include("build_paths.lua") include("util.lua") newoption({ trigger = "test-suite-mode", description = "Whether to merge all tests in a test_suite into a single project", value = "MODE", allowed = { { "individual", "One binary per test." }, { "combined", "One binary per test suite (default)." }, }, }) local function combined_test_suite(test_suite_name, project_root, base_path, config) group("tests") project(test_suite_name) kind("ConsoleApp") language("C++") includedirs(merge_arrays(config["includedirs"], { project_root.."/"..build_tools, project_root.."/"..build_tools_src, project_root.."/"..build_tools.."/third_party/catch/include", })) libdirs(merge_arrays(config["libdirs"], { project_root.."/"..build_bin, })) links(merge_arrays(config["links"], { "gflags", })) files({ project_root.."/"..build_tools_src.."/", base_path.."/**", }) end local function split_test_suite(test_suite_name, project_root, base_path, config) local test_paths = os.matchfiles(base_path.."/**") for _, file_path in pairs(test_paths) do local test_name = file_path:match("(.*).cc") group("tests/"..test_suite_name) project(test_suite_name.."-"..test_name) kind("ConsoleApp") language("C++") includedirs(merge_arrays(config["includedirs"], { project_root.."/"..build_tools, project_root.."/"..build_tools_src, project_root.."/"..build_tools.."/third_party/catch/include", })) libdirs(merge_arrays(config["libdirs"], { project_root.."/"..build_bin, })) links(merge_arrays(config["links"], { "gflags", })) files({ project_root.."/"..build_tools_src.."/", file_path, }) end end -- Defines a test suite binary. -- Can either be a single binary with all tests or one binary per test based on -- the --test-suite-mode= option. function test_suite( test_suite_name, -- Project or group name for the entire suite. project_root, -- Project root path (with build_tools/ under it). base_path, -- Base source path to search for files. config) -- Include/lib directories and links for binaries. if _OPTIONS["test-suite-mode"] == "individual" then split_test_suite(test_suite_name, project_root, base_path, config) else combined_test_suite(test_suite_name, project_root, base_path, config) end end