// File: crn_win32_threading.h // See Copyright Notice and license at the end of inc/crnlib.h #pragma once #include "crn_atomics.h" #if CRNLIB_NO_ATOMICS #error No atomic operations defined in crn_platform.h! #endif namespace crnlib { // g_number_of_processors defaults to 1. Will be higher on multicore machines. extern uint g_number_of_processors; void crn_threading_init(); typedef uint64 crn_thread_id_t; crn_thread_id_t crn_get_current_thread_id(); void crn_sleep(unsigned int milliseconds); uint crn_get_max_helper_threads(); class mutex { CRNLIB_NO_COPY_OR_ASSIGNMENT_OP(mutex); public: mutex(unsigned int spin_count = 0); ~mutex(); void lock(); void unlock(); void set_spin_count(unsigned int count); private: int m_buf[12]; #ifdef CRNLIB_BUILD_DEBUG unsigned int m_lock_count; #endif }; class scoped_mutex { scoped_mutex(const scoped_mutex&); scoped_mutex& operator= (const scoped_mutex&); public: inline scoped_mutex(mutex& m) : m_mutex(m) { m_mutex.lock(); } inline ~scoped_mutex() { m_mutex.unlock(); } private: mutex& m_mutex; }; // Simple non-recursive spinlock. class spinlock { CRNLIB_NO_COPY_OR_ASSIGNMENT_OP(spinlock); public: inline spinlock() : m_flag(0) { } void lock(uint32 max_spins = 4096, bool yielding = true); inline void lock_no_barrier(uint32 max_spins = 4096, bool yielding = true) { lock(max_spins, yielding); } void unlock(); inline void unlock_no_barrier() { m_flag = CRNLIB_FALSE; } private: volatile int32 m_flag; }; class scoped_spinlock { scoped_spinlock(const scoped_spinlock&); scoped_spinlock& operator= (const scoped_spinlock&); public: inline scoped_spinlock(spinlock& lock) : m_lock(lock) { m_lock.lock(); } inline ~scoped_spinlock() { m_lock.unlock(); } private: spinlock& m_lock; }; class semaphore { CRNLIB_NO_COPY_OR_ASSIGNMENT_OP(semaphore); public: semaphore(int32 initialCount = 0, int32 maximumCount = 1, const char* pName = NULL); ~semaphore(); inline HANDLE get_handle(void) const { return m_handle; } void release(int32 releaseCount = 1, int32 *pPreviousCount = NULL); bool try_release(int32 releaseCount = 1, int32 *pPreviousCount = NULL); bool wait(uint32 milliseconds = cUINT32_MAX); private: HANDLE m_handle; }; template<typename T> class tsstack { CRNLIB_NO_COPY_OR_ASSIGNMENT_OP(tsstack); public: inline tsstack(bool use_freelist = true) : m_use_freelist(use_freelist) { CRNLIB_VERIFY(((ptr_bits_t)this & (CRNLIB_GET_ALIGNMENT(tsstack) - 1)) == 0); InitializeSListHead(&m_stack_head); InitializeSListHead(&m_freelist_head); } inline ~tsstack() { clear(); } inline void clear() { for ( ; ; ) { node* pNode = (node*)InterlockedPopEntrySList(&m_stack_head); if (!pNode) break; CRNLIB_MEMORY_IMPORT_BARRIER helpers::destruct(&pNode->m_obj); crnlib_free(pNode); } flush_freelist(); } inline void flush_freelist() { if (!m_use_freelist) return; for ( ; ; ) { node* pNode = (node*)InterlockedPopEntrySList(&m_freelist_head); if (!pNode) break; CRNLIB_MEMORY_IMPORT_BARRIER crnlib_free(pNode); } } inline bool try_push(const T& obj) { node* pNode = alloc_node(); if (!pNode) return false; helpers::construct(&pNode->m_obj, obj); CRNLIB_MEMORY_EXPORT_BARRIER InterlockedPushEntrySList(&m_stack_head, &pNode->m_slist_entry); return true; } inline bool pop(T& obj) { node* pNode = (node*)InterlockedPopEntrySList(&m_stack_head); if (!pNode) return false; CRNLIB_MEMORY_IMPORT_BARRIER obj = pNode->m_obj; helpers::destruct(&pNode->m_obj); free_node(pNode); return true; } private: SLIST_HEADER m_stack_head; SLIST_HEADER m_freelist_head; struct node { SLIST_ENTRY m_slist_entry; T m_obj; }; bool m_use_freelist; inline node* alloc_node() { node* pNode = m_use_freelist ? (node*)InterlockedPopEntrySList(&m_freelist_head) : NULL; if (!pNode) pNode = (node*)crnlib_malloc(sizeof(node)); return pNode; } inline void free_node(node* pNode) { if (m_use_freelist) InterlockedPushEntrySList(&m_freelist_head, &pNode->m_slist_entry); else crnlib_free(pNode); } }; // Simple multithreaded task pool. This class assumes a single global thread will be issuing tasks and joining. class task_pool { CRNLIB_NO_COPY_OR_ASSIGNMENT_OP(task_pool); public: task_pool(); task_pool(uint num_threads); ~task_pool(); enum { cMaxThreads = 16 }; bool init(uint num_threads); void deinit(); inline uint get_num_threads() const { return m_num_threads; } inline uint32 get_num_outstanding_tasks() const { return m_total_submitted_tasks - m_total_completed_tasks; } // C-style task callback typedef void (*task_callback_func)(uint64 data, void* pData_ptr); bool queue_task(task_callback_func pFunc, uint64 data = 0, void* pData_ptr = NULL); class executable_task { public: virtual void execute_task(uint64 data, void* pData_ptr) = 0; }; // It's the caller's responsibility to delete pObj within the execute_task() method, if needed! bool queue_task(executable_task* pObj, uint64 data = 0, void* pData_ptr = NULL); template<typename S, typename T> inline bool queue_object_task(S* pObject, T pObject_method, uint64 data = 0, void* pData_ptr = NULL); template<typename S, typename T> inline bool queue_multiple_object_tasks(S* pObject, T pObject_method, uint64 first_data, uint num_tasks, void* pData_ptr = NULL); // Waits for all outstanding tasks (if any) to complete. // The calling thread will steal any outstanding tasks from worker threads, if possible. void join(); private: struct task { //inline task() : m_data(0), m_pData_ptr(NULL), m_pObj(NULL), m_flags(0) { } uint64 m_data; void* m_pData_ptr; union { task_callback_func m_callback; executable_task* m_pObj; }; uint m_flags; }; typedef tsstack<task> ts_task_stack_t; ts_task_stack_t* m_pTask_stack; uint m_num_threads; HANDLE m_threads[cMaxThreads]; // Signalled whenever a task is queued up. semaphore m_tasks_available; // Signalled when all outstanding tasks are completed. semaphore m_all_tasks_completed; enum task_flags { cTaskFlagObject = 1 }; volatile atomic32_t m_total_submitted_tasks; volatile atomic32_t m_total_completed_tasks; volatile atomic32_t m_exit_flag; void process_task(task& tsk); static unsigned __stdcall thread_func(void* pContext); }; enum object_task_flags { cObjectTaskFlagDefault = 0, cObjectTaskFlagDeleteAfterExecution = 1 }; template<typename T> class object_task : public task_pool::executable_task { public: object_task(uint flags = cObjectTaskFlagDefault) : m_pObject(NULL), m_pMethod(NULL), m_flags(flags) { } typedef void (T::*object_method_ptr)(uint64 data, void* pData_ptr); object_task(T* pObject, object_method_ptr pMethod, uint flags = cObjectTaskFlagDefault) : m_pObject(pObject), m_pMethod(pMethod), m_flags(flags) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(pObject && pMethod); } void init(T* pObject, object_method_ptr pMethod, uint flags = cObjectTaskFlagDefault) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(pObject && pMethod); m_pObject = pObject; m_pMethod = pMethod; m_flags = flags; } T* get_object() const { return m_pObject; } object_method_ptr get_method() const { return m_pMethod; } virtual void execute_task(uint64 data, void* pData_ptr) { (m_pObject->*m_pMethod)(data, pData_ptr); if (m_flags & cObjectTaskFlagDeleteAfterExecution) crnlib_delete(this); } protected: T* m_pObject; object_method_ptr m_pMethod; uint m_flags; }; template<typename S, typename T> inline bool task_pool::queue_object_task(S* pObject, T pObject_method, uint64 data, void* pData_ptr) { object_task<S> *pTask = crnlib_new< object_task<S> >(pObject, pObject_method, cObjectTaskFlagDeleteAfterExecution); if (!pTask) return false; return queue_task(pTask, data, pData_ptr); } template<typename S, typename T> inline bool task_pool::queue_multiple_object_tasks(S* pObject, T pObject_method, uint64 first_data, uint num_tasks, void* pData_ptr) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(pObject); CRNLIB_ASSERT(num_tasks); if (!num_tasks) return true; bool status = true; uint i; for (i = 0; i < num_tasks; i++) { task tsk; tsk.m_pObj = crnlib_new< object_task<S> >(pObject, pObject_method, cObjectTaskFlagDeleteAfterExecution); if (!tsk.m_pObj) { status = false; break; } tsk.m_data = first_data + i; tsk.m_pData_ptr = pData_ptr; tsk.m_flags = cTaskFlagObject; atomic_increment32(&m_total_submitted_tasks); if (!m_pTask_stack->try_push(tsk)) { atomic_increment32(&m_total_completed_tasks); status = false; break; } } if (i) { m_tasks_available.release(i); } return status; } } // namespace crnlib