_scanline(y);
for (uint x = 0; x < src.get_width(); x++)
if (component == cSaveLuma)
v = (BYTE)(*pSrc).get_luma();
v = (*pSrc)[component];
dst_image.setPixelIndex(x, src.get_height() - 1 - y, &v);
if (!dst_image.saveU(pFilename, fi_flag))
return false;
return true;
inline bool save_to_file(const wchar_t* pFilename, const image_u8& src, int fi_flag, bool ignore_alpha = false)
const bool save_alpha = src.is_component_valid(3);
uint bpp = (save_alpha && !ignore_alpha) ? 32 : 24;
if (bpp == 32)
dynamic_wstring ext(pFilename);
if ((ext == L"jpg") || (ext == L"jpeg") || (ext == L"gif") || (ext == L"jp2"))
bpp = 24;
if ((bpp == 24) && (src.is_grayscale()))
return save_to_grayscale_file(pFilename, src, cSaveLuma, fi_flag);
fipImage dst_image(FIT_BITMAP, (WORD)src.get_width(), (WORD)src.get_height(), (WORD)bpp);
for (uint y = 0; y < src.get_height(); y++)
for (uint x = 0; x < src.get_width(); x++)
color_quad_u8 c(src(x, y));
quad.rgbRed = c.r;
quad.rgbGreen = c.g;
quad.rgbBlue = c.b;
if (bpp == 32)
quad.rgbReserved = c.a;
quad.rgbReserved = 255;
dst_image.setPixelColor(x, src.get_height() - 1 - y, &quad);
if (!dst_image.saveU(pFilename, fi_flag))
return false;
return true;
} // namespace freeimage_image_utils
} // namespace crnlib