/** ****************************************************************************** * Xenia : Xbox 360 Emulator Research Project * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright 2013 Ben Vanik. All rights reserved. * * Released under the BSD license - see LICENSE in the root for more details. * ****************************************************************************** */ #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace xe; using namespace xe::cpu; using namespace xe::kernel; DEFINE_string(test_path, "test/codegen/", "Directory scanned for test files."); typedef vector > annotations_list_t; int read_annotations(xe_pal_ref pal, string& src_file_path, annotations_list_t& annotations) { // TODO(benvanik): use PAL instead of this FILE* f = fopen(src_file_path.c_str(), "r"); char line_buffer[BUFSIZ]; while (fgets(line_buffer, sizeof(line_buffer), f)) { if (strlen(line_buffer) > 3 && line_buffer[0] == '#' && line_buffer[1] == ' ') { // Comment - check if formed like an annotation. // We don't actually verify anything here. char* next_space = strchr(line_buffer + 3, ' '); if (next_space) { // Looks legit. string key = string(line_buffer + 2, next_space); string value = string(next_space + 1); while (value.find_last_of(" \t\n") == value.size() - 1) { value.erase(value.end() - 1); } annotations.push_back(pair(key, value)); } } } fclose(f); return 0; } int setup_test_state(xe_memory_ref memory, Processor* processor, ThreadState* thread_state, annotations_list_t& annotations) { xe_ppc_state_t* ppc_state = thread_state->ppc_state(); for (annotations_list_t::iterator it = annotations.begin(); it != annotations.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == "REGISTER_IN") { size_t space_pos = it->second.find(" "); string reg_name = it->second.substr(0, space_pos); string reg_value = it->second.substr(space_pos + 1); ppc_state->SetRegFromString(reg_name.c_str(), reg_value.c_str()); } } return 0; } int check_test_results(xe_memory_ref memory, Processor* processor, ThreadState* thread_state, annotations_list_t& annotations) { xe_ppc_state_t* ppc_state = thread_state->ppc_state(); char actual_value[2048]; bool any_failed = false; for (annotations_list_t::iterator it = annotations.begin(); it != annotations.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == "REGISTER_OUT") { size_t space_pos = it->second.find(" "); string reg_name = it->second.substr(0, space_pos); string reg_value = it->second.substr(space_pos + 1); if (!ppc_state->CompareRegWithString( reg_name.c_str(), reg_value.c_str(), actual_value, XECOUNT(actual_value))) { any_failed = true; printf("Register %s assert failed:\n", reg_name.c_str()); printf(" Expected: %s == %s\n", reg_name.c_str(), reg_value.c_str()); printf(" Actual: %s == %s\n", reg_name.c_str(), actual_value); } } } return any_failed; } int run_test(xe_pal_ref pal, string& src_file_path) { int result_code = 1; // test.s -> test.bin string bin_file_path; size_t dot = src_file_path.find_last_of(".s"); bin_file_path = src_file_path; bin_file_path.replace(dot - 1, 2, ".bin"); xe_memory_ref memory = NULL; shared_ptr processor; shared_ptr runtime; annotations_list_t annotations; ThreadState* thread_state = NULL; XEEXPECTZERO(read_annotations(pal, src_file_path, annotations)); xe_memory_options_t memory_options; xe_zero_struct(&memory_options, sizeof(memory_options)); memory = xe_memory_create(pal, memory_options); XEEXPECTNOTNULL(memory); processor = shared_ptr(new Processor(pal, memory)); XEEXPECTZERO(processor->Setup()); runtime = shared_ptr(new Runtime(pal, processor, XT(""))); // Load the binary module. XEEXPECTZERO(runtime->LoadBinaryModule(bin_file_path.c_str(), 0x82010000)); // Simulate a thread. thread_state = processor->AllocThread(0x80000000, 256 * 1024 * 1024); // Setup test state from annotations. XEEXPECTZERO(setup_test_state(memory, processor.get(), thread_state, annotations)); // Execute test. XEEXPECTZERO(processor->Execute(thread_state, 0x82010000)); // Assert test state expectations. XEEXPECTZERO(check_test_results(memory, processor.get(), thread_state, annotations)); result_code = 0; XECLEANUP: if (processor && thread_state) { processor->DeallocThread(thread_state); } runtime.reset(); processor.reset(); xe_memory_release(memory); return result_code; } int discover_tests(string& test_path, vector& test_files) { // TODO(benvanik): use PAL instead of this DIR* d = opendir(test_path.c_str()); struct dirent* dir; while ((dir = readdir(d))) { if (dir->d_type == DT_REG) { // Only return .s files. string file_name = string(dir->d_name); if (file_name.rfind(".s") != string::npos) { string file_path = test_path; if (*(test_path.end() - 1) != '/') { file_path += "/"; } file_path += file_name; test_files.push_back(file_path); } } } closedir(d); return 0; } int run_tests(const xechar_t* test_name) { int result_code = 1; int failed_count = 0; int passed_count = 0; xe_pal_ref pal = NULL; vector test_files; xe_pal_options_t pal_options; xe_zero_struct(&pal_options, sizeof(pal_options)); pal = xe_pal_create(pal_options); XEEXPECTNOTNULL(pal); XEEXPECTZERO(discover_tests(FLAGS_test_path, test_files)); if (!test_files.size()) { printf("No tests discovered - invalid path?\n"); XEFAIL(); } printf("%d tests discovered.\n", (int)test_files.size()); printf("\n"); for (vector::iterator it = test_files.begin(); it != test_files.end(); ++it) { if (test_name && *it != test_name) { continue; } printf("Running %s...\n", (*it).c_str()); if (run_test(pal, *it)) { printf("TEST FAILED\n"); failed_count++; } else { printf("Passed\n"); passed_count++; } } printf("\n"); printf("Total tests: %d\n", failed_count + passed_count); printf("Passed: %d\n", passed_count); printf("Failed: %d\n", failed_count); result_code = failed_count ? 1 : 0; XECLEANUP: xe_pal_release(pal); return result_code; } int xenia_test(int argc, xechar_t **argv) { string usage = "usage: "; usage = usage + argv[0] + " some.xex"; google::SetUsageMessage(usage); google::SetVersionString("1.0"); google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); int result_code = 1; // Grab test name, if present. const xechar_t* test_name = NULL; if (argc >= 2) { test_name = argv[1]; } result_code = run_tests(test_name); google::ShutDownCommandLineFlags(); return result_code; } XE_MAIN_THUNK(xenia_test);